expressing √√√ab in index form gives

pepsi37212022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

expressing √√√ab in index form gives
A ab 3/2(指数) B ab -3(指数)
我只是给出两个问题 第一行是题目的要求,不好意思,我说得不够清楚 对号是根号的意思


jds1984 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
expressing √√√ab in index form gives
ab 3/2(指数)指的是,ab的3次方再开平方
ab -3(指数)指的是,ab的3次方的倒数
R_Man 共回答了72个问题 | 采纳率
melodyin 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
还奇怪 对号是什么意思
kashy 共回答了50个问题 | 采纳率


express是不是及物动词.如果是的话.那么American students like ( expressing )
如果是的话.那么American students like ( expressing ) in the class 这个是我们任务型阅读里的答案,这句话express后并没有加宾语,他为什么是正确的.及物动词后不是一定要加宾语才能出现吗?
雨浮桂香 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
expressing 在句子里做宾语是动名词,不是动词,所以不用再加宾语
邝宝强 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

例句:I have some difficulty in expressing myself.
有关于over的用法He pens me,expressing regret over my resignation.该
He pens me,expressing regret over my resignation.
luchang 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
egret 和 over不是固定搭配的关系.
如果仔细体会,over 和 about与regret搭配时,在句中的意义,个人觉得over比about的那种遗憾和安慰要更真诚.
禁断邪语 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
[数] 式,表达式,符号
如何x(t)=cos(t)+asin(t) y(t)=sin(t)+bcos(t) expressing x(t) in
如何x(t)=cos(t)+asin(t) y(t)=sin(t)+bcos(t) expressing x(t) in the form Acos(t-α)和y(t)=Bsin(t-β) ?、急在线等
han197981 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
x(t)=cos(t)+asin(t) =√(1+a^2)cos(t-α),
同理,y(t)=sin(t)+bcos(t) =√(1+b^2)sin(t-β),
"OpaCEA-expressing"是什么意思?怎么翻译?这是完整的句子"The SH2 domain of Hck
"OpaCEA-expressing"是什么意思?怎么翻译?这是完整的句子"The SH2 domain of Hck is recruited to CEACAM3,when cellsare infected with OpaCEA-expressing Neisseria gonorrhoeae.”哪位仁兄会,
古人梵高 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a type of bacteria. OpaCEA is a bacterial adhesin found on the surface of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that binds the CEACAM receptor (carcinoembryonic antigen-related cellular adhesion molecules) on the surface of human cells.
OpaCEA-expressing Neisseria gonorrhoeae refers to the N. gonorrhoeae that expresses OpaCEA.
英语翻译He had a disconcertingly habit of expressing contradicto
He had a disconcertingly habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.
抓住回忆不撒手 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
一句英语翻译.谢谢expressing oneself in writing is one of the most im
expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills i teach to strengthen the whole student.这是什么从句,最好举些例子.谢谢~
mm莹薇 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
句中expressing oneself in writing是ing形式作主语,系动词is,后边一部分作表语 而i teach to strengthen the whole student是作skills的定语,修饰限定它.expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills这句就能成为一个完整的句子.所以从整体上来说它不是个从句,只是后一部分是.
she wrote a letter,expressing her thanks for his kindness.(句
she wrote a letter,expressing her thanks for his kindness.(句子结构分析--ing分词)
"expressing her thanks for his kindness."
这在句中做什么成分?是ing分词做状语吗?我觉得应该是做目的状语的,但是 没有 ing分词做目的状语一说.这是什么情况?
梦想成真啊 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
she 是主语
a letter是宾语,
expressing her thanks for his kindness是现在分词 作非限制性定语 修饰 a letter 相当于 一个 非限制性定语从句.=,which expressed her thanks for his kindness
Directions: The following people are expressing their though
Directions: The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--4) to show their concern for food, environment and so on. After that are pieces of related information (A--E). Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions1---4 and mark your answer letter (A---E) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
______小题1: How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.
_____小题2:More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.
____小题3: I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.
____小题4: Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.
A.“Organic produce is always better,” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides, and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.
B.The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.[
C.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.
D.Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.
E. Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.
李杰爱亚宁 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

1."Never _____to hurt your feeling while i was expressing my
1."Never _____to hurt your feeling while i was expressing myself in the discussion,"explained Jim.
A:I expected B:expected I C:had I expected D:did I expect
2.The police went into a small house but______.
A:not a person did they find
B:no persons did they find
3.---Did you see who the driver was?
---No,so quickly_____ that I couldn't get a good look at his face.
A:did the car speed by
B:the car sped by
C:does the car speed by
D:the car spedds by
4.---My room gets very cold at night.
A:so is mine.B:so does mine.
libo911 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
1 never 在句首用强调句所以是D
2其实:not a person =no persons 但是可以变为原来的句子就是they did not find a person
3so quickly副词前置用强调句.后面从句中有couldn't 说明是发生在过去的事所以用did.speed by就是飞奔过
和go by路过有异曲同工之妙
4因为My room gets very cold at night,用的是gets 所以下面回答要用does要是My room is very cold at night就用is回答了
06年专八改错的考题:unless he has a means of expressing it in terms a
06年专八改错的考题:unless he has a means of expressing it in terms able to be seen by another member of his linguistic community.
ii听雪 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
they will feel content in expressing what they want to say f
they will feel content in expressing what they want to say for their own sake.
fusilier008 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语翻译He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory
He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succesion
lewin15975 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率80.8%
The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to
The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to show their concern for food, environment and so on.After that are pieces of related information (A--F) .Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions61---5 and mark your answer letter (A---F) on your answer sheet.There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
______1.How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.
______2.More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.
______3.Organic products are getting more and more popular among people, but we should know the fact that organic products might also have something to do with pesticides.
______4.I`m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.
______5.Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.
A."Organic produce is always better, "Gold said."The food is free of pesticides(农药) ,and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms.And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty." Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.
B.Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products.And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand."The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market, "said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.
C.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted.Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem.One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.
D.However, today, more and more consumers are choosing "green" and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment.Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: "Will this shampoo damage the environment?" "Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?"
E.Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds.Some supermarket products carry labels(标签) to show that the product is green.Some companies have made the manufacturing(制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.
F.The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business.No longer will the public accept the old attitude of "Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it." The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.
robin715 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

1. C 项的开头就说很多城市受到严重污染,这与“the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found” 相吻合。
2.从关键词business 可知应选F。
3.B B项中“small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products” 与最后一句意思一致。
4 A 项中的 family farms 正好与“growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden ”相符合。
5. E项中的“Some supermarket products carry labels(标签) to show that the product is green”意为很容易在超市买到标着绿色食品标签的商品,这与第5句意思一致。
英文数学求解Simplify the following,expressing each as a single log
英文数学求解Simplify the following,expressing each as a single logarithm:
Simplify the following,expressing each as a single logarithm:
2loga5 +loga4-2loga3
kyle07 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
2loga5 +loga4-2loga3
2loga5 +loga4-2loga3
=loga(5^2) +loga4+loga(3^(-2))
The Unusual Stone Which Expressing the Ideas Implicitly - On
The Unusual Stone Which Expressing the Ideas Implicitly - On Chinese Stone Culture
liqian33 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
express 与The Unusual Stone构成了主谓关系,即是奇石在表达什么.
帮我看看这个句子有没有语法问题I take this opportunity of expressing to you
I take this opportunity of expressing to you my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered to me .这个of 用在这里觉得怪怪的有问题吗?.是不是用从句好点,怎么改
因为爱我想要 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered to me .这样改是不是感觉语流顺畅很多?!哈哈
We know the kiss as a form of expressing love. But long befo

We know the kiss as a form of expressing love. But long before it became , it was customary in many countries to use it as an expression of respect. Some native Africans kiss the ground over which a chief has walked. Kissing the hand and foot has been a mark of respect from the earliest times.
The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes as a form of noble greeting. One Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the less important ones had to kiss his hands, and the least important ones were only allowed to kiss his feet!
Most likely the kiss as a form of affection can date back to ancient times when a mother would touch her child gently, just as a mother does today. It only remained for society to accept this as a custom for expressing affection between arms.
The first society where the kiss became accepted in marriage was in France. From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe. As marriage customs developed, the kiss became a part of the wedding ceremony. Today we regard it as an expression of love and tenderness. But there are still many places in the world where the kiss is part of formal ceremonies and is intended to show respect.
46. According to the passage, kiss was earlier used as _________.
A. a custom B. an expression of love
C. an expression of respect D. an expression of power
47. How did the early Romans show their greeting?
A. They would kiss the lips. B. They kissed other’s hands.
C. Feet would be kissed to show their greeting. D. They would kiss mouth or eyes.
48. What does the underlined word “affection” mean?
A. respect B. love
C. honor D. worry
49. According to the text, which of the following is not using a kiss?
A. courtship B. greeting
C. sorrow D. affection
50. This passage mainly tells us that _____.
A. Introduction on how to kiss.
B. The different meanings of kiss from the ancient times to present days.
C. How to kiss each other in different countries.
yanliy4 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
“Never ________ to hurt your feeling while I was expressing
“Never ________ to hurt your feeling while I was expressing myself in the discussion.” explained Jim.
A.I expected B.expected I C.had I expected D.did I expect
yyrgm 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%

英语翻译Rather shut up don't talk,don't be eager to expressing o
Rather shut up don't talk,don't be eager to expressing oneself,either.宁愿闭口不说,也不要急于表现自己.但是either 的"也" 的意思根本就不是那种"也"的意思,我觉得应该翻译成,"你最好闭嘴别说话,你最好也别急于表现自己".还有be eager to 后面一般是接动词原型吧,怎么觉得怪怪的
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
妖妖不生气啊 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Directions: The following people are expressing their though
Directions: The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to show their concern for food, environment and so on. After that are pieces of related information (A--F). Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions61---65 and mark your answer letter (A---F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
______小题1: How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they w ere. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.
___小题2: More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.
______ 小题3: Organic products are getting more and more popular among people, but we should know the fact that organic products might also have something to do with pesticides (农药).
_____小题4:I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.
______小题5: Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.
A.“Organic produce is always better,” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides, and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.
B.Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.
C.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.
D.However, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environment?” “Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?”
E. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.
F. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.
消失在你手中的爱 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%

帮忙分析句子结构They think it of special help in expressing themselv
They think it of special help in expressing themselves.
这是形式宾语吗?但是 it 后面的 有什么必要用形式宾语呢
Google测试员3165 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
of special help=helpful
所以这句话用的句型,其实是 think sth (to be) adj.
再给楼主举个例子 I think you (to be) beautiful
The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to
The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to show their concern for food, environment and so on. After that are pieces of related information (A--F). Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions61---65 and mark your answer letter (A---F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
______ 小题1:How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.
______ 小题2:More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.
______ 小题3: Organic products are getting more and more popular among people, but we should know the fact that organic products might also have something to do with pesticides (农药).
______ 小题4:I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.
______ 小题5: Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.
A.“Organic produce is always better,” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides, and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.
B.Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.
C.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.
D.However, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environm ent?” “Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?”
E. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.
F. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.
xxvvbb1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%


what he said at the meeting was equal to expressing that he
what he said at the meeting was equal to expressing that he didn't agree.
ych6837998 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
never very circumspect in expressing his views ,Bill annoyed
never very circumspect in expressing his views ,Bill annoyed almost everyone at the party怎么翻译?
xzerocn 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语翻译suffix expressing ability or capacity,from L.-abilitas,f
suffix expressing ability or capacity,from L.-abilitas,forming nouns from adjs.ending in -abilis (see -able).Not etymologically related to ability,though popularly connected with it.
lj1s 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
0后缀表达能力或能力,从研究,abilitas ,形成名词从adjs .截至栎(见,可以) .没有etymologically有关的能力,但通常与它)或
9加字尾表达能力或容量,从L.- abilitas,形成从adjs的名词.结束- abilis (参见-能).不词源与能力相关,虽则普遍地和它有关.)
for example,
I have some difficulty in expressing myself.
I'm not good at expression.
gebcnei 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
1)短语:如固定短语words and expressions
2)表情:如facial expression "面部表情"
fs3j 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
M.Jaring and J.Bosch,Expressing Product Diversification - Categorizing and Classifying Variability in Software Product Family Engineering,International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,Vol.14,No.5,2004,pp.449-470.