
kkeastsun2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


穿着裤子ww 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率70%
Whenever you hear people talking about the grace and poetry of Hong Kong cinema,they're usually talking about movies other than this,and they're usually f**king idiots.
Drunken Master is,hands down,one of the two best films to ever come out of Hong Kong.There has never been an action film that's been able to compare.And I wish all the assholes who think that pouring seventeen gazillion dollars into CGI and explosions would sit back and look at this movie.
This is a film which understands,ultimately,that what makes cinema uniquely poignant and affecting is the ability to present motion.Big action films don't do that.They give you a sense of motion,but if you look at them closely,nothing is ever moving.They give false motion through editing and effects.
Drunken Master is filmed,(more likely than not due to budgetary constraints) with a relatively static camera.There are no guns.There are no explosions.There's a virtuoso and his ability and nothing else.The shots of the action are all extremely long and uncut,and they're amazing because Jackie Chan is at the literal peak of his martial artistry and physical ability,and the movement is so captivating that it enables you to suffer through the dubbing and silly scenes of him eating without even noticing.
It's as much a product of circumstance as it is of talent.The limited budget of this movie adds to it dramatically; the sequel is a great film,and the martial arts scenes are undoubtedly more fantastic in scope than the original,but they're not presented in a relatively unedited format,and their power is ultimately diluted.Drunker Master II also wasn't directed by Yuen Woo Ping,who is by far the best of all the martial arts directors in Hong Kong,but even his Wing Chun,probably my second favorite Martial Arts film,being filmed some 15 or so years after the original Drunker Master,can't escape the constraints of a big budget; it's littered with stunt wires and the rest.
Widely considered Jackie Chan's best movie,"The Legend of Drunken Master" (released to the rest of the world in 1994 as "Drunken Master II") features what are arguably the fastest,most furious and elaborate -- and the most entertaining -- fight sequences ever filmed.
Chan plays a fictionalized version of Wong Fei-Hung,a real martial arts master and philosophical altruist in the early 1900s who,legend has it,once defeated a gang of 30 men single-handedly,armed only with a bamboo staff.
That skirmish is,of course,recreated in "Drunken Master" as a kinetic,highly concentrated blur of acrobatics and lightning-fast limbs as two dozen toughs invade a quiet restaurant,forcing Jackie to whip them all silly with flying fists and feet,upside-down wooden tables and cheer-rousing picnic bench-fu.
With half a dozen scenes of this nature -- each one better than the last -- the movie just never slows down.Yet "Drunken Master" also has the most meaningful plot of any Jackie Chan picture to date.It's about the Chinese trying to prevent colonial European smugglers from exporting en masse their nation's archeological treasures.In the picture,Chan's Fei-Hung is the mischievous son of a renowned doctor and martial arts instructor.Much of the movie's obligatory highjinks involve deceiving the old man to cover up the fact that Fei-Hung has inadvertently provoked the wrath of the villain,an embassy henchman played by Ken Lo,a champion kick-boxer.
The jaw-dropping climactic steel-factory showdown between these two puts the effects-heavy bouts in "The Matrix" to shame.With a connect rate of about 50 landed punches per minute,it took four months to shoot and features everything from kicks so fast the camera can't see them clearly to Jackie Chan being knocked onto a bed of burning coals -- and you know he doesn't fake that stuff!
The film gets its name from an informal fighting style that emulates (and is sometimes enhanced by) inebriation.Sloshing and stumbling about to confuse his opponents and striking from surprising positions,Chan plays this peculiar kung-fu for both action and laughs (booze is to Fei-Hung what spinach is to Popeye).
"The Legend of Drunken Master" is burdened somewhat by the routine weaknesses of most Jackie Chan movies:bad dubbing of dumb dialogue,subservient and stereotypically fussy female leads,etc.But forgiving all that,as any true Jackie Chan fan does,you simply cannot find a more exhilarating,eye-popping martial arts flick.
The opening credits say it all:"A Hong Kong Stuntman Association Ltd.Production." The stunt men produced the movie!
A note to ratings-watchers:"Drunken Master" got slapped with an unjustified "R" for its moderate violence.If your kids are Jackie Chan fans,there's no reason to keep them away from this one.


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