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Royal Mail Tracked 48 Parcel 和 Royal Mail 1st Class 的区别


willow smith-21st Century Girl 求 中文英文一起的歌词

Willow Smith - 21st Century GirlGive me an inch给我一英尺I promise I"ll take a mile我保证我会把它变成一英里Danger is beauty危险即是美丽I"ll face it with a smile我会以微笑面对I"m on a mission我在完成我的使命With no restrictions毫无限制Don"t second guess myself不会怀疑我自己I"m born to be wild我生而狂野I"m the type of chick我是新一类的女孩儿That likes to rock the beat喜欢随着音乐节拍摇摆I like to rock the beat我喜欢随着节拍摇摆I like to rock, to rock the beat我喜欢随着音乐摇摆 摇摆21st Century Girl21世纪女孩儿I do what I like做我所想21st Century Girl21世纪女孩儿I"m taking you for a ride我让你热情高涨21st Century Girl21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的 我要狂欢一场(逍遥度日)Just live it up只要狂欢一场21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿A beautiful life一个美丽的生命21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Us walking side by side我们结伴而行21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的,我要狂欢一场Just live it up只要狂欢一场Step on the breaks踩下刹车Then I"mma step on the gas然后再踩下油门(猛地加速)I am a rebel我是个叛逆的人But I do it with class但是我与我的同龄人一起这样叛逆I set the boundaries我设立了边界The rules don"t own me规则里不包括我自己I"m living life on the edge,我游走在生活边缘I choose my path我选择了自己的轨迹I"m the type of chick我是新一型的女孩儿That likes to rock the beat喜欢随着音乐节拍摇摆I like to rock the beat我喜欢随着音乐机拍摇摆I like to rock, to rock the beat我喜欢随着音乐的节拍摇摆 摇摆I"m the kind of chick我就是那种女孩儿That knocks you off your feet使你震惊的不知如何是好That knocks you off your feet使你震惊的不知如何是好That knocks you off, off your feet使你震惊的不知如何 如何是好21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿I do what I like做我所想21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿I"m taking you for a ride我让你热情高涨21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的,我要狂欢一场Just live it up只要狂欢一场21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿A beautiful life一个美丽的生命21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Us walking side by side我们结伴而行21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的,我要狂欢一场Just live it up只要狂欢一场I feel like I can take over the world我想我能接管世界If only I get my dreams out即使梦想破灭Pull gold from my soul挖掘我灵魂中的金子Pull diamonds from my heart挖掘我心中的钻石It"s that new girl thinking and this song is just the start!那就是一个新的女孩儿的思想,而这首歌只是一个开始21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿I do what I like做我所想21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿I"m taking you for a ride 我要让你热情高涨21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的,我要狂欢一场Just live it up只要狂欢一场21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿A beautiful life一个美丽的生命21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Us walking side by side我们结伴而行21st Century Girl 21世纪女孩儿Yeah, I"m gonna live it up是的,我要狂欢一场Just live it up只要狂欢一场21st Century Girl~~21世纪女孩儿纯手动~~



happy 1st anniverary什么意思


the timber of the 21st century什么意思?


April 21st 怎么读?

April([美] [eprl] [英] [eiprl] ) the [美] [] [英] [] twenty[美] [twnt] [英] [twenti] first[美] [fst] [英] [fst]

1stared 怎么变成staring( 这是独立主格)怎么分析啊 2 If time permits怎么变成Time permitting


July 1 和 July 1st 那个正确

7月 July 1--30 序数词的表达就可以 first secend 如七月一号就是 july 1st 读法:july the first 如七月二号就是 july 2st 读法:july the second 日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式.例如:March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th.但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式.例如:October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first August 26(August 26th)读作August(the)twenty-sixth

六月一日用英语表达是June 1st还是June 1,怎么读呢?

应该是1st,June或是1,June。读作June the first

六月一日用英语表达是June 1st还是June 1,怎么读呢?

应该是1st,June或是1,June. 读作June the first


kid1st全部字母是 kid first意思 孩子优先

March 1st 请问这上边这个时间怎么读? 是March first 还是March the

应该要加个the 才正确 first是序数词 前面要加the

1st strand cDNA 的定义是什么?


六年级英语下册p41story time的意思

p41 第41页story time网络故事时间; 故事时光双语例句1According to narratology, a novel has its story time and narrative time. 小说叙事学认为小说存在“故事时间”和“叙事时间”。2Story time Hello! What would you like for lunch? I"d like some rice and. 故事时间你好!午餐你喜欢吃什么?我喜欢吃些米饭和。


叫做《Little Nightmares》。《小小梦魇》由瑞典游戏工作室Tarsier Studios制作,万代南梦宫发行的一款冒险游戏。玩家扮演一个从轮船上醒来的小女孩,探索轮船并且逐渐发现轮船背后的秘密,画风较为阴暗。此外,该游戏还有另一条故事线——dlc版本,共三章,玩家扮演的角色变成了一个小男孩。《小小噩梦 完全版》移植至NS平台,于5月18日发售海外版。另外,NS版本收录迄今为止所有DLC。扩展资料游戏背景:《小小梦魇》本作的故事背景发生在一艘神秘的、名为“胃”邮轮上,我们扮演身着黄色小雨衣,从睡梦中醒来的小女孩小六。将在巨大的邮轮中进行探索,逃脱恐怖怪物的追捕,寻找一线生机。可是小女孩在逃亡的过程中却陷入了迷茫。从游戏全景来看,游戏有两个部分,前半部分展现苦难,是果。后半部分展现丑恶,是因。但是仔细想想,是丑恶造就了苦难,还是苦难衍生出丑恶,有些似是而非。或许这是个循环,难辨因果。

到底什么是“去库存”?(1st revision)

央行公布的数据,去年接近五成(44.9%)的新增信贷为居民住户的房贷(新京报制图过程中没有一个颜色图表和图示是对应的,醉了……,没找到更好的图就它吧)。 我们更感兴趣的是住房信贷的拆解:有多少比例流向了北上广深,多少流向了二线城市,多少流向了三四线城市。 这可以说是过去一年“去库存”成绩单。不出意外的话,三四线城市占比非常小。 如果你看2015年底中央经济会议所说的五大经济任务,去库存是专门为三四线城市房地产准备的礼物(有兴趣可以自行看看我们政府当时为去库存准备的手段(比如农民工进城买房)就知道)。 究竟什么是“去库存”,看到官媒的英文翻译是“destocking”,从英文解读来说,“destocking”是一个企业供应链管理的概念,有主动去库存(Active Destocking)和被动去库存(Reactive Destocking)。 但房地产已经不是“库存”那么简单了,如果是可消耗品,去库存市场会回来;房地产这种耐用品现在如果还用“库存”来理解,就会发生搞笑的事情,比如:一个三四线的楼盘,一共有100套房子,最近一个月卖了两套,就下结论说去化的时间是50个月。 更有可能的情况是,这个楼盘永远没有可能卖光。 实际上我们三四线城市面临的“去库存”是市场出清(Market Clearing)。维基百科举了个零售的例子: 诚如李迅雷总在2016年三月的一篇文章所说,去库存是去房地产产能过剩( 加杠杆去库存:会否错上加错 )。 过剩的产能必须通过价格调整做市场出清,才能将资源重新配置(例如将接盘者将楼盘推倒重来,配合当地特点把真正产生经营现金流的业务做出来,这是turnaround)。 说得再清楚一点,三四线城市面临的是土地过剩。 如果确实居民加杠杆没有帮助三四线城市去库存,我们应该感谢这个局面,市场维持了它的效率和冷静。

the name 1st,讲的故事大意是什么?有下文吗?

全度妍分饰两角;  一个是以夹皮包为生的假小子,短发。  一个是类似于大姐大之类的妖媚女子,长发。  梁朝伟和另一男子柳承范以前是兄弟。两个男人同时暗恋大姐大,三个人有合照,大姐大好像谁也不喜欢,或者有点中仪梁朝伟。 刚开始MV开始镜头:梁朝伟第一次在地铁里遇到假小子,假小子偷了梁朝伟的皮包,眼前的女子与自己深爱的女人惊人的相似,梁追上之后,遂只拿走三人的合照,将钱包给了她。 假小子回到住处,出现另一男子柳承范,也就是她一起偷窃的伙伴,(貌似另一男子谁也爱大姐头,估计无意中碰到全度妍,与自己暗恋大姐大相像,故搭伴)第2天一起合作的时候在此遇见梁朝伟,梁戏弄了假小子,所以假小子给了梁一耳光,柳承范发现是原来一人认识的梁朝伟。 此后,三人度过一段无忧时光,假小子此间爱上梁朝伟,顾为之化妆。柳承范仿佛在吃醋,眼角有液体在动。 (梁朝伟和柳承范都是老千),不久,深觉日子苦闷无出头之日,或者原因有可能是为了假小子过上好日子,不用在靠夹皮包生活。二人心生一计靠出老千赢钱,然黑帮岂是等闲之辈,于是,假小子化妆成了大姐大,二人狐假虎威全身而退。 事成之后,梁朝伟,被大姐头乱棍打死,或者其他。自己想。。只留下一个打火机。 假小子在车上等梁朝伟的时候,打开了存放赢来的钱的包,看见了三人的合影,明白了两个男人和自己在一起的原因是自己和大姐头长得一样,感觉梁朝伟不会回来了。 另一男子柳承范同时在另一辆车上准备离开这伤心之地。 假小子就下了火车,看到了大姐大,大姐大丢下了梁朝伟的打火机。 假小子知道自己的爱,再也找不回来。。。 眼里含满泪水。。 MV结束。。。

请问国际贸易中1ST LEG B/L’S 和2ND LEG B/L’S 指的是什么?谢谢了!

请问国际贸易中1ST LEG B/L"S 和2ND LEG B/L"S 指的是什么?谢谢了! 请问国际贸易中1ST LEG B/L"S 和2ND LEG B/L"S 指的是头程提单和二程提单。 LEG是数量词 B/L ---Bill of Lading,即提单 提单的作用主要是 1。运输合同 2。发货证明 3。提货凭证 国际贸易中TMT指的是什么? TMT在国际贸易中没有这个缩写。倒是有个TNT,世界顶级的快递与物流公司。 国际贸易中敏感产业指的是什么 敏感产业是指本国需要发展但竞争力较弱的产业 国际贸易到底指的是什么? 国际贸易(International Trade)是泛指世界各国(或地区)之间所进行的以货币为媒介的商品交换活动。它既包含着有形商品(实物商品)交换,也包含着无形商品(芝务、技术)的交换,又可称为世界贸易(World Trade)。 对外贸易(Foreign Trade) 是特指国家际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。有时也被称为国外贸易(ExternalTrade), 海外贸易(Oversea Trade) 是指某些海岛国家如英、日等国或某些海岛地区如台湾等的对外贸易。 国际贸易中的“排柜”指的是什么意思呢? 针对出口商shipper的话,就是比如一个40HQ,可以装66CBM左右的货,那你可能一个订单没有这么大的体积,可能需要3个订单,有70个方,那又要从中挑出2-3个方的货出来,最终配货配出一整个柜,就叫排柜。 请问国际贸易单证中走货资料指的是什么 走货资料就是随货资料,发完货后寄给客户的资料,主要有: 正本提单; 销售合同; 商业发票; 装箱单; 原产地证(若需要) 以及其他需要的证明档案(用的少) 请问我们在国际贸易中所说的资本品进口指的是什么? 资本品是对银行正常经营和业务发展具有特殊用途的经济资源。这种资源在金融外部性问题作用下被赋予特别重要的意义。由于我国国有银行特有的公有金融产权形式,这种经济资源的重要性异化为对资本品的过度需求,并呈现以资本品重复、分散与低效为特征的超常增长,给银行可持续发展带来一系列不良影响。资本品主要涉及钢铁、石化、有色金属等行业,该类行业受消费、投资需求以及巨集观经济调控影响较大,并往往呈现出较强的周期性。 你说的资本品进口应该是钢铁矿石,石油,有色金属类矿石等,有时因国际市场因素的变化,往往会使得某些农产品衍变成资本品,如粮食,大豆,肉食。 总的来说应该是国际贸易中对巨集观经济有较大影响的行业也产品。 请高人指点一下国际贸易中的SPA指的是什么意思? Sale and purchase agreement (SPA) 销售与购买协议 买卖协议(SPA)是在任何交易中重要的商业和定价谈判的最终结果。买家和卖家也绞尽脑汁的希望通过谈判和执行的SPA寻求和获取潜在收益。 请问国际贸易里面什么是 seller"s usance L/C 和 buyer"s usance L/C 急用,谢谢! 信用证是由买方委托银行开出来的,这两个片语的意思是:1,远期信用证由卖方负担利息,2,远期信用证由买方负担利息。 国际贸易术语中的背书和抬头指的是什么? 一、发票 商业发票:抬头是买方,就是收货人 海运提单:抬头就是to order of ....一般是收货人,也就是买方,也有空白抬头的,还有来人抬头的(to bearer) 汇票:三种: 限制性抬头,指示性抬头,持票人抬头(来人抬头) 抬头人都是卖方或其指定收款人 支票:抬头是收款人 信用证:不讲抬头,只讲受益人和开证人 二、背书 1.背书 指收款人以转让票据权利为目的在汇票上签章并作必要的记载所作的一种附属票据行为。 (1)汇票以背书转让或以背书将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使时,必须记载被背书人的名称,个人须记本名,单位须记注册全称。只有在少数情况下,如继承、企业合并、破产受偿等情况可以是无记名汇票。 (2)票据凭证不能满足背书人记载事项的需要,可以加附粘单,粘附于票据凭证之上。粘单上的第一记载人,应当在汇票和粘单的粘接处签章,粘章上的记载事项与汇票上的记载事项具有相同的法律效力,如果粘单上第一记载人没有在粘接处签章的,粘单上记载的事项无效。 2.背书转让的方式 通常在票据的背面,都事先印制好若干背书栏的位置,载明表示将票据权利转让给被背书人的文句,而留出背书人及被背书人的空白,供背书人进行背书时填写。票据法一般并不限制进行背书的次数,在背书栏或票据背面写满时,可以在票据上贴上“粘单”进行背书。 背书应当由背书人签章并记载背书日期。如果未记载背书日期,视为在汇票到期日前背书。而且背书也必须记载被背书人名称。 3.背书转让的法律效力 (1)背书转让无须经票债务人同意。在票据背书转让时,行为人无须向票据债务人发出通知或经其承诺。只要持票人完成背书行为,就构成有效的票据权利转让。 (2)背书转让的转让人不退出票据关系。背书转让后,转让人并不退出票据关系,而是由先前的票据权利人转变为票据义务人,并承担但保承兑和担保付款的责任。 (3)背书转让具有更强的转让效力。通过背书的方式转让票据权利,能够使受让人得到更充分的保护。票据法设计了一系列特别的制度来保障票据受让人的权利,首先,受让人只需以背书连续的票据,就可以证明自己的合法权利人身份,而无须提供其他证明。其次,受让人可以对票据债务人主张前手对人抗辩的切断,从而使其享有的票据权利不受票据债务人与前手背书人之间抗辩事由的影响;再次,受让人可以主张善意取得。 4.转让限制 (1)出票人在汇票上记载“不得转让”字样的,其后手在背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。 (2)汇票须完整转让,将汇票金额的一部分转让的背书,或将汇票金额分别转让给2人以上的背书无效。 (3)背书不得附有条件,票据法规定,背书附有条件的,所附条件不具有汇票上的效力。 (4)背书记载“委托收款”字样的,被背书人有权代背书人行使被委托的汇票权利。 (5)汇票被拒绝承兑、被拒绝付款或超过付款提示期限的,不得背书转让;背书转让的,背书人应当承担汇票责任。 5.汇票担保 票据法第35条第2款规定,汇票可以设定质押,质押时应当以背书记载“质押”字样,被背书人依法实现质权时,可以行使汇票权利。 你看看能不能解决你的问题!


* Levenberg-Marquardt法 (LM)+ 通用全局优化算法(Universal Global Optimization - UGO)* Quasi-Newton法 (BFGS)+ 通用全局优化算法(Universal Global Optimization - UGO)* 遗传算法 (Genetic Algorithms - GA)* 摸拟退火 (Simulated Annealing - SA)* 下山単体法 (Simplex Method - SM)+ 通用全局优化算法(Universal Global Optimization - UGO)* 离子群法 (Particle Swarm Optimization - PSO)* 最大继承法 (Max Inherit Optimization - MIO)* 差分进化法 (Differential Evolution - DE)* 自组织群移法 (Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithms - SOMA)* 共扼梯度法 (Conjugate-Gradient Method - CGM) + 通用全局优化算法(Universal Global Optimization - UGO)* 包维尔法 (Powell Optimization - PO)+ 通用全局优化算法(Universal Global Optimization - UGO)* 禁忌搜索法 (Tabu Search - TS)* 单纯线性规划法 (Simplex Linear Programming)

高一轻巧夺冠英语有一篇完形April 1st is a day on which,in some countries

April 1st is a day on which原文阅读如下并翻译:April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks (恶作剧) on others.If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool.” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too. One April 1st, a country bus was going along a winding road.When it slowed down and stopped, the driver anxiously turned the switches but nothing happened.Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old and it isn"t going as well as it used to.There"s one thing to do if we want to get home today.I shall count three, and on the word ‘three" I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can.That should get the bus started again, but if it doesn"t I am afraid there is nothing I can do.Now, all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready.” The passengers all obeyed and waited anxiously.Then the driver turned to his front and asked whether they were ready.The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer, “Yes.” “One! Two! Three!” counted the driver.The passengers all swung forward suddenly and the bus started up at a great speed. The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief(宽慰).But their smiles turned to surprise and then delighted laughter when the driver merrily cried, “April Fool.”翻译附后4月1日是那一天,在一些国家,人们尝试别人玩把戏(恶作剧)。如果一个人成功地欺骗了他人,并笑着说,“愚人节快乐。”,然后那被欺骗的人也会大笑。四月一日,一辆乡村公共汽车沿着曲折的道路跑着。当它慢下来,该司机焦急地打开开关,但什么也没有作用。然后他转身向乘客担心看他的脸说,“这个可怜的老车。如果我们要回家,有一件事要做。我要数到三,并在单词“三”我要你们全部往前推。那样的话,公共汽车又可以发动了,但如果它不,我恐怕没什么我能做的。现在,你们所有都向后靠到你可以在你的座位上做好准备。”乘客们全都服从了,焦急地等待着,然后司机转过身来问他们是否准备好了,乘客们几乎没有足够的呼吸来回答,“是的。”“一!二!三!司机数了数,乘客们突然向前,公交车以巨大的速度发动了。乘客可以轻松地呼吸,并开始微笑 互相宽慰。但他们的微笑变成了惊讶,然后高兴的笑声就出来了,司机愉快地说,“愚人节快乐”。

有Narcissu 1st amp;2nd的汉化补丁么


有Narcissu 1st amp;2nd的汉化补丁么

你好,很高兴为你解答。Narcissu 1st amp;2nd没有汉化补丁的。希望能帮到你,求采纳。

有Narcissu 1st 2nd的汉化补丁么




generic 1st什么意思

generic 1st通用的第一

2nd Fit Missy/ 1st Fit Plus Correction Photos在服装外贸中的意思

Missy 较小的女装尺寸 PLUS 加大码Fit - fit sample 试身样1st 第一次试样 2nd 第二次试样 photos 初样correction -修改第二次的Missy 试样 及第一次根据初样修改後的大码试样

1st与 number1有什么区别


1st Line of Address 是什么意思?


As teenagers of the 21st century, we should be ready to _____ the challenge of society. A.p..

D 试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. put放,B. do做,C. make制作,D. meet遇到,句意:做为21世纪的年轻人,我们应该准备遇到社会的挑战。选D。

in the 21st century,people


急求!!!一篇英语作文 《 life in the 21st century》60字左右 初三作文

Life in the 21st Century" is an adventurous tale of romance, corruption, and suspense. The story focuses on Ted, an employee at Human Life Healthcare Insurance, he is sent to California to investigate a client"s diagnosis only to discover his new CEO, Lee G. Park, has a secret agenda. Upon his arrival to investigate Lucille Ridgeway he quickly becomes attracted to her, and the two develop a romantic relationship. He is relieved to learn that her original and expensive diagnosis was incorrect. Ted"s boss sounds frustrated by this news and quickly hangs up on him. Ted"s friend, who shares a striking resemblance to him, is abducted by a suspicious looking bellman from Ted"s hotel. Ted suspects that Park may have had something to do with it; maybe he was the actual kidnapping target. Looking deeper into the lives of Human Life"s clients, Ted discovers many died in accidents unrelated to their illnesses. Ted learns that his CEO may have been finding ways out of paying insurance claims such as killing off clients with expensive diagnoses for profit. "Human Life in the 21st Century" is an exhilarating tale of Ted"s quest to expose the corruption of Human Life. Not sure who to trust, Ted knows he won"t be able to stop running until Human Life is stopped first. Doyle"s story follows Ted and the numerous twisting story lines as he struggles to avoid being found by the CEO, protect Lucille, and restore justice. About the Author Ross Kilarney Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. He graduated from medical school and wrote only about science for many years. Since retiring from teaching at a Midwestern medical school, Doyle has restored a 90-year-old house and explored the arctic as a Sierra Club leader. He is now married and lives in rural upstate New York. AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit http://www.authorhouse.com. EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact: Nick McMurray Tel: 317.926.1727 Fax: 317.926.1728 Email: nmcmurray@trendyminds.com (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.) This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit http://www.ereleases.com. SOURCE AuthorHouse

in the 21st 的21st要怎么念?

21st century:twenty first century

求“The Role of English in the 21st Century”翻译求大神帮助

Two factors drive this global marketplace. First, many manufactured products have one or more foreign components. Ford cars and IBM computers are just two examples of this. Second, more than half of all imports and exports, which governments label foreign trade, are transacted between domestic companies and their foreign affiliates. The increasing globalization of the marketplace is forcing companies to pay more attention to international developments. Domestic firms are adjusting their structures and methods of operation to fit a broader and rapidly changing economic environment. They are increasing their geographic outreach because more of their suppliers and customers are located on various continents. For example, last year Johnson and Johnson sold more products outside the United States than in the United States. Hewlett Packard, like many companies, lost money when the Asian economy collapsed. Joint ventures are no longer just theoretical possibilities. Mergers and acquisitions, like Chrysler/Daimler Benz and MCI and British Telecom, increasingly cross national boundaries. This trend is expected to continue into the next millennium. This internationalization is illustrated in three ways. First, companies change their basic goals to conform to a global marketplace. Second, they adapt their products to local markets. But most importantly, they do not set up international bureaucracies; instead, they hire foreign nationals who understand the local markets. Why discuss economics with the English language? Because the English language is closely associated with this economic modernization and industrial development. Information is sent and received at increasing speed. The competitive demands of governments, industries, and corporations, both national and multinational, for technological progress require an understanding of the language of that technology English. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is unprecedented in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language; by its depth of penetration into societies; by its range of functions. Worldwide over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the world"s population speaks English with some degree of competence. And by 2000 one in five over one billion people will also be learning English. Over 70% of the world"s scientists read English. About 85% of the world"s mail is written in English. And 90% of all information in the world"s electronic retrieval systems is stored in English. By 2010, the number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers. This trend will certainly affect the language. English is used for more purposes than ever before. Vocabularies, grammatical forms, and ways of speaking and writing have emerged influenced by technological and scientific developments, economics and management, literature and entertainment genres. What began some 1,500 years ago as a rude language, originally spoken by obscure Germanic tribes who invaded England,now encompasses the globe. When Mexican pilots land their airplanes in France, they and the ground controllers use English. When German physicists want to alert the international scientific community to new discoveries, they first publish their findings in English. When Japanese executives conduct business with Scandinavian entrepreneurs, they negotiate in English. When pop singers write their songs, they often use lyrics or phrases in English. When demonstrators want to alert the world to their problems, they display signs in English. Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce; the ability to incorporate vocabulary from other languages; and the acceptability of various English dialects. In science, English replaced German after World War II. With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then globally. Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economies from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less than 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed word, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-mediated communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices. English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic syntax. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80% is foreign. Therefore, it has cognates from virtually every language in Europe and has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history. Finally, no English language central authority guards the purity of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can inject aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary. However, the future is unpredictable. As David Crystal (1997) commented, there has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. So, there are no precedents to help us predict what happens to a language when it achieves genuine world status. The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people. English is divesting itself of its political and cultural connotations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need. One question that arises about the future role of the English language is whether a single world standard English will develop. This could result in a supranational variety that all people would have to learn. The widespread use of English as a language of wider communication will continue to exert pressure toward global uniformity. This could result in declining standards, language changes, and the loss of geolinguistic diversity. On the other hand, because English is the vehicle for international communication and because it forms the basis for constructing cultural identities, many local varieties could instead develop. This trend may lead to fragmentation of the language and threaten the role of English as a lingua franca. However, there have always been major differences between varieties of English. There is no reason to believe that any one other language will appear within the next 50 years to replace English. However, it is possible that English will not keep its monopoly in the 21st century. Rather, a small number of languages may form an oligopoly each with a special area of influence. For example, Spanish is rising because of expanding trade and the increase of the Latino population in the United States. This could create a bilingual English-Spanish region. A language shift, in which individuals change their linguistic allegiances, is another possibility. These shifts are slow and difficult to predict. But within the next 50 years, substantial language shifts could occur as economic development affects more countries. Because of these shifts in allegiance, more languages may disappear. Those remaining will rapidly get more native speakers. This includes English. Internal migration and urbanization may restructure areas, thereby creating communities where English becomes the language of interethnic communication neutral language. Universities using English as the medium of instruction will expand and rapidly create a generation of middle-class professionals. Economic development will only increase the middle class, a group that is more likely to learn and use English in jobs. While languages such as English, German, and French have been international languages because of their governments" political powers, this is less likely to be the case in the 21st century where economics and demographics will have more influence on languages. English has been an international language for only 50 years. If the pattern follows the previous language trends, we still have about 100 years before a new language dominates the world. However, this does not mean that English is replacing or will replace other languages as many fear. Instead, it may supplement or co-exist with languages by allowing strangers to communicate across linguistic boundaries. It may become one tool that opens windows to the world, unlocks doors to opportunities, and expands our minds to new ideas. 世界在社会、经济、和人口统计学转变的各种不同阶段中。 经济上地而且政治地,世界在过去几年内已经更快速改变超过自从 1945 以后随时. 初现的全球经济是既竞争的且相互依赖的。 它在世界的大多数地方中反映现代沟通和生产技术的有效。 因此, 我们需要在 21 世纪内关心英文语言的未来吗? 依照经济学者 (1996) 二个因素驾驶这个全球的市场。 首先,许多制造品有一或更多的外国成份。 福特汽车和 IBM 计算机只是这二个例子。 其次, 非常一半输入而且输出, 哪一个政府标签国际贸易, 在国内的公司和他们的外国加入者之间被办理。 市场的逐渐增加全球化正在强迫公司对国际的发展给予较多的注意。 国内的公司正在调整他们的操作的结构和方法适合一比较宽广的而且快速地变更经济的环境。 因为他们的供应者的更多和客户位于各种不同的大陆之上,所以他们正在增加他们的地理外展。 举例来说,去年詹森和詹森在美国以外卖了较多的产品超过在美国 合资是不再正直的理论上的可能性。 合并和获得, 像克莱斯勒/戴姆勒宾士汽车和英国电讯, 逐渐地越过国界。 这一个趋势被期望进入下个一千年之内继续。 这国际化在三个方法中被举例。 首先,公司改变他们的基本目标遵照一全球的 市场。 其次,他们使他们的产品配合当地的市场。 但是最重要地,他们不建立国际的官僚; 相反的,他们雇请了解当地的市场的外国的国民 为什么与英文语言讨论经济学? 因为英文语言接近地与这经济的现代化和工业的发展有关。 数据被送而且被以逐渐增加的速度收到。 政府、工业和公司的竞争要求,国民和跨国公司,为科技的进步需要那技术的语言的理解英语。 在过去 40 年上的英语的全球传布是显着的。 它在某些方面是空前的: 被语言的使用者的逐渐增加数字; 被它的渗透的深度进入社会之内; 被它的功能的范围。 在全世界超过十四亿个人住在英语有官方的状态的国家。 五中的一世界的 人口用某一程度的胜任说英语。 而且二千零一在五个超过十亿个人中也将会学习英语。 超过 70% 的世界"s 科学家读英语。 大约 85% 的世界邮件以英语写成。 而且在世界上的 90% 所有的数据电子的取回系统被以英语储存。2010 之前,当做秒或者外国语说英语的人数将会超过说母语者的数字。 这一个趋势将会无疑地影响语言 英语作为远比以往要多的目的。 说而且写的字汇,文法的表格和方法已经出现被科技而科学发展、经济学和管理、文学和娱乐类型影响。什么当一种粗鲁无礼的语言,本来被侵入了英国的微暗德国的种族讲, 现在包含地球, 1,500 年前开始 当墨西哥的飞行员以法国、他们和土地的控制器使用英国人登陆他们的飞机的时候。 当德国物理学者想要提醒对新的发现国际的科学社区的时候,他们首先以英语出版他们的调查结果。 当日本主管和北欧企业家处理生意的时候,他们以英语商议。 当取出歌手写他们的歌的时候,他们时常以英语使用抒情诗或片语。 当示范者想要提醒的时候 对他们的问题的世界, 他们以英语显示告示。 三个因素继续成为英语的这传布的因素: 科学、技术和商业的英文用法; 能力合并来自其他的语言的字汇; 而且各种不同英文方言的可接受。 在科学中,英语代替了第二次世界大战后的德语。 与这个技术上而科学的支配来了全部语言学支配的开始, 在欧洲的第一然后全球性地。 今天,数据年龄已经代替工业的年龄而且已经压缩时间和距离。 这正在转换从工业的生产到以数据为基础的货物和服务的世界经济。 不理睬地理学和边缘,资讯革命正在重新定义我们的世界。 在少于 20 年中, 数据处理, 一旦限制在印刷的字, 已经给 到计算机和英特网的路。 计算机斡旋的沟通是关闭那缝隙在口语的之间和书面的英语。 它为不同和个体风格鼓励更非正式的会话语言和宽容, 而且已经造成更换语言的权威学会和练习的英特网英语。 英语,喜欢许多语言, 使用一个语言的字母和非常基本的语法。 但是最重要地,它有一个大而广泛的字汇,哪些大约 80% 是外国的。 因此, 它有同族的从事实上每种语言在欧洲而且已经借而且继续借来自西班牙语和法国人、希伯来人和阿拉伯语的话, 北印度语和孟加拉人、马来和华语、连同来自非洲西部和玻里尼西亚的语言。 这语言特性在历史中使它独特 最后,没有英文语言中央的权威保卫语言的纯净,因此,许多方言已经发展:美国、英国、以及加拿大、印度、和澳洲的, 命名一些。 没有标准的发音。 但是在这不同里面是文法和一组核心字汇的个体。 因此, 说语言能注射它自己文化的方面进入用法和字汇的每个国家。 然而,未来是不可预知的。 当大卫水晶 (1997) 批评了, 如此广泛不曾有一种语言传布或被作为英语的如此许多人讲。 因此, 没有先例要帮助我们预测发生在一种语言上什么事当它达成真正的世界状态的时候。 世界在转变中,而且英文语言将会拿新的表格。 语言和它如何被用将会改变 用其他的语言和人的变更沟通需要反映连络的式样。 当较多的人了解英国人不是只有一些国家的特性的时候,英语正在它的政治上而文化含蓄剥除它本身。 相反的,它是一辆被全球性地用的车辆而且将会导致较多的机会。 它属于任何人使用它作为每个目的哪一或需要。 一个发生有关英文语言的将来角色的事的疑问是否世界 这可以造成超国家的多样性所有的人会必须获悉。 作为一种较宽的沟通的语言英语的广大使用将会继续施加向全球的同样压力。 这可以造成倾斜的标准,语言变化不同的损失。 另一方面,因为英语是国际的沟通车辆而且因为它形成基础 构造文化认同感,许多当地的多样性可以改为发展。 这一个趋势可能导致语言的分裂而且威胁作为舌的英语的角色。 然而,已经总是有在英语的多样性之间的主要不同。 没有理由要相信任何的其他语言将会在未来的 50 年之内出现代替英语。 然而是可能的是,英国人在 21 世纪内将不保存它的垅断。 然而,少数的语言可能形成对一个影响力的特别区域感到每个的一个求过于供的市场情况。 举例来说,西班牙语正在因为在美国扩张贸易和拉丁美洲人的增加人口升起。 这可以产生一个双语的英西班牙人区域 个体改变他们的语言学忠贞的语言变化,是另外的一种可能性。 这些变化慢而困难预测。 但是在未来的 50 年之内,可观的语言变化可以发生如经济的发展 影响较多的国家。 因为忠贞的这些变化,较多的语言可能消失。 正在保持的人们将会快速地争取较多的说母语者。 这包括英语。 内在的移民和都市化可能更改结构区域,藉此创造英语变成 沟通梐的语言中立的语言的社区 以英语作为指导的媒体的大学将会扩张而且快速地产生中产阶级专业人士的世代。 经济的发展只将会增加中产阶级,一个更可能在工作中学习而且使用英语的团体 因为他们政府的政治权力语言,像是英语,德语和法语已经是国际的语言,不过这比较不有可能在 21 世纪内是情形哪里经济学和人口统计学的将会对语言有较多的影响力。 英国人已经是一种国际的语言有只有 50 年之久。 如果式样跟随早先的语言趋势, 我们在一种新的语言前大约 100 年仍然有支配世界。 然而,这不意指英国人正在更换或者将会代替其他的语言和恐惧一样多的相反的,它可能补充,否则共藉由让陌生人以语言存在整个语言学边界沟通。它可能变成一个对世界开放窗户,开启对机会的门, 而且把我们的思想扩张到的工具

Life in the 21st Century为题写一篇60词左右英文作文

Life in the 21st Century is very interesting. In the new century we will lead an exciting life. For example, we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops. In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall. And, students will use computers in class. They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail. Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others , although they are in different countries. Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.

求21st Century Digital Girl 21世纪数码女孩 中文歌词


21st century digital girl的单曲版本

21st Century Digital Girl (Josh Harris Vocal Club Edit) – 3:13 21st Century Digital Girl (Josh Harris Extended Club Mix) – 7:24 21st Century Digital Girl (Club Mix Short) – 3:23 21st Century Digital Girl (Radio Version) – 2:51 21st Century Digital Girl (DJ Satomi & Pure Dust Remix) – 6:06 21st Century Digital Girl (Overhead Champions Remix) – 6:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Marco Viani Remix) – 8:54 21st Century Digital Girl (Feret & Branco Remix) – 6:35 21st Century Digital Girl (Conways Remix) – 6:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Teenagerz Remix) – 5:33 21st Century Digital Girl (Club Mix) – 5:35 21st Century Digital Girl (Extended Version) – 4:14 21st Century Digital Girl (Acappella) – 3:23

In the 21st century st什么意思 .整个句子是什么意思!


learning in the 21st century作文

例文This report has been published by Onate Press, an imprint of Eaton International Consulting Inc. Its purpose is to provide researchers, educational leaders and teachers with an understanding of current trends in language education.Author: Sarah Elaine Eaton, Ph.D.Publication date: June 2010ISBN: 978-0-9733594-6-6The guide is available at Hard copies can be ordered to distribute to colleagues or students. E-mail APA citation for this documentEaton, S.E. (2010). Global Trends in Language Learning in the Twenty-ufb01rst Century. Calgary: Onate Press.

21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:The Night Watch Live at Amsterdam Concertgebouw 1973cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/18206218

21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:The Essential King Crimson - Frame By Frame [Box set]cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/54990480

learning in 21st century150字英语作文

This report has been published by Onate Press, an imprint of Eaton International Consulting Inc. Its purpose is to provide researchers, educational leaders and teachers with an understanding of current trends in language education.Author: Sarah Elaine Eaton, Ph.D.Publication date: June 2010ISBN: 978-0-9733594-6-6The guide is available at Hard copies can be ordered to distribute to colleagues or students. E-mail APA citation for this documentEaton, S.E. (2010). Global Trends in Language Learning in the Twenty-ufb01rst Century. Calgary: Onate Press.

21St Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21St Century Schizoid Man歌手:April Wine专辑:Harder Fastercat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/2856248

跪求 21st century teens 英文作文。。

In the above illustration we see a young man with the top of his head flipped, into which he is placing books. The man is carrying an oxygen tank with the word ‘courage" written on it. He also carries a large adventure"s backpack. He is dressed in exercise clothes as he climbs over a mysterious, sandy landscape. He shirt has a ‘V" on it .which symbolizes victory. 高考试卷  This illustration symbolizes the three key factors that are necessary to have if one wants to be a successful person. Placing books into one"s mind symbolizes the acquisition of knowledge, which is the first necessary quality. The backpack and the clothing suggest that one must be physically fit and healthy if one wants to gain success. Of course ,there is also the tank which means that one should muster up courage . By combining these three ideas we can conclude the images symbolic meaning as ‘to be a successful person, one must have knowledge, strength and courage." 高考试卷   There three factors are definitely necessary if one hopes to gain success in life. Accumulated wisdom is necessary to out-think one"s opponents. Being physically fit is necessary to out-last one"s opponent. Finally,courage is necessary if one hopes to venture into areas that his opponents fear to tread. With these three attributes, a person can achieve all of his goals.

21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:Von Hertzen Brothers专辑:21st Century Schizoid Man / Rubiconcat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/19416316

英语作文急急急 题目是Life in the 21st Century

  Life in the 21st century,will be different from life in the 20th century,because many changes will take place in the new century.But what will the changes be?   The population is growing fast.There will be more and more people in the world and most of themwill live longer than before.Computers will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every home.And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in schools.   People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century,and they will have more free timefor sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And more people will go to other countries for holidays.   There will be changes in our food,too.More land will be used for buildings,new towns and houses.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they eat more vegetables and fruit.Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different,too.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.This will be a new problem.

21st Century Life 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Life歌手:Sam Sparro专辑:Sam Sparro21st Century Life-Sam SparroWhen I was a little boyLiving in the last centuryI thought about living in the futureThen it occurred to meI turned around the future was nowThe future was all around meNothing like I imaginedIt was totally confounding21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and playWell now I turned on the TV just in time enough to hearwhat the Pope said,the Pope saidAnd just a few tiny words laterSomebody wants the man deadWhat about famine and diseaseWell they said it"s too bad(Oops!)Because I"m never aloneIt"s not just a phoneIt"s a stereo21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and playNow I"m not a little boyI"m in the 21st centuryWell you might think we"ve come a really long way,but there"s still no equalityI watched the news on my computer screenTalking about buying my weed out of a vending machineYou tell me I"m freeBut how can it beWhen you"re always watching me on the CCTV21st century lifeI got swept awayI got 21,000 thingsthat I got to do today21st century lifeWell what can I say?The new world got me feeling so dirtyThink I need to get down and play21, 21, 21I"m talking about 21, 21http://music.baidu.com/song/20785817

21st century girl 中文歌词翻译~!


lifeinthe21st century英语作文

Life in the 21st Century is very interesting.In the new century we will lead an exciting life.For example,we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops.In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall.And,students will use computers in class.They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail.Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others ,although they are in different countries.Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.

lifeinthe21st century英语作文

Life in the 21st Century is very interesting.In the new century we will lead an exciting life.For example,we can do some shopping on the Internet instead of shops.In this way ,we neednot worry about the crowded shopping mall.And,students will use computers in class.They can send homework to their teachers by e-mail.Besides everybody can use the Internet to chat with others ,although they are in different countries.Computers and Internet make our life interesting and exciting.

21世纪 21st century 用英语怎么读 twentieth one

21st = twenty-first ["twenti "fu0259:st]

表示21世纪的21st century中的st用不用上标?


by the middle of the 21st century

LS说的太摸棱两可 will be living这个意思应该是 那些人将会住在城市里(一直住在) 而如果是will have lived则是 那些人到那个时候将会完成住在城市里这个动作(也就是说后来不住在城市里了)

4uff0eThe last decade of the 21st century ________the


有谁知道美国保健品牌21st Century怎么样

我最近刚好因为家里人生病对健康方面的东西比较关注,你说的这品牌我搜到了21st Century One Daily Men"s,这个应该是其中的一个产品吧,评分很低的,看起来品质一般。你后来又找到什么其他好的品牌了吗?我们可以互通一下信息。

一篇英语作文 《 life in the 21st century》60字左右?

Life in the 21st Century" is an adventurous tale of romance,corruption,and suspense.The story focuses on Ted,an employee at Human Life Healthcare Insurance,he is sent to California to investigate a client"s diagnosis only to discover his new CEO,Lee G.Park,has a secret agenda.Upon his arrival to investigate Lucille Ridgeway he quickly bees attracted to her,and the two develop a romantic relationship.He is relieved to learn that her original and expensive diagnosis was incorrect.Ted"s boss sounds frustrated by this news and quickly hangs up on him.Ted"s friend,who shares a striking resemblance to him,is abducted by a suspicious looking bellman from Ted"s hotel.Ted suspects that Park may have had something to do with it; maybe he was the actual kidnapping target.Looking deeper into the lives of Human Life"s clients,Ted discovers many died in accidents unrelated to their illnesses.Ted learns that his CEO may have been finding ways out of paying insurance claims such as killing off clients with expensive diagnoses for profit."Human Life in the 21st Century" is an exhilarating tale of Ted"s quest to expose the corruption of Human Life.Not sure who to trust,Ted knows he won"t be able to stop running until Human Life is stopped first.Doyle"s story follows Ted and the numerous twisting story lines as he struggles to avoid being found by the CEO,protect Lucille,and restore justice.About the Author Ross Kilarney Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in Bay Ridge,Brooklyn.He graduated from medical school and wrote only about science for many years.Since retiring from teaching at a Midwestern medical school,Doyle has restored a 90-year-old house and explored the arctic as a Sierra Club leader.He is now married and lives in rural upstate New York.AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging,self-published authors.For more information,please visit ***.EDITORS:For review copies or interview requests,contact:Nick McMurray Tel:317.926.1727 Fax:317.926.1728 Email:nmcmurray@trendyminds (When requesting a review copy,please provide a street address.) This release was issued through eReleases(TM).For more information,visit ***.SOURCE AuthorHouse,2,


21st第二十一双语例句1The 21st century has been tough on auto brands, both young and old.进入21世纪之后,不论是后起之秀还是传统厂商,汽车品牌的日子都不容易。2A good enterprise in the 21st century must be armed with a global vision.21世纪优秀的企业一定是有着全球视野并且国际化的。

我是一名高中生,请问是订the 21st century好,还是china daily好,谢谢


找代购买21st Century维生素D3好不好?

个人觉得找代购买保健品并不好的,因为可能存在着假货,而且没有保障。还不如直接找一家正规的海淘网站购买,就比如说iherb,而我也是经常在这家平台购买一些21st Century 维生素 D3,价格方面并不贵,最关键是商品真实,让人放心。

the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked

这里加了be就错了 前面的21st century是形容词! equivalent是名词 等价物的意思整句话是说 不论是谁,他们都会用一种你不会希望得到的眼光去看待你——在21世纪,这就像是被赤裸裸的抓住一样。【亲,希望对你有帮助~~】 满意请采纳!!

21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:Epitaph, Vols. 3-4cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/54948570

英文21世纪报的21st Century

歌手:Groove Coverage国籍:德国 专辑:《21st Century》主打:21st Century Digital Girl、On The Radio、Holy Virgin语言:英语公司:Zeitgeist(时代精神)时间:2007-5-1 继上一张专辑《Greatest Hits》(炫舞王国)之后,EMI又将强力推出GC的最新音乐力作《舞动精灵——21世纪》,专辑超值收录包括新歌及经典舞曲珍藏版双CD,必将为喜欢Groove Coverage(以下简略为GC)音乐的人在2008年初送上一份惊喜音乐大礼!作为此次专辑第一主打《On The Radio》除延续GC一贯的火热舞曲风格之外,也将主题特地选定于为DJ送上的一支音乐主播作品之上,这完全基于GC的前期成功得益于各路DJ的极大喜爱,2001年G.C首推出《Are You Ready》的大肆成功,就曾以其超高人气久居德国DJ Chart前十名,以DJ强打路线日渐走红的G.C在新专辑《舞动精灵——21世纪》中将《On The Radio》作为主打,不仅仅是一次对DJ的全新音乐回礼,更是将其国际化舞曲音乐之风席卷至极!《On The Radio》在主题上继续舞动精灵在词作上的创意与大胆,充满幻想意境的电子舞曲,充分释放出不眠夜的寂寞与不安,在渴望能用音乐得到沟通与共鸣的传递中,让每一个听到《On The Radio》的人都能感受到MELL女声中独有的舞曲式煽动性,直率且带给人极大悠远想象空间,突破以往舞曲带给人虽热情却尖锐无比的刚烈感受,用极富包容性的声腺撼动人心深处的敏感神经!成为GC舞曲风格充分成熟之后的又一饱满力作!作为百万制作的新专辑《舞动精灵——21世纪》的力推主打,可见其在专辑中无可替代的重金地位!在专辑《21世纪》中,收录的第二主打歌《November Night》更是GC的主唱Mell首度开唱慢版温柔情歌的一次音乐惊喜!在GC被定义为绝对舞曲组合之后,《November night》以它独具深情的曲风颠覆了大众对GC的武断界定,在GC的音乐世界中,一切都将成为可能!在GC的国际巡回演唱中,Mell曾对他们的歌迷表示:“所有你想要听到的感受,超HIGH的释放,还是痛调的深情,GC都将给你。这就是GC的音乐,希望所有的人都能在我们的音乐中得到完全不同的感受”。《November Night》曲词突破抒情情歌贯有的老套模式,以真实感受作为切入,宛然将人带入具真实情景的11月夜晚,冷峻的舞曲女声嗓音,加入凉凉的Goodbye kiss情调,将这首悲伤的《November Night》演绎的如此非同凡响,别具一格!在专辑《21世纪》中,同时收录了GC从走红至今包括《God Is A Girl》、《She》等最为经典及新作舞曲的Remix CD版。 专辑曲目 CD1:1、 Summer Rain(夏日的雨)2、 21st Century Digital Girl(21世纪数码女孩)3、 Never Ever Stop(不要停)x4、 Holy Virgin (圣女)5、 Call Me(呼唤我)6、 What You Cee Is What You Get(你所看到的就是你所拥有的)7、 Angel From Above(天使)8、 November Night(十一月的夜晚)9、 When I Die(当我死去)10、On the Radio(电台中)11、Rock(摇滚)12、When Love Lives In Heaven(当爱住进天堂)13、Moonlight Shadow (Pure & Direct version) (月光的影子)14、Indonesia(印度尼西亚)15、Let It Be(随它去)CD2:(混音版)1. I Need You VS I Need You (DJ U/Hey Remix)(我需要你我需要你)2. She (Skam Remix)(她)3. God Is A Girl (Axel Konrad Remix)(上帝是女孩)4. On The Radio (Groove Agents Remix)(电台中)5. Summer Rain (Delaction Remix)(夏日的雨)6. Moonlight Shadow (French Club Mix)(月光的影子)7. Runaway (Flip & Fill Remix) (逃离)8. 7 Years And 50 Days (Plazmatek VS Cascada Remix) (7年又50天)9. The End (Brooklyn Bounce Remix) (尽头)

英语多少世纪 例如 21世纪 是 21st century。其中“st”代表的是first的“st

yes 19th Century数字+序数词最后两个字母第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth 第19 nineteenth 第20 twentieth 第21 twenty-first 第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third 第24 twenty-fourth 第25 twenty-fifth 第26 twenty-sixth 第27 twenty-seventh 第28 twenty-eighth 第29 twenty-ninth 第30 thirtieth 第31 thirty-first 第32 thirty-second 第33 thirty-third 第34 thirty-fourth 第35 thirty-fifth 第36 thirty-sixth 第37 thirty-seventh 第38 thirty-eighth 第39 thirty-ninth 第40 fortieth 第41 forty-first 第42 forty-second 第43 forty-third 第44 forty-fourth 第45 forty-fifth 第46 forty-sixth 第47 forty-seventh 第48 forty-eighth 第49 forty-ninth 第50 fiftieth 第51 fifty-first 第52 fifty-second 第53 fifty-third 第54 fifty-fourth 第55 fifty-fifth 第56 fifty-sixth第57 fifty-seventh 第58 fifty-eighth 第59 fifty-ninth 第60 sixtieth 第61 sixty-first 第62 sixty-second 第63 sixty-third 第64 sixty-fourth 第65 sixty-fifth 第66 sixty-sixth 第67 sixty-seventh 第68 sixty-eighth 第69 sixty-ninth 第70 seventieth 第71 seventy-first 第72 seventy-second 第73 seventy-third 第74 seventy-fourth 第75 seventy-fifth 第76 seventy-sixth 第77 seventy-seventh 第78 seventy-eighth 第79 seventy-ninth 第80 eightieth 第81 eighty-first 第82 eighty-second 第83 eighty-third 第84 eighty-fourth 第85 eighty-fifth 第86 eighty-sixth 第87 eighty-seventh 第88 eighty-eighth 第89 eighty-ninth 第90 ninetieth 第91 ninety-first 第92 ninety-second 第93 ninety-third 第94 ninety-fourth 第95 ninety-fifth 第96 ninety-sixth 第97 ninety-seventh 第98 ninety-eighth 第99 ninety-ninth 第100 one hundredth

21st Century




驱动ASUS DRW-24D1ST刻录DVD-R 使用ONES无法显示刻录怎么回事



从2006年8月开始,英国的邮递服务采用了新的制度,按邮件的大小,重量,厚度计算价格,因此出现了这种“大”(Large)的邮票。1st为第一等邮件投递邮票,2nd为第二等邮件大邮票。面值“1st”代表“第一类邮件”,也就是“first class”的资费之意,相当于27便士.望采纳

请写出7月1日到7月10日的英文与简写 例如July the first or July 1st

July the second or July 2nd

earth hour started in sydney on march 31st,2007.什么意思


求滨崎步的《July 1st》日文、中文和罗马音歌词

歌名:July 1st歌手:浜崎あゆみ作词: 滨崎步作曲: CREA+D.A.I编曲:tasuku发行时间:2000-03-29歌词:青い空が少しずつオレンジ色に倾いてやがてそれが混ざり合い街を深く染めていく君は泣いていたの?ボクは振り向かずにいた明日晴れたら あの海へ行こう昨日流した涙の痛みを优しさに変えて头上にはただ风が吹き云の切れ间光射し寄せて返す波音に全て洗い流される永く永い探し物を见付けた気分さ明日晴れたら 君に会いに行こうそうさ明日も明后日もずっとずっと一绪にいよう明日がもしも 雨だったとしても君に会いに行こう そしてこの歌を君にあげる明日晴れたら あの海へ行こう昨日流した涙の痛みは优しさへと明日晴れたら 君に会いに行こうそうさ明日も明后日もずっと一绪にいようずっと一绪にいよう

1u3001How old is she? She is ()her twenties. 2u3001The lucky baby ()born ()October 1st 3u3001Li Shu h

1 inuff0c2 was atuff0c3 expertuff0c4uff0c d



秋之回忆1 1st story和pure story和after story有什么不同


Ship Of Fools (Live In Boston, 1970) (1St Show) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (Live In Boston, 1970) (1St Show)歌手:The Doors专辑:Live In Boston 1970Ship Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7864037








在说的时候是需要加the的,on sep.the th.the是在日期(序数词)前面的

谁能告诉我首发名单后边那个1st ,6th ,3rd 什么的代表什么意思?



可以。1st=first=one的序数词 以此类推2nd=second=two的序数词 3rd=third=three的序数词


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