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6年级语文下册第7课 藏戏的来历

Tibetan opera is a very large operas system, because all the qinghai-tibet plateau natural conditions, living custom and cultural traditions, the different shangrao dialects, it has many art variety and genre. Tibet is a matrix of Tibetan Tibetan art, it through to defend Tibetan Pope temple of monks and study the masses far pilgrimage broadcast qinghai and gansu, sichuan, yunnan four provinces of qinghai Tibetan region, forming gannan prefecture Tibetan opera, in gansu and sichuan Tibetan the color of Tibetan branch. India, Bhutan and other countries to the Tibetan settlements also have Tibetan opera spread Tibetan opera called "the Tibetan auspicious lahm" o, meaning "fairy". The seven sisters, reportedly by Tibetan opera performance, and the content of buddhist myth is, so the name. Tibetan opera originated in the 8th century Tibetan religious art. In the 17th century, from temple separate religious ceremonies, gradually formed mainly by singing, dancing, singing, reading, table, white and technology combining basic program into performance. Tibetan opera singing, is basically a resounding vigorous because one condemned song, every sentence is singing voice help and. Tibetan opera the original department square, only one drum a drama, there is no other cymbals accompaniment instruments