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This Apple ID is only valid for purchases in the US iTunes Store是什么意思?

此apple ID只能在美国区的iTunes store进行付账

gst on purchases和gst on sale什么意思

gst on purchases销售税购买gst on sale销售税出售

cross-border M&A sales和cross-border M&A purchases分别指什么?


Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 什么意思

年度百分率,也叫年利率。APR就是美国诚信信贷法中要求披露的贷款利率 (from 百度百科)。综上,Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases就是“贷款购买某种商品的年利率”。

offers in app purchases是什么意思

offers in app purchases提供在应用程序购买很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

cross-border M&A purchases指什么?


purchases ledger 和purchases account的区别

区别是:purchases ledger指的是购货分类账。purchases account指的是购买账户。词汇解释:purchase 英[ˈpɜ:tʃəs] 美[ˈpɜ:rtʃəs] v. 购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动; n. 购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握; [例句]He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。ledger 英[ˈledʒə(r)] 美[ˈlɛdʒɚ] n. 分类账; [例句]It consists of two basic components: a general journal and a general ledger.它由两个基本部分组成:一个普通日记账和一个分类总账。account 英[əˈkaʊnt] 美[əˈkaʊnt] n. 账,账目; 存款; 记述,报告; 理由; vi. 解释; 导致; 报账; vt. 认为; 把…视作; [例句]Some banks make it difficult to open an account.一些银行把开户弄得很麻烦。

restoring purchases什么意思


cross-border M&A sales和cross-border M&A purchases分别指什么?


make purchases的意思


政府购买(government purchases)


澳洲会计中purchases 是什么意思,为什么放在所有者权益中,他在中国会计中代表什么?

窃以为类似中国会计制度中 所有这权益--实收资本--固定资产/无形资产,也许可以翻译成“资产”吧?

[ A ] purchases[ B ] sales[ C ] orders [D ] favourites


请大家帮分析, that 在里面起什么作用? ever 在里面是什么意思?做什么成分?afford、 purchases 这

afford是动词,purchases是purchase的复数形式,指购买的东西为名词。practice是练习,或者有什么特别语境里的意思。that 是作为同位语的引导词,表明the chances 和she will ever be able to afford such purchases是同一个意思的。这两句的意思大概如下:因为她不富有,她有能力付得起购买的东西的可能性是微小的;但她永远不可能有足够的意志来停止这个活动(活动指特别语境里的某种意思)。


Purchases是购买货物(也就是一间公司的入货),Sales是售出(即卖货给顾客)。 一间公司要做生意,就要有货。Purchases货物后,入数方法如下: 购货是支出,支出(Expenses)增加要Dr,所以Purchases account要Dr. 购货令金钱减少,金钱是Assets,减少要Cr,所以Cash/Bank要Cr.              ↑          Double Entry ********************************* 公司购了货物,就要卖出图利。Sales货物后,入数方法如下: 卖货是收入,收入(Ine)增加要Cr,所以Sales Account要Cr. 卖货后,我们得到金钱,即Assets增加,所以Cash/Bank要Dr.              ↑           Double Entry **Purchases和Sales只是指货物的卖出和售出, 假若你购买的或售出的是货物以外的东西(如:Equipment/Machinery/Motor Van), 那就要Dr相应的assets account(如Dr Equipment/Machinery/Motor Van), 而不是Purchases了。 参考: 个人认知 Purchases 是买家 买入的意思. e.g. 当我们肚饿买食物时 我们要付出金钱 我们(肚饿买食物的人)就是买家. Sales 是卖家 卖出的意思.(用金钱换取物品) e.g. 当我们去 shopping 时 在店铺里的职员就是卖家. 当我们在店铺买东西时 那些职员就是 Saler (卖家) 收钱的一方.(用物品换取金钱) P.S. 物品不一定是有形的 可以是无形的 如服务. 其实sales即是卖货 purchases即是买货


动词 买


purchase英 ["pɜ:tʃəs] 美 ["pɝtʃəs] n. 购买;紧握;起重装置vt. 购买;赢得vi. 购买东西[ 过去式 purchased 过去分词 purchased 现在分词 purchasing ]网络释义专业释义英英释义 购买消费行为与购买(Purchase)是不同的概念,购买只是消费者行为的一个阶段,研究消费者行为是一个过程,它还包括消费者获取产品或服务之前的评价和选择活动。基于1201个网页-相关网页 买 [贸易] 采购 进货短语account purchase [贸易] 赊买 ; 赊购 ; 帐户受款人cash purchase [会计] 现购 ; 现金 ; [贸易] 现金购买 ; [贸易] 现金购置Purchase Advertising 购买广告 ; 购物点广告 ; 采办告红



He chases the mice什么意思?是他追老鼠还是他追了老鼠。这句话是什么时态

He chases the mice的中文翻译He chases the mice 他追老鼠

The dog chases the cat 求写出这句八种时态的句子

The dog always chases the cat. [present tense] The dog is chasing the cat now. [present continuous tense] The dog chased the cat yesterday morning. [past tense] The dog was chasing the cat for an hour this morning. [past continuous tense] The dog has chased the cat for an hour. [present perfect tense] The dog had chased the cat when I woke up this morning. [past perfect tense] The dog will chase the cat tomorrrow. [fututre tense] The dog will be chasing the cat as usual tomorrow. [future continuous tense]

The dog chases the cat 求写出这句八种时态的句子

The dog always chases the cat. [present tense] The dog is chasing the cat now. [present continuous tense] The dog chased the cat yesterday morning. [past tense] The dog was chasing the cat for an hour this morning. [past continuous tense] The dog has chased the cat for an hour. [present perfect tense] The dog had chased the cat when I woke up this morning. [past perfect tense] The dog will chase the cat tomorrrow. [fututre tense] The dog will be chasing the cat as usual tomorrow. [future continuous tense]

chases怎么读 是怎么读的 清楚点

英文原文:chases英式音标:[tu0283eu026asiz] 美式音标:[tu0283eu026asiz]

kua fu chases the sun是什么意思

kua fu chases the sun夸父追逐太阳chase[英][tu0283eu026as][美][tu0283es]vt.追捕; 追求; 追寻; 镂刻; n.追捕; 打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽; vi.追逐,追赶; 追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑; 第三人称单数:chases过去分词:chased复数:chases现在进行时:chasing过去式:chased例句:Ever since, chase has been the virtual general headquarters of the rockefeller financialempire. 从此,大通国民银行就成了洛克菲勒金融帝国事实上的总部。

chases a mouse变为复数形式是什么?

变为复数形式是:chase mice

the cat always chases the mouse为什么甜chases?

因为the cat是第三者


chases加上ing:chasingchase,英[tʃeɪs] 美[tʃeɪs] v. 追赶; 追逐; 追捕; 努力获得; 争取得到; 追求; 求爱; n. 追赶; 追捕; 追逐; 努力获得; 争取; 打猎;




chases的意思是追逐。hases是chase的第三人称单数。chase美读音:[tu0283eu026as];英读音:[tu0283eu026as]。释义:v.追赶;追寻;追逐;在(金属上)雕花(作装饰)。n.追赶;追求;追猎;蔡斯。网络追击。搭配 dream,chase order,abandon chase.同义词:v.pursue,run after,hunt,hound,follow.n.pursuit,hunting.双语例句:1.So today I will swim in the sea of his poem with you together. Now, let us enjoy the poem of Where Shadow Chases Light.我个人非常喜欢他的诗,所以,今天我会和大家一起畅游在泰戈尔先生诗的海洋中。2.As Richard turns to look, Lisa sprints ahead of him and races up the hill. Richard chases after her.当理查德转过头去看时,丽莎赶紧抢在他前头,往山上跑去。理查德也追了上去。3.All the gun fights, all the car chases, all the sex we don"t want to have with women but we have to, I"ll do to what you guys do.所有的枪战,所有的飙车,所有的我们并不想与女人发生关系但却发生了,我会去做你们这些家伙做的。4.The male fish then chases and attacks other male cichlid fish in an attempt to dominate and defend his territory.这时他会追逐并攻击其它丽鱼雄性,以控制并保卫它的领地。5.Paul answers questions from passengers, chases down complaints and even gives out his personal email address.Paul负责回答乘客的问题,跟踪处理乘客投诉,甚至还公布了他个人的电子邮件地址。6.The light glides over the park after the moving shadows of the clouds, and chases them, and never catches them all day.一整天,阳光追随在行云投下来的阴影后面,掠过了猎园,阳光追逐着阴影,可是永远追不上。


英文原文:chases怎么读英式音标:[tu0283eu026as] 美式音标:[tu0283eu026as]


chasing是ing形式,表示正在进行,属于正在进行时态范畴。chases是三单形式,表示经常性的动作。 属于一般现在时态范畴。


第一个是快艇会飞 第二个我忘了