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电子元件 的female什么意思



female 女性的,仅指性别的分类,女性或雌性的,可指人、动物或植物,甚至无生命的东西均可,与男性或雄性的相对。feminine 则是形容词“女性化的;女性的”,强调女性所特有的或同女性有关的特质、特征,指气质、嗓音、外貌等女性化的,也可指与女性有关的,但却并不一定只用来形容女性,男性或雄性也是可以的。




female 英[u02c8fi:meu026al] 美[u02c8fiu02ccmel] adj. 女性的; 雌性的; 能结果实的; 电气设备阴的; n. 女人; 雌性动物; 雌性植物,雌株; 同义词 lady

female是什么意思 female的例句

1、female,英文单词,主要用作形容词和名词,作形容词译为“女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的”,作名词译为“女人;雌性动物”。 2、双语例句 (1)Do they have any place in female leadership?她们是否在女性领导上有任何作用? (2)I suggest the female colleague break up with her boyfriend.我建议这个女性同事跟她的男朋友分手。 (3)One of my bestfriends is female.我的一位最好的朋友是女性。


提起四维彩超右上角female,大家都知道,有人问四维单子上有男女暗示吗,另外,还有人想问四维彩超单上sex.female.sonogr是啥意思,你知道这是怎么回事?其实请问大家,我刚做完四维彩超,请问,SEX:F这是什么u2026,下面就一起来看看四维彩超图片右上方的m和f什么意思,希望能够帮助到大家! 四维彩超右上角female 你好,头顶先露即为“枕”(缩写为O);臀部先露即为“骶”(缩写为S);面部先露部位即为“颏”(缩写为M);肩部先露即为“肩”(缩写为S)这是B超检测一般记录 四维彩超报告单上SEX一栏写着FEMALE是什么意思,是宝宝的性别吗? female 指:性别真不敢相信,彩超报告中,敢这样明确描述胎儿性别。 首先,非医学需要的超声胎儿性别鉴定是行为;除非遗传学需要才可能鉴别。 其次,四维彩超和普通彩超一样,孕4个月以上胎儿已经发育,有经验的超声是可以判断的。但彩超报告是不会将胎儿性别特征记录进去的,如果你和超声熟识且你信任他她,倒是可能给你透露一点,但一般情况下都不会告知的。这不属于常规超声检查范围。四维3个亮点是男孩。 最后,要说明一点,任何根据孕妇外观和行为以及超声检查报告中胎儿的测量数据估测胎儿性别的方法,是荒谬的。 四维彩超右上角female:四维单子上有男女暗示吗 据说四维彩超单子右上角写着qualhigh1是女儿,qualhigh2是儿子。 真的假的啊~有人验证过吗 个人觉得应该还是有出入的吧分离百分之99男孩。 四维彩超上Famale是什么意思 你好,根据你的描述,这个英文单词应该是female,中文是女性的意思。 做四维的时候宝宝不动怎么办 四维彩超是产检中重要的一个部分,四维彩超不但可以帮助孕妈清楚的了解到胎宝宝的情况,还可以检查出胎宝宝是否有一些大方面的畸形,所以很多孕妈现在都会做四维彩超,但是做四维彩超的时候往往胎宝宝不配合,一时半会没办法完全检查宝宝各个部位,那么四维小孩不动怎么办,下面介绍一些小妙招给你让宝宝主动配合你坐检查。 1、注意心态平衡21,18,13三体看男女公式。 孕妈做四维彩超时发现胎宝宝不动千万不能过于紧张,这种紧张的情绪会传达给胎儿的,宝宝会自我保护一动也不动。所以孕妈需要心态平衡,虽然说和宝宝见面很紧张,但是还是需要控制一下情绪,愉悦的心情,宝宝也会感受到的,就会动起来。四维单子3秒钟看男是女。 2、要和宝宝沟通 在做四维彩超时宝宝对于外界的一些是可以感受到的,听力尤其灵敏,所以孕妈发现宝宝不动时可以轻摸肚子然后有意识的和宝宝进行一些,告诉宝宝现在在做什么事情,让宝宝有安全感,在和宝宝沟通中让宝宝动起来。平躺下看男女,很准哟。 3、吃点东西宝宝 做四维彩超前是可以吃东西的,所以孕妈可以在检查之前吃营养丰富的餐点,让胎宝宝也“吃饱喝足”,这样胎宝宝才有力气动起来。例如牛奶、点心、面包、巧克力、鸡蛋、粗粮粥等都是孕妈不错的选择。 很多孕妇在做四维的时候都会遇到一个困扰,就是因为胎儿已经发育基本完善了,平时也会在妈妈肚子里活动,有时候会直接影响到彩超的结果,所以就需要孕妇通过外界环境的改变来改变孩子的状态,这样对胎儿也没有什么影响。NT单子男孩有圈圈。 因为胎儿在母体内也不是一直活动的,也是需要休息时间的,有可能在做四维的时候孩子正在休息或者处于趴着的状态,在做四维彩超之前,孕妇首先要保证当天的休息是充足的,最好要在吃饱之后再去,四维彩超是不需要空腹也不需要憋尿的,孕妇可以在包里放一些吃巧克力等甜食或者是热量比较高的食物,如果当时胎儿不配合,孕妇可以通过进食来宝宝,让宝宝变的活跃起来。三维照片一看就是男孩。 如果做四维的时候胎儿处于一个不好照到的姿势,孕妇可以和胎儿同步的活动,胎儿也是有安静和活跃的时候,在平时孕妇可以多多观察宝宝的活动期,在宝宝活跃的时期做检查,这样不仅成功的几率高,也更可以更全面的对宝宝进行检查。已生的NT单子。 所以在这个阶段的胎儿其实已经可以喝母体建立联系了,在做检查之前孕妇就可以通过进食或者运动来宝宝的活动频率,因为四维彩超时间是比较长的,也是为了全面的检查胎儿是不是各方面正常,如果提前做好准备,这样检查起来也是比较方便的。 每个孕妈妈最开心的时候,也就是孕前去医院做产前检查的时候,现在有一种四维彩超的检查,他能够非常形象逼真的为妈妈呈现胎儿在肚中的情况。但是有时候胎儿在检查这类的时候会出现睡觉或者一动不动的状态,这就让妈妈不高兴了,因为如果胎儿不动,就看不出他的面部表情,它的四肢是否发育正常。那么,做四维彩超胎儿不动怎么办?B超四维一看就是男孩。 做四维彩超胎儿不动怎么办b超单有这个一般是女孩。 可以做适当的,或者是吃一点巧克力。一般来说,做四维彩超能看出胎儿大方面的畸形,例如新生儿先天性心、唇腭裂、水肿胎、多指(趾)和外耳等方面的畸形均出。但四维彩超也不是万能的,例如新生儿耳聋、白内障等就无法检测出来。选择在四维彩超的最佳时间里做检查,除了能够给孩子留下珍贵的影像记录以外,更重要的作用是排畸。各个孕期都可以进行四维超声检查,但最佳时间是怀孕20-26周,此时胎儿各主要脏器已发育,量适量、胎儿已进入腹腔,便于胎儿畸形的筛查。 请问大家,我刚做完四维彩超,请问,SEX:F这是什么u2026 一般而言孕期可分为三个阶段:孕前期(1月-3月),孕中期(4月-7月),孕晚期(8月-10月)。这三个时期照出来的四维彩超效果也不同。做四维彩超的最佳时间为怀孕5-7(20-28周)个月,因为这个时段胎儿的及各主要脏器已经全部发育,而且较适合做胎儿畸形筛查。但因孕妇的个体差异,个人的具体时间还请和医生联系,按医嘱时间定。所以,7个月胎儿思维彩超是可以做的。怀孕23周左右,此时胎儿较前期增大,在同一幅图像上不能显示胎儿的整体结构,但胎儿局部结构及运动状态较前清晰,可发现严重的胎儿畸形有:无脑儿、严重脑膨出、严重性脊柱裂、严重胸膜壁缺损并外翻、单腔心、性软骨发育等。 四维看男女最准的方法NT三个亮点是男孩女孩。 为拍胎宝宝全身:这时候可以选择孕前期去做四维彩超,这时候胎宝宝还小,透过仪器可照出宝宝全身,值得提醒的是,1-2月不建议去做四维彩超,这个孕期做四维存在争议。在彩超单上会印,顶头最右边有两行字,是英文字母和数字组成的,第一行是日期,第二行是时间,如果第一行是M开头,那就是male男,如果是F开头就是female女,第二行打头的T是时间的意思。 为排查胎宝宝外在缺陷:这时候可以选择孕中期或孕晚期去做四维彩超,这时候宝宝身体已经有一定的发展,照宝宝的全身已经不可能了,但可以去观察宝宝某个部位的形态。 通过四维彩超看男女,最好是在怀孕15周之后。因为在怀孕12周之前,和女宝的看上去是一样的,是一点点小芽,12周之后开始了差异性的发育,女宝宝的小芽会分开往里面发育,而宝的则开始变成像外突出发育为小JJ。而这一系列的发育,要到15周后才能通过四维彩超清晰的鉴别出来。所以通过四维彩超看性别,太早了是不行四维彩超右上角数据解读。 以上就是与四维彩超图片右上方的m和f什么意思相关内容,是关于四维单子上有男女暗示分享。看完四维彩超右上角female后,希望这对大家有所帮助!


女性MALE 男




female [英] [ fi:meil] [美] [ fimel]


a. 雌的,女(性)的n. 雌性的动物,女子




"Female"和"women"都是英文中表示女性的词汇,它们的用法和含义有所不同。用法区别以下是“female”和“women”的具体区别:"Female"泛指女性“Female”是一个广义词,可指各种非生物和生物对象。例如,动物、植物、车辆等。例如:The female lion is taking care of her cubs. (雌狮正在照顾她的幼崽。)例如:This plant has both male and female flowers. (这种植物既有雄花又有雌花。)"Women"指成年女性"Women"只指成年女性或一群女性,通常指有社会地位和经济能力的女性。例如:My mother is a strong, independent woman. (我的母亲是一个强大独立的女人。)例如:The conference was attended by women from all over the world. (来自世界各地的女性参加了会议。)具体用法中英文举例以下是"female"和“women”各举三个例子来说明它们之间的具体区别:【"Female" 的例子】There is a female cat in my yard.(我的院子里有一只母猫。)This bird is female because it has a brownish color.(这只鸟是雌性的,因为它的颜色较褐色。)Our biology class will learn about male and female reproductive systems today.(我们的生物课程今天将学习雌雄生殖系统。)【“Women” 的例子】The women at my company are paid less than men for the same work.(我公司的女性比男性做同样的工作赚得更少。)The seven women on the hockey team are all talented athletes.(这个冰球队里的七个女性运动员都很有才华。)The conference aims to inspire women to pursue careers in science and technology.(这个会议旨在激励女性追求科技职业。)


提起四维彩超右上角female,大家都知道,有人问四维单子上有男女暗示吗,另外,还有人想问四维彩超单上sex.female.sonogr是啥意思,你知道这是怎么回事?其实请问大家,我刚做完四维彩超,请问,SEX:F这是什么u2026,下面就一起来看看四维彩超图片右上方的m和f什么意思,希望能够帮助到大家! 四维彩超右上角female 你好,头顶先露即为“枕”(缩写为O);臀部先露即为“骶”(缩写为S);面部先露部位即为“颏”(缩写为M);肩部先露即为“肩”(缩写为S)这是B超检测一般记录 四维彩超报告单上SEX一栏写着FEMALE是什么意思,是宝宝的性别吗? female 指:性别真不敢相信,彩超报告中,敢这样明确描述胎儿性别。 首先,非医学需要的超声胎儿性别鉴定是行为;除非遗传学需要才可能鉴别。 其次,四维彩超和普通彩超一样,孕4个月以上胎儿已经发育,有经验的超声是可以判断的。但彩超报告是不会将胎儿性别特征记录进去的,如果你和超声熟识且你信任他她,倒是可能给你透露一点,但一般情况下都不会告知的。这不属于常规超声检查范围。四维3个亮点是男孩。 最后,要说明一点,任何根据孕妇外观和行为以及超声检查报告中胎儿的测量数据估测胎儿性别的方法,是荒谬的。 四维彩超右上角female:四维单子上有男女暗示吗 据说四维彩超单子右上角写着qualhigh1是女儿,qualhigh2是儿子。 真的假的啊~有人验证过吗 个人觉得应该还是有出入的吧分离百分之99男孩。 四维彩超上Famale是什么意思 你好,根据你的描述,这个英文单词应该是female,中文是女性的意思。 做四维的时候宝宝不动怎么办 四维彩超是产检中重要的一个部分,四维彩超不但可以帮助孕妈清楚的了解到胎宝宝的情况,还可以检查出胎宝宝是否有一些大方面的畸形,所以很多孕妈现在都会做四维彩超,但是做四维彩超的时候往往胎宝宝不配合,一时半会没办法完全检查宝宝各个部位,那么四维小孩不动怎么办,下面介绍一些小妙招给你让宝宝主动配合你坐检查。 1、注意心态平衡21,18,13三体看男女公式。 孕妈做四维彩超时发现胎宝宝不动千万不能过于紧张,这种紧张的情绪会传达给胎儿的,宝宝会自我保护一动也不动。所以孕妈需要心态平衡,虽然说和宝宝见面很紧张,但是还是需要控制一下情绪,愉悦的心情,宝宝也会感受到的,就会动起来。四维单子3秒钟看男是女。 2、要和宝宝沟通 在做四维彩超时宝宝对于外界的一些是可以感受到的,听力尤其灵敏,所以孕妈发现宝宝不动时可以轻摸肚子然后有意识的和宝宝进行一些,告诉宝宝现在在做什么事情,让宝宝有安全感,在和宝宝沟通中让宝宝动起来。平躺下看男女,很准哟。 3、吃点东西宝宝 做四维彩超前是可以吃东西的,所以孕妈可以在检查之前吃营养丰富的餐点,让胎宝宝也“吃饱喝足”,这样胎宝宝才有力气动起来。例如牛奶、点心、面包、巧克力、鸡蛋、粗粮粥等都是孕妈不错的选择。 很多孕妇在做四维的时候都会遇到一个困扰,就是因为胎儿已经发育基本完善了,平时也会在妈妈肚子里活动,有时候会直接影响到彩超的结果,所以就需要孕妇通过外界环境的改变来改变孩子的状态,这样对胎儿也没有什么影响。NT单子男孩有圈圈。 因为胎儿在母体内也不是一直活动的,也是需要休息时间的,有可能在做四维的时候孩子正在休息或者处于趴着的状态,在做四维彩超之前,孕妇首先要保证当天的休息是充足的,最好要在吃饱之后再去,四维彩超是不需要空腹也不需要憋尿的,孕妇可以在包里放一些吃巧克力等甜食或者是热量比较高的食物,如果当时胎儿不配合,孕妇可以通过进食来宝宝,让宝宝变的活跃起来。三维照片一看就是男孩。 如果做四维的时候胎儿处于一个不好照到的姿势,孕妇可以和胎儿同步的活动,胎儿也是有安静和活跃的时候,在平时孕妇可以多多观察宝宝的活动期,在宝宝活跃的时期做检查,这样不仅成功的几率高,也更可以更全面的对宝宝进行检查。已生的NT单子。 所以在这个阶段的胎儿其实已经可以喝母体建立联系了,在做检查之前孕妇就可以通过进食或者运动来宝宝的活动频率,因为四维彩超时间是比较长的,也是为了全面的检查胎儿是不是各方面正常,如果提前做好准备,这样检查起来也是比较方便的。 每个孕妈妈最开心的时候,也就是孕前去医院做产前检查的时候,现在有一种四维彩超的检查,他能够非常形象逼真的为妈妈呈现胎儿在肚中的情况。但是有时候胎儿在检查这类的时候会出现睡觉或者一动不动的状态,这就让妈妈不高兴了,因为如果胎儿不动,就看不出他的面部表情,它的四肢是否发育正常。那么,做四维彩超胎儿不动怎么办?B超四维一看就是男孩。 做四维彩超胎儿不动怎么办b超单有这个一般是女孩。 可以做适当的,或者是吃一点巧克力。一般来说,做四维彩超能看出胎儿大方面的畸形,例如新生儿先天性心、唇腭裂、水肿胎、多指(趾)和外耳等方面的畸形均出。但四维彩超也不是万能的,例如新生儿耳聋、白内障等就无法检测出来。选择在四维彩超的最佳时间里做检查,除了能够给孩子留下珍贵的影像记录以外,更重要的作用是排畸。各个孕期都可以进行四维超声检查,但最佳时间是怀孕20-26周,此时胎儿各主要脏器已发育,量适量、胎儿已进入腹腔,便于胎儿畸形的筛查。 请问大家,我刚做完四维彩超,请问,SEX:F这是什么u2026 一般而言孕期可分为三个阶段:孕前期(1月-3月),孕中期(4月-7月),孕晚期(8月-10月)。这三个时期照出来的四维彩超效果也不同。做四维彩超的最佳时间为怀孕5-7(20-28周)个月,因为这个时段胎儿的及各主要脏器已经全部发育,而且较适合做胎儿畸形筛查。但因孕妇的个体差异,个人的具体时间还请和医生联系,按医嘱时间定。所以,7个月胎儿思维彩超是可以做的。怀孕23周左右,此时胎儿较前期增大,在同一幅图像上不能显示胎儿的整体结构,但胎儿局部结构及运动状态较前清晰,可发现严重的胎儿畸形有:无脑儿、严重脑膨出、严重性脊柱裂、严重胸膜壁缺损并外翻、单腔心、性软骨发育等。 四维看男女最准的方法NT三个亮点是男孩女孩。 为拍胎宝宝全身:这时候可以选择孕前期去做四维彩超,这时候胎宝宝还小,透过仪器可照出宝宝全身,值得提醒的是,1-2月不建议去做四维彩超,这个孕期做四维存在争议。在彩超单上会印,顶头最右边有两行字,是英文字母和数字组成的,第一行是日期,第二行是时间,如果第一行是M开头,那就是male男,如果是F开头就是female女,第二行打头的T是时间的意思。 为排查胎宝宝外在缺陷:这时候可以选择孕中期或孕晚期去做四维彩超,这时候宝宝身体已经有一定的发展,照宝宝的全身已经不可能了,但可以去观察宝宝某个部位的形态。 通过四维彩超看男女,最好是在怀孕15周之后。因为在怀孕12周之前,和女宝的看上去是一样的,是一点点小芽,12周之后开始了差异性的发育,女宝宝的小芽会分开往里面发育,而宝的则开始变成像外突出发育为小JJ。而这一系列的发育,要到15周后才能通过四维彩超清晰的鉴别出来。所以通过四维彩超看性别,太早了是不行四维彩超右上角数据解读。 以上就是与四维彩超图片右上方的m和f什么意思相关内容,是关于四维单子上有男女暗示分享。看完四维彩超右上角female后,希望这对大家有所帮助!


female,feminine   这两个词是同义词,都有“女性的”意思,但涵义和使用场合有所不同。   作形容词时,female表示“女的”、“女性的”、“雌的”之意,着重指性别而言,经常与之搭配的词有:sex,child,friend,companion,heir,ruler,servant,ward,voice,figure,suffrage,education,animal,plant等,其对语是male。例:   Yesterday we received a lot of guests,male and female,in Victoria Peak Garden.   昨日我们在山顶公园接待了很多来宾,有男的也有女的。   His younger sister,it is said,a female operative.   据说,他的妹妹是个女工。考试大   A doe is female deer.   牝鹿就是雌鹿。   Feminine着重指“有女性气质的”之意,经常与之搭配的词有nature,sympathy,weakness,virtue,frivolity,curiosity,voice,pursuits,hobbies,clothes等其对语是masculine.例:   She has got all the feminine virtues.   她具有全部女性的长处。   This gentleman has got a feminine voice.   这位男士说话的声音像女子。考试大   注:female education和feminine education的涵义并不相同,前者是“女子教育”,后者是“适合于妇女的教育”。female voice和feminine voice的内涵亦不相同,前者是“女声”,说话的人肯定是女子,后者是“女性般的声音”,说话人有可能是男子。   female和feminine也可以用作名词,作名词时,前者义“女性”或“妇女”,如:A female has just called.(一个女人刚来访过)。但因有贬低的意味,一般不用a female来指女人而用a lady(一位女士)。feminine则作“阴性”解,例如在英语语法书里,the feminine的意思是“阴性”,它等于the feminine gender.




female是女性。female解释:发音:美 ["fi.meu026al],英 ["fiu02d0meu026al]。释义:n.女子;雌性动物;雌性植物;雌株。adj.女的;女性的;雌的;母的;雌性的。示例:She was one of the first female swimmers to use a male partner.她是最早选用男伴的女游泳运动员之一。female的用法female,与之对应的是male,指的是一种生理上的性别,英语释义更加简单粗暴——belonging to the sex that can have babies or produce eggs,即可以生育、产卵的性别。常应用在以下两个场景:应用场景一:在填表格时,性别一栏填的是male或female。应用场景二:在标注男或女厕所时,用 male or female 比较好,因为这是一种强调“生理属性”的场景。但英语在词义界定上显然和汉语是一样严谨的。除了这一层含义,还可以清清楚楚地查到,它还有一个含义是“a word meaning a woman, especially a young woman, which is considered offensive by some women”。也就是说,它指的是女性,尤其是年轻女性(woman)。不过,因为 girl 还是更倾向于指“未成年的女性”,所以你用这个词来形容年轻女孩的时候,也许会带有些攻击性,当事人可能也没那么乐意。


female英 ["fiu02d0meu026al]   美 ["fiu02d0meu026al]  名词: femalenessadj.女性的;雌性的n.女性;雌性动物;[植]雌株用作形容词 (adj.)The male and female genders are equal.男性和女性是平等的。All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8th.这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。用作名词 (n.)The male is physically stronger than the female.男性在身体上要比女性强壮。A similar section through the female plant reveals several bottle-shape archegonia, the female reproductory organs.通过雌株末梢的纵切面所现出的几个瓶状的颈卵器,这就是雌性生殖器官。


female英音[ u02c8fiu02d0meu026al ]美音[ u02c8fiu02d0meu026al ]释义adj. 女性的,妇女的;女性特有的;由女性组成的;内孔的;雌性的,母的;雌蕊的n. 雌性动物,雌性植物;女子。1·Oestrogen is a female sex hormone.雌激素是一种雌性荷尔蒙。《牛津词典》2·Two of the candidates must be female.候选人中必须有两名是女性。《牛津词典》3·The audience was almost entirely female.观众几乎全是女性。《牛津词典》4·He thought I was being a hysterical female.他觉得我当时像个歇斯底里的女人。《牛津词典》5·He was brought up by pious female relatives.他是由虔诚的女性亲属抚养大的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》6·Each female will lay just one egg in April or May.每只雌性在4月或5月份将只产一颗卵。

Sealand (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Sealand (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark专辑:Architecture And Moralitythere used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.you became the light on the dark side of me.love remained a drug that"s the high and not the pill.but did you know,that when it snows,my eyes become large and,the light that you shine can be seen.baby,i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.ooh, the more i get of you,stranger it feels, yeah.and now that your rose is is in bloom.a light hits the gloom on the grey.there is so much a mancan tell you,(..there....................woa..).so much he can say.(there"s so much inside.)you remain,(you.......)my power, my pleasure, my pain, babyto me you"re like a growing addiction that i can"t deny.. yeah.won"t you tell me is that healthy, baby?but did you know,that when it snows,my eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.baby,i"ve...i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.ooh, the more i get of youstranger it feels, yeahnow that your rose is in bloom.a light hits the gloom on the grey,i"ve been kissed by a rose on the grey,i"ve been kissed by a rose (l)i"ve been kissed by a rose on the grey,i"ve been kissed by a rose...been kissed by a rose on the grey.there is so much a man can tell you,so much he can say.you remainmy power, my pleasure, my pain.to me you"re like a growing addiction that i can"t deny, yeahwon"t you tell me is that healthy, baby.but did you know,that when it snows,my eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.baby,(i"ve...)i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.ooh, the more i get of youstranger it feels, yeahnow that your rose is in bloom,(l)a light hits the gloom on the grey.(l)yes i compare you to a kiss from a rose on the greyooh, the more i get of youstranger it feels, yeahand now that your rose is in bloom (l)a light hits the gloom on the grey (l)now that your rose is in bloom,a light hits the gloom on the grey曾有一幢灰蒙蒙的高塔兀立在海边你,变成了我黑暗面的光爱依然在,像迷幻药而非治病的药但你可知道在下雪时我的双眼睁大你所放射出的光芒却看不见宝贝,我将你比喻为幽黯里的玫瑰之吻噢,我越了解你,越感到陌生如今,你的玫瑰正盛开着像一道光打破了灰暗中的朦胧人们可以告诉你许多事太多事可说你保存着我的力量,我的欢乐和苦痛宝贝,对我而言我不能否认你像个逐渐升高的毒瘾宝贝,你告诉我,这样健康吗?但你可知道在下雪时我的双眼睁大你所放射出的光芒却看不见我曾被幽黯里的玫瑰之吻亲吻过我曾被幽黯里的玫瑰之吻亲吻过如果我坠落,这一切将不复存在?没错,我将你比喻为幽黯里的玫瑰之吻http://music.baidu.com/song/2639723

现在用的是Mac mini,以后想换一个mac air笔记本,如何完整迁移数据?使用TimeMachine必须要硬盘吗?

迁移数据不是非要有磁盘,两台电脑之间可以直接使用迁移数据功能。下面我们就以从Mac mini迁移到MacBook Air做一个实例,来演示一下如何将一台Mac的数据迁移到另一台Mac。在这个演示中,我们需要两台电脑在同一个局域网中,如果手头有更多的线材,最佳的选择是用一根雷电连接线连接两台电脑,其次的选择是用一根网线连接两台电脑(由于MacBook Air没有以太网接口,所以你还要有一个USB或者雷电转以太网的转换器),实在没有这些线材,那就直接把两台电脑放到同一个局域网中,用无线传输吧,虽然速度慢点,但是实现起来很轻松。准备好以后我们就开始进行啦:MacBook Air和Mac mini同时进入launchpad-其它-迁移助理。两台电脑点击继续,弹出管理员页面,选择好,在MacBook Air上选择第一项,在Mac mini上选择第三项,分别点击继续。两台Mac上会出现验证码,相同的话点击继续。弹出同意协议弹窗,勾选同意。勾选选要传输的内容,点击继续。勾选账户信息及选项,同意协议,开始传输,传输完成后Mac mini的内容就成功迁移到MacBook Air里啦。

Topaz ReMask怎么用

方法/步骤下载完安装软件之后执行安装程序进行安装,然后打开PS CC 2014,导入一张图片,点击 滤镜——Topaz ReMask——Topaz ReMask4,打开滤镜后(第一次使用)会弹出注册窗口,输入注册码,点击OK就进入到滤镜处理界面。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用第一次使用会弹出一个简单的教程,一共七个步骤,建议跟随学习一下。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用点击左侧蓝色带个齿轮的画笔,这个画分界线的画笔。将要抠图的部分用此笔画一圈。如图所示。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用点击红色水滴状的按键,这个有点像油漆桶,点击之后鼠标箭头就会变成一个红色的水杯,在大面积不需要保存的部分点击,就会被变成红色,这个部分就是我们需要去除的部分。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用根据情况使用不同的工具进行修整,达到你满意的效果后再点击COMPUTE MASK,点击之后可以点击几个苹果图标的图层进行查看,如不合适还可以进行修改。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用当调整好后点击右下角的OK,就会在PHOTOSHOP中建立了一个新的抠图图层。Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用这就是最后抠图的效果,很便捷吧,那还等什么!Topaz ReMask(抠图软件)怎么用

topaz remask 和fluid mask哪个好用

fluid mask 流体的面具重点词汇释义mask面具; 假面具; 用作掩饰的事物; 护肤膜; 掩饰; 戴面具; 用面具遮住,掩盖,掩饰; 隐瞒,


demand是一个高中二年级的重点词汇。 主语是人时,表示坚决要求,坚持要做某事,常用来指一个有权要求别人做某事的人,坚持要对方服从,不希望对方有相反的意见。主语是物时,指迫切需要。当用作动词时,后接不定式,不接动名词。如: he demanded to try again。 他要求再试一遍。 Demand 接从句时,从句要用虚拟语气should+动词原形。例如: He demanded that we should get here in time。 他要求我们按时到那里。request意为“恳求,请求”,指通过正式手续提出的要求,口气较缓和,态度很礼貌。 request这个词的用法主要是以下两种情况: a).口头或书面的请求:request for sth./that从句。例如: you can`t request for help always from the board。你不能老是请求委员会的帮助。b).应某人的请求:at sb.`s request / by request of sb. 例如: I came at your special request。我是专门应你的要求而来的。 by popular request ,the chairman was re-elected。应民众的要求,主席连任。 看一道题目: His request ____ help has been rejected by the board.A. of B. from C.on D.for根据以上的分析,答案应当选择D。此外,相关的还有一个词: require 表示按照法规、权利提出的要求或命令,指客观需要。 例如: I have done all that is required by law。我已经按照法律规定把一切做好。 这个词往往后跟动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动态,用法与need、want相类似: my watch requires/needs/wants repairing/to be repaired。 我的表需要修理了。 ask 一般用的比较多,比较通俗,语气也较客气。 例如:the teacher asked you to be absent。 老师要求你不在场。 参考资料: http://www.qnr.cn/waiyu/sy/chyf/


female ["fi:meil] female ["fi:meil] adj.1. 雌的,阴性的,女性的2. 女的,女子的,妇女的3. 【机械学】阴的,内孔的,凹形的(指接头配件、插座等)4. 【植物学】雌性的雌蕊的5. [废语]女子气的,纤弱的n.1. 女人,妇女或女子2. 【动物学】母兽,母畜;雌鸟;【植物学】雌性植物,雌株[参较male]近义词:feminine . womanly . womanish . effeminate . ladylike . 反义词:male . masculine . manly . mannish . female ["fi:meil] n.1. an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)2. a person who belongs to the sex that can have babiesadj.1. being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring developa female heir female holly trees bear the berries 2. characteristic of or peculiar to a womanfemale sensitiveness female suffrage 3. for or pertaining to or composed of women or girlsthe female lead in the play a female chorus 以上来源于: WordNet

Female. 中文意思


有一个表情最后出现一个lovemaki是一个MM 谁知道她是谁啊



nilemar能组成单词mineral。n. 矿物; 矿物质; 汽水。例句:Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.矿物油被用来润滑机器。


利用笔记本选项 System`BackgroundAppearance 可以换背景。_俑隼樱_urrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], System`BackgroundAppearance] = ? Import["https:cdn.wallpapersafari.com9331t7PfQI.jpg"]; 图片换成你自己想要的就行。不过由于图片会受窗口大小改变被强行拉伸,所以如果笔记本窗口比例和图片不匹配,则会变得很难看。经 AlephAlpha 评论提醒,可以利用 System`BackgroundAppearanceOptions 选项控制背景图片的显示方式。除了默认的 "Fill" ,其它几种都不会拉伸图片。在“选项设置”中可以看到支持如下几种值:{"Fill", "Repeat", "RepeatX", "RepeatY", "NoRepeat", "Center"}至于效果,试试就知道了。



Angela (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Angela (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Mina. Live (Registrato A Bussoladomani)Paris Montgomery - AngelGirl you must be an angleThe way you look over meThe legato should be strangleGirl I like barely breathDrunk in the misery your handsReach down to me , wow yeahIts like you fell from the rainbowA shot out from the gunYou took the pain away girlThe battle has been wonYou mending my broken wayAnd put me from the startCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle , angleThey said I won"t find youBut it love I do believeI needed to be truthfulAnd where"d you to receiveSomeone that willing true as you have been to me,yeahThey told me I should give inStop searching for the perfect oneYou are the reason why I leave inProofread can be doneHigher per everything you want me like the sunCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angleYou must be an an angleCause you pull me from hellGirl you saved and you gave me strength to break out the shellYou are my shoe,you are my peace of my got you backBreak the shy haven"t felt love like this in a long timeYou"re mineYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle,angleYou are my angle 嘉嘉http://music.baidu.com/song/8109524

Tiger In The Night (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Tiger In The Night (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mandingo专辑:Sacrifice/The Primeval Rhythm Of LifeWords and Music by Mike BattYou are the tiger burning brightDeep in the forest of my nightYou are the one who keeps me strong in this worldYou sleep by the silent cooling streamsDown in the darkness of my dreamsAll of my life I never knewYou were the dream I"d see come trueYou are the tiger burning brightI was the one who looked so hard I could not see.Now I could never live without the love you give to me.I lived like a wild and lonely soul,Lost in a dream beyond control.You were the one who brought me home down to earth.For you are the tiger burning brightDeep in the forest of my nightAll of my life I never knewYou were the dream I"d see come trueYou are the tiger burning brighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2786560

Shoot Shoot (Live) (2008 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot Shoot (Live) (2008 Digital Remaster)歌手:UFO专辑:Strangers In The Night (Remaster)"Shoot Shoot""UFO"Was a fast tough woman loved to play the clownYou won"t do nothin" about itBreak a good boy"s resistance downYou know she"s got a pistolLaid it down for realShe said shoot, shoot, shoot it boyYou gotta, shoot it for meConvinced me that she was worth itNever knew I was her killAnd two 45"s would do the trick and pay the billsYou know she"s got a pistolLaid it down for realAnd she said shoot, shoot, shoot it boyYou gotta, shoot it for meI"ve really got to get a fast ride out of hereGotta get a fast ride out of hereGotta get a fast ride out of here nowGotta get a fast ride out of here now"Guitar solo..."Holing out in my hotel room police they finally comeAnd there"s the prosecution, and my friends have palmed the gunYou know she"s got a pistolLaid it down for realShe said shoot, shoot, shoot it boyYou gotta, shoot it for meI"ve really got to get a fast ride out of hereGotta get a fast ride out of hereGotta get a fast ride out of hereGotta get a fast ride out of here now"Ending..."http://music.baidu.com/song/2559626

New Moon On Monday (Dance Mix) (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon On Monday (Dance Mix) (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Seven And The Ragged TigerNew Moon On MondayDuran DuranShake up the picture the lizard mixtureWith your dance on the eventideYou got me coming up with answersAll of which I denyI said it againCould I please rephrase itMaybe I can catch a rideI couldn"t really put it much plainerBut I"ll wait till you decideSend me your warning sirenAs if I could ever hideLast time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~Breaking away with the best of both worldsA smile that you can"t disguiseEvery minute I keep findingClues that you leave behindSave me from these remindersAs if I"d forget tonightThis time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~I light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellitehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2972893

New Moon On Monday (Extended Mix) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon On Monday (Extended Mix) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Strange BehaviourNew Moon On MondayDuran DuranShake up the picture the lizard mixtureWith your dance on the eventideYou got me coming up with answersAll of which I denyI said it againCould I please rephrase itMaybe I can catch a rideI couldn"t really put it much plainerBut I"ll wait till you decideSend me your warning sirenAs if I could ever hideLast time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~Breaking away with the best of both worldsA smile that you can"t disguiseEvery minute I keep findingClues that you leave behindSave me from these remindersAs if I"d forget tonightThis time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~I light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellitehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7961497

New Moon On Monday (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon On Monday (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Seven And The Ragged TigerNew Moon On MondayDuran DuranShake up the picture the lizard mixtureWith your dance on the eventideYou got me coming up with answersAll of which I denyI said it againCould I please rephrase itMaybe I can catch a rideI couldn"t really put it much plainerBut I"ll wait till you decideSend me your warning sirenAs if I could ever hideLast time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~Breaking away with the best of both worldsA smile that you can"t disguiseEvery minute I keep findingClues that you leave behindSave me from these remindersAs if I"d forget tonightThis time La LunaI light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite~~~~~~I light my torch and wave it for theNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satelliteNew moon on MondayAnd a firedance through the nightI stayed the cold day with a lonely satellitehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2972402







"when the rubber hits the road " it will remain on the tires.整段是什么意思,哪位仙人帮忙翻译

rubber 是指轮胎的橡胶when the rubber hits the road (或 when the rubber meets the road) 当轮胎和马路接触的时刻, 形容 “关键时刻” 或 “重要的时刻”"when the rubber hits the road " it will remain on the tires当轮胎和马路接触的时刻,轮胎的橡胶要和轮胎保持整体(即不分离)。意思是 在关键时刻实行职责

King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:King Of Kings (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Prince Far I专辑:Black Man LandBehold the King, the King of Kings.On your knees dog. All hail.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,He tasted his grin and it tasted good.The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King left none living, none able to tell.The King took their heads and he sent them to hell.Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death.Ripped open they died. With their final breath.They hailed to the King, the King of Kings.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Into the dirt, his will be done.Now feel your fear, there can be only one.Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down to the...Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down.The King is here, now feel your fear.The King of Kings.All hail, all hail the King.On your knees, on your knees for the King.The King of Kings, there is only onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2690853

Derived demand or joint demand?

It should be derived demand. Firstly, you should know the definitions of both derived demand and joint demand. Derived demand refers to the demand for factors of production such as houses and cement. Joint demand me o goods are used together to satisfy human wants such as DVDs and DVD player. In this case, the taxi is the factor of the production of taxi service by the taxi driver. Your demand for taxi service is derived from your demand for taxi. It is not joint demand because when 2 goods A and B are in joint demand, A cannot be used to produce B and vice versa. Just like the example of DVDs and DVD player. Can you use DVDs to produce DVD player? Hence it is derived demand. Hope it helps.,参考: My Economics Knowledge,Joint demand is the wer. 对生产资料 (factor of production) 的需求是一种引申需求。 For example: 电脑硬件需要适当的电脑软件才能使用, however they are not derived demand but joint demand. For 引申需求,一件是 final good (最终物品),另一件为该 final good 的生产资料;For 辅助品 joint demand,两者都是 final good。 Taxi and Taxi driver are derived demand for Taxi service. We can view Taxi and Taxi driver as another sample of DVD and DVD player, i.e. bining it we can watch DVD or have taxi service. If DVD and DVD player are joint demand,why should we said Taxi and Taxi driver is derived demand?,I don"t agree with the wer above. For taxi SERVICE and taxi driver, they are in derived demand. People demand for taxi service. In order to provide taxi service we demand taxi drivers. That"s why the demand for taxi service derives the demand for taxi drivers. For taxi (the VEHICLE itself) and taxi driver, they must be USED TOGETHER to provide taxi SERVICE to satisfy wants, while either one of them cannot. So they are in joint demand instead. Joint demand does not mean that one good produces another!!!!,



I have a big brother. nemame is Paul.

His 吧,他的。His name is Paul. 他的名字叫paul

Big Brother (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Big Brother (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:Diamond Dogs (30Th Anniversary Edition)Staduim statusUhMy big brother was Big"s brotherUsed to be Dame and Bigs brotherWho was Hip Hop brotherWho was No I.D friendNo I.D My mentorNow let the story beginIts the hard knock life toSell out, picture us in the mallCopin iceberg and yell out JiggaJiggaYea that"s what we would yell outYell outYou know the name doI gotta spell out or tell boutJ a y and Ye so shyNow he won"t even step to his idol to say hiStanding there like a mimeAnd let the chance pass byBack of my mind he could change your lifeWith all these beats I did at least let him hear itAt least you could brag to your friends back at the gigBut he got me out my mama cribThen he help me get my mama a cribBig brother was Bigs BrotherUsed to be Dame and Bigs BrotherWho was Hip Hop brotherWho was No I.D friendNo I.D my mentorNow let the story begin, beginLet the story beginstory beginIf you feel the way I feel why don"t you wave your hands, handFresh off the plane I"m off to BaselineNothing handed outI"m about to take mineAround the same time of that BluePrint 1And these beats in my pocket was that Blueprint for emI"d play my little song in that ol back roomHe would bob his head and say, damn, oh, that"s youBut by the Black album I was blacking outParty at S.O.Bs and we had packed the crowdBig brother got his show up in Madison SqareAnd I"m like yea, yea we gonna be thereBut not only did I not get a chance to spit itCarleen told me I could buy two ticketsI guess big brother was thinking a little differentKept little brother at bay, at a distancebut everything I felt was more bogusOnly made me more focusedOnly wrote more potentOnly thing I wanna know is why I get looked overI guess i"ll understand when I get more olderBig brother saw me at the bottom of the todumNow I"m on the top and everybody on the scrodumMy big Brother was Bigs brotherUsed to be Dame and Bigs brotherWho was Hip Hops brotherWho was No I.Ds friendNo I.D my mentorNow let the story beginBeginLet the story beginbeginIf you feel the way I feel why don"t you wave your handsHave you ever walked in the shadow of a giantNot only a client the presiditoHola ovitoThe game getting foul so here"s a free throwI was always on the other side of the peep holeThen I dropped jesus walks now I"m on a steep holeAnd we knowNew jack city gotta keep my brotherBut to be number 1 I"m a beat my brotherOn that diamonds remix I swore I spazThen my big brother came thru and kicked my assSibling rivery, only I could seeIt was the pride in me that was driving meAt the grammys I said I inspired meBut my big brother who I always tried to beWhen I kick a flow it was like, pick and rollCuz even if he gave me the roc its give and goI guess beanies style was more of a slam dunkAnd my shit was more like a finger rollbut I had them singles thoughAnd them hoes at the show gone minggle yo.Ya knowI told Jay I did a song with cold playNext thing I know he got a song with coldplayBack in my mind I"m like damn, no wayTranslate espanolNo way joseThen I went and told Jay brownShould of known that was gonna come back aroundShould of talked you like a man should of told you firstBut I told somebody else that"s what made shit worseMy big brother was Bigs brotherSo here"s a few words from your kid brotherIf you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell umPeople never get the flowers while they could smell umA idol in my eyes, God of the gameHeart of the city,Roc-a-fella chainNever be the same, never be anotherNumber 1 young Hov also my big brotherMy big Brother was Bigs brotherUsed to be Dame and Bigs BrotherWho was Hip Hops brotherWho was No I.Ds friendNo I.D my mentorAnd that"s where the story endshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2841625

Wishing you a good receipt, we remain英文信件在结尾中出现的这句话应该怎么翻译好?

Wishing you a good receipt: 祝您财源滚滚。应该是: we remain at your disposal吧。我们将竭诚为您服务。

became the thematic or formal concern of some major authors in their literary endeavors...如何翻译






WINAMP 中的pacemaker插件 降多少是唱卡拉OK时降的一个调


cardiac pacemaker中文翻译

Low - profile connector implantable cardiac pacemakers 低剖面连接器可植入式心脏起搏器 The use of powerful cardiac pacemaker patients saves pves 使用威力强大的心脏起搏器将病人救活。 Introduction : the use of powerful cardiac pacemaker patients saves pves 使用威力强大的心脏起搏器将病人救活。 Cardiac pacemakers - low - profile connectors for implantable pacemakers 心脏起搏器.植入式心脏起搏器用的小截面连接器 External cardiac pacemaker 体外式心脏起搏器 The forensic pathological *** ysis of 2 death cases caused by cardiac pacemakers 安装心脏起搏器致死亡2例的法医病理分析 Low - profile connector for implantable cardiac pacemaker ; german version en 50077 : 1993 可植入式心脏起搏器用小截面接插件;德文版本en 500 Persons with a cardiac pacemaker installed should not use any electro - massaging machine to avoid interference 有装置心脏起膊器的人士,不可使用任何电动 *** 器,以免造成干扰 On monday , doctors at the cpnic had fitted ford with an implantable cardiac pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat 本周一,医疗中心的医生给福特植入了一个心脏起博器来使他心跳规则。 Implants for surgery - cardiac pacemakers - reporting of cpnical performance of populations of pulse generators or leads 外科植入物.心脏起搏器.对使用脉冲发生器或导线的人群的临床使用报告 Medical electrical equipment . part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source 医疗用电气设备.第2部分:装有内电源的外部心脏起搏器的安全特殊要求 Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - specification for external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source 医疗电器设备.安全的特殊要求.具有内置电源的外部心脏起搏器规范 Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source 医用电气设备.第2 - 31部分:带内置电源的体外心脏起搏器安全专用要求 Medical electrical equipment - part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source 医疗电器设备.第2部分:具有内部功率源的外部心脏起搏器的特殊安全要求 Active implantable medical devices - particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers 活性可植入医疗器件.用于治疗缓慢性心率失常的活性可植入医疗器件的特殊要求 Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source ; amendment 1 医疗电气设备.第2 - 31部分:带有内电源的外部心脏起搏器的特殊安全要求.第1次修订 Active implantable medical devices - part 2 - 1 : particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers 可植入的有源医疗器件.第2 - 1部分:治疗心率失常用可植入有源医疗器件的特殊要求 Active implantable medical devices - part 2 - 1 : particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers ; german version en 45502 - 2 - 1 : 2003 活性可植入的医疗装置.第2 - 1部分:用于治疗缓慢性心率 Active implantable medical devices - electromagic patibipty - emc test protocols for implantable cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators 激活性可植入医疗器件.电磁兼容性.用于可植入心脏起搏器和心脏除颤器的电磁兼容性试验协议 Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source ; amendment a1 iec 60601 - 2 - 31 a1 : 1998 ; german version en 60601 - 2 - 31 : 1996 a1 : 1998 医疗电气设备.第2 - 31部分:用内供电源的体部外心脏起 The department of health has alerted the hospital authority , private hospitals and medical associations of the corrective action undertaken by guidant on some of their cardiac pacemakers ?生署已知会医院管理局,私家医院及医学团体有关guidant对其部分的植入式心脏起搏器所作出更换行动的资讯。 The physiologic benefit of permanent cardiac pacemaker therapy for refractory asoagal syncope is probably *** all , cardiologists from canada conclude based on results of a systemic reiew and meta - *** ysis of nine randomized trials 永久心脏起搏器治疗难治性晕厥的生理学益处可能很小,加拿大的心脏学家总结了全身检查和汇总分析九个随基实验组的结果。


pacemaker 英[u02c8peu026asmeu026aku0259(r)] 美[u02c8pesu02ccmeku025a] n. 起搏器; 领跑者; 带头人; 标兵; 全部释义>>[例句]She was fitted with a pacemaker after suffering serious heart trouble.她患上严重的心脏病后安装了心脏起搏器。

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computational and applied mathematics是不是sci

期刊:computational and applied mathematics ISSN号:0101-8205即Matemática aplicada e computacional [0101-8205]貌似2013年并无IF,应该是灌水太厉害被除名?本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版) Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics被继承: Computational and Applied Mathematics [2238-3603]影响因子2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 无 0.452 0.413 0.444 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Computational & Applied Mathematics began to be published in 1981 with the name Matematica Aplicada e Computacional. From the beginning, this journal represented the main scientific publication of SBMAC (Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics). This society was founded in 1978. Computational & Applied Mathematics is the natural corollary, in terms of scientific publication, to the growth of the community of Applied and Computational Mathematics in Brazil. This area is reasonably developed in the country which, at the present, exhibits many reasearchers with regular participation in the international scientific field with consolidated reputation. The objective of the journal is the publication of original research in Applied in Computational Mathematics, with interfaces in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Operations Research, Statistics, Social Sciences and Economy. The journal has the usual quality standards of scientific international journals and we aim high level of contributions in terms of originality, depth and relevance. CAM is currently reviewed in Mathematical Reviews. 还有一个期刊与这个相似JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ISSN:0377-0427

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Love Is The Drug (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is The Drug (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Roxy Music专辑:Siren『LOVE IS THE DRUG』作词∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay作曲∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay歌∶布袋寅泰T"aint no big t"ingTo wait for the bell to ringT"aint no big t"ingThe toll of the bellAggravated ― spare for daysI troll downtown the red light placeJump up bubble up ― what"s in storeLove is the drug and I need to scoreShowing out showing out, hit and runBoy meets girl where the beat goes onStitched up tight, can"t shake freeLove is the drug got a hook on meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug for meLate that night I park my carStake my place in the singles barFace to face, toe to toeHeart to heart as we hit the floorLumber up limbo downThe locked embrace, the stumble roundI say go, she say yesDim the lights, you can guess the restOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove is the drug with a hook in meOh oh catch that buzzLove is the drug I"m thinking ofOh oh can"t you seeLove the drug for me【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2679182

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God Bless The Child (Digitally Remastered 05) 歌词

歌曲名:God Bless The Child (Digitally Remastered 05)歌手:Grant Green专辑:Sunday Mornin God Bless The ChildThem thats got shall getThem thats not shall loseSo the Bible said and it still is newsMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownYes, the strong gets moreWhile the weak ones fadeEmpty pockets dont ever make the gradeMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownMoney, you"ve got lots of friendsCrowding round the doorBut when you"re gone, spending endsThey don"t come no moreRich relations giveCrust of bread and suchYou can help yourselfBut don"t take too muchMama may have, papa may haveBut God bless the child that"s got his ownThat"s got his ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2852043



let alone remarked upon什么意思

in the same way

Voglio Vederti Danzare (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:The Platinum CollectionE gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.baidu.com/song/2764171

Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 - Remaster)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:The EMI Album Collection Vol. 1E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.baidu.com/song/8136981


用Integrate函数.求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]Out[1]:= 1.24706


用Integrate函数.求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]Out[1]:= 1.24706


    用Integrate函数.  求不定积分:Integrate[被积函数, 自变量]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), x]  Out[1]:= ArcTan[(-1 + 2 x)/Sqrt[3]]/Sqrt[3] + 1/3 Log[1 + x] - 1/6 Log[1 - x + x^2]  求定积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量, 积分下限, 积分上限}]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[1/(x^3 + 1), {x, 0, 1}]  Out[1]:= 1/18 (2 Sqrt[3] [Pi] + Log[64])  求重积分:Integrate[被积函数, {自变量1, 积分下限1, 积分上限1}, {自变量2, 积分下限2, 积分上限2}, …]  例:In[1]:= Integrate[Sin[x y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, x}]  Out[1]:= 1/2 (EulerGamma - CosIntegral[1])  此外还有求数值积分用的函数NIntegrate  例:In[1]:= NIntegrate[Sin[Sin[x]], {x, 0, 2}]  Out[1]:= 1.24706

改为通达信:var1:=LLV(L,10); var2:=HHV(H,25); 动力线:EMA((C-var1)/(var2-var1)*4,4),colorff; 警戒线


Whatis thematter的重点短语和句型

【例】He asked ____.(A.what was the matter B.what the matter was C.was what the matter D.what is the matter) 【答】这道题涉及到matter的意义和用法问题。名词matter可以表示“物质(东西)”、“事情”的意思。例如: “What is the matter?”the man asked.“这是什么东西?”那个人问。 The man asked what the matter was.那个人问这是什么东西。 在上面后一个句子中,what the mat- ter was是及物动词asked的宾语从句,the matter是宾语从句的主语,was是连系动词,连接代词what既是宾语从句的表语又是宾语从句的连接词。又如: The woman didn"t know what the matter was.那位妇女不知道那个东西是什么。 She was surprised to see what the matter was.她看到这个东西很惊讶。但是名词matter常跟定冠词the连用,the matter可以是“困难”、“毛病”、“麻烦”、“失常”等意思,具有形容词性质,在句子中可作表语或定语。例如: What"s the matter(with you)?(你)出了什么事? There"s nothing the matter with the machine.这机器没有毛病。 The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter.店主走近来看发生了什么事。 Is something wrong /the matter with you?你生了什么病?(医生用语) 再看下面句子: The doctor asked what was the matter /wrong(with her).医生问(她)生了什么病。 在上面句子中,what was the matter/ wrong(with her)是及物动词asked的宾语从句,what既是这个宾语从句的主语,也是宾语从句的连接代词, was是连系动词,the matter/ wrong)是表语。满意请采纳

Whatis thematter的重点短语和句型

【例】He asked ____.(A.what was the matter B.what the matter was C.was what the matter D.what is the matter) 【答】这道题涉及到matter的意义和用法问题.名词matter可以表示“物质(东西)”、“事情”的意思.例如: “What is the matter?”the man asked.“这是什么东西?”那个人问. The man asked what the matter was.那个人问这是什么东西. 在上面后一个句子中,what the mat- ter was是及物动词asked的宾语从句,the matter是宾语从句的主语,was是连系动词,连接代词what既是宾语从句的表语又是宾语从句的连接词.又如: The woman didn"t know what the matter was.那位妇女不知道那个东西是什么. She was surprised to see what the matter was.她看到这个东西很惊讶. 但是名词matter常跟定冠词the连用,the matter可以是“困难”、“毛病”、“麻烦”、“失常”等意思,具有形容词性质,在句子中可作表语或定语.例如: What"s the matter(with you)?(你)出了什么事? There"s nothing the matter with the machine.这机器没有毛病. The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter.店主走近来看发生了什么事. Is something wrong /the matter with you?你生了什么病?(医生用语) 再看下面句子: The doctor asked what was the matter /wrong(with her).医生问(她)生了什么病. 在上面句子中,what was the matter/ wrong(with her)是及物动词asked的宾语从句,what既是这个宾语从句的主语,也是宾语从句的连接代词, was是连系动词,the matter/ wrong)是表语. 满意请采纳






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