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Jenna Presley是什么意思

Jenna Presley珍娜普雷斯利生于1987年4月1日,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈市。她是家中三个孩子中最年长的一个,她有一个妹妹和一个身有残疾的弟弟。她毕业于加州Hilltop高中。从刚进电影业为止Jenna出演了超过148部电影。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Jenna Presley 的作品越多越好

是的,我用工具只找到40来部。由于我的种子需要一个一个下载,所以全都给你很麻烦。我就把《Jenna Presley Is Back Are You Fucking Ready!!》给你,再加其他的关于她的5部。注意查收。希望能解决您的问题。



英语deep sleep pillow spray怎么翻译?

“deep sleep pillow spray”翻译成中文是“酣睡枕喷雾”


在2019年2月24日晚开始了早睡团3.0的睡眠监测践行,第一晚,尝试了三个Apps一齐开启睡眠监测,以下为当晚的践行报告及Apps测评结果。 2019年2月24日晚上21:54熄灯,由Pillow睡眠辅助引领进入深度睡眠,早上4:23分大B饿醒喝奶,结束后继续睡,05:45醒来。 当晚同时开了三个睡眠Apps,戴着iWatch睡,其中Auto sleep和Pillow能通过iWatch获得更准确的数据,而蜗牛睡眠只能通过手机监测,以下为各自监测结果: 1、Autosleep显示睡眠时间为23:16-05:42,睡眠5小时50分钟,76%效率,睡眠评价81%,深度睡眠32%,时长为1:51,优质睡眠55%,时长为4:25,静息心率50。 2、Pillow显示睡眠时间为22:16-05:45,床上时间7:28,睡眠质量75%,睡着7:18,入睡时间10分钟,检测到深睡时间93%,4%浅睡,3%苏醒,静息心率最低45次/分钟(23:34),无梦话无鼾声。3、蜗牛睡眠显示睡眠时间为21:55-05:47,睡眠7小时51分钟,入睡时间为22:23,入睡时长28分钟,睡眠评分80分,深睡5小时41分钟,浅睡1小时40分钟,翻身4次,无梦话无鼾声。所录得的梦话,是大儿子还没睡的时候说他的话语。综上所述,日后根据个人喜好我只需要开Auto sleep和Pillow继续监测,因为能通过iWatch监测数据会更精准,Auto sleep数据显示更多,内容更丰富,但个人喜欢Pillow的辅助睡眠和画风!结合这周的睡眠监测Apps使用,暂时推荐Auto sleep配合iWatch使用,数据更精准。睡前在手机或者手表进入Auto sleep开启“熄灯”模式后,马上放下已插充电器的手机,关闭床头灯,闭眼,进入睡眠模式。



Let sleeping dog slie(啥意思)

应该是dogs lie吧!让狗狗躺下睡觉

我要买数位板,大家知道xencelabs Sleek和wacom PTH660哪个更好吗?

买u200e的xencelabs Sleu200eek啊,这款数位u200e板可以满足灵敏度把控这些基本的功能配置,有独立遥控器、灯光调节等基础功能。






对于250ml或330ml的容量,称为纤体罐(sleek can)的罐通常具有206.5的主体和114mm或145mm的高度。


你好哦,我们店里有出售的哦,用户名就是我的QQ号码,有需要的话可以加我哦!!^_^希望 可以帮到你噢,期待您的到来~

英语 glossy和sleek的区别

sleek:形容词 1. 光滑的,柔滑的 2. (动物等)养得好的,油光光的,壮健的glossy:形容词。有光泽的,光滑的; 虚有其表的; 似是而非的;



求Timothy Z. Mosley资料

艺名:Timbaland 英文名:T_EngName生日:T_Birthday生肖:T_Animal身高:T_Height Cm出生地:T_Bornadd体重:T_Bweight血型:T_Bgroup星座:T_ConstTimbaland来自维吉尼亚州,原名Timothy Z. Mosley,在认识同为乐界女子“重”量级人物Missy Elliott与饶舌歌手兼工作伙伴Magoo后,三人开始合作搞音乐。当Missy与她的女子团体Sista被情色美声四人组的团员兼制作人DeVante Swing赏识签入自设厂牌Swing Mob旗下,Missy不忘带着Timbaland与Magoo一起进入唱片公司。才华出众的Timbaland开始参与多位歌手/团体的专辑制作与歌曲撰写,同时认识尚未大红的Pharrell Williams。经过成打的畅销作品问世后,两人于1997年以Timbaland&Magoo二人组型式推出首张专辑《Welcome To Our World》,接着2001与2003年分别陆续发行《Indecent Proposal》、《Under Construction, Pt.II》两张大碟,虽然成绩都没顶亮眼,但却成为各界歌手最爱制作人,于幕后铺出更为亮丽之坦途。

Sasha & Shawna的《Sleepsong》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepsong歌手:Sasha & Shawna专辑:SirenSometimes I feelLike I"ll never fall asleepI feel helplessYou can"t help meFall asleepI like to dreamBut it scares me to thinkThat at some pointI"ll forget when the dream beganI just got out of my bedCovered in sweatI was angryCause you kept your hand on my chestDon"t touch meI"m concentratin" on sleepOn what I"ll dreamBut I can"t keep my eyelids shutLook at me sleepin"I"m really sleepin"Look at me dreamin"I"m so happyLook at me sleepin"I"m really sleepin"Look at me dreamin"I"m so happy

键盘上的 power sleep wakeup这三个键是什么意思

很简单!power是关机,sleep 是待机,wakeup是取消待机吧,如果你按了没反应,就是屏蔽了!

键盘上的sleep 和wake up 键分别代表什么意思


sleeve length是什么意思

sleeve length 袖长例句1.Sleeve length: bend arm up, measure from the base point of neck across shoulder point to elbow crook, and up over wrist bone. 袖长:向上弯曲手臂,量度从劲背(后劲)点通过肩点,并穿过手肘弯曲处到腕关节处的长度。2.For one, it helps keep you warm and you don"t have to worry about sleeve length or shoulder width at all - it simply drapes over your shoulders for a super-simple fit. 首先它使你保暖而且你一点也不必担心袖子的长度或肩宽。它只是超级简单的使你的肩膀更为得体。

sleeve head 是肩膀上那块还是袖口上那块?


请问wear my heart on my sleeve怎么理解?

It means being open about your feelings. Wearing them like clothes so that everyone can see them.大概是“敞开心扉”的意思。

服装专业英语Sleeve Inseam to Cuff Seam是什么意思???

sleeve length from cb袖长(从袖口开始量)sleeve length (cb to cuff end)袖长(袖口到后中) 查看原帖>>

sleeve cap height 什么意思

sleeve cap height :袖山高,袖山头高 ;

翻译I have some tricks up my sleeve.

这句话是个成语:我有一些锦囊妙计。have some tricks up my sleeve=get some tricks up my sleeve。其中some可以替换成其他量词或形容词,例如: I have got a few penny-pinching tricks up my sleeve.

sleeve bearing什么意思

套筒轴承sleeve bearing[英][sli:v u02c8bu025bu0259riu014b][美][sliv u02c8bu025bru026au014b]套筒轴承,滑动轴承;



sleeve cap height 什么意思

sleeve cap height袖窿深如:Armhole depth sleeve cap height and width as well as sleeve cap curve arc the important factors in defining modern sleeve shapes.摘要袖势是由袖窿深、袖山高、袖肥及袖山曲线确定的。Sleeve cap must match armhole width exactly,no extra width allowed at sleeve cap.Sleeve with elbow-shape.袖山必须与袖隆完全吻合, 袖山不能宽过袖隆,袖子有肘部造型。。

sleeve panel是什么意思


请问wear my heart on my sleeve怎么理解?

根据语境可以翻译为—— * 让我的感情深藏不露 * 把我的心/爱情深深埋起来 * 以真实的情感爱护我的心肝儿 注释: wear 的意思是“以特殊形式具有、带着或保留”. heart 有多种含义:感情,爱情,内心,意中人等, wear my heart 的意思是“把我的感情(爱情,内心,意中人)保留下来” on one"s sleeve 本意是“藏在袖子里”,借喻“秘藏起来备用”

wear my heart on my sleeve怎么理解


paper sleeve是什么意思

paper sleeve英[u02c8peipu0259 sli:v]美[u02c8peu026apu0259r sliv]释义纸套管网络纸套筒1“ I"ve come to buy a little of your merchandise-” The smile had disappeared from Mr. Wu"s face and the tone of his voice changed. He produced a sheet of paper from his sleeve.“我是来找你划一点货&”吴先生收了笑容,忽然转了口气,从袖子里摸出一张纸来。

coffee sleeve的由来


on-his-sleeve 的中文意思是什么呀?

(wear) on one"s sleeve: to express and make known one"s emotions, opinions, stances, etc.公开表露的,不掩饰的(感情,内心,观点,立场等)这句的意思应该是:很难想象Jack谦虚(低调)点会是什么样子 很难想象Jack谦逊的样子



on the sleeve什么意思

在套筒上,sleeve:n. [机] 套筒,套管; 袖子,袖套; 唱片套; vt. 给…装袖子; 给…装套筒;


tubing1.管类;管子2.制管材料3.管道系统4.管道敷设sleeve名词 n. [C]1.袖子;袖套He rolled up his sleeves and got down to work. 他卷起袖子开始工作。 2.【主英】唱片套子The photograph of the conductor was printed on the record sleeve. 指挥的照片印在唱片套上。 3.【机】套筒,套管及物动词 vt. 1.给...装袖子;给...装套筒


sleeve意思是:套管。英 [sliu02d0v]     美 [sliu02d0v]    n. 套管;袖子。If it is necessary to have the joints under water, they must be bedded into a box or sleeve which absolutely prevents water from penetrating in.如果有必要在水下接头,就必须把它们安置于绝对不渗水的密封盒子或套管中。A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.我刚要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。近义词:cover 常用词汇 英 ["ku028cvu0259(r)]     美 ["ku028cvu0259r]    n. 封面;盖子;套子;表面。v. 覆盖;涉及;包含;掩护;给…保险。The front cover of the novel has been torn off.这本小说的封面已被撕掉。I can"t make the cover of the tin fit on.我无法把这罐头的盖子盖上。

请问 5 per sleeve 是什么意思?谢谢

看来在这里还可以学到东西啊 不错

知道wear ones heart on ones sleeve是什么意思吗

wear ones heart on ones sleeve十分坦率

up your sleeve是什么意思

1.事先有所准备If you attend a social function, it is always advisable to have something up yoursleeve, in case you are called upon to speak at short notice. 如果你要参加什么盛大的社交集会,最好事先有所准备,以防临时请你发言。2. roll up your sleeve 卷起袖子Can you roll up your sleeve for me to have a look? 你能把袖子卷起来让我看看吗?其它:Ace up your sleeve 取胜的手段Card up your sleeve 秘而不宣的计划 ; 杀手锏Laugh up your sleeve 这是指暗暗发笑的意思

衬衫上的front RHS panel怎么翻译?还有sleeve gauntlet和cuff分别指啥位置?谢谢!

Rhs 是右边的意思

up your sleeve是什么意思?



cuff 是袖口sleeve 是袖子

sleeve 怎么读



sleeve_有道词典sleeve英 [sliu02d0v]美 [sliv]n. [机] 套筒,[机] 套管;袖子,[服装] 袖套vt. 给……装袖子;给……装套筒更多释义>>[网络短语]SLEEVE 袖子,套筒,袖长TOP SLEEVE 大袖,面袖,年夜袖sleeve button 袖扣


sleeve意思是:套管。英 [sliu02d0v]     美 [sliu02d0v]    n. 套管;袖子。If it is necessary to have the joints under water, they must be bedded into a box or sleeve which absolutely prevents water from penetrating in.如果有必要在水下接头,就必须把它们安置于绝对不渗水的密封盒子或套管中。A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.我刚要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。近义词:cover 常用词汇 英 ["ku028cvu0259(r)]     美 ["ku028cvu0259r]    n. 封面;盖子;套子;表面。v. 覆盖;涉及;包含;掩护;给?保险。The front cover of the novel has been torn off.这本小说的封面已被撕掉。I can"t make the cover of the tin fit on.我无法把这罐头的盖子盖上。


三个都是现在分词,从构成来说jumping sleeping 是同类 直接在动词后加ingrunning 重读闭音节结尾,且只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加ing



Marion的《Sleep》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep歌手:Marion专辑:SleepSleepEnigma feat. DidoLyric by 热血青年@USTCI knowIt"s lateI shouldn"t call at this hourBut it"sMy fateI need lips to devourMy nervous system is shot alrightI won"t sleep unless youSleep with me tonightDeep with me tonightI knowIt"s lateWe"ve known each other awhileICan"t waitTo see your twisted smileKindred spirit of candle lightI won"t sleep unless youSleep with me tonightDeep with me tonightIn my thoughtsSee with my sightI"m so tiredBut I fightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightDrown out the machinery in my headBring your peace of mindTo my bedWithout sleep, there are no dreamsWithout dreamsWe fall apart at the seamsKindred spirit of candle lightI won"t sleep unless youSleep with me tonightDeep with me tonightIn my thoughtsSee with my sightI"m so tiredBut I fightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonightSleep with me tonight




seats left座位双语对照例句:1.The question of sponsor and vip access to events is also sensitiveand london can ill-afford to allow the huge banks of empty seats leftby sponsors in beijing to be repeated. 赞助人和贵宾观看赛事的问题同样敏感,伦敦可不能让北京给赞助人保留的大排大排的席位大部都空着的局面重演。

water sleeping mask是什么意思




who cares where you sleep是陈述句还是疑问句?

Who cares where you sleep?谁在乎你在哪里睡觉?where引导的宾语从句

Bwfore she sleeps in the sand



1. jquery的$.delay()方法设置一个延时来推迟执行队列中之后的项目。这个方法不能取代JS原生的setTimeout。The .delay() method is best for delaying between queued jQuery effects. Because it is limited—it doesn"t, for example, offer a way to cancel the delay—.delay() is not a replacement for JavaScript"s native setTimeout function, which may be more appropriate for certain use cases.例子:在.slideUp() 和 .fadeIn()之间延时800毫秒。HTML 代码:<div id="foo /">jQuery 代码:$("#foo").slideUp(300).delay(800).fadeIn(400);2. 通过循环消耗cpu function sleep(n) { var start = new Date().getTime(); while(true) if(new Date().getTime()-start > n) break; }3. 用setTimeout。假设有三个步骤,步骤之间需要暂停一段时间;可以采用如下的方法:function firstStep() {//do somethingsetTimeout("secondStep()", 1000);}function secondStep() {//do somethingsetTimeout("thirdStep()", 1000);}function thirdStep() {//do something}

mister missler是什么意思英语?

mister missler失踪特派团


-姓名:Shannon Lucio 生于1980年08月17日 美国田纳西 狮子座 1.68米 盖特公司前台MM扮演者夏恩·露丝欧,作品有2008年美国惊悚片<毕业计划>、<橘子郡男孩>等 具体资料见:


Addison-Wesley出版社1942年成立,地址是美国新泽西州(具体地址:Pearson Education, Inc., One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458),出版范围覆盖广泛,包括化学、计算机科学、电子、经济、健康、生命科学、数学、物理/原子、统计学,共9大类图书。更多问题可以到Addison-Wesley出版社网址(查询,希望我的回复会对你有所帮助~~







Pryslezz的《Tango》 歌词

歌曲名:Tango歌手:Pryslezz专辑:Death Of A Man Rebirth Of A KingLara Fabian - TangoParoles: Lara FabianMusique: Rick AllisonMais qu"est ce que je fous làJe sombre au fond de toiQuelle heure est t-il et quel feu me noieFait-il noir ou clair, je n"sais pasMa peau se colle au rouge de ton sang qui bougeEt qui coule vers moiJe danse et je me batsEt j"enroule mes chevilles autour de toiMes jambes se plientJe contourne tes hanchesSur mes reins se joue ta revancheJe prie en vain mais toi tu rie, une soif s"assouvitJe danse ou je me batsJe n"sais pas, je n"sais pasTango mi amorTu me fais mal et mon sortEst le bien qui me dévoreQuand mon corps se tordTango mi amorAnimal ou matadorL"un de nous deux est le plus fortQuand mon corps se tordMais le doute s"installeJe me sens comme en cavaleLa vie me pousse dans la courseMon corps qui te repousseTes gestes me rappellent que tu n"as pas sur moiLe droit que je te dois, je danse et je me batsMais comment dire à qui, à quoi, à qui je suisQuand de n"appartenir qu"à toi est le défiEt si je te disais qu"il n"y a pas que toiJe danse et tu te batsJe danse et tu te batsTango mi amorTu me fais mal et mon sortEst le bien qui me dévoreQuand mon corps se tordTango mi amorAnimal ou matadorL"un de nous deux est le plus fortTango mi amorTango mon corpsNe t"appartient pas encoreEt si mon ame s"en sortMon corps, lui, se tordFIN

john newman losing sleep 歌词

Losing Sleep John Newman It"s 3 AM, I"m calling in to tell you about what I do here I"m losing sleep I"m losing sleep Nervous, I"m around these lonely eyes that"s leaving me filled with fear I"m losing sleep I"m losing sleep And I know what you tried To be a child scared of the night Please don"t stop loving me, loving me Uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu Wanting me, wanting me like you do Please don"t stop caring now, caring now Uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu Caring now, caring now like you do I know you have to work out there it"s for the best, but can"t you see? I"m losing sleep I"m losing sleep Remember telling you to go, you"ve always done what"s good for me I"m losing sleep I"m losing sleep And I know what you tried To be a child scared, so scared of the night Please don"t stop loving me, loving me Uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu Wanting me, wanting me like you do Please don"t stop caring now, caring now Uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu Caring now, caring now like you do Running from the dark but I just can"t hide Dreading sundown, yea I"m dreading the night Need you back here ‘cause it feels so wrong yea Please don"t stop loving me, loving me No no no no no no no no Loving me, loving me like you do Darling no oh oh Please don"t stop caring now, caring now Uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu Caring now, caring now Please don"t stop loving me, loving me No no no no no no no no Wanting me, wanting me like you do It"s 3 AM, I"m calling in to tell you about what I do here I"m losing sleep I"m losing sleep 望采纳

I lay down not so much to sleep as to think 这里as是


I lay down not so much to sleep as to think 这里as是

可以把其看作固定句型。not so 与其说是…不如说是本句意思:我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。

48. 冬奥会比赛中雪车类竞赛分为“Skeleton”和“Bobsleigh”,它们有什么区别


a sleepy consicence是什么意思




Mik nearly fell ( )为什么填asleep

这里fall是系动词,后面要跟形容词构成“系表结构”。解释:fall asleep 表示“入睡,睡着”,这里fall 是系动词,后面接形容词asleep 作表语;而sleep是动词,结构不对(动词fall 的后面不能再加动词了)。常见的其他系动词:be ,look(看起来),sound (听起来),smell(闻起来),taste (尝起来),feel, seem...表语:常由形容词充来当。满意请采纳!

Elvis Presley的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis/Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square GardenHigh School Musical 3 - MedleyAndy Dodd, Matthew Gerrard, Matthew Gerrard, Randy Petersen,Robbie Nevil, Robbie Nevil, Kevin Quinn, Adam WattsIt"s our last chance, to share the stageBefore we go our separate waysHigh school wasn"t meant to last foreverIt"s our last chance, for us to shineTo bring you music one more timeSo come on, come on, come on (Come on, come on, come on)Come on, come on, come onW-I-L-D, Wildcats, you know we areW-I-L-D, Wildcats, come on, come onEast High boys, let"s make some noiseW-I-L-D-, Wildcats, now is the timeThis is the last time to get it right,This is our last chance to make it our nightWe gotta show what we"re all about,Team, work togetherThis is the last chance to make our markHistory will know who we areThis is the last time to make it count,It"s Now or Never! Yeah!I Want It All! I want it, want it, want it!The fame and the fortune and more, I want it All!I want it, want it, want it,I gotta have my star on the doorI want the world, nothing lessAll the glam and the pressOnly giving me the best reviewsI Want It All, Want It All, Want It All,Want It All, Want it All!Kick it girls!I Want it All, Want it All, Want it AllWant it All, Want it ALL!My band, thank you, East High, you"re amazing, good night!Ooo, yeah, ooh, yeahI gotta lot of things, I have to doAll these distractions, our future is coming soonWe"re being pulled, a hundred different directionsBut whatever happens, I know I"ve got youYou"re on my mind, you"re in my heartIt doesn"t matter where we areWe"ll be alright, even if we are miles apartEven if we are miles apart!Even if we are, miles, and miles, and miles apart!All, I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can doEwwI just wanna be with youOnly youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartA-a-achoo!I just wanna be with...EwwYou!You know how life can be, it changes over nightThe sun even raining, but it"s alrightA friend like youAlways makes it easy!I know that you get meEvery timeThrough every up, through every down,You know i"ll always be aroundThrough anything, you can count on me!All I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you! I just wanna be with you!The sun will always shine, that"s how you made me feelWe"re gonna be alright, cause what we have is realAnd will always be togetherAll I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you!All I wanna doAll that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!Who"s that girl? She"s so fineWho"s that girl? I don"t recognizeWho"s that girl? She looks so good, yeahGuess we"ve never really noticed, but we"ve probably shouldBig fun!On the night of nights, the night of nights, tonight!Let"s dance, on the night of nights,you know we"re gonna do it right!It"s gonna be our night!You know it!To remember!For all time!Surprise!Big fun!It"s gonna be the nightThe best!To last forever!The rest of our lives!We"ll never, ever, ever forget!It"s gonna be you.My night!Oh yeah!All together!Say it loud!That"s right!It"s gonna be the night!You can bet!To remember!Hear the crowd!And never, ever, ever,never, ever, ever,never, ever, never, everever forget!

asleep sleepy fall asleep feel asleep 区别

asleep是形容词, sleepy 也是形容词。sleep是动词fall asleep(入睡) 一般说feel sleepy(犯困),而不说feel asleep,因为asleep本身当睡着了讲。

aleep与 sleep与 sleepy区别





sleepy是形容词,意思是:困倦的,想睡的。asleep是形容词,是表语形容词,只能做表语,意思是:睡着的。例如:He is asleep now.sleeping是形容词,意思是:睡着的,不一定用做标语,可以用做定语,另外它还是个动名词。fall asleep是动词词组,表示睡着了。例如:He has fallen asleep。sleep是动词,意思是睡觉。


asleep 表示熟睡的 sleepy 困倦的

sleep , sleeping, sleepy, asleep 的词性及用法

sleep的词性可以是动词和名词,动词可以做谓语、动词不定式和动名词 现在分词短语, sleeping的词性可以是动名词,现在分词, 可以做主语、宾语、定语和伴随状态的状语。 sleepy, asleep 的词性都是形容词, sleepy是表示性质的形容词,可以形容人感到昏昏欲睡,比较疲乏,例如He is very sleepy. The boy is a sleepy man. asleep是表示状态的形容词,如He falls asleep.他躺倒就睡。I found him asleep in the classroom.


sleepy 同义词形容词asleepasleep英 [u0259u02c8sli:p] 美 [u0259u02c8slip] asleep 基本解释形容词睡着的; 休眠的; 麻木的; 已死的副词熟睡地; 处于麻木不仁的状态; 长眠


asleep和sleepy的区别:两者词性、含义和侧重点不同一、sleepy和asleep的区别1、sleep的词性是名词和动词,asleep的词性是形容词和副词。在含义上,sleep的意思是“睡觉;入睡”,asleep的意思是“睡着的;睡着”。在侧重点上,sleepy侧重指人昏昏欲睡,asleep侧重表示“睡着”这一状态,侧重动作的结果。sleepy和asleep区别还可以表示为:asleep是表语形容词,偶尔用作定语时须后置,带有修饰语时也可前置。sleepy在句中可用作定语或表语,用作表语时一般以人作主语。2、asleep和sleepy都是形容词。asleep意思是睡着的,sleepy意思是困倦,需要睡眠的。asleep不能放在名词前面作修饰语,比如,小男孩睡着。不能说the asleep boy.可以说the boy was asleep.二、例句1、When I last looked in the bedroom, he was still sleeping away.我最后一次进卧室去看时,他还在睡觉。2、Are you going to sleep the whole morning away?你打算把整个上午睡过去吗?3、When mother came back, she found the baby asleep.当妈妈回到家时,发现小宝宝睡着了。4、The little girl was so tired that she fell asleep over her homework.那个小姑娘累得写着作业就睡着了。


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