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今天尝试配置Redis Sentinel 来监控Redis服务器,中间由于某些设想我突然想到如果两个Redis实例互相slaveof会怎样。以下是我的试验:两个Redis实例,redis1配置作为master,redis2配置作为slave:slaveof redis1。启动redis1、redis2。启动成功并且redis2也成功slaveof redis1后,redis-cli连接redis1,执行命令将redis1设置为redis2的从库:slaveof [redis2 IP] [redis2 port] 执行后的结果是......两个redis都在重复抛出SYNC命令执行失败的log,也就是显然两个redis不能互相作为从库。redis1执行slaveof后的log:[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.426 * SLAVE OF enabled (user request)[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue.. redis2的log:[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.426 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 - Accepted[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.805 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.637 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 - Accepted[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.805 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - DB 0: 20 keys (0 volatile) in 32 slots HT.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 801176 bytes in use[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue..两个redis就这样都进入SYNC失败的死循环状态。我想到的疑问是:为什么原来的从库redis2会重新执行SYNC命令?从上面的redis2的log第一行可以看到原先的主从连接断开了。看了执行主从设置的源码replication.c,下面是redis1执行slaveof命令的代码,它在中间执行disconnectSlaves()导致原来的主从连接断开:void slaveofCommand(redisClient *c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"no") &&!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,"one")) { // 省略了 } else { // 省略了 /* There was no previous master or the user specified a different one, * we can continue. */ sdsfree(server.masterhost); server.masterhost = sdsdup(c->argv[1]->ptr); server.masterport = port; if (server.master) freeClient(server.master); disconnectSlaves(); /* Force our slaves to resync with us as well. */ cancelReplicationHandshake(); server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_CONNECT; redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"SLAVE OF %s:%d enabled (user request)", server.masterhost, server.masterport); } addReply(c,shared.ok);}disconnectSlaves()旁边的注解是:Force our slaves to resync with us as well. 意思类似于先把你们(redis2)断开,等我(redis1)同步我的主库搞定后你们再来向我同步。这样导致redis2和redis1断开了,而redis2一开始作为从库如果它和主库断开它会不断尝试重新连接并执行SYNC命令直到成功。了解了为什么redis2也执行SYNC命令后,第二个疑问是为什么两个redis的SYNC操作都会一直失败,实际上原因和第一个差不多。两个redis的log异常都是:ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master。这个log在代码中是:void syncCommand(redisClient *c) { /* ignore SYNC if already slave or in monitor mode */ if (c->flags & REDIS_SLAVE) return; /* Refuse SYNC requests if we are a slave but the link with our master * is not ok... */ if (server.masterhost && server.repl_state != REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED) { addReplyError(c,"Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master"); return; } /* SYNC can"t be issued when the server has pending data to send to * the client about already issued commands. We need a fresh reply * buffer registering the differences between the BGSAVE and the current * dataset, so that we can copy to other slaves if needed. */ if (listLength(c->reply) != 0) { addReplyError(c,"SYNC is invalid with pending input"); return; } //省略}syncCommand函数是Redis作为主库收到从库发来的SYNC命令时的处理,看上面注释部分“Refuse SYNC requests if we are a slave but the link with our master is not ok...”。当redis1作为主库收到从库的SYNC命令,会执行syncCommand函数,其中if (server.masterhost && server.repl_state != REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED)... ,redis1刚好设置为别的主库(redis2)的从库但还没完成同步工作(redis1需要向redis2发送SYNC请求并且返回成功才能完成同步,而redis2处理redis1的SYNC请求时又需要redis1处理好redis2的SYNC请求才行,这导致死锁了),所以这个判断返回true,redis1直接reply error:Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master)。redis2的情况也一样,所以双方都处在Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master的状态。


今天尝试配置Redis Sentinel 来监控Redis服务器,中间由于某些设想我突然想到如果两个Redis实例互相slaveof会怎样。以下是我的试验:两个Redis实例,redis1配置作为master,redis2配置作为slave:slaveof redis1。启动redis1、redis2。启动成功并且redis2也成功slaveof redis1后,redis-cli连接redis1,执行命令将redis1设置为redis2的从库:slaveof [redis2 IP] [redis2 port] 执行后的结果是......两个redis都在重复抛出SYNC命令执行失败的log,也就是显然两个redis不能互相作为从库。redis1执行slaveof后的log:[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.426 * SLAVE OF enabled (user request)[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - Accepted[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.637 - Client closed connection[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Connecting to MASTER...[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14793] 06 Sep 17:36:22.804 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue.. redis2的log:[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.426 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.636 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.804 - Accepted[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:20.805 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.637 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.804 - Accepted[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:21.805 - Client closed connection[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - DB 0: 20 keys (0 volatile) in 32 slots HT.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 801176 bytes in use[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Connecting to MASTER...[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.[14796] 06 Sep 17:36:22.636 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue..两个redis就这样都进入SYNC失败的死循环状态。我想到的疑问是:为什么原来的从库redis2会重新执行SYNC命令?从上面的redis2的log第一行可以看到原先的主从连接断开了。看了执行主从设置的源码replication.c,下面是redis1执行slaveof命令的代码,它在中间执行disconnectSlaves()导致原来的主从连接断开:void slaveofCommand(redisClient *c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"no") &&!strcasecmp(c->argv[2]->ptr,"one")) { // 省略了 } else { // 省略了 /* There was no previous master or the user specified a different one, * we can continue. */ sdsfree(server.masterhost); server.masterhost = sdsdup(c->argv[1]->ptr); server.masterport = port; if (server.master) freeClient(server.master); disconnectSlaves(); /* Force our slaves to resync with us as well. */ cancelReplicationHandshake(); server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_CONNECT; redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"SLAVE OF %s:%d enabled (user request)", server.masterhost, server.masterport); } addReply(c,shared.ok);}disconnectSlaves()旁边的注解是:Force our slaves to resync with us as well. 意思类似于先把你们(redis2)断开,等我(redis1)同步我的主库搞定后你们再来向我同步。这样导致redis2和redis1断开了,而redis2一开始作为从库如果它和主库断开它会不断尝试重新连接并执行SYNC命令直到成功。了解了为什么redis2也执行SYNC命令后,第二个疑问是为什么两个redis的SYNC操作都会一直失败,实际上原因和第一个差不多。两个redis的log异常都是:ERR Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master。这个log在代码中是:void syncCommand(redisClient *c) { /* ignore SYNC if already slave or in monitor mode */ if (c->flags & REDIS_SLAVE) return; /* Refuse SYNC requests if we are a slave but the link with our master * is not ok... */ if (server.masterhost && server.repl_state != REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED) { addReplyError(c,"Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master"); return; } /* SYNC can"t be issued when the server has pending data to send to * the client about already issued commands. We need a fresh reply * buffer registering the differences between the BGSAVE and the current * dataset, so that we can copy to other slaves if needed. */ if (listLength(c->reply) != 0) { addReplyError(c,"SYNC is invalid with pending input"); return; } //省略}syncCommand函数是Redis作为主库收到从库发来的SYNC命令时的处理,看上面注释部分“Refuse SYNC requests if we are a slave but the link with our master is not ok...”。当redis1作为主库收到从库的SYNC命令,会执行syncCommand函数,其中if (server.masterhost && server.repl_state != REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED)... ,redis1刚好设置为别的主库(redis2)的从库但还没完成同步工作(redis1需要向redis2发送SYNC请求并且返回成功才能完成同步,而redis2处理redis1的SYNC请求时又需要redis1处理好redis2的SYNC请求才行,这导致死锁了),所以这个判断返回true,redis1直接reply error:Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master)。redis2的情况也一样,所以双方都处在Can"t SYNC while not connected with my master的状态。






slave音标为英[sleɪv],美[sleɪv]。n.奴隶;奴仆;苦工;从动装置;奴隶般受控制的人。v.奴隶般工作;拼命工作;使…从属于。复数:slaves;第三人称单数:slaves;现在分词:slaving;过去式:slaved;过去分词:slaved。短语搭配:slave cylinder从动缸;slave system从属系统 ; 从系统;slave ship贩卖奴隶的船;Slave Processor从属处理机 ; 从处理器;application slave从属应用;slave pulses副脉冲;loran slave劳兰辅台。双语例句:1、By the time I was ten, I had become her slave, doing all the housework.我十岁时成了她的奴仆,干所有的家务活。2、Apologetics for the slave trade are quite out of order.为贩卖奴隶所做的辩护极不妥当。3、Most of production is carried out by slave labour.大部分生产由受奴役的苦工完成。4、The slave owners had acted in bad faith.奴隶主恶意欺骗。5、She was no slave to fashion.她绝不赶时髦。


adjust和adapt的区别:1、adjust和adapt的含义有不同。除了都有适应的意思以外,adjust还有调准(望远镜等),对准,校正,校准(机械等);核算(盈亏);[保]评定(赔偿要求)的意思。而adapt也有改编,改写;改变?以适合的意思。2、同为适应的意思时,用法也有差别。adapt v. (使)适合,(使)适应,强调改变现有条件以适应新的情况。例如:He adapted to the new school.他使自己适应新学校。而adjust v. 适应,习惯,指稍微调整以适应特定工作或新的情况,调整幅度没有 adapt 大,常后接介词 to。例如:His eyes have"t adjusted to the darkness yet.他的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。3、日常固定短语搭配不同。adjust: ~ sth (to sth)调整;调节 /~ (to sth/to doing sth) | ~ (yourself to sth)适应;习惯 adapt:~ sth (for sth)使适应,使适合(新用途、新情况) /~ (yourself) (to sth)适应(新情况) / ~ sth (for sth) (from sth)改编;改写 扩展资料:adjust和adapt的近义词是accommodateaccommodate英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt]   美 [əˈkɑ:mədeɪt]  vt.容纳;使适应;向?提供住处;帮忙vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于;(眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体);调解,调停第三人称单数: accommodates 现在分词: accommodating 过去式: accommodated 过去分词: accommodated例句:Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes 修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。


我认为虽然这两个词在英文的解释上有细微的区别,但是涉及到使用的时候,两个词基本一样,尤其在考试中这样两个词轻易不会放在一起出的,除非是考核两个词除了“适应”之外的含义时,比如adjust 还有“调节”的含义。adjust和adapt的区别:一、Adjust:1.及物动词 vt. :调节,使…适合,校准adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针adjust color on a TV 调整电视的色彩adjust one"s tie in a mirror 照镜子整理领带2.及物动词 vt. 使…适合[于…][to]adjust a telescope to one"s eye 调节望远镜使之适合眼睛观看3.及物动词 vt. 调整<机器adjust a clock 调准时钟二、adapt:1.及物动词 vt. :(改装)使适合,改编。 make to fit in a new place; make fit forHe adapted his old car engine to the boat. 他把他的旧汽车上的引擎用到那只船上。adapt sth. for a particular use 使某物适合某一特殊用途三.当表示:改变。。。适应环境时adjust和adapt则差不多。 常跟to 搭配。The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体会自行适应温度的变化。You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必须使自己适应新的环境。He soon adjusted to army life. 他很快就适应了军队生活。


adjust和adapt的区别是意思不同、用法不同、日常固定短语搭配不同。adjust和adapt都有适应的意思以外,adjust还有调准(望远镜等),对准、校正的意思。 扩展资料 adapt v. (使)适合,(使)适应,强调改变现有条件以适应新的情况。例如:He adapted to the new school.他使自己适应新学校。而adjust v. 适应,习惯,指稍微调整以适应特定工作或新的`情况,调整幅度没有 adapt 大,常后接介词 to。例如:His eyes have"t adjusted to the darkness yet.他的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。


adjust和adapt的区别:一、Adjust:1.及物动词 vt.:调节,使…适合,校准 adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针 adjust color on a TV 调整电视的色彩 adjust one"s tie in a mirror 照镜子整理领带 2.及物动词 vt.使…适合[于…][to] adjust a telescope to one"s eye 调节望远镜使之适合眼睛观看 3.及物动词 vt.调整 adjust a clock 调准时钟 二、adapt:1.及物动词 vt.:(改装)使适合,改编.make to fit in a new place; make fit for He adapted his old car engine to the boat.他把他的旧汽车上的引擎用到那只船上.adapt sth.for a particular use 使某物适合某一特殊用途 三.当表示:改变.适应环境时adjust和adapt则差不多.常跟to 搭配.The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature.身体会自行适应温度的变化.You must adjust yourself to new conditions.你必须使自己适应新的环境.He soon adjusted to army life.他很快就适应了军队生活.adapt oneself to a new job 使自己适应新的工作 adapt one"s thinking to the new situation 使思想适应新形势


A 的意思比较主观,指自身去适应别的东西。B 的意思是客观调整去适应,即有别人帮你调整来适应什么东西。所以选A

牛津学派 Allan Flanders 的生平

Allan Flanders (1910-1973) was one of the leading members of the highly influential‘Oxford School" of industrial relations. Along with Hugh Clegg, Alan Fox and OttoKahn-Freund, he developed a particular institutional approach to the analysis ofindustrial relations issues, first publicised in the 1954 textbook The System ofIndustrial Relations in Great Britain, co-edited with Hugh Clegg and later elaboratedin his popular collection of essays Management and Unions (1970). In the 1960sFlanders and his colleagues made substantial contributions to a range of governmentmeasures, including the design of state incomes policies, the promotion ofproductivity bargaining and more broadly the reform of collective bargaining.Flanders worked for the National Board for Prices and Incomes and the Commissionfor Industrial Relations and his evidence shaped the main arguments of the 1968Donovan Report.Less well known is the fact that Flanders was also a key figure in socialdemocratic and anti-communist politics from early in the Second World War up untilhis death in 1973. Consequently he was a major player in some of the key politicalstruggles and turning points of the 1950s and 1960s. For instance, as Chair of theEditorial Committee of Socialist Commentary, the principal postwar journal of rightwingsocial democracy, he contributed to the Gaitskellite victory over the Bevaniteleft in the 1950s and to the Campaign for Democratic Socialism (CDS) in the 1960s .This paper has three aims: first, to trace the development of Flanders" politicalthinking from his revolutionary and ethical socialist ideas of the 1930s through to hisright wing social democratic ideas of the late 1940s and beyond; second, to show theimpact of the Cold War on Flanders" political thinking especially in the period from1945 until around 1950; and third, to show how his political thinking influenced hisanalyses of industrial relations issues and his prescriptions for reform.The first part of the paper briefly maps out Flanders" conversion to a particularbrand of ethical socialism, through the influence of a tiny, leftist and vanguardistGerman sect, the Militant Socialist International. The group"s propagandising againstreformist socialism and against Marxism and communism proved ineffectual and itswhole raison d"etre was thrown into crisis by the onset of the Second World War.Flanders quickly accommodated to the widespread sentiment within the British labourmovement for anti- fascist unity and for economic planning, and soon came to believethat planning should serve two quite distinct purposes: it was to be a means for2effectively prosecuting the war against Nazi Germany but it was also to function as aninstrument of social reform, redistributing wealth and power away from Britain"smonopolists. As early as 1941 he had begun to argue that a reformist planning agendawould entail a radical shift in the role of trade unions. They would need to supportstate incomes policy, cooperate in improving work practices and abandon theirattachment to the ‘outmoded" doctrine of class struggle against capitalist exploitation.Initially inspired by the exigencies of war, these themes were to become permanentfeatures of Flanders" thinking as anti- fascist war gave way to Cold War.The growing antagonism between capitalist and communist states had severalmajor effects on Flanders" thinking and activity. First, his longstanding anticommunismwas intensified by the events of 1947 through 1949 (especiallyCzechoslovakia, Berlin, the Marshall Plan and the split in the WFTU). Second, hewas led to rework his ethical socialist ideas as a countervailing philosophy to SovietMarxism, particularly in the 1950s publications of the think tank Socialist Union. Inessence he argued that full employment, nationalization and the welfare state hadinaugurated a ‘new social order". Combining economic planning with individualfreedom, it was claimed to represent a ‘Third Way" between classical (US-style)capitalism and Soviet communism. Finally Flanders became increasingly active inmainstream politics, in the Labour Party and the Fabian Society and on the fringes ofthe CIA front organization, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). His network ofcontacts and acquaintances included the leading British figures of anti-communistsocial democracy, such as Crosland, Gaitskell, Healey, Jenkins, Pickstock andRodgers as well as overseas writers and intellectuals associated with the CCF such asBondy and Silone.The final, and major, part of the paper traces the links between Flanders"political thinking and his industrial relations ideas. He argued consistently, from theearly 1940s through the early 1970s, that the role of trade unionism could no longerbe confined to, or dominated by, militant wage struggle or ‘free collectivebargaining". This would damage the competitive position of the British economy,threaten the public interest in low inflation and ‘orderly" industrial relations and createthe conditions under which communist agitation would find a receptive audience. Heargued unions should cooperate with both government and employers to raiseproductivity and control inflation, contribute to economic growth and therefore helpincrease wages. State incomes policy, with union support, he regarded as a legitimateand necessary form of economic planning under ‘the new social order". Throughcollective bargaining workers could participate in setting workplace rules andconditions, enhancing their dignity and status at the workplace and thus underpinninggood industrial relations. This set of activities therefore comprised an economicproject (protecting the British economy), a political project (protecting the new socialorder and the ‘free world" against communism) and an ideological project (securingworker support for a common purpose in industry and undermining support forMarxist ideas of class conflict).These positions placed him firmly in opposition to a variety of left-wing viewsand organizations and help account for the wide range of Flanders" activities. In hisacademic work he attacked leftist writers, such as Allen, Anderson and Blackburn,who were more sympathetic to union militancy and more hostile to union cooperationwith employers. In his analysis of union membership (later developed by GeorgeBain) he went out of his way to attack and downplay the idea that union militancyplayed any role at all in promoting union growth or improving terms and conditions ofemployment. His political work focussed both on the Labour and the trade union left:3he was close to Gaitskell and Crosland and to their key union supporters such as SamWatson of the Durham Miners and was active in CDS. He was a leading opponent ofthe left-wing demand for further, widespread nationalization, helping draft the antinationalizationarguments in the seminal 1960 text Must Labour Lose?The contradictions in Flanders" positions, and those of the Oxford school moregenerally, became increasingly clear through the1960s and 1970s. State regulation ofwages could not be combined with local wage bargaining for more than a few years ata time before breaking down in a wages explosion. Devolution of power to workplacerepresentatives often strengthened left militancy rather than promoting labourmanagementcooperation and genuine productivity bargaining.Flanders and other members of the Oxford School increasingly called for thetype of firm and authoritarian leadership of men such as Bevin and Citrine and thedegree of labour movement discipline seen during World War Two and the Cold War.They came to support legal curbs on trade unionism, e.g. In Place of Strife, andtougher incomes policies to enforce union compliance in the absence of widespreadconsent. Yet in the face of a powerful and well-organized trade union movement thesemeasures were doomed to fail. Politically, the social democratic circles aroundFlanders came under increasing strain as the economy slid into recession through the1970s. In the early days of the Thatcher era they finally split apart, one wingremaining inside the Labour Party, grouped around Healey and Hattersley, whilst theJenkins-Rodgers group broke away to create the SDP.


其实这里有三个词汇类似:adapt adjust modify, 它们有什么区别呢?如下:这三个形容词都含“调整以适应”的意思。adapt 指“修改或改变某物使适应(新用途,新情况)”,或改变你的行为适应(新情况)如:1. Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。【同义词modify】(改物)2. You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境。【同义词adjust】 (改人)adjust 指(轻微地)“调整”、“调节”某物使之适应, 或“改变(行为或观点)以适应,调节,习惯”,如:3. You can"t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后, 你才看得见。(改物)4. We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。【同义词adapt】(改人)Modify(轻微地)修改,改进,变动(使其更完善,更有效,更适合),如:5. The software we use has been modified for us.我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。【同义词adapt】 (改物)6. to modify your behaviour / language / views。使你的行为/语言/观点更容易让人接受。 【同义词adjust】(改人)●特别要注意黑体字部分的注解。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。

adjust to与adapt to的区别



adjust[英][əˈdʒʌst][美][əˈdʒʌst]vt.& vi.(改变…以)适应,调整,校正; 调准(望远镜等),对准,校正,校准(机械等); 核算(盈亏); [保]评定(赔偿要求)adapt[英][əˈdæpt][美][əˈdæpt]vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to); vt.改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for)


adapt oneself to sth 和adjust oneself to sth 用法差不多。 我认为虽然这两个词在英文的解释上有细微的区别,但是涉及到使用的时候,两个词基本一样,尤其在考试中这样两个词轻易不会放在一起出的,除非是考核两个词除了“适应”之外的含义时,比如adjust 还有“调节”的含义。adjust和adapt的区别:一、Adjust:1.及物动词 vt. :调节,使…适合,校准 adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针 adjust color on a TV 调整电视的色彩 adjust one"s tie in a mirror 照镜子整理领带 2.及物动词 vt. 使…适合[于…][to] adjust a telescope to one"s eye 调节望远镜使之适合眼睛观看 3.及物动词 vt. 调整<机器> adjust a clock 调准时钟 二、adapt:1.及物动词 vt. :(改装)使适合,改编。 make to fit in a new place; make fit for He adapted his old car engine to the boat. 他把他的旧汽车上的引擎用到那只船上。 adapt sth. for a particular use 使某物适合某一特殊用途 三.当表示:改变。。。适应环境时adjust和adapt则差不多。 常跟to 搭配。 The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体会自行适应温度的变化。 You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必须使自己适应新的环境。 He soon adjusted to army life. 他很快就适应了军队生活。 adapt oneself to a new job 使自己适应新的工作 adapt one"s thinking to the new situation 使思想适应新形势








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第一使徒·亚当·ADAM 亚当就是在第二次冲击中看到的光之巨人。 第二次冲击是把亚当还原为胚胎的结果,在后面的TV版中一直以胚胎的形式存在的,后来被植入碇源度的左手心。 第二使徒·莉莉斯·Lilith Lilith 来源于希伯来语,在圣经中也被翻译成黑夜的魔女 Lilith 和亚当生下了恶魔之子李林(リリン,指人类)。NERV一直声称在最终教条的十字架上的巨人是ADAM,但那实际上是Lilith。 即最终教条的十字架上的巨人

a1475 港版 9.3.3 已越狱,如何破解上联通4G 求大神指导



.亚当 2.莉莉斯 3.sachiel(沙基耶尔)4.shamshel(夏姆薛尔)5.ramiel(拉米耶尔)6.gaghiel(迦吉耶尔)7.israfel(伊斯拉菲尔) 8.sandalphon(珊达冯)9.玛特里耶尔 10.sahaquiel(萨哈魁尔) 11.ireul 12.leliel 13.bardiel 14.zeruel 15.arael 16.armisael 17.kawour 18.eva01




backbone :ResNet50, ResNet101 neck : FPN P3-P5由ResNet得到,P6由P5经过stride=2的3*3卷积得到,P7由P6经过ReLU和stride=2的3*3卷积得到。P3-P7的stride分别为8,16,32,64,128。 层间融合:高分辨率层上采样,低分辨率1*1卷积,两者维度一致,直接相加后再3*3卷积。 head : classification(KA) + regression(4A),在图(c)和(d)中,不同层的head共享参数(concatenate操作),但是分类和回归分支之间不共享。 loss : Focal loss + smooth L1 alpha平衡正负样本loss,取0.25;gamma平衡难易样本,取2。 分类loss是所有正负例的focal loss求和,然后除以类别为正例的anchors总数(正负例anchor数量平衡)。 回归loss是所有正例的smooth L1 loss求和,然后除以类别为正例的anchors总数。 在loss计算前去除掉所有超出图片边界的Anchor,这部分Anchor不用于loss计算(和faster rcnn一致)。 bootstrapping: hard example mining:抽样方法,SSD中使用,预先确定的比率(通常前景:背景为1:3)选择loss最大的topK背景框。 Focal loss: 降低大量easy negatives的loss权重,根据置信度动态调整loss,速度更快,效果更好。 2.1 anchor的分布 长宽比: [0.5, 1, 2],scale: [2**0, 2**(1/3), 2**(2/3)],组合得到9组anchor aspects/每个feature点 P3-P7基础size为32, 64, 128, 256, 512,乘以aspects,覆盖输入范围32-813 越高层的anchor size约大,越倾向于检测大目标。 2.2 anchor的物理含义 对于长宽为(原图H/8,原图W/8)的特征图,其特征图上的每个单元格cell对应原图区域上(32,32)大小的对应区域(这里对应的大小并不是实际感受野的大小,而是一种人为的近似设置)。 在大小为base_size的正方形框的基础上,对框进行长宽比例调整和缩放形成9种所anchor,以及一个单元格cell的通道维和anchor对应的关系,如下图所示。 2.3 多层FPN如何分配目标 (1)公式选层 (2)IoU选层 将FPN所有层的全部anchor与ground truth计算IoU,将目标分配给得分高于阈值且最高的anchor(低于阈值情况很少,所以去掉低于阈值的最高分也影响不大) (3)loss选层 FSAF中选择loss最小的层预测目标 采用目标-anchor iou双阈值区分正样本,负样本和忽略样本。     backbone采用在ImageNet上预训练的ResNet,新增的卷积层普通初始化(bias=0,sigma=0.01),分类分支最后的卷积层的bias初始化为: 相当于模型初始训练时,每个anchor预测为正例设置一个先验概率值,论文中采用的是0.01,权重参数通常初始化为(0,0.01)高斯分布,意味着分类为正例的概率为0.01,这是合理的。因为真实场景中很多anchor是负例,设置先验值可以大大降低负样本在开始训练时的loss,这样训练更容易,相当于手动warmup。     分类分支输出channel为KA,最后sigmoid激活就可以得到各个anchor预测每个类别的概率,即每个位置相当于KA个二分类,因此某个位置的某个anchor可能会输出几个类别不同但是box一样的预测框。也正是因为采用了sigmoid二分类,才有上面 每个anchor所有类别都初始化为bias=0.01 4.1 保留top1K候选bbox 4.2 用0.05的阈值过滤掉负类 4.3 全部level结果concat,IoU=0.5 NMS过滤重叠框 (1)SSD的多尺度是独立的,RetinaNet的FPN在不同尺度之间进行了层间融合 (2)SSD的采用softmax多分类,RetinaNet以及后续改进的FCOS都是采用K个二分类(Focal loss默认是二分类) (3)为了与配合focal loss,RetinaNet的分类分支最后的卷积层的bias初始化为0.01,可以加快训练和收敛 (4)RetinaNet的不同层head部分共享参数,检测和分类分支之间参数不共享,各层分类/回归结果concat再求loss (1)backbone不同,YOLOV3的backbone是基于DarkNet-53,RetinaNet是ResNet50或101。 (2)FPN层数不同,YOLOV3的FPN只有P3-P5,RetinaNet是P3-P7 (3)loss不同,RetinaNet是focal loss YOLO V3之后的检测模型从数据增强、backbone、neck和head等维度已经趋向统一。


英语中没有 -nal 这个后缀。这应该是以 n 结尾的词加 -al 后缀而成。-al:名词(表行为或行为状态)或形容词(表“本质性的”、“相关性的”)后缀。例:名词:referral, disposal, festival形容词:additional, structural, territorial, categorical

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话说Judas‘ Shadow这道具怎么解锁



一、读音不同二、侧重点不同1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误,其使用范围较宽,可指各种错误。It was a mistakebuying that house. 买那套房子是个错误。2、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点,通常指人的“过失,过错”。It "s my fault thatwe had missed the bus.我们错过了汽车是我的错。扩展资料同义词:一、errorn.错误,过失;[法]误审,违法;[数]误差He can"t forget theerrors of his youth. 他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。二、wrongadj.有毛病的,失常的;错误的,不正确的;不好的,不公正的;反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的adv.不对,错误,失当;不好,不公正;逆,颠倒,翻转;有毛病,不舒服n.过失,错误;不义的行为;不义行为;犯罪vt.委屈,无理地对待,诽谤I have done you agreat wrong. 我使你受了很大的委屈。





error 和mistake的区别


mistake a for b是将a误认为b还是反之

mistake 英[mɪˈsteɪk] 美[mɪˈstek] n. 错误,过失,误解; 差错,口误,笔误; 失策,失误; vt. 弄错,误解; vt. 误会; 认不出; 看错; [例句]They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force他们大错特错,居然认为以较少的兵力就能够夺取其边境地区。[其他] 第三人称单数:mistakes 复数:mistakes 现在分词:mistaking过去式:mistook 过去分词:mistaken 就是将a误认为b


mistake的过去式是mistook,过去分词是mistaken。mistake作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。其它词形变化:mistake的第三人称单数是mistakes;现在分词是mistaking;复数是mistakes。mistake的基本意思是把某人〔事物〕给“弄错”了,也可作“认不出”解,引申可表示“误解”“歪曲”了某人的意思或意图。造句:His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。You"ve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。Tom must have taken your dictionary by mistake.汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。He felt mortified for his mistake.他对自己的过失深感羞愧。







mistake error fault 三者区别是什么

  error与mistake 这两词均指错误过失,一般可以通用,但以下两种情况中不可混用:  在道德方面犯过失用error,而不用mistake;  在一些固定用法中,如 by mistake,an error of judgement等。  faultn.缺点,毛病;错误,过失;障碍vt.找……缺点,挑剔  语境记忆  No one could fault his performance.  他的演出无懈可击。  A friend without faults will never be found.  没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。  搭 配find fault with 抱怨,挑剔  without fault 确定

mistake 与 fault 的区别?

fault指品德或品质违反道德mistake 指错误\误解\误会我觉得它们两的区别也不是很大的,一般情况下应该互换.

error 和 mistake 的区别是什么?


mistake和介词by、about、beyond搭配。具体如下所示:1、mistake about弄错,看错I was mistaken about her age.我弄错她的年龄了。2、in mistake 错当成Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.孩子们会把药片错当成糖果吃的。3、by mistake 错误地;由于差错He opened Ingrid"s letter by mistake.他误拆了英格丽德的信。mistake用法:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。mistake后可接介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词作定语。接about表示“关于…的错误”,接in表示“某方面的错误”。“犯错误”不说do a mistake,而说make a mistake。“错误地”不说for mistake,而说by mistake。


mistake的过去式是mistook,过去分词是mistaken。 mistake作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。 其它词形变化:mistake的第三人称单数是mistakes;现在分词是mistaking;复数是mistakes。mistake的用法1:mistake的基本意思是把某人〔事物〕给“弄错”了,也可作“认不出”解,引申可表示“误解”“歪曲”了某人的意思或意图。


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . [ 过去式 smoked 过去分词 smoked 现在分词 smoking ] smoke 英 [sm??k] 美 [smok] n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 vi. 冒烟,吸烟;抽烟;弥漫 vt. 吸烟;抽


mistake的过去式:mistook,过去分词:mistaken。现在分词:mistaking,复数mistakes.mistake的中文翻译:错误。详细释义如下:1、 错误;误会;过失。2、 弄错;误解。造句如下:1.It"s understandable to make a mistake.犯错误是可以理解的。2.An alert pharmacist will save a doctor from his own mistake by queryin...警惕性很高的药剂师对处方提出疑问而避免了医生的错误。3.Don"t jeer at the mistake of others.不要对别人的错误嘲笑。4.Please rectify the mistakes in my bill.请改正我账单上的错 。5. It was a mistake . My profuse apologies.这是一个错 。我深表歉意。



thousand 和thousands of 的区别



第一部分 选择checked or unchecked这里需要对异常的理解。什么算异常?java的异常处理机制是用来干什么的?异常和错误有什么区别?异常机制就是java的错误处理机制!java中的异常意味着2点:第一,让错误处理代码更有条理。这使得正常代码和错误处理代码分离。第二,引入了context的概念,认为有些错误是可以被处理的。问题就出在这儿了。java的checked异常指的就是在当前context不能被处理的错误!这句话其实是对上面2点的总结。首先checked异常是一种错误,其次这种错误可以被处理(或修复)。checked异常就是可以被处理(修复)的错误,unchecked异常其实就是无法处理(修复)的错误。说到这儿,应该清楚了。别的语言没有checked异常,就是说它们认为错误都无法被修复,至少在语言级不提供错误修复的支持。java的catch clause干的就是错误修复的事。我的理解是,用好java的异常,其实就是搞清楚什么时候该用checked异常。应该把unchecked异常当作缺省行为。unchecked异常的意思是:当我做这件事时,不可思议的情况发生了,我没办法正常工作下去!然后抛出一个unchecked异常,程序挂起。而checked异常的意思是:当我做这件事时,有意外情况发生,可以肯定的是,活是没法干了,但是要不要挂起程序,我这个函数没法做主,我只能汇报上级!其实,从上面的分析可以看出,java引入checked异常只是让程序员多了一个选择,它并不强迫你使用checked异常。如果你对什么时候应该使用checked异常感到迷惑,那么最简单的办法就是,不要使用checked异常!这里包括2个方面:第一,你自己不必创建新的异常类,也不必在你的代码中抛出checked异常,错误发生后只管抛出unchecked异常;第二,对已有API的checked异常统统catch后转为unchecked异常!使用unchecked异常是最省事的办法。用这种方法也可以享受“正常代码和错误处理代码分离”的好处。因为我们在调用方法时,不用根据其返回值判断是否有错误出现,只管调用,只管做正事就ok了。如果出现错误,程序自然会知道并挂起。这样的效果是怎样的呢?第一,我们的业务代码很清晰,基本都是在处理业务问题,而没有一大堆判断是否有错的冗余代码。(想想看,如果没有throw异常的机制,你只能通过函数的返回值来判断错误,那么你在每个调用函数的地方都会有判断代码!)第二,我们的代码假设一切正常,如果确实如此,那么它工作良好。但是一旦出现任何错误,程序就会挂起停止运行。当然,你可以查看日志找到错误信息。那么使用checked异常又是怎样的呢?第一,你需要考虑更多的问题。首先在设计上就会更加复杂,其次就是代码更加冗长。设计上复杂体现在以下方面:1 对异常(错误)的抽象和理解。你得知道什么情况才能算checked异常,使得上级确实能够处理(修复)这种异常,并且让整个程序从这种设计中确实得到好处。2 对整个自定义checked异常继承体系的设计。正如那篇文章所说,总不能在一个方法后面抛出20个异常吧!设计自定义checked异常,就要考虑方法签名问题,在合适的时候抛出合适的异常(不能一味的抛出最具体的异常,也不能一味抛出最抽象的异常)第二,业务代码相比较使用unchecked的情况而言,不够直接了当了。引入了throws签名和catch clause,代码里有很多catch,方法签名也和异常绑定了。第三,有了更强的错误处理能力。如果发生了checked异常,我们有能力处理(修复)它。表现在不是任何错误都会导致程序挂起,出现了checked异常,程序可能照样运行。整个程序更加健壮,而代价就是前面2条。第二部分 使用checked异常的最佳实践现在假设有些错误我们确定为checked异常,那么我们针对这些checked异常要怎样编码才合理呢?1 不要用checked异常做流程控制。无论如何,checked异常也是一种错误。只是我们可以处理(修复)它而已。这种错误和普通业务流程还是有区别的,而且从效率上来说,用异常控制业务流程是不划算的。其实这个问题有时候很难界定,因为checked异常“可以修复”,那么就是说修复后程序照常运行,这样一来真的容易跟普通业务流程混淆不清。比如注册用户时用户名已经存在的问题。这个时候我们要考虑,为什么要用checked异常?这和使用业务流程相比,给我带来了什么好处?(注意checked异常可以修复,这是和unchecked异常本质的区别)照我的理解,checked异常应该是介于正常业务流程和unchecked异常(严重错误)之间的一种比较严重的错误。出现了这种错误,程序无法完成正常的功能是肯定的了,但我们可以通过其他方式弥补(甚至修复),总之不会让程序挂起就是。其实这一点也是设计checked异常时要考虑的问题,也是代价之一吧。2 对checked异常的封装。这里面包括2个问题:第一,如果要创建新的checked异常,尽量包含多一点信息,如果只是一条message,那么用Exception好了。当然,用Exception会失去异常的型别信息,让客户端无法判断具体型别,从而无法针对特定异常进行处理。第二,不要让你要抛出的checked exception升级到较高的层次。例如,不要让SQLException延伸到业务层。这样可以避免方法签名后有太多的throws。在业务层将持久层的所有异常统统归为业务层自定义的一种异常。3 客户端调用含有throws的方法要注意:第一,不要忽略异常。既然是checked异常,catch clause里理应做些有用的事情??修复它!catch里为空白或者仅仅打印出错信息都是不妥的!为空白就是假装不知道甚至瞒天过海,但是,出来混迟早要还的,迟早会报unchecked异常并程序挂起!非典就是个例子。打印出错信息也好不到哪里去,和空白相比除了多几行信息没啥区别。如果checked异常都被这么用,那真的不如当初都改成unchecked好了,大家都省事!第二,不要捕获顶层的Exception。你这么干,就是在犯罪!因为unchecked异常也是一种Exception!你把所有异常都捕获了??不是我不相信你的能力,你根本就不知道该如何处理!这样做的直接的后果就是,你的程序一般来说是不会挂起了,但是出现错误的时候功能废了,表面上却看不出什么!当然,深究起来,这也不是什么罪大恶极,如果你在catch里打印了信息,这和上面那条的情况是差不多的。而这2条的共同点就是,没有正确使用checked异常!费了那么大劲设计的checked异常就是给你们上级(客户端)用的,结果你们不会用!真的不如用unchecked干脆利落了!

amount of与an amount of的区别是什么呢?

an amount of 与 amounts of 的区别为:谓语动词不同、意思不同、用法不同。一、谓语动词不同1、an amount of :an amount of 的谓语动词用复数。2、amounts of:amounts of的谓语动词用单数。二、意思不同1、an amount of :an amount of 的意思为数量;总量。2、amounts of:amounts of的意思为大量的。三、用法不同1、an amount of:Initiate a transfer by selecting an amount of funds and the destination of the transfer. 通过选择资金金额和转帐目的地来启动转帐。2、amounts of:Laser discs can store prodigious amounts of information. 激光磁盘能够贮存大量信息。

amount后面可以加S吗 比如large amount of

large amounts ofa large amount of

什么是amount of,an amount of的区别

an amount of 与 amounts of 的区别为:谓语动词不同、意思不同、用法不同。一、谓语动词不同1、an amount of :an amount of 的谓语动词用复数。2、amounts of:amounts of的谓语动词用单数。二、意思不同1、an amount of :an amount of 的意思为数量;总量。2、amounts of:amounts of的意思为大量的。三、用法不同1、an amount of:Initiate a transfer by selecting an amount of funds and the destination of the transfer. 通过选择资金金额和转帐目的地来启动转帐。2、amounts of:Laser discs can store prodigious amounts of information. 激光磁盘能够贮存大量信息。








amount是一个英语单词,当做名词用时翻译为量,数量;总额;全部含义;当做不及物动词时翻译为(在意义、价值、效果、程度等方面) 等于;等同,接近;合计,总共; 发音,名词属性,析义, 发音 amount a.mount [ə`maJnt; əˋmaunt] 名词属性 不及物名词 析义 总计 [某一数字] ,总计,共达,计为[to] The fire loss ~ed to one thousand dollars. 这次火灾损失共达一千美元 相当于[…],等于[…][to] His answer ~s to a refusal. 他的回答等于拒绝 名词 [the ~]总计,总额[of] (→ sum 【同义字】) She could only spend half the ~. 她只能花费总额的半数 To idle away one"s times amounts to kill oneself. 虚度年华等同于慢性自杀。 (C) 数量,额 a large ~ of money 庞大的金额,钜款 Any ~ of money will do. 金额大小不拘 ※ amount只能指代不可数名词,且a mount of不可以加可数名词复数, [the ~]要点,意义,重点[of] This is the ~ of what he said. 这是他所说的重点 in amount 在数量上; 总计; 总而言之 to the amount of ? 计达…,共达… He has debts to the ~ of ten million dollars. 他的负债共达一千万美元


amount 英[ə"maʊnt] 美[əˈmaʊnt] n. 量,数量;总额;本利之和;全部效果,全部含义 vi. (在意义、价值、效果、程度等方面)等于;等同,接近;合计,总共;... 第三人称单数:amounts;过去分词:amounted;名词复数:amounts;现在分... [例句]Current spending falls 60 % short of that amount.而当前的投资额与上一数字相差60%。sum 英[sʌm] 美[sʌm] n. 总数;算术;金额;概略,要点 vt.& vi. 总计;总结,概括;归纳 第三人称单数:sums;过去分词:summed;名词复数:sums;现在分词:summi... [例句]Private , government and foreign balances must sum to zero.

fortran mpi如何定义mpi数据类型

  我们可以像使用MPI的基本数据类型一样去使用input_mpi_t类型。  在构造新数据类型的过程中,MPI实现可能要在内部分配额外的存储空间。当我们使用新的数据类型时,可以用一个函数调用去释放额外的存储空间,重新定义mpi数据类型

在Java中,下列( )是不合法的赋值语句。

C 3.0是个double类型




在设备管理器下看看SCSI和IDE两个控制器下有没有明显属于Ramdisk的驱动,有的话禁用就行了,或者重新安装ramdisk 7.0后再次卸载(不要使用360管家之类,很容易引起其它问题),用软件自带的的卸载程序,或者用添加删除程序都是可以的。


mac口红深得广大消费者的青睐,使用mac口红,mac口红色号非常多,有些颜色很百搭。那么MAC最显白口红色号有哪些呢?我们平时挑选口红都喜欢选择显肤色白的口红颜色,因此我为大家分享了最显白的8只口红合集,赶快来了解一下吧! 1.


口红是每一个妹子在日常生活中不可缺少的化妆品,如果在众多的化妆品中选择一个的话,那么很多女孩子应该都会选择口红。因为即使是你化了非常精致的妆容,如果不涂口红的话,也会让整个人看起来很没有气色。 如果选择一个适合自己的口红,即使是素颜涂抹也会非常的提升颜值以及趁的肤色比较好看,而且不同颜色的口红还能展示出来自己不同的风格。 在众多的口红当中,要当数mac受人喜欢了,因为首先它是雅诗兰黛旗下的品牌,也算得上是一个主流的品牌了,而且mac的颜色实在是相当之多,每一个人都可以找到适合自己的颜色。 那么在众多好看的颜色当中,最火的是哪几个呢? 那么今天在这里和大家聊的就是mac最火的6款色号,它们几乎人手一个,因为真的实在是太好看了,下面就让我们一起来看看,都有哪些好看颜色吧! Number1:Chili小辣椒 说到mac这个口红,不得不让人提起的就是它的神仙色号小辣椒了 ,可以说这一个颜色养活了mac的这个品牌,几乎没有人不知道它。 小辣椒是属于一款非常有气质的砖红色,不管是在一年四季哪一个季节涂上都很好看。 它之所以这么受人喜欢,每一个人都会拥有一支,自然是因为它的颜色是一点也不挑皮肤的,对白皮肤黑黑皮肤和黄皮肤的人群都相当友好,不管怎么涂都特别的显白,薄涂日常,厚涂有气场。 不过它唯一的一点缺点就是比较的拔干,但是也因为他是雾面哑光的质感,才会让它的颜色如此的好看。 Number2:Ruby woo复古红 Ruby woo也是mac近点色号里面一个不可缺少的了,它和mac的小辣椒有着同样的优点,就是它适合所有皮肤的女孩子 。 就是黑皮肤或者是黄皮肤的人涂上它也相当的显白显气质的,这个颜色涂上嘴以后,它会让你的气色立刻提升很多。 而且现在mac已经更换了比较新的版本,没有之前那么干了,相比小辣椒也滋润了一点,它是属于蓝调的复古红颜色,薄涂比较日常,而厚涂的话,就相当的有气场了。 哑光雾面的质地让这个颜色看起来特别的有质感,而且涂上这款颜色笑起来的时候还相当的显牙白。 Number3:316泫雅色 最近突然间又火了一款mac的颜色,它就是316,这个颜色在之前几乎是没多少人知道的,知道泫雅的海报里涂了这款颜色,它就在一夜之间火了起来。 很多人也是看了泫雅的那张海报都对这个颜色相当的喜欢。 有人称316是温柔版本的小辣椒,如果不喜欢颜色太红,或者是太深的人,不如可以选择一下316这款泫雅色。 它相比较小辣椒是比较柔和的,而且它比小辣椒要更加的顺滑一点,没有那么的拔干, 并且这个颜色也是适合所有皮肤涂的,是一个相比比较日常的显白、显气色的颜色 。 Number4:Doubnnet牛血色 牛血色是最近这段时间一直比较热门的一个颜色,它和姨妈色很相似,也有人把这两个颜色称为是一个颜色 。 我个人觉得牛血色更像是更重一点的大红色,它上嘴以后是十分的有气场的,不过如果不想要太夸张效果的,也可以选择薄涂的方式,妆感也是很不错的。 MAC的这款牛血色的口红,还有一个比较大的优点,就是它一点也不拔干,至还比较的滋润,相比小辣椒真的是不要滋润太多,根本不需要涂唇膏,除非你的嘴唇特别干,涂一点效果会更好。 而且这款颜色的饱和度和上色度相当的好,即使是深唇的人,涂上它也没有一点压力,可以把你嘴唇上的瑕疵遮盖得很好。 以上几款颜色就是今天在这里和大家聊的mac最火的几款了。 基本上只要喜欢口红的女孩子,没有人不知道这几款颜色的 。 而且有很多女孩子会同时拥有这几款颜色,因为每一个颜色都可以展示出来自己不同的气质,每一个都是很好看的 。 不过每一个人喜欢的颜色都是有所不同的,而且每个人的皮肤和唇底色也都有着各种的不一样,所以说最终选择的口红适合自己才是最重要的。 那么关于mac比较热门的口红色号,你还有其它不同的看法吗?如果有的话,欢迎在下方留言和大家讨论一下。


1.句子的谓语由于涉及时态、语态,因此呈现多种形式. 以上述及物的行为动词adore为例, 主动语态 被动语态 一般现在时 adore(s) am/is/are adored 一般过去时 adored was/were adored 一般将来时 will adore will be adored 现在进行时 am/is/ are adoring am/is/are being adored 现在完成时 have/has adored have/has been adored 不一而足. 由此可见,will,would,be,have,has,had等助动词与行为动词一起构成谓语的不同时态、语态,您说的助动词be主要参与构成进行时态、被动语态等;而如果是一般现在时、一般过去时,在主动语态的陈述句中,就不用助动词帮忙了,行为动词本身就能作谓语了,但也要注意形式,比如第三人称单数、动词过去式. 2.您给出的第一句,adore是谓语,由于是一般现在时,主动语态,所以不用助动词帮忙.您给出的第二局,were commended是谓语,由于是一般过去时的被动语态,所以出现了be done 的结构作谓语.for there good deeds是原因状语.


are的过去式是were。are是be的第二人称单复数现在式,am和is是单数形式;am,is的过去式是was,are的过去式是were。过去分词都是been。 are的过去式例句: 1、We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes. 我们都被蚊子咬惨了。 2、Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected. 工程师注意到管道并没有如预期那样膨胀。 3、They were knocking around together for about a year. 他们交往大概有一年了。 are双语例句 Are you aware these notes are counterfeit? 你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗? Clubs are trumps. 梅花是主牌。 Snakes are carnivorous. 蛇都是食肉动物。 No, those are Ellie"s kids. Ours are upstairs. 不,那些是埃利的孩子。我们的都在楼上。 Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional. 某些课程是必修的,其他是选修的。


一、aunt的音标是:英 [ɑːnt]美 [ænt]二、单词含义:n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;阿姨三、短语搭配agony aunt知心阿姨(报纸或杂志的答疑解惑专栏作者)maiden aunt未结婚的姑妈四、例句:1、The curtains had cost a mint, but Aunt thought they were worth it.窗帘花了好大一笔钱,但姨母认为值得。2、She was no relation at all, but he called her Aunt Nora.她根本就不是什么亲戚,但他却叫她诺拉姨妈。3、Mother had been absent throughout, but Aunt Edie had come up trumps.虽然母亲自始至终都不在,可伊迪姨妈真是帮了大忙。


admit [�0�5d"mit] vt.1. 承认(事实、错误等),供认,招认(to): He frankly admitted his error.他坦率地承认错误。She admitted her guilt.她认了罪。2. 确认;(认为有效、合法或真实而)接受: The fact is admitted.事实被确认了。to admit a claim(判定情况属实而)确认索赔3. 准许进入(或加入使用),让…进入: She opened the door and admitted me into the house.她把门打开,让我进屋。This ticket admits three persons.这张票准许三人入场。4. 给…进入的权利(或资格): She was admitted to the university.她被那所大学录取了。to admit a student to college录取某学生入大学5. 允许,让…得到,让…享有: He was admitted into their fullest confidence.他获得了他们的充分信任。6. 准许…享有特权(或行使职权等): He was admitted to the bar.他获得了律师资格。7. 给…留有余地,有…的可能;容许(of): The matter admits of no delay.此事刻不容缓。8. 能容纳,装得下: This passage admits two abreast.这过道可容纳两人并排进出。The hall admits 3,500 people.这大厅可容纳3500人。




3C:应该是Three CorridorsRPG:role playing game 角色扮演类游戏DOTA:Defend of the Ancient.这个不会翻译~~反正是WAR3的一种游戏类型 象真三就是这类的




grain的意思有:谷物、粮食、颗粒、谷粒、籽粒、木材、大理石等。短语搭配:1、grain size. 晶体、晶粒度、粒度、结晶粒度、粒径。2、abrasive grain. 磨粒、磨料粒度、磨料颗粒、研磨砂。3、coarse grain. 谷粒、粗粒、粗晶粒、饲料用谷类。4、a grain of truth. 一点点真实性。5、to go against the grain. (想法或行动)格格不入,违反本意。例句:1、Oak has an attractive grain.橡木有漂亮的花纹。2、spirits made from grain.粮食酿的酒。3、From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.粮食从这些港口运到亚的斯亚贝巴。4、the mealy stodge of pulse,grain and potato dishes.用豆类、谷物和土豆制成的粉状易饱腹食物。5、They bring meat, grain,and vegetables to sell or barter.他们带着肉、谷物以及蔬菜来出售或用来交换。


它的过去式形式是“gave ”。1、过去分词是“given”,现在分词是“giving”,第三人称单数是“gives”。2、它属于动词的不规则变形,需要熟记于心。

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gas是汽油吗 gas属于汽油吗

1、gas是汽油。 2、英国人称汽油为petrol,美国人则说gas。 3、petrol是用petroleum(石油;原油)经过提炼而成的汽油;但petroleum也常常简化为petrol,所以得根据上下文来判断petrol的含义。美国人则把汽油叫做gasoline,在口语中他们把gasoline简化为gas。这样一来,当听见美国人说gas的时候,究竟指气体还是指汽油就得想一想啦。例如:step on gas 踩油门;fill the gasoline tank with gas给油箱灌满汽油 4、oil指任一种从矿物、植物中提炼的和人工合成物质以及动植物油,所以有时候也指汽油:I must put some more oil in my car. 我得给汽车再加点油。

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有一首韩文歌 女的唱的 歌名是一堆无语的字母 是A开头的 这是什么歌啊


湖北地名“jian shi”是哪两个字?



我不是高手,只是把我知道的告诉你,另外,你下面补充的和上面的很多都是类似的,所以只翻了上面的。 1.chest (all around) 胸围 2.waist(5"down from armhole all around)腰围(夹下5“量) 3.sweep(all around)摆围 4.back length(from HPS to bottom)MANU** 后身长-高肩点至摆边 5.across shoulder (seam to seam)肩宽(缝至缝) 6.chest and mid-armhole 7.neck width(seam to seam)领宽-缝至缝 8.front neck drop(seam to seam)前领深 9.back neck drop(frm imag.line to sea) 10.neck opening stretched (minimum)领围 11.armhole opening袖笼开口 12.sleeve length(fromC.B.)LONG or 3/4 袖长-后中量 13.sleeve width at bicep(1/2"frm armh)袖肥-夹下1/2 14.cuff opening SHORT 袖开口 15.cuff width 袖宽 16.cuff opening(all around LONG or 3/4)袖开口 17.sleeve length(fromC.B.)SHORT袖长 18.special cuff width 特殊袖宽 19.neck opening circular MANU** 20.stand collar height at c.b领座高后中量 21.collar height at c.b后中领高 22.collar point领尖宽 23.Plaquet lenght 24.placket width门襟宽 25.side silt length 26.pocket width at top口袋宽袋顶 27. pocket lenght at center口袋长中量 28.Elbow sz-6 at 6.5"below under arm 29.raglan front armhole length from neck 30.raglan back armhole length from neck 31.quantity of button required at cente 32.belt position from HPS**腰带围距高尖点 33.belt length***腰带长 34.head circumference(insideall aroun 35.peck width 36.front pannel width (seam to seam)前翻领宽 37.cap heigth 38.side pannel width(seam to seam)侧翻领宽 39.peak length 40.strap length or elastic length 41.back opening width 42.strap width or elastic width 43.back pannel width(above back opening)后翻领宽
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