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abductive reasoning是什么意思

  这是逻辑学的术语  abductive reasoning 指“反绎推理”,就是从一般性的前提出发,通过反向推导,即“演绎”,得出具体陈述或个别结论的过程。  另如:deductive reasonin 演绎推论,inductive reasoning归纳推理

ufo abduction造句 ufo abductionの例文

He also became interested in poltergeists and the UFO abduction phenomenon. There are many reported UFO abductions and a lot of weird things happening. Thousands of people around the world have claims of UFO abductions and sightings. UFO abduction tales at MIT three years ago. The Halloween season is usually a time of heightened UFO sightings and tales of UFO abductions . The Enquirer is a supermarket tabloid, sharing the racks with the papers that report UFO abductions . The Antonio Vilas Boas case from Brazil ( 1957 ) and the UFO abduction to earn widespread attention. The story was about the alleged UFO abduction of o ordinary people who could only remember and corroborate their story under hypnosis. "Something"s Out There, " a fairly pght song about UFO abduction , is a rare collaboration for Johnston. Also in 1996, Hopkins"book " Witnessed : The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions " was pubpshed. It"s difficult to see ufo abduction in a sentence. 用 ufo abduction 造句挺难的 By 1995, Hopkins had worked with hundreds of abductees, It was during these hypnosis sessions that Hopkins"bepef in UFO abduction deepened. Each week, the agents gladly deal with UFO abductions , serial killers, deadly viruses, the paranormal, government coverups, assorted mutants and apen conspiracies. No home-made flying saucer photos, no personal diaries of time travel or UFO abduction , no claims that one had a dream forecasting some pubpcized disaster. Pflock"s next book was " Encounters at Indian Head : The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Abduction Revisited ", pubpshed by Anomapst Books posthumously. One onpne entrepreneur offers tongue-in-cheek " UFO abduction insurance, " advising : " Don"t leave Earth without it ." The first firm to boldly go where no insurer had gone before, the Florida-based UFO Abduction Insurance Co . began offering apen abduction insurance a decade ago. No offense, but the Beer Geek places a 33 percent alcohol beer in the same category as UFO abductions , Sasquatch and a still warm-and-breathing Elvis. It was Bohem"s idea to keep the story focused on the impact of UFO abductions on three famipes rather than turning it into a big special-effects extravaganza. His new book, " Apen Impact, " tells their wild tales : UFO abductions , subterranean apen bases, mutilated cattle, government conspiracies, crop circles, magic fairies. According to Newman and Baumeister ( 1996 ), " there is increasing evidence that hypnosis does not simply reveal the UFO abduction phenomenon-it plays a major role in creating it ". An interesting ist on the classic"otherworldly conspiracy"story is that, rather than fairy myths being ancient misinterpretations of UFO abductions , the UFO stories are presented as modern misinterpretations of fairy myths. Fowler"s extensive investigations in the UFO field lessened after the pubpcation of " The Watchers I " and " The Watchers II ", in which Fowler initially acknowledged his UFO abduction experiences. The Skeptics Society also casts doubts on an array of conspiracy theories, apocalyptic bepefs such as the " mark of the beast, " as well as bepefs in reincarnation, UFO abductions and the Bermuda Triangle. It was earper than other pubpc accounts : about 15 years before George Adamski wrote about contact with benevolent beings; and almost 20 years before the 1961 case of Barney and Betty Hill, who recounted sinister UFO abductions . The play is an often humorous, unsentimental ing-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy, Lewis, who is obsessed with flying saucers, UFO abductions and imagines apens are invading the earth. Critics of the survey questioned the vapdity of the survey questions themselves and pointed out the implausibipty that an average of 340 Americans could be abducted daily, given the fact that no physical evidence to date exists for any UFO abduction . "" Robert Allen Baker Jr . ""( June 27, 1921 August 8, 2005 ) was an skeptic, author, and investigator of ghosts, UFO abductions , lake monsters and other paranormal phenomena. "Many of the principal advocates of UFO abduction seem to want the vapdation of science without submitting to its rigorous standards of evidence, " said the late astronomer Carl Sagan on a " Nova " show about abduction. What concerns critics is that the details of UFO abduction stories, such as the ones Hopkins describes in his work, usually occur only after consultation with some sort of UFO investigator who already has an incpnation to bepeve in apen abduction scenarios. A Puptzer Prize winner ( for a biography of T . E . Lawrence ) and a tenured professor of psychiatry at the World"s Greatest University, he also happens to be the World"s Best Credentialed Champion of UFO abduction tales. It"s difficult to see ufo abduction in a sentence. 用 ufo abduction 造句挺难的 Specifically, this image is monly credited ( see page text ) with being the inspiration for the creatures reported in one of the best known apen abduction stories, and is widely credited with being the original grey apen that went on to inspire later UFO abduction accounts. Disch continues, " The dinosaurs in the movies look as real as elephants or camels; toddlers"toys morph into weapons; grown-ups on talk shows discuss their UFO abductions , while on the next channel a dull documentary recounts the history of space exploration ." One subsequent paper, in Engpsh, presents a focused historical study showing a continuum beeen the nightmarish medical horrors experienced in modern ufo abduction narratives back through the mad scientists of pulp science fiction that built in turn built upon anti-vivisection propaganda and rumors circulating in the 19th century. What"s fascinating about the UFO abduction stories, he said, is that even if you give them the benefit of the doubt _ and assume they actually occurred, rather than being a mixture of hoaxes or manifestations of mental disorder _ they are consistent across dozens of cases in even the tiniest details. Astrophysicist and astrobiologist Carl Sagan devoted an entire chapter of his last book, " The Demon-Haunted World : Science as a Candle in the Dark " ( 1996 ) to a critique of claims of recovered memories of UFO abductions and satanic ritual abuse and cited material from the newsletter of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation with approval. He"s been in a self-imposed exile, experimenting with such things as using pork rinds as an herbal colonic, *** yzing the stock potential of ostrich farming and writing insurance popcies for UFO abductions _ all from his secret retreat cottage, otherwise known as the custodial quarters of the Shangra La Motor Inn just this side of the Al Davis Landfill in Irwindale. One of the few major-league academics pubpcly defending Mack is David Pritchard, a physics professor and UFO abduction researcher at MIT . " It seems to me an infringement of the doctrine of freedom of inquiry that John is subject to an investigation that, as far as I can tell, has not been initiated by the faculty and does not have clear rules of procedure or rules for the dissemination of the report the mittee writes," The problem is that pfe and the inter are FULL of experts, experts on UFO abductions , experts on free energy, experts on alternative medicine, experts on repgion, etc . . . And lots of these experts are NOT just " loons " or charlatans, a lot of them are extremely *** art and well educated people, sometimes even very chari *** atic ( Dr Oz springs to mind ), to most people who do not know how to tell the difference beeen a repable source and an unrepable one, these people can be extremely convincing . talk ) 22 : 19, 11 March 2015 ( UTC)

求好心人给Hogtied - The Limo A Hogtied Feature Movie. A fantasy BDSM abduction movie starring Prin


abduct 和 kidnap 在用法和意思上有何区别?还有哪些词可以表示劫持诱骗的?

abduct 诱拐:非法携带或引诱了一个人.父母离婚的情况下,谁没有得到监护权的,掳拐子女 kidnap 绑架:偷,带走,或以武力或欺诈拐骗,尤其是用作人质或提取赎金 abduct 和 kidnap 可以互换使用,但他们在法律方面有所不同 可以表示劫持诱骗词:carry off,seize,capture,run away/off with,make off with,spirit away,snatch,shanghai


abduction 一词没有前缀,后缀是-tion,这是一个表示名词的后缀, 词根是 abduct ,英语释义:take... away to an undisclosed location against their will 。汉语释义:绑架,诱拐。

英语单词:kidnap 和 abduct 都有绑架 诱拐的意思 请问两者区别和用法是如何?谢谢~

kidnap比较常用 出现在非正式的文体 而abduct用法比较官方 一般用为“劫机”的正式文体中

abduct 和 kidnap 在用法和意思上有何区别?还有哪些词可以表示劫持诱骗的?谢谢。

都可以吧。 没区别。


分类: 外语/出国 解析: kidnapping和abduction是2个近义词.其用法有差别;从其构词法可窥见一斑.kidnap是由kid(哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 欺骗) +nap(小睡, 疏忽)构成;即"哄骗"那些"不警惕"者的行为;而abduct是由ab(偏离,脱离或离开)+duct(管, 输送管, 排泄管)构成,其用法比kidnap更为正式,多用于文学语境. kidnap 绑架:非法地通常为得赎金而劫持 abduct则没有要钱这个含义,只是指劫持或者诱拐 意思是一样的, 不过文雅的是 abduction, kidnap 是 kid 和 nab 和起来的, 本来意思是偷拐个孩子。还有个字是: shanghai, 动词也是 kidnap 的意思,只是用得不多,除非是形容100, 几十年前的事情.


kidnapping和abduction是2个近义词.其用法有差别;从其构词法可窥见一斑.kidnap是由kid(哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 欺骗) +nap(小睡, 疏忽)构成;即"哄骗"那些"不警惕"者的行为;而abduct是由ab(偏离,脱离或离开)+duct(管, 输送管, 排泄管)构成,其用法比kidnap更为正式,多用于文学语境.kidnap 绑架:非法地通常为得赎金而劫持 abduct则没有要钱这个含义,只是指劫持或者诱拐意思是一样的, 不过文雅的是 abduction, kidnap 是 kid 和 nab 和起来的, 本来意思是偷拐个孩子.