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Grade accordingly什么意思


please acknowledge receipt accordingly 是什么意思?


proceed accordingly副词是在动词后面的吗?

普遍来说其实都可以,可以是 proceed accordingly 或者 accordingly proceed,但要看句子的结构.有时候也会影响整个句子的意思

I will proceed accordingly.是什么意思


英语翻译:some of the laws were contradictory ,accordingly ,measures were ..........


accordingly as与accordingly to各是什么意思,谢谢。

因此作为 相应的

Get it I will arrange it accordingly.是什么意思

Get it I will arrange it accordingly.得到它我会做出相应安排的。双语对照例句:1.If I can arrange it, will you meet him? 如果我出面安排你会愿意和他见面吗?2.I will arrange for our departure. 我会安排我和皇储的行程的.


1、therefore adv.因此,所以=for that reason=consequently常用于连接两个并列分句,其前加“and”或分号“;”. He was ill,and therefore could not come.他病了,所以未能来. He has broken his leg and therefore he can"t walk.他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了. We do not have enough money.Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车. 2.accordingly adv.因此,从而;所以,因此结果;因此(偶作连词使用conj.) He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了. You may arrange accordingly.你可以权宜处理. 3. so conj.adv因而,所以,结果是 It was late,so we went home.天晚了,所以我们就回家去了. He was sick,so they were quiet.他病了,所以他们很安静. 4. Thus adv.如此,像这样;因此;于是 He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey.他卖掉了农场,这样他就有足够的钱旅行了. There has been no rain — thus,the crops are drying.天没下雨,因此庄稼要枯死了. 你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案.请指出!


accordingly英 [əˈkɔ:dɪŋli] 美 [əˈkɔ:rdɪŋli]adv.因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地;[网络]相应地; 据此; 因此;[例句]And, as the Rational Rose tool has matured, the book has matured; I have updated it accordingly.随着Rational Rose工具的成熟,这本书也随之成熟,因此我更新过这本书。


accordingly的基本意思是“按照”,指按照某人所说或发生的事而采取相应的措施。在句中常用作状语,修饰谓语动词。accordingly还常用作连接副词,用在正式书面语中连接并列句,意为“因此”“所以”“于是”,强调因果关系,语气较缓和。accordingly作“照着; 相应地”解时常用于句末,作“因此; 所以”解时常用于句首或句中。例句:1、He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。2、These officers accordingly attended in great form.于是,那些军官就按照规定的仪式参加了。3、Accordingly, the crowd was sombre and grave.因此,人群也显出相应的阴郁和庄重。扩展资料同义词辨析:accordingly,consequently,hence,so,therefore,thus这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。1、accordingly书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。2、consequently正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。3、hence较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。4、so用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。5、therefore通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。6、thus多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。


accordingly 英[əˈkɔ:dɪŋli] 美[əˈkɔ:rdɪŋli] adv. 因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地; [网络] 相应地; 据此; 因此; [例句]And, as the Rational Rose tool has matured, the book has matured; I have updated it accordingly.随着Rational Rose工具的成熟,这本书也随之成熟,因此我更新过这本书。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!




accordingly音节划分:ac▪cord▪ing▪ly生词本常见度:中频词,你记住了吗?去背诵英 [əˈkɔ:dɪŋli]美 [əˈkɔ:rdɪŋli]adv. 因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地双语例句1. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly. 更多牛津我们得找出他的计划,照着办。来自《权威词典》2. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.当心急转弯并相应调整车速。来自《权威词典》3. Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly.请把你们的决定通知我们,我们会照着去办的.来自《简明英汉词典》4. He was told to speak briefly; accordingly he cut short his remarks.人家叫他说话简短, 于是他就长话短说了.来自《简明英汉词典》5. Children are sensitive to disapproval and adjust their behaviour accordingly.孩子们对批评十分敏感,并会相应地调整自己的行为.来自《简明英汉词典》




accordingly 有两层意思:1:照着,相应地 例如:As populations increase,the demand for water grows accordingly.随着人口的增长,用水量也相应增加. I" ve told you what the situation is ; you must act accordingly 我已经把情况告诉你了,你得采取相应的行动 由上面两个例句可以看出来,有accordingly的分句,应解释前面的小分句.2:因此,于是 He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went. 有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了.


相当于according to,一样的意思可一放在句首,句中