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how the beaches

how were the beaches? 这个是过去时 回答也是过去时 所以是这个

beaches怎么读 英语beaches怎么读

1、beaches英[ˈbiːtʃɪz]美[ˈbiːtʃɪz],n.海滩; 沙滩; 海滨; 湖滨;v.(使)上岸; 把…拖上岸;beach的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]Is this the right way to the beach?去海滩是走这条路吗?




beaches 核心词汇 英 [biːtʃ]     美 [biːtʃ]    n.海滩;海滨;沙滩vt.拖(船)上岸

how were the beaches?/what do you think of the beaches?

how were the beaches?这个是过去时 回答也是过去时 所以是这个


beacheskangaroos比切斯卡罗奥斯卡拼 音 kǎ qiǎ 部 首 丨 笔 画 5 五 行 木 繁 体 卡 五 笔 HHU生词本基本释义 详细释义[ kǎ ]1.卡车,载重的大汽车:十轮~。2.卡片,小的纸片(一般是比较硬的纸):资料~|贺年~。3.卡路里的简称,热量的非法定计量单位,符号cal,1克纯水的温度升高1摄氏度所需的热量为1卡,合4.1868焦。[卡通](外)1.动画片。2.漫画。



beautiful beaches


beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?


pubiic beaches什么意思


beaches is

Is Austrilia famous for its beautiful beaches? 澳大利亚因它的美丽海滩而出名吗? 在做疑问句时,先找有没有类似is am are 这样的be动词,因为一般疑问句都是be动词提前哦~ 如果没有那就特殊疑问句,要找疑问词啦

how were the beaches?/what do you think of the beaches?







你是看美剧知道这个单词的吗?如果是的话,我告诉你,你多半拼错了。。。应该是这个bitch,意思呢,我就不说了,你查字典就好了。。。。美剧中经常会说。。。。son of bitch。。。。





I love beaches 为什么beaches为什么要加es,前面用的是第一人称



beaches的读法是:[bitz]。意思是:n.海滩;海滨;(beach的复数);vt.将…拖上岸;(beach的第三人称单数);vi.搁浅;定居。双语例句1、The mink is still commonly seen scavenging the beaches of California.仍可经常看到貂在加利福尼亚海滩上觅食。2、Pow! Bombs went off on six beaches at once.砰!炸弹同时在六处海滩爆炸。3、Shore dumping can pollute fishing grounds and beaches.在海边倾倒废物会污染渔场和海滩。4、Beaches lipped by the surf rimming the Pacific.太平洋的海浪拍打着周边的海滩。5、An oil slick washed up on the beaches.浮油被冲到了海滩上。


beach n.海滩;湖滨 vt.将…拖上岸 vi.搁浅;定居 beaches 是海滩的复数形式


加at。beach的基本意思是“沙滩”“海滨”,一般指接近海水的、涨潮时有水而退潮时无水的较为平坦的海滩,多由沙子、鹅卵石、小石子等覆盖而成。也可指湖滨或河滩,引申还可指“岸边”“陆地”。 表示“在沙滩上”时, beach前大多用介词on,有时也可用介词at。


一个是我要做老师 一个是我是老师




reached意思:v. 伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸;(伸手)去够n. 范围;影响力;河段;等级一、读音:英 [riːtʃ];美 [riːtʃ]    二、例句:We had twenty miles to cover to reach the nearest railway station.我们得走20英里的路才能到达最近的火车站。三、词汇用法/搭配:1、reach的基本意思是指人“到达”某地,引申可表示某人与其他人“达成”了一致的意见、协议等; 用于指物可表示某条道路、路线等“延伸”至某一地方,引申可表示某消息、影响“传到”某处。2、reach既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与after, for, to等介词连用。扩展资料:近义词:extend一、意思:v. 延伸;延长;伸展;扩展;提供;使竭尽全力二、读音:英 [ɪk"stend];美 [ɪk"stend]    三、例句:Our playing fields extend as far as those trees.我们的操场延伸到那些树前。四、词汇用法/搭配:1、extend的基本意思是增加时间或空间的长度,尤指范围的扩大,如权力、种类、影响或适用性等。作此解时接名词或代词作宾语。2、extend还可表示“给予(帮助、友谊等)”“表示(祝贺、欢迎等)”,作此解时可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。


reach的过去分词或过去式 v. 到达( reach的过去式和过去分词 ); 联络; 伸出手臂, 延伸,达成。 1. VERB 动词到达;抵达 When someone or something reaches a place, they arrive there. 【语法信息】:V nHe did not stop until he reached the door...他走到门边才停下。When the bus reached High Holborn, Tony rang the bell and they jumped off together...当公交车到达海霍尔本站时,托尼摇响了铃,他们一起跳下了车。He reached Cambridge shortly before three o"clock.他快到3点的时候抵达了剑桥。2. VERB 动词达到,到达(一定阶段、程度或数量) If someone or something has reached a certain stage, level, or amount, they are at that stage, level, or amount. 【语法信息】:V nThe process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible...南非的政治变革已达到不可逆转的地步。The Belgian player Eduardo Masso has reached the final of the Dutch Open in Hilversum...比利时选手爱德华多·马索进入了在希尔弗瑟姆举行的荷兰公开赛的决赛。We"re told the figure could reach 100,000 next year.我们得知明年这一数字可能达到10万。3. VERB 动词(伸手)触及,去拿,去碰 If you reach somewhere, you move your arm and hand to take or touch something. 【语法信息】:V prep/advJudy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet...朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。I reached across the table and squeezed his hand...我把手伸到桌子的另一边,捏住他的手。He reached up for an overhanging branch.他伸手去够悬在头顶上的树枝。

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.其中reaches for your hand什么意思?

主语是A true friend, 所以应该是向你伸出援助之手

had been judged an experienced teacher 改错?

has been considered an experienced teacher 被认为是一位经验丰富的老师

adjust的的问题,a teacher have to be adjusted to fit……


adjacent cache line prefetch开吗

adjacent cache line prefetch开。adjacent cache line prefetch的意思是预读取邻近的缓存数据。BIOS里的adjacent cache line prefetch就是这项命令的开关。adjacent cache line prefetch是需要打开的,计算机在读取数据时,会智能的认为要读取的数据旁边或邻近的数据也是需要的。

adjacent cache line prefetch开吗


BIOS里的 adjacent cache line prefetch 是什么意思啊 求大虾们帮帮忙

预读取邻近的缓存数据.计算机在读取数据时,会智能的认为要读取的数据旁边或邻近的数据也是需要的, 那么其在处理的时候就会将这些邻近的数据预先读取出来, 这样会大大加快读取速度.BIOS里的 adjacent cache line prefetch 就是这项命令的开关,如果不需要预读取功能,可以将其关闭.



ethical breaches 什么意思


skilled teachers 什么意思?“外教”的英文怎么说?

Shilled teacher是技能老师 外教是foreign teacher

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.求翻译


请问一道英语选择题 as a teacher,he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity

本题正确答案为B,考查名词的词义辨析。A 项observation:观察,B项curiosity:好奇,C项superiority:优越、优势,D项judgement:意见、判断力。stir up 是激起、激发、唤起的意思,与curiosity搭配,意为激发好奇心,而且与后面的Insist on obedience 形成对比,故选B。

my english teacher has a dress的复数形式是什么?

Our English teachers have dresses.

She pretended______ a book when the teacher came in.

pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书 pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉 看这个解释很清楚了,第一个表示老师进来后他装作要去看书;第二个是老师进来后他假装在看书,选B了

his ambition to become an teacher deserves our su


Teacher should have uniform (追加高分)

Should Teachers Wear Uniforms? 新学期,新气象!我们辛勤的老师是不是也应该“焕然一新”呢?给他们设计一套新颖的教师制服穿在身上好不好?Teachers Should Wear Uniforms ! If it"s important for students to wear uniforms, shouldn"t it be important for teachers to wear uniforms, too? Here are three reasons why they should: First, uniforms help create team spirit (团队精神). Teachers in school are members of the same team and wearing uniforms would help the teachers communicate better with each other and help them become more responsible. It would show that they are proud of the school and proud to work there. Second, uniforms would help the teachers get more respect from their students. For example, in the army an officer"s uniform is very important to show his authority (权威) over his soldiers. A teacher in a uniform would get more respect from the students and they will listen to him/her more carefully. Third, a teacher"s clothes may be something bad in class. If a teacher dresses too well or too poorly, some students will have difficulty listening to what he/she is talking about. They are too busy looking at the teacher"s cool clothes or, perhaps, laughing at the silly way he/she is dressed. But if the teacher wears a uniform, there won"t be such a problem.*Can you think of other reasons why teachers should wear uniforms?Uniforms for Teachers? That"s Silly! There are many good reasons for students to wear uniforms. Some people think those are good reasons to make teachers wear uniforms, too. But I don"t think so and here are some reasons. First, uniforms would make teachers look too much the same. In education, it"s important for teachers to be different. Students will learn just as much from a teacher"s personality (个性) as they will learn from his knowledge of a subject. They will also feel bored if all their teachers are wearing the same uniforms. Second, a uniform might make the teacher look like a policeman or an official. Teachers already have a lot of authority in the classroom, so wearing a uniform would not be necessary and might even be a bad idea. The uniforms might make the students afraid. Third, teachers have rights. They should feel free to choose what they"d like to wear.

us,to,school,at,the,wear,school,asks,our,teacher,uniforms 造句

Our teacher asks us to wear the school uniforms at school.

windos无法启动Apache Tomcat9.Newcapec_aiface服务


Kaspersky LabAVP9BasesCache 文件夹下TMP文件DAT文件1.2G,是否可以删去?

看到很多人都困扰C盘的空间越来越小,现在我来告诉大家C盘变小的原因,是下面的这个文件夹在搞鬼。Kaspersky 2009的方法不可用了,2010改了存放文件夹,所以按照以前的路径是看不到的。删除里面的tmp文件就可以了。Xp操作系统路径为C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP9BasesCacheVista操作系统路径为C:pragramdataAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP9BasesCache1. 禁用卡巴的自我保护(不知道怎么禁用的坛友搜搜论坛的帖子)2.在文件夹内右键——排列图标——修改时间3. 删除C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP9BasesCache下的除最新日期外的所有avXXX.tmp文件。例如:最新的tmp是av24C.tmp,则只保留这个,其它的avXXX.tmp可以删除。注意:kdb$kavbase$1244B7C4$4C426332.dat之类的文件不要删除。



the people who had headaches.是定语从句吗?

who 引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的名词 the people

but do you know about headache

1-5 BACCC 6-10 CDDCD



He"s got a headache.什么意思

He"sgotaheadache.的中文翻译  He"sgotaheadache.  他头痛得很。  headache英[ˈhedeɪk]美[ˈhɛdˌek]  n.头痛;令人头痛的事;  [例句]Ihavehadaterribleheadacheforthelasttwodays.  两天来我一直头痛得厉害。  [其他]复数:headaches形近词:headachy

He"s got a headache.什么意思


i"ve a headache 表示我头疼。那么怎么表达“我们都头疼”?“a”怎么变化

we all have headaches.a去掉,headache变复数形式,all可要可不要

have many headaches 怎么翻译?


have a headache 为什么中间有个a? headache 可数吗?

ache是可数名词还是不可数名词表示一种疼痛状态时,是不可数名词:Chocolate gives me toothcake。我吃了巧克力牙疼。表示具体的某一次疼痛的发作时,〔美〕是可数名词,〔英〕是不可数名词:She very ofen gets stomaches.(〔英〕stomache)〔美〕她常常胃疼。▲headache一概作可数名词时用:I often get headaches。

migraine headaches是什么意思


He often suffers headaches.为什么不对?一定要用suffer from吗

对 suffer from 是固定搭配意为 经历 承受通常指疾病或困境

类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数吗?如果可数,复数形式是什么?


1.What are headaches?中的headaches为何加了“s”?


I have a lot of headaches 和many headaches 有区别吗

没区别当修饰可数名词时, alotof=many当修饰不可数名词时,alotof=much谢谢采纳~~


这两个单词的ea部分发音不同,两者发音也不同哈。headache [ˈhedeɪk] n.头痛;令人头痛的人(或事物);麻烦第三人称单数:headachestea [tiː] 茶叶;茶;茶水;一杯茶复数形式:teas

headache前加a 还是an?



是不可数,但表示某次具体情况,所以看做可数. 类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数 ,这就是抽象名词具体化。但是并不是表示“数量多”而是强调程度深。


headache:头疼词组:have a headache

他们感冒了用英文怎么说?They have a headache 还是They have headaches什么情况下用headaches

They have a cold






英 ['hedeɪk]释义:n 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事[ 复数 headaches ]短语:cluster headache 丛集性头痛 ; 组合性头痛 ; 头痛群扩展资料:重点词汇用法:headachen (名词)1、headache是由名词head和动词ache组成的合成词,意为“头痛”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、headache引申可表示“令人头痛的事”,可用于表达感情上的痛苦和不快,用作可数名词,并且常接for。近义词:1、ache:疼痛2、pain:疼痛3、agony:极大的痛苦


英['hedeɪk]单词:headache释义:n.头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事[复数:headaches]短语:cluster headache丛集性头痛;组合性头痛;头痛群扩展资料:近义词:ache英[eɪk]释义:v.(持续的)疼痛;渴望;哀痛,怜悯;感到痛苦n.(身体某部位的)疼痛;痛苦(一种恼人或苦乐参半的情感)n.(Ache)(美、印尼、法)阿切(人名)[复数:aches;第三人称单数:aches;现在分词:aching;过去式:ached;过去分词:ached]短语:stomach ache胃痛;胃疼;肚子痛;胃疼时的饮品




headache的中文意思:头痛。读音:英[ˈhedeɪk]、美[ˈhedeɪk]。释义:n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事变形:复数 headaches。同近义词:trouble/cephalalgian. [内科]头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事headache造句如下:1、I"ve had a headache for two whole days.我已经头痛整整两天了。2、The high cost of treatment was a great headache for him.高昂的治疗费用是一件使他非常头痛的事。3、These noisy children are really a headache.这些吵闹的孩子们可真让人头痛。4、After staying up all night, he has a terrible headache today.他昨晚通宵了 今天头疼得厉害。5、Headache is a common symptom when you don"t drink enough water.当喝水不足的时候,头疼是很常见的症状。


headache 英[ˈhedeɪk]美[ˈhedeɪk]n. 头痛; 令人头痛的人(或事物); 麻烦;[例句]I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.两天来我一直头痛得厉害。[其他] 复数:headaches满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢(注:及时采纳回答,系统会返还财富值,加奖励哦)

头疼的厉害可以说成have a lot of headaches或have lots of headaches吗

应该是I have a lot of headache

i have lots of headaches 怎么理解


a headache 和 headaches 的区别

a headache 往往是指一次性的、较短暂的持续头痛eg:I"ve got a headache againheadaches 暗含了此人常常头痛,反复多次的意思比如,He"s always complaining about his headaches.




是不可数,但表示某次具体情况,所以看做可数. 类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数 ,这就是抽象名词具体化。但是并不是表示“数量多”而是强调程度深。




headache常见释义头痛英:[ˈhedeɪk]美:[ˈhedeɪk]n.头痛; 令人头痛的人(或事物); 麻烦; 复数:headaches


headache 一般用在短语hane a headache,这种短语是固定搭配习惯用法,headache从意义上说不可数。


n. [内科] 头痛;头疼;棘手的局面(headache的复数)短语have headaches 头疼 ; 有头痛 ; 已经头痛get headaches 头痛constant headaches 经常头疼Easier headaches 更容易头疼encourage headaches 诱发头疼You headaches 你头痛吗Recurrent headaches 反复头痛Vascular Headaches 血管性头痛About headaches 描述头痛


headache的读音是:英["hede_k]。headache的读音是:英["hede_k]。headache的例句是用作名词(n.)I"ve got a headache.我头痛。headache的意思是n.头痛。一、详尽释义点此查看headache的详细内容n.(名词)头痛麻烦令人头痛的事令人头痛的人酒精饮料二、英英释义Noun:something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness;"New York traffic is a constant concern""it"s a major worry"pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs三、网络解释1. 头痛:这一研究成果发表在最新一期的美国<>(Headache)杂志上. 研究人员表示,为防止儿时受过虐待的偏头痛患者出现其他的疼痛共病,可以对他们实施认知行为疗法.2. 头疼:女士回答男士的话,说她感觉不舒服(notfeelingmyself),而且这已经有一段时间了(goingonfordays),她还感觉嗓子疼(haveasorethroat),但她否认有发烧(fever)或者头疼(headache)的症状.3. 头痛 _痛:头痛 头痛(headache)是指额、顶、颞及枕部的疼痛. 头痛是一个常见症状,大多无特异性且经过良好,如急性感染时的头痛,随原发病的好转而缓解. 但有些头痛症状却是严重疾病的信号,如高血压动脉硬化病人头4. 令人头痛的事:39. violator 违规者 | 40.headache 令人头痛的事 | 41. traffic accidents 交通事故四、例句I"ve got a headache.我头痛。The aspirins eased my headache.阿司匹林使我头疼减轻。I"ve got a splitting headache.我头疼得要裂开似的。This is another big headache for him.这是另一件使他非常头痛的事。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)I found my headache coming on.我觉得头开始疼起来了。Can you give me something to relieve my headache?你能不能给我点药把我的头痛止住?The doctor promised that the medicine would ease the poor man of his headache.医生保证这种药可以解除这个可怜人的头痛。The aspirin seems to quiet the headache.阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。Reading in a dim light may bring on a headache.在光线暗的情况下看书会引起头痛。Tell him I have a headache,I won"t delay him today.告诉他我头痛,今天不耽搁他了。He had a headache yesterday but he feels like a million dollars today.他昨天头痛,但今天又感到精力充沛了。He had been going to take her to a lecture that night, but he had a headache.本来那天晚上他打算带她去听报告的,但他头痛起来了。I have a terrible headache, and my thoughts are all mixed up.我头疼得厉害,脑子里一团乱麻。She pretended a headache so she wouldn"t have to go.她佯称头痛,这样她就不必去了。He wanted to get his eyes examined, as he often had headaches.因为他经常头痛,所以他想把眼睛检查一下。I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while.我头痛得厉害,要是在暗处躺一会儿那是大有好处的。After an hour of talk, he would be racked with headaches.谈了一个小时后,他就会头痛欲裂。Their son is a constant headache to them.他们的儿子老是给他们惹麻烦。Now that our boys are growing up, the constant need for new clothes for them is getting to be a real headache.因为我们的男孩子们正处于成长期,所以经常需要给他们买新衣服,这真是一件令人头痛的事。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)headache for对?来说感到头痛 feeling difficult to sth七、词语用法n.(名词)headache是由名词head和动词ache组成的合成词,意为“头痛”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。headache引申可表示“令人头痛的事”,可用于表达感情上的痛苦和不快,用作可数名词,并且常接for。headache的相关近义词ache、pain、agonyheadache的相关临近词headdress、head、headacheu、headaches、headache man、headache pill、headache house、headache tablet、headache powder、headache pencil、headache epilopsy、Headache disorders点此查看更多关于headache的详细信息
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