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indeed,in fact,actually,这些词的区别是什么?

三个都是事实上的意思,in fact一般放于句首,indeed和actually都是副词,一般放于动词前


acturally(正确拼法没有r,该是acturally) adv. 1.实际上,真的 Did you actually see him break the window? 你真的看到他打破窗户吗? She looks young,but she"s actually 50. 她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了. 2.竟然 She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter. 她一气之下竟然将信撕碎了. truly adv. 1.真实地;如实地;真正地 He is now truly American. 他现在真正美国化了. 2.确切地;精确地;准确地 3.真诚地;忠实地 I am truly grateful for all your help. 我真诚感谢你的一切帮助. 4.非常,很 5.(常用作插入语)的确,真的 6.有理地;合法地 indeed adv. 1.(加强语气)真正地,确实,实在 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友. 2.(表示让步)当M,固然 He is indeed young,but he is competent. 他固然年轻,但他很称职. 3.(表示进一层的意思)更确切地;甚至 I am hungry; indeed,I am almost starving. 我饿了;我简直要饿死了. int. 1.(表示惊讶,讽刺,轻蔑等)真是;哦,不见得吧 "He left without saying a word." "Did he,indeed?" "他一句话没讲就走了." "一句话没讲,真的?" really adv. 1.真地,确实,实际上 Did she really say that? 她真的那麼说了? 2.很,十分,全然 It"s really cold today. 今天很冷. 3.(用以加强语气)实在,其实 You ought really to have asked me first,you know. 要知道,你本应先问一问我的. 4.(表示疑问、惊讶、恼怒等)真的;是吗;真是的 Well,really!You needn"t have said that. 咳,真是的!你当时实在没有必要那麼说


acturally(正确拼法没有r,该是acturally)adv.1.实际上,真的Did you actually see him break the window?你真的看到他打破窗户吗?She looks young,but she"s actually 50.她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了.2.竟然Sh...

indeed,in fact,actually,这些词的区别是什么?




actually , actual 和 fact 的区别



actually[英][ˈæktʃuəli][美][ˈæktʃuəli]adv.实际上; 确实; 竟; 事实上; 例句:1.But the agreement has never actually been changed. 但是这一协议实际上却从来没被改动。2.But actually how much demand does china have? 但实际上中国到底有多少需求呢?



actual actually 这2个英语单词究竟怎么读?


翻译“it could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding”

这个问题有可能引起“大坝有可能增加洪灾危险”的 争论


actually ["ac·tu·al·ly || "æktʃʊəli]adv. 实际上, 真的; 竟然


actually读音请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述释义adv.实际上,事实上;(用于开始新话题)其实;竟然,居然网络 实际上; 事实上; 竟然例句·It"s not actually raining now.其实现在并没有下雨。·While it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they"re running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.虽然孩子们在四处奔跑时似乎只是在锻炼他们的身体,但实际上他们的大脑可能也得到了锻炼。补充请点击输入图片描述


  actually是真正地的意思,那么你知道actually的 同义词 有哪些吗,现在跟我一起来学习actually的英语知识吧!    actually的同义词   indeed   really   truly   actually的同义词辨析   actor, player, performer   这些副词均有"确实地,真正地"之意。   indeed : 一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。   really : 主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。   truly : 强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。   actually : 侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。   actually的网络释义   actually   实际上; 事实上; 竟然; 其实;   Marriage Actually   其实婚姻;   actually deliver   实际交付;   actually really   委实;   actually semicomputable   实际半可计算的;    actually的同义词例句  1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   2. They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent"s that expensive.   他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。   3. He will actually be serving three concurrent five-year sentences.   实际上,他将服3个5年徒刑,合并执行。   4. I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.   实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候却没被认出来。   5. "Actually, most of my tennis is at club level," he admitted.   “说实话,我的 网球 基本上属于业余水平,”他承认说。   6. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.   高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。   7. Although this recipe looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare.   尽管这个 菜谱 看上去很长,其实做起来很快。   8. For the first time the government"s actually put some money up front.   政府居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。   9. Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.   戒断海洛因的过程实际上就像患了一场严重的胃肠型流感。   10. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   11. They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.   他们推出了真正削减社会保障的试行方案。   12. Neil"s colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood.   内尔的同事们说他实际上在说笑逗乐,心情不错。   13. I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.   如果他要离开伯明翰,说真的,我会很惊讶。   14. Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.   人们赞誉她的歌声时,特里实际上会说“噢,没什么!”   15. In some perverse way the ill-matched partners do actually need each other.   奇怪的是,那些不相配的伴侣实际上却彼此需要。 猜你喜欢: 1. avoid的同义词 2. pity的同义词 3. 无偿献血英语怎么说 4. 监督英语怎么说 5. although同义词是什么 6. 兴趣广泛的的英文怎么说


actually 究竟、其实、事实上、如今...




actually,读音:英 [ˈæktʃuəli],美 [ˈæktʃuəli]。释义:adv.实际上;事实上;竟然(表示惊讶)。用法:actually有时意为“说来奇怪,但竟然这样”。英国人通常使用actually将坏消息断开来讲。短语:Love Actually真爱至上。actually ad竟然;实际上。duty actually paid [税收]实付税款。illuminations actually measured实测照度。actually的例句1、They"re not married, actually.他们实际上没有结婚。2、It"s not actually raining now.其实现在并没有下雨。3、Coal is actually cheaper than gas.煤炭实际上比煤气便宜。4、Actually, that is not strictly true.实际上,那并不完全是真的。5、He was never actually unkind to them.其实他从没有对他们不好。


actually的意思是事实上。读音:英[ˈæktʃuəli];美[ˈæktʃuəli]释义:adv.实际上;短语搭配:actually ad竟然;实际上;现实上;竟至actually emitting实际排放量;实际上发光;实际排放Actually naughty其实淘气鬼;其实淘气actually both其实这两;其实都双语例句I don"t actually hear what you said.实际上我没有听到你在说什么。Actually, I am not interested in you, so leave me alone.事实上,我对你不感兴趣,所以别来烦我。He will actually calculate how much money you should pay.他会按实际精算出你应支付多少钱。


专辑:《actually》歌手:pet shop boys 资料来源(1): pydict data [pydict] actually (ad.)事实上,如今,现在资料来源(2): Webster"s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913] Actually Ac"tu*al*ly, adv. 1. Actively. [Obs.] ``Neither actually . . . nor passively."" --Fuller. 2. In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively.资料来源(3): WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn] actually adv 1: in actual fact; "to be nominally but not actually independent"; "no one actually saw the shark"; "large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt" [syn: {really}] 2: used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly; "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out"; "she actually spoke Latin"; "they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets"; "people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous" [syn: {in<br/> reality}] 3: as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis; "actually, we all help clear up after a meal"; "actually, I haven"t seen the film"; "I"m not all that surprised actually"; "she hasn"t proved to be too satisfactory, actually" 4: at the present moment; "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air"资料来源(4): THE DEVIL"S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils] ACTUALLY, adv. Perhaps; possibly.资料来源(5): Internet Dictionary Project [english-italian] actually realmente

actual actually 怎么选用


问 这两个英语 怎么读 actual actually



actual adj修饰名词等 actually adv修饰动词等

factual; actual; actually ;virtually 这几个英语用谐音怎么读?


actually[英][ˈæktʃuəli][美][ˈæktʃuəli]adv.实际上; 确实; 竟; 事实上; 例句:1.But the agreement has never actually been changed. 但是这一协议实际上却从来没被改动。2.But actually how much demand does china have? 但实际上中国到底有多少需求呢?

actual actually 这2个英语单词究竟怎么读?


actually , actual 和 fact 的区别





答案D 本题考查副词.句意:作为一名打字员,这项工作最重要的一个方面就是快速、精确地打字.accurately 精确地.faithfully 忠诚地; actually 实际上,事实上; roughly粗糙地.

to be honest,actually,exactly,absolutely的具体用法以及区别~

to be honest 用在句首 真诚地说,诚恳地说,实话实说 一下皆为副词,用句首或按照副词的用法就可 actually 实际上(联系实际后说) exactly 确切地(说/而言)(有真凭实据,材料充足) absolutely 完全地、彻底地、绝对地(重要的在于表现一种情态,表现说话人非常有把握)

absolutely, extremely, exactly, actually 有什么区别?

absolutely, 绝对地, 完全地; 独立地 I trust his discretion absolutely. extremely, 极其, 非常I found him extremely offensive. exactly, 确切地, 正是Their answers are exactly the same. actually 实际上, 事实上He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time


两个词是两个不同的意思absolutely ["�0�3bs�0�5lju:tli, ,�0�3bs�0�5"lju:tli] adv. 绝对地;完全地actually ["�0�3kt�0�6u�0�5li] adv. 实际上;事实上

absolutely, extremely, exactly, actually 有什么区别?

第一个不清楚。第二个中文一般用于【特别,异常】后面加adj(形容词);第三个用于【确切的】比如我不是很清楚第一个单词:I don‘t know the first word exactly.;第四个一般用于【事实上】,用来作解释说明的。

especially ,extremely,actually,excatly,completely等的区别


properly actually

properly 指合适 这里说 peter 太小 不合适 照顾 也可以说不能很好的照顾

absolutely, extremely, exactly, actually 有什么区别?

absolutely 绝对的extremely 非常的,激烈的exactly 正确的,准确的actually 事实上,真实的

actually 和exactly 的区别

1、actually 和exactly的意思不同:actually,英文单词,副词,作副词时意为“实际上;事实上”。exactly是一个英语单词,副词,作副词时意为“恰好地;正是;精确地;正确地”。2、actually 和exactly的发音不同:exactly:英[ɪg"zæk(t)lɪ];美(ɪɡˈzæktli)。actually:英 [ˈæktʃuəli] 美 [ˈæktʃuəli]。3、actually 和exactly的短语搭配不同:actually短语:actually ad 竟然 ; 实际上 ; 现实上 ; 竟至;actually emitting 实际排放量 ; 实际上发光 ; 实际排放。actually naughty 其实淘气鬼 ; 其实淘气;actually both 其实这两 ; 其实都;actually played 真正进行了的;actually recognized 必须一种现实且公认的。exactly短语:exactly correct 精确的;divide exactly 被除数能被除数除尽的除法运算;exactly right 完全准确 ; 究竟权利 ; 完全正确 。绝对正确;exactly equal 完全平等 ; 恰好等于;more exactly 更加准确 ; 更准确地说 ; 更准确 ; 更加确切。参考资料来源:‍百度百科-actually    百度百科-exactly


you can actually answer the questions.请问:actually


in fact和actually各自用法?

n fact可作状语或表语 ,可单独使用,既可用于书面也可用于口语中.相当于really和truly,例如 I thought Betty was in the garden,but in fact she was in her room.我以为贝蒂在花园,其实她在自己的房间里.· In fact the earth is actually a bit nearer to the sun during our winter.在冬天地球离太阳实际上还要近一些.· No one believed it,but in fact,Mary did pass her exam.尽管没有人相信,但实际上玛丽确实考试及格了.actually是一个副词,有以下含义:1.实际上,真的Did you actually see him break the window?你真的看到他打破窗户吗?She looks young,but she"s actually 50.她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了.2.竟然She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter.她一气之下竟然将信撕碎了.




generally[英]ˈdʒenrəli[美]ˈdʒɛnərəliadv.一般地,通常;广泛地,普遍地;概括地;主要地[例句]We don "t generally do this.“我们通常不这样做。actually[英]ˈæktʃuəli[美]ˈæktʃuəliadv.实际上;事实上;确实;竟[例句]Along the way , did he actually change?一路走来,他真的变了吗?formally[英]"fɔ:məlɪ[美]ˈfɔrml:ɪadv.正式地;正规地;拘泥形式地;形式上[例句]His two worlds may collide more formally this month.他分别所属的两个世界,可能会在本月进行一次比较正式的激情碰撞。simply[英]ˈsɪmpli[美]ˈsɪmpliadv.简单地,朴素地;(引出概括或解释)不过,仅仅;简直;非正实在[例句]Too many board directors see workers simply as a cost.太多的董事会将员工简单地视为成本。


now和actually的区别意思不同、读音不同。now  英 [naʊ]     美 [naʊ]    adv. 现在;立刻。conj. 既然(与that连用)。n. 现在;此刻。adj. 目前的;现存的。actually英 [ˈæktʃuəli]   美 [ˈæktʃuəli]  adv.事实上;(在口语中用于强调事实)的确;真实地;(表示想法与事实不一致因而惊奇)竟然;(礼貌地纠正他人)实际上。actually有时意为"说来奇怪,但竟然这样。I actually saw him yesterday.说来奇怪,我昨天竟然看见了他。actually意为“真正地,事实上”,actual则是“真的,实际的”,他们可以被用来改错或者是解开误解。The book says she died aged 47,but her actual age was 43。‘Hello,John.Nice to meet you."‘Actually,my name"s Andy."

actually,i can是什么意思

actually,i can事实上,我可以

in effect, in fact,actually有什么区别





1.多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面. 2.副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面. 3.频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面 4.疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面 5.时间副词和地点副词在一个句中,地点副词在前面时间副词在后面 你那个属于程度副词,和频度副词一样一般“放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面

actually 这个单词的问题


virtually; actually ; multitude 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法~



呵,你好像搞混了.actually 实际上,事实上.advice 建议,是不可数名词,没有复数形式.suggestion 也是建议,可数名词,有复数形式.

in fact和actually有什么区别?

in fact的意思是”事实上“。actually的意思是”其实“。

in fact和actually的区别是什么?

in fact是介词短语。in fact和actually在特定情况下可以互换。in fact一般放于句首,actually是副词,一般放于动词前。actually 英 ["æktʃuəli] 美 ["æktʃuəli]    adv. 实际上;事实上;竟然(表示惊讶)Some patients actually got worse after receiving the treatment.有些病人在接受治疗后,病情事实上反而严重了。近义词truth  英 [truːθ]   美 [truːθ]    n. 事实;真理;真实;真相The truth verified the allegations.事实证明了这些说法。

actually , actual 和 fact 的区别


actually和to :be honest的用法区别

actually ,意思是实际上;be honest 是老实说.


really 翻译为真正的,是对事物的客观肯定. actually 实际上,表示对事情的陈述.一般可译为其实. in fact 是指对真相的陈述.




Virtually一般用作 几乎。而actually指实际上。


Instead=inveceactually=in realtà


词根是act-,来自拉丁语动词ago(i do)的完成分词actum(having been done),即表示“已经做了的事”,故有“事实”之意

factually 与actually有什么区别

factually 意思是“真实地,确实地”近似于:really actually意思是“实际上”,近似于:in fact

actually与 practically的区别?

actually事实上practically 准确的,精确的

英语actually和in fact用起来有什么区别?

  actually和in fact都有事实上、实际上的含义,都可以修饰句子。但是,actually还可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,而in fact不可以。x0dx0ax0dx0a  例句:① Some patients actually got worse after receiving the treatment. 有些病人在接受治疗后,病情事实上反而严重了。x0dx0ax0dx0a     ② Actually,I have been taught history for five years. 实际上我教历史已有五年之久了。x0dx0a     ③ In fact,we were innocent of the crime. 事实上,我们是无辜的。x0dx0ax0dx0a  另外,与actually相比,in fact较正式一些。


anna1026lc勤学秀才actually ad.实际上;竟然 副词 adv. (无比较级、最高级)实际上,事实上,实际地 · He looks unpleasant, but actually he is very kind. 他看起来板着面孔,但事实上很和蔼。 · He didn"t actually steal the money. 他实际上没偷那笔钱。 副词 adv. (这样说也许令人难以置信,不过) 真地,竟然,居然 · He actually refused! 他竟然拒绝了! actually ["æktʃuəli]["æktʃʊəli] adv.1.实际地;实在地2.居然;竟然 adv. 1.实际地;实在地 2.居然;竟然同反义词同: [r.] in reality, really词义辨析indeed,really,truly,actually这些副词均有“确实地,真正地”之意。indeed一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。really主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。truly强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。actually侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。参考例句I countered by asking whether she actually knew this man.我反问她究竟认识不认识这个男人。收藏The emperor was actually a political eunuch.那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。收藏The preset is actually saved on the far end system.预置实际上保存在远端系统上。收藏The oceans actually form one continuous body of water.海洋实际上是由一个连续不断的水域构成的。收藏Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun.隧道实际开始动工是在四十二年以后。收藏    more...英英解释副词解释:in actual factto be nominally but not actually independentno one actually saw the sharklarge meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt[同] actually, reallyused to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisinglyyou may actually be doing the right thing by walking outshe actually spoke Latinthey thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppetspeople who seem stand-offish are in reality of[同] in reality, actually

英语actually和in fact的应用有什么区别?

actually和infact都有事实上、实际上的含义,都可以修饰句子。但是,actually还可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,而infact不可以。  例句:①Somepatientsactuallygotworseafterreceivingthetreatment.有些病人在接受治疗后,病情事实上反而严重了。     ②Actually,Ihavebeentaughthistoryforfiveyears.实际上我教历史已有五年之久了。     ③Infact,wewereinnocentofthecrime.事实上,我们是无辜的。  另外,与actually相比,infact较正式一些。

英语actually和in fact的应用有什么区别?

  actually和in fact都有事实上、实际上的含义,都可以修饰句子。但是,actually还可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,而in fact不可以。  例句:① Some patients actually got worse after receiving the treatment. 有些病人在接受治疗后,病情事实上反而严重了。     ② Actually,I have been taught history for five years. 实际上我教历史已有五年之久了。     ③ In fact,we were innocent of the crime. 事实上,我们是无辜的。  另外,与actually相比,in fact较正式一些。




一、不同之处actually实际上;确实;竟;事实上exactly恰恰;确切地;精确地;完全地,全然二、相同之处二者都是adv.相关例句一、exactlyEach corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height.每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。2.He"s not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.确切来说他并不算是无家可归,他只是老在这个公园里转悠。3.This was not exactly what I wanted to hear.这根本不是我想听到的。二、actuallyOne afternoon , I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.一天下午,我觉得有些无聊,还真的睡着了一会儿。2.No,  I am not a student.I am a doctor,actually.不,我不是学生,实际上我是医生。


  actually有实际上;事实上等意思,那么你知道actually的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来actually的同义词及辨析,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   actually同义词:   indeed, really, truly, actually   actually同义词辨析:   这些副词均有"确实地,真正地"之意。   indeed 一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。   really 主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。   truly 强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。   actually 侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。   actually的例句:   1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   2. They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent"s that expensive.   他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。   3. He will actually be serving three concurrent five-year sentences.   实际上,他将服3个5年徒刑,合并执行。   4. I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.   实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候却没被认出来。   5. "Actually, most of my tennis is at club level," he admitted.   “说实话,我的 网球 基本上属于业余水平,”他承认说。   6. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.   高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。   7. Although this recipe looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare.   尽管这个 菜谱 看上去很长,其实做起来很快。   8. For the first time the government"s actually put some money up front.   政府居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。   9. Withdrawal from heroin is actually like a severe attack of gastric flu.   戒断海洛因的过程实际上就像患了一场严重的胃肠型流感。   10. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.   没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。   11. They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.   他们推出了真正削减社会保障的试行方案。   12. Neil"s colleagues say he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood.   内尔的同事们说他实际上在说笑逗乐,心情不错。   13. I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.   如果他要离开伯明翰,说真的,我会很惊讶。   14. Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.   人们赞誉她的歌声时,特里实际上会说“噢,没什么!”   15. In some perverse way the ill-matched partners do actually need each other.   奇怪的是,那些不相配的伴侣实际上却彼此需要。


actually,英语单词,副词,作副词时意为“实际上;事实上”。单词发音英 [ˈæktʃuəli] 美 [ˈæktʃuəli]短语搭配actually ad 竟然 ; 实际上 ; 现实上 ; 竟至actually emitting 实际排放量 ; 实际上发光 ; 实际排放Actually naughty 其实淘气鬼 ; 其实淘气actually both 其实这两 ; 其实都actually played 真正进行了的actually recognized 必须一种现实且公认的bathe actually 实际地洗澡hear actually 实际地听到双语例句But how do they actually do it?实际上他们又是怎么做的呢?Yeah, I hated every second of it actually.是的,实际上,我恨它的每一秒。Actually, let me back up and do this in video.实际上,让我们倒退下然后在录像里做这个。


adv. 实际上;事实上

actually 和exactly 的区别

一、不同之处actually实际上;确实;竟;事实上exactly恰恰;确切地;精确地;完全地,全然二、相同之处二者都是adv.相关例句一、exactlyEach corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height.每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。2.He"s not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.确切来说他并不算是无家可归,他只是老在这个公园里转悠。3.This was not exactly what I wanted to hear.这根本不是我想听到的。二、actuallyOne afternoon , I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.一天下午,我觉得有些无聊,还真的睡着了一会儿。2.No,  I am not a student.I am a doctor,actually.不,我不是学生,实际上我是医生。


无论是在口语上,或是写作上,「actually」是英文中非常常用到的单字,但英文最复杂的部分,来自于「一字多用」的常态。而「actually」就拥有着非常多用法。因此,英文老师 Adam 在 Engvid 上介绍了这个单字,从读音到用法,一应俱全,帮助大家搞清楚 actually 究竟该怎么用。 A. 读音 「ac・tual・ly」其实听起来像「ak・chu(a)・lly」。 可以看到第二音节「tual」虽然是「t」开头,但是发「ch」的音。而其中的「a」发音上的存在感非常低,轻轻带过即可。 B. 字义 (=in fact) 事实上… 这个用法通常后面会接上与前一句有「相对;相反」的语意。 C. 使用情境 Lisa: Tom would never cheat on me. (Lisa:Tom 绝对不会劈腿的。) Clara: Well…actually… (Clara:呃 … 其实呢 …) Lisa: What?! With who?! (Lisa:什么?!跟谁劈腿?!) 因为「actually」本身已经带有「否定前一句话」的语意,所以在口语中如果直接讲 actually 一个字,就可以充分表达出质疑前一句话的真实性。 Many people think _______, but that is actually not true. (很多人都认为_______,但其实不然。) 「actually」放在句中时,常被当作转承词,连接两个不同的论点。 actually, actually 中文, actually 文法, actually 用法, actually 英文例句, actually 英文文法, 单字, 英文, 英文 actually 用法

actually 什么类型副词?

actually ad.实际上;竟然 副词 adv. (无比较级、最高级)实际上,事实上,实际地 · He looks unpleasant, but actually he is very kind. 他看起来板着面孔,但事实上很和蔼。 · He didn"t actually steal the money. 他实际上没偷那笔钱。 副词 adv. (这样说也许令人难以置信,不过) 真地,竟然,居然 · He actually refused! 他竟然拒绝了! actually ["æktʃuəli]["æktʃʊəli] adv.1.实际地;实在地2.居然;竟然 adv. 1.实际地;实在地 2.居然;竟然同反义词同: [r.] in reality, really词义辨析indeed,really,truly,actually这些副词均有“确实地,真正地”之意。indeed一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。really主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。truly强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。actually侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。参考例句I countered by asking whether she actually knew this man.我反问她究竟认识不认识这个男人。收藏The emperor was actually a political eunuch.那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。收藏The preset is actually saved on the far end system.预置实际上保存在远端系统上。收藏The oceans actually form one continuous body of water.海洋实际上是由一个连续不断的水域构成的。收藏Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun.隧道实际开始动工是在四十二年以后。收藏    more...英英解释副词解释:in actual factto be nominally but not actually independentno one actually saw the sharklarge meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt[同] actually, reallyused to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisinglyyou may actually be doing the right thing by walking outshe actually spoke Latinthey thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppetspeople who seem stand-offish are in reality of[同] in reality, actually

actually 在英语中,一般放在哪几个位置?



actually的词汇解析   大家可能都知道“actually”是“事实上”的仪式,除此之外,“actually"还能怎么用呢?下面是我为大家整理了actually的词汇解析,希望能帮到大家!   If you look for it ,l`ve got a sneaky feeling you‘ll find that love actually is all around.   ——Love Actually   如果你仔细寻找,你会发现爱 其实 无处不在。   ——《真爱至上》    一、关于actually,你应该知道的用法有    adv.    实际上;事实上   They are not married, actually.   他们实际上没有结婚。    二、词义辨析:哪些词汇能表示“确实的”的"意思    indeed, really, truly, actually   这些副词均有“确实地,真正地”之意。   indeed一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。   really主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。   truly强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。   actually侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。    三、学会actually和其他词汇的不同之处了吗?来做个小测试吧   That"s the only reason I"m ______ going. 这是我确实要走的唯一理由。 ;


actually就是in fact,exactly准确地,用于回答:没错,的确,近义词不过用的地方不同。actually实际上; 事实上; 确实; 竟Actually it"s we that owe you a lot. 实际上,应该是我们感谢您。exactly 严格来讲,确切来说The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would. 如他所愿,这句带刺的话刺痛了她。




actually的意思是事实上。释义:adv.实际上;事实上。短语搭配:actually ad竟然;实际上;现实上;竟至。actually emitting实际排放量;实际上发光;实际排放。Actually naughty其实淘气鬼;其实淘气。actually both其实这两;其实都。双语例句I don"t actually hear what you said.实际上我没有听到你在说什么。Actually, I am not interested in you, so leave me alone.事实上,我对你不感兴趣,所以别来烦我。He will actually calculate how much money you should pay.他会按实际精算出你应支付多少钱。


actually的意思是事实上。释义:adv.实际上;事实上短语搭配:actually ad竟然;实际上;现实上;竟至actually emitting实际排放量;实际上发光;实际排放Actually naughty其实淘气鬼;其实淘气双语例句1、I don"t actually hear what you said.实际上我没有听到你在说什么。2、Actually, I am not interested in you, so leave me alone.事实上,我对你不感兴趣,所以别来烦我。3、He will actually calculate how much money you should pay.他会按实际精算出你应支付多少钱。


1、用来展示人们想法或观点的对立面A:Sharon is really hard-working.虾仁真的很勤快了。B:Actually, no, she"s quite lazy. 事实上不是的,她挺懒的。2、表示强调1、What did she actually say? 她到底是怎么说的?2、It"s not actually raining now. 其实现在并没有下雨。 3、Then they actually beat her up as well. 然后他们事实上也毒打了她一顿。3 (用于开始新话题) 其实Well actually, John, I called you for some advice.  嗯,约翰,其实我打电话给你是寻求一些建议。相关的搭配:actually both 其实这两 ; 其实都;actually played 真正进行了的;hear actually 实际地听到


in fact 实际上;事实是;事实上


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