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She has an adoptede child who she says was an orphan. 为什么这里的who不用whom?


The suggestion he put forward was adopted with 16 votes _____ and 15 against it.

答案A 试题分析:短语辨析。A支持,赞成;B回应;C纪念…;D关于;句意:他在会议上提出的建议有16票支持,15票反对。故A正确。 考点:考查短语辨析。 点评:本题的短语都是与介词In连用的,要在上下文语境中加以辨析,在平时加强识记。 查看原帖>>


non adopted不采纳双语例句1Non woven fabric was adopted as a new kind of suspended media. Adapting condition and operation parameters and biodegradation mechanism using non woven fabric media in wastewater treatment were studied. 采用无纺布作为一种新型悬浮填料,探索无纺布填料处理污水的适用条件、运行参数及降解机理。

most of adopted children 和most adopted children都可以吗?


606.For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the natural and the generally adopted symbol shall

对于危险和有毒货物,每箱上应显著地标明约定俗成的符号注意 the natural and the generally adopted symbol 是一个名词短语约定俗成的符号 还有natural 是与adopted 并列的 两个都是形容词generally 只是个副词修饰adoted 意义为“普遍的接受” 而natural在此的意义是 “as is normal or to be expected; ordinary or logical”也是广泛认可的意思

为什么不能是most of adopted children?

most of the adopted children,大多数被收养的孩子。因为特指所以需要the。

Only then ___ him she had been adopted.When she was four.

B 从句是过去完成时,主句应该是过去时,还是B

翻译Regular trips to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book,Tiger Balm。

" her adopted motherland" 指养育了她的那片故土。

雅思范文里面 :“within the policy adopted ”这个短语里为何要用within 而不用with呢

within和with是有区别的。within表示的是在一段时间内,在一个星期内用within a week。这句话意思是在这个政策实施的过程中,雅思不明白的可以追问我。

摘录自什么地方,用说adopted from还是adapted from?

adapt from是正确的。是固定短语,意思是“根据。。。改写”

be adopted in

A后面三个都是TO DO STH.zdhk只有APPROACH后面可以跟TO加名词

高一英语求解 17题为什么不能选A?,为什么是to imitate ?being adopted

17题,hard是形容词,要to do,不定式,前面一句是被叫做什么

It is reported that ________ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.

the most + 形容词 (最。。。)e.g the most beautiful (最美)

it is reported most adopted

C. the most:可作为代词,指代大多数的人或物.不用再接名词. most of 在表示大多数的人或物时要在后面加上the. most 表示多数的,后接名词复数. the most of:……中的多数,后面接名词的要也接上the.

be adopted from是什么意思


希斯莱丝小丑you are adopted怎么翻译


英语解题 Some of the suggestions have been adopted _________ others turned down as they are quite im


adopted themselves to什么意思

你好,是不是应该改为:adaptedoneselfto:使自己适应 ,调节adaptoneselfto是一个固定搭配。

英语 be adopted to 是什么意思


正确答案是( )[A] adopted[B] incorporated[C] administered [D] established


adopted brothers

你未婚夫和朋友的所有兄弟姐妹(包括 亲兄弟姐妹 同父异母的兄弟姐妹 异父母的兄弟姐妹 被收养的兄弟姐妹)

waiting to be adopted算谓语吗?

waiting to be adopted英文翻译如下等待通过重点词汇释义waiting等候; 等待; 当侍者;例句At this point in time we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。

It is reported that_adopted children want to

1、most 是many 的最高级别,用于修饰名词,表示最多(用在比较中),most后面可跟可数或不可数名词,也可跟由形容词修饰的名词,(表示大部分的)2、most of 表示大多数的,后面直接接定冠词、指示代词、物主代词修饰的名词,以及人称代词。3、the most表示“最......的一个”,是特指在一个范围之内中之“最”这里的意思是:据报道,大部分被收养的孩子都想知道他们的生父母是谁。首先从意思上就排除了the most然后后面接的是形容词修饰的名词(adopted children)被收养的孩子,所以应该用most

adopted daughter中文翻译

Perhaps helen no more bepeved in these excuse than her adopted daughter did . 也许海伦对这些辩解,自己也不完全相信,象她的养女一样。 May i present my adopted daughter , miss evangepne stitch 容我介绍我的养女伊万杰琳?斯蒂趣小姐 The adopted daughter of pharod wormhair , she runs errands for his collectors 她是法络德翁海尔的养女,为他的收尸人跑腿。 Nothing was said , but everyone in the audience remembered the unwitting role the mccains " adopted daughter played in the south caropna primary in 2000 谁也没有说,但是谁都知道在2000年南卡罗来纳州初选中麦凯恩这名养女所扮演的无心角色。 She " s sending her adopted daughters to an immersion school in mountain view to help them to feel who they are and give them the language to express who they are 她女儿正被送往山区的特色学校,以帮助找到“真实的我” ,学会表达“真实自我”的语言。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter doesn " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔? ? ? _的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独锺。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter doesn " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔?里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie s adopted daughter doesn t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter does n " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 Yuet s position is threatened by an imperial descendant ying lai chi , gigi , a powerful eunuch s adopted daughter shun sheh , charmaine and an experienced imperial servant maid sin cheung ho yee , maggie 她最大的威胁除了有贵族之后玉莹黎姿和内务府太监之养女尔淳佘诗曼外,还有资深宫女安茜张可? 。

adopted country是什么意思

adopted country:采纳国;采用国。主要指某种新技术、新产品、新标准、交通规则、制度等被采用的国家。


Adopted的意思是 被领养的。

being adopted 翻译一下,谢谢


为什么这里划线的句子里adopted=are adopted?

这里是一个过去分词做定语的形式,表示被动的关系。也就是你所理解的rules are adopted by the FCC,这句话就是一个被动语态。本来用定语从句的话,就是 repeal rules that are reported by the FCC.这个定语从句的that就是指代先行词rules的。一开始所说的过去分词做定语可以理解为省略了定语从句的that are,直接用过去分词reported表示这种被动的语态。在成分上,定语是非谓语,你这一整句话的谓语动词应该是voted这个动词的过去式。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。


adopted 英[u0259u02c8du0252ptu026ad] 美[u0259u02c8dɑ:ptu026ad] adj. 被收养的,被采用的; v. 收养; 采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词 ); 正式接受; 吸收(外来词语); [例句]The motion was adopted.提案通过了。[其他] 原型: adopt



