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Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe他主宰世上一切(他举杂C桑呀才)他的歌唱出爱(他得歌唱戳oi)他的真理遍布这地球(他得真类遍布在得口)他怎么一去不返(他怎么一K八返)他可否会感到(他KO否会刚斗)烽烟掩盖天空与未来(烽烟掩Goi天空与美Loi)无助与冰冻的眼睛(无助与冰冻得阳惊)流泪看天际带悲愤(漏泪轰天际带悲愤)是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童(是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童)我向世界呼叫(我想世给扶Giu)Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe tuna taka wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe 天 天空可见飞鸟惊慌展翅飞舞(停,停空好见飞牛Ging慌展翅飞谋)穿梭天际只想觅自由(穿梭天际几想妹几由)心 千亿颗爱心碎(桑 清亿KoNoi桑Soi) 今天一切厄困(刚天呀QeiNga困) 仿佛真理消失在地球(仿发真类休色Zoi地球) 无助与冰冻的眼睛(无助与冰冻得阳惊) 流泪看天际带悲愤(漏泪轰天际带悲愤) 是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童(是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童) 我向世界呼叫(我想世给扶Gyou) Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe tuna taka wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe 权力与拥有的斗争(Kyun类与拥有得道增) 愚昧与偏见的争斗(愚Mui与品Gin得正斗) 若这里战争到最后怎会是和平(哟则类怎正到最后怎会西我平) 我向世界呼叫(我想世给扶Giu) Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe tuna taka wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe 再次再次呼叫(Zoi次Zoi次呼Giu)Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe Amani nakupenda nakupenda wewe 再次再次呼叫(Zoi次Zoi次呼Giu) Amani nakupenda nakupenda w...


非洲国家肯雅的语言 AMANI=和平 NAKUPENDA=爱


爱与和平非洲国家肯雅的语言 AMANI=和平 NAKUPENDA=爱1990年海湾战争后,世界进入了一个短暂的相对和平时期。家驹便写了《AMANI》这首歌,抒发了对战后和平长久的渴望,也警示了人们必须要以自已的努力斗争来争取和平,一味地求助于神灵是不行的。这首歌勘称是颂和平歌之最。

amani nakupenda. 什么意思

你好, AMANI "和平",NAKUPENDA“爱”NAKUPENDA WE WE 的意思是“我们爱你”你这是听Beyond的歌曲吧?我的挚爱啊,听了十几年了,至今听,依然感动。






Beyond的《Amani》体现和平和爱,歌词中的这一句是采用非洲肯尼亚的斯瓦西里语。1、“Amani”在斯瓦西里语中是“和平”的意思。2、NAKUPENDA是“爱”的意思 3、NAKUPENDA WEWE是“我们爱你”的意思 4、TUNA TAKA WEWE“我们需要你”


Beyond的《Amani》体现和平和爱,歌词中的这一句是采用非洲肯尼亚的斯瓦西里语。1、“Amani”在斯瓦西里语中是“和平”的意思。2、NAKUPENDA是“爱”的意思3、NAKUPENDA WEWE是“我们爱你”的意思4、TUNA TAKA WEWE“我们需要你”

BEYOND的这句歌词是什么意思amani nakupenda nakupenda we we




back to you amanda noelle 歌词

Back To You - Amanda Noelle 歌词i"ve been trying hard to find my wayEvery day to day, on my ownI get tired, try to run this placeFeels just like amazed, oh ohWhen my plans all fail and the words lets me downI come to you, lord, to render all i mean now.Oh, I"m giving it allMy heart and souli"m giving it back to, back to youwho hung the stars in the skygave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to, back to youyeah~~Climbing ladders, but I don"t know whyI can so highBut I fallEvery step I take from my own gameIt is an odd thingIt means nothing at allSo it"s you, I live for, everydayYou give a purpose to each word that I takeOh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to back to youOh, I am not light boltThis is not my hopeI"m here for your glory lordLet me be your lightpierce through my nightSo I can see you shine through me oh~Oh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to, back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGave your life upon mineI"m giving it back to, back to youOh, I"m giving it allMy heart and my soulI"m giving it back to, back to youWho hung the stars in the skyGiving your life upon mineI"m giving in back to, back to, to youyeah~~Back to, back to, back to youBack to you

Amanda Noelle - Love Is Greater 求空间链接谢谢!


Love is Greater -Amanda Noelle歌词

Friday night,feeling fine周五晚 心情很好I"m gonna have a good time准备好好享受这一刻Raise my hands, watch me dance举起我的双手 舞动我的身体Everything"s all right一切都很好Driving through,car on cool驾着车 吹着海风Girl"s right by my side心仪的妹子就坐在旁边Feeling free, come with me无拘无束 跟着我一起It feels like感觉就像Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 这日子真的是太赞啦I"m feeling good感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好Ohohohohoh噢噢噢噢噢Summer sun,having fun在夏天的阳光下尽情玩耍Sand beneath my toes脚踩着沙滩的沙子Pefect day catch in ways everybody knows人人都知道 美好的一天难以得到Orbit"s good in this world comes to the one above在这个世界上 能够遇上真命天子 真的是人生一大美事My creative he"s my savior,he"s more than造物主啊 他简直就是我的救星 他比Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 过着滋润的日子I"m feeling good感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好Life has got you down,you can see your away around回首望去曾经过往 人生难免有曲折I will be right by your side till that everything is all right我会一直在你身边 直到你安然无恙He"s got you in his hands, even when the times get bad尽管前方困难重重 他都紧紧握着你的手Love is greater爱很伟大He"s greater than他却好过Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 过着滋润的日子I"m feeling good(I"m feeling good)感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道It"s greater than它却好过Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 这日子真的是太赞啦I"m feeling good(I"m feeling good good)感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好So much greater than that他的爱无与伦比His love is greater than that他的爱最美好

谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem

i don"t know

谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem

源于日本的俳句俳句日本古典短诗,由17字音组成。原称俳谐(也写为诽谐)。俳谐一语来源于中国,大致与滑稽同义。它在日本,最初出现于《古今和歌集》(收有“俳谐歌”58首),至江户时代(1600~1867)则有从“俳谐连歌”产生的俳句、连句、俳文等。俳谐连歌同中国近体诗联句相仿。它的第1句为5、7、5句式的17音,称为发句(起句),胁句(配句)为7、7句式,第3、第4句以后为前两种句式轮流反复,最后一句以7、7句式结束,称为结句。俳句,即取其发句(起句),加上“季题”(表现写作俳句季节的词语)和“切字”(一定的断句助词或助动词),使之成为独立的17字音的短诗。日本著名俳句家,室町时代(1392~1573) 后期有宗鉴、荒木田守武,二人是俳谐连歌作者;江户时代有松永贞德,他提倡俳谐的娱乐性和教养性,号称“贞门”,可谓倾向于古典的一派。当时俳谐尚处于进入俳谐连歌的阶段。另一方面又有西山宗因,主张俳谐的滑稽性,强调创作上的自由奔放,称为“谈林”派。具有这一派特色的还有著名俳句家井原西鹤。一般被称为俳圣的松尾芭蕉,把松永贞德的古典式技巧和西山宗因的自由奔放的散文风格熔铸一炉,并加以发展,摒弃滑稽、娱乐等文字游戏成分,使俳谐成为具有艺术价值的庶民生活诗。17世纪日本俳谐曾一度中落,至18世纪下半叶,与谢芜村号召“回到芭蕉去”,再度呈现繁荣景象。江户时代胁句(配句)以下各句逐渐失去生色,但小林一茶在发句(起句)的创作上表现了突出成就。正冈子规作为明治时代(1868~1912)的俳谐复兴者,明确提出连句(即俳谐连歌)非属于文学的主张,提倡以连句的发句(起句)为“俳句”文学,依然保存了发句的格律,使它发展成为日本民族最短的诗歌。此后,俳谐连歌逐步衰落,现代虽有少数人加以提倡,依然未见复兴。后来曾有人主张废除“季题”(称为“无季俳句”),否定定型(称为“自由律俳句”),但未成为主导力量。俳句较多地采取象征和比喻手法,崇尚简洁、含蓄、雅淡,比和歌更为精练。由于诗短,容易背诵和随时随地吟咏,日本从事业余创作的人很多。现代俳句也很发达。haikui诗的规则是第一行5个音节,第2行7个音节,第3行5个音节(音节:好像a/pple有两个音节,beau/ti/ful/有三个),如此类推。Diamante poem 就是ine 1:one word(一个字)(subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7)Line 2:(两个字)two words(adjectives) that describe line 1Line 3:three words(action verbs) that relate to line 1Line 4:four words (nouns)first 2 words relate to line 1last 2 words relate to line 7Line 5:three words(action verbs) that relate to line 7Line 6:two words(adjectives) that describe line 7Line 7:one word( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)








音译: [00:00.00]Super Junior - (BONAMANA) [00:02.84] [00:08.81]单达蓝单,单达蓝单,单达蓝单,达打达拉吧。 [00:16.31]单达蓝单,单达蓝单,单达蓝单,达打达拉吧。 [00:17.47] [00:17.68]【始源】挪 啊嘎嘛嘎 挪木 耶奔 米以呐 [00:21.47]那 米巧达过 嘛嗨多 南 你嘎 角他 米以呐 [00:25.77]【希澈】奴嘎 作耐角 my baby ,to my baby [00:28.51] 耐嘎 要gi 以达过 嘛里呀。gi达林达 嘛里呀 [00:32.40](Baby, you turn it up now) [00:33.44] [00:33.64]【圭贤】挪嗯,卡踏补踏,卡踏补踏 嘛总 嗨啦 米以呐 [00:37.06]你 嘛嗯么 卡巧达秒嗯 可酿 那呢 撒买 winner [00:40.95]【艺声】一 塞桑哎 一起蓝,一起蓝 [00:44.32]用gi 银呢 咋了 达拉 那卡腾 弄 嘛里呀 [00:48.62] [00:48.49]【丽旭】耶嘛来 say,要 波恩 极可秒嗯 挪摩看哒。呃思,呃思,呃思 [00:52.55]【晟敏】可鸟呢 康作。可多扩p达。比组,比组,比组 [00:56.41]【李特】南 哦多卡尔噶 哦多卡尔嘎 可鸟嘛呢 耐 关心敏 个r,个r,个r [01:02.95] [01:04.48]【ALL】Bounce to you Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 [01:07.71]挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过 [01:11.62]Break it down to you down to you 耐 卡斯米 [01:15.17]挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒n 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦) [01:20.07] [01:20.25]【ALL】博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋 [01:23.66]博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多 [01:27.38]博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达 [01:31.15]博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那(Baby, you turn it up now) [01:34.95] [01:35.13]【东海】莫r 撒r嘎,撒r嘎,撒r嘎,撒r嘎 挪了r 为汉 松木r [01:38.56]欧,米期该达。僧刚满 还多 角啊哈r你 莫斯p [01:42.27]【圭贤】Listen girl! 角啊嗨. Baby girl! 撒浪嗨 [01:46.07]那嘛呢 挪了 为汉 南m咋。特罗去哦 怕 挪了 航喊 过白 [01:48.36]【艺声】特罗去哦 怕 挪了 航喊 过白 [01:50.14] [01:50.45]【丽旭】耐 嘛买 say ,爱满 太无几 嘛r过 采吧 戈多,戈多,戈多 [01:54.00]【李特】一 挪聊 纵多秒n 那啦多 古嗨 ki特,ki特,ki特 [01:57.74]【晟敏】南 哦多卡拉过,哦多卡拉过 可鸟嘛里 耐 从部银 个r,个r,个rl [02:04.50] [02:04.67]【ALL】Bounce to you Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 [02:09.20]挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过 [02:12.98]Break it down to you down to you 耐 卡斯米 [02:16.68]挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒恩 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦) [02:21.36] [02:21.52]【ALL】博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋 [02:25.03]博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多 [02:28.85]博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达 [02:32.69]博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那 那 怕该 哦p达 [02:36.60] [02:38.99]【希澈】南 特掉 米期过呀, 破吧来 博里 过呀 [02:41.96]拖莫参m该索 可鸟嘛耐 米过 唐ki ki [02:45.76]【银赫】哦 亲咋 米期过呀 奴嘎 总m 嘛聊怕 吧 [02:49.63]一罗开 很m特 过蓝过 奴嘎 嘛来索亚基 [02:53.65] [02:53.94]【丽旭】(It"s) True, true 耐康m总嗯 卡 过细 哦p索 [02:57.35]耐该 嘛去哦 博林过 挪n 恰r 啊儿加你 [03:01.19]【圭贤】How to keep loving you? 乃噶 亲咋 乃该 恰啦该 [03:04.94]一带罗 那r 索克要 读基嘛 [03:09.51] [03:09.67]【晟敏】ki 达林达 米以呐 Hope you"ll step to me, step to me [03:12.42]撒浪汉达 米以呐 Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. [03:17.07]【神童】Hahahaha Hahahahaha [03:18.95]【李特】可鸟嘎 已米 那r 怕啦博r 尊比嘎 退 一所那 怕 [03:24.59] [03:24.88]【ALL】Bounce to you Bounce to you 耐 卡斯门 [03:27.89]挪 航海 咋比 苏多 哦普斯 满可m 退过 银呢过 [03:31.72]Break it down to you down to you 耐 卡斯米 [03:35.45]挪,挪 卡级 莫谈达秒恩 莫m粗r 过蓝达(那r 怕啦吧哇啦) [03:39.93] [03:40.11]【ALL】博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎,博嘎嘛嘎 那 卡腾 南m咋 [03:43.72]博n采满采,博n采满采,博n采满采 拖拉索 怕多 [03:47.62]博过怕多,博过怕多,博过怕多 那 怕该 哦p达 [03:51.37]博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那,博纳嘛那 那 怕该 哦p达 欢迎楼主采纳,我也是ELF哦! 这首歌真是好听呢。亲,要一直爱哥哥们哦!

gossip girl(绯闻少女)第2季四集饰演AMANDA的是谁啊??


Gossip girl第二季第三集中阿曼达Amanda扮演者资料及其发型图片

她是guest star,客串的影星 Laura Leigh



amanda ghost的《Idol》 歌词

歌曲名:Idol歌手:amanda ghost专辑:Idol EPi can see itI can feel it rushing in my veinsI don"t like itI don"t hide itSee it in my faceBut i don"t want to waitFor i have lost my faithAmanda GhostChorus:Why can"t i find myself an idol?Somebody that i can look up toBe big enough to hold me close in their armsAnd never let me downAnd all these stupid conversationsThat always seem to lead to nowhereThery"re going "round and "round and round in my headAnd they"ll be back again.It"s not fair howI still care nowWe were always alone.Honesty and modestyWill never find my homeBut i will never sayWhen i have lost my way(repeat chorus)You take itYou take itAnd throw it away


Haman 英[u02c8heimu0259n] 美[u02c8hemu0259n] n. (圣经) 哈曼; [例句]As the word went out of king"s mouth, they covered Haman"s face.这话一出王口,人就蒙了哈曼的脸。

Finca La gramanosa在西班牙红酒标签上翻译成中文是什么意思啊?

gramanosa的 房地产 他的酿酒庄园。

Amanda Stott的《Magic》 歌词

歌曲名:Magic歌手:Amanda Stott专辑:Amanda Stott作词∶TOSHINOBU KUBOTA/KREVA作曲∶TOSHINOBU KUBOTA/KREVA歌∶久保田利伸ただ扉を开けて 无理もフリも投げて今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の鼓膜まで 震え始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 呼吸の向こうはハリーもサリーもかけられない魔法今起こす 待ってられないだろ?やってやれないことはないが一人じゃ ちっぽけな物语さ君のスタイルと オレのスタイルのシナジー効果でとめどなく Flowどれも欠く事のできないエレメンツ何を照れてる 力を贷せ皆の気持ちが集まりゃ 楽胜で発动さぁ さぁ 起こせアクションNo No ケンカなんて认め合うべき 千差万别息づかい 気づかい 越え静かにたぎるハート がっちりわしづかみLet"s go みたことない世界へ挂け合わせるFreeなStyle 分け合う眩しい世界今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の温度まで 騒ぎ始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 飞び込む魔法は真夏の雨と 舞い降りる太阳织り成す奇迹 七色の爱涙の记忆も 甘い约束も今日の胸を染めるRainbowそれはMとAとGとIとC (そうさ M & A & G, I, C)嘘や踌躇なんて必要ないのに (uhm...柔かなmind)カウント1だ2だ3だ そして4 (カウント1 and 2 and 3 and 4)手品师じゃできない オレたちなりのMagic今生み出す Come on!ただ扉を开けて 无理もフリも投げて今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の鼓膜まで 震え始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 呼吸の向こうは暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ挂け合わせるFreeなStyle 分け合う眩しい世界今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の温度まで 騒ぎ始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 飞び込む魔法はYou"ve got magic in your eyesYou"ve got magic in your smileYou"ve got magic even in your sighWe can make it, If we tryWe can get there when we flyCause we"ve got Magic暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ【 おわり 】



Gregory Isaacs/ Freddie Mcgregor/ Ninjaman的《John Law》 歌词

歌曲名:John Law歌手:Gregory Isaacs/ Freddie Mcgregor/ Ninjaman专辑:12"" Rulers - Gussie Clarke"S Music WorksLil Wayne Feat. Rick RossAlbum:Tha Carter IV(Deluxe Edition)The LRC Maker:冬东咚东@冬东咚东{Verse 1: Lil Wayne}Fo" fo" bulldog, my motherfucking petI point it at you and tell that motherfucker fetchI"m fucking her good, she got her legs on my neckI get pussy, mouth and ass, call that bitch triple threatWhen I was in jail she let me call her collectBut if she get greedy, I"ma starve her to deathTop down, it"s upset been f-cking the world and n-gga and I aint cum yet!You fuck with me wrong, I knock your head off your neckThe flight too long, I got a bed on the jetThe guns are drawn and I aint talking bout a sketchI pay these n-ggas with a reality checkPrepare for the worst but still praying for the bestThis game is a bitch I got my hand up her dressThe money don"t sleep so Weezy can"t restAn AK47 is my fucking address, huh{Rick Ross}I"m not a star, somebody lied I got a chopper in the carI got a chopper in the carI got a chopper in the car{Lil Wayne}Load up the choppers like it"s December 31stRoll up and cock it and hit them n-ggas where it hurtsIf I die today, remember me like John LennonBuried in Louis, I"m talking all brown linen, huh{Verse 2: Rick Ross}Big black n-gga, and an icey watchShoes on the coupe, bitch I got a Nike shopCounts the profits you could bring "em in a Nike boxGrinding in my Jordans kick em off they might high,swish!I"m swimming in the yellow bitch, bossIn the red 911 looking devilishRed beam make a bitch n-gga sit downThought it were bullet proof till he got hit the fifth timeDrop Palmolive in a n-gga dopeMake it come back even harder than beforeBaby I"m the only one that paid your car notesWell connected, got killers off in ChicagoI"m not a star, somebody lied I got a chopper in the carI got a chopper in the carI got a chopper in the car{Lil Wayne}Load up the choppers like it"s December 31stRoll up and cock it and hit them n-ggas where it hurtsIf I die today, remember me like John LennonBuried in Louis, I"m talking all brown linen, huh{Verse 3: Lil Wayne}Talk stupid get ya head poppedI got that Esther, bitch I"m red foxBig bee"s, Red SoxI get money to kill time, dead clocksYour fucking with a n-gga who don"t give a fuckEmpty the clip than roll a window upPussy n-ggas sweet, you n-ggas center bunI"m in a red bitch, she said she finna cum200 thousand on a chain, I don"t need a pieceThat banana clip, let Chiquita speakDark shades, Eazy EFive letters, YMCMBBitch ass n-gga, pussy ass n-ggaI see ya looking, what ya looking at n-ggaYou know the rules, kill"em all and keep movingIf I died today it"d be a holiday{Verse 4: Rick Ross}I"m not a star, somebody lied I got a chopper in the carSo don"t make it come aliveRip yo ass apart than I put myself togetherYMCMB, double M, we rich foreverThe bigger the bullet the more that bitch gon bangRed on the wall, Basquiat when I paintRed Lamborghini till I gave it to my bitchMy first home invasion, pocket gain and 40 bricksSon of a bitch, than I made a great escapeAint it funny momma, only son be baking cakesPull up in the sleigh, hop out like I"m santa clausN-ggas gather round, got gifts for all of y"allTake it home and let it bubble that"s the double upIf you get in trouble that just mean you fucking upIt"s a cold World I need a bird to cuddle upI call the plays, motherfuck huddle up{Lil Wayne}I"m not a star, somebody lied, I got a chopper in the car

lunaman lunagirl 歌词翻译成中文

To all my peepz. 我所有的peepz。All my peepz in the front "Get Down". 我所有的peepz在前面的“下来”。All my peepz in the back "Get Down". 我所有的peepz后面的“下来”。All my peepz on the left "Get Down". 我所有的peepz左边“下来”。Where my Lunagirl at? 我在哪里Lunagirl吗?Yo, here comes another fat track, 哟,然后现在又来另脂肪轨道,Lunaman raw with "em beats like that. Lunaman便便打红了这样。Makin" you shake your ass just like that. 你把你的屁股的震动,仅此而已。Specially girls bounce ya boulders like that. 特别是女孩丫巨石这样。反弹Cleared myself of rap cliches in a snap. 允许自己的陈腔滥调在说唱,瞬间。No fancy rides or cute ass like that. 不抱幻想骑马或可爱像那样的屁股的话。Only BBW"s or straight up fat. 只有BBW直的或脂肪。Only real hooters and the ones that flap. 唯一真正的hooters和那些皮瓣重建。So where my cute girl, where my cute girl at? 所以,我的可爱的小女孩,在我的可爱的女孩吗?Let me rephrase, where my Lunagirl at? 让我重申,在那时候我的Lunagirl吗?The one that nibbles on my jock, just like a rat. 那个小在笑话我,就像一只老鼠。Gimme hickies in my neck like if she was a bat. 在我的脖子上给我hickies好像她是一个打击。You can call Lunaman kinky like that... 你可以随时打电话给Lunaman显象……It"s all good, it"s freaky like that... 一切都很好,这是怪喜欢……It"s all good "cause i love it like that... 一切都很好,因为我爱这样…So what the hell, where my Lunagirl at? 那么什么是地狱,在那里我的Lunagirl吗?Yo, where my Lunagirl at? 哟,我的Lunagirl哪里?I want to find my freaky freaky queen. 我想找我的怪怪的女王。"Cause she"s the one, that"s gonna make Jimmy fly 因为是她,那是要让吉米飞and rise to the skies. ,上升到天空。So where my Lunagirl at. (2X) 所以,我的Lunagirl。(2 X)To all my peepz. 我所有的peepz。All my peepz in the front "Get Down". 我所有的peepz在前面的“下来”。All my peepz in the back "Get Down". 我所有的peepz后面的“下来”。All my peepz on the left "Get Down". 我所有的peepz左边“下来”。Where my Lunagirl at? 我在哪里Lunagirl吗?Cats wanna know why i"m crazy like that. 猫想知道为什么我疯了就像你说的那样。Ain"t got a clue guess i"m born like that. 没有一个线索猜我生来就是那样的。Luna coockoo in the brain like that. 在大脑像卢娜coockoo。Lovin" girls others hate like that. 有些人讨厌的女孩Lovin那样。Saggy titties, crooked teeth like that. titties下垂,弯曲的牙齿就像你说的那样。Even the one legged ones i love "em like that. 即使你腿我喜欢的便便就像你说的那样。Lunaman insane in the brain and i gots more Lunaman疯狂的大脑与我gots更多game than skies got rain and, 比赛比天空下雨了,a bottle of Patron, Luna acts like that. 一瓶主顾,卢娜的行为像。Blackin" out, acting crazy like that. “Blackin,疯狂的行为就像你说的那样。It even makes a lovely chick cute like that. 它甚至是一个可爱的女孩可爱的那样。And if you don"t believe, ask felix da housecat. 如果你不相信,请费利克斯达只猫。He knows it all, Luna likes "em raw, 他知道这一切,卢娜喜欢"电磁生的,nasty hard-core, the ones i wanna kill for. 恶劣的绝对化,那些我想杀死。The ones that buy their clothes at the 711 and shit. 那些买他们的衣服在711年和大便。So what the fuck... Where my Lunagirl at? 所以他妈的是什么…我在哪里Lunagirl吗?Yo, where my Lunagirl at? 哟,我的Lunagirl哪里?I want to find my freaky freaky queen. 我想找我的怪怪的女王。"Cause she"s the one, that"s gonna make Jimmy fly 因为是她,那是要让吉米飞and rise to the skies. ,上升到天空。So where my Lunagirl at. (4X) 所以,我的Lunagirl。(4 X)



求与(天鹅湖)相似的伴奏音乐? 不要 LACROSS - Save Me 、 Lunaman-Lunagirl 要纯音乐的那种,

要不要 柴可夫斯基的天鹅湖、睡美人、胡桃夹子组曲? 要的话把邮箱发来,我给你。 你的问题很模糊,什么叫类似天鹅湖的伴奏音乐?天鹅湖是一出舞剧,有很多元素构成,单单就音乐来说就有舞蹈和以舞曲为主的组曲构成。你要是要这个舞曲的话,我就给你发个带附件的邮件,要是你想到其他的舞曲,就告诉我曲目,以便我给你挂附件。 推荐: 韦伯的邀舞


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西班牙语 Tayta Huaman D.R.什么意思

西班牙语 Tayta Huaman D.R.意思是tayta开心的人

Samantha Barks的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:Samantha Barks专辑:悲惨世界 电影原声带On My OwnSamantha BarksOn my ownPretending he"s beside meAll aloneI walk with him till morningWithout himI feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way I close my eyesAnd he has found meIn the rain the pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me forever and foreverAnd I know it"s only in my mindThat I"m talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say, there"s a way for usI love himBut when the night is overHe is goneThe river"s just a riverWithout himThe world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhereThe streets are full of strangersI love himBut every day I"m learningAll my lifeI"ve only been pretendingWithout meHis world would go on turningA world that"s full of happinessThat I have never knownI love himI love himI love himBut only on my own

Samantha Barks的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:Samantha Barks专辑:Les Misérables: The Motion Picture Soundtrack DeluxeOn My OwnSamantha BarksOn my ownPretending he"s beside meAll aloneI walk with him till morningWithout himI feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way I close my eyesAnd he has found meIn the rain the pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me forever and foreverAnd I know it"s only in my mindThat I"m talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say, there"s a way for usI love himBut when the night is overHe is goneThe river"s just a riverWithout himThe world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhereThe streets are full of strangersI love himBut every day I"m learningAll my lifeI"ve only been pretendingWithout meHis world would go on turningA world that"s full of happinessThat I have never knownI love himI love himI love himBut only on my own

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Bali Kintamani gourmet coffee 这是什么咖啡? 价格?


Ziana Zain的《cintamani》 歌词

歌曲名:cintamani歌手:Ziana Zain专辑:Aku Cintakan MuKetika maya merajukPohon tunduk diselimut bayu sepiAwan jadi malu dicelah puncakPesona menatap... redup bekerlipanBerkaca di atas airItukah permata idaman jauhariDi rimba pewarna sayup bercahayaSebenarnya cintaku yang sebenarnya(chorus)Cintamani suciTanpa ditakluki sesiapa lagiTidak jemu menanti embun dinihariDari zaman hingga zaman tetap samaSaat ini terbuka mata permataBertakhta kirana Bermandi cahayaBiar serpihannya terbuang menjadi debungaDuhai kekasihkuBiarkanlah hamba merayu cahayanyaCinta ini suci layak kumilikiWalaupun yang terakhirnyaKu sendiriBerkaca di atas airBukanlah permata yang dicari-cariCuma kilas mata dalam pencarianSebenarnya cintaku yang sebenarnya


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Any Amendments to this Contract shall be in the form of an ADDENDUM in writing to be针对该协议的任何变更,都应以附录的形式记录在协议中


Benjamin["bendʒəmin]中文拼写:本杰明名字含义:南方之子,昵称Ben,Benjie,Bennie, Benny名字来源:希伯来语

请翻译P 200, Tingkat Bawah, Taman Bentong Makmur, 28700. Bentong Pahang


Cucu Diamantes的《Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Free歌手:Cucu Diamantes专辑:CuculandI catch you eye when you walk inPerfect is the tone of your skinFine is the state I"m inAnd I"m inNeed a light for your cigaretteTo breathe in life and blow out regretTo chase out things that you can"t forgetForgetSo let me go where I wanna goLet me be what I need to beTo meCan"t you see that I just gotta be freeCan"t you see what a mess you"re inI"ll take your heart and I"ll take you inYou"ll learn of hurt and true sinSinI don"t mind when you make a pointTo free your mind when you smoke a jointBut I"m not freeUntil I disappointLet me go where I wanna goLet me be what I need to beTo meCan"t you see that I just gotta be freeLet me do what I need to doTo youI"m no good for youCan"t you see that I just gotta be freeso Let me go where I wanna goLet me be what I need to beTo meCan"t you see that I just gotta be freeLet me do what I need to doTo youI"m no good for youCan"t you see that I just gotta be freeI just gotta be free

amanda lear 资料!!!!!!

  Amanda Lear总是非常神奇的关于她的青年时期。  她大概是Saigon的出生Alain Tapp (或法国)在1939年-在1941年,但是它也许已经是香港或1945年甚至(现在她要求) 1948年11月-混杂的血统,她在不同时候要求英国,法国和印度尼西亚父亲和英国和Russo东方母亲。 确定唯一的事是她被注定成为别的华美的年轻换性者涌现在法国在‘20世纪60年代期间,并且更晚是20世纪70年代的象"。  After教育[推测]在瑞士和英国,在1959年之前在最新的阿曼达搬到法国-一个仍然高,瘦长和相当亚裔看的男孩。 根本地变换由激素和前端工作,她神色吸引了萨尔瓦多Dali的眼睛,并且她是成为了一个普通伴侣许多年。 她在1960首先变得公开注意作为叫作Peki d"Oslo和刮毛器的一台异乎寻常的歌舞女郎。  In 1963年她安排她的性变动操作,执行在它为由萨尔瓦多Dali大概是有偿的卡萨布兰卡由Bourou博士。 她不久之后搬到她很快成为一部分的时髦“Chelsea女孩”设置的英国。 现在头发被漂白白肤金发,在1965年她由典型代理处在杂志封面签字和很快为高级设计师catwalking并且出现,但是她塑造的事业最终将由她的transsexuality谣言阻碍。  In 1973年布赖恩轮渡早期看见了推测25岁的人(做她青春期前在她的歌舞女郎天!) 塑造时装设计师Ossie Clarke的阶段的阿曼达汇集和邀请她以为特色作为Roxy音乐的新的册页的封面女郎“您的乐趣的”。 阿曼达与辗压石头和Elton很快混合约翰的喜欢和在1974会见了大卫Bowie并且那时成为了一个几名美好装扮异性妇女(Romy Haag是别的)以为特色大在他的爱生活中,他们在一起的确生活一年,并且她成为了一部分的“Ziggy”阶段行动。  David被帮助的Bowie在20世纪70年代末期开始阿曼达的音乐事业,和她成为了在大陆欧洲的一个巨大的迪斯科星,大概是她的最佳的册页1978年“甜复仇”和1980年“金刚石早餐”。  In ‘20世纪80年代和‘20世纪90年代她顺利地擅于新的作为画家和作为电视主人,虽然仍然也记录和执行她的音乐。  After她的与法国人AlainPhillippe Malagnac的婚姻,在1979年她开始有力地否认她的transsexuality,并且作为推测的证明摆在了几个人的杂志的裸体。 当这一定证明了给她时使风扇高兴她仍然有一个惊人的身体,虽然大概在她的‘20世纪40年代之内,她的情况总是令人不信服的特定间接证据例如她的男性听起来声音,缺乏孩子,失败递交给所有医学化验,缺乏任何被提供的文献(即她的出生证); 并且更多直接证据例如老照片和认识她20世纪60年代& 20世纪70年代的是换性者那些的声明(4月Ashley和可论证地特殊大卫Bowie和萨尔瓦多Dali)。  Tragedy在,当她的家在法国烧毁了,杀害她的丈夫和毁坏许多她和Dali的绘画的2000年12月触击了阿曼达。

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yoku moku billet aux amandes chocoat 翻译中文是yoku moku巧克力杏仁门票

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Lil Wayne的《Megaman》 歌词

歌曲名:Megaman歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:Tha Carter IvLil Wayne - MegamanAlbum:《Tha Carter IV》Faded off the kush I"m goneOnly 2 years old when daddy used to bring them hookers homeLooking like my grandma, my n*ggas got that ammoWe jack son and then light up that "L", "Samuel"Rats gon" rat and snakes gon" hiss n*ggaBaseball rich n*gga, do this shit for all my homiesWhere them bad b*tches at? Come and put that pussy on meTunechi you a murderer, boy you just be killing shitYeah you know that money talk, I am the ventriloquistTranquilizer in the trunk, put your ass to sleep manBirdman Jr. got the world in my wingspanHow you n*ggas want it? Have it your way, Burger KingI get deep in that pussy, dig her out, surgeryBreak in your f*cking home, take your life, burglaryWoah n*ggaDie slow n*ggaFor dear life you"re holding on En Vogue n*ggaUnload n*ggaReload n*ggaTools on deck, Home Depot n*ggaWell if life is a b*tch, then mine a gold diggerAnd all my b*tches nasty like a cold dinnerEveryday I go so hard and work my ass offI"m good, I"m 100 like a fastballIt"s Carter 4!(Yeah)(I"m going back in man)(Yeah)We get "f*ck Young Money", how you wanna play it?That AK sleep on the side of my bedThat"s one eye closed, one eye openYour cap get peeled like I-B-ProfenThis a crazy world and life is shorter than BushwickYoung Money man we got this shit by a landslideBoy I send them bloods at your ass like a tamponUptown shit, wet the whole partyWeezy gon" ball, ball like Steve HarveyThe heater I"ma tuck her, tuck her like D. LawrenceThat"s my word like, word like the-saurusI don"t see no future in your fronting, I be stunting hardRap game dependent on me like a bungee cordFear nobody but God almightyShoot that motherf*cker till I get arthritisI"m a beast, I"m a ass, I"m ahead of my classI"m a diamond in the rough like a baby in the trashI don"t talk it, I live it, I paint a picture vividAnd them pistols popping like they sitting in a skilletI go so hard, I go so mean, I"m so New OrleansTold the judge I couldn"t budge, it was him or meForget the bullshit and remember me




what the fuck a man他妈的一个男人Stansfield: I lost a good man here. What the fuck do you want with me?我在这里损失了一个人你他妈的到底想要我怎样?




证明要点: 方法一:连接CE 先用全等证明∠DAE=∠DCE,AE=CE 而∠DAE=∠G 所以∠G=∠DCE 又因为∠GEC=∠GEC 所以△GEC∽△CEF 所以EG/CE=CE/EF 所以EG/AE=AE/EF 所以AE^2=EF*EG 方法二: 直接用比例线段 DA//GB得AE/GE=DE/BE DC//BA得FE/AE=DE/BE 所以AE/GE=FE/AE 所以AE^2=EF*EG


原来忘记一个人很难用英语说就是。In fact,it is difficult to forget a man.

Aman After Midnight是什么意思?



there was a man who once lived on the top of the mountain。那里有一个曾经住在山顶上的人。 There are a lot of students who are addicted to Playing computer games nowadays.当今有许多痴迷玩电脑游戏的学生。 There was an artist whose paintings were regarded as the best in the country.

{an}中a1=2 ,am+n=aman,若ak+1+ak+2

这是2007年天津高考试题第21题. 比较难.第一问需要整理和转化为新数列考虑; 第二问需要利用等比数列分类求和并讨论; 第三问需要数学归纳并结合分析法证明. 网上不大好写,你自己再试试吧!


1-5 ADBCB 6-10 ADCBA


非洲国家肯雅的语言 AMANI=和平 NAKUPENDA=爱 NAKUPENDA WE WE=我们爱你 TUNA TAKA WE WE=我们需要你 “AMANI”是和平的意思;“ NAKUPENDA NAKUPENDA WEWE”就是“我们爱你,"你"在歌词里代表AMANI也是和平的意思”“TUNE TAKE WE WE”是“我们需要你(和平)”的意思。




斯瓦西里语,AMANI - 和平;NAKUPENDA - 我爱你

Amanda Perez的《Dedicate》 歌词

歌曲名:Dedicate歌手:Amanda Perez专辑:I PrayThis is dedicated to my favorite girlOh... oh... oh... oh...Oh... oh... oh... oh... ...Ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... yeahOoh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...Ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...Favorite girl, heyYou have given me the best of youAnd you have made my dreams come true, yeahAnd after all the things that you have doneGirl, it makes me say that you are more than a woman, so I"mDedicating this one (Oh) to my favorite girlShe"s the only woman in the whole wide worldDedicating this one (Oh, I"m) to my favorite girl(She"s the only woman in the world for me)Never thought that love could be so kindTill you came and brought me peace of mindI"ll treasure every moment spent with you?Cause no one does the things for me you do, so I"mDedicating this one (Oh) to my favorite girl (She"s the only one)She"s the only (Ooh... ooh... ooh... ) woman in the whole wide world(In the whole wide world)Dedicating this one (Oh, yeah) to my favorite girl(She"s the only woman in the world, world, woo)Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...So I"mDedicating this one (To) to my favorite girl (My favorite girl)She"s the only woman (Oh, yeah) in the whole wide worldDedicating this one (Oh... ) to my favorite girl(The only one in the world, whoa... )Dedicating this one to my favorite girlShe"s the only woman (She"s the only woman) in the whole wide world(In the whole wide world for me)Dedicating this one (I"m dedicating this one) to my favorite girl(She"s the only one, she"s the only one for me)Dedicating this one to my favorite girl (She"s the only one)She"s the only woman


“AMANI”是和平的意思;“ NAKUPENDA NAKUPENDA WEWE”就是“我们爱你,"你"在歌词里代表AMANI也是和平的意思”“TUNE TAKE WE WE”是“我们需要你(和平)”的意思。 《AMANI》歌曲背景 BEYOND一向爱好和平,并以自已的音乐向人们呼唤和...





cucito amano什么品牌

cuctto a mano是古驰牌子的大衣。 cuctto a mano是全球卓越的奢华精品品牌之一,属于奢侈品档次。cuctto a mano追求革新与卓越,以独有的现代视野重新演绎与影响时尚演进。古驰在创作总监亚力山卓·米开理全新视角的引领下,重新阐述21世纪精品,巩固其全球精品品牌的地位。古驰创作同时代表了意大利手工艺对细节,品质的重视,呈现浪漫,当代与令人激动的美学理念。


amant 是情人 有时候可以理解为小三amour是爱人



求superjunior 美人啊Bonamana 完整版M爬

求super junior的《Bonamana》mp3



BONAMANA始源:no内给没给诶给没给no米呀毒米那那米求给够南嘿三那米给穷毒米那希澈:难没惨内吗出吗baby to my baby 内给哟里沙跟玛利亚SO gi大林单玛利亚恩赫:baby you turn it up now (被比you图一奥脑)奎贤:那呀嘎扑它呀嘎扑它没炅嘿忒米那 一磨米卡穷三磨ki吗吧no沙呢winer艺声:一生沙内无七单 无七单 no gi音那家呢怕吧 那嘎困东玛地亚厉旭:燕吗里塞哟波鸡狗秒no磨大干个丝个丝个丝晟敏:晕哟宁干酒比波吧大必究必究必究利特:吗喔头kei嘎喔头kei嘎晕牛慢牛内狗西米gia gia gia ALL:bounce to you bounce to you 内嘎西米no 卡给出皮输给完塞完狗北狗玲玲个 威gi down to you down to you 没噶输米no no诶卡起磨头吗吧磨出够大 那路吧吧吧吧boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎那噶他南江 bong强慢强bong强慢强bong强慢强do拉沙吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bou那吧给羊大bong那吗那bong那吗那bong那吗那恩赫:baby you turn it up now (被比you图一奥脑)东海:那沙噶沙噶沙噶沙噶no怒winer三归呕米起给噶sing噶吗内都穷哇汉得后苏奎贤:listen girl东海:穷哇嘿奎贤:baby girl艺声:沙朗嘿奎贤:南吗里no路威汉南家艺声:那炅吧no路累掐古该厉旭:内吗K塞A吗K起卖古切白Ki大Ki大Ki大利特:Ki no里炅古里那带古带Ki提Ki提Ki提晟敏:那喔头克累古喔头克累古 gin用卖你内求不音gia gia giaALL:bounce to you bounce to you 内嘎西米no 卡给出皮输给完塞完狗北狗玲玲个 威gi down to you down to you 没噶输米no no诶卡起磨头吗吧磨出够大 那路吧吧吧吧boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎那噶他南江 bong强慢强bong强慢强bong强慢强do拉沙吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bou那吧给羊大bong那吗那bong那吗那bong那吗那 那吧给波大波大波大波大波大希澈:那古大米起够呀 够boy害boy比够呀狗won求给手跟羊吗啦没波单比gi恩赫:呕今凑没起够呀 怒gia出没诶怕吧一用给用给够啦磨累个吗啦So呀鸡厉旭:(It"s)True,true内噶穷理内古西哦So内给吗求do玲公龙掐啦加你奎贤:How to keep loving you?没给亲求没给查拉给 一内哦吗沙Ko出起一吗晟敏:qi吧玲单米那神童:Hope you"ll step to me, step to me晟敏:沙蓝蓝单米那神童:Bring it, sign to me, sign to me 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈 利特:困呀大音米那 吧啦波 穷B噶贼三啦波 ALL:bounce to you bounce to you 内嘎西米no 卡给出皮输给完塞完狗北狗玲玲个 威gi down to you down to you 没噶输米no no诶卡起磨头吗吧磨出够大 那路吧吧吧吧boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎boy噶卖嘎那噶他南江 bong强慢强bong强慢强bong强慢强do拉沙吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bouboubou吧bou那吧给羊大bong那吗那bong那吗那bong那吗那 那吧给波大波大波大波大波大

boomboom and bonamana的中文音译歌词,不要罗马音的,谢谢

这也可以跟着唱得哎...SJ.4辑单曲 美人啊(Bonamana) 支持SJ, ELF万岁!作者:904006917 希望各位妖精喜欢!!!歌词:(快来看着我吧)dan da lan dan, dan da lan dan, dan da lan dan, da da da la badan da lan dan, dan da lan dan, dan da lan dan, da da da la ba(始源)你知不知道 知不知道 很漂亮的美人啊就算是说我疯了 我还是喜欢你 美人啊(希澈)谁能传递给 My baby to my baby 说我在这里等着呀 说我在等待呀(Baby, you turn it up now)(圭贤)你可不可以 可不可以 和我说句话 美人啊如果将你的心拿走的话 就是我生命的Winner(艺声)这世上的道理是 道理是跟着有勇气的人啊 就像我一样的人啊(丽旭)俗话说 Say 要是被点名十次就会转变得意 得意 得意(晟敏)她是强敌 稳如泰山 不快 不快 不快(丽旭)我要怎么办 要怎么办只要她是我开心的 GIRL...(全体)Bounce to you, Bounce to you我的心 只向着你即使不能抓住 也会一刻不停的奔跑Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心 只有你若拿不走的话 就会停止跳动(快来看着我吧)你看不看 你看不看 你看不看 像我这样的男人这就是我 这就是我 这就是我 就算回头再看就算再看 就算再看 就算再看 就只有我爱看不看 爱看不看 爱看不看 (或:Bonamana Bonamana Bonamana)(Baby, you turn it up now)(东海)要买什么 什么 什么 什么 为了给你的礼物噢 快要疯了 就算想到也会开心的你的样子(艺声、圭贤)Listen girl!喜欢你。Baby girl! 我爱你我只是为你存在的男人请听听看吧 我对你的告白(丽旭)我内心 say 别让我坐立不安 拜托 点头 点头 点头(晟敏)这般努力的话 我都可以拯救地球 真奇特 奇特 奇特(丽旭)我要怎么办 要怎么办只有他才是我的全部 GIRL...(全体)Bounce to you, Bounce to you我的心 只向着你即使不能抓住 也会一刻不停的奔跑Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心 只有你若拿不走的话 就会停止跳动(快来看着我吧)你看不看 你看不看 你看不看 像我这样的男人这就是我 这就是我 这就是我 就算回头再看就算再看 就算再看 就算再看 就只有我爱看不看 爱看不看 爱看不看 (或:Bonamana Bonamana Bonamana)反正就只有我 我 我 我 我(恩赫)我终于还是要疯了 就快要爆发了再也没法忍耐 只想得到她一个噢 真的快疯了 谁试着来动动看这么的辛苦 谁来告诉我该怎么做(丽旭)[It"s] True, true 我的感情无处可去你也清楚的知道我们是这么相配(圭贤)How to keep loving you我真的会对你很好 就别这样的无视我(艺声)等着吧 美人啊(神童)Hope you"ll step to me, step to me(艺声)我爱你 美人啊(神童)Bring it, sign to me, sign to me(全体)哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈她好像/已经/做/好看向/我的/准备了(全体)Bounce to you, Bounce to you我的心 只向着你即使不能抓住 也会一刻不停的奔跑Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心 只有你若拿不走的话 就会停止跳动(快来看着我吧)你看不看 你看不看 你看不看 像我这样的男人这就是我 这就是我 这就是我 就算回头再看就算再看 就算再看 就算再看 就只有我爱看不看 爱看不看 爱看不看 (或:Bonamana Bonamana Bonamana)反正就只有我 我 我 我 我

SJ bonamana歌词


superjunior bonamana中文 韩文 罗马拼音歌词,有的发下

你 知不知道呀x2 多么漂亮的 美人啊 我疯狂了也要说出 我喜欢你 美人啊ub204uac00 uc804ud574uc918 My baby, to my baby 我在这里呀 等待着你 (Baby, you turn it up now) 你 未置可否 未置可否 告诉我一声啊 美人啊 如果你带走你的心 那么Winner.我在这煎熬的世上已狂乱 跟随有勇气的人 像我一样的家伙呀俗话说 SAY 如果被点名十次就会得意忘形 她是强敌 毫不动摇 bizuk bizuk bizuk我该怎么办啊 怎么办啊 她是我只关心的人 kor kor kor*Bounce to you, Bounce to you 我的心向你拼命奔跑却无法抓住你Break it Down to you, Down to you 得不到你的话 我的心会窒息(看看我吧)看还是不看x3 像我一样的男人 本身置若罔闻 也要回头看看吧 想着看着x3 除了我没有别人会这样了 看吧x3 除了我没有别人会这样了(Baby, you turn it up now) 怎样活下去呢,为你存在的礼物。哦,要疯了,只想着喜欢的你的模样Listen girl!喜欢你。Baby girl!我爱你。我是只为你存在的男人。请回头看看我心里对你的告白我心里的SAY 请不要折磨我 拜托 点头x3如果这努力程度 你也找寻 奇特x3我该怎么做 该怎么做 她只是我的全部 kor kor kor*Bounce to you, Bounce to you 我的心向你拼命奔跑却无法抓住你Break it Down to you, Down to you 得不到你的话 我的心会窒息(看看我吧)看还是不看x3 像我一样的男人 本身置若罔闻 也要回头看看吧想着看着x3 除了我没有别人会这样了 看吧x3 除了我没有别人会这样了我终于快疯了。要爆发了呀,更加不知如何是好 她只是若即若离哦 真的要疯了。谁来给我指引 指引 如此辛苦 谁来告诉我该怎么做(It"s) True, true 我的感情无处可去 我很清楚你的抗拒How to keep loving you? 我真的会好好对你 就这样 请不要对我凌迟 等待着你 美人啊 Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. 我爱着你。美人啊Bring it, sign to me, sign to me.哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 看吧 她已经做好准备要看着我 *Bounce to you, Bounce to you 我的心向你拼命奔跑却无法抓住你. Break it Down to you, Down to you 得不到你的话 我的心会窒息(看看我吧)看还是不看x3 像我一样的男人 本身置若罔闻 也要回头看看吧想着看着x3 除了我没有别人会这样了 看吧 看吧 看吧 除了我没有别人会这样了韩文+罗马拼音:ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub530ub2e4ub530ub77cube60. ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub530ub2e4ub530ub77cube60 ub10c uc54cuae4cub9d0uae4c uc54cuae4cub9d0uae4c ub108ubb34 uc608uc05c ubbf8uc778uc544. ub0a0 ubbf8ucce4ub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud574ub3c4 ub09c ub2c8uac00 uc88bub2e4 ubbf8uc778uc544 ub204uac00 uc804ud574uc918 My baby, to my baby ub0b4uac00 uc5ecuae30 uc788ub2e4uace0 ub9d0uc57c. uae30ub2e4ub9b0ub2e4 ub9d0uc57c (Baby, you turn it up now) ub10c, uac00ud0c0ubd80ud0c0, uac00ud0c0ubd80ud0c0 ub9d0 uc880 ud574ub77c ubbf8uc778uc544. ub2c8 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uac00uc84cub2e4uba74 uadf8ub0e5 ub098ub294 uc0b6uc758 Winner. uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc774uce58ub780, uc774uce58ub780, uc6a9uae30 uc788ub294 uc790ub97c ub530ub77c ub098 uac19uc740 ub188 ub9d0uc57c. uc61bub9d0uc5d0 Say, uc5f4 ubc88 ucc0duc73cuba74 ub118uc5b4uac04ub2e4. uc73cuc4f1, uc73cuc4f1, uc73cuc4f1 uadf8ub140ub294 uac15uc801. ub044ub5a1uc5c6ub2e4. uc090ucb49, uc090ucb49, uc090ucb49 ub09c uc5b4ub5a1ud560uae4c uc5b4ub5a1ud560uae4c uadf8ub140ub9ccuc774 ub0b4 uad00uc2ecuc778 uac78, uac78, uac78. *Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c) **ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 (Baby, you turn it up now)ubb58 uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c ub108ub97c uc704ud55c uc120ubb3c. uc624, ubbf8uce58uaca0ub2e4. uc0dduac01ub9cc ud574ub3c4 uc88buc544ud560 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5. Listen girl! uc88buc544ud574. Baby girl! uc0acub791ud574. ub098ub9ccuc774 ub108ub97c uc704ud55c ub0a8uc790. ub4e4uc5b4uc918 ubd10 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud55c uace0ubc31. ub0b4 ub9d8uc758 say, uc560ub9cc ud0dcuc6b0uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc81cubc1c ub044ub355, ub044ub355, ub044ub355. uc774 ub178ub825 uc815ub3c4uba74 ub098ub77cub3c4 uad6cud574 uae30ud2b9, uae30ud2b9, uae30ud2b9 ub09c uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub77cuace0, uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub77cuace0 uadf8ub140ub9ccuc774 ub0b4 uc804ubd80uc778 uac78, uac78, uac78 *Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c)**ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4.ub09c ub4dcub38c ubbf8uce60uac70uc57c. ud3edubc1cud574 ubc84ub9b4 uac70uc57c. ub354 ubabb ucc38uaca0uc5b4 uadf8ub140ub9ccuc758 ubc00uace0 ub2f9uae30uae30. uc624 uc9c4uc9dc ubbf8uce60uac70uc57c. ub204uac00 uc880 ub9d0ub824ubd10 ubd10. uc774ub807uac8c ud798ub4e4 uac70ub780 uac78 ub204uac00 ub9d0ud588uc5b4uc57cuc9c0. (It"s) True, true ub0b4 uac10uc815uc740 uac08 uacf3uc774 uc5c6uc5b4. ub124uac8c ub9deucdb0 ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub10c uc798 uc54cuc796ub2c8 How to keep loving you? ub0b4uac00 uc9c4uc9dc ub124uac8c uc798ud560uac8c uc774ub300ub85c ub0a0 uc369ud600 ub450uc9c0ub9c8 uae30ub2e4ub9b0ub2e4. ubbf8uc778uc544! Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. uc0acub791ud55cub2e4. ubbf8uc778uc544! Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. ud558ud558ud558ud558 ud558ud558ud558ud558ud558 uadf8ub140uac00 uc774ubbf8 ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubcfc uc900ube44uac00 ub3fc uc788uc5c8ub098 ubd10 *Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c)**ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, dda da dda ra pa, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, dda da dda ra paNeol alkka malkka alkka malkka neomu yeppeun miin ah. Nal micyeodago malhaedo nan niga jeohda miin ahNuga Jeonhaejwo My baby, to my baby naega yeogi ittdago marya. Gidarida Marya (Baby, you turn it up now) Nel gata buta, gata buta mal jom haera miin ah. Ni maeumeul gajyeotdamyeon geunyang na eui salmeui winner,i sesang eui ichiran, ichiran, yonggi ittneun jareul ddara na gateun nom marya.Yetmare say, yeol beon jjikeumyeon neomeoganda. eusseuk eusseuk eusseuk.Geunyeoneun gangjeok, ggeuddeok eobda, bbijjuk, bbijjuk, bbijjuk.nan eotteohkalkka eotteohkalkka geunyeo mani nae gwanshimin geol geol geol.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana (Baby, you turn it up now) mweol salkka, salkka, salkka, salkka nereul wihan seonmul. Oh, michigettda. Saenggakmanhaedo johahal ni moseub.Listen girl, joha hae. Baby girl saranghae. Naman i neoreul wihan namja. Dereojwobwa neoreul hyanghan geobaek.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bakke eobda.Nan deudyeo michilkeoya, Pokbalhae borilkeoya. Deo mot chamgesseo geunyeo maneui milgeo danggigi.Oh jinjja michilkeoya, Nuga jom mallyeobwabwa. ireohke himdeul georan geol nuga malhaesseoyaji. (It"s) True, true nae gamjeongeun gal goshi eobseo. Nege majyeo beoringeol neon jal aljanhi.How to keep loving you? Naega jinjja naega jalhalke nal sseokhyeo dujima.Gidarinda, Miin ah! Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. Saranghanda, Miin ah! Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. Hahahaha hahahahaha, Geunyeoga imi nal barabol junbiga dwae isseonnabwa.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bakke eobda

SJ4辑 BONAMANA美人啊 韩文+中文+罗马音歌词

Super Junior,听说要解散了



BONAMANA 美人啊 罗马音歌词

ubbf8uc778uc544(Bonamana) - uc288ud37cuc8fcub2c8uc5b4 uc218ub85duc568ubc94 4uc9d1 ubbf8uc778uc544 ubc1cub9e4uc815ubcf4 SM Entertainment, 2010.05.13 ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub530ub2e4ub530ub77cube60. ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub534ub530ub780ub534, ub530ub2e4ub530ub77cube60 ddan"dda"ran"ddan", ddan"dda"ran"ddan", ddan"dda"ran"ddan", dda"da"dda"ra"bba". ddan"dda"ran"ddan", ddan"dda"ran"ddan", ddan"dda"ran"ddan", dda"da"dda"ra"bba" ub10c uc54cuae4cub9d0uae4c uc54cuae4cub9d0uae4c ub108ubb34 uc608uc05c ubbf8uc778uc544. ub0a0 ubbf8ucce4ub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud574ub3c4 ub09c ub2c8uac00 uc88bub2e4 ubbf8uc778uc544 neon" al"gga"mal"gga" al"gga"mal"gga" neo"mu" ye"bbeun" mi"in"a". nal" mi"cyeoss"da"go" mal"hae"do" nan" ni"ga" joh"da" mi"in"a" ub204uac00 uc804ud574uc918 My baby, to my baby ub0b4uac00 uc5ecuae30 uc788ub2e4uace0 ub9d0uc57c. uae30ub2e4ub9b0ub2e4 ub9d0uc57c (Baby, you turn it up now) nu"ga" jeon"hae"jweo" My baby, to my baby nae"ga" yeo"gi" iss"da"go" mal"ya". gi"da"rin"da" mal"ya"(Baby, you turn it up now) ub10c, uac00ud0c0ubd80ud0c0, uac00ud0c0ubd80ud0c0 ub9d0 uc880 ud574ub77c ubbf8uc778uc544. ub2c8 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uac00uc84cub2e4uba74 uadf8ub0e5 ub098ub294 uc0b6uc758 Winner. neon", ga"ta"bu"ta", ga"ta"bu"ta" mal" jom" hae"ra" mi"in"a". ni" ma"eum"eul" ga"jyeoss"da"myeon" geu"nyang" na"neun" salm"yi"Winner. uc774 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc774uce58ub780, uc774uce58ub780, uc6a9uae30 uc788ub294 uc790ub97c ub530ub77c ub098 uac19uc740 ub188 ub9d0uc57c. i" se"sang"yi" i"ci"ran", i"ci"ran", yong"gi" iss"neun" ja"reul" dda"ra" na" gat"eun" nom" mal"ya". uc61bub9d0uc5d0 Say, uc5f4 ubc88 ucc0duc73cuba74 ub118uc5b4uac04ub2e4. uc73cuc4f1, uc73cuc4f1, uc73cuc4f1 yes"mal"e" Say, yeol" beon" jjig"eu"myeon" neom"eo"gan"da". eu"sseug", eu"sseug", eu"sseug" uadf8ub140ub294 uac15uc801. ub044ub5a1uc5c6ub2e4. uc090ucb49, uc090ucb49, uc090ucb49 geu"nyeo"neun" gang"jeog". ggeu"ddeog"eobs"da". bbi"jjug", bbi"jjug", bbi"jjug" ub09c uc5b4ub5a1ud560uae4c uc5b4ub5a1ud560uae4c uadf8ub140ub9ccuc774 ub0b4 uad00uc2ecuc778 uac78, uac78, uac78. nan" eo"ddeog"hal"gga" eo"ddeog"hal"gga" geu"nyeo"man"i" nae" gwan"sim"in" geol", geol", geol". Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae" ga"seum"eun" neol" hyang"hae" jab"jab" su"do" eobs"eul" man"keum" ddwi"go" iss"neun"geol".Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c) Break it Down to you, Down to you nae" ga"seum"i" neo", neol" gaj"ji" mos"han"da"myeon" meom"cul" geo"ran"da" (nal" ba"ra"bwa"ra")ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga" na" gat"eun" nam"ja". bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce" dol"a"seo" bwa"do"ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 (Baby, you turn it up now)bo"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do" na" bagg"e" eobs"da". bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na"(Baby, you turn it up now)ubb58 uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c, uc0b4uae4c ub108ub97c uc704ud55c uc120ubb3c. uc624, ubbf8uce58uaca0ub2e4. uc0dduac01ub9cc ud574ub3c4 uc88buc544ud560 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5. mweol" sal"gga", sal"gga", sal"gga", sal"gga" neo"reul" wi"han" seon"mul". o", mi"ci"gess"da". saeng"gag"man" hae"do" joh"a"hal" ni" mo"seub". Listen girl! uc88buc544ud574. Baby girl! uc0acub791ud574. ub098ub9ccuc774 ub108ub97c uc704ud55c ub0a8uc790. ub4e4uc5b4uc918 ubd10 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud55c uace0ubc31. Listen girl! joh"a"hae". Baby girl! sa"rang"hae". na"man"i" neo"reul" wi"han" nam"ja". deul"eo"jweo" bwa" neo"reul" hyang"han" go"baeg".ub0b4 ub9d8uc758 say, uc560ub9cc ud0dcuc6b0uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc81cubc1c ub044ub355, ub044ub355, ub044ub355. nae" mam"yi" say, ae"man" tae"u"ji" mal"go" je"bal" ggeu"deog", ggeu"deog", ggeu"deog".uc774 ub178ub825 uc815ub3c4uba74 ub098ub77cub3c4 uad6cud574 uae30ud2b9, uae30ud2b9, uae30ud2b9 i" no"ryeog" jeong"do"myeon" na"ra"do" gu"hae" gi"teug", gi"teug", gi"teug" ub09c uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub77cuace0, uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub77cuace0 uadf8ub140ub9ccuc774 ub0b4 uc804ubd80uc778 uac78, uac78, uac78 nan" eo"ddeog"ha"ra"go", eo"ddeog"ha"ra"go" geu"nyeo"man"i" nae" jeon"bu"in" geol", geol", geol" Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae" ga"seum"eun" neol" hyang"hae" jab"jab" su"do" eobs"eul" man"keum" ddwi"go" iss"neun"geol".Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c)Break it Down to you, Down to you nae" ga"seum"i" neo", neol" gaj"ji" mos"han"da"myeon" meom"cul" geo"ran"da" (nal" ba"ra"bwa"ra")ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga" na" gat"eun" nam"ja". bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce" dol"a"seo" bwa"do"ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 ub098 ubc16uc5d0"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do" na" bagg"e" eobs"da". bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na" na" bagg"e" eobs"da".ub09c ub4dcub38c ubbf8uce60uac70uc57c. ud3edubc1cud574 ubc84ub9b4 uac70uc57c. ub354 ubabb ucc38uaca0uc5b4 uadf8ub140ub9ccuc758 ubc00uace0 ub2f9uae30uae30. nan" deu"dyeo" mi"cil"geo"ya". pog"bal"hae" beo"ril" geo"ya". deo" mos" cam"gess"eo" geu"nyeo"man"yi" mil"go" dang"gi"gi". uc624 uc9c4uc9dc ubbf8uce60uac70uc57c. ub204uac00 uc880 ub9d0ub824ubd10 ubd10. uc774ub807uac8c ud798ub4e4 uac70ub780 uac78 ub204uac00 ub9d0ud588uc5b4uc57cuc9c0. o" jin"jja" mi"cil"geo"ya". nu"ga" jom" mal"ryeo"bwa" bwa". i"reoh"ge" deul" geo"ran" geol" nu"ga" mal"haess"eo"ya"ji". (It"s) True, true ub0b4 uac10uc815uc740 uac08 uacf3uc774 uc5c6uc5b4. ub124uac8c ub9deucdb0 ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub10c uc798 uc54cuc796ub2c8 (It"s) True, true nae" gam"jeong"eun" gal" gos"i" eobs"eo". ne"ge" maj"cweo" beo"rin"geol" neon" jal" al"janh"ni"How to keep loving you? ub0b4uac00 uc9c4uc9dc ub124uac8c uc798ud560uac8c uc774ub300ub85c ub0a0 uc369ud600 ub450uc9c0ub9c8 How to keep loving you? nae"ga" jin"jja" ne"ge" jal"hal"ge" i"dae"ro" nal" sseog"hyeo" du"ji"ma" uae30ub2e4ub9b0ub2e4. ubbf8uc778uc544! Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. gi"da"rin"da". mi"in"a"!Hope you"ll step to me, step to me.uc0acub791ud55cub2e4. ubbf8uc778uc544! Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. sa"rang"han"da". mi"in"a"!Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. ud558ud558ud558ud558 ud558ud558ud558ud558ud558 uadf8ub140uac00 uc774ubbf8 ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubcfc uc900ube44uac00 ub3fc uc788uc5c8ub098 ubd10 ha"ha"ha"ha" ha"ha"ha"ha"ha" geu"nyeo"ga" i"mi" nal" ba"ra"bol" jun"bi"ga" dwae" iss"eoss"na" bwa" Bounce to you, Bounce to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ub110 ud5a5ud574 uc7a1ud790 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uace0 uc788ub294uac78. Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae" ga"seum"eun" neol" hyang"hae" jab"jab" su"do" eobs"eul" man"keum" ddwi"go" iss"neun"geol".Break it Down to you, Down to you ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108, ub110 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud55cub2e4uba74 uba48ucd9c uac70ub780ub2e4 (ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10ub77c) Break it Down to you, Down to you nae" ga"seum"i" neo", neol" gaj"ji" mos"han"da"myeon" meom"cul" geo"ran"da" (nal" ba"ra"bwa"ra")ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c, ubcfcuae4cub9d0uae4c ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790. ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4, ubcf8uccb4ub9ccuccb4 ub3ccuc544uc11c ubd10ub3c4bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga", bol"gga"mal"gga" na" gat"eun" nam"ja". bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce", bon"ce"man"ce" dol"a"seo" bwa"do"ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4, ubcf4uace0ubd10ub3c4 ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4. ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098, ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 (Baby, you turn it up now)bo"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do", bo"go"bwa"do" na" bagg"e" eobs"da". bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na", bo"na"ma"na"(Baby, you turn it up now)

bonamana 中文什么意思


谁有sj BONAMANA的中文和罗马文歌词?

罗马文Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, dda da dda ra pa, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, Dda dda ran ddan, dda da dda ra paNeol alkka malkka alkka malkka neomu yeppeun miin ah. Nal micyeodago malhaedo nan niga jeohda miin ahNuga Jeonhaejwo My baby, to my baby naega yeogi ittdago marya. Gidarida Marya (Baby, you turn it up now) Nel gata buta, gata buta mal jom haera miin ah. Ni maeumeul gajyeotdamyeon geunyang na eui salmeui winner,i sesang eui ichiran, ichiran, yonggi ittneun jareul ddara na gateun nom marya.Yetmare say, yeol beon jjikeumyeon neomeoganda. eusseuk eusseuk eusseuk.Geunyeoneun gangjeok, ggeuddeok eobda, bbijjuk, bbijjuk, bbijjuk.nan eotteohkalkka eotteohkalkka geunyeo mani nae gwanshimin geol geol geol.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana (Baby, you turn it up now) mweol salkka, salkka, salkka, salkka nereul wihan seonmul. Oh, michigettda. Saenggakmanhaedo johahal ni moseub.Listen girl, joha hae. Baby girl saranghae. Naman i neoreul wihan namja. Dereojwobwa neoreul hyanghan geobaek.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bakke eobda.Nan deudyeo michilkeoya, Pokbalhae borilkeoya. Deo mot chamgesseo geunyeo maneui milgeo danggigi.Oh jinjja michilkeoya, Nuga jom mallyeobwabwa. ireohke himdeul georan geol nuga malhaesseoyaji. (It"s) True, true nae gamjeongeun gal goshi eobseo. Nege majyeo beoringeol neon jal aljanhi.How to keep loving you? Naega jinjja naega jalhalke nal sseokhyeo dujima.Gidarinda, Miin ah! Hope you"ll step to me, step to me. Saranghanda, Miin ah! Bring it, sign to me, sign to me. Hahahaha hahahahaha, Geunyeoga imi nal barabol junbiga dwae isseonnabwa.Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol.Break it Down to you, Down to you nae gaseumi neo, neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal bara bwara)Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka, Bolkka malkka na gateun namja. Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche, Bonchee manche doraseo bwadoBogobwado, Bogobwado, Bogobwado na bakke eobda. Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bakke eobda中文你是否清楚是否清楚 漂亮的美人啊 你说我疯了 我也喜欢你美人啊请告诉她My baby to my baby 我就在这里 等待着啊(baby,you turn it up now)你 可否 可否说出口 美人啊 如果能让你倾心 那么我就是人生的winner这世上的凡夫俗子 凡夫俗子 说的就是我这样追逐有勇气的家伙啊俗话 say 只要功夫深铁杵磨成针 得瑟 得瑟 得瑟她是强敌 毫不动摇 倔强 倔强 倔强我 该如何 该如何 只让她对我有兴趣girl girl girlBounce to you, Bounce to you我的心为你跳动以致无法抓住Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心里 你 你不能阻止的话就停止吧(labalabala)要不要见 要不要见 要不要见 和我一样的男子 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 环顾四周再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 也只有我bonamana bonamana bonamana(Baby, you turn it up now)买什么 买什么 买什么 买什么 为你准备的礼物 OH 要疯了 想来想去 也只有喜欢着你的模样Listen girl! 喜欢你 Baby girl! 我爱你 我是只为你的男子 听着 对你的告白我的内心say 不要劳神了 求你 点头 点头 点头足够努力地话 可以拯救国家 了不起 了不起 了不起我要怎么做 怎么做 她才成为我的全部 girl girl girl*Bounce to you, Bounce to you我的心为你跳动以致无法抓住Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心里 你 你不能阻止的话就停止吧(labalabala)要不要见 要不要见 要不要见 和我一样的男子 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 环顾四周再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 也只有我 bonamana bonamana bonamana(Baby, you turn it up now)我终于疯了 即将爆发了 没法再忍受 她的若即若离OH 真的要疯了 谁来劝劝我吧 应该有人告诉我是这样的辛苦(It"s) True, true 我的情感无处释放 你也知道我是在迁就你 How to keep loving you? 我真的会对你好 请不要让我就这样腐朽等待着。美人啊!Hope you"ll step to me, step to。美人啊Bring it, sign to me, sign to me.哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈 她已经准备望向我*Bounce to you, Bounce to you我的心为你跳动以致无法抓住Break it Down to you, Down to you我的心里 你 你不能阻止的话就停止吧(labalabala)要不要见 要不要见 要不要见 和我一样的男子 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 熟视无睹 环顾四周再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 再怎么寻觅 也只有我Bonamana bonamana bonamana也只有我


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