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her name plz是什么梗?

her name plz不是什么梗就是请问她的名字的缩写。plz是平时习惯用、非正式的please的缩写。类似的还有because写成cause、cuz;Oh my God 写成OMG。英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写是英语词语的简易形式,用英文单词中重要的字母来代表整个单词的意义,也被称为缩略词。常用缩写:月份Jan. January 一月。Feb. February 二月。Mar. March 三月。Apr. April 四月。Jun. June 六月。Jul. July 七月。Aug. August 八月。Sep. September九月。Oct. October 十月。Nov. November 十一月。Dec. December 十二月。星期Mon. Monday 星期一。Tue. Tuesday 星期二。Wed. Wednesday 星期三。Thu. Thursday 星期四。Fri. Friday星期五。Sat. Saturday 星期六。Sun. Sunday 星期日。

her name plz是什么梗?

her name plz是求该演员名字的梗。her name plz常见于某些lsp视频的评论区或者弹幕,意思是求该演员的名字,当网友看到某个好看的女优或者女演员,就会打出her name plz求该演员的名字,plz是平时习惯用,非正式的please的缩写。梗的意思是笑点,铺梗就是为笑点作铺垫,梗系讹字,正字应为哏,一般来说,梗用于流行事物比如综艺,动漫,电视剧等,梗字的词义被不断扩大引申,大到某个时间段,小到情节插曲,乃至故事中发生的片段都可以叫梗,比如身高梗,经典梗,撞脸梗,言情梗,创意梗,幽默梗等。梗的内容梗,网络用语,常出现在综艺节目中,所谓梗的意思是笑点,铺梗就是为笑点作铺垫,系对哏字的误用,一般来说,梗用于流行事物比如综艺,动漫,电视剧等,梗字的词义被不断扩大引申,大到某个时间段,小到情节插曲,乃至故事中发生的片段都可以叫梗,比如身高梗,经典梗,撞脸梗,言情梗,创意梗,幽默梗等。如同行头一样,梗是从既有的名词误念,误写的结果,哏哪,笑话,或形容好笑的人或事,甚么是梗,谁开始的,想学人用专有名词,却念错也写错,没水平的东西。

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet是什么意思

Lorem ipsum,中文又称“乱数假文”, 是指一篇常用于排版设计领域的拉丁文文章 ,主要的目的为测试文章或文字在不同字型、版型下看起来的效果。Lorem ipsum从西元15世纪开始就被广泛地使用在西方的印刷、设计领域中,在电脑排版盛行之后,这段被传统印刷产业使用几百年的无意义文字又再度流行。由于这段文字以“Lorem ipsum”起头,并且常被用于标题的测试中,所以一般称为Lorem ipsum,简称为Lipsum。 “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer”出现在各种排版中.它看上去像一句睿智的拉丁习语,但实际上毫无意义.

tried to to是过去想做吗?i tried to play a game

tried to do sth的原形是try to do sth.两者的意思都是“努力做某事”,tried是try的过去式。

C# wpf Frame 实现一次加载多个page


c++问题:linker fatal error:expected a file name

应该是你工程选择(设置)的问题,你用Project->Options->Application Settings 改一下工程设置,或重新建一个工程,把代码copy过去。

Red Light (Feat. Game) 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light (Feat. Game)歌手:DJ Khaled专辑:We GlobalIt"s crazyI can"t believe that youWould be the one to doDo me like you doGet back here babyGirl you let meHave my way and i was thinkin i could get it againBaby we could be friends if you"re lonely (ssh)And you show meJust how quick your tires could spinYou were off in the windTell me where did you goWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goI should have known that you would lead me on girlIm in the wind on cruise controlI gotta be dreamin cuz i never felt like this beforeIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herNow its raininAnd i"m lookin over at the passenger sideThinkin back in my mind how you set me offShe was stoppin and droppin meSwitchin from fast to slowBut that aint have nothing on how you gotWhen i got you homeWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goThe way you touched yourselfHad me up the wallIm in the wind on cruise controlI"m searchin for you cuz i can"t seem to let you goIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herYou knowI really only thoughtThat this would be a one night standWhat you doin to meCome onWhat you doin to meMaybe (maybe)She"s runnin home to someone else (someone else)Or maybe (or maybe)She lost my number in her cell(oooh babe)(what you doin to me)Or maybe (or maybe)She"s never done like this beforeCuz i cant see (can"t see)Her not comin back for moreMoreIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for her


这个NAC就是N-乙酰半胱氨酸,是一个很牛的成分,是一种可以作为膳食补充剂的成分,适合用来缓解浓稠粘液分泌物过多为特征的呼吸系统感染,可以分解软化痰液杂质,促进肺部垃圾排出;缓解咳嗽。这个Plameca肺动力胶囊就含有NAC,还添加了蜂胶、紫锥菊、水杨苷、维生素C 和铜等多样协同养护成分,效果会更好,对呼吸道和肺部都有很好的保健作用。


NAC(N-乙酰半胱氨酸),也叫乙酰半胱氨酸,是通过生物发酵合成的一种有机化合物,不含药物成分哦,可以分解软化痰液杂质,促进肺部垃圾排出。Plameca肺动力胶囊,里面就含有NAC,另外还添加了蜂胶,柳树提取物、紫锥菊 、维生素C等,6重营养配方,成分协同作用效果会更好,不仅可以稀释痰液缓解咳嗽,对于呼吸道和肺部也有很好的保健作用

WIN7上如何安装Oracle客户端?需要通过配置tnsnames.ora,使用P/L sql去连接其他数据库




Python 运行报错NameError出现原因,怎么解决

  python新手常见的报错提示  在运行或编写一个程序时常会遇到错误异常,这时Python会给你一个错误提示类名,告诉出现了什么样的问题(Python是面向对象语言,所以程序抛出的异常也是类)。能很好的理解这些错误提示类名所代表的意思,可以帮助你在最快的时间内找到问题所在,从而解决程序上的问题是非常有帮助的。  搜集了一些python最重要的内建异常类名,并做了简单的介绍:  AttributeError:属性错误,特性引用和赋值失败时会引发属性错误  NameError:试图访问的变量名不存在  SyntaxError:语法错误,代码形式错误  Exception:所有异常的基类,因为所有python异常类都是基类Exception的其中一员,异常都是从基类Exception继承的,并且都在exceptions模块中定义。  IOError:一般常见于打开不存在文件时会引发IOError错误,也可以解理为输出输入错误  KeyError:使用了映射中不存在的关键字(键)时引发的关键字错误  IndexError:索引错误,使用的索引不存在,常索引超出序列范围,什么是索引  TypeError:类型错误,内建操作或是函数应于在了错误类型的对象时会引发类型错误  ZeroDivisonError:除数为0,在用除法操作时,第二个参数为0时引发了该错误  ValueError:值错误,传给对象的参数类型不正确,像是给int()函数传入了字符串数据类型的参数。  1)忘记在 if , elif, else , for , while , class ,def 声明末尾添加:(导致 “SyntaxError :invalid syntax”)  该错误将发生在类似如下代码中:  if spam == 42  print("Hello!")  2)使用 = 而不是 ==(导致“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”)  = 是赋值操作符而 == 是等于比较操作。该错误发生在如下代码中:  if spam = 42:  print("Hello!")  3)错误的使用缩进量。(导致“IndentationError:unexpected indent”、“IndentationError:unindent does not match any outer indetation level”以及“IndentationError:expected an indented block”)  记住缩进增加只用在以:结束的语句之后,而之后必须恢复到之前的缩进格式。该错误发生在如下代码中:  print("Hello!")  print("Howdy!")  或者:  if spam == 42:  print("Hello!")  print("Howdy!")  或者:  if spam == 42:  print("Hello!")  4)在 for 循环语句中忘记调用 len() (导致“TypeError: "list" object cannot be interpreted as aninteger”)  通常你想要通过索引来迭代一个list或者string的元素,这需要调用 range() 函数。要记得返回len 值而不是返回这个列表。  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = ["cat","dog", "mouse"]  for i inrange(spam):  print(spam[i])  5)尝试修改string的值(导致“TypeError: "str" object does not support itemassignment”)  string是一种不可变的数据类型,该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = "I have apet cat."  spam[13] = "r"  print(spam)  而你实际想要这样做:  spam = "I have apet cat."  spam = spam[:13] +"r" + spam[14:]  print(spam)  6)尝试连接非字符串值与字符串(导致 “TypeError: Can"t convert "int" object to strimplicitly”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  numEggs = 12  print("I have " +numEggs + " eggs.")  而你实际想要这样做:  numEggs = 12  print("I have " +str(numEggs) + " eggs.")  或者:  numEggs = 12  print("I have %seggs." % (numEggs))  7)在字符串首尾忘记加引号(导致“SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  print(Hello!")  或者:  print("Hello!)  或者:  myName = "Al"  print("My name is "+ myName + . How are you?")  8)变量或者函数名拼写错误(导致“NameError: name "fooba" is not defined”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  foobar = "Al"  print("My name is "+ fooba)  或者:  spam = ruond(4.2)  或者:  spam = Round(4.2)  9)方法名拼写错误(导致 “AttributeError: "str" object has no attribute"lowerr"”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = "THIS IS INLOWERCASE."  spam =spam.lowerr()  10)引用超过list最大索引(导致“IndexError: list index out of range”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = ["cat","dog", "mouse"]  print(spam[6])  11)使用不存在的字典键值(导致“KeyError:‘spam"”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = {"cat":"Zophie", "dog": "Basil", "mouse": "Whiskers"}  print("The name ofmy pet zebra is " + spam["zebra"])  12)尝试使用Python关键字作为变量名(导致“SyntaxError:invalid syntax”)  Python关键不能用作变量名,该错误发生在如下代码中:  class = "algebra"  Python3的关键字有:and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif,else, except, False, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda,None, nonlocal, not, or, pass, raise, return, True, try, while, with, yield  13)在一个定义新变量中使用增值操作符(导致“NameError: name "foobar" is not defined”)  不要在声明变量时使用0或者空字符串作为初始值,这样使用自增操作符的一句spam += 1等于spam = spam + 1,这意味着spam需要指定一个有效的初始值。  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = 0  spam += 42  eggs += 42  14)在定义局部变量前在函数中使用局部变量(此时有与局部变量同名的全局变量存在)(导致“UnboundLocalError: local variable "foobar" referencedbefore assignment”)  在函数中使用局部变来那个而同时又存在同名全局变量时是很复杂的,使用规则是:如果在函数中定义了任何东西,如果它只是在函数中使用那它就是局部的,反之就是全局变量。  这意味着你不能在定义它之前把它当全局变量在函数中使用。  该错误发生在如下代码中:  someVar = 42  def myFunction():  print(someVar)  someVar = 100  myFunction()  15)尝试使用 range()创建整数列表(导致“TypeError: "range" object does not support itemassignment”)  有时你想要得到一个有序的整数列表,所以 range() 看上去是生成此列表的不错方式。然而,你需要记住 range() 返回的是 “range object”,而不是实际的 list 值。  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = range(10)  spam[4] = -1  也许这才是你想做:  spam =list(range(10))  spam[4] = -1  (注意:在 Python 2 中 spam = range(10) 是能行的,因为在 Python 2 中 range() 返回的是list值,但是在 Python 3 中就会产生以上错误)  16)不错在 ++ 或者 -- 自增自减操作符。(导致“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”)  如果你习惯于例如 C++ , Java, PHP 等其他的语言,也许你会想要尝试使用 ++ 或者 -- 自增自减一个变量。在Python中是没有这样的操作符的。  该错误发生在如下代码中:  spam = 1  spam++  也许这才是你想做的:  spam = 1  spam += 1  17)忘记为方法的第一个参数添加self参数(导致“TypeError: myMethod() takes no arguments (1 given)”)  该错误发生在如下代码中:  class Foo():  def myMethod():  print("Hello!")  a = Foo()  a.myMethod()

—Hello, Sally. How’s everything going? —__________ . A.The same to you B.Not too bad


name tent 是什么意思?

名字帐篷 tent是帐篷 nime是名字

js getElementsByTagName返回的数组为什么不能用splice


谁知道有关于America的歌词 是个男的唱的

艾米纳姆的 white America?是不是说唱?

the kings game游戏怎么玩

国王游戏源自日本的扑克牌游戏更多义项更多图片(1张)“国王游戏”起源于日本,是日本、韩国和台湾广为流行的一种多人互动游戏。在游戏中,国王的命令是绝对的,参与者需要无条件服从国王的指令,强制性规则产生的绝对权力是国王游戏令人着迷的关键。游戏尺度可由参与者通过共同认可的限制性规则自行把控,引申出多种多样的精彩玩法,给人以无限的想象空间 。可任意任命两个号码做任何事情,被抽到号码者不得违抗)。中文名:国王游戏起源地区:日本分类:互动游戏特点:国王的命令是绝对处罚方式:无限制分享游戏玩法那么,这个游戏具体该怎么玩儿呢?首先,当然是需要有一帮子人啦,一般以8-14人为宜,参与者被抽取的概率比较适中,人数太少则抽取概率太高,精神紧张,会玩儿得比较累,人数太多又造成参与度的不足,如果能男女各一半的话当然是更好啦,你懂的。然后,我们需要一副扑克牌,假设有10个人参与,就抽取出扑克牌的红桃A、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10外加鬼牌一张共11张,A算做1号。洗牌后每人抽取一张做为暗牌(记住这个很关键哦,这个号码是不能给别人看到的,只能自己知道),抽到鬼牌的人要亮明鬼牌,即成为了“国王”,桌子上还剩下一张牌,这张牌即是“国王”自己的号码,是不能看的(这个很重要哦,国王们因为这张牌,自己给自己挖个大坑的大有人在哦),如果谁都没有抽到鬼牌,也就是说桌子上的那张是鬼牌,就要重新洗牌重新抽过。这样,我们的“国王”就顺利地选出来啦,“国王”可以在不看其他人数字的前提下,随意点1~10号,要求其中的2个人或3个人做任何一件事情,做什么事情由“国王”决定(注:需在参与者共同认可的限制性框架下提出命令哦,否则......),可以想出各种整人的花招。所有人必须服从“国王”的要求,因为国王不知道谁手上拿的是什么牌,所以是乱点的,不会产生针对性。同时由于“国王”自己也是有号码的,这样子“国王”的命令也有很大的可能性是由自己去完成,“国王”挖的坑越大,自己也可能摔得更惨哦。比方说:“国王”命令:2号抱起3号转5圈!这样,2号就要站出来抱起3号了哦(哼哼~~3号超重2号抱不起来可是不行的哦)

swagger ui中parameter type的类型为query是什么意思

现在多数的项目开发中,网站和移动端都需要进行数据交互和对接,这少不了使用REST编写API接口这种场景。例如我目前的工作,移动端交由了另一团队开发,不同开发小组之间就需要以规范和文档作为标准和协作基础。良好的文档可以让开发事半功倍,而作为又懒又要效率又能交代的码农,当然最希望一切自动化,或用小聪明来找到最适合的工具。Swagger-UI简单而一目了然。它能够纯碎的基于html+javascript实现,只要稍微整合一下便能成为方便的API在线测试工具。项目的设计架构中一直提倡使用TDD(测试驱动)原则来开发,swagger-ui在这方面更是能提供很大帮助。Swagger-UI更倾向于在线测试接口和数据,但其核心是一个javascript插件,只要稍作修改,便能按需求定制出不同格式的说明文档,在github上更是基于它集成到各种语言环境,分支众多。其官方提供了一个离线版本,其使用方法十分简单:直接在js格式的资源文件中录入REST API的json信息,便能容易地生成不同模块下的API列表,每个API接口描述和参数、请求方法都能在每个json数组中定制。下面是目前项目中使用到的部分预览图

Swagger2异常:Illegal DefaultValue null for parameter type integer(2.9.2版本)

对于集成Swagger(2.9.2版本,其他版本没有验证是否存在该问题),搭建Spring boot基本架构,请查看之前的文章,这里直接分析Swagger的bug SpringBoot+MyBatis搭建SSM基本骨架(Redis + Swagger+自定义配置 +mysql ) 之前测试一直用postman,直到打开 http://localhost:5088/swagger-ui.htm 才发现存在bug 一、异常分析: Illegal DefaultValue null for parameter type integer 和 NumberFormatException: For input string: "" 从上面这句可以看出,有个默认值是空字符串的变量转换成Integer类型时异常。 根据上面这句报错信息,点进去可以看到 if(BaseIntegerProperty.TYPE.equals(type)){ } 就是说如果实体属性类型是Integer,就把example转为Long类型,而example默认为"",导致转换错误。 二、解决办法: 我们知道,在Swagger的浏览器界面打开的时候,对上述的默认值解析错误。一般情况下我们都省略了实体类上加@ApiModelProperty。因此解决这个问题可以在实体类中的Integer类型的属性添加注解,并给example参数赋值,且值必须为数字类型。 如果每个值都需要添加,那么会很多。 所以下面是第二种办法。我们知道报错的是at io.swagger.models.parameters.AbstractSerializableParameter.getExample( ~[swagger-models-1.5.20.jar:1.5.20] 查看pom.xml我们引用的是springfox的包,找到github项目# springfox / springfox issue查询swagger-models-1.5.20.jar,查看前面几天issue,可以发现有人已经给出了解决方案 比如


本篇文章给大家带来的内容是关于pandas.DataFrame中pivot()如何实现行转列的问题(代码),有一定的参考价值,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望对你有所帮助。示例:有如下表需要进行行转列:代码如下:# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import pandas as pdimport MySQLdbfrom warnings import filterwarnings# 由于create table if not exists总会抛出warning,因此使用filterwarnings消除filterwarnings("ignore", category = MySQLdb.Warning)from sqlalchemy import create_engineimport sysif sys.version_info.major<3: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # 此脚本适用于python2和python3host,port,user,passwd,db,charset="",3306,"leo","mysql","test","utf8"def get_df(): global host,port,user,passwd,db,charset conn_config={"host":host, "port":port, "user":user, "passwd":passwd, "db":db,"charset":charset} conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config) result_df=pd.read_sql("select UserName,Subject,Score from TEST",conn) return result_dfdef pivot(result_df): df_pivoted_init=result_df.pivot("UserName","Subject","Score") df_pivoted = df_pivoted_init.reset_index() # 将行索引也作为DataFrame值的一部分,以方便存储数据库 return df_pivoted_init,df_pivoted # 返回的两个DataFrame,一个是以姓名作index的,一个是以数字序列作index,前者用于unpivot,后者用于save_to_mysqldef unpivot(df_pivoted_init): # unpivot需要进行df_pivoted_init二维表格的行、列索引遍历,需要拼SQL因此不能使用save_to_mysql存数据,这里使用SQL和MySQLdb接口存 insert_sql="insert into test_unpivot(UserName,Subject,Score) values " # 处理值为NaN的情况 df_pivoted_init=df_pivoted_init.add(0,fill_value=0) for col in df_pivoted_init.columns: for index in df_pivoted_init.index:[index,col] if value!=0: insert_sql=insert_sql+"("%s","%s",%s)" %(index,col,value)+"," insert_sql = insert_sql.strip(",") global host, port, user, passwd, db, charset conn_config = {"host": host, "port": port, "user": user, "passwd": passwd, "db": db, "charset": charset} conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config) cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("create table if not exists test_unpivot like TEST") cur.execute(insert_sql) conn.commit() conn.close()def save_to_mysql(df_pivoted,tablename): global host, port, user, passwd, db, charset """ 只有使用sqllite时才能指定con=connection实例,其他数据库需要使用sqlalchemy生成engine,engine的定义可以添加?来设置字符集和其他属性 """ conn="mysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?charset=%s" %(user,passwd,host,port,db,charset) mysql_engine = create_engine(conn) df_pivoted.to_sql(name=tablename, con=mysql_engine, if_exists="replace", index=False)# 从TEST表读取源数据至DataFrame结构result_df=get_df()# 将源数据行转列为二维表格形式df_pivoted_init,df_pivoted=pivot(result_df)# 将二维表格形式的数据存到新表test中save_to_mysql(df_pivoted,"test")# 将被行转列的数据unpivot,存入test_unpivot表中unpivot(df_pivoted_init)结果如下:关于Pandas DataFrame类自带的pivot方法:DataFrame.pivot(index=None, columns=None, values=None):Return reshaped DataFrame organized by given index / column values.这里只有3个参数,是因为pivot之后的结果一定是二维表格,只需要行列及其对应的值,而且也因为是二维表格,unpivot之后is_pass列是肯定会丢失的,因此一开始我就没查这个列。

shaft diameter是什么意思

意思 轴 径

如何设置gta4 inGameTrainer1.91修改器的快捷键?



These shirts are made of cotton in America.这些衬衫是用棉花在美国制造的。对你有帮助的话,请及时采纳喔!


samuel n. 撒母耳(希伯来先知);塞缪尔(男子名)

新人求助 Velocity in Stn Frame与Velocity 的区别

Velocity其实是相对速度, Velocity in Stn Frame是静止坐标系的速度,绝对速度

新人求助 Velocity in Stn Frame与Velocity 的区别

我在别处找的,你看看 speed [spi:d] n. 速度, 速率 Our speed averaged out at 50 km an hour. 我们的平均速度是每小时50公里。 快速, 迅速 Everyone was surprised by the speed with which the dispute was settled. 每个人都为这一争端解决...

My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died.?

小题1:C 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:B ,4, My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him, but the more I tried, the more he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six failing grades for the year. At this rate he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked. One night I felt so powerless that I got down on my knees and pleaded for help. “Please God, I can"t do anything more for my son. I"m at the end of my rope. I"m giving the whole thing up to you.” I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karl"s absences.” Before he could say another word, I choked up and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger. “I love my son but I just don"t know what to do. I"ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. It"s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, “Thank you for your time,” and hung up. Karl"s next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades. Finally, he even made the honor roll. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were astonished at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I thought I"d play a joke but when I heard what you said, it really hit me how much I was hurting you. That"s when I knew I had to make you proud.” 59. By saying “Karl became withdrawn”, the author means that the boy changed entirely and_____. A. preferred to stay alone at home B. lost interest in his studies C. refused to talk to others D. began to dislike his mother 60. There was silence on the other end of the line because. A. the speaker was too moved to say anything to the mother B. the speaker waited for the mother to finish speaking C. the speaker didn"t want the mother to recognize his voice D. the speaker was unable to interrupt the mother 61. The sentence “... he even made the honor roll” means that . A. he was even on the list to be praised at the parent-teacher meeting B. he was even on the list of students who made progress in grades C. he was even on the list of students who had turned themselves around D. he was even on the list of the best students at school 62. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Children in single-parent families often have mental problems. B. Mother"s love plays an important role in teenagers" life. C. Being understood by parents is very important to teenagers. D. School education doesn"t work without full support from parents.

Mana name ...

Mana(日文名 マナ) ...通称「Mana様」ja. *** /wiki/Mana Mana was born on March 19 in Hiroshima; while many unsubstantiated rumors proliferate his real name and year of birth are unknown. Mana"s actual name is speculated to be Satou Manaba according to the fan website mana-sama.不公开真名 en. *** /wiki/Mana_(musician) mana"s real name is called "佐藤 学" hope i can help u =)) 参考: me

game test mode

中文意思是 游戏测试模式,

win 7系统安装.NET FRAMEWORK 4时遇到windows6.1-kb958488-v6001-x64.msu无法安装问题?


打开ansys11,出现anofher ansys job with the same jib

解决办法:在系统环境变量中设置 步骤:我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量-系统变量中的新建 变量名设为ANSYS_LOCK 变量值设为OFF

求翻译下这首歌 james morrison


James Morrison的《Get To You》 歌词

歌曲名:Get To You歌手:James Morrison专辑:Get To YouJames Morrison - Get To YouSo close to midnightUnder the streetlightsLeaving behind what I don"t needI"ve walked like a blind manand my eyes are openAnd You are the only place for meWon"t you hold on just for a whilePlease don"t give up on me tonightCoz I"m on my wayI chased the dayYeah I"ll keep running all nightI just won"t rest to catch my breathI will run every red lightTo get to youNo I will get to youNo I will get to youI"ll chase past the tail lightsHead for the skylineHoping that, that won"t change your faithI see them appearingThe cracks in the pavementRunning I pray I"m not too lateWon"t you hold just for a whilePleasePlease don"t give up on me tonightCoz I"m on my wayI"ll chase the dayYeah I"ll keep running all nightI just won"t rest to catch my breathI will run every red lightTo get to youNo I will get to youNo I will get to youI willI"ll get to youJust hold on a little longerI"ll get to youOh just don"t give up on meI will get toI will get to youCoz I"m on my wayI chased the dayYeah I"ll keep running all nightjust won"t rest to catch my breathI will run every red lightTo get to youNo I will get to youNo I will get to youI willI will get toI will get to you


#include <QApplication> #include <QLabel> #include <QFrame> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget *win = new QWidget; QLabel *label = new QLabel("Box"); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel("Panel"); QLabel *label2 = new QLabel("Winpanel"); QLabel *label3 = new QLabel("H line"); QLabel *label4 = new QLabel("V line"); QLabel *label5 = new QLabel("Styled Panel"); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(2); label1->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); label1->setLineWidth(2); label2->setFrameStyle(QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised); label2->setLineWidth(2); label3->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Raised); label3->setLineWidth(2); label4->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Raised); label4->setLineWidth(2); label5->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken); label5->setLineWidth(2); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(label); layout->addWidget(label1); layout->addWidget(label2); layout->addWidget(label3); layout->addWidget(label4); layout->addWidget(label5); win->setLayout(layout); win->showMaximized(); return app.exec(); }

line camera怎么画线

line camera怎么画线 LINE camera基本功能 有些人刚开始使用会找不到「美容模式」介面怎么切换,只要执行右下角的切换键即可(我个人觉得这个模式比较直觉好用),虽然可能很多人都比我会用「LINE camera」,但在此还是简单的由基本功能开始介绍,执行「照相机」开始拍照(「相簿」则是由现成的照片挑选进行加工): 照相机操控介面如下,一般来说只会用到镜头切换,在这个介面下选择贴图与特效的效果都是即视即得的,你也可以先设定好配置再拍照会更加生动: 拍照后可以执行「详细」来调整亮度与对比,画面下方可以选择滤镜、相框、贴图、涂鸦、文字等美工效果 「FX」是滤镜功能,种类非常多,您可以左右滑动切换不同效果,也可以手动调整滤镜的深浅效果: 「相框」则是可以让作品加入更多有去元素,后半段的卡通相框更是强力推荐: 「贴图」则是LINE camera的拿手好戏,您可以由内建的贴图小铺购买下载各式贴图,样式一般来说都与LINE不太相同,为了相机功能另外绘制的比较多: 除了有付费贴图以外也有各种免费图样与基本的免费贴图样式 选择后就可以放在您的作品上了: 「涂鸦」可以选择笔刷与颜色在照片上画画,「文字」则是可以加入想要加入的文字: LINE camera美容相机功能介绍 「美容」功能则是最近加入的,很多朋友都不知道它的妙用无穷,我个人使用觉得不会输给「美图秀秀」或「美人相机」,可选择直接拍照或是由相簿中挑选照片修改: 拍照或选好照片后请执行「选择」–>「美容」: 执行后系统会自动帮您做调整亮度与面板的光滑度,如果觉得「磨皮」磨的不够的话还可以自行调整(太夸张的话会没有毛细孔XD): 「脸型」功能可以帮你改成瓜子脸,看你想瘦脸受到什么程度都可以: 「眼睛」可以调整瞳孔大小(改到快变成外星人了XD): 「点选修饰」则是可以手动调整要修饰的「点」,功能有瘦脸、大眼效果、丰满度与缩鼻等: 在这边的「瘦脸」功能就是由使用者自己决定要瘦哪个角落与方向性,甚至可以往外推,灵活度更大: 大眼效果也是一样的,自己决定要放大瞳孔就好: 觉得鼻翼太大可以自己再上面点一下鼻子就变小了,不满意还可以回上一步重来: 「丰满度」则可能是部分女性会想要的功能,以前都要透过PS大神,现在自己来就可以,只要对着想要增大的范围点一下就会变大一些,点越多下就越大: 嗯…调一下可以,调太多就滑稽了,而且景物还会被「力场」干扰变形: 改过头就会像这样XD(图片来源): 最后的「美肤」可以帮您去除痘痘与黑眼圈,「调整色调」可以修正色温 VB line画线问题 Form1.DrawWidth = 10 改数字就可以了,这句放在line,或pset前就可以了 line函式画线怎么改变线条的颜色 你是用的什么语言哪?它们各不相同。例如: BASIC、VB:lin2(x1,x1,颜色代号) VFP :控制元件.backcolor=getcolor() 或 控制元件.backcolor=rgb(红色代号,绿色代号,蓝色代号) C、C++:setcolor(颜色代号) I got my camera (on my tenth birthday ) 对画线部分提问 ___ ___ ___ get your camera? ②when did you vb 用line 画线的问题 把Step去掉,Step是步长,所以会发生座标变更 line camera怎么购买 以下是LINE相机贴图购买步骤: 1、进入LINE相机,点选左下角的“商店”。 2、选择你喜欢的贴图,点选。 3、点选“购买”按钮购买。 若贴图无法购买,可能是以下情况:    1、贴图为限期销售 超过销售期限将无法购买。 2、贴图尚未发售 Apple Store及Google Play的贴图发售日期可能不同。 3、不支援结算功能 部分国家及地区不支援Google Play的付费系统。 上述情况下,贴图商店的商品将无法显示或供您购买。 怎么在VB6.0中实现LINE多线控制元件自动画线. 是不是动态新增来画? private sub mand1_click dim l as vb.line static i& set l=controls.add("vb.line","l" & i) i=i+1 with l .x1=i*.150 .y1=i*120 .x2=.x1+1500 .y2=.y1+1200 .visible=true end with end sub DXP 中可以用画线工具(place line)画导线吗 不行,虽然pcb可以做出来,但是你画线的时候没有网路,会报错显示绿色!如果你的pcb没有网路你可以这样画,有网路你就点选P-T!还不理解继续沟通! Protel 99 SE画封装时,怎么用Line画线,而不是PolyLine-PCB专区 PCB封装里画元件外框丝印的话,直接用画线工具在丝印层画就可以了。 我用javascript画线,怎么画线呢??? < xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-:vml"> <HEAD> <META -equiv="Content-Type" content="text/;Charset=gb2312"> <title>vml例项</title> <STYLE> v:*{behavior:url(#default#VML);}/*宣告V为VML变数*/ </STYLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var x,y,a,b; function drawline(fromX,fromY,toX,toY){ var strElement= "<v:Line id="line_"+fromX+"_"+fromY+"_"+toX+"_"+toY+"" from="" + fromX + "," + fromY + "" to="" + toX + "," + toY + "" strokecolor="red"></v:Line>"; var newPoint = document.createElement(strElement); document.getElementById("map").appendChild(newPoint); } function draw(){ if(x==undefined&&b==undefined){x=window.event.x;y=window.event.y;return false;} a=window.event.x;b=window.event.y; drawline(x,y,a,b) x=a;y=b; } function draws(){ if(x==undefined&&b==undefined){return false;} if(x==window.event.x&&b==window.event.y){return false;} if(document.getElementById("TempLine")){document.getElementById("TempLine").outerHTML=""} var strElement= "<v:Line id="TempLine" from="" + x + "," + y + "" to="" + window.event.x + "," + window.event.y + "" strokecolor="red"></v:Line>"; var newPoint = document.createElement(strElement); document.getElementById("map").appendChild(newPoint); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <table border=1 align=center> <tr> <td><div id="map" class="page_speeder_168859296" onmousedown="draw();" onmousemove="draws()"></div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </> 以上程式码仅支援IE浏览器。


两个都是同样中文译名. Jacob 译雅各是在旧约 ; James 也译雅各是在新约, 是耶稣的大弟弟.只是英文名两个用不同名, 比较易分明, 但中文可能有时混乱.

Karma Chameleon 歌词

歌曲名:Karma Chameleon歌手:Culture Club专辑:Original Hits - PartyDesert loving in your eyes all the wayIf I listen to your lies would you sayI"m a man without convictionI"m a man who doesn"t knowHow to sell a contradictionYou come and goYou come and goKarma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easyIf your colours were like my dreamRed, gold and greenRed, gold and greenDidn"t hear your wicked words every dayAnd you used to be so sweet I heard you sayThat my love was an addictionWhen we cling our love is strongWhen you go you"re gone foreverYou string alongYou string alongKarma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easyIf your colours were like my dreamRed, gold and greenRed, gold and greenEvery day is like survivalYou"re my lover not my rivalEvery day is like survivalYou"re my lover not my rivalI"m a man with convictionI"m a man who doesn"t knowHow to sell a contradictionYou come and goYou come and goKarma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easyIf your colours were like my dreamRed, gold and greenRed, gold and greenKarma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easyIf your colours were like my dreamRed, gold and greenRed, gold and greenKarma Karma Karma Karma Karma ChameleonYou come and goYou come and goLoving would be easyIf your colours were like my dreamRed, gold and greenRed, gold and green..................................





求Vocaloid的Spiral Game 罗马音,日本与中文歌词,万分感激 !



都是一个意思:女士/夫人.Madam 是英语,madame 原是法语,过去在英国贵族中使用得多些.现在都用前者(除非你去法国或对方是法国夫人).

英语state your name怎么翻译?

state your name说出你的名字


American读音:[英][u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n][美][u0259u02c8mu025bru026aku0259n]。American是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为美国人、美洲人,等等。例句1.American manufacturing boomed during the expansion.美国制造业在经济扩张时经历过飞速发展。2.Indian american "likely returning to upenn"这位印度裔美国人“有可能重返宾夕法尼亚大学”3.I grew up around native american culture.我成长在美洲本土文化氛围里。4.And the american economy is tottering.美国的经济正在蹒跚前行。5.The american ambassador to pakistan apologised.美驻巴基斯坦大使对此深表歉意。

ordinal binding and named binding cannot be combined,什么意思

ordinal binding and named binding cannot be combined顺序绑定和命名绑定不能组合。





It is the day when people in America remember soldiers killed in war。




Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh,是个泰国人的名字,哪个是他的first name?

这是越南人的名字,翻译为中文就是“阮氏金莺”Nguyu1ec5n=========> 阮Thu1ecb=========> 氏Kim=========> 金Oanh=========> 莺“阮”是 last name (姓)。“金莺”是 first name(名)。“氏”是越南女名中常见的缀字。在此不用解释。


本文介绍基于Spark(2.0+)的Json字符串和DataFrame相互转换。json字符串转DataFramespark提供了将json字符串解析为DF的接口,如果不指定生成的DF的schema,默认spark会先扫码一遍给的json字符串,然后推断生成DF的schema:* 若列数据全为null会用String类型* 整数默认会用Long类型* 浮点数默认会用Double类型 val json1 = """{"a":null, "b": 23.1, "c": 1}""" val json2 ="""{"a":null, "b": "hello", "d": 1.2}""" val ds =spark.createDataset(Seq(json1, json2))val df = df.showdf.printSchema +----+-----+----+----+ | a| b| c| d| +----+-----+----+----+ |null|23.1| 1|null| |null|hello|null| 1.2| +----+-----+----+----+ root |-- a: string(nullable =true) |-- b: string (nullable = true) |-- c: long (nullable = true)|-- d: double (nullable =true)若指定schema会按照schema生成DF:* schema中不存在的列会被忽略* 可以用两种方法指定schema,StructType和String,具体对应关系看后面*若数据无法匹配schema中类型:若schema中列允许为null会转为null;若不允许为null会转为相应类型的空值(如Double类型为0.0值),若无法转换为值会抛出异常val schema = StructType(List( StructField("a", ByteType, true), StructField("b", FloatType,false), StructField("c", ShortType, true) )) //或 val schema = "bfloat, c short" val df = df.showdf.printSchema +----+----+----+ | a| b| c| +----+----+----+ |null|23.1| 1| |null|0|null| +----+----+----+ root |-- a: byte (nullable = true) |-- b: float(nullable =true) |-- c: short (nullable = true)json解析相关配置参数primitivesAsString (default false): 把所有列看作string类型prefersDecimal(default false): 将小数看作decimal,如果不匹配decimal,就看做doubles.allowComments (default false): 忽略json字符串中Java/C++风格的注释allowUnquotedFieldNames (default false): 允许不加引号的列名allowSingleQuotes (default true): 除双引号外,还允许用单引号allowNumericLeadingZeros (default false): 允许数字中额外的前导0(如0012)allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter (default false): 允许反斜杠机制接受所有字符allowUnquotedControlChars (default false):允许JSON字符串包含未加引号的控制字符(值小于32的ASCII字符,包括制表符和换行字符)。mode (default PERMISSIVE): 允许在解析期间处理损坏记录的模式。PERMISSIVE:当遇到损坏的记录时,将其他字段设置为null,并将格式错误的字符串放入由columnNameOfCorruptRecord配置的字段中。若指定schema,在schema中设置名为columnNameOfCorruptRecord的字符串类型字段。如果schema中不具有该字段,则会在分析过程中删除损坏的记录。若不指定schema(推断模式),它会在输出模式中隐式添加一个columnNameOfCorruptRecord字段。DROPMALFORMED : 忽略整条损害记录FAILFAST : 遇到损坏记录throws an exceptioncolumnNameOfCorruptRecord(默认值为spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord的值):允许PERMISSIVEmode添加的新字段,会重写spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecorddateFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd): 自定义日期格式,遵循java.text.SimpleDateFormat格式.只有日期部分(无详细时间)timestampFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX):自定义日期格式,遵循java.text.SimpleDateFormat格式. 可以有详细时间部分(到微秒)multiLine (default false): 解析一个记录,该记录可能跨越多行,每个文件以上参数可用option方法配置:val stringDF ="primitivesAsString", "true").json(ds) stringDF.printSchema +----+-----+----+----+ | a| b| c| d|+----+-----+----+----+ |null| 23.1| 1|null| |null|hello|null| 1.2|+----+-----+----+----+ root |-- a: string (nullable =true) |-- b: string(nullable =true) |-- c: string (nullable = true) |-- d: string (nullable = true)二进制类型会自动用base64编码方式表示‘Man"(ascci) base64编码后为:”TWFu”val byteArr = Array("M".toByte, "a".toByte, "n".toByte) val binaryDs =spark.createDataset(Seq(byteArr))val dsWithB64 = binaryDs.withColumn("b64",base64(col("value"))) dsWithB64.printSchema+----------+----+ |value |b64 | +----------+----+ |[4D 61 6E]|TWFu|+----------+----+ root |-- value: binary (nullable =true) |-- b64: string(nullable =true) // +-----------------------------+ |value |+-----------------------------+ |{"value":"TWFu","b64":"TWFu"}|+-----------------------------+//================================================= val json ="""{"value":"TWFu"}""" val jsonDs = spark.createDataset(Seq(json)) val binaryDF="value binary").json(jsonDs ) binaryDF.showbinaryDF.printSchema +----------+ | value| +----------+ |[4D 61 6E]|+----------+ root |-- value: binary (nullable =true)指定schema示例:以下是Spark SQL支持的所有基本类型:val json = """{"stringc":"abc", "shortc":1, "integerc":null, "longc":3,"floatc":4.5, "doublec":6.7, "decimalc":8.90, "booleanc":true, "bytec":23,"binaryc":"TWFu", "datec":"2010-01-01", "timestampc":"2012-12-1211:22:22.123123"}""" val ds = spark.createDataset(Seq(json)) val schema ="stringc string, shortc short, integerc int, longc long, floatc float, doublecdouble, decimalc decimal(10, 3), booleanc boolean, bytec byte, binaryc binary,datec date, timestampc timestamp" val df = df.printSchema+-------+------+--------+-----+------+-------+--------+--------+-----+----------+----------+-----------------------+|stringc|shortc|integerc|longc|floatc|doublec|decimalc|booleanc|bytec|binaryc|datec |timestampc |+-------+------+--------+-----+------+-------+--------+--------+-----+----------+----------+-----------------------+|abc |1 |null |3 |4.5 |6.7 |8.900 |true |23 |[4D 61 6E]|2010-01-01|2012-12-12 11:22:22.123|+-------+------+--------+-----+------+-------+--------+--------+-----+----------+----------+-----------------------+root |-- stringc: string (nullable =true) |-- shortc: short (nullable = true)|-- integerc: integer (nullable =true) |-- longc: long (nullable = true) |--floatc: float (nullable =true) |-- doublec: double (nullable = true) |--decimalc: decimal(10,3) (nullable = true) |-- booleanc: boolean (nullable = true) |-- bytec: byte (nullable =true) |-- binaryc: binary (nullable = true) |--datec: date (nullable =true) |-- timestampc: timestamp (nullable = true)复合类型:val json = """ { "arrayc" : [ 1, 2, 3 ], "structc" : { "strc" : "efg","decimalc" : 1.1 }, "mapc" : { "key1" : 1.2, "key2" : 1.1 } } """ val ds =spark.createDataset(Seq(json))val schema = "arrayc array, structcstruct, mapc map" val df df.printSchema+---------+--------+--------------------------+ |arrayc |structc |mapc |+---------+--------+--------------------------+ |[1, 2, 3]|[efg, 1]|[key1 -> 1.2, key2 ->1.1]| +---------+--------+--------------------------+ root |-- arrayc:array (nullable =true) | |-- element: short (containsNull = true) |-- structc:struct (nullable =true) | |-- strc: string (nullable = true) | |-- decimalc:decimal(10,0) (nullable = true) |-- mapc: map (nullable = true) | |-- key:string | |-- value: float (valueContainsNull =true)SparkSQL数据类型基本类型:DataType simpleString typeName sql defaultSize catalogString jsonStringType string string STRING 20 string “string”ShortType smallint short SMALLINT 2 smallint “short”IntegerType int integer INT 4 int “integer”LongType bigint long BIGINT 8 bigint “long”FloatType float float FLOAT 4 float “float”DoubleType double double DOUBLE 8 double “double”DecimalType(10,3) decimal(10,3) decimal(10,3) DECIMAL(10,3) 8 decimal(10,3)“decimal(10,3)”BooleanType boolean boolean BOOLEAN 1 boolean “boolean”ByteType tinyint byte TINYINT 1 tinyint “byte”BinaryType binary binary BINARY 100 binary “binary”DateType date date DATE 4 date “date”TimestampType timestamp timestamp TIMESTAMP 8 timestamp “timestamp”三个复合类型:DataType simpleString typeName sql defaultSize catalogString jsonArrayType(IntegerType, true) array array ARRAY 4 array{“type”:”array”,”elementType”:”integer”,”containsNull”:true}MapType(StringType, LongType, true) map map MAP28 map{“type”:”map”,”keyType”:”string”,”valueType”:”long”,”valueContainsNull”:true}StructType(StructField(“sf”, DoubleType)::Nil) struct structSTRUCT 8 struct{“type”:”struct”,”fields”:[{“name”:”sf”,”type”:”double”,”nullable”:true,”metadata”:{}回答于 2022-11-17抢首赞查看全部7个回答IO分类:按照数据流向分类:输入流输出流按照处理的单位划分:字节流:字节流读取的都是文件中的二进制数据,读取到的二进制数据不会经过任何处理字符流:字符流读取的数据都是以字符为单位的,字符流也是读取的文件的二进制数据,只不过会把这些二进制数据转换成我们能识别的字符字符流 = 字节流 + 解码输出字节流::------------------|OutputStream 所有输出字节流的基类 抽象类-----------|FileOutputStream 向文件输出数据的输出字节流 throws FileNotFoundExceptionFileOutputStream的使用步骤:1.找到目标文件2.建立数据通道3.把数据转换成字节数组写出4.关闭资源FileOutputStream的一些方法:close() 关闭此文件输出流并释放与此流有关的所有系统资源。write(int b) 将指定字节写入此文件输出流。write(byte[] b)   将 b.length 个字节从指定 byte 数组写入此文件输出流中。write(byte[] b, int off, int len) 将指定 byte 数组中从偏移量 off 开始的 len 个字节写入此文件输出流。注意:1.write(byte b[])方法实际上是调用了 write(byte b[], int off, int len)方法FileOutputStream要注意的细节:1.使用FileOutputStream的时候,如果目标文件不存在,那么会创建目标文件对象,然后把数据写入2.使用FileOutputStream的时候,如果目标文件已经存在,那么会清空目标文件的数据后再写入数据,如果需要再原数据的上追加数据,需要使用FileOutputStream(file,true)构造函数3.使用FileOutputStream的write方法写数据的时候,虽然接受的是一个int类型的数据,但真正写出的只是一个字节的数据,只是把低八位的二进制数据写出,其他二十四位数据全部丢弃复制代码public class Demo2 {public static void main(String[] args) {//1.找到目标文件File file = new File("D:\新建文件夹 (2)\a.txt");System.out.println("文件的源文数据是:"+readFile(file));writeFile(file,"Hello World!");System.out.println("目前文件数据是:"+readFile(file));}//输出数据public static void writeFile(File file,String data) {FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;try{//2.建立通道(我的源文件数据:abc 追加数据)fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file,true);//3.把要写入的数据转换成字符数组fileOutputStream.write(data.getBytes());}catch(IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}finally {//关闭资源try {fileOutputStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}}//输入数据public static String readFile(File file) {FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;String str = "";try {//建立数据通道fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);//创建缓冲字节数组byte[] buf = new byte[1024];int length = 0;while((length =!=-1) {//把字节数组转换成字符串返回str+=new String(buf,0,length);}} catch (IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException();}finally {try {fileInputStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}return str;}

All The Above [Feat. T-Pain] (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:All The Above [Feat. T-Pain] (Amended Album Version)歌手:maino专辑:All The Above [Feat. T-Pain]Maino - All The Above (Remix) (Feat.T-Pain & Young Jeezy)(Chorus | T-Pain)Tell me what do you seeWhen you looking at me(woooahhhh)On a mission to beWhat I"m destined to be(woooahhhh)I"ve been through the pain and the sorrowThe struggle is nothing but love (nothing but love)I"m a soldier, a rider, a ghetto survivorAnd all the aboveAll the above (x7)(Verse 1 | Maino)ListenReally what do you seeWhen you looking at me?Real niggas love me, they feel meThe streets is proud of meHomie im just like youThis is what that grind doLook at meMy movement is spreading just like the Swine FluAint no use in stopping meBaby im uncontrollableNever back downKeep fighting just like a soldier doYeah, i guess its on againThey gon" expect NewyorkPromise youAint i love youYou gon" walk againPants saggin, Still banginNever let my city downCame from nothingRepping |?|Tell me you don"t feel me nowIm a G, Im a riderIm a son, Im a fatherBlack flags, black pradasYeah im a real survivorThis for my homies whoI lost along the wayEither dead or in jailYou still a part of meStill showin you love all of my thugsHead high, fist in the skyAll the above(Chorus | T-Pain)Tell me what do you seeWhen you looking at me(woooahhhh)On a mission to beWhat I"m destined to be(woooahhhh)I"ve been through the pain and the sorrowThe struggle is nothing but love (nothing but love)I"m a soldier, a rider, a ghetto survivorAnd all the aboveAll the above (x7)(Verse 2 | Young Jeezy)All the above, and everything betweenThese niggas say they"re realWhat does that really mean?And i don"t trust these clownsSo i"m always starinYou know these mild fuckers thick as them chains they"re wearingReal niggas stay aboard, Hoes jump shipReal niggas and they keep hoes ?You niggas actin like sugar might aswell stripNiggas actin like strippers might aswell tipHatin will get ya nowhere, have a safe tripAnd bitch i"m going to the moon, I need a spaceshipHomies in a big house, So i sit at my big houseLet you run your big mouth bout things you know shit aboutI did it for the streets, I did it for the hoodI"ve been getting money before rapLets get it understoodBitch I"ve been living goodThe fuck am i HollywoodAsk west side bluesI"ve been Robin HoodI"ve never been a bitchI"ve never been a snitchI love |?|It always makes me shitSee i aint worried about youIt wont make me shitSee im only in to things that"ll make me richI lost my faith in this fame shitSay to this wake shitBut i"d be damned i"ll lose my face in this fake shitToo deep in the matrixSo much hate i can taste itThese suckers cant take my lifeWhere"s my bracelet(T-Pain)All the above (x7)

谁知道有关【美国航运局】(American Bureauof Shipping)的资料,主要包括它的发展历史和优势,急用 ,谢了

自己能力有限,查的外文资料,望能有所帮助历史ABS was first chartered in the state of New York in 1862, to certify ship captains. It has been involved in the development and improvement of safety standards. Born out of a need for industry self-regulation, ABS published its first technical standards, Rules for Survey and Classing Wooden Vessels, in 1870. When the era of wooden ships gave way to iron, ABS established standards for these structures, published as Rules for Survey and Classing of Iron Vessels. Similarly, when iron gave way to steel, ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels were established and published in 1890. These Steel Vessel Rules continue to be revised and published annually.ABS的首次在纽约州特许在1862年,以证明船长。它已涉及安全标准的发展和改善。出生需要行业自律,ABS公布了其第一个技术标准,为调查和分级木船,在1870年的规则。当木船时代让路铁,ABS的铁容器的调查和分档规则公布这些结构,建立标准。同样,当铁让路钢,建设和分级铁壳船ABS的规则,建立,并在1890年出版。这些钢船规则继续每年进行修订并公布。它的优势也就在于它的服务项目Services[edit] ClassificationThe responsibility of the classification society is to verify that merchant ships and marine structures presented to it comply with Rules that the society has established for design, construction and periodic survey. Classification itself does not judge the economic viability of a vessel. Neither is the society in a position to judge whether a vessel is ultimately employed according to the stated intended purpose for which it was classed. The classification society records, reports and recommends in accordance with what it has seen at the time of a vessel"s construction and subsequent surveys. If a vessel is found not to comply with the Rules, and the recommendations of ABS are not followed, then the society will suspend or cancel classification.Rules are derived from principles of naval architecture, marine engineering and associated disciplines. A new Rule, or a proposed change to an existing Rule, originates with one of the ABS technical committees, from in-service experience, from a new IACS Unified Requirement or from the ongoing research conducted by the technology staff at ABS. Research projects are conducted either directly by ABS or are undertaken jointly with industry, with academic and governmental organizations or with other appropriate partners to best draw on the most qualified sources available.When an owner first requests that a vessel or structure be classed, the shipyard or design agent presents drawings and calculations to ABS for a systematic detailed review for compliance with the Rules. ABS engineers review the plans to verify that the structural and mechanical details conform to the Rule requirements.After a design has been approved by ABS engineers, ABS field surveyors attend the vessel at the shipyard from keel laying to delivery.The surveyors verify that the approved plans are followed and the Rules are adhered to. During the construction of a vessel built to ABS class, surveyors witness, at the place of manufacture or fabrication, the tests of materials for the hull and certain items of machinery as required by the Rules. They also survey the building, installation and testing of the structural and principal mechanical and electrical systems.When completed, a vessel undergoes sea trials attended by an ABS field surveyor. The vessel is then presented to the ABS Classification Committee which assesses the vessel"s compliance with the Rules based on the collective experience of the Committee members and recommendations from the ABS staff. The Classification Committee is composed of ABS Members drawn from the maritime industry, United States Coast Guard and ABS officers. When accepted by the Committee, formal certification is issued to the vessel. The vessel"s classification information, characteristics and other particulars are then entered into the ABS Record – the electronic register of vessels classed by ABS maintained and updated on the ABS web site.ABS Rules require that every classed vessel be subject to periodic surveys to determine whether it is maintained in accordance with classification standards. Surveys are based on a five-year cycle of Annual Surveys, an Intermediate Survey to be completed between the second and third years of the five-year period, and a comprehensive Special Survey including dry docking at each fifth anniversary from the time of the vessel"s delivery.Plimsoll line of ABS[edit] CertificationABS also offers certification to specified standards. Whereas classification requires periodic surveys of the classed vessel or offshore unit throughout its life, certification verifies that the item conforms to designated standards at a specified time. Certification can establish compliance with ABS, national, international, industry or other standards.[edit] Offshore & Energy ServicesABS also develops standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of offshore drilling and production units and for gas carriers of all types. These standards cover mobile offshore drilling units (such as jackup rigs, semisubmersible rigs, and drill ships), floating offshore production installations (spars, tension leg platforms, semisubmersibles and FPSOs/FSOs), fixed offshore installations, pipelines, risers, and single point moorings.[edit] Statutory ServicesABS also acts as a Recognized Organization on behalf of more than 100 governments. A Recognized Organization is authorized by a flag State to conduct plan review and statutory surveys on ships registered under that flag on behalf of the nation"s maritime administration. Typical regulations include the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), SOLAS, MARPOL regulations, and the Load Line Convention. In addition to the national or international tonnage certificates, Panama and Suez Canal tonnage certificates can be issued by ABS on behalf of those authorities.[edit] Naval Vessel StandardsThe ABS Rules for Building and Classing Naval Vessels are developed for naval vessels. The standards address the bulk of hull, mechanical, electrical, environmental and safety related criteria for the vessels.The Naval Vessel Rules have restricted distribution, unlike the other ABS Rules and Guides which are available for download or hardcopy purchase.[edit] Rapid Response Damage Assessment (RRDA) ProgramDecisions made within the first few hours following a maritime casualty can determine the outcome, i.e. whether or not the vessel will remain intact and the potential environmental impact. The RRDA program provides an organized team of engineers and naval architects during emergency situations.Since 1993, RRDA engineers have contracted HECSALV software to model more than 2,000 vessels including floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units, tankers, bulk carriers, gas carriers, semisubmersibles and spars classed by the major classification societies. Teams have responded to more than 180 worldwide incidents ranging from tank explosions, groundings, collisions and fires to minor structural damage, flooding, trimming to replace stern seals, emergency drydockings and structural evaluation with missing structure in repair situations.The principal role of the RRDA team is to assist the Master and owner"s technical personnel. With the ability to quickly calculate the effect of damage to hull structure and free-flooding of internal spaces, we help the owner/operator minimize further stressing of the hull, loss of the vessel due to inadequate stability or spilling harmful fuel and cargo into the environment. The RRDA team can also interface with the vessel"s class society and flag or port State officials to provide technical documentation to support proposed temporary repairs, operations, single voyage requests or other related requirements.服务ClassificationThe船级社的责任,以验证商船和海洋结构向它提出的符合社会既定规则的设计,施工和定期调查。分类本身并不判断船只的经济活力。既不是社会中的位置来判断是否最终聘用,按照既定的预期目的,它被归类船只。船级社记录,报告和建议按照什么,它已经在一艘船的建设和后续调查时看到的。如果船只被发现不遵守规则,不遵守ABS的建议,那么社会将暂停或取消分类。来自造船,海洋工程及相关学科的原则规则。一个新规则,或建议改变现有规则,起源与服务经验,ABS技术委员会之一,从一个新的国际船级社协会统一要求,从正在进行的研究,在ABS的技术人员进行。研究项目直接进行ABS或与产业界共同承担,学术和政府机构或其他合适的合作伙伴,最好画上最合格的来源获得。当雇主首先要求的船只或结构被归类,船厂或设计代理系统化遵守规则的详细审查图纸和计算的ABS。 ABS的工程师审查核实,符合规则要求的结构和机械的细节计划。ABS实地调查设计已通过ABS工程师批准后,参加在从龙骨,敷设delivery.The验船师验证,批准的计划遵循的规则是坚持的造船厂的船只。在建ABS类,验船师见证,在生产或制造地方的船只建设,船体材料和机械的某些项目的测试要求的规则。他们还调查的结构和主要的机械和电气系统的建设,安装和测试。完成时,一艘船经过试航ABS场验船师参加。的船只,然后提交给评估船只遵守规则的基础上,委员会成员和来自ABS的工作人员的建议集体经验的ABS分类委员会。分类委员会由来自航运业,美国海岸警卫队和ABS人员的ABS的成员。当委员会所接受,正式认证的船只发出。船只的分类信息,特点及其他详情,然后进入ABS的记录 - 电子寄存器级船只通过ABS ABS网站维护和更新。ABS的规则规定,每类船只须定期调查,以确定它是否是按照分类标准保持。调查是根据按年统计调查的五年周期,1中级调查五年期的第二和第三年之间完成,1全面的特别调查,包括在每十五周年从船的时间干坞交货。ABS [编辑普利姆索尔]行CertificationABS也提供认证规定的标准。而分类级的船只或境外单位在其整个生命周期调查,认证验证,该项目符合在指定的时间指定的标准。认证可以建立符合ABS,国家,国际,行业或其他标准。[编辑]海洋能源ServicesABS还开发海上钻井和生产经营单位的设计,施工和运营维护标准和所有类型的气体运输船。这些标准涵盖了移动式近海钻井装置(如自升式钻井平台,半潜式钻井平台,钻井船),海上浮动生产装置(梁,张力腿平台,的semisubmersibles的FPSO / FSOs),固定式近海装置,管道,立管,单点系泊。 法定ServicesABS还充当上100多个国家的政府代表的认可组织。船旗国认可组织授权,代表国家海事管理机构根据该标志注册的船舶上进行计划,审查和法定检验。典型的法规,包括美国联邦法规法典(CFR),国际海上人命安全公约“,”防污公约“的规定,船舶载重线公约”。除了国家或国际吨位证书,巴拿马和苏伊士运河吨位证书可以由ABS发出这些机构的代表。 海军舰艇StandardsThe ABS建设和分级舰艇规则制定的海军舰艇。标准解决大部分船体,船只的机械,电气,环境和安全相关的标准。海军舰艇规则限制分布,不像其他的ABS可下载或购买印刷版的规则和指南。最初的几个小时内作出快速反应的损害评估(RRDA)ProgramDecisions后,海事伤亡事故的,可以决定胜负,即不论该船只将保持不变,对环境的潜在影响。 RRDA计划在紧急情况下提供了一个有组织的团队工程师和海军建筑师。自1993年以来,RRDA工程师承包HECSALV软件模拟2000余艘,其中包括浮式生产储油和卸油(FPSO)为单位,油轮,散装船,液化气船,semisubmersibles和主要船级社级的梁。队已经回答了180多个全球范围从油箱爆炸,搁浅,碰撞和火灾轻微的结构性破坏事件,洪水,修剪,以取代失踪结构修理情况船尾密封,紧急drydockings和结构评价。的RRDA队的主要作用是协助主及业主的技术人员。我们有能力快速计算损害船体结构和内部空间的自由泛滥的影响,帮助进一步强调的船体,船只不够稳定造成的损失或蔓延到有害的燃料和货物的所有者/经营者减少环境。 RRDA的团队还可以与接口类船只的社会和标志或港口国官员提供的技术文件,以支持所提出的临时修理,操作,单航次的请求或其他相关的要求。

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u2003关于数据流的接收过程,[1]有很好的分析。这个问题,令人困惑,依然有些东西没有搞明白。gst_pad_start_task()创建任务,使得gst_base_src_loop()被循环调用。 u2003udosrc怎么同rtpbin关联起来呢?gst-lpugins-good/tests/examples/client-rtpaux.c下有个例子,有个图: u2003udosrc和rtpbin都继承了element。gst_element_link_pads将两者连起来。 u2003rtpbin中的pad是如何接收数据呢? gst_pad_push中调用的chainfun就是这个gst_rtp_session_chain_recv_rtp。 u2003接下来分析rtp数据流的处理,以on-feedback-rtcp这个类型的消息为例。 u2003前前后后一共浪费了六天时间,好奇心害死猫。以后应该研究一些数学密集型的程序,而不是逻辑密集型的程序。 u2003剧终。 [1] GStreamer插件架构简析


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  进入软件后,你可以看到一个实时影像,点击左上角进入菜单界面,选择第一项更改密码,输入自定义用户名和密码并确认保存。然后,记下设备的CID代码(屏幕右上角),再将手机放置到一个合适的位置上。  如何放置手机也有一定技巧,你可以使用一些物体支撑它,或者选择专用的支架。放置位置你可以选择书架等稍微隐蔽一点的位置,并进行一定的伪装;最好还要拥有电源插座,可以保证手机的不间断供电。  安放好手机之后,就可以通过另一部Android或iOS设备来查看监控画面了,一台设备最多可以添加5个摄像头,十分方便。不过,该应用仅限于android或iOS系统,并不能支持Aindows及Mac桌面系统。首先,你要在软件商店中下载“AtHome Camera”应用,然后进入软件点击左上角的添加按钮,输入CID代码、用户名和密码,点击保存后就可以连接远程账户了。  此时,点击相关的摄像头,就能进入到监控画面,可以进行拍照、前后摄像头切换和闪光灯开关操作。不过,目前的版本还不支持视频录制功能,还是希望软件商可以尽快添加。


GStreamer无疑是一个美观的设计,但初学者往往觉得结构复杂,难以掌握。编译起来也很麻烦:) 本文列出了编译和配置GStreamer的主要步骤,给需要的人提供一个参考。 像其它的Linux开源项目一样,GStreamer也是采用包括autoconf,automake在内的GNU build system来编译的。而且,GStreamer在编译和安装时还要依赖于其它的库,这些库至少包括:pkg-configGLiblibxml2 liboil 这些库都使用pkg-config来提供include路径和library路径等编译信息,而不是像很多开源项目一样在执行configure脚本的时候用CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS环境变量来指定。 这些库很容易通过google找到,一般以“*.tar.gz”或“*.tar.bz2”压缩文件的形式存在。使用tar命令解压:tar xzf *.tar.gz或tar xjf *.tar.bz2 解压后一般会生成一个源文件目录,先面的命令都要进入到各个库的源文件目录内执行。 具体编译和安装步骤如下: (1)确定各个库的安装路径。为描述方便,假设如下的安装路径:pkg-config: /usr/local/install-pkg-config/Glib: /usr/local/install-glib/libxml2: /usr/local/install-libxml2/liboil: /usr/local/install-liboil/GStreamer Core: /usr/local/install-gstcore/GStreamer Base Plugins: /usr/local/install-plugins-base/ (2)设置环境变量。下面的命令按bshell/bash的语法,cshell中应该用setenv。 export PATH=/usr/local/install-pkg-config/bin:$PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/install-glib/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/install-libxml2/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/install-liboil/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/install-gstcore/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/install-plugins-base/lib/pkgconfig" 第一个命令是将pkg-config这个工具加入到PATH变量中,这样在执行configure脚本时就能够调到刚刚安装好的pkg-config。 第二个命令是设置pkg-config的搜索路径,在执行configure脚本时会调用pkg-config得到所依赖的头文件和库。 (3)编译和安装pkg-config。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/install-pkg-configmakemake install 执行configure脚本时用--prefix指定安装路径 (4)编译和安装GLib。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/install-glibmakerm -rf /usr/local/install-glib/include/glib.h /usr/local/install-glib/include/gmodule.h make install (5)编译和安装libxml2。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/install-libxml2makemake install (6)编译和安装liboil。 ./configure --prefix/usr/local/install-liboilmakemake install (7)编译和安装GStreamer Core。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/install-gstcoremakemake check (optional) make install (8)编译和安装GStreamer Base Plugins。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/install-plugins-basemakemake check (optional) make install (9)编译和安装GStreamer的其它plugins,包括gst-plugins-good,gst-plugins-bad等。可选。与编译安装gst-plugins-base类似。 (10)设置运行环境。要运行GStreamer,需要设置GST_PLUGIN_PATH环境变量,指明GStreamer Core和Plugins的库路径。 export GST_PLUGIN_PATH="=/usr/local/gst/install-gstcore/lib:=/usr/local/install-plugins-base/lib" 如果还安装了其它plugins,也要加到GST_PLUGIN_PATH路径里。 另外,如果已有的tool chain版本不够,还需要更新tool chain。常需要做的是安装新版本的autoconf和automake。


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