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oracle 11g amm怎么开启







IMM(集成管理模块)IMM是新一代的服务器上集成的管理芯片,它把原有的BMC,RSA-II,显卡,远程呈现和远程硬盘等功能整合在一个单一的芯片上。用户可以从世界的任何角落对您的系统进行远程的管理、监控和排除错误。AMM 快速维护升级刀片服务器的高级管理模块

日立硬盘 如何开启amm

虽然目前市面上所有品牌的IDE硬盘都已支持AMM技术,但是为了保证工作效率,大多数厂商在硬盘出厂时已自动关闭AMM功能。没办法。下个HD Tune Pro可以调节aam。



主板AMM 和AMQL各是什么意思呢

AMM和AMQL都是AMD生产的CPU系列,用于笔记本上,是某一个CPU系列的开头字母组合,如:AMD AMM300 ,AMM320 ,AMM340 CPU;AMQL64DAM22GG CPU 还有AMQL60 AMQL65 AMQL67等








AMM的英文全称是Area Manufacturing Manager,中文意思是 地区生产经理。 地区生产经理也叫区域经理,就是一些制造型企业为了推广产品而设立的负责某一区域市场销售和推广的销售经理。因为往往负责某一市场区域,或者是省份,或者是地级市等等,因此被称作区域经理。






amm是adaptive mathematical model的缩写,意思是自适应数学模型。重点词汇解释model 英 ["mɒdl] 美 ["mɑːdl]    n. 模范;模特儿;模型adj. 模范的;作模型用的v. 做模型;模仿;塑造Lily is a fashion model.莉莉是个时装模特儿。短语1、copy a model 效仿一种模式,依照一种模式2、design a model 设计模型3、follow the model 学习榜样4、improve a model 改进模型5、make a model 做榜样




如果是和飞机维修有关的 就是 Aircraft maintenance manual 即 飞机维修手册 缩写即为 AMM

aqaba 到 amman 有多远




Amman Jordan是哪个国家的

是不是山寨版的air man Jordan?

i amman是什么意思?





您应该指的是 约旦的首都 安曼。约旦的主要港口是:AQABA 亚喀巴 港口名称(英):AQABA 港口名称:亚喀巴所在国家(英):JORDAN所在国家:约旦港口代码:JOAQA航线:红海线港口港口介绍:位于约旦(全称:约旦哈希姆王国 THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN)西南沿海亚喀巴湾的顶端东侧,西距埃拉特(ELAT)港3n mile,南距沙特阿拉伯边界约12n mile。亚喀巴是约旦唯一的海港,也是一个中转港口。70年代随着约旦磷灰石的开发,水泥、化肥和炼油工业的发展而迅速发展。港口距机场约11km,有定期航班飞往安曼(AMMAN)。

PSCAD中branch is a short ->BN=$N1 $N2 AMMETER是什么意思?



DICT里面 是这样解释 ammeter的:a meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes意思就是 这个是电表的意思 meter 其实这两个都做电表的话 没什么区别 非要说一个区别的话 就是ammeter更正式好啦 更专业一点 在无区别

multisim中 电流表AMMETER_H HR V VR 有什么区别????


英语问题 电流表用英语表达是不是ammeter和ammetre都行啊?

一般用ammeter 可能是英美差异吧,但常见的是前者

ammo pack 是什么包装

give ammo_pack|用唔到既弹药包(拿弹药个堆子弹盒)give cola_bottles|做任务用既可乐give adrenaline|肾上腺素give defibrillator|电击器give first_aid_kit|医疗...

古墓丽影里的Unlimited Ammo什么意思




谁帮我解释一下,taping ammo 和taping reel是什么意思?

前一个是 录音血氨后一个是 录音卷筒

more Ammo什么意思

要多些弹药! ammo 是 ammunition 的简写

消逝的光芒shisha ammo是什么子弹?

亚音速子弹 供消音手枪使用




DMG: Damage 伤害度 LOAD: Load 装弹时间 AMMO: Ammo 弹药数量 RPM:枪的射速 SCOPE: Scope: 攻击范围 RNG: Random Number Generator 杀伤概率

游戏军用武器缩写求解: DMG: LOAD: AMMO: AOE: SCOPE: RNG:


cf里 子弹旁边的AMMO是什么意思



全称 ammunition弹药的意思。老美都这么说!



战地2aix模组中国如何换枪和核弹,ObjectTemplate.ammo.magsize 这个我也改了﹣1但是没有无限啊


半条命2第一章里 givecurrentammo没有效啊

这是什么代码???直接控制台输入BIND空格“随便一个建,但是没有设置过其他功能的,没有这个双引号”空格impulse空格101,你就锁定那个键是加子弹的了不过要开启控制台 然后输入 sv_cheats空格1

ammor annascunnuto什么意思,celine dion的一首歌就是这个名字,超级好听,求意大利语达人翻译下

  这是意大利Napoli的方言~意思是 不可告人的爱~  用标准意大利来说应该是 amore sconosciuto  原歌词如下(括号内为意大利语普通话和中文译文...):  Dimme addo sta 、  (Dimmi dove sono谁能告诉我在哪里)  O"tiemp belle na vota  (I bei tempi di una volta 过往美好的时光)  Dimme addo staje  (Dimmi dove sei? 告诉我你在哪里)  Dimme ca t"arricuorda  (Dimmi se ti ricordi?告诉我可曾记得我)  Ma si ce sta quaccurun ca"mo vene a"dicere  (Ma se ci fosse qualcuno che me lo direbbe但是如果有人能告诉我)  Ca"pucuntria je sto sul cca"a penzà  (Che nostalgia sono qui da solo a pensare 我在这里独自怀念家乡)  Pe cchelle ca rimane ca  (Per quello che resta 为了剩下的)  Pe cchelle che è succiese  (Per quello che è successo为了已发生的)  Dinte a st"ammore annascunnuto  (In questo amore nascosto 在这隐藏的爱之下)  So comme è bell n"cumpagnia  (So come sia bello essere in compagnia我深刻了解这乡村的美丽)  So l"ombra faccie  (Sono l"ombra del viso 我是这景色中的幽灵)  E po"chi sa  (E poi chi sà 谁又知道)  Forze je so chell ca sarrà  (Forse sono quello che sarà 或许我只是该是的那个)  Si fanne  Veré e"stelle tutte  E vote ca rire...  (Brillano le stelle tutte le volte  che sorridi 你笑的时候星星也会闪耀)  E se ne vann  E"stelle n"ciele  Si chiagne  (e scompaiono dal cielo  se piangi 你哭泣时天空也会纷乱)  Nu teng mo chiù lamient  O saje  Sta tutt appost  (Lo sai ,Non provo piu"dolore ,ora tutto va bene你知道,我不再感到痛苦,现在一切安好)  Dinte a sta ammore  Vuò sta annascunnute  (in questo amore  in cui vuoi nasconderti 在这个你想隐藏自己的爱中)  Cuant anne pe  Stu munne e cuant anne ancora  (Quanti anni per  questo mondo e quanti anni ancora 这个世界过了多少年,还有多少年)  Si se putess  E si teness a pacienza  (se si potesse  e se ne avessi la pazienza 如果能,如果还有耐心)  Simme accusì  Nuje c"annammuramme  (Siamo fatti cosi"  Ci innamoriamo我们这样做,我们陷入爱河)  Fine a chiagnere  Niente e nisciune  (fino a piangerne  Niente e nessuno 直到哭泣,就我们自己)  Chistu desiderie e te  (il desiderio di te按你的希望)  Scuseme si nu scrive chiù  (Scusami se nn ti scrivo piu"原谅我不再给你写信)  Ma o saje ca jev a nun murie  (Ma lo sai che andavo a non morire 但是你知道我不会死去)  Sto semp a fà coccos ...  (faccio sempre qualcosa我经常会做一些事)  E nu ma bbaste maje  (e non ne ho mai abbastanza 但总不会很多)  原版翻译 楼下不得直接复制粘贴~

请问战地2 BF2修改编码。ObjectTemplate.ammo.ammoType 是否每件武器都有这个拜托了各位 谢谢

子弹类型不是改的ammoType,是改的“ObjectTemplate.material”, 一般有两个,第一个是设定碰撞材质,第二个是设定杀伤材质, 比如ussni_m95_barret的两个分别在第131和136行。 把第一个数改成56,子弹打中物体后会扬起跟炮弹爆炸一样的烟尘,这就是碰撞材质设定。 把第二个数改成56,子弹类型就变成炮弹,可以打爆各种载具....


你上面所说的是一个插件的帮助,你安装了amx_ammo.amxx了吗,如果安装好了,并且你在控制台输入amxx plugins 显示已经运行了插件,说明插件有效的,不是破的,然后,你在输入amx_ammo #1 ,这个命令就是把序号为1的玩家子弹设置成无限,怎么看序号,你在控制台输入status,或输入users,显示了全部玩家的序号,然后输入amx_ammo #序号,就可以设置子弹无限了,0和1应该设置这个插件是否可用的,具体要看源代码,但应当如我所说的,好了,你直接在amx_ammo后面输入玩家名字也可以的,好了。哦也

CS的primary ammo是啥 给50分







ammo n. [口]弹药;军火

氨中毒(ammonia intoxication)


Ammonia是一个弱碱,在水中会发生如下反应 NH3(aq)+ H2O —NH4+ + OH-

[OH-] ==(1.8*10^-5*0.5)^1/2 == 3*10^-3 molL




如果我理解的没有错的话 宏观角度 ammonia是氨气这种物质 也可以微观理解为氨分子 化学式是NH3而ammonium 我查字典意思是铵 其实它是由ammonia“演变”来的ion ,离子.化学式是NH4+ 所以看它俩写的这么相近了吧.



跪求《穆克拉瓦》2019年百度云资源,Ammy Virk主演的

链接:提取码: 97ir 《穆克拉瓦 Muklawa》导演: Simerjit Singh编剧: Upinderpal Waraich主演: Ammy Virk、Sonam Bajwa、Sarabjit Cheema类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 印度语言: 旁遮普语上映日期: 2019-05-24(印度)片长: 112分钟这部电影是根据新婚新娘第一次被带回丈夫家时的婚后习俗为背景拍摄的……


n. 亚美奖(电影奖项);艾美(女子名) ;护身符 希望可以帮到你。。

youammy friend.是什么意思?

youammy friend.是什么意思?You are my friend.你是我的朋友。youammy friend.是什么意思?You are my friend.你是我的朋友。


拼错了,中间需要空格,am my的,意思是:是我。重点词汇:my英[mau026a]释义:pron.我的。int.哎呀(表示惊奇等);喔唷。n.(My)人名;(越)美;(老、柬)米。短语:My girl小鬼初恋;兄妹契约;我的乖乖女。例句:用作形容词(adj.)My phone was out of order.我的电话坏了。You mistook my meaning entirely.你完全误解了我的意思。




AMMY翻译AMMY 网络:亚美奖; 彩妆秀; 护身符;





以English grammar,a headache to me写一篇英语作文

Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their "Bible", Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book, but I don"t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what"s the sense of learning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even stranger than verb tenses, English grammar also contains something very confusing. For example, I don"t remember how many times my middle school teacher tried to "impose" the differences between used to and be used to on us. Sometimes he would go on with the explanation for 20 minutes or so. He even summarized the differences by listing three or four points for us to memorize. However, they could never stay in my head. I don"t remember how many times I got it wrong with the sentences containing used to or be used to on my exams. I was really confused with these two phrases, and I can never get them right. In brief, I"m allergic to learning English grammar. Curiously, I just wonder if the native speakers of English have a microcomputer in their brain to help them utter the two phrases promptly with just a click of their brain mouse!

关于English grammer, a headache to me 的英语作文

Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their "Bible", Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book, but I don"t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what"s the sense of learning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even stranger than verb tenses, English grammar also contains something very confusing. For example, I don"t remember how many times my middle school teacher tried to "impose" the differences between used to and be used to on us. Sometimes he would go on with the explanation for 20 minutes or so. He even summarized the differences by listing three or four points for us to memorize. However, they could never stay in my head. I don"t remember how many times I got it wrong with the sentences containing used to or be used to on my exams. I was really confused with these two phrases, and I can never get them right. In brief, I"m allergic to learning English grammar. Curiously, I just wonder if the native speakers of English have a microcomputer in their brain to help them utter the two phrases promptly with just a click of their brain mouse!


煤层气可以分为三种: 1、未经开采的煤矿缝隙中散发出的煤层气(井前气CBM); 2、开采状态的煤矿中散发出的煤层气(井中气CSM); 3、弃矿中散发出的煤层气(井后气CMM).

Andrea Bocelli的《Melodramma》 歌词

歌曲名:Melodramma歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:The Best Of Andrea Bocelli - "Vivere"MelodrammaAndrea BocelliQuesta mia canzoneInno dell" amoretela canto adessocon il mio dolorcosì forte così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpido è il mattinofra i campi odor di vinoio ti sognavo e adessoti vedo ancora lìah, quanta nostalgiaaffresco di collinaio piango che pazziafu andarsene poi via.Questa melodiaInno dell" amorete la canto e sentotutto il mio dolorcosì forte, così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpido è il mattinotra i campi un gran mulinolì è nato il mio destinoamaro senza teamaro senza te...E questo cuore cantaun dolce melodrammaè l" inno dell" amorche canterò per teè un melodramma cheche canto senza te

inflammatory writ 歌词

歌曲名:inflammatory writ歌手:joanna newsom专辑:The Milk-Eyed MenderInflammatory WritJoanna NewsomQ 616295683她挺招人爱 不是么Oh, where is your inflammatory writYour text that would incite a light, "Be lit"Our music deserving devotion unswervingCry "Do I deserve her?" with unflagging fervorWell, no you do not, if you cannot get over itBut what"s it mean when suddenly we"re spent, tell me trueAmbition came and reared its head, and went far from youEven mollusks have weddings, though solemn and leadenBut you dirge for the dead, take no jam on your breadJust a supper of salt and a waltz through your empty bedAnd all at once it came to meAnd I wrote and hunched "till four-thirtyBut that vestal lightIt burns out with the nightIn spite of all the time that we spent on itOne bedraggled ghost of a sonnetWhile outside, the wild boars rootWithout bending a bough underfootOh it breaks my heartI don"t know how they do itSo don"t ask meAnd as for my inflammatory writWell, I wrote it an I was not inflamed one bitAdvice from the master derailed that disasterHe said "Hand that pen over to me, poetaster!"While across the great plains, keening lovely and awfulUlulate the last Great American NovelsAn unlawful lot, left to stutter and freeze, floodlitBut at least they didn"t run, to their undying credit

组合的定义公式是通过排列来计算的,如Cnm = Anm/Amm,右边能否不用Anm/Amm来进行解释



M!/(M-m)! n!为阶乘,即n!=1x2x3x……(n-1)xn


C<n,m>表示不计顺序地从n个元素中任意取出m个元素的取法,A<n,m>表示考虑顺序地从n个元素中任意取出m个元素的取法,同样的m个元素但不同的排列顺序算不同的取法,这样的话,对于相同的m个元素,一共重复了m!=A<m,m>次,所以,如果不计顺序那就是A<n,m>/A<m,m>综上,C<n,m> = A<n,m>/A<m,m>

Hey Mamma (Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mamma (Remastered)歌手:Westernhagen (Wea)专辑:WesternhagenCam"ron - Hey MaHey ma, what"s up, lets slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYou smoke, I smoke, I drink, me too, well goodCause we gon get high tonightGot drops, got Coups, got Trucks, got juice, all rightCause we gon take a ride tonightSo ma, what"s up, let"s slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYo, Now I was downtown clubbin", ladies nightSeen shorty she was crazy rightAnd I approach baby likeMa, What"s your age and type?She looked at me and said use a baby rightI told her, I"m 18 and live a crazy lifePlus I"ll tell you what the 80"s likeAnd I know what ladies likeNeed a man that"s polite, listens and takes adviceI could be all three, plus I can lay the pipeCome with me come stay the nightShe looked at me laughin", like boy your game is tightI"m laughin" back like show you rightGet in the CarAnd don"t touch nothing Sit in the carLet discuss Somethin"Either we lovin" or I"ll see you tommorowNow we speeding up the WestsideHand creepin" up her left side, I"m ready to do itReady to bone, ready for dome55th exit, damn, damn, already we homeNow let"s get it onNow That I got a girl, my Ex wanna holla and spitTold me to acknowledge her quickShe like Cam stop frontin"On that Dave Hollister TipCome over lets swallow and sipI"m like momma that"s itI promise you dick, usually have a problem with chicksThey all say I"m rotten and richBut not her, booby"s realHigh heel dooby feel, plus got them Gucci nails, uhYou a cutie still, and this my down girl tooAin"t no groupie dealWe left the movies with Uzies, Suzuki wheels,To the Jocose, I tell you my booby"s realI mean she do be winning, luey spinninGo to the crib she got the Gucci linen"I see booby grinningShe looked and said Cam, I know that you be sinningNaw, I"m a changed man, look at the range maimI got a whole new game planLooked and said that"s nothing but game CamShe was right; she was up in the Range manDroped her off at the L, now I"m flippin" the cellThat"s right I had to call up LYou L, what up, I hit, what else, plus dome, say wordAnd we got it on tonight

mammosphere assay 和 colony-formation assay 的不同

不一样的,soft agar是检测细胞能不贴壁生长(anchorage-independent growth),而Focus formation assay 是细胞克隆生成的能力,两个不同的指标都是从不同角度衡量癌基因的转化能力。

inflammatory bowel diseases是什么意思



now iam much better现在我好多了双语对照例句:1.I bet a beer iam a better swimmer. 我和你赌一瓶啤酒我比你游的好.

jackhammered造句 jackhammeredの例文 "jackhammered"是什麼意思

In March, workmen jackhammered out the last of the old marble. They had their Wrecking Crew Defense jackhammered by a second-string quarterback. Author of Memoir, Jackhammered ; A Life of Adventure Tons had to be jackhammered out to acmodate the pool, plumbing and wiring. The pmestone floor in the lobby was jackhammered . "It"ll have to be jackhammered out and replaced by nonshrink grout ." Timbers came crashing down Wednesday night as a resident champ, Serena, got jackhammered by Lindsay Davenport. When a museum has jackhammered them out of a wall or someone has shot them up with a gun, Construction crews jackhammered sidewalks, rolled out grass, and painted downtown building facades right up until the opening ceremony. In a late-season game billed as a playoff preview, the Wings had jackhammered Colorado, 7-0. It"s difficult to see jackhammered in a sentence. 用 jackhammered 造句挺难的 To install this kind of drain, the perimeter of the basement floor is jackhammered down to the footing and the concrete is removed. There is nowhere to escape from pfe"s depcious differences, a truth being jackhammered home to the Braves"raked-over repever. The video shows this " lamassu ", at the right side of the gate, having its face jackhammered by an ISIL member. Workers unbolted the 16-ton sculpture to divide it into six huge parts, the last of which had to be jackhammered out of the sidewalk. Surf camps usually require waivers or disclaimers in case a guest is jackhammered into the reef or speared by a board or carried under in a rip. But unpke those brilpant exercises in character restraint and authorial control, Beattie"s jackhammered plot leaves one muddled, irritated, and finally let down. Whose home might I invade if, pke the mice, I were cold and wet and the power pany had jackhammered and dug me out of my abode? It is one thing to be jackhammered in an M roadster just above the pavement; it is another thing altogether to experience buckboard motions in a vehicle high off the road. In order to dress the set, the structure had to be pletely cleared of debris and garbage; this required that several old pump housings be " jackhammered into *** ithereens ". From playing mobster Lucky Luciano to journapst Walter Winchell, Tucci seems to return again and again to the decades surrounding World War II, an era that"s being jackhammered into obpvion. For more than three years, a spider web of scaffolding, braces and, at times, cranes has encased parts of the 41-foot-tall structure, so that old masonry could be safely jackhammered away. He pushed him off the block, out of bounds, across the key _ he might have picked him up and jackhammered him into the concrete hallway, but Duncan is quick, making it hard to get a sopd grip. "That"s our guys fighting right now, " said Maj . Clark Watson, with 3rd Battapon 1st Marine Regiment, as machine guns jackhammered nearby . " It"s going well, it"s a good day ." "Once she"s on a roll, she doesn"t let up, " said Pierce, who admitted that the hints of vintage Seles _ the forehands jackhammered down the pne, the nasty angles carved by her backhands _ were daunting. His immensely long and detailed examination of the first three weeks of Lewinsky coverage _ identifying anonymous sources and calpng prominent reporters " lap dogs " _ jackhammered directly into the basement of the nation"s media estabpshment, which is unaccustomed to such visible pght. As a further symbol of the city"s mitment to revitapze the area, Hahn and Grant jackhammered the deteriorated sidewalk star of actress Penny Singleton, 96, who played Blondie-- Dagwood Bumstead"s wife-- on television, radio and film in the 1930s and"40s. It"s difficult to find jackhammered in a sentence. 用 jackhammered 造句挺难的



Mammut(猛犸)跟arcteryx (始祖鸟)比,哪个更给力?求专家来解答





乳交Mammary intercourse describes a sex act, performed as foreplay or as non-penetrative sex, that involves the stimulation of the male penis by the female breasts. Commonly, this sex act involves the man placing his penis in the woman"s cleavage and thrusting between her breasts, while the breasts are squeezed around the penis for additional stimulation. Mammary intercourse can also be combined with fellatio.


gamma分布如下:所谓的伽玛分布是统计学的一种连续概率函数(具体形状可参考图)。Gamma分布中的参数α称为形状参数,β称为尺度参数。当两随机变量服从Gamma分布,且单位时间内频率相同时,其中α>0,β>0,则称随机变量X服从参数α,β的伽马分布,记作G(α,β)。gamma分布的性质:α=n,Γ(n,β)就是Erlang分布。Erlang分布常用于可靠性理论和排队论中 ,如一个复杂系统中从第 1 次故障到恰好再出现 n 次故障所需的时间;从某一艘船到达港口直到恰好有 n 只船到达所需的时间都服从 Erlang分布。当α= 1 , β = 1/λ 时,Γ(1,λ) 就是参数为λ的指数分布,记为exp (λ)。

Amritapuri “永恒之地” — 说说Amma修行中心

昨天一个在Amma修行中心近20年的德国占星师和我说: “这个修行中心的样子, Yogananda ( 《 一个瑜伽行者的自传》作者, 近代对灵性传播影响最大的人之一),曾经尝试过相同的做法, 但是结果是失败了 ……”听到她的说法, 我眼前一亮: “修行中心的样子? 你指的是……”她说: “Yogananda当年也尝试过, 让全世界各地各个文化, 各个样子的人,聚集在一个地方, 在高度灵性能量中生活 …… 看看大家可不可以在一起生活……” ……我的内在一个声音: 这会不会是:更大存在在做的一个实验呢? …… 全世界各地的人, 是否真的最后可以在各种不同下, 可以求同存异, 互相连接, 共同生存?……1 这是一个美国朋友的话。 这个美国朋友,是个语言天才, 可以说的语言有: 英文、中文、日文、 西班牙语、法语……当下又在学梵语…… 他说他爱上这个中心, 在爱上Amma之前,因为这里充满了不同文化 …… 确实, 他在这里,可以尽情试炼他的各种语言, 进一步了解每个语言背后代表的不同文化……2 对我个人来说, 我一直把这里当作是一个“microcosmos”,一个这个世界的微观展现:这里有个各个文化中的人,有动不动给Amma捐几坐美国山头和地的最富有的人,也有买不起几毛钱的药物的最贫穷的人…… 这里有经历过最高等教育的诺贝吉尔奖获得者, 也有完全不会识字的人…… 这里有最疯狂-“临床精神病”的人, 也有高效默默运转着世界最大的慈善组织之一, “世界五百强CEO”在这里…… …… 修行中心每天都太多人来来往往,而我们大多也只是活在自己的小世界里, 与各种各样的人擦肩而过, 却从未遇到…… 3 一个确定了是真的发生过的事情: 一个人在Amma拥抱的台子上一直在哭,Amma拥抱完后,看到她在一直哭, 问她 : “Are you okay? 你没事吧?……”这个女人回答: 谁谁谁…… 各种各样的不公平对待我……Amma说: “ You know this is a mental hospital , right ? 你知道这是个精神病院, 对吧?” …… 一次次有人抱怨, Amma身边的工作人员, 如何不礼貌, 如何触犯到了别人……Amma的开示中,一次次的说: 我们开了一个医院, 不可能在医院门口贴个告示: “病人不许入内……那我们开这个医院,又有什么意义呢? ……” Amma身边, 在这个中心, 确实你会遇到最粗鲁、最不讲理、最疯狂的人…… 我在这里学到的“精神病病理知识”,比我在美国哥大读心理学硕士的时候,学到的多得多……你经常会想: Amma怎么会让这些人作为她的组织的工作人员?更甚至, 跟着Amma全世界各地巡回呢……直到有一次,我想问Amma一个问题, 充满了恐惧…… 觉察后, 发现是我怕Amma认为我是“疯”了, 不接纳我…… 那一刻, 对比Amma身边的发生, 我那一刻感到那么的感动: Amma接纳了这些“最疯狂了人”, 带着他们全世界巡回? Amma又怎么可能不接纳你的一个“看似疯狂”的问题呢? ……有人说: 很多人留在了Amma身边, 是因为, 走出Amma这里, 这个世界上没有任何地方他们可以生存…… 离开了Amma, 没有任何人可以接纳他们现在的样子,继续爱他们…… Amma爱着任何样子的人, 这就是圣人的爱。…… Amma的慈善组织, 据说是几百亿美金的慈善组织…… 全世界各地的中心, 目前印度最好的私立大学, 是Amma的大学…… 印度最大、最先进的医院, 是Amma的医院, 一直在给穷人免费治病…… Amma的初中、高中, 印度范围内有50多个 …… 光在印度就有几千个同时进行的慈善项目……有一次我和朋友在讨论相关的问题, 朋友说的是: 人做事情和神做事情的区别 …… 她说: 人做事情的话, 你得先把这中心环境弄好了吧? 几百亿的大组织, 修修这个大泥路,能几个钱?…… 那黄黄的洗澡水, 中心安装个净水的装置, 又能多少钱?…… 但是就是不弄 ……神做事情: 大泥地、黄黄的洗澡水…… 我把能量场给你调好了, 其他的不重要 …… ……多少人抱怨中心简陋…… 这里每年几万欧美发达国家的人来来往往,怎么可能抱怨这里环境简陋的人少? …… 但是Amma通过这一切,传达的精神是什么呢? 灵性教诲, 从古至今, 都是不执着, 都是最简单,都是舍弃…… 中心的简陋和“顽固不改” , 在传递的是从古至今,最核心的灵性教诲。多文化, 是这些年美国高举的大旗帜…… 哥仑比亚大学, 是最领先举起这面大旗的机构……确实它有些宽容, 有些多文化, 但是真的看它的核心: 你会看到, 这表面大家友好的背后, 是大家的互相独立, 无法真正与彼此连接…… 是学生之间表面友好,但却转身就是陌路…… 是口头的平等, 背后的不择手段的竞争 …… 每个都说自己很“多元”, 但是跳出那个“文化盒子”, 你却看到: 这些每个人都声称自己多包容,多“多元化”的人, 每个人, 都是一个样子…… 他们都是一个模子里出来的样子。这个标准, 同样或许也越来越适合 美国最前沿的旧金山…… “这些每个人都声称自己多包容,多多元化的人…… 每个人, 都是一个样子…… 他们都是一个模子里出来的样子 ……”真的 , Amma的中心, 会给你另一个层面和深度, 产生对“多文化”的理解 ……我们曾经讨论如何翻译 Amma"s ashram……有人建议翻译成“静修中心”, 我们大笑。因为这里一点都不静 …… 我可以毫不夸张的说: 这是我经历的最嘈杂的地方: Amma在拥抱 …… Amma的大和尚在念经 …… 庙前Amma学校老师在给一群学生讲什么…… 前方在盖房子, 左边有人在电焊着什么 …… 书上的各种乌鸦、海鸟成群的在喊叫 …… 路上熙熙攘攘路过的各个国家的人: 印度人、美国人、法国人、西班牙人、中国人 …… 偶尔跑过一只狗,几只野猫, 一头大象, 还有猴子,蜥蜴, 等等等…… 我不知道这世界上有没有比这更不像“静修中心”的地方? …… 但是这里也确实是最能代表这个世界真正样子的地方……Amma说: “你可以在这里静下心来,你在全世界各地都可以静下心来……” …… 7 …… 关于这个中心, 还有太多要说的 …… 譬如说: 你祈祷, 几十分钟,几小时, 就会有相关的发生或相关的人, 给你你要的答案 ……譬如说: 这个地方, 神奇之处在于, 你完全不能找一个人, 你只能碰到某个人……你可以找一个人找两天,却找不到。 但是却在下一个转弯处,偶然碰到 ……譬如说: 你在外在世界经历的权利斗争,小我纠缠等等, 在这里会一样不少的遇到,甚至强度更大 …… 因为Amma要通过这些帮你学习。Amma运作这里,依照的不是“世间法”,而是灵性法则…… Amma不会把一个有管理才能的人放在管理的位置, 那人很可能在牛棚里养牛呢…… 因为, Amma更在乎的, 是她的孩子们的学习与成长………… 譬如说: 那来来往往的人, 每个人都在经历自己内心的净化过程的“过山车”…… 有人感到自己是最幸运的, 有人不想活了, 因为正在看到与感受自己内在最大的阴影…… ……因为它是这个世界的一个集中展现, 因为它是天堂与人间的交界处, 因为它是Amritapuri — 永恒之地 ……20170728 在Amma修行中心 绍然Will
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