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Megan [ meg0607 ] . . 古英文中"伟大的"意思。Megan给人的印象是个像小精灵般的女孩,她可爱、充满朝气、轻快灵活、爱嬉笑。






中国拼音会吧!那我用拼音打出来 是 : mei用平声 gen用轻声 连在一起就是megan 的音啦



Jean-Louis Murat的《Lilith》 歌词

歌曲名:Lilith歌手:Jean-Louis Murat专辑:Lilith空 高く青辉いた 星たち云间から こぼれてる光をつかむように伸ばす手この 场所からはまだ谁も 出られず闇云に 今日と明日比べては 幸せを探す背中合わせの君の本当の気持ちには何が隠れているのかを知りたいのに见つからない 见つからない试される ゲームの驹のように动けずに 立ち竦む天使と悪魔の 终わらぬ赌け『Lilith』

ZeroBrane Studio远程调试Lua步骤 github地址: 无需安装,直接在文件中找到zbstudio文件夹,可运行程序在里面。 简而言之就是获取断点数据(返回的函数名,变量),也可单独进入table里面查看数据。 问题:发现没有用local定义的变量无法在stack中显示。 在IDE中一共有两种方式启动debug。他们的工作方式是相同的:在进行debug调试的时候首先将debugger组件载入应用程序中。与IDE建立起socket连接。IDE接受用户的命令(单步调试,断点,等等信息)。然后IDE发送这些命令给给应用程序中的debugger组件。如果有返回数据IDE还会进行处理。 当应用程序由于(单步,断点,break命令)挂起的时候。IDE将会去寻找哪里使得应用程序挂起的源文件。如果这个文件已经在IDE中打开,将会在当前行有绿色箭头的默认标签(与大部分编译器是一样的)。如果文件没有在IDE中打开,但是如果配置信息 (editor.autoactivate = true),文件也会被加载到IDE中(貌似我都是拉进去直接设置断点)。 Windows平台 set ZBS=D:path oeroBraneStudio set LUA\_PATH=./?.lua;%ZBS%/lualibs/?/?.lua;%ZBS%/lualibs/?.lua set LUA_CPATH=%ZBS%/bin/?.dll;%ZBS%/bin/clibs/?.dll ./myapplication Macosx && Linux export ZBS=/opt/zbstudio export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;$ZBS/lualibs/?/?.lua;$ZBS/lualibs/?.lua" export LUA_CPATH="$ZBS/bin/linux/x64/?.dll;$ZBS/bin/linux/x64/clibs/?.dll" ./myapplication 其中LUA_CPATH如果已经配置过环境变量以及配置过luasocket的路径就不需要在这边再次配了。 注意点 :上面路径要根据自己电脑的路径来写,比如linux/x64是很多不需要的。 设置package.path 和 package.path(如果需要的话)(暂时未使用过这种方法) package.path = package.path .. ";/opt/zbstudio/lualibs/mobdebug/?.lua" copying mobdebug.lua from lualibs/mobdebug/mobdebug.lua (this assumes your application already provides luasocket support). 然后在你的文件中 require("mobdebug").start() 其他一些问题也是官网上有的。暂时没有在编译过程中遇到问题。所以下面就不进行中文解释了。

The merchant of Venice

Summary: Antonio was a merchant who possessed a lot of ships. His friend Bassanio fell love with the princess of Beimont, Portia. To voo to her, he need a somme of money. Antonio was generous and valued highly friendships. He agreed without hesitate that Bassanio could raise money in his name. Shylock lent Bassanio three thousands ducats at the price of a pound of Antonio"s flesh if he didn"t pay it back at time. Shylock was a Jew who have been suffering from the unfair treatment of Antonio. Antonio also lent money without interest, which brought down the interest rate by the law of supply and demand. Therefore Shylock hated him a lot. Unfortunately for Antonio, because of the bad weather, none of his ships came back from the sea. Regardless the persuation of the Duck and many merchants, Shylock insisted on his rights. For the law and the future of Venice, the Duke had to accept Shylock"s demand. But Portia and her maid Nerissa disguised as the lawyer and his clerk, saved Antonio from death in court. All of Shylock"s posssessions would be forfeit, and half of them would be held by Antonio in trust. After Shylock"s death, the property will go to his daughter Jessica and Lorenzo, Jessica"s husband. In return of their help, the lawyer and his clerk asked the ring of Bassanio and Gratiano. They are unwillingly as first because the rings were given as the first gift by their wife. But they gave them away finally. Portia and Nerissa was very angry about their husband for being so unrespectable to their gifts and promises. They reconcilied and Antonio has three ships back, he will still be a rich man.

The Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商人中bassanio 的经历


You can kill me,but cannot fuck me!神马意思?




You can kill me,but you can‘t fuck me是什么意思



The shore of the swimming pool



抖音最火的音乐 panama/C哩C哩绝对能把你洗脑

抖音短视频是目前最火的社交视频软件,也让不少音乐在这上面火热传播,而2018年抖音最火的音乐无疑就是C哩C哩,如果你说没有被它洗脑,都不好意思说自己是年轻人,不过在抖音里面,还有很多洗脑神曲,不得不说抖音短视频太魔性了,很容易让人着迷。 2018年抖音最火的音乐《Panama》(C哩C哩) 在抖音短视频中,最洗脑的无疑就是C哩C哩,而原音乐名字叫《Panama》,被认为是2018抖音最火的音乐,如果说你没有被C哩C哩洗脑,那么真怀疑你是不是一个年轻人,要知道即便是没有玩过抖音,也应该在微博、朋友圈看到很多以这首歌曲为背景音乐的视频,简直不要太魔性。 为什么大家会记住C哩C哩呢?这主要是整首歌的第三局“Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl”,也就是“日复一日,拼劲全力追寻着的姑娘”,这一段在抖音上被节选出来,成为抖音最火的音乐,网友们耳熟能详的一段魔音...... 除了C哩C哩的魔性,还有就是海草舞的魔性,很多人都觉得“有毒”,一听到音乐就会忍不住想要扭动起来,同样被认为是抖音最火的音乐,同时也是抖音十大神曲之一,是《社会摇》的原创作者萧全的最新专辑,看到这就知道有多么魔性了,节奏感太强,重要场合建议不要听!!! 上一页 0 /2 下一页


辨析:bank, shore, coast 【bank】 指河岸,河堤. 1.Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat… 河岸上的一些人大声向船里的人呼叫…… 2.I take a walk along the bank every morning. 我每天早晨在河岸上散步. 【shore】指湖、海岸. 1.She knew she was near the shore. 她知道她离海岸不远了. 2.We walked along the shore of the lake. 我们沿湖岸走着. 【coast】仅指海岸. 1.She is going to set out from the French coast at five o"clock in the morning. 她将在早上五点钟从法国海岸出发. 2.Most of Rena"s school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. 欧娜的大多数同学将在英国海岸上等候她. 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)


歌曲名:Panama歌手:Van Halen专辑:Live: Right Here, Right Now [CD]Jump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,



英语近义词辨析:bank, shore, coast,并各举2个例句以上说明。

辨析bank, shore, coast三个名词如下:bank: 一般指河岸,河堤。1. Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat… 河岸上的一些人大声向船里的人呼叫……2. I take a walk along the bank every morning. 我每天早晨在河岸上散步。shore:一般指湖、海岸。1. She knew she was near the shore. 她知道她离海岸不远了。2. We walked along the shore of the lake. 我们沿湖岸走着。coast:仅仅指海岸。 1. She is going to set out from the French coast at five o"clock in the morning. 她将在早上五点钟从法国海岸出发。2. Most of Rena"s school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. 欧娜的大多数同学将在英国海岸上等候她。


大哥你家乡有400斤鸭吗怕东马东马自雷自雷 自雷自雷 饿类个尔米磊米磊 米磊米磊 米乐喷买单奔突体内 撒 提 搜死 大胆春麦盆 四代 佛寺特 慢满干呀 特 体内 地内特怒马四蹄 撒米袋啊 比类比类嗯家没噶 搜 智力智力依 你妈发boom boom 怒马奔突体内咦~咦~咦~怒马奔突体内咦~咦~咦~买路斯铺路撒特例否no不挖特斯歌呸八哥手撒 维寺库 沃克得戴酷 提督 佛入卡米哟师酷 十八杀 酷ke 拔了吗大姑你家啥慕斯不来切阿麦斯巴拿马哈斯哇呱啊~啊~买斯波特巴拿马啊~啊~买斯波特斯哇呱啊~啊~买斯波特巴拿马啊~啊~嗨买斯波特~

Van Halen的《Panama》 歌词

歌曲名:Panama歌手:Van Halen专辑:Best of Van Halen, Vol. 1Jump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,

群星的《Panama》 歌词

歌曲名:Panama歌手:群星专辑:Sidney Bechet - Shake "Em Up! CD2Jump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,


大哥,你家乡有四百斤鸭吗,是白拿白拿吗,四嘞四嘞 四嘞四嘞又来干,妹嘞妹嘞 妹嘞妹嘞要不买单,笨猪弟妹弟妹,车子到哪哒,昨晚买的废子弹放的内裤满满~~




巴拿马。巴拿马共和国,英语:The Republic of Panama,简称巴拿马。是中美洲最南部的国家,总面积为75517平方公里,首都巴拿马城。鉴于重要的地理位置,巴拿马经济的重点是服务业,以金融、贸易和旅游业为主。 巴拿马。巴拿马共和国,英语:The Republic of Panama,简称巴拿马。是中美洲最南部的国家,总面积为75517平方公里,首都巴拿马城。 1501年,巴拿马沦为西班牙殖民地。1821年12月28日宣布独立,并加入大哥伦比亚共和国。1831年大哥伦比亚解体后,成为新格拉纳达的一个省。1903年独立,成立巴拿马共和国。巴拿马中央连接大西洋与太平洋的巴拿马运河,拥有重要的战略地位,是南美洲和北美洲的分界线。1999年12月31日美国将巴拿马运河所有土地、建筑、基础设施和所有的管理权都交还给巴拿马。 鉴于重要的地理位置,巴拿马经济的重点是服务业,以金融、贸易和旅游业为主。金融业和转口贸易发达,并在经济中占重要地位。 由于巴拿马的建立和贸易都和美国有重要关系,巴拿马从1907年开始使用美元作为流通货币,本国货币为巴波亚,与美元等值并同时在境内使用,是世界上第一个除美国以外使用美元作为法定货币的国家。




不是我吹,试试我的看看有没有更顺口些大哥你家杀牛四百斤鸭吗是白拿白拿吗 哇 西咧西咧西咧西咧 要来特干没咧没咧没咧没咧没咧被买单笨猪 弟妹弟妹弟妹,车子到哪哒你全买了 笨死哒 发了泥鳅妈妈干~架 亚麻时滴诺滴累滴累努麻不续滴卡上 啊比累比累唔假 买嘎 宋寄咧 寄咧依咧/因麻发酒蹦蹦 怒马奔突体内,诶~诶~唉~怒马奔突体内,诶~诶~唉~买路 通杀败类 佛诺不拉着 的士阔败拔阔休说 贝斯乌鸡


1,巴拿马可以申请注册离岸公司,免除部分的企业征税。降低企业的运营成本。2,在润方面无需申报受益者;无需申报年度利润及财务状况;3. 无需每年按期举行股东大会或董事会;4. 任何在巴拿马以外的商务活动及商务交易完全免税;5. 公司的股东、董事及高级管理人员可为任意国家的公民或永久居民;6. 股东或董事可在任意国家举行会议或派代理参加会。


大姑你家啥慕斯布莱切阿麦斯巴拿马自雷自雷 自雷自雷 饿类个尔米磊米磊 米磊米磊 米乐喷买单奔突体内 撒 提 搜死 大胆春麦盆 四代 佛寺特 慢满干呀 特 体内 地内特怒马四蹄 撒米袋啊 比类比类嗯家没噶 搜 智力智力依 你妈发boom boom 怒马奔突体内咦~咦~咦~怒马奔突体内咦~咦~咦~买路斯铺路撒特例否no不挖特斯歌呸八哥手撒 维寺库 沃克得戴酷 提督 佛入卡米哟师酷 十八杀 酷ke 拔了吗大姑你家啥慕斯不来切阿麦斯巴拿马哈斯哇呱啊~啊~买斯波特巴拿马啊~啊~买斯波特斯哇呱啊~啊~买斯波特巴拿马啊~啊~嗨买斯波特~《上部分~》

In the distance,we saw the ship making for the sh


panama歌词意思 panama歌曲简介

1、《Panama(巴拿马)》的歌词意思: Daca nici asa nu-ti place 若是你不喜欢这地方 Ia mai zboara-n Panama 那就飞往巴拿马吧 Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl 日复一日 亲爱的我用尽全力拼搏着 Mile mile mile mile pe maidan 不辞辛劳 勇往直前 Pentru tine tine sa-ti dau un dar dar 我要赠予你一份礼物 Cel mai de pret dar fara nici un ban ban 与我而言珍贵无比 无法衡量 Ganja iarba sunt inutile-tile 与他人而言 却是一文不值 Numai tu stii sa-mi dai aripile-pile 只有你知晓如何让我展翅高飞 In Jamaica sau in Chile Chile 在牙买加 在智利 智利 Inima face Boom-Boom numai pentru tine 这颗心只为你怦然心动 Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh Numai pentru tine 只是为你 Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh N-ai raspuns la telefon 你不愿接我电话 No problem te scot pe balcon 但也无所谓 我在阳台上找到你 Si-o sa vezi cu ochii tai 你会亲眼看到 Cum ti-aduc flori un camion 我是如何手捧鲜花 赠予你 Si iti cant asa cu chitara mea 我弹奏着吉他 为你献上一曲 Daca nici asa nu-ti place 若是你不喜欢这地方 Ia mai zboara-n Panama 那就飞往巴拿马吧 Ce pana mea 到底怎么回事 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah zboara ce pana mea 飞往那里 我该做些什么 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah hai mai zboara 让我们携手共进 Kile-kile kile-kile eu am dat jos 我气势汹汹一路向前 Oricum baby nu erau de folos-los 无论怎样 亲爱的 我并非无用之人 Mi-e dor de tine sunt intors pe dos-dos 我想念着你 愿你重回我身边 Acasa ajung la timp tre sa o iau pe jos-jos 准时回家 沉浸在温暖的时光中 La ce ne folosesc banii banii banii 赚再多钱又有何用 Daca tu imi dai iubire si zi de zi pun anii 若是你能够给我暖暖的爱我会日日将其珍藏 Ca Bonnie Clyde sa fiu doar eu cu tine 就像邦妮克莱德只有你我两人 Si o sa avem girl o iubire ca in filme 我们一同观看喜欢的电影 Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh O iubire ca in filme 共享恋爱 好似电影中的场景 Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh Eh N-ai raspuns la telefon 你不愿接我电话 No problem te scot pe balcon 但也无所谓 我在阳台上找到你 Si-o sa vezi cu ochii tai 你会亲眼看到 Cum ti-aduc flori un camion 我是如何手捧鲜花 赠予你 Si iti cant asa cu chitara mea 我弹奏着吉他 为你献上一曲 Daca nici asa nu-ti place 若是你不喜欢这地方 Ia mai zboara-n Panama Ce pana mea 飞往巴拿马 这究竟是为何 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah zboara ce pana mea 飞往那里 我该做些什么 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah Eh Oh no 天啊 Baby girl hai vino incoa 亲爱的 Am dragoste la mine o dau la schimb cu a ta 我爱你 也愿你能爱着我 Baby girl dragostea mea 亲爱的女孩 我的爱 E de calitate dau gramul gram hai ia 如此美好 N-ai raspuns la telefon 你不愿接我电话 No problem te scot pe balcon 但也无所谓 我在阳台上找到你 Si-o sa vezi cu ochii tai 你会亲眼看到 Cum ti-aduc flori un camion 我是如何手捧鲜花 赠予你 Si iti cant asa cu chitara mea 我弹奏着吉他 为你献上一曲 Daca nici asa nu-ti place 若是你不喜欢这地方 Ia mai zboara-n Panama Ce pana mea 那就飞往巴拿马吧 这究竟是为何 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah zboara ce pana mea 飞往那里 我该做些什么 Ah ah ah ah mai zboara-n Panama 飞往巴拿马 Ah ah ah ah hai ma? zboara Pwaah 心中的激情在燃烧 2、《Panama(巴拿马)》是罗马尼亚歌手Matteo作词、作曲并演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Panama》中,于2013年10月2日通过Media Pro Music和Orchard Enterprises NY Inc正式发行。








如今手游已经是掌上 游戏 市场的最主要部分了,一般玩家可能用触屏来打手游就满足了,但还是有不少相对传统一点的玩家,喜欢实体物理按键,又或者是有玩模拟经典 游戏 的需要,这时候可能最便宜的方案,就是手机+手柄了,但也有硬核点的玩家,会选择买一台Andorid掌机,那在玩家圈里面关注度还比较高的Odin,就在最近开始了Indiegogo的众筹,可以抢先买到最高搭载到骁龙845芯片的版本。 Odin掌机其实也是国内厂商做的,之前做这类设备的还有Retroid Pocket 2,以及更为大厂商一点的GPU XD,不过Odin采用了接近Switch风格的横版外形设计,所以让传统模拟器玩家会更喜欢,在操作配置上提供了双摇杆,十字键、ABXY,两套LR肩键,其中LT和RT是线性按压,另外还有两个自定义的背键,这无论对于手游还是模拟 游戏 都能完全满足了。 在屏幕部分,Odin配备的是5.98英寸1080p、16:9比例的屏幕,这对于 游戏 的兼容性更好,而最重要的内部配置上,就提供了搭载MTK天玑900的Lite版,以及搭载骁龙845的Base和Pro版,这虽然看来相比如今主流的骁龙888、骁龙870也太落后了吧,但其实带有主动散热器,骁龙845的性能也还是不错的,应付最高NGC、PS2模拟 游戏 还是可以的。 其它功能配置就还有8GB LPDDR4x内存(Pro版),最大64GB存储,并支持TF卡扩展,内置最大6000mA电池(Pro版),以及HDMI+DisplayPort输出,还提供有一个可以内置2.5英寸硬盘、扩展USB接口和连接NGC手柄的底座。 目前Indiegogo上已经完成了众筹目标,其实这部Odin的价格还是不便宜的,天玑900版的要1363港币,预计要今年12月出货,而骁龙845版就要1628港币,均提供多种配色选择,有感兴趣的经典 游戏 玩家,可以去支持下。


panama是巴拿马。巴拿马共和国位于中美洲的巴拿马地峡上,东连哥伦比亚,南濒太平洋,西接哥斯达黎加,北临加勒比海,国土面积约7.5万平方公里。巴拿马运河从北至南沟通大西洋和太平洋,有“世界桥梁”之称,每年从这里通过的货物多达3-6亿吨。文化习俗巴拿马人交谈时喜欢双方的距离靠得近一些,他们认为这样才显得亲近自然,否则就有冷淡对方之嫌了,他们有一些手势语,如吻指尖表示赞美。巴拿马居民的禁忌和其他拉美国家的基本相同,女人不喜欢别人问及她的年龄,人们厌恶打听男女的私生活情况和工资收入,巴拿马人认为每月的“13”这一天是最不吉利的日子。在与巴拿马人接触时,不要谈论政治,运河区的主权以及政府的外交政策等话题,到巴拿马作客,不宜过分赞美一样物品。巴拿马居民的主要食物是大米,其次是玉米、豆类、君子兰和香蕉。“瓜乔”是巴拿马最有名的民族菜,是用大米、豆类和肉做成的。人们还喜欢吃用玉米面和肉做成的玉米面饼、腊肉大米饭等。巴拿马居民常喝的饮料是可口可乐、百事可乐和咖啡等。以上内容参考 百度百科--巴拿马


《Panama(巴拿马)》是罗马尼亚歌手Matteo演唱的歌曲,由Matteo作词作曲,收录于专辑《Panama》中,于2013年10月2日通过MediaPro Music和Orchard Enterprises NY Inc正式发行。这首歌于2017年在网络上一炮而红,并将歌曲的一部分改写成了舞曲。其实可以自行百度的


panama是巴拿马共和国。巴拿马共和国(西班牙语:La República de Panamá;英语:The Republic of Panama),简称巴拿马。位于中美洲的巴拿马地峡上,东连哥伦比亚,南濒太平洋,西接哥斯达黎加,北临加勒比海。巴拿马国土面积为75517平方公里,属热带海洋性气候,境内多山,面积虽小,但河流不少,有大小河流400余条。自然资源巴拿马土地利用:耕地占8.9%,永久牧场占20.0%,森林和林地占43.0%,其他占28.1%;人均耕地0.6英亩。巴拿马的矿产资源较为丰富,但开采的不多,矿场规模也较小。主要矿产有金、银、铜、铁、汞、铝土、锰,、盐、石油等。铜、盐、铝土的储量比较大。截至2013年,巴拿马铜矿石储量超过2亿吨,居世界第四位,已探明的铜储量可供开采50年。以上内容参考 百度百科--巴拿马




是巴拿马共和国(西班牙语:La República de Panamá;英语:The Republic of Panama),简称巴拿马。麻烦请及时采纳回答,谢谢!

长句翻译: I left the company in 1994...

参考:1994年我离开了公司,假设比尔已经完全忘记了我,直到我注意到一个简短的比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)在《华尔街日报》的采访中,他提到,几乎是顺便,这本书的难度是招募,说,一个好的项目经理Excel。他们不只是长在树上,别的什么,或其他诸如此类的东西

老友记第六季第二集11分23秒,phoebe said:you could do a lot worse than joey 是什么意思


android odin是什么意思啊

意思是奥丁模式,或者叫做下载模式,是一种只影响三星设备的模式,不同于安卓恢复模式。这是一种特殊状态,允许您通过Odin或三星设备上的其他桌面软件刷新固件。值得注意的是,只有使用三星设备才能体验奥丁模式。 这就是为什么它也被称为三星奥丁模式的原因。 Odin被称为三星设备使用的软件,它具有新的和定制的ROM以及固件。扩展资料:当三星陷入奥丁模式时,会带来很多麻烦。不能像往常一样使用手机,手机上保存的所有数据都有危险。不能关闭设备,如果在屏幕上总是出现“正在下载…不要关闭目标”。此时手机会卡在徽标上。并且手机会不断自动重启。不过如果在主要的三星奥丁模式屏幕上时,可以通过按下音量调低键退出以取消下载过程。 然后命令设备重新启动并成功退出。除此之外,有一个叫做破安卓数据提取的专业软件可以帮助此类解决问题。该软件不仅可以帮助修复损坏的手机,还可以从损坏的三星手机中提取数据。当三星陷入奥丁模式时,这可能是最需要做的。

老友记第1季第3季中phoebe提到的 giant karmit debt什么意思,特别是karmit,?

巨大的业报karmic[kɑmik]n. (宗教)羯磨(梵语译音,意为“作业”),命运,因果报应

Sergio - I Just Wanna Saymp3百度云下载

链接: 提取码:iwtk歌曲名:I Just Wanna Say演唱者:Sergio

澳大利亚这街道怎么翻译?街道类型是什么?99 East End Crs, , St Albans Park. VIC

这个地址 99 East End crescent , St. Albans Park. VIC.可以翻译成。维多利亚省圣阿尔班斯公园东端月弧街99号。Crescent 是指月弧就(弯)形的街道。一般点说就是弯道,文艺点说就是月弧街,月亮湾。


你好, 本来他是一个小配角,但现在已经是一个鼎鼎大名的明星了!还提名过奥斯卡最佳男主角哦。名叫吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西Giovanni Ribisi第一次出现不是饰演菲比的弟弟,是一个捐钱给菲比,但放错了 套 给菲比的傻男生。后来他得到了菲比弟弟的角色。其实他真的不错的,演技。


john wants to go at a red light约翰想去一个红灯

stopandwait at a red light什么意思?

红灯时,停下来并等待 。

can you goat the red light是什么?


Redlight King的《Old Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man歌手:Redlight King专辑:Old ManOld ManRedlight KingHe didn"t have muchA pair of hard working handsEverything that I neededI got it from the old manWith a nine second dreamHe drove the Redlight BanditAnd the grease on his handsWas the way he commandedAnd the life he demandedIt kept us all in a struggleWhen he ruled with his fistIt kept us all out of troubleEven though he would leaveHe wore his heart on his sleeveAnd by the way that he walkedHe taught me how to believeOld man look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youGrowin" up at the trackHe had a reason for being fastHis heart felt like breakingHe"d look right up at the ceiling andStart again, never breathe a word of his lossCause it"s not about winningIt"s the rivers you crossAnd the pain that you feelCould be the fuel that you useAnd if you"re in need of directionBe it the path that you chooseMy old man is a legendHe cast a shadow so greatI think of how he is watchin"With every move that I makeOld man look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youNow there"s no slowin" downThere"s only settin" the paceNo more dreams to be stolenJust the right ones to chaseYou"ve been through the worstNow you know who to trustLeave them something behindBefore the ashes and dustOld man look at my lifeOld man look at my lifeOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like youOld man, old man take a look at my lifeTake a look, take a lookOld man, old man take a look at my lifecause I"m a lot like you



"Red Light"means__1___,"Green Light"means___2_____.单选

BDmean dong sth. 意味着......红灯意味着停,绿灯意味着走



求这dj完整版 知道的告诉声

Colonia - Za Tvoje Snene Oci

live long and prosper.什么意思

意思是多福多寿,生生不息,繁荣昌盛。瓦肯举手礼又称“火神答复敬礼”,源自电影《星际迷航》中半瓦肯人、半人类的斯波克的招牌动作。瓦肯人在使用此手礼时,通常还会说著名的瓦肯祝词,即“生生不息,繁荣昌盛。”(Live long and prosper)。如今该手势已经变成一种文化符号,表示“来自另一星球”。扩展资料美国电影导演,史波克的扮演者伦纳德·尼莫伊在他的的自传《我不是斯波克》中曾介绍了瓦肯举手礼的由来。尼莫伊幼时曾被祖父带去参加一个犹太教的祈福仪式“kohane blessing”,并在仪式上见到了一种中指与食指并拢,无名指与小指并拢,最后将大拇指尽可能的张开的手势。这种手势的代表了希伯来文中的字母“u05e9”,代表希伯来语“Shaddai”此字母的寓意则为“上帝”,这种祈福手势给他留下了极为深刻的印象。在《星际迷航》拍摄过程中,剧组决定为瓦肯人设计一个手礼,在设计瓦肯人问候手势的时候,尼莫伊一下就想到了这个手势。2015年2月23日,在伦纳德·尼莫伊去世前四天,尼莫伊在推特上写下了最后的文字:“人生就像一座花园。完美时刻曾经有过,却无法长存,除非留在记忆之中。LLAP”LLAP就是“史波克”在《星际迷航》中最著名的一句台词“Live Long and Prosper(生生不息,繁荣昌盛)”的缩写。

合同里的witness and hold points 是什么意思?

witness point 见证点hold points 停工待检点

elegant prosper怎么读

elegant ["elu026agu0259nt]adj. 文雅的; 雅致的;端庄的prosper ["prɑspu0259(r) /"pru0252-]v. 繁荣, 昌盛; 成功

live long and prosper什么意思

意思是多福多寿,生生不息,繁荣昌盛。瓦肯举手礼又称“火神答复敬礼”,源自电影《星际迷航》中半瓦肯人、半人类的斯波克的招牌动作。瓦肯人在使用此手礼时,通常还会说著名的瓦肯祝词,即“生生不息,繁荣昌盛。”(Live long and prosper)。如今该手势已经变成一种文化符号,表示“来自另一星球”。扩展资料美国电影导演,史波克的扮演者伦纳德·尼莫伊在他的的自传《我不是斯波克》中曾介绍了瓦肯举手礼的由来。尼莫伊幼时曾被祖父带去参加一个犹太教的祈福仪式“kohane blessing”,并在仪式上见到了一种中指与食指并拢,无名指与小指并拢,最后将大拇指尽可能的张开的手势。这种手势的代表了希伯来文中的字母“u05e9”,代表希伯来语“Shaddai”此字母的寓意则为“上帝”,这种祈福手势给他留下了极为深刻的印象。在《星际迷航》拍摄过程中,剧组决定为瓦肯人设计一个手礼,在设计瓦肯人问候手势的时候,尼莫伊一下就想到了这个手势。2015年2月23日,在伦纳德·尼莫伊去世前四天,尼莫伊在推特上写下了最后的文字:“人生就像一座花园。完美时刻曾经有过,却无法长存,除非留在记忆之中。LLAP”LLAP就是“史波克”在《星际迷航》中最著名的一句台词“Live Long and Prosper(生生不息,繁荣昌盛)”的缩写。

elegant prosper是一个品牌名称还是一个产品?




giant Reign 2和TRANCE 27.5 1哪个性价比高


GIANT REIGN X 软尾 6.0和6.7有好大的差距?

REIGN 的中避震是6寸的 飞坡落差100cmREIGN X的中避震是6.7寸的 飞坡落差120cm


歌曲名:Witness歌手:SARAH MCLACHLAN专辑:Mirrorball: The Complete ConcertTori Amos - WitnessThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomingThen the judges called in a witness C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought we had a friendship C"mon...Thought I heard you whispering murderThought this witches brew was more than bullet-proofBut words are like guns when you shoot the moon"Cause everybody whispers C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreIs there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I"m out the doorIs there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Thought I had a witnessThought you were youThought I was a witnessYou could turn to, not inThought I had a witnessThought I had a witness C"mon...



Make the following paragraph easier to understand

To make the paragraph easier to be understood you can employ the following techniques: 1. Spot and remove adjectives or adverbs that do not deliver real meanings 2. Use active voice rather than passive voice 3. Replace long definitions with words that encapsulate the same meaning Synthetic cubi *** is __much more energetic__ (Much more energetic than what? If this is a stand alone paragraph "much more" would be prime candidates for elimination) and often makes use of collage __normally playing cards or musical notation paper__ (Does the reader care what type of collage is being used?). __This type of cubi *** was developed by Picasso__ (passive voice sentence; note that the subject is also the same as in the previous sentence). __During the o artists" time of collaboration from 1907 and ending with the First World War__(Does the phrase not essentially say that the o artists collaborated from 1907 to the end of the First World War?) their styles intermingled and they painted the same subjects making their works __at times closely resemble each other__ (Does this not simply mean "similar?"). After the above *** ysis you may e up with the following: Synthetic cubi *** developed by Picasso is energetic and often makes use of collage using playing cards or musical notation paper. When the o artists collaborated from 1907 until the end the First World War their styles intermingled and they painted the same subjects making their works of close resemblance at times. Synthetic cubi *** is an energetic collage using playing-cards or musical notation papers which was developed by Picasso. During their collaboration beeen 1907 and the end of World War I the o artists painted the same subjects thereby producing the closely resemble art works . Hope this helps !

roses and gold中文歌词翻译

Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(代指美好珍贵的事物)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月光,笼我在月光中…and I will fill your cup with u2028sentimental tales of raspberry wine而我将用深情传说酿就的山莓酒,斟满你的酒杯。Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自我们分别以来,我一直唱着盛满着牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems u2028and drinking alabast gin我抒写无以抚慰的诗篇,饮着乳白的杜松子酒…Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上寻觅全新日出的旅途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让我们的泪水化作的河流,带走我们的忧惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry并且能抑止我的泪水…And I pray to mother mary,而我向圣母、great spirit and the holy fool神思和圣愚祈祷That we listen to each other and take heed of the golden rule让我们聆听彼此,遵从诤言That you do unto me让你待我,what I do unto you一如我待你一往情深and we both see it through让我们俩都能坚持到旅途的尽头Soft grace, oh cover me in soft grace温柔的爱意啊,给予我你的温柔爱意and I"ll fashion you a cup of forgiveness, gypsum, nettle and lace而我将回馈你,以宽恕为基,荨麻为边的杯盏Cause the poetry that you"ve put inside my heart因为那些你深深烙进我心底的诗篇rattles like a ‘57 engine about to start躁动有如57年的车头就要启动Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Rain dance,oh do a little rain dance雨中起舞吧,让我们一起在雨中起舞call in the clouds and thunder to wash away this sorrowful trance让雨云和惊雷涤荡我们的悲哀和昏沉And we"ll bath in rose petal fire而我们将浸浴在玫瑰花瓣的火焰中while the whill-o-whisps sing and purify our eyes with water from the holy spring当天使们低吟浅唱着,用圣泉之水涤净我们的双眸And in the days that were old等到了时光老去的时刻may the story that"s told让这些低诉的往事be one of Roses and Gold 成为馨香而珍贵的回忆…自己翻译的,可能有一些意译,不是很恰当。希望有所帮助。

Mr.Smith gave us _____on how to keep fit. A. an a

Advice是不可数名词,将A选项改为a piece of advice,c选项完全错

shook hands是什么意思

握手 望采纳

以keep fit and study happily为题写作文。要点:学会释放压力 生活学习有规律 ,,,,100词左右

Keep fit and Study Happily Hello,everyone.My name is XXX.I am happy to say something about keeping fit and studying happily here.Well,as we know,to keep fit is of great importance.Without health,we can not do anything.But how to keep fit ? In my opinion,we should do the following.Firstly,do exercise every day,which can build up our bodies.Secondly,keep a balanced diet.We should eat more vegetables and fruit and less meat or fat.Third,have enough sleep.A good sleep can make us energetic. There is a great relation between our studies and health.A good health is a must for good study,and good study contributes to our health.Let"s study while we exercise and let"s study and grow happily. That"s all.Thank you.


玫瑰和黄金Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(弥足珍贵)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月色,让我浴于月光and I will fill your cup with 
sentimental tales of raspberry wine我用那山莓酒里的多情传说斟满你的酒杯Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自从与你分手,我便一直吟唱着噙满牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems 
and drinking alabast gin我饮着乳白的杜松子酒,写下无以慰藉的诗篇Like a kite in the wind如飘在风中的风筝I"m caught in a spin被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上追寻全新开始的征途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让泪水化作的河流冲刷掉我们的恐惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry止住我伤心的眼泪And I pray to mother mary,我向圣母祈祷

Keep fit and study happily(英语作文)

Keep fit and study happily Hello,everyone.My name is XXX.I am happy to say something about keeping fit and studying happily here.Well,as we know,to keep fit is of great importance.Without health,we can not do anything.But how to keep fit ? In my opinion,we should do the following.Firstly,do exercise every day,which can build up our bodies.Secondly,keep a balanced diet.We should eat more vegetables and fruit and less meat or fat.Third,have enough sleep.A good sleep can make us energetic. There is a great relation between our studies and health.A good health is a must for good study,and good study contributes to our health.Let"s study while we exercise and let"s study and grow happily.“We should learn to release the pressure of study, life and learning should have the law, get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet. Though doing more exercise,singing and dancing,we can release the pressure of study,such as paying basketball, Ping Pong and running . We should get into the good habits which we go to bed and get up earky in order to have enough sleep.If we want to keep it and study happily,we should eat more healthy foods,like fruits and vegetables, and have the balanced diet, also drink more water.At last we sleep at least 8 hours a day." 希望可以帮到你,谢谢

英语翻译(不要用翻译器)A young man went to a car showroom.


求文档: BV cleanship 请提供其详细的解释。 该符号为船级社notation


英语作文:Working Hard and Keep Fit

Working hard is very importent to us . If we don"t study hard, we can"t lean well and we can"t get a good score in the exames. Keeping fit is also very importent. We can"t study if we don"t have a good health .

求文档: BV cleanship 请提供其详细的解释。 该符号为船级社notation

应该是BV的附加入级符号(Additional notation)吧,找一份BV船级社规范,目前最新的是2011版。关于清洁船(Cleanship),Part E Additional Class Notations,Chapter 9 POLLUTION PREVENTION (CLEANSHIP),如果你需要我可以传给你这个章节。

asian stocks怎么读

asian stocks[u02c8eu026au0283n stu0252ks]亚洲股市例句:1.Asian stocks stumbled briefly when china raised its interest rates. 当中国加息时,亚洲股市曾短暂回调。2.Selling chinese and other asian stocks was a rational response. 抛售中国和其它亚洲股票是一个明智选择。

反spam的 span 是什么意思

Spam 垃圾邮件
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