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为什么有的地方grand army 首字母要大写?有什么特指意义

如特别说 法兰西的“伟大军队”(Grand Army)时。要大写首字母.first commander of the Grand Army of the Republicissued a General Order establishing May 30 as an official memorial day to payrespect to all those who had died, in war or peace.在一般句子中,不必。Well, please also tell us how the grand army of nationalists lost mainland tocommunists so fast so un-heard of?



提问: 把外国国旗穿在身上的人,是怎么个内心思维。 刚才还看到了一位穿着印有 us army的


美军作战服魔术贴怎么贴,包括姓名、US ARMY、服役部队、血型条和军衔,多谢帮忙谢谢你啦!U0001f64f

右侧胸前贴姓名条 左侧胸前贴USARMY 左臂肩兜上贴现役部队标志 右臂肩兜盖上贴国旗 国旗的星星部分冲前(贴在右键上的国旗制作的时候50颗星星在右面)军衔贴在胸口(姓名条和部队条之间有一小块正方形贴) 在作训帽后面贴上姓名条 作训帽正前方 帽体前方中央缝上军衔。没有血型条位置(血型已经压在了军人身份牌上,就是狗牌)

美国陆军、海军、US ARMY有多少人?现况怎么样?

美国是世界第一军事大国,美军现役部队人数约140万人,其中陆军50万人,海军和空军各35万人,海军陆战队18万人(另有文职雇员约70万人)。陆军分为10个战斗师和4个独立旅及装甲骑兵团;海军编制为5个舰队,共10个现役航母战斗群(不包括正在测试的福特号)、11个两栖戒备大队、59艘攻击核潜艇、11艘战略导弹核潜艇,3艘巡航导弹核潜艇,117艘水面战舰和10个舰载机联队;空军编制为45个飞行联队(每个联队约74架战机),另有无人机部队;海军陆战队编制为3个师和3个勤务支援大队,装备3个飞行联队(约21个中队)另有一个空降师。美国在世界数十个国家和地区设有数百处军事基地,海外驻军约为28.78万人。美国的海外的军事基地大致划分为欧洲、亚太与印度洋、中东与北非以及美洲四大战略区。 。美军在全球设有五大战区司令部,分别是北方司令部、太平洋司令部、中央司令部、欧洲司令部和南方司令部,分别负责全球几大区域的事务。


这句话是完整的吗?我觉得句子不对啊 不顺 我把单词意思给你吧I WANT 我希望、想YOU 你FOR 为了 因为THE US ARMY 美国军队(陆军)








us army [ju:,es"ɑu02d0mu026a] 的意思:(参考有道词典)1.美国陆军2.手册及条令3.美国军队4.北约代号


US Army就是美国陆军。美国军方叫 US Armed Forces


U.S.Army译为“美国陆军”与其他英语国家不同,通常情况在英语中Army指军队,如PLA-People"s Liberation Army即为人民解放军但是在美国,美军应翻译为US Military或者U.S.Forces,而Army为美国陆军的专有名词而美国空军和海军的英文就比较正常了,分别为USAF-U.S.Air Force和USN-U.S.Navy



可以穿出去。US Army是美军的缩写,这只是在衣服上的一个标签,不牵涉政治问题。只要衣服的款式或颜色你喜欢,就可以穿出去。





我的电脑配置玩Zombie Army Trilogy(僵尸三部曲)为什么开最低配置都卡呢



Zombie Army Trilogy 中的4 -Pack是指僵尸军团三部曲4包Zombie Army Trilogy,中文名:《僵尸部队三部曲》,是由Rebellion工作室出品的第三人称射击类单机游戏,于2015年3月6日正式发行。《僵尸部队三部曲》是继《狙击精英V2》、《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》和《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》之后发行的

zombie army trilogy这个游戏什么来头

Zombie Army Trilogy,中文名:《僵尸部队三部曲》,是由Rebellion工作室出品的第三人称射击类单机游戏,于2015年3月6日正式发行。《僵尸部队三部曲》是继《狙击精英V2》、《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》和《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》之后发行的包括《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队3》在内的独立游戏。三部曲收录之前已经发售的前两部作品《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》,《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》和之前未发售的第三部作品《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队3》。另外三部曲还加入了一个新的“部落模式(horde mode)”。沿用了之前作品中夸张荒诞的背景设定:一个由恶魔,神秘力量和不死超级士兵组成的纳粹德国。另外系列作品中的最终击杀慢镜头也予以保留。新作将由8名英雄可供选择操作,包括四名女角色。这部游戏拥有15个单人及合作生存任务,除此之外还包含独占的全新内容,包括全新的第三方战役,全新的据守模式以及新角色内容等等。玩家也要面对多种多样的恶魔敌人,除了对抗僵尸和骷髅外,还能挑战恶魔化的希特勒。

i would like to meet a warmyou wander什么意思



一、详细释义: , n. , 军队,陆军 [C] , 例句: ,The battlefield is full of the army.,军队布满了战场。, 例句: ,What I have said about the army also applies mutatis mutandis to the navy.,我谈到的陆军方面,如作适当变动,也适用于海军。, 大羣,大批 [C] , 例句: ,There is an army of rats infesting this house.,有一大羣老鼠在这幢房子出没。, 例句: ,An army of doctors blitzed the disease.,一大批医生跟病害做了闪电式的斗争。, 二、词义辨析: , army,troops,forces ,这些名词均含“军队、部队”之意。army表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军。troops常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队。forces语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。, 三、相关短语: ,army corps,n. 军,regular army,n. 正规军,salvation army,n.救世军(基督教的一种传教组织,编制仿部队形式), 救世军,standing army,n.常备军,现役部队,army worm,粘虫,territorial army,n.英国地方自卫队,(英国)本土防卫自卫队, 四、参考例句: ,The Army was annihilated.,陆军被彻底击溃了。,The army withdrew.,军队撤退了。,The French army pushed northward.,法国大军挥师北上。,The army was arrayed before the mander.,部队在指挥官前列好阵势。,She stole the Army Benevolent Fund.,她偷走了陆军慈善基金。,The army"s retreat was orderly.,军队的撤退井然有序。,The victorious army returned in triumph.,获胜的部队凯旋了。,An army of doctors blitzed the disease.,一大批医生跟病害做了闪电式的斗争。,The army is an extremely plex ani *** .,军队是极其复杂的组织。,The battlefield is full of the army.,军队布满了战场。

兵马俑的英文翻译(the Terrocatta Army)是从日语翻译过来的吗?

Terra cotta warriors

志愿军英文用a voluntary army行不行?

可以还可以是Volunteersvoluntary armyvolunteer armyVolunteer Corps

USARMY 84637857 RAMBO RH- 哥哥姐姐们 帮我解决下这个什么意识 小弟谢谢了


he is too young to join the army这是什么状语?

He is too young to join the army.意思是:他太小了,不能参军。他不够参军的年龄。too... to..,太...而不能。这是限制性状语。

Army Day怎么读?

啊 米 得

Army Day在几月几日?


Army Day在几月几日?


Army Day是什么节日

建军节 。





army day什么意思


美国陆军On brave old army team的歌词

《陆军勇往直前》歌词(1956年,标准军歌)The Army Goes Rolling Along (1956,current official version)开头:March along, sing our song, with the Armyof the free(向前进)Count the brave, count the true, who havefought to victory(我们为胜利而战)We"re the Army and proud of our name(我们是陆军,我们为此骄傲)We"re the Army and proudly proclaim(我们是陆军,我们为此自豪)第一节:First to fight for the right,(首先为正义而战)And to build the Nation"s might,(建立国家的权力)And The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军勇往直前)Proud of all we have done,(为我们所作的一切骄傲)Fighting till the battle"s won,(战斗不息直到胜利)And the Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前)重复:Then it"s Hi! Hi! Hey!(然后是嗨—嗨—嘿!)The Army"s on its way.(陆军正在路上)Count off the cadence loud and strong *(报数声音响又壮)For where e"er we go,(无论我们到哪里)You will always know(你总会知道)That The Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前!)第二节:Valley Forge, Custer"s ranks,(福吉谷,卡斯特的肩章)*福吉谷为华盛顿冬季休整的兵营,卡斯特是美国骑兵军官,印第安战争中战死于小巨角;San Juan Hill and Patton"s tanks,(圣胡安山和巴顿的坦克)*圣胡安山是西奥多.罗斯福在美西战争中带领第七骑兵师黑色团冲锋的地点, “巴顿的坦克”意指西西里战役And the Army went rolling along(陆军勇往直前)Minute men, from the start,(一分钟人,刚刚开始)“一分钟人”指独立战争中的民兵,“刚刚开始”是大陆军的别称Always fighting from the heart,(永远战斗不息)And the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)第三节:Men in rags, men who froze,(尽管军服破烂,尽管饥寒交迫)Still that Army met its foes,(陆军仍然能面对敌人)And the Army went rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)Faith in God, then we"re right,(信仰上帝,于是我们就是正确的)And we"ll fight with all our might,(我们为我们的威武而战)As the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)的歌词

  下载地址:  Gorillas - Army Of The Pharaoh  是NBA Live 07里面的。。。。。  歌词:  Y"all get too close, I"ma squeeze the life out of you  You speak too loosely with your words, I"ma silence you  You ain"t a leader, dog, nobody"d die for you  You ain"t a killer, dog, who the fuck lied to you  And I don"t even fuck with y"all ballerinas  Tryin" to get dough by me, I"ma snatch your cream up  "Cause my squad gotta eat and y"all can"t come between us  Thoughts of blowin" my fuckin" head off when I look in my gun  I cock back, can"t squeeze when I look at my son  I stop that, can"t breathe, y"all wouldn"t walk in my shoes  I"m antisocial, don"t speak unless I talk with a tool  You can take the braggin", the boastin", add up the passion devotion  The crabs that lack in emotion, we throw "em back in the ocean  The Pharaohs packin" the potion, we back in action and rappers are chokin"  Actin" like the smokin" cats, their backs will get broken  And "96 was the year I started talkin" with Vinnie  Rockin" the city, talkin", really reppin" Boston and Philly  Now you can find us, lined up with OS and QD  We flow fresh, so don"t test, we grotesque and beauty  I profess a slow death, your plan of attack"s a panic attack  Still better than Bush"s plan for Iraq  My fam in the back, known to keep it realer than most  While you fake cats cower like the Steelers coach  Yeah, we the realest, ain"t nobody stoppin" the fam  And we gorillas, walk around with glocks in our hand  And we some killas, run it like the Mafia ran  And you should feel us "cause we turn your fuckin" block into sand  We been bubblin" like Bazooka Joe since Boogie Down and Superho  Futuristic, new simplistic, sweatin" my computer flow  Army of the armed and dangerous, we stay with stainlesses  Status is famous, raps translated to seven languages  Rulin" rap, iron fisted, flow"s fluid, rhyme is liquid  Nitrogen, knife in my pocket, pull it out when shit gets twisted  Y"all lookin" for villains? Well, I"m that guy  I charge junior high kids for a contact high  Razor blades under the tongue, with "Ways of the Gun"  Playin" in the background when I"m embracin" my sons  It"s like I"m huggin" Satan, though, they feel the evil inside me  Nah boys, it"s me, Papi, can"t one emcee stop me  I"m stressed, blessed with a gift, I"m still tryin" to make it  Stained from separations, my brain is like a matrix  I tighten up my laces, prepare for the sequel  Until then, I"m gon" hustle and take care of my peoples, wha  end

Army Dreamers 歌词

《Army Dreamers》所属专辑:《Never for Ever》演唱者:Kate Bush作词:Bush发行时间:1980年09月08日歌词:Army dreamers."Mammy"s hero.""B.F.P.O.""Mammy"s hero."Our little army boyIs coming home from B.F.P.O.I"ve a bunch of purple flowersTo decorate a mammy"s hero.Mourning in the aerodrome,The weather warmer, he is colder.Four men in uniformTo carry home my little soldier."What could he do? Should have been a rock star."But he didn"t have the money for a guitar."What could he do? Should have been a politician."But he never had a proper education."What could he do? Should have been a father."But he never even made it to his twenties.What a waste -- Army dreamers.Ooh, what a waste of Army dreamers.Tears o"er a tin box.Oh, Jesus Christ, he wasn"t to know,Like a chicken with a fox,He couldn"t win the war with ego.Give the kid the pick of pips,And give him all your stripes and ribbons.Now he"s sitting in his hole,He might as well have buttons and bows."What could he do? Should have been a rock star."But he didn"t have the money for a guitar."What could he do? Should have been a politician."But he never had a proper education."What could he do? Should have been a father."But he never even made it to his twenties.What a waste -- Army dreamers.Ooh, what a waste of Army dreamers.Ooh, what a waste of all thatArmy dreamers,Army dreamers,Army dreamers, oh...Did-n-did-n-did-n-dum...("B.F.P.O.")Army dreamers.("Mammy"s hero.")("B.F.P.O.")Army Dreamers.("Mammy"s hero.")("B.F.P.O.")No harm heroes.("Mammy"s hero.")("B.F.P.O.")Army dreamers.("Mammy"s hero.")("B.F.P.O.")No harm heroes.("Mammy"s hero.")("B.F.P.O.")("Mammy"s hero.")

Army Dreamers 歌词

歌曲名:Army Dreamers歌手:Kate Bush专辑:Never For EverArmy dreamersKate BushB.F.P.OArmy dreamers.Mammy"s hero.B.F.P.O.Mammy"s hero.Our little army boyIs coming home from B.F.P.O.I"ve a bunch of purple flowersTo decorate a mammy"s hero.Mourning in the aerodrome,The weather warmer, he is colder.Four men in uniformTo carry home my little soldier.What could he do?Should have been a rock star.But he didn"t have the money for a guitar.What could he do?Should have been a politician.But he never had a proper education.What could he do?Should have been a father.But he never even made it to his twenties.What a wasteArmy dreamers.Ooh, what a waste ofArmy dreamers.Tears o"er a tin box.Oh, Jesus Christ, he wasn"t to know,Like a chicken with a fox,He couldn"t win the war with ego.Give the kid the pick of pips,And give him all your stripes and ribbons.Now he"s sitting in his hole,He might as well have buttons and bows.What could he do?Should have been a rock star.But he didn"t have the money for a guitar.What could he do?Should have been a politician.But he never had a proper education.What could he do?Should have been a father.But he never even made it to his twenties.What a wasteArmy dreamers.Ooh, what a waste ofArmy dreamers.Ooh, what a waste of all thatArmy dreamers,Army dreamers,Army dreamers, oh(B.F.P.O.)Did-n-did-n-did-n-dumArmy dreamers.Did-n-did-n-did-n-dum(Mammy"s hero.)(B.F.P.O.)Army Dreamers.(Mammy"s hero.)(B.F.P.O.)No harm heroes.(Mammy"s hero.)(B.F.P.O.)Army dreamers.(Mammy"s hero.)

请详细解释一下army, military, troops,这三个词的区别,谢谢!


terracotta army怎么读

Terracotta Armyn.(秦始皇) 兵马俑; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The museum"s pacific week has, of course, been dominated by the first emperorexhibition, featuring china"s terracotta army. 当然,博物馆的“亚太周”是以《秦始皇》(the first emperor)展览为主打的,以中国的兵马俑为特色。

He_____for twenty years.A.has joined B.has been in the army C.joined D.have saved the army

B 吧。。。

那首歌词里有lady army...的英文歌叫什么名字,副歌部分旋律跟toothbrush有

歌曲: swiss army girl My girl"s all a man could want, there ain"t no doubt about herI got a girl and yes indeed-She"s got everything I need.You know I tried the rest, and then I built the best.I built myself a fine machine-She does more than cook and clean.I know you"d be impressed with my baby, my ladyMy Swiss Army Girl.ScatterbrainI"m a scientific genius and here"s my story,It all came together in my laboratory.I couldn"t find a dream girl to become my wife,Then I got this idea from my pocket knife.Now you can call me crazy, Dr. Frankenstien,But I built myself a girl and she"s mine all mine.She"s my baby, she"s quite a lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.She"s my baby, my handy-dandy lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.Great in bed or around the house-a handy tool.Got 1,001 uses to suit my needs,She canges into many things with lightning speed.Now you can call me crazy, Dr. Frankenstien,But I built myself a girl and she"s mine all mine.My girl"s all a man could wish-She can even scale a fish.Becomes a wrench, a drill or saw-a Soloflex and so much more.You know I tried the rest, and then I built the best.Swiss Army Girl for me not you-YODEL-ODEL-A-HEE-HOO!She"s my baby, she"s quite a lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.She"s my baby, my handy-dandy lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace WeaponApp{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Army PLAArmy = new Army(3);            PLAArmy.addWeapon(new Tank());            PLAArmy.addWeapon(new Flighter());            PLAArmy.addWeapon(new WarShip());            PLAArmy.attackAll();            PLAArmy.moveAll();            Console.ReadLine();        }public  abstract class Weapon        {            public abstract void attack();            public abstract void move();        }        public class Tank:Weapon        {            public override void attack()            {                Console.WriteLine("Tank_attack");            }            public override void move()            {                Console.WriteLine("Tank_move");            }        }        public class Flighter : Weapon        {            public override void attack()            {                Console.WriteLine("Flighter_attack");            }            public override void move()            {                Console.WriteLine("Flighter_move");            }        }        public class WarShip : Weapon        {            public override void attack()            {                Console.WriteLine("WarShip_attack");            }            public override void move()            {                Console.WriteLine("WarShip_m......余下全文>>

七匹狼和稻草人还有UK ARMY是哪个国家的牌子?


求Army Of The Pharaoh(NBA live2007里面的一首说唱歌曲)的歌词


air army 与air force的区别





army 前冠词用 an ,the army 的 the 读音是“第”。规律就是,后面的名词“发音如果是元音”的话,都比照这个原则。

star army什么意思

明星军队 .



Army Day怎么读

啊咪 得(第四声)

force navy army都是指部队,在用法上有什么不同?

典型的美语用法。army 指陆军navy 海军force 一般作air force 空军,空中力量【满意烦请及时采纳,好问好纳,再问不难】PS:为什么那么多人求助后不处理提问呢,BS之




military军事army 指军队,实体,更多指陆军




瑞典男装品牌Army of Me

corps与 army的区别









两个规律是一样的 后面的名词开始是元音,用an ,如这里的army the的读音是“第” 后面的名词开始是辅音 用a,如desk,the的读音是“得”


Amy源自: 拉语和法语音译:艾米性别:女子名涵意 : "the beloved" 最心爱的人

Ben Folds Five的《Army》 歌词

歌曲名:Army歌手:Ben Folds Five专辑:The Unauthorized Biography Of Reinhold MessnerBoy - ArmyQQ : 349777127You should see my favorite people,You catch a glimpse of gold through their skins.I walk on air whenever I"m with them,They"re where the happiness begins.And I"m alright on my own, but with them I"m much betterThey"re like diamonds and diamonds are forever.They"re taller than giants,They outshine all the starsThey are the love above the loveThey"re my army of fortune,They win every warThey are the love above the loveNever go when I"m underwaterThey tame the sharks and they calm the wavesWhen I choke they pat my back harderMy load is light, my secrets are safeAnd I"m alright on my own but with them I"m much betterThey"re like diamonds and diamonds are forever…They"re taller than giants,They outshine all the starsThey are the love above the loveThey"re my army of fortune,They win every warThey are the love above the loveThey"re taller than giants,They outshine all the starsThey are the love above the loveThey"re my army of fortune,They win every warThey are the love above the loveBoy - This Is The BeginningQQ : 349777127






我来回答你的问题. Army这个词有两个意思,一个是军队,另一个是一个团体,或一群. 可以说An army,如果是 an army of ants,就变成了一群蚂蚁的意思,单说an army,可以理解为泛指一支部队.但一般情况下我们都说the army,特指军队. The army 一般是用单数的,所以你的补充问句应改为: The army is in a high morale.军队势气高涨.


英语名词army与troop的区别   导语:英语名词army与troop都可以表示军队的意思,下面我讲解英语名词army与troop的区别,欢迎参考!   英语名词army与troop的区别   1. 两者都可表示“军队”、“部队”,但 army 着重指军队的整体,而 troop(通常用复数形式 troops)则着重指构成军队的士兵成员。如:   The Chinese People"s Liberation Army was founded on August 1927. 中国人民解放军建立于 1927 年 8 月 1 日。   The troops forced an entrance into the town. 部队强行进入这市镇。   由于 army 侧重指军队的整体,所以汉语中的“参军”等在英语中应用 army。如:   join [go into] the army 参军 leave the army 退伍   2. army 在与 navy(海军),air force(空军) 并列时,特指“陆军”。如:   We must build up a modern army,navy and air force. 我们必须建设一支现代化的陆、海、空军。   注:army 还可指军队建制里“师”以上的“军”。比较:   army 军   division 师   brigade 旅   regiment 团   battalion 营   company 连   platoon 排   squad 班   3. 由于 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,所以像汉语的“驻军”、“撤军”、“派兵”等,英语通常用 troops。如:   He ordered to withdraw the troops. 他命令撤军。   He decided to send troops to the front. 他决定派兵上前线。   The troops are assembling. 部队集合。   虽然 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,但并不指个别士兵,因此它一般不与数字(尤其是较小的数字)连用。比如:“两个士兵”一般不说 two troops,而说 two soldiers。不过 troops 有时可与较大的数词连用,如可说:   a hundred troops 100 个士兵   Forty-four troops were killed. 44 名士兵阵亡。   中考英语名词复习   名词   (1)语言(language)   Chinese(汉语)   Egyptian(埃及语)   English(英语)   French(法语)   German(德语)   Indian(印第安语)   Japanese(日语)   Russian(俄语)   Spanish(西班牙语)   (2)洋(ocean)   the Pacific ocean(太平洋)   the Atlantic ocean(大西洋)   the Indian ocean(印度洋)   the Arctic ocean(北冰洋)   (3)洲(continent)   Africa(非洲)   America(美洲)   Antarctica(南极洲)   Asia(亚洲)   Europe(欧洲)   Oceania(大洋洲)   (4)国家(country)   Australia(澳大利亚)   Canada(加拿大)   China(中国)   England(英国)   France(法国)   Germany(德国)   India(印度)   Japan(日本)   Mexico(墨西哥)   New Zealand(新西兰)   Peru(秘鲁)   Russia(俄罗斯)   Spain(西班牙)   the United States(美国)   (5)时间(time)   second(秒)   minute(分钟)   moment(短时间)   hour(小时)   day(天)   night(夜)   week(星期)   month(月)   year(年)   century(世纪)   (6)月份(month)   January(一月)   February(二月)   March(三月)   April(四月)   May(五月)   June(六月)   July(七月)   August(八月)   September(九月)   October(十月)   November(十一月)   December(十二月)   (7)星期(week)   Monday(星期一)   Tuesday(星期二)   Wednesday(星期三)   Thursday(星期四)   Friday(星期五)   Saturday(星期六)   Sunday(星期日)   (8)季节(season)   spring(春)   summer(夏)   autumn(秋)   winter(冬)   (9)气候(climate)   cloud(云)   fog(雾)   freeze(冰冻)   lightning(闪电)   snow(雪)   thunder(雷)   rain(雨)   wind(风)   (10)方位(direction)   east(东)   south(南)   west(西)   north(北)   left(左)   right(右)   (11)交通工具(transport)   bicycle(自行车)   boat(小船)   bus(公共汽车)   car(小汽车)   plane(飞机)   ship(轮船)   train(火车)   truck(卡车)   jeep(吉普车)   (12)饮食(meal)   breakfast(早餐)   lunch(午餐)   supper(晚餐)   dinner(正餐)   picnic(野餐)   (13)食品(food)和饮料(drink)   apple(苹果)   banana(香蕉)   bean curd(豆腐)   beef(牛肉)   bread(面包)   cabbage(洋白菜)   cake(蛋糕)   carrot(胡萝卜)   chicken(鸡肉)   chips(炸土豆片)   chocolate(巧克力)   coffee(咖啡)   cookie(小甜饼)   corn(谷物)   dumpling(饺子)   fish(鱼肉)   fruit(水果)   juice(果汁)   meat(肉)   mooncake(月饼)   milk(牛奶)   mutton(羊肉)   noodle(面条)   nut(坚果)   orange(橘子)   pea(豌豆)   pear(梨)   pork(猪肉)   porridge(粥)   potato(土豆)   rice(米饭)   sandwich(三明治)   sugar(糖)   sweet(甜食,糖果)   take-away food(可带走的熟食)   tea(茶)   tomato(西红柿)   vegetable(蔬菜)   wheat(小麦)   (14)颜色(colour)   black(黑色)   blue(蓝色)   brown(褐色)   gray(灰色)   green(绿色)   orange(桔黄色)   red(红色)   white(白色)   yellow(黄色)   高中英语名词语法   名词的复数形式之一   A. 名词的复数形式通常是在单数名词后加s:   day,days天,白天   dog,dogs狗   house,houses房屋   在词尾p,k或f音之后加的s读为/s/。除此之外s读/z/。词尾是ce,ge,se或ze的词之后加s时,该词的读音要加上一个音节(/Iz/)。   其他复数形式   B. 以字母o,ch,sh,ss或x结尾的单词,在词尾加es构成其复数:tomato,tomatoes西红柿   brush, brushes刷子   church,churches教堂   kiss,kisses吻   box,boxes箱,盒   但以字母o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式是只加s:dynamo,dynamos发电机   kilo,kilos公斤   kimono,kimonos和服   photo,photos照片   piano,pianos钢琴   soprano,sopranos女高音歌手   词尾是ch,sh,ss或x的词后面加es时,该词的读音要加上一个音节(/Iz/)。   C. 以y结尾但y前为辅音的`名词在构成复数时,先把y去掉再加ies:   baby,babies婴儿   country,countries国家   fly,flies苍蝇   lady,ladies女士   以y结尾但y前为元音的名词在构成复数时,直接加s:boy,boys男孩   day,days天   donkey,donkeys驴子   guy,guys家伙   D. 有12个以f或fe结尾的名词在构成复数时,去掉f或fe加ves。这些词是:   calf小牛   half半   knife刀   leaf叶子   life生命   loaf(面包的)条/只   self自身   sheaf捆   shelf架子   thief贼   wife妻子   wolf狼   例如:   loaf,loaves   wife,wives   wolf,wolves   名词hoof(蹄),scarf(围巾)和wharf(码头)构成复数形式时,其词尾可以加s或ves:   hoofs或hooves   scarfs或scarves   wharfs或wharves   其他以f或fe结尾的名词在构成复数形式时,直接加s:cliff,cliffs悬崖峭壁   handkerchief,handkerchiefs手帕   safe,safes保险箱   E. 有些名词用改变无音的方法来构成其复数形式:   foot,feet,英尺,脚   goose,geese鹅   louse,lice虱子   man,men男人   mouse, mice老鼠   tooth,teeth牙齿   woman,women女人   但是,child的复数是children,ox的复数是oxen。   F. 某些动物名称没有复数形式:   名词fish通常没有复数形式,虽然有fishes这一形式,但不常用。   鱼类的某些种类通常没有复数形式:   carp鲤鱼   cod鳕鱼   mackerel 鲐鱼   pike狗鱼   plaice鲽鱼   salmon鲑鱼   squid 鱿鱼   trout鳟鱼   turbot大菱鲆   但是,这些名词如果表达复数的意思,其动词要用复数形式。其他鱼虾要表达复数意思则要在词尾加s:   crabs蟹   eels鳗鱼   hetrings鲱鱼   lobsters龙虾   sardines沙丁鱼   sharks鲨鱼   deer(鹿)和sheep(羊)没有复数形式:   one sheep一只羊   two sheep两只羊   喜欢打猎的人说duck(野鸭),partridge(鹧鸪),pheasant(野鸡)等时,对其不分单复数都用同一形式。但是其他人通常在常见的有复数形式的鸟类名称上加s:   ducks partridges pheasants   打猎的人用game这个词表示所猎获的猎物时,它总是取单数形式,而且后边跟单数动词。   G. 还有一些没有变化的词:   aircraft航空器,飞机   craft船只   counsel法庭上的辩护律师   quid一英镑(俚语)   有些度量单位和数词没有复数形式。ying   H. 集合名词如crew,family,team等用单数或复数动词都可以;如果认为这个词表示的是一个群体或单位,可用单数动词:   Our team is the best.   我们这个队是最好的。 ;


Army - Ellie GouldingI know that I"ve been messed up我知道我浪费了所有的机会You never let me give up而你从不会任我放弃All the nights and the fights那些夜晚 那些争吵And the blood and the breakups那些伤痛 还有决绝的分手You always had to call off你总是不得不为我妥协I am pain I"m a child I"m afraid我伤痕累累 像个孩子般恐惧万分And yet you understand而只有你明白Yeah like no one can是啊 他人怎会懂?Know that we don"t look like much甚至我们也不愿这般But no one fucks it up like us却没人像我们搞砸仅有的机会16 and you never even judged me16岁的年纪 你从不会对我妄下定论Matter of fact I always thought you were too cool for me事实上 我总认为我配不上你Sitting there in the caravan仍记得我们坐在拖车上All the nights we"ve been drunk on the floor酒醉倒地的那些夜晚And yet you understand而只有你明白Yeah like no one can是啊 他人怎会懂?We both know what they say about us我们都知道别人怎么谈论我们But they don"t stand a chance because但他们怎么可能会懂我们When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Dark times you could always find the bright side即便是绝望的黑暗时刻 你总能寻得希望的可能I"m amazed by the things that you would sacrifice我总会讶异于你的牺牲与付出Just to be there for me就守候在我身边How you cringe when you sing out of tune当你高唱爱之歌时 你怎么畏缩退步?And yet it"s everything然后一切没有改变So don"t change a thing就不要做何改变We both know what they say about us我们都知道别人怎么谈论我们But they don"t stand a chance because但他们怎么可能会懂我们When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队I"ll be yours我会属于你Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队Yet you understand而只有你明白Yeah like no one can是啊 他人怎会懂?We both know what they say about us我们都知道别人怎么谈论我们When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队When I"m with you因为我在你身边When I"m with you因为我在你身边I"m standing with an army我的心是支顽强的战队They don"t have a chance either他们怎么可能会懂?Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing near you守候在你身边Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队Standing with an army支顽强的战队When I"m with you因为我在你身边Standing with an army支顽强的战队


A.R.M.Y①Army在英文中的意思是军队,因为军队和防弹服是一直相关的,含义为Fanclub和防弹少年团一直在一起②AdorableRepresentativeM.C ForYouth=值得人们景仰的青年饶舌代表 亲故可以去关注防弹大吧哦 去搜bangtanboys就好了




两个单词只有“arm”有武装的意思。一arm1、常见意思为“手臂,(动物)前肢,胳膊”,这的词性为名词。2、v.(用实力)武装;充实3、v/n:装备;武器4、n.分支;部门扩充:armed forces: 武装部队armament:n.武装备战;军事装备PS:中高考主要掌握第一种意思,即手臂,胳膊。二armyn.军队;一大群;陆军;团体




  1. 两者都可表示“军队”、“部队”,但 army 着重指军队的整体,而 troop(通常用复数形式 troops)则着重指构成军队的士兵成员。如:   The troops forced an entrance into the town. 部队强行进入这市镇。   The Chinese Peopleu2019s Liberation Army was founded on August 1927. 中国人民解放军建立于 1927 年 8 月 1 日。   由于 army 侧重指军队的整体,所以汉语中的“参军”等在英语中应用 army。如:   leave the army 退伍 join [go into] the army 参军   2. army 在与 navy(海军),air force(空军) 并列时,特指“陆军”。如:   We must build up a modern army,navy and air force. 我们必须建设一支现代化的陆、海、空军。   注:army 还可指军队建制里“师”以上的“军”。比较:   army 军   division 师   brigade 旅   regiment 团   battalion 营   company 连   platoon 排   squad 班   3. 由于 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,所以像汉语的“驻军”、“撤军”、“派兵”等,英语通常用 troops。如:   The troops are assembling. 部队集合。   He ordered to withdraw the troops. 他命令撤军。   He decided to send troops to the front. 他决定派兵上前线。   虽然 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,但并不指个别士兵,因此它一般不与数字(尤其是较小的数字)连用。比如:“两个士兵”一般不说two troops,而说 two soldiers。不过 troops 有时可与较大的数词连用,如可说:   a hundred troops 100 个士兵   Forty-four troops were killed. 44 名士兵阵亡。


His agegroup became epgible for the army . 他的同龄人应当应征入伍。 He answered the call of duty and enpsted in the army . 他应征入伍。 The rebelpon was soon stamped on by the army . 军队很快平息了叛乱。 The o opposing armies are locked in battle . 两军廝杀,难解难分。 The remnant of his army went into the interior . 他的残部进入内地。 The army pulled back after the battle . 部队在结束战斗以后撤走了。 The insurrectionary army was redesignated . 那支起义部队被改编了。 The o armies joined forces and marched on . 两军会合后继续前进。 He was only seventeen when he joined the army . 他参军时不过17岁。 There should n"t be any agitation in the army . 军队中不能有任何骚动。 A swamp opposed the advance of the army . 沼地阻碍了军队的前进。 All the army wanted you for was cannon fodder . 军队就是要你来当炮灰嘛。 This army has an indomitable spirit . 这个军队有一往无前的精神。 He is the stereotype of an army officer . 他属于那种老派的军官。 He had a great eagerness to join the army . 他(当时)满腔热忱想要参军。 Many students were now joining the army . 这时,有许多学生投军。 German army morale is clearly cracking . 德国军队的士气正在明显低落下去。 He ped about his age to join the army . 他为了参军谎报了年龄。 Both armies were guilty of extremities . 两军都犯有残暴的罪行。 An army man must be under tight discippne . 军人应守严格纪律。 Disobedience cannot be allowed in the army . 军队不许抗命。 His members in eighth army was very colorful . 他的第八军团组成分子非常复杂。 Most countries have armies for their defence . 大多数国家都有保卫国家的军队。 He was the mander of a vast shadowy army . 他成了一支庞大的隐蔽的军队司令。 The army knifed into the town . 军队像尖刀一般插入那城镇。 What was the strength of the red army ? 红军的兵力有多少? The o armies clashed outside the town . 两军在城外交锋。 The army was in retreat to the west . 部队正在向西后退。 I was never meant for the army . 我根本就不是当兵的材料。 I didn"t know there was army land hereabouts . 我一点也不知道这附近有军队驻扎。


国际音标:[u02c8ɑrmi], 中文拼音:er(一声) mei(三声)

army 跟 military 都是军队,有什么区别没


troop 和 army表示军队时的区别

  1. army 着重指军队的整体,而 troop(通常用复数形式 troops)则着重指构成军队的士兵成员。如:  The troops forced an entrance into the town. 部队强行进入这市镇。  The Chinese People"s Liberation Army was founded on August 1927. 中国人民解放军建立于 1927 年 8 月 1 日。  由于 army 侧重指军队的整体,所以汉语中的“参军”等在英语中应用 army。如:  join [go into] the army 参军 leave the army 退伍  2. army 在与 navy(海军),air force(空军) 并列时,特指“陆军”。如:  We must build up a modern army,navy and air force. 我们必须建设一支现代化的陆、海、空军。  注:army 还可指军队建制里“师”以上的“军”。比较:  army 军  division 师  brigade 旅  regiment 团  battalion 营  company 连  platoon 排  squad 班  3. 由于 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,所以像汉语的“驻军”、“撤军”、“派兵”等,英语通常用 troops。如:  He decided to send troops to the front. 他决定派兵上前线。  The troops are assembling. 部队集合。  He ordered to withdraw the troops. 他命令撤军。  虽然 troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,但并不指个别士兵,因此它一般不与数字(尤其是较小的数字)连用。比如:“两个士兵”一般不说 two troops,而说 two soldiers。不过 troops 有时可与较大的数词连用,如可说:  Forty-four troops were killed. 44 名士兵阵亡。  a hundred troops 100 个士兵




army有军队的意思,下面我把它的知识点帮你 总结 出来了,希望能帮助到你的学习! 释义 army n. 陆军,军队 [ 复数 armies ] 词组 短语 red army n. 红军 in the army 在陆军中 join the army 参军 army group 集团军群 salvation army [基督]救世军 army man 军人 field army n. 野战军 standing army 常备军;现役部队 united states army 美国陆军 regular army 正规军;常备军 army base 陆军基地 serve in the army 服兵役 army day 中国人民解放军 建军节 continental army [美国历史]大陆军 general of the army (美)陆军五星上将 irish republican army 爱尔兰共和军 词语辨析 army, forces, troops这 组词 都有“军队、部队”的意思,其区别是: army 表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军。 forces 语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。 troops 常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队。 army用法 army可以用作名词 army是集体名词,基本意思是“军队”(尤指陆军),与air force, navy相对。引申可指“一大群”。 army用作主语时,其谓语动词可以是单数形式(强调整体),也可以是复数形式(强调个体)。 an army of意思是“大群,大批”,多接复数名词,但其谓语动词一般为单数形式。 army用作名词的用法例句 The battlefield is full of the army.军队布满了战场。 He joined the army a year ago.一年以前,他参军了。 The head of state was deposed by the army.国家元首被军队废黜了。 army用法例句 1、Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army. 蒙博托出身行伍,通过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。 2、The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines. 军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。 3、The army is still one of the last male bastions. 军队仍然是男人占据的最后堡垒之一。 army的用法汇集相关 文章 : 1. army与troop的用法区别 2. 英语高一必修一语法与精彩句子集锦

army 是什么意思

army是一个英语单词,属于名词,可以翻译成中文的“军队;陆军;团体;野战军”。例句:1.His first client was the u.s. army, which tapped him to build an administrativeheadquarters at fort bragg.他的第一个客户就是美国陆军,后者要求他在布拉格堡建设一个行政总部。2.Many army units have mutinied.许多支部队发生兵变。3.The other factor is the army.另一个因素是军队。4.People"s liberation army soldiers drill in beijing.人民解放军战士正在北京进行训练。5.Imagine the harvard alumni association with an army.想象一支哈佛校友组成的大军。


army是集合名词 可以是可数名词 也可以是不可数名词; army n. 陆上作战军队;陆军部队;(一国的)陆军;大批;大群; 复数: armies 扩展资料   The army has seized control of the country.   军队已经控制全国。   He"s a major in the US army.   他是美国陆军少校。   He used to spin yarns about his time in the Army.   他过去经常编造一些有关他在部队时的"离奇故事。   The army was cut off from its base.   那支部队与基地失去了联络。   He gets out of the army in a few weeks.   几周之后他就要离开部队。   The whole territory is now controlled by the army.   现在全境都在军队的控制之下。


army是一个英语单词,属于名词,可以翻译成中文的“军队;陆军;团体;野战军”。例句:1.His first client was the u.s. army, which tapped him to build an administrativeheadquarters at fort bragg.他的第一个客户就是美国陆军,后者要求他在布拉格堡建设一个行政总部。2.Many army units have mutinied.许多支部队发生兵变。3.The other factor is the army.另一个因素是军队。4.People"s liberation army soldiers drill in beijing.人民解放军战士正在北京进行训练。5.Imagine the harvard alumni association with an army.想象一支哈佛校友组成的大军。
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