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2022年1月28日东鹏饮料(605499)发布公告称:AIAInvMgmtFeliciaHong 姬雨楠、AllianzGlobalInvestorsSophiaZhang、Pinpoint祝海杰、TRowePriceTonyJi、KadensaXuQiongyi、高盛高华李雨晴于2022年1月17日调研我司。 本次调研主要内容: 问:公司的发展历程? 答:1994年东鹏饮料快速发展,在南山区 科技 园设立深圳市东鹏饮料实业有限公司,2003年9月东鹏饮料完成了由国企向民营股份制企业的改制,改制后快速发展。2013年签约谢霆锋为东鹏特饮品牌代言人,开始布局全国市场,2018年3月深圳市东鹏饮料实业有限公司完成股份制改制,企业名称变更为:东鹏饮料(集团)股份有限公司。到目前东鹏饮料集团设立了广东、广西、华中、华东、西南等事业部,并形成广东、安徽、广西等辐射全国主要地区的生产基地。 问:公司的竞争优势是什么? 答:1、公司组建了一只经验丰富的管理团队;2、公司秉持“工匠精神”,深耕饮料行业多年,一直专注于饮料的研发、生产与销售,对产品打造独具匠心、对质量精益求精、对生产一丝不苟。公司经过多年对产品的不断打磨,生产的能量饮料产品,提升了消费者粘性拥有一批忠实的消费群体,同时,随着公司东鹏0糖等能量+新品的不断推出,未来,将为消费者提供更加多元化的能量饮品;3、公司一系列的新型营销模式迅速吸引了年轻消费群体的目光,打造了较强的品牌知名度,提升了品牌美誉度。经过多年的积累和努力,公司的品牌影响力不断提升;4、公司已建立了较为完善的市场营销体系,截至2021年6月末,公司产品已覆盖有效终端网点超179万个;5、公司也是“新零售”的 探索 者和践行者,以互联网为依托,运用大数据、二维码等技术,对产品生产、营销和渠道管理进行升级改造,逐步实现精细化管理和精准营销,2021年前三季度,公司已有2000多个经销商。 问:东鹏未来发展的方向? 答:公司追求长期稳健增长,公司会发展成全国化的公司:从收入占比看,广东收入占比逐年减少,全国、直营收入占比逐年增加,全国化进程在显现。在产品策略方面会聚焦能量饮料赛道做“东鹏能量+、由柑新开发”,不断推出新品,拓宽消费人群。 问:公司目前的产能情况,未来几年产能布局情况? 答:伴随不断增长的市场需求,目前公司设立了华鹏、增鹏、莞鹏、桂鹏、渝鹏、徽鹏、海丰共七个生产基地,为优化公司的战略布局,实现公司的长期战略目标,会在长沙、衢州建立新的生产基地。 问:销售体系架构是什么样的? 答:公司设立了广东、全国及全国直营三大营销本部,并对全国营销本部进行梳理,确定了广西事业部、华中事业部、华东事业部、华北事业部、西南事业部以及北方事业部六大营销管理架构。公司销售模式以经销模式为主,与直营、线上等多种模式相结合,形成了全方位、立体化、覆盖广的销售体系,并摸索出了一套完善的销售网络管理体系。 问:消费者在功能饮料的选择上是否更倾向于国产品牌? 问:新品研发流程情况? 答:公司研发会先根据市场产品及消费热点的情况,确定大致的产品方向,然后根据市场调研情况讨论共同确定产品具体的方向与定位。 问:新品销量如何,未来推广计划? 答:新品上市会先在广东,广西等成熟市场试销,公司2020年6月东鹏加気上市,通过开拓网吧,校园等渠道以及赞助街舞活动等方式重点覆盖年轻群体;2021年4月上市的0糖特饮,9月上市的东鹏大咖,通过渗透商圈,写字楼等区域覆盖白领人群。新品目前市场反馈较好,后期推广计划也会依照试点区域的整体销量而定。 问:新品销售情况,是否抢占传统产品的份额? 问:公司的增长是否主要靠新品的拉动? 答:东鹏加気、东鹏0糖、东鹏大咖及聚焦女性消费群体的“她能”等新品上市后线下渠道会先在广东、广西市场销售,暂未推广全国。线上天猫旗舰店、京东东鹏饮料官方直营旗舰店等官方平台会同步销售。目前公司处于高速发展阶段,全国化发展过程中,销售体系逐渐完善,渠道深耕单点卖力提高,网点持续开拓,新品拉动消费扩容,产能释放规模化效应逐渐显现都会给公司带来增长的空间。 问:2021年0糖表现是否超预期? 问:全国哪些市场较好,哪些市场表现较为薄弱? 答:华东市场是公司进入全国市场较早的区域,渠道及经销体系搭建较为完善,品牌影响力强,消费者认可度高;西南市场人口基数大,饮食、 娱乐 文化活动较丰富,市场发展潜力较大。2021年华东市场、西南市场表现较为亮眼,未来是公司发展的重点区域,未来可期。华北地区销售体系搭建相对其他区域有更多需要完善的空间,另外与消费者的饮用习惯,在北方品牌力不占绝对优势等多方面的原因导致市场发展较缓。 问:如何看待广东市场的增长空间? 答:广东增长是渠道精细化、人群拓展等策略执行的结果。广东还有开发、完善的空间:一方面广东省内各区域市场发展不平衡,珠三角销售贡献会大于粤西、粤北地区;另一方面2022年在广东设置了餐饮大区,打通餐饮渠道,除了推广东鹏特饮,也会推由柑柠檬茶、陈皮特饮、水等非能量饮料;第三方面,广东也在不断加大产品的渗透力度,加快渠道下沉的进度,分层次分重点提升渠道覆盖率和覆盖质量。 问:公司产品在线上的销售情况如何? 答:公司产品主要以即饮型为主,以着力开发线下渠道,提升单点产出为主,线上渠道侧重提高品牌曝光率。 问:礼品装的销售情况如何? 答:礼品装主要是考虑满足客户多样性需求,不是公司收入的主要来源。 问:消费者复购率如何引导? 答:增加复购率首先要保证产品的质量,公司一直秉持质量为先的理念,以法规标准为基准,构建完善的质量体系,确保出厂产品品质100%合格,为消费者提供 健康 功效饮品。在保证质量的同时,也要需要策略上的辅助,如渠道结合宣传推广拓宽铺货面,增加产品的曝光率,强化品牌认知;在品牌上持续输出“累了困了,喝东鹏特饮”、“年轻就要醒着拼”双Slogan,与消费者形成共鸣;更直接的方式是通过促销活动等方式引导消费者复购。 问:是否考虑提价? 答:公司全国营销本部,直营本部将500ml金瓶特饮、355ml加気、335ml0糖、500ml由柑柠檬茶的出厂价在新销售财年里,从79元调整为80元;公司现有的价格体系较为完善,未来会逐步推出新产品来丰富公司的产品类型和结构,届时也将根据市场情况合理定价。 问:冰柜投放进度? 答:冰箱投放最主要目的为增加陈列、品牌曝光度、冰冻,因为产品主要是即饮型为主,对终端陈列、冰冻化对动销有直接影响。公司会结合市场情况进行有序的冰柜投放。 问:壹元乐享中奖率是否会调整? 答:公司促销活动会根据不同市场情况制定不一样的促销力度,同时也会根据市场的活动效果进行相应的调整。 问:广告费用投放情况? 答:随着产能释放,销售规模扩大,收入增长率会高于费用投放率。目前费用投放会相对稳定,但是不排除后期出现市场机会需额外投放一些费用。如在2022年卡塔尔世界杯预赛及其他国家 体育 赛事上投放费用进行 体育 营销。 问:11月中开始发货原因? 答:年初公司会制定年度目标,部分市场能提前较好的完成全年预算目标,为保证新一年轻装上阵,保证货龄新鲜度,10月左右全渠道消化库存,实行控货,但不断货的措施,同时针对小旺季“春节”也会提前备货。 问:全年看库存是否有季节性变化? 答:全国北方市场会存在较明显的季节性变化,北方市场冬季时间较长,饮用频次及需求会受影响,同时公司也会在淡季进行机器检修。 问:锁价时间节点是什么? 答:公司原材料锁价是动态的,根据市场行情而定,没有固定时间点。 东鹏饮料主营业务:饮料的研发、生产和销售 东鹏饮料2021三季报显示,公司主营收入55.6亿元,同比上升37.51%;归母净利润9.96亿元,同比上升41.47%;扣非净利润9.66亿元,其中2021年第三季度,公司单季度主营收入18.78亿元,同比上升19.3%;单季度归母净利润3.2亿元,同比上升21.87%;单季度扣非净利润3.06亿元,负债率39.49%,投资收益1608.8万元,财务费用-1067.15万元,毛利率48.49%。 该股最近90天内共有22家机构给出评级,买入评级17家,增持评级5家;过去90天内机构目标均价为219.85。证券之星估值分析工具显示,东鹏饮料(605499)好公司评级为4星,好价格评级为0.5星,估值综合评级为2.5星。(评级范围:1 ~ 5星,最高5星) 以上内容由证券之星根据公开信息整理,如有问题请联系我们。


affordability可购性; [英][əˌfɔ:də"bɪlətɪ][美][əˌfɔ:də"bɪlətɪ]

过去国外称我国的地名有:Mukden、 Kalgan、 Marco Polo Bridge、 Khanbalik、 Cathay各指何地?

Marco Polo Bridge 是卢沟桥(Marco Polo Bridge Incident即卢沟桥事变 )Mukden 是沈阳(Mukden Incident “九一八事变(又称沈阳事变;日本称满洲事变))Kalgan 是张家口(旧称"喀拉干",源于蒙语)Khanbalik是北京(突厥语:Khanbalik,意为“汗城”,音译为汗八里、甘巴力克。 蒙古文:意为“皇城”,)Cathay是中国(古意条子缎)哦拉,答案虽然简单但是简洁嘛,就酱子了

nbalive08 里耐力是什么意思?


求以“ The influence of globalization on managerial work”英语作文200字

The influence of globalization on managerial workGlobalized advantages are accompanied by disadvantages: At the same time, the contemporary globalization improved the human survival and the development condition unprecedentedly, promoted human society"s progress enormously; On the other hand, the present age human society"s globalization has also brought a series of global question, they caused the entire humanity"s survival and the development fell into the serious difficult position, contained the risk and the challenge, caused the world development not to be balanced intensifies, polarization of the rich and the poor enlarging, north and south disparity enlarging.

Globalization and Immigration

是作文吗 关于全球化 和 移民的 ?

Which is better, globalization or localization?写个英语作文字数150,四级水平,必须自己写!越快越好

advantages or diasadvantages

the definition of globalization

Growth to a global or worldwide scale Operating around the world. Although many large companies have globalized for decades, the Web, more than any other phenomenon, has enabled the smallest company to have a global presence The tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby increasing the interconnectedness of different markets. Globalization has had the effect of markedly increasing not only international trade, but also cultural exchange. Investopedia Says: The advantages and disadvantages of globalization have been heavily scrutinized and debated in recent years. Proponents of globalization say that it helps developing nations "catch up" to industrialized nations much faster through increased employment and technological advances. Critics of globalization say that it weakens national sovereignty and allows rich nations to ship domestic jobs overseas where labor is much cheaper.


Operating around the world. Although many large companies have globalized for decades, the Web, more than any other phenomenon, has enabled the smallest company to have a global presence.

globalize 的名词

globalize 英[ˈgləʊbəlaɪz] 美[ˈgloʊbəlaɪz] vt. (使) 全球化,全世界化; [例句]As the world becomes more complex, some things do, of course, standardize and globalize随着世界变得日益复杂,某些事物确实理所当然地规范化和全球化了。[其他] 第三人称单数:globalizes 现在分词:globalizing 过去式:globalized过去分词:globalized



大学英语作文 题目 :Is globalization a bliss or bane? 要求about 200 words



Jade Horse and the Historical and Cultural Implication of “Journey to Annam”---Concerning the other critical elements and descriptions in the story “Journey to Annam” is the third story in Zhaoshibei, written by the Master of Zhuoxuan Pavilion酌玄亭主人 in early Qing. It is about the downfall of an official family(Hu family) in Guangxi and the loss and gain of a merchant family(Du Jingshan"s family), connected by the exchange of a jade horse and thirty spans scarlet velvet in Annam. Special researches about it were rare. However, Tina Lu"s book Accidental Incest contributes the whole Chapter Four “Exchange Across Borders” to it and her analysis is thought provoking. She raised many enlightening questions that she had reached no definite answers. Considering the most common narrative strategy in Huaben, that is the karmic retribution, Lu says: “A story all about what lies beyond the borders makes the peculiar choice to conclude with an entirely enclosed narrative about the connection between the state sphere and the domestic sphere: no outside forces contribute to the death of the young lecher(Hu Yanei) or to the fall of his father(Hu Commissioner). Everything necessary to their destruction lies within their own four walls.” Then what causes the downfall of the family? “If the pacification commissioner and his family can be punished without Du Jingshan"s travels to Annam, then why did those travels have to take place at all?” Why a jade horse? It"s tempting to simply adjust it to the notion “being restless and whimsical like a monkey or a horse”(心猿意马) that does appear in the text: the mind unbridled like a horse or a monkey, young man gets lost in desire all the time(意马心猿拴不住,郎君年少总情迷). However, despite the “give the show(horse feet) away”(露出马脚), even the horse he rode on to run away does not really fit into the notion of an unbridled horse(a metaphor for a restless mind). “Get off the horse! How could you a barbarian ride on my horse from Annam!”(“快下马来!俺安南国的马,可是你蛮子偷来骑得的么!”) The horse was stolen from an Annamese and he couldn"t control it. He was scolded as a barbarian(蛮子) because he tried to ride on it. The live horse here is obviously a counterpart or even a metaphor of the jade horse, both belong to Annam. What authorizes the Annamese to call Hu Yanei a babarian(蛮子)? He does not condemn him of stealing his horse, but satires him of being a barbarian who cannot ride on an Annam horse. What"s his value system revealed in this scene? Why does the author put the plot like this? It certainly has something to do with the other aspects of Annam ethnography described in the story and they together show the author"s value for the writing of the story. I will talk about it later but first of all we have to define the Jade Horse and look into the issue why it has to be a jade horse to be traded for the velvet. Jade horse appeared in history beginning at Shang Dynasty. During the pre-Qin time, it had the flat appearance and symbolized the character of courtier(“臣”). In Han Dynasty, it took on the design of an immortal riding on it and became three-dimensional. In Tang, it was still in the shape of a standing horse. But after Song and Yuan, the image of a lying horse became common and when it was shaped as a standing horse, it was not a normal horse but a monster that has the shape of a horse. Considering that in Ming, lying horse is the fitted image of a jade horse, we are supposed to give the jade horse in the story an appearance of a lying horse if it is a common object made at the time. But judging by the description in the story, the jade horse is related to an immortal who rides on it, so it should have the shape of a standing horse ready for someone to ride on. However, it is also described as a paperweight through Zhu Chunhui"s eyes, in this sense, it should better be a lying horse or a standing horse with a pedestal. Combining these, I would assume the jade horse in the story to be a standing horse with a pedestal like the jade horse in the story in Record of Anecdotes(《闻奇录》) written in the Five Dynasties. In the story, a little jade horse was found underground who could shout like a real horse by Shen Fushi(沈傅师) , a Suzhounese who was proficient in calligraphy. It was fed on cinnabar and could produce shit. The Summery of Palacehall Xuan (《宣室志》) quoted by Extensive Records of the Taiping Era(《太平广记》) Volume 401 also has the story that an official Shen Youzhi(沈攸之)"s wife had a little jade horse tied up by a green rope, it could turn into a real white horse and run away in the night and then come back in the morning. Shen Youzhi was also a Jiangnanese who was a senior general in Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties. He led the insurrection in 477 AD. against Xiao Daocheng(萧道成), who usurped the throne of Song Dynasty. The insurrection failed and Shen hanged himself with his third son in the woods in Huarong Realm(华容界). In Huang Xiucai story in Lasting Words to Awaken the World(《醒世恒言》), which was written in Late Ming, earlier than the time “Journey to Annam” was written, before the downfall of the Ming Dynasty, the jade horse played the role of a supernatural power that related to Daoism and Buddhism, which saved the love of Huang Shun and Han Yu"e. The story had its origin in Tang Romance with the main character Huangshun(a real man in history) coming from Yangzhou, which endowed historical and cultural meaning to it, indicating the author"s intention of rewriting it into a huaben. We are also certain that the jade horse was a standing one because the original story was from Tang Romances. As to “Journey to Annam” story, from the description and the notion that it is an antique, it could be a standing horse that dates back to Tang. Annam got its own independence only at the end of Tang, before which time it had been under the reign of China for nearly a thousand years. In this case, the jade horse is a representative of the traditional Chinese culture. This notion is implicit in this text but is revealed in many layers as sarcasm maybe due to the early Qing censorship. So there are two important aspects concerning history and culture of the jade horse that cannot be ignored in this story, which are actually explicit in the text. First, jade horse is an antique. It is not merely some kind of ordinary paperweight but an antique that bear some history before it was sent to Hu Commissioner, some history concerning Annam"s history and culture, even relating to Li Jili(黎季犁). He should have been a prime minister of Annam. He once usurped the throne of the king and then was defeated by the Chinese and was taken to China as a captive. His heir, the Manager Li is dealing with Chinese merchants at the time, whom Zhu Chunhui thought would know how to get the prohibited scarlet velvet. But instead Li warned Du Jingshan of the difficulty of getting the velvet, the argument that “the adventure abetted by Master Li returns the jade horse to the very family from whom his own had taken it” by Lu is problematic because Master Li didn"t urged him on pursuing the velvet but warned him not even to try it and it was on the journey to Nituo Mountain to ask the returning of the silver that has been “robbed” that Du Jingshan run into the Zhuzhu family. In this sense, even political retribution is not the major problem in this story, it must have something to do with the encounter by Du Jingshan of Chinese culture with the Annamese culture, which is not only on the layer of present but relating to history. Second, it has magic power and some immortal is connected to it in the eyes of the old lady from Zhuzhu family. It"s way more than a dead object but something that has a live and immortal spirit, which certainly has something to do with culture and religion. An immortal is coming to ride on it every night and Hu Yanei is certainly not the right one to be its master, neither is his father who owns it before it is thrown to Fenggu by Hu Yanei. The downfall of the Hu family In addition to the calling of Hu Yanei a Manzi(蛮子) by an Annamese, Dujingshan calls Hu Commisioner a Manniu(蛮牛) when he told Zhu Chunhui about his mission assigned by him of getting thirty spans scarlet vevelt. When he was in China, he didn"t call him like that. It seemed that after he came to Annam, he realized this fact better. Even as the Manager Li is a manager himself, he doesn"t want to be called a Dianguan. Why is that? What is the naming system like in Annam? It seems that though they have no such courtesy like the one in China, their own naming system is still strict itself. To Hu Commissioner, the jade horse is a present from the King of Annam. He shouldn"t have given it to his son. Despite his ignorance of its historical and cultural value, he didn"t even treat it as a political object. To him, it could only be an ordinary paperweight like in the eyes of Zhu Chunhui. If it was an ordinary object, then why Du Jingshan said “This is an antique” when he first saw it? It is almost obvious here that the jade horse has something to do with the new cultural authority of Manchu government and the downfall of the Han Culture. In Han ethnics, even a merchant could recognize an antique, but the value of it has greatly downgraded so it could not be sold or be valuable enough to cause great trouble to Du even though he got it illegally. One could imagine if it were a literatus to have it, it would not be treated so casually, especially after it was recognized as an antique. To get the pretty Fenggu, Hu Yanei tried to use the pearl as a false evidence of robbing or stealing on the part of Du Jingshan to have him arrested or even killed, not the jade horse. But it was denied by Hu Commissioner because he didn"t want to risk to lose his position. Why wasn"t the jade horse mentioned at all? It was a present from the King of Annam, how could Hu commissioner not treasure it or at least want to keep it at all? He didn"t care about the losing of the jade horse but was only disturbed by the losing of the pearl. To go even further, he lost the chance to use the jade horse as false evidence of some wrongdoing on Du because of his poor knowledge of history and culture. How could an official raised by imperial examination(科举) so ignorant of political, historical and cultural value? Comparing his reaction to the Zhuzhu family"s reaction, why is the jade horse so precious in Annam and so worthless in China? Yet it turned out in the story that the jade horse became the critical thing to absolve Du from the crisis and it"s like the politic of Annam is the fair judge of the lawsuit never taken to court. This could only happen when the lawsuit was looked over through the so-called trade of the jade horse and the scarlet velvet, which is not a trade in economic sense or even a political one because there is no direct political relationship between Hu and Zhuzhu family. Only cultural comparison between them is obvious. The only resolution to why the Hu family"s downfall was caused by no external forces is their ignorance of the cultural tradition and the failure of nurturing the heir according to the scholarship tradition. When an official care only about gathering money but pay no attention to the nurturing of the heir, his family is bound to fall. It showed the worry of the literati about the downgrade of culture due to the national regime transformation from Han to Manchu. Because of the ignorance of the jade horse, even his intention of getting profit by punishing Du will fail at the end. Obviously his plan was that Du wouldn"t be able to get the scarlet velvet on time and he could get his property as a punishment for that. Instead, he got the scarlet velvet that he couldn"t sell to get silver, so it is actually worthless. That"s why neither the velvet Hu got from Du nor the one Du kept was mentioned anymore. It is obvious that Hu was punished in failing in the revenge because his ignorance of the value of the jade horse, which represents his ignorance of history and culture. Du Jingshan and Fenggu"s loss and gain Lu says: “The horse might change hands, but ultimately its return to where it belongs will right other wrongs too, whether personal or political, but perhaps not before Fenggu and Du Jingshan suffer unduly.” But did they really suffer unduly? If Du Jingshan"s gaining the Pearl by grasping the hat of the Hu Yanei can be seen as unintentional, Fenggu"s keeping the jade horse should be seen as a wrongdoing at any rate. If she only got a handkerchief, she would have thrown it back or simply discarded it. From “Papaya” in “The Songs of Wei” (《卫风·木瓜》) to “There is linen on the hill” in “The Songs of Wang”(《王风·丘中有麻》) and “The woman says that the cocks crow” (《女曰鸡鸣》) in The Book of Songs, jade was seen as a token of love between unmarried young lovers. When it came to an illegal extramarital affair, most of the time cloth was taken as a keepsake, which bears erotic meaning. Because of this, the jade horse was tied to a handkerchief. One simply couldn"t throw a single jade horse or jade whatever to a woman to flirt with her. Even despite the political and historical token of it, the jade horse as a token of love bear some cultural meaning itself, representing controllable and mediate love, which here in the story carry a voyeur"s desire instead. In the story of Huang Xiucai, a jade horse is not only a token of love but actually saved the love. Being a lovelace, Hu Yanei threw the jade horse to Fenggu and specially reminded her that it was a jade horse, meaning it was worthier than the handkerchief, representing he tried to use it as a commodity with commercial value to get women. He was totally ignorant of its cultural meaning even as a token of love. So the ignorance of the cultural value of it was showed on Hu family"s side by Hu Yanei in addition to Hu Commissioner. As a counterpart, Du Jingshan treated it in a peculiar way. After pointing out it was an antique, he


抖音很火,抖音bgm歌曲也跟着火了。那么抖音里有个bgm是babali巴巴嘞是什么歌呢?来抖一下。 一、抖音里有个bgm是babali是什么歌: 歌曲名:We No Speak Americano 歌手:Yolanda Be Cool 时长:4:29/2:10 (UK radio edit) 介绍:《We No Speak Americano》是由澳大利亚二人组乐队Yolanda Be Cool 和生产商DCUP合作的推出的著名单曲,于2010年2月27日在独立澳大利亚标签Sweat It Out上发布。 二、抖音里巴巴嘞《We no speak Americano》 歌曲 歌词: Comme te po" capì che te vò bene 你怎么才能明白谁在爱着你 Si tu le parle "mmiezzo americano? 你说着蹩脚的美国英语 Quando se fa l"amore sott"a luna 当你在月光下激情的时候 Comme te vene "capa e di "I love you!?" 怎会想到和说出“我爱你” Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Comme te po" capì che te vò bene 你怎么才能明白谁在爱着你 Si tu le parle "mmiezzo americano? 你说着蹩脚的美国英语 Quando se fa l"amore sott"a luna 当你在月光下激情的时候 Comme te vene "capa e di "I love you!?" 怎会想到和说出“我爱你” Comme te po" capì che te vò bene 你怎么才能明白谁在爱着你 Si tu le parle "mmiezzo americano? 你说着蹩脚的美国英语 Quando se fa l"amore sott"a luna 当你在月光下激情的时候 Comme te vene "capa e di "I love you!?" 怎会想到和说出“我爱你” Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Fa, fa l"americano! 做着美国人 Whisky soda e rockenroll 威士忌、苏打水、摇滚乐 Whisky soda e rockenroll 威士忌、苏打水、摇滚乐 Whisky soda e rockenroll 威士忌、苏打水、摇滚乐 Whisky soda e rockenroll 威士忌、苏打水、摇滚乐