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请问consideration is defined as a bargained-for exchange这个句子中,为什么bargain后面要+ed?



bargained for exchange达成协议

that"s more than I bargained for 这个句子是否是省略了what,但what应该是不能省略的啊,求分析句子结构

是省略了whatthat"s more than what I bargained for what 可以省略

有谁看过一篇名叫more than I bargained for的英语短文吗

不知道是不是一下这篇,希望对你有帮助。In response to my husband"s craving for ice cream at Chase Field, I used my mobile phone to search for an ice cream place along the light rail line on the way home. I found the Pink Spot, and pursuaded Andy to get off the train with me at the Thomas Road station so we could try it. I seemed to remember driving by it on Thomas and thinking it looked interesting.It turned out to be more than I bargained for. Not a chain store, Pink Spot is a unique coffee house / ice cream parlor with live entertainment and employees who are interested in the arts. I got to talking with the young woman in the Wicked t-shirt about the musical. Then I got to talking with the guy in the Sesame Street t-shirt about the books of Gregory Maguire, including not only the two I"ve read (Wicked and Son of a Witch), but also Mirror, Mirror, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and A Lion Among Men.Perhaps one could take such cultural exchanges for granted, but I daresay I wouldn"t have gotten this rich cultural experience if I"d gone to Dairy Queen or even Baskin Robbins. In fact, I don"t even think I would have talked about the musical or these books if I"d gone to a Häagen Dazs. It reminded me of the value of unique restaurants and businesses. I believe that small, non-chain businesses are a vital part of a cultural diverse and rich community.