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below是低于的意思。作为介词是在什么的下面、(位置或层面)低于。作为副词是在下面、在较低处、在本页下面、在主甲板下等意思。Below作为人名指的是(英、德、芬、瑞、丹、加)贝洛(人名)。固定配有below one"s breath悄悄地,低声地、below par在票面价值以下、below stairs在地下室,在仆人住的地方、below strength不足额的、below the belt不正当手段地。

英语语法 below

below 是介词,below the average 是介词短语,修饰名词scores。介词短语修饰名词时常常在名词后,这句确实很特殊,竟然在名词前。


"under" 和 "below" 都表示 "在...下方" 的意思,但是它们的用法会有所不同。"Under" 通常用来描述物体或者人在某个物体/人/表面的下方。例如:The cat is under the table.(猫在桌子下面。)"Below" 通常用来描述物体/人/表面的位置在某个特定高度的下方。例如:The temperature is below freezing.(温度低于冰点。)请注意,"under" 在一些情况下也可以换成 "below",但是 "below" 不能替代 "under" 在描述物体/人在某个物体/人/表面的下方的时候。


below 表示在……下面的意思时,指处于比某物低的位置,不一定在某物的正下方。它的反义词是above。例如: Write your name below the line.在线下写上你的名字。 We are below the moon.我们在月下。 under 表示在……下面的意思时,有时可与below通用,但它指处于某物的正下方,其反义词是over。例如: He stood under a tree. 他站在树下。 The cat was under the table.猫在桌子下面。参考资料:

below什么意思 解释below一词的含义?



below可用作介词,表示低于,劣于,少于等含义;用作副词时表示在下面,在下游等含义,常作后置定语,作状语时可修饰动态动词和静态动词。 一.below用作介词 below表示位置时不表示垂直关系。 The temperature is below freezing. 温度低于冰点。 I don"t know the real reason below the mass of pretexts. 我不知道在一大堆借口掩饰之下的真正原因。 二.below用作副词 1.below用作副词时常作后置定语,作状语时可修饰动态动词和静态动词。 2.below可用作介词from的宾语,意为“从下面”。 3.below用作副词时不用于比较等级。 4.用作状语 He who would search for pearls must dive below. 不入虎穴焉得虎子。 5.用作后置定语 I looked down at the hall below. 我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。 Write your name in the place below. 把你的名字写在下面。 6.用作介词宾语 I heard him calling from below. 我听见他从下面叫我。


below 可用作介词和副词 例如.介词,The baby was visible below the surface of the lake. 副词,He lives on the floor below

under 和 below

同上 superior 上级inferior 下级


above adv.在上面; 以上; 上述




under表示垂直的上下关系,即在……下方; below 表示“低于……”,在……之下; beneath在...之下; 在...的(正)下方, 在(或紧挨着)...的底下; 低于

请问below和under和above有何区别? 最好能举例说明

below 正下方 比如,She is sitting below the light. 她坐在日光灯的正下方. under 就是一般的下方 还有很多抽象的 在……下 的意思 Under your help 在你的帮助下,也可以用with,现在外国人不讲究这里的区别的 above 正上方 The light is above her dest. 日光灯在她书桌的正上方. 所以,你这样记住,Under 反义词,on below反义词 above


above,over都可表示“在…之上”.above一般表示“在上面,高于”,不一定垂直; over表示在…正 上方,强调垂直在…之上. below,under皆可表示在…之下.below表示非垂直并不与表面接触的下方;under表示垂直并不与表面接触的下方; 总结:above(在…上)与below(在…下)在意义上是相对的,相同点是,两者都表示物体位置上或下不垂直的关系; over(在…上)与under(在…下)在意义上是相对的,相同点是,两者都表示物体位置上或下垂直的关系.


below 是方位副词,置于句首时用于强调方位,需要全部倒装. 倒装句:below +谓语动词+主语

below;under 有什么区别?

above,over都指“在……上方”,而below,under都表示“在……下方”,但在具体用法上有区别,而很多同学对这几个词很难区分. above指“在……上方”,不一定垂直,与below相对. below表示位置低于所提及的事物. 例如:There is a clock above the window. 窗上面有一个钟.(这个钟的位置高于窗户,但不是垂直.) Please write your name below the line. 请在横线下面写上你的名字.(不是在正下方) 而over指“垂直在上”,与under相对. under表示“在……正下方”. 例如:There is a bridge over the river. 河的正上面有一条桥. There is a cat under the table. 饭桌正下方有一只猫.——楚楚老师




below 英[bɪˈləʊ] 美[bɪˈloʊ] adv. 在下面,到下面; prep. 低于; (表示位置) 在…下面; (表示状态) 在…掩饰之下; (表示比较) 不及;



below是什么意思 解释below的含义和用法?

“below”还可以用于比较或对照中,表示“在……以下的范围内”。例如:The score is below average.(分数低于平均水平)此外,“below”还可以作为副词使用,表示“更低的位置、程度或质量”。例如:The water level is below the minimum safe level.(水位低于最低安全水位)在语法上,“below”通常作为介词使用,其后常跟名词或名词短语,表示“在……下面”的位置关系。例如:The fish are swimming below the surface of the water.(鱼儿在水面下游动)需要注意的是,“below”常与“above”搭配使用,表示“在……上面或上文所述的”,通常出现在比较中。例如:The price of this product is below the average, but the quality is above average.(这个产品的价格低于平均水平,但质量高于平均水平)以下是对“below”的解释和用法:“below”是一个英语单词,意为“在……下面,低于”,常用于表示位置或程度的比较。例如:The temperature is below freezing.(温度低于冰点)


below的读音是:英[b?"l??]。below的读音是:英[b?"l??]。below的详尽释义是prep.(介词)低于,劣于,少于,不及在...的下游有失...的身分无...的价值在…下面,在...以下,在...之下,到...下面,去...下面在…掩饰之下在…背后。below的例句是用作介词(prep.)His income is well below the average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。一、详尽释义点此查看below的详细内容prep.(介词)低于,劣于,少于,不及在...的下游有失...的身分无...的价值在…下面,在...以下,在...之下,到...下面,去...下面在…掩饰之下在…背后adv.(副词)在下面,在下方,到下面,向下在下游在楼下在甲板下在水面下在下级,在某一级以下在本页下面在尘世上在零下(温度)在地上在下界,在地狱中在地下二、英英释义Adverb:in or to a place that is lowerat a later place;"see below"(in writing) see below;"vide infra"on a floor below;"the tenants live downstairs"further down;"see under for further discussion"三、网络解释1. 之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<>(WesCravenPresents:They)、<>(Below)、<>(WakingUpInReno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.2. 下:[漆黑一片]导演大卫.杜西继续在[雷迪克:宇宙破坏者]中担任编剧和导演工作,看过[漆黑一片]或者是[深水之下](Below)的人都不会怀疑他是同时代导演中真正优秀的一位.3. below的近义词3. 深层恐惧:以下为 深层恐惧(Below) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址.这次水下的恐怖旅程开始于二战期间,一艘名叫虎鲨号的美军潜艇. 虎鲨号正航行在大西洋海域中,他们刚刚完成了一次漫长且致命的任务,正往目的港康涅狄格进发.4. 深水之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<>(Wes Craven Presents: They)、<>(Below)、<>(Waking U In Reno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.四、例句His income is well below the average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。The class has dropped below ten students this year.今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。Please do not write below this line.请不要写到这条线下面。The information below was compiled by our correspondent.以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。The captain told the sailors to go below.船长叫水手们下到舱里去。五、常见句型用作介词(prep.)He waited below her window until she opened it and spoke to him.他在窗下一直等到她开窗和他讲话。The temperature is below freezing.温度低于冰点。I don"t know the real reason below the mass of pretexts.我不知道在一大堆借口掩饰之下的真正原因。A colonel is below a general.上校级别比将军低。He is below the average at school.他在学校的成绩是平均水准以下。She can"t be below 50.她不会小于50岁。The bus stop is few yards below the post office.公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方。用作副词(adv.)用作状语He who would search for pearls must dive below.不入虎穴焉得虎子。用作后置定语I looked down at the hall below.我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。Write your name in the place below.把你的名字写在下面。用作介词宾语I heard him calling from below.我听见他从下面叫我。其他Below is an example of a typical business letter.下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。六、词汇搭配用作介词 (prep.)~+名词below one"s breath悄悄地,低声地below par在票面价值以下below stairs在地下室,在仆人住的地方below strength不足额的below the belt不正当手段地below the mark未达标准below the moon月下的副词+~down below在底下,在下面七、词义辨析prep.(介词)below, beneath, under, underneath这四个词均可表示“在…的下边”。under与over相对,物体之间可以互相接触,也可以有一定空间; below与above相对,物体之间不一定存在垂直的位置关系,而且互不接触; beneath的用法和under相仿,二者可互换,但under使用的频率较高; underneath表示空间位置关系时,常可用under, beneath, below替换。below,beneath,under,underneath这些前置词均可表示位置“在……下面”之意。below指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。beneath书面用词,指紧挨……之下,其反义词是on。under普通用词,与over相对,指在某物的正下方,含垂直在下的意思。underneath书面口语均用,也常与beneath和under换用,但更含遮蔽的意味。below的相关近义词beneath、under、beneath、down、lower、underbelow的相关反义词above、abovebelow的相关临近词belt、beloved、below pay、below par、below dam、below knee、below cost、below deck、belowdecks、below lane、below zero、below norm点此查看更多关于below的详细信息



Pls find the below reply at highlighted in pink 有语病吗?

需要修正下:Pls find the reply below highlighted in pink.

eleven kilometers directly below ghe city

在这个城市下面的11公里处,可算得上20 世纪最大的地震之一发生了 很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,

my love、my lover和my beloved有什么区别


Kari Jobe的《My Beloved》 歌词

歌曲名:My Beloved歌手:Kari Jobe专辑:Kari JobeKari Jobe - My BelovedYou"re my belovedYou"re my brideTo sing over you is my delightCome away with me, my loveUnder my mercy come and wait"Til we are standing face to faceI see no stain on you, my childYou"re beautiful to meSo beautiful to meI sing over you my song of peaceCast all your cares down at my feetCome and find your rest in meI"ll breathe my life inside of youI"ll bear you up on eagle"s wingsAnd hide you in the shadow of my strengthI"ll take you to my quiet watersI"ll restore your soulCome rest in me and be made wholeYou"re my belovedYou"re my brideTo sing over you is my delightCome away with me, my love

under below 和bottom的区别

below / beneath / under 这三个介词都可以表示位置“在…下面”,但有区别. below表示“在…之下”,“在…的下游”,与介词above相对应,常指在某物体之下,但不一定在该物的正下方.例如: Some parts of the countr...


below, under在,之下1.below指位置低于某物或在某物的下方,但不一定在某物正下方,不能肯定方向其反义词是above。如:Where shall I write the number on, above or below the line?我把号码写在哪儿?写在线的上面,还是线下面?below也可表示“在下游”,“在远处”。如:Did you see the boat below the bridge?你看见位于桥下游那边的船吗?2.under 指在某物的正下方,有垂直在下的意思,其反义词是over。如:Wat"s under the bridge?桥下有什么?Now we are flying over the city, and we can see the railway station directly under us.现在我们正飞过城市的上空,在我们的正下方可以看到火车站

韩语强人帮帮忙:权志龙的《this love》和《we belong together》的翻译 》


above below over under



Love To Be Loved By You我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后 你让我的生命变得坚韧并且把很多事情变得美好而真实 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样 有很多问题很难回答你不会知道。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我你看起来恐惧现在 你在等待婚姻的誓言 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话你的美丽让我失明 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光我只能闭上眼睛保护自己 请你牵我的手带我离开这里。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以坚定到永远 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境我们放弃我们的爱 但是他们怎么能够理解我们的爱正是上天给予我们的 让我们一直拥有着它因为它属于我们两个 宝贝,告诉我 我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 是的 我愿意你爱我

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below. Situation 1

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below.与你的同学有一个谈判基于下面每种情况进行统治。Situation 1  Tenant : You should emphasize the damage of PC is caused by the broken water pipe upst情况1租户:你应该强调电脑的损害是由破水管upst引起的Situation 1情况1Tenant : You should emphasize the damage of PC is caused by the broken water pipe upstairs and maintain the building in good shape is the landlord"s responsibility. So the landlord should compensate partly for ruined PC. You can threaten to quit renting but not to go to court. Because the contract that all tenants shall carry their own insurance for personal property.租户:你应该强调电脑的损坏是由于楼上的水管破裂和维护良好的建筑是房东的责任。所以房东应该赔偿部分毁了电脑。你可以威胁退出租赁而不是去法院。因为所有租户的合同应当携带自己的个人财产保险。Landlord: Because the contract you signed with the tenants states clearly that all tenants shall carry their own insurance for personal property, you should insist that the tenant go to insurance company to get compensation. You are not afraid of going to court or any other threats because you have a lot potential tenants.房东:因为你签署的合同租户明确指出,所有租户应携带自己的个人财产保险,你应该坚持租户去保险公司获得赔偿。你不害怕去法院或其他任何威胁,因为你有很多潜在的租户。Possible outcome: win—lose negotiation可能结果:要谈判Situation 2情况2Customer: You should start with higher price when you sell your ole car and begin with a lower price when you buy the car.顾客:你应该从更高的价格当你卖掉你的奥立车,从一个更低的价格,当你买那辆车。Car dealer: You can offer some attractive term when you buy the old car and sell the new at a higher price. But you should remember to keep the customer happy and avoid quarrelling.汽车经销商:您可以提供一些有吸引力的词当你买这辆旧汽车和新以更高的价格出售。但是你应该记得让客户满意,避免争吵。

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below. Situation 4

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below.与你的同学有一个谈判基于下面每种情况进行统治。Situation 4情况4The attorney for an angry wife: You can threaten to delay the divorce and publicize his sexual scandal. And you may also concede a little in the marital assets claims. But you need the agreement from your client.愤怒的律师妻子:你可以威胁离婚延迟,宣传他的性丑闻。和你也承认婚姻资产索赔。但是你需要从你的客户协议。The lawyer for a man: 50% of the marital assets is your bottom line.律师对一个男人:50%的婚姻的资产是你的底线。Possible outcome: Win-win negotiation or win-lose negotiation可能结果:双赢的谈判或谈判赢输Situation 5情况5Mr. Brown: Emphasize the trees on the land in negotiation. If there are more than 80 trees,you can achieve your dream.布朗先生:强调谈判的土地上的树木。如果有超过80棵树,你可以实现你的梦想。Road commissioner: Try your best to save money for the government . Offer some attractive land price. But don"t make Mr. Brown angry.路专员:尽力为政府省钱。提供一些有吸引力的土地价格。但不要让布朗先生生气。Possible outcome: win-win negotiation可能结果:双赢的谈判Situation 6情况6MBA graduate: emphasize your experiences and skills in negotiation and stick to your salary and position expectation, for it"s the compensation for your MBA study.MBA毕业生:强调你的经验和技能在谈判和坚持你的薪水和职位的期望,这是补偿你的MBA学习。Personnel direction: show him the prosperous future, comfortable working environment and relationships of your company. State that you can give him or her a good job title and better future pay although you cannot increase your salary offer by more than 5% now.人员方向:给他未来繁荣、舒适的工作环境和人际关系的公司。状态,你可以给他或她一个好标题和更好的未来虽然不能增加你的薪水现在提供5%以上。Possible outcome: win-win or win-lose negotiation.可能结果:双赢或者输一赢的谈判。

You belong with me……是什么意思?



你属于我正确写法应是you belong to me

英文歌,歌词有句;When can I meet you when I can feel you belong to me求歌名叫什么


你只属于我是 。。you are only belongs to me还是you only belongs to me?急急急!

you are the one and only for me

you only belong to me什么意思

你只属于我。belong to 属于

求you belong to me bob dylan 百度云百度云百度云分享

you belong with me啥意思

you belong to me意思是“你属于我” you belong with me 意思是“你应和我在一起” belong with用得比较少 特别是在美国英语里面很少用

英文歌,男声吧,高潮部分的歌词里有you belong to me. I belong to yo

The Lumineers

You are belong me翻译过来是什么意思

纯粹的中式英语,要表达的意思是“你属于我”,应该是You belong to me 记得采纳啊

tonight you belong to me ,jane monheit 歌词

我没有太多!《Innocence》— Avril Lavigne 《3》 — Britney Spears 《Lucky》 — Britney Spears《Moment Of Peace》— Sarah Brightman Gregorian我就4首了、 挺好听的、 前3首 蛮嗨的 最后一首 、建议你听完!我很喜欢里面内女的、的歌声

跪求you belong to me 钢琴谱


you belong with me


you belong to me forever

第一句:你永远只属于我 第二句:我永远只属于你 如果和起来理解的话,可以说:我们永远都只属于对方/彼此.

you belong to me歌词谐音

See the pyramids around the Nile洗着配热咪的狼惹奶watch the sunrise from a tropic isle挖池这桑拽放热抓皮凯儿just remember darling all the while炸死曼波达令熬热外you belong to me有碧浪涂咪See the marketplace in old Angier 洗着麻ki赔死俺舅send me photographs and souvenirs 森密否的赖婶搜我捏just remember when a dream appears 诈色曼波玩呢追毛片you belong to me 有碧浪突咪And I"ll be so alone without you 欧币搜狼为他求maybe you"ll be lonesome too没逼有逼浪丧母兔Fly the ocean in a silver plane 芙兰贼又伸奶呢搜勿呸See the jungle when it"s wet with rain 谁的僵狗吻奶撕外特为甚Just remember till you"re home again诈色曼波涂油后母gayYou belong to me 有碧浪涂咪。。。咳咳,希望能帮到你

Tonight You Belong to Me 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight You Belong to Me歌手:Patience & Prudence专辑:Lost Hits of the 50"s (All Original Artists & Versions)Eddie Vedder - Tonight You Belong to MeI know (I know) you belongTo somebody newBut tonightYou belong to meAlthough (although) we"re apartYou are a part of my heartBut tonightYou belong to meWait down by the streamHow sweet it will seemOnce more just to dream inThe moonlightMy honey I knowWith the dawnThat you will be goneBut tonightYou belong to meBut tonightYou belongTo me

you belong with me 有没有错啊?不是you belong to me 吗?


求 you belong to me 的中文歌词


求 you belong to me 的中文歌词


you belong to me的吉他谱

D A Em G G D Am C e|-2---0---0---3-| e|-3---2---0---0-|B|-3---2---0---3-| B|-3---3---1---1-|G|-2---2---0---0-| OR G|-0---2---2---0-|(Down 1/2 step)D|-0---2---2---0-| D|-0---0---2---2-|A|-x---0---2---2-| A|-2---x---0---3-|E|-x---x---0---3-| E|-3---x---0---x-|DD AYou"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she"s upset EmShe"s going off about something that you said G"Cause she doesn"t get your humor like I doD AI"m in the room it"s a typical Tuesday night EmI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like GAnd she"ll never know your story like I do Em GBut she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts D AShe"s cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers Em GDreaming about the day when you wake up and find AThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole time DIf you could see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? G DYou belong with me, you belong with meD AWalkin" the streets with you and your worn out jeans EmI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be GLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn"t this easy D AAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town EmI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you"re fine, I know you better then that GHey whatcha doing with a girl like that Em GShe wears high heels, I wear sneakers D AShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers Em GDreaming about the day when you wake up and find A That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time DIf you could see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? GYou belong with meDStanding by and waiting at your back door A EmAll this time how could you not know, baby GYou belong with me, you belong with me D A Em G EmOh I remember you drivin" to my house GIn the middle of the night DI"m the one who makes you laugh AWhen you know you"re about to cry EmAnd I know your favorite songs GAnd you tell me about your dreams DThink I know where you belong AThink I know it"s with meDCan"t you see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? GYou belong with meDStanding by and waiting at your back door A EmAll this time how could you not know, baby G DYou belong with me, you belong with me AYou belong with me EmHave you ever thought just maybe G DYou belong with me, you belong with me

you belong to me歌词大意

你属于我  看着尼罗河畔的金字塔  注视着热带岛屿的日出  回忆着自己最心爱的人  你属于我  看着古老的阿尔及耳集市  想到寄给我的相片和纪念品  回忆着梦里的一切  你属于我  没有你在身边我很孤单  也许你也和我一样寂寞  乘着银色飞机飞过海洋  望着正是雨季时的丛林  回忆着一切直到你归来  你属于我  没有你在身边我很孤单  也许你也和我一样寂寞

You Belong To Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Belong To Me歌手:Jason Wade专辑:ShrekYou Belong To MeJason WadeSee the pyramids along the NileWatch the sun rise from the tropic isleJust remember darling all the whileYou belong to meSee the market place in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to meAnd I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to meOh I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to me

You belong to me 歌词大意

歌曲:you belong to me歌手:carla bruni 专辑:comme si de rien n" [ti:you belong to me][ar:carla bruni][al:comme si de rien n"etait]see the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the pyramids along the nilewatch the sun rise on a tropic isle看着尼罗河畔的金字塔注视着热带岛屿的日出只要记住亲爱的无论何时你都是属于我的注视着古老的阿尔及尔市场送给我那里的照片和纪念品当梦出现的时候 请记得你是属于我的没有你我会很孤独 也许你也和我一样感到孤独 在银色飞机里穿越海洋 看见雨湿时候的丛林直到你再次回家的时候 请记得你是属于我的没有你我会很孤独 也许你也和我一样感到孤独

You Belong To Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Belong To Me歌手:janet seidel专辑:Best Audiophile Voices VLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?

You Belong To Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Belong To Me歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:The UltimateSee the pyramids along the NileSee the sunrise from a tropic isleJust remember darling, all the whileYou belong to meSee the market place in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planesee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooSee the pyramids along the NileSee the sunrise from a tropic isleJust remember darling, all the whileYou belong to me

You Belong to Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Belong to Me歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Natural Born Killers (A Soundtrack For An Oliver Stone Film)You Belong To Me / Bob Dylon (From Natural Born Killers Soundtrack)See the pyramids along the NileWatch the sunrise on a tropic isleJust remember, darling, all the whileYou belong to meSee the marketplace in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember "til you"re home againYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember "til you"re home againYou belong to me

《You belong to me》的歌词,只依稀记得一段 “see the pyramids along the nile ”


鲍勃迪伦唱的you belong to me 歌曲最后的对话说的是什么呀 ,怎么听也听不清。求高手答疑解惑。


泰勒斯威夫特《you belong to me》歌词翻译

你属于我 看着尼罗河畔的金字塔 注视着热带岛屿的日出 回忆着自己最心爱的人 你属于我 看着古老的阿尔及耳集市 想到寄给我的相片和纪念品 回忆着梦里的一切 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我一样寂寞 乘着银色飞机飞过海洋 望着正是雨季时的丛林 回忆着一切直到你归来 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我你属于我 看着尼罗河畔的金字塔 注视着热带岛屿的日出 回忆着自己最心爱的人 你属于我 看着古老的阿尔及耳集市 想到寄给我的相片和纪念品 回忆着梦里的一切 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我一样寂寞 乘着银色飞机飞过海洋 望着正是雨季时的丛林 回忆着一切直到你归来 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我一样寂寞 一样寂寞 和我们当中有多少人会有? 超过我们现在的情况。 而将我们从何而来? 河流,海洋 两端最黑暗的入口 最轻的彩色海洋。 所有的蜡烛在世界上 不会 将是不够的 将是不够的,以符合热我的灵魂 和热情在我心中 和黑暗,我觉得 因为我布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩"下跌 所有的蜡烛在世界上 将没有足够的匹配燃烧在我的灵魂 和我的心热 伯爵的地方奉献 伯爵的绝望的祭坛 因为我们布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩,布莱恩"下跌 和我们当中有多少人会有? 我们当中有多少人?

You Belong To Me的中英对照歌词

See the pyramids along the Nile看着尼罗河沿岸金字塔Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle望着热带小岛上夕阳西下Just remember darling all the while想起亲爱的你You belong to me属于我的你See the market place眼望市场In old Algiers古老的阿尔及尔市场Send me photographs给我邮来照片And souvenirs和纪念品Just remember清楚记得Till your dream appears直到你的梦想出现You belong to me属于我的你I"ll be so alone我将独自一个人Without you没有你的陪伴Maybe也许You"ll be lonesome, too你也会寂寞And blue忧郁Fly the ocean在海上飞翔In a silver plane乘坐银色的飞机See the jungle看见丛林When it"s wet with rains雨落时变得潮湿Just remember仍然记得Till you"re home again直到你还乡You belong to me属于我的你I"ll be so alone我将独自一个人Without you没有你的陪伴Maybe也许You"ll be lonesome, too你也会寂寞And blue忧郁Fly the ocean在海上飞翔In a silver plane乘坐银色的飞机See the jungle看见丛林When it"s wet with rains雨落时变得潮湿Just remember仍然记得Till you"re home again直到你再次还乡You belong to me属于我的你

You Belong To Me 歌词

《You Belong To Me》歌手: Jason Wade所属专辑:《Shrek》See the pyramids along the NileWatch the sun rise from the tropic isleJust remember darling all the whileYou belong to meSee the market place in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to meAnd I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to meOh I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to me

泰勒斯威夫特《you belong to me》歌词翻译

个人认为楼上的都不对- -。 You Belong With MeTaylor SwiftYou"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.She"s going off about something that you said"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...I"m in the roomIt"s a typical Tuesday nightI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t likeand she"ll never know your story like I do ...But she wears short skirtsI wear T-shirtsShe"s cheer captainAnd I"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake upAnd find what you"re looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youbeen here all along so why can"t you see,You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeansI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myselfHey isn"t this easyAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole townI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say you"re fineI know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like thatShe wears high heelsI wear sneakersShes cheer captain andI"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorall this time how could you not know Baby....You belong with meYou belong with meOh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the nightI"m the one who makes you laughWhen you know you"re about to cryAnd i know your favorite songsAnd you tell me about your dreamsThink I know where you belongThink I know it"s with me...Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all alongSo why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorAll this timeHow could you not knowBaby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybeyou belong with meYou belong with me... 需要翻译可在追问

you belong to me 歌词

歌曲名:you belong to me歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:dreamJennifer Lopez - You Belong To MeWhy"d you tell me this,Were you looking for my reaction,What do you need to know?,Don"t you know i"ll always be your girl,You don"t have to prove to me your beautiful to strangers,I"ve got lovin" eyes of my ownYou belong to me,Tell her, tell her you were foolin,You belong to me,You don"t even know her,You belong to me,Tell her that I love you,You belong to me,You belong to me,Can it be hunny, that your not sure,You belong to me,Thought we"d close the book and lock the doorYou don"t have to prove to me your beautiful to strangers,I"ve got lovin" eyes of my own, of my own,And I can tell, I can tell, darlingYou belong to me,Tell her, tell her that I love youYou belong to me,You belong, you belong, you belong to meYou belong to me,Tell her you were foolin"You belong to me,Tell her she don"t even know you,TELL HER,You belong to me,Tell her, you were foolin,You belong to me,I"ve know you from time ago baby,You belong to me,Don"t make me go to her houseYou belong to me,You belong, you belong, you belong to meYou belong to me, (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me) (you belong to me)

You Belong to Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Belong to Me歌手:Cobra Starship专辑:Night Shades (Deluxe Version)Cobra Starship - You Belong To MeAnd I know, even if your hope is goneYou belong, you belong to me, to me.I"m coming home and I know it won"t be longBefore you belong, you belong to me.I"m building a castleOn the beaches where the oceansTell us come and rest under the sunYou bury your head in the sand,Waiting for your boy to understandHad to be a man "cause love is not enough.And the calm ocean flowsFor the dreams that we lostThe fuse where we buryThe world just feels so smallI leave it all behind because…I don"t even know how I let you run so far,But I"ll run after you until your legs give up.And I"ll carry you all the way home,Back where we belong.You"ve given up but I still got enough hope for us.You"re dancing closerI"m now without any clothesand this heart in this handAll you need to knowIs never let go, never let go.Don"t turn away to show me your face again‘Cause I"m starting to forgetI can"t live with this regret.The time will come when we will find our place again.Into my arms back where you belong,Into my arms back where you belong again.I"m coming home and I know it won"t be long,Before you belong…You belong to me

求”you belong to me ”的歌词和翻译!就是bob dylan的!

Bob Dylan--《You Belong To Me》《天生杀人狂》插曲See The Pyramids Along the Nile Watch the sun rise On a tropic isle Just remember darling All the while You belong to me... See the market place In old Algiers Send me photographs And souvenirs Just remember "Til your dream appears You belong to me.... I"ll be so alone Without you Maybe You"ll be lonesome, too Maybe You"ll be lonesome too And blue Fly the ocean In a silver plane See the jungle When its wet with rains Just remember Till you"re home again Or until I come home to you You belong to me...

You belong to me什么意思


求you belong to me - jason wade的简谱。不要吉他谱。严重重申。

C Em1. See the pyramids along the Nile F C Watch the sunrise from a tropic isle F Em Am Just remember darling all the while Dm G You belong to me C Em2. See the market place in old Algiers F C Send me photographes and souvenirs F Em Am Just remember when a dream appears Dm G You belong to me C FB: I"d be so alone without you Dm G Maybe you"d be lonesome too G7 in blue C Em3. Fly the ocean in a silver plane=7F F C See the jungle when it"s wet with rain F Em Am Just remember till you"re home again Dm G You belong to meINTRO C FB: I"d be so alone without you Dm G Maybe you"d be lonesome too G7 in blue C Em3. Fly the ocean in a silver plane F C See the jungle when it"s wet with rain F Em Am Just remember till you"re home again Dm G You belong to me

you belong with me 和 you belong to me 具体两句话的区别在哪?表达的意思有什么不同?

You Belong With Me 是Taylor Swift 在专辑《Fearless》中的一首美国乡村音乐风格的歌曲 意思是你和我在一起; 第二句是你属于我的意思

求you Belong to Me-Carla Bruni 吉他谱,分解和弦,谢~

你这个谱子 看不懂啊 什么意思

求解you are belong to me

应该是You belong to me

you belong with me 和 you belong to me 具体两句话的区别在哪?表达的意思有什么不同

1. 你和我在一起 2. 你属于我

you belong to me and I belong to you什么意思


Tonight You Belong To Me 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight You Belong To Me歌手:Paul Stanley专辑:Gold (1974-1982)Eddie Vedder - Tonight You Belong to MeI know (I know) you belongTo somebody newBut tonightYou belong to meAlthough (although) we"re apartYou are a part of my heartBut tonightYou belong to meWait down by the streamHow sweet it will seemOnce more just to dream inThe moonlightMy honey I knowWith the dawnThat you will be goneBut tonightYou belong to meBut tonightYou belongTo me

英文歌曲歌词you belong to me i belong to you求歌名


Tonight You Belong To Me 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight You Belong To Me歌手:The Bird And The Bee专辑:One Too Many HeartsEddie Vedder - Tonight You Belong to MeI know (I know) you belongTo somebody newBut tonightYou belong to meAlthough (although) we"re apartYou are a part of my heartBut tonightYou belong to meWait down by the streamHow sweet it will seemOnce more just to dream inThe moonlightMy honey I knowWith the dawnThat you will be goneBut tonightYou belong to meBut tonightYou belongTo me

有个英文歌的歌词里有一句you belong to me,I belong to you,请问这是什么歌?

Heidi Happy - Down At The Port

请教“You belong to me”和“You are mine”之间的些微差别

You belong to me 中的You更像是一种玩物。You are mine中You更像是一种precious。

you belong to me 还是you belong with me

you belong to me 你属于我。固定用法 belong to

有一首歌,其中有一句歌词是you belong to me是什么歌

Avril tomorrow不知道是不是 楼主听听看吧
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