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conjoin,combine connect三者有什么区别

第一个单词应该是join吧? connect是指“认为有联系或有关系”,此时常用于被动语态,或指使用工具把一物与另一物“连结”起来,常与to连用。如:I always considered your brother to be connected with the crime.我总是认为你的哥哥和犯罪有关。join在表示“连接”时与link为同义词,指直接连接(两个以上的东西);但在用法上不同,常见的用法是join ... to ...指“把……与……连接起来”。如:The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.岛上有座桥与大陆相连。combine指为某一目的而把两个或两个以上的东西混合在一起。如:They combined the two companies.他们合并了两家公司。


link联接;联系(指不同事物间的联系)。常用be linked with与……有联系linkup (with)联接; 结合Link 和connect 含有一种牢固的连接或附着的意思,但是其中每一组分仍保留其特性Theinterest of his is linked with that of thecountry.他的利益同国家的利益联系在一起。Thenew bridge will link the island to themainland.新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。Thetwo families linked up through the marriage of a daughter andson.那两家因他们子女结为婚姻而联结起来。Thenew company linked with several older ones inself-protection.那家新公司与几家较老的公司联合以保护自己。combine v. (使)联合,(使)结合;n. 联合企业, 联合收割机combine theory withpractice使理论与实践相结合combine hydrogenwith oxygen使氢氧化合acombined operation多兵种联合作战becombined in化合成becombined with与...结合着combinewith...把...与...结合起来unite联合(强调二者组成一个整体以及把分散的部分统一起来)。如:Let"s unite againstthe common enemy.让我们团结起来反对共同的敌人。


comepose, make up



C语言:1、完成函数combine()。 2、在主函数main()中调用combine()。

printf()函数是格式化输出函数系列中比较有具有普遍特点的, 一般用于向标准输出设备按规定格式输出信息。在编写程序时经常会用到此函数。printf()函数的调用格式为: printf("<格式化字符串>", <参量表>);要用printf要加上头文件包含语句#include <stdio.h>print是java才有的不过MSDN上有.这个函数void Print( HDC hDC, DWORD dwFlags ) const;ParametershDC[in] The handle to a device context.dwFlags[in] Specifies the drawing options. You can combine one or more of the following flags: PRF_CHECKVISIBLE Draw the window only if it is visible.PRF_CHILDREN Draw all visible child windows.PRF_CLIENT Draw the client area of the window.PRF_ERASEBKGND Erase the background before drawing the window.PRF_NONCLIENT Draw the non-client area of the window.PRF_OWNED Draw all owned windows. C库里Judge没此函数



combine connect 意思有什么区别呢??

combine 是联合,就是把两个东西结合起来,变成一体的。connect是联系,关联,就是指两者之间有联系、有关系,像打电话交流这种的,两者还是独立的个体






Combined sufficiently with the superiority of Internetr and medium


combine sth with sth




这里是被动式. 如果换成主动语态来说,就是:In summary,we should combine theory with practice.

combine with和combine的区别?

combineAwithB和combineAandB的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.combineAwithB释义:combineAandB是把A和B结合起来。2.combineAandB释义:combineAwithB是把A结合在B上面。二、用法不同1.combineAwithB用法:combine...with...表示“把……结合起来”,且短语前后应该连接两个对等的成分。2.combineAandB用法:combine的基本意思是“联合”“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性,可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化,可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。三、侧重点不同1.combineAwithB解析:combine A with B用于被动式。2.combineAandB解析:combine A and B用于主动式。


combine sth.with sth.

combine with和combine的区别?

combineAwithB和combineAandB的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.combineAwithB释义:combineAandB是把A和B结合起来。2.combineAandB释义:combineAwithB是把A结合在B上面。二、用法不同1.combineAwithB用法:combine...with...表示“把……结合起来”,且短语前后应该连接两个对等的成分。2.combineAandB用法:combine的基本意思是“联合”“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性,可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化,可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。三、侧重点不同1.combineAwithB解析:combine A with B用于被动式。2.combineAandB解析:combine A and B用于主动式。


combineAwithB和combineAandB的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.combineAwithB释义:combineAandB是把A和B结合起来。2.combineAandB释义:combineAwithB是把A结合在B上面。二、用法不同1.combineAwithB用法:combine...with...表示“把……结合起来”,且短语前后应该连接两个对等的成分。2.combineAandB用法:combine的基本意思是“联合”“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性,可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化,可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。三、侧重点不同1.combineAwithB解析:combine A with B用于被动式。2.combineAandB解析:combine A and B用于主动式。


consolidate巩固双语对照词典结果:consolidate[英][ku0259nu02c8su0252lu026adeu026at][美][ku0259nu02c8sɑ:lu026adeu026at]vt.统一; 把…合成一体,合并; 巩固,加强; 合计金额; vi.合并; 统一; 联合; 第三人称单数:consolidates过去分词:consolidated现在进行时:consolidating过去式:consolidated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.We must consolidate and mobilise.train the recruits on the march. 我们必须巩固防线以及战争动员.在3月份训练新兵.combine结合双语对照词典结果:combine[英][ku0259mu02c8bau026an][美][ku0259mu02c8bau026an]v.使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割; combinen.联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派雕塑等拼凑而成的艺术品); 第三人称单数:combines过去分词:combined现在进行时:combining过去式:combined易混淆单词:COMBINE以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you combine the two? 你如何将二者结合起来?


combine A with B 表示使B融入到A中去,A是主体,B是参与者combine A and B 表示使A和B融合,两者没有主次

combined with & combining with 有什么区别?谢谢 离问题结束还有 4 天 1 小时 提问s

这是主被动语态的区别,如将糖和水混合起来,可以说Combining sugar(糖)with the water ,the water taste sweet.或是Combined with sugar ,the water taste sweet.前者就不用说了,后面的是:水被与糖混合在一起,尝起来很甜。一般来说,将combining with 连起来用,中间不加成分,就我遇到的,基本都是错误用法,一般置于句首的话,都用ing形式


combine是联合的意思,侧重指某物与其他事物联成一体,consolidate指整合,侧重指整体consolidate[英][ku0259nu02c8su0252lu026adeu026at][美][ku0259nu02c8sɑ:lu026adeu026at]vt.统一; 把…合成一体,合并; 巩固,加强; 合计金额; vi.合并; 统一; 联合; 第三人称单数:consolidates过去分词:consolidated现在进行时:consolidating过去式:consolidated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.We must consolidate and mobilise.train the recruits on the march. 我们必须巩固防线以及战争动员.在3月份训练新兵.combine[英][ku0259mu02c8bau026an][美][ku0259mu02c8bau026an]v.使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割; combinen.联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派雕塑等拼凑而成的艺术品); 第三人称单数:combines过去分词:combined现在进行时:combining过去式:combined易混淆单词:COMBINE以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you combine the two? 你如何将二者结合起来?

connect, join和 combine 这三个词有什么区别?

如: I always considered your brother to be connected with the crime. 我总是认为你的哥哥和犯罪有关。 join在表示“连接”时与link为同义词,指直接连接(两个以上的东西);但在用法上不同,常见的用法是join ... to ...指“把……与……连接起来”。如: The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 岛上有座桥与大陆相连。 combine指为某一目的而把两个或两个以上的东西混合在一起。如: They combined the two companies. 他们合并了两家公司。 [答] 此句翻译为:我们必须建设自己的生活,为自己思考,为自己说话。speak for oneself表示“自己表达自己的意思”。如: 另外,speak for itself / themselves意为“无需说明;不言自喻”。如: The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上发生的事不用说也很清楚。 speak for yourself表示“你只能代表你自己;你不能代表别人”。如: —We all played very badly. 我们在场上表现得都很差劲。

combine A with B和combine A and B的区别

combine...with...把什么和什么结合起来。可以用主动也可以被动。combine...and...也是把什么和什么结合起来。具体的意思差别不大。主要是还可以combine with表示联合,与什么有关,这里只能用with。






combine的意思是“联合”、“合并”,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,指两个或多个东西“搅拌”、“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性。可用于物理变化,可用于化学变化;可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。有时也指人或人群联合行动或组成更大的团体。 combine的用法 1.用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 (1)The room combines the bedroom and study.这房间兼作卧室和书房。 (2)They combined their efforts to a common end.他们齐心协力去达到共同目的。 2.用作不及物动词 (1)The two things combine very well.这两件事结合得很好。 (2)When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place.当两种或两种以上的元素化合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。 3.combine用作名词的基本含义是集团,联合企业。 (1)The oil combine monopolized the fuel sales of the country. 这家石油联合企业垄断了这个国家的原油销售。 (2)The newspaper combine threatened all the smaller papers. 这家报刊集团威胁者小报社的生存。 combine的短语 (1)combine...against...表示“结合……起来以对付……” They will combine their two companies against their competitors. 他们两个公司将联合起来反对竞争者。 (2)combine...with...表示“把……结合起来”,且短语前后应该连接两个对等的成分。 Only when our theory combines with practice can the former become a reliable knowledge. 只有当理论与实践相结合时,它才变成经得住考验的知识。


combine可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。combine有时也可用作名词,意为联合集团。combine的搭配:combine against、combine sth against sth、combine with。 扩展资料 combine的"例句:Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water(氢与氧化合成水);He was the man who invented the combine harvester(他就是发明联合收割机的人)。


我们在英语中,应该会遇到combine这个单词,那么大家对于combine了解多少呢?知道combine的意思吗?知道combine的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的combine的用法和 短语 _combine的用法及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ combine的解 释 ★ ★ combine的用 法 ★ ★ combine的常 用短 语 ★ ★ combine的用 法例 句 ★ ★ combine的英 语例 句 ★ ▼ combine的解释 v.结合;联合;合并;用联合收割机收割;兼有;化合;为共同目的而联合;同时参与 n.联合企业;集团;联盟;联合收割机;康拜因 第三人称单数: combines 现在分词: combining 过去式: combined 过去分词: combined <<< ▼ combine的用法 combine的用法1:combine的基本意思是“联合”“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性。可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化; 可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。combine有时也可指人或人群联合行动或组成更大的团体。本词着重强调共同的宗旨和目的。 combine的用法2:combine可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 combine的用法3:combine有时也可用作名词,意为“联合集团”“联合收割机”,此时应读作["k?mbaIn] 。combine用作主语时,其谓语动词可为单数,也可为复数。 <<< ▼ combine的常用短语 combine against (v.+prep.) 结合起来以对付 unite against combine sth against sth combine with (v.+prep.) 与…结合 unite with combine with sth combine sth with sth/v-ing <<< ▼ combine的用法例句 1. I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry. 我偏爱加有新鲜水果的精致油酥甜点。 2. Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste. 往面粉里加3大勺水揉成面团。 3. Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish. 把剩下的配料调和好,放到一个盘子里。 4. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats. 碳、氢、氧化合形成碳水化合物和脂肪。 5. I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic struc-tures. 我过去一直在寻找将和声和节奏结合起来的 方法 。 6. Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets. 不同的州或企业集团可以联合起来以扩大市场。 7. Combine the beans, chopped mint and olive oil in a large bowl. 将菜豆、切碎的薄荷和橄榄油放在大碗里搅拌。 8. He will combine the two jobs over the next three years. 今后3年,他将同时兼顾这两项工作。 9. The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance. 那些家具将实用和典雅完美结合。 10. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。 11. The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field. 联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。 12. He was the man who invented the combine harvester. 他就是发明联合收割机的人. 13. Let us combine our firms against our competitors. 让我们把公司联合起来,对付和我们竞争的公司. 14. We must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach. 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来. 15. A somnambulist can happily combine sleep and exercise. 梦游者能把睡眠和运动巧妙地结合在一起. <<< ▼ combine的英语例句 1、A somnambulist can happily combine sleep and exercise. 梦游者能把睡眠和运动巧妙地结合在一起。 2、But why not combine traditions of the past with the innovations of the future. 有什么办法可以把过去的传统和未来的创新结合在一起的呢? 3、He organizes his effort, partly in order that he may combine some other advantage with theadvantage of walking, but principally in order to be sure that the effort shall be an adequateeffort. 他有条有理安排自己的努力,多少是为了把一些其他的益处和散步的益处结合起来,不过主要还是为了确信这番努力是一项令人满意的努力。 4、Combine your errands so you"re not doing any unnecessary driving. 结合您的差事,这样您就不用做一些不必要的驾驶。 5、In this step, you need to combine them in the sequence of test case steps. 在此步骤,你需要在一系列的测试用例中使它们结合在一起。 6、Or take the best aspects of one product and combine it with another product. 或者,拿出一个产品最优势的几个方面,与另一个产品强强联合。 7、You can create something exciting when you combine old stuff and new stuff in the right way,but we"re trying to work with new technologies. 将旧事物和新事物以正确的方式结合,你就可以创造出令人激动的东西,但我们一直在尝试采用新技术。 8、We have found that iterative development is most effective when you combine it with adeliberate balance of early risk reduction and early value creation. 我们已经发现,当您将迭代开发与及早的风险减少和及早的价值创造的谨慎平衡相结合时,它是最有效的。 9、Combine your cardio work out with resistance training and you can burn fat and tone your bodyin one work out. 把有氧运动和耐力训练结合起来,您就可以在一个运动项目里燃烧脂肪同时调理身体。 10、This year, the school added a new master"s program in transportation design, one of only a few in the country, that will combine business classes with design. 今年,学校增设了一个新的交通设计的硕士学位,这是美国仅有的几个同类学位之一,这个学位将结合设计与商业课程。 11、But if the best of what exists in nature can combine into a new form of super rice, that"s definitelysomething. 但如果说将自然界中存在的特性完美地结合培育成一种新型的超级稻,这确实是很了不起。 12、It is also possible to combine responsibilities of several roles into one role or divideresponsibilities of one RUP role among several existing ones. 将若干角色的职责联合为一个角色,或将许多现有的角色中的一个RUP角色的职责分开也是可能的。 13、This allows you to combine and merge XML and relational data. 这允许您联合及合并XML 数据和关系型数据。 14、In these venues, Chinese officials have not hesitated to combine soft power with a bit of muscle. 在这些场合下,中国官员会毫不迟疑地结合它的软实力和一些 其它 力量。 15、If you combine all three -- the enumerator, comparator, and filter -- you can search for specificrecords and return them in sorted order. 如果将这三者 ――枚举器、比较器和过滤器 ――结合在一起,您将可以查找特定的记录,并按顺序返回结果。 <<< combine的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ combine的短语 ★ combine的过去式和用法例句 ★ coast的用法和例句 ★ connect的用法和短语例句意思是什么 ★ combine的第三人称单数 ★ connect的用法和短语例句意思是什么 ★ enlarge的用法和短语例句 ★ master的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ fruit的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


combine指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。combine的音标为英[ku0259mu02c8bau026an ,u02c8ku0252mbau026an];美[ku0259mu02c8bau026an , u02c8kɑu02d0mbau026an]。v.结合;联合;合并;用联合收割机收割;兼有;化合;为共同目的而联合;同时参与。n.联合企业;集团;联盟;联合收割机;康拜因。第三人称单数:combines。现在分词:combining。过去式:combined。过去分词:combined。网络释义:合并;结合;组合;联合;使结合。短语搭配combine with与... 结合;兼具;相结合。combine harvester联合收割机。combine forces联合力量。combine business结合业务;综合业务。combine technology结合技术。Combine相关例句:The combine had cut a deep swathe around the border of the fields.联合收割机在田地周围留下了一条深深的割刈带。Three architects and a planner combine to create a Xanadu.三名建筑师与一名规划师合力创造一座华厦。The capitalists do not need to combine when labour super abounds.当劳动力过剩时,资本家们就不需要联合起来。They leapt at the opportunity to combine fun with fund-raising.他们急切地接受那个将娱乐融入募捐的机会。Their songs combine good music and smart, edgy ideas.他们的歌曲把美妙的音乐和时髦而又先进的理念结合在了一起。


combine英 [ku0259mu02c8bau026an] 美 [ku0259mu02c8bau026an] v.使结合;使化合;兼有;用联合收割机收割n.联合;联合收割机;联合集团;组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派雕塑等拼凑而成的艺术品)词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM8第三人称单数: combines 现在分词: combining 过去式: combined 过去分词: combined


combine A and B 是把A和B组合在一起变成了一件东西,比如说手表手机就是一个手机和腕表的组合. connect A and B,connect A to B,是连接A和B,把A连接到B上,其结果还是两件不同的东西,比如说把手机连到电脑上. link A and B,也是把A和B连接起来,有时可以和connect在同一句子中互换.数学中连接AB两点用link. A related to B,与B相关的A,比如说与政治相关的新闻. contact with/keep in contact with,联系前面的contact 是谓语动词,后面的是名词.主语宾语都是人.与某某保持联系用这个词.

connect, join和 combine 这三个词有什么区别?

如: I always considered your brother to be connected with the crime. 我总是认为你的哥哥和犯罪有关。 join在表示“连接”时与link为同义词,指直接连接(两个以上的东西);但在用法上不同,常见的用法是join ... to ...指“把……与……连接起来”。如: The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 岛上有座桥与大陆相连。 combine指为某一目的而把两个或两个以上的东西混合在一起。如: They combined the two companies. 他们合并了两家公司。 [答] 此句翻译为:我们必须建设自己的生活,为自己思考,为自己说话。speak for oneself表示“自己表达自己的意思”。如: 另外,speak for itself / themselves意为“无需说明;不言自喻”。如: The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上发生的事不用说也很清楚。 speak for yourself表示“你只能代表你自己;你不能代表别人”。如: —We all played very badly. 我们在场上表现得都很差劲。






welcome的名词形式welcome combine的名词 combination 形容词形式combining color的形容词colorful 动词形式 color parade的名词形式 parade party动词形式 party 供你参考,




combinev. 使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割n. 联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派凋塑等拼凑而成的艺术品)compoundn. 场地; 复合物; (筑有围墙的)院子; 复合词vt. 调和; 使混合; 使严重; 调停adj. 复合; [语法学](句子)复合的; 合成的; 多功能的vi. 妥协; 和解; 达成协议; (通过妥协)解决债务、主权等


combine: 使结合;使化合;兼有第三人称单数:combines 现在分词:combining 过去式:combined 过去分词:combined[名词]:combination 复数combinations[动名词]:combining

combine bind bond conjunction 区别,希望有例句





combine 指结合connect指连接

borrow from和 combine有什么区别

borrow from是动词和介词的组合,后面加名词,可以看做及物动词。combine是一个单词,有三种用法,分别可以作为及物动词、不及物动词、名词来使用。borrow from是从某人那里借东西,就是我借别人的,只能作为一个动词。combine作为动词翻译为(使)结合;? 兼备; 使融合(或并存); 同时做(两件或以上的事),是一个使动词,而且可以同时做两件事,也可以作为名词,翻译为联合,组合等。


welcome 的n 还是我welcomecolor的形容词colorful v还是colorcombination 名词 combined 形容词


be composed of 固定搭配,由..组成,选b


combine A with B 将A和B联合;把A与B结合;把A和B结合起来; combine with使联合起来;使结合;结合;与 Combine Regulation综合调整率;老化测试;综合调整率测试;综合调整 rice combine [农机] 水稻联合收获机 corn combine玉米联合收割机;玉米联合收获机 cane combine甘蔗联合收获机 Combine Searches组合检索;组配检索 combine table并台 combine stoping联合式开采 Combine order复合任务以上来源于:WordNet


grasp - grasp ignore - ignorance explode - explosion destroy - destruction decorate - decoration pour - pour declare - declaration combine - combination

combine的搭配 快来看看

1、combine with使联合起来;使结合;结合;与。 2、Combine Regulation综合调整率;老化测试;综合调整率测试;综合调整。 3、rice combine[农机]水稻联合收获机;水稻联合收割机。 4、corn combine[农机]玉米联合收割机;玉米联合收获机;谷物联合收割机。 5、combine table并台。 6、Combine Searches组合检索;组配检索。 7、bean combine豆类罪联合收获机;豆类作物联合收获机。 8、Combine order复合任务;联合采购。

connect, join和 combine 这三个词有什么区别?

如: I always considered your brother to be connected with the crime. 我总是认为你的哥哥和犯罪有关。 join在表示“连接”时与link为同义词,指直接连接(两个以上的东西);但在用法上不同,常见的用法是join ... to ...指“把……与……连接起来”。如: The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 岛上有座桥与大陆相连。 combine指为某一目的而把两个或两个以上的东西混合在一起。如: They combined the two companies. 他们合并了两家公司。 [答] 此句翻译为:我们必须建设自己的生活,为自己思考,为自己说话。speak for oneself表示“自己表达自己的意思”。如: 另外,speak for itself / themselves意为“无需说明;不言自喻”。如: The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上发生的事不用说也很清楚。 speak for yourself表示“你只能代表你自己;你不能代表别人”。如: —We all played very badly. 我们在场上表现得都很差劲。




combineAwithB和combineAandB的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.combineAwithB释义:combineAandB是把A和B结合起来。2.combineAandB释义:combineAwithB是把A结合在B上面。二、用法不同1.combineAwithB用法:combine...with...表示“把……结合起来”,且短语前后应该连接两个对等的成分。2.combineAandB用法:combine的基本意思是“联合”“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性,可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化,可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。三、侧重点不同1.combineAwithB解析:combine A with B用于被动式。2.combineAandB解析:combine A and B用于主动式。



associate 和 combine区别



combine的用法如下:一、combine的解释v. 结合;联合;合并;用联合收割机收割;兼有;;化合;为共同目的而联合;同时参与n. 联合企业;集团;联盟;联合收割机;康拜因第三人称单数:combines现在分词:combining过去式:combined过去分词:combined二、combine的用法用法1:combine的基本意思是“联合”、“合并”,主要指两个或多个东西“搅拌”、“渗透或“混合”在一起,强调已结合成一体,且被结合物已失去各自的特性。可用于物理变化,也可用于化学变化;可用于有形物,也可用于抽象事物。combine有时也可指人或人群联合行动或组成更大的团体。本词着重强调共同的宗旨和目的。用法2:combine可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。用法3:combine有时也可用作名词,意为“联合集团”、“联合收割机”,combine用作主语时,其谓语动词可为单数,也可为复数。


combine的用法如下:1、用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。(1)The room combines the bedroom and study.这房间兼作卧室和书房。(2)They combined their efforts to a common end. 他们齐心协力去达到共同目的。2、用作不及物动词。(1)The two things combine very well.这两件事结合得很好。(2)When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takesplace.当两种或两种以上的元素化合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。3、combine用作名词的基本含义是集团,联合企业。(1)The oil combine monopolized the fuel sales of the country.这家石油联合企业垄断了这个国家的原油销售。(2)The newspaper combine threatened all the smaller papers.这家报刊集团威胁者小报社的生存。

combine incorporate synthesize的区别

combine是联合的意思,侧重指某物与其他事物联成一体;incorporate“把??纳入”、“吸收入”、“合并入”;synthesize合成,综合/化学合成。combine??with??(??与??相结合)。combine侧重指结合、联合。 incorporate指一物或多物收入、并入到某一整体之中,常用结构是:incorporate??into??..。synthesize,主要用作及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时译为“合成;综合”,作不及物动词时译为“合成;综合”。

英文 Combine、Combine with / into 用法与中文意思!看例句搞懂

英文 Combine 用法 ,你都懂了吗? Combine 最基本的意思是指「结合、合并」的意思,而 Combine 后面的介系词,通常可以加 with或是 into。本篇文章也会教学 Combine 完整的用法,如果你还没完全搞懂的话,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧! 下面完整说明 Combine 的各种用法,以及 Combine with、Combine and、Combine into 的用法与中文意思。 Combine、Combine with/into 用法与中文意思 内容目录 1.Combine (使)结合;(使)合并 Combine 最基本的意思是指「结合、合并」的意思,既然是结合,就代表是将两个东西结合起来。 例: You can bine all the ingredients in a bowl. 你可以在碗中结合所有成分。 例: They bined against their mon enemy. 他们联合起来对抗共同的敌人。 2.Combine 兼具,兼有 Combine 还可以用来形容人,兼具两种特质、技能….等等的意思。 例: As a singer, he bined wit and passion. 作为歌手,他融合了机智和 *** 。 3.Combine +with/and 结合 Combine 后面常常与 with 或是 and 连用,表达将两样东西结合起来的意思。 常见句型结构如下: 一、某物 bine with + 某物 例: Hydrogen bines with oxygen to form water. 氢与氧结合形成水。 例: The clay bined with the water to form a thick paste. 粘土与水混合形成粘稠的糊状物。 二、bine + 某物 + and + 某物 例: This is the beer that best bines good taste and a low calorie count. 这是将好口味和低卡路里结合在一起的最佳啤酒。 例: You can bine the milk and eggs in a blender. 您可以在搅拌机中混合牛奶和鸡蛋。 Combine 后面加 with 或是 and ,意思表达的差不多,只是结构稍有不同。 前者:A + bine with + B 后者:bine + A and B bines with 如果要用过去式表达,那就变成 bined with,也就是 A bined with B。 4.Combine into 结合 至于还有一种比较少见的用法是 Combine into,into 是指「从外面进去到里面」的意思,如果你说两样东西 Combine into 成为另外一样东西,通常是造成质的变化,后面变成的那样东西跟前面两样东西完全不同。 例: The clay and the water are bined into a thick paste. 黏土和水混合成浓稠的糊状物。 例: They can be bined into a parallelogram. 它们可以组合成平行四边形。 Combine into 的结构通常是 A and B + be动词 + bined into C,C 这个东西的性质已经跟 A 还有 B 大不相同。 例: The acid and alkali are bined into salt. 酸和碱合并成盐。 上面就是英文 Combine 的各种用法教学啦!赶快学起来,下次就知道怎么用罗。 总结 下面总结 Combine 的各种用法与中文意思。 1.Combine (使)结合;(使)合并 2.Combine 兼具,兼有(前面通常加人) 3.Combine +with/and 结合 常见句型结构如下: 一、某物 + bine + with + 某物 二、bine + 某物 + and + 某物 上面 with 跟 and 通常可以互换。 4.Combine into 结合 Combine into 的结构通常是 A and B + be动词 + bined into C,C 这个东西的性质已经跟 A 还有 B 大不相同。 bine, bine into 用法, Combine 中文, Combine 例句, Combine 意思, bine 用法


combine英[ku0259mu02c8bau026an]美[ku0259mu02c8bau026an]v.使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割combinen.联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派雕塑等拼凑而成的艺术品)网络合并; 组合; 结合第三人称单数:combines现在分词:combining过去式:combined过去分词:combined 双语例句 Women who try to combine work and motherhood试图做好工作又要当好母亲的女性


combine读音:英[ku0259m"bau026an] 美[ku0259m"bau026an]。combine 基本解释:v. 使结合;使化合;兼有;用联合收割机收割combine 变化形式:第三人称单数: combines过去式: combined过去分词: combined现在分词: combiningcombine 用法和例句:It will also combine social search and semantic search .它还将把社会化搜索和语义搜索结合在一起。Can you combine physics and math into one degree ?物理和数学能合并成一个专业?The idea was to combine strengths .该计划的想法是强强联合。Her husband is scraping together money to pay for his combine , seed and fertiliser .她的丈夫正在抠攒着买联合收割机、种子和花费的钱。Mitochondria combine oxygen and nutrients to create fuel for the cells - they are microscopic power generators .线粒体化合氧气和营养物质为细胞制造燃料它们是极其微小的细胞发电机。

combine 英文

combine英 [ku0259mu02c8bau026an , u02c8ku0252mbau026an]美 [ku0259mu02c8bau026an , u02c8kɑu02d0mbau026an]v.(使)结合;联合;混合;兼有;兼备;使融合(或并存);同时做(两件或以上的事);兼做;兼办;合并第三人称单数:combines现在进行时:combining过去式:combined过去分词:combined例句:This inspired her to combine human physiology and technological advances.她的作品每每揉合人类生理和现代科技于一体。n.联合收割机;集团;联合企业例句:This is a tractor and that is a combine.这是一台拖拉机,那是一台联合收割机。


Bing不好用,每次我用必应搜索百度,右上角的那个小窗口总是会说why not bing,感觉好傻哦,你问为什么不直接下个百度,懒得下,都说谷歌好用,可是国内网好像用不了谷歌吧。听说谷歌要回归中国市场,嗯……需要些时间吧

Combined Nomenclature是什么意思


双名法 binomial nomenclature



在LS-DYNA中,binout文件是LS-DYNA生成的二进制输出文件,其中包含了模拟计算过程中的各种结果信息。其中,rz表示Z方向的旋转变形信息,用于描述模拟过程中物体绕Z轴旋转时的相对角度变化。可以通过在 LS-Post 中打开 binout 文件并选择 $RZ$ 变量来查看这些信息,从而更好地理解设备或零件的旋转变形情况以及同实物的相对位置变化等。

simulink wind turbine在哪里


Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

I want to buy a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.

求binbang的loser 的中文歌词

LOSERBIGBANG | M作词 TEDDY , T.O.P , G-DRAGON 作曲 TEDDY , 太阳编曲 TEDDY LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M Auc194uc9c1ud788 uc138uc0c1uacfc ub09c uc5b4uc6b8ub9b0 uc801 uc5c6uc5b4说真的 我和这个世界从来就不曾融洽ud640ub85cuc600ub358 ub0b4uac90 uc0acub791 ub530uc708 ubc8cuc368 uc78aud600 uc9c4uc9c0 uc624ub798对孤独的我来说 爱情这种东西 我早就已经遗忘很久了uc800 uc2dcuac04 uc18duc5d0在这段时间里ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 ubabb ub4e3uaca0uc5b4 ud76cub9dducc2c uc0acub791 ub178ub798再也无法听那些充满希望的情歌ub108ub098 ub098ub098不管是你 还是我uadf8uc800 uae38ub4e4uc5ecuc9c4 ub300ub85c uac01ubcf8 uc18duc5d0 ub180uc544ub098ub294 uc2acud508 uc090uc5d0ub85c就只是顺从地照著剧本嬉闹的悲伤小丑ub09c uba40ub9ac uc640ubc84ub838uc5b4我已经走得太远I"M COMING HOMEuc774uc81c ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08ub798 uc5b4ub9b4 uc801 uc81cuc790ub9acub85c现在我想再一次回到 年幼时的那个原点uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 ub09c从什麼时候开始 我ud558ub298 ubcf4ub2e4 ub545uc744 ub354 ubc14ub77cubcf4uac8c ub3fc比起天空更常望向地面uc228uc26cuae30uc870ucc28 ud798uaca8uc6cc就连呼吸都觉得吃力uc190uc744 ubed7uc9c0ub9cc uadf8 ub204uad6cub3c4 ub0a0 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuc9c8 uc54aub124虽然伸出了手 却没有任何人愿意抓住我 I"M ALOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M Aubc18ubcf5ub418ub294 uc5ecuc790ub4e4uacfcuc758 ub0b4 uc2e4uc218一而再再而三的和女人们重演我的失误ud558ub8fbubc24uc744 uc0acub791ud558uace0 ud574 ub728uba74 uc2ebuc99d一整夜相爱著 一旦太阳升起就感到厌烦ucc45uc784uc9c0uc9c0 ubabb ud560 ub098uc758 uc774uae30uc801uc778 uae30uc068不负责任的 我那自私自利的愉悦ud558ub098 ub55cuc5d0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub9dduac00uc838ubc84ub9b0 uc9c0uae08为了一个人而让一切毁灭的现在uba48ucd9c uc904 ubaa8ub974ub358 ub098uc758 uc704ud5d8ud55c uc9c8uc8fc曾经不懂得停下脚步的我那危险的极速奔驰uc774uc820 uc544ubb34ub7f0 uac10ud765ub3c4 uc7acubbf8ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uae30ubd84现在无论是什麼都觉得无趣的心情ub098 ubcbcub791 ub05duc5d0 ud63cuc790 uc788ub124我独自一人待在悬崖的尽头I"M GOING HOMEub098 ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08ub798 uc608uc804uc758 uc81cuc790ub9acub85c我想再一次回到从前的那个原点uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 ub09c从什麼时候开始 我uc0acub78cub4e4uc758 uc2dcuc120uc744 ub450ub824uc6ccub9cc ud574害怕起人们的视线uc6b0ub294 uac83uc870ucc28 uc9c0uaca8uc6cc就连哭泣都觉得烦uc6c3uc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc uadf8 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0a0 uc54cuc544uc8fcuc9c8 uc54aub124虽然笑著 却没有任何人愿意理解我 I"M ALOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c镜子里的我ud30cub780 uc800 ud558ub298uc744 uc6d0ub9ddud558uc9c0 ub09c埋怨著那湛蓝天空的我uac00ub054 ub0b4ub824ub193uace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc838时常想要就那样抛下一切I WANT TO SAY GOOD BYEuc774 uae38uc758 ub05duc5d0 ubc29ud669uc774 ub05dub098uba74在这条路的尽头结束徬徨的话ubd80ub514 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6ub294 ucc44ub85c希望能够没有後悔ub450 ub208 uac10uc744 uc218 uc788uae38能安然地阖上双眼LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M ALOSERI"M A LOSERI"M A LOSERI"M A LOSER

combining 和compounding的不同

combinev. 使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割n. 联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派凋塑等拼凑而成的艺术品)compoundn. 场地; 复合物; (筑有围墙的)院子; 复合词vt. 调和; 使混合; 使严重; 调停adj. 复合; [语法学](句子)复合的; 合成的; 多功能的vi. 妥协; 和解; 达成协议; (通过妥协)解决债务、主权等

binomdist函数,如果参数是true,是什么意思,可不可以详细说下,最好举例说明,谢谢 ( excel)


德语中是 ich bin eingeladen.还是 ich werde eingeladen.


求德语翻译大虾,翻译lafee的Ich Bin Ich的歌词翻译


ftisland《bingbingbing》译音歌词 急急急

紧紧按耐的心在看到她的时候还是激动不已了心脏好像要掉出来一样怦怦直跳了数万人中 我只看得见她了我好像入迷了对上眼的瞬间就让我停止呼吸了一对我笑我就六神无主了世上没有比她更美的女孩了我好像沦陷了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了紧紧抓着双手 我好像心醉了甜美的声音让我六神无主了打过招呼 已经是成功的一半了我要恋爱了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 我六神无主了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了

ftisland《bingbingbing》译音歌词 急急急

紧紧按耐的心在看到她的时候还是激动不已了心脏好像要掉出来一样怦怦直跳了数万人中 我只看得见她了我好像入迷了对上眼的瞬间就让我停止呼吸了一对我笑我就六神无主了世上没有比她更美的女孩了我好像沦陷了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了紧紧抓着双手 我好像心醉了甜美的声音让我六神无主了打过招呼 已经是成功的一半了我要恋爱了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 我六神无主了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了

ftisland bingbingbing的罗马音歌词

F.t Island - Bing Bing Bing Maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoShimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyoSumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyoNan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyoNalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyoSesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyoBok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayoDalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoInsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypNan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaOntong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya

亲们: 谁有ftisland的bingbingbing的罗马歌词,喜欢喜欢,不胜感谢呐。么么

*Bing Bing Bing*maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoshimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyosumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyonan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyonalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyosesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyobok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayodalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoinsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypnan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya

现在正在正在自学德语,求大虾解答一个有关现在完成时的问题---Ich bin & Habe ich

德语一个原则是动词二位,就是说动词一定要放在句子的第二个成分的位置,比如说我今天没时间,可以说Heute habe ich keine zeit或者说ich habe keine zeit heute.第二个位置一定要动词,如果第一位不是主语,一般动词后紧跟主语,如第一句话,在完成时中,助动词是haben和sein,用sein是指从一种状态到另一种状态,比如说睡着(从醒到睡)死(从活到死),其余情况用haben p.2


转换点读包。dab格式点读包转换bin通过转换点读包。DAB是MP2音频编码格式,也就是卫视节目通常采用的编码方式(MPEG Audio Layer Ⅱ),而DAB+则是AAC+,即MPEG-4 aacPlus(HE AAC v2)音频编解码技术。



海贼王里娜美 乌索普 乔巴 山治 robin 的英文介绍~~

NamiNami (ナミ ?) is the crew"s 18-year-old(vol.4e p.28) navigator and the second to join.(vol.11j p.67) She has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather up to the point of sheer She is also an excellent Her dream is to draw a complete map of the Nami is voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi in the OVA and by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, she is voiced by Alison Lestor (Season 1) and Cindy Creekmore (Season 2) for Odex, Kerry Williams for 4Kids, and by Luci Christian for Funimation.She grew up as a troublemaker in an town called Cocoyashi Village with her adopted older sister Nojiko, and her foster mother, Bellemere. Bellemere was a mikan farmer and a former Marine soldier. After a battle, Bellemere was at the edge of death until she heard a baby (Nami) carried by a wandering little girl (Nojiko). At that moment, Bellemere gained a new will to live, and decided to take them in as her own. One day, the Fishmen Pirates led by Arlong invaded the island and claimed it as their In order for the villagers to live, they had to pay for their lives. Every month, they would have to pay fifty thousand berri per child, while each adult would cost a hundred thousand berri. Bellemere, unable to pay for the whole family, paid only for her daughters and as a result, was killed in front of them. Nami gets angry when she is interrupted (she silence people with violence) and will do any thing when she hears the word money in it. But even so, she cares for her companions. When she first met Luffy she thought of him as a goof ball but, as the story progresses, she begins to think of him differently (she will support him occasionally).ch.78 When Arlong found out about Nami"s exceptional skills in cartography, he asked her to join his crew. Nami decided to join after he said that she could buy her village with 100 million Nami spent eight years drawing maps for Arlong and stealing treasure from pirates in order to save the Eventually, she meets Luffy and Zoro and decides to join After the Straw Hats meet Sanji, she steals the Going Merry and runs back to the They follow her to the village and remove Arlong from power by Nami then agrees to join the Straw Hat Pirates as their has fought with a total of three weapons over the series, the first being a regular Bo staff. The second one is a three part climate changer called the Climatact (Climate Baton in the English manga and Weather Forcer in the 4Kids dub). This weapon allowed her to control different aspects of the climate, such as making thunder clouds and mirages. The third is a perfected and more powerful version called the Perfect Climatact. Usopp designed both Climatacts for her, the first during the Alabasta arc and the second during the Water 7 arc.UsoppUsopp (ウソップ ,Usoppu?) is the crew"s 17-year-old marksman(vol.4e p.28) and the third to He is a chronic liar, talented inventor and has notable artistic talent, shown in his painting of the Straw Hat"s Jolly Roger and crafting of detailed snow sculptures. Usopp"s dream is to become a "brave warrior of the sea".ch.100 According to a recent Japanese fan poll in the Shonen Jump magazine, Usopp is the 6th most popular character.(vol.43j p.215) In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males.[2] Usopp is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jamie Meldrum (Season 1) and Chuck Powers (Season 2) for Odex, Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kids, and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.Usopp is a talented inventor, creating the Clima Tact for Namich.168 and the dial-upgraded Perfect Clima Tact. Prior to Franky joining, he is the crew"s acting carpenter and patches up the caravel Going Merry (ゴーイングメリー号 ,Gōingu Merī?, Merry Go in the English manga and 4kids Dub) whenever it"s damaged. Usopp has outstanding marksmanship abilities with his slingshot and his remarkable accuracy often surprises his enemies. He utilizes extremely varied ammunition, including rotten eggs, hot sauce, pepper, shuriken and powerful explosives. Using his self-developed weapon, Kabuto, a slingshot connected to the end of a long staff, Usopp is even able to out range guns. Usopp"s father, Yasopp, left to become a pirate when Usopp was still very young. Some time after this, Usopp"s mother died. After Luffy, Nami, and Zoro help him defeat Kuro"s pirates, who were intent on raiding his home village, Usopp is inspired by the three, and decides to go out to sea and to follow his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea". Throughout the story Usopp continues to act cowardly and remains one of the weaker fighting powers of the Straw Hats. This leads him to feeling inferior and after an argument over the fate of the Going Merry on Water 7 he leaves the Straw Hat crew. He dons a mask in order to anonymously help save Robin, however and later, after many tears and an apology, rejoins the crew.SanjiSanji (サンジ ?) is the crew"s 19-year-old(vol.7e p.46) chef and the fourth to join.(vol.8e p.105) He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience,ch.58 therefore he will never refuse someone a He has a strong sense of chivalry, because of which, he will never harm a woman, even if he Sanji also seems to keep this code regardless of a woman"s His dream is to find the All Blue, a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the Sanji is one of the most popular One Piece characters, as he ranked third in a recent Japanese fan poll.vol.43j p.214) Sanji is also a very skilled fighter who uses only kicks. He said that this is because a chef"s hands are his most prized possessions and should not be risked in He was trained by the once infamous pirate and chef "Red Foot" Zeff, who had been to the Grand Line His fighting style"s name is taken from the alias of "Red Foot" Zeff, Sanji"s mentor and developer of the style. Sanji"s most powerful ability is Diable Jambe, which involves rotating at high speeds, heating his leg via friction until it glows red-hot. This powerful ability enhances his kick and literally burns his opponent when it connects. The more Sanji uses his kick, the more his legs are damaged, but the legs would heal after time. Oda states this is because Sanji"s heart burns even hotter.vol.44j p.146) A unique attack to Sanji would be his beautification attack (Parage Shot!), which he rearranges the victim"s face physically with a flurry of kicks, as demonstrated against chef Wanze. With several kicks to the face, Wanze"s face changed to resemble one would expect from the protagonist of a shojo manga. This skill is shown again many chapters later on Iron Mask Duval. As an expert chef, Sanji is capable of preparing almost any dish imaginable, while holding to a strong sense of the aesthetics of cooking. Sanji is also skilled in fighting with kitchen knives, as demonstrated against Cipher Pol chef He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.20 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Joe Murray (Episodes 1-67) and Paul Pistore (Episodes 68-104) for Odex,[citation needed] and David Moo for 4Kids,ep.19 and by Eric Vale for Funimation.[citation needed]Tony Tony ChopperTony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー ,Tonī Tonī Choppā?) is the crew"s 15-year-old(vol.19e p.26) doctor and the fifth to join. He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human properties by eating the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実 Hito Hito no Mi). He is capable of conversing with humans and animals alike. He is very naive and has a tendency to believe anything told to him. And he is incapable of hiding his feelings. His dream is to create a cure for all the world"s diseases. When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless.[3] An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper"s character as one of the best in the series, and said he was able to be both touching and funny.[4] In the most recent Japanese Fan Poll, Chopper is the fourth most popular character.(vol.43j p.215) Chopper is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Emlyn Morinelli for Odex, Lisa Ortiz for 4Kids, and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.Chopper is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit user, giving him the ability to almost instantly transform into the animal type of the designated fruit. All Zoan types are able to transform into three unofficially named forms: Original form, Were-form, and fruit/beast form. Chopper is unique since he was an animal first and ate the Human-Human Fruit to become human. His first form, the Original form, is that of a blue nosed reindeer. His second form, Were-form, in proportions are quite similar to that of a human child, but has antlers and hooves among other things. This is Chopper"s most common form. The third form, the beast form, gives him a werehuman-like appearance, giving him great mass, strength and height. It is the most human form he can assume, as it leaves him with only a reindeer-like face and body fur to distinguish him from real human beings. Ironic because it is technically his beast form. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball, which allows him to transform into four additional transformations to use over a three minute period.(vol.22j p.126) These forms focus certain parts of his body to improve his physical abilities. If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he can"t control his transformations; if Chopper uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into monstrous version of himself and loses self-control. This form is called Monster Point and is extremely powerful, but also has the adverse effect of draining Chopper"s life force. This was how he defeated one of the CP9 members. When he awakens he does not remember anything done during the form"s destruction.Nico RobinNico Robin (ニコ・ロビン ,Niko Robin?) is the crew"s 28 year old archaeologist and the sixth to join. She is extremely intelligent, having taught herself archaeology and to decipher the extremely difficult Poneglyph language at a very young age. Her dream is to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph, an ancient stone telling a long lost part of history(the Void Century), which is considered a crime against the World Government. Robin values ancient artifacts and buildings, and she will risk her life to protect them. She has vast knowledge of the world of One Piece, and usually keeps her head during surprising situations, allowing her to logically analyze them without losing her cool. Robin is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, she is voiced by Natasha Malinsky for Odex, Veronica Taylor for 4Kids, and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.Robin has the abilities of the Flower-Flower Fruit (ハナハナの実 Hana Hana no Mi), allowing her to create copies of any of her body parts on any solid surface that she can see, such as her own body, on the bodies of others, on objects, or even the replicated limbs themselves.(vol.45j p.68) In battle, she most often employs grappling techniques to incapacitate her foe; by replicating her limbs on their body, she eliminates the need for close range combat. The most often employed techniques thus far are using her hands to hold the foes limbs together or in place, or in a more cruel attack, spawning multiple limbs from the opponents body and bending their spinal columns till breakage. On Thriller Bark island, she reveals that she is able to replicate her arms into a pattern resembling wings, which allow her to fly for up to five seconds. If Robin"s replicated body parts are damaged in some way, the damage appears on her actual body.(vol.29j p.26)Robin was raised on the island Ohara with her Uncle"s family after her mother, Nico Olvia, leaves the island to study the lost history of the world. Her abilities cause most of the other residents of the island to call her a demon, though she is welcomed by her mother"s colleagues. She eventually meets Jaguar D. Saul, a giant vice admiral who defects from the marines becoming her first real friend. Soon after, her mother returns with the marines close behind her, and the island and its inhabitants are bombarded and slaughtered. Aokiji, a close friend of Saul, kills Saul for his defecting, and decides to spare Robin and monitor her closely, though she has a high bounty placed on her head because of her knowledge. She eventually works with various pirates in order to survive, including joining with Sir Crocodile as "Miss All Sunday" until he is defeated by Straw Hat Luffy. She then decides that since Luffy saved her life and she has nowhere else to go she joins the crew. After many adventures with the crew, Robin grows a strong feeling for them especially after the events of Enies Lobby.

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amalgamate一般指公司或集团的联合,合并。是动词mixture指混合物,可以是很多不同的人,物,感觉或者主意等。是名词。combine可做动词,指使结合,指如果你使不同的东西,主意等等结合起来后,他们就会出现一个整体,或者可以一起工作;也可作名词,表示联盟,联合体。或同样表“联合”,如combine harvester联合收割机。希望我的解答能使你满意。

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