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尽心医治病人 treat patients wholeheartedlywir always dedicate wholeheartedly to patients 总是全心全意为患者We treat patients wholeheartedly without asking for anything in return我们全心全意医治病人,不求回报。




如下:D:hello,Mr.green.come in and sit down.医生:格林先生,请进,请坐。G:hello,doctor.病人:医生。D:What "s the matter?医生:你怎么了?G:I"ve got a stomachache.病人:我胃疼。D:Do you often have stomachache?医生:你经常胃痛么?G:No,I don"t.I"ve never had one before.病人:不,我想我以前从来没有过。D:When did it start?医生:什么时候开始的?G:About half days ago.病人:大约一半天前。D:What did you eat?医生:你吃过什么吗?G:Let I think.Oh I have a cup of expired milk.病人:让我想想.我好像喝过一杯过期的牛奶。D:Well.That"s probably why.Go home and rest in bed for two days,then you"ll feel better.医生:哦.这应该就是原因了吧.回家卧床休息两天,然后你会感觉好的。G:Can you give me some medicine?It"s very painful.病人:你能给我一些药吗?这是很痛苦的。D:Yes ,I will give you some medicine.If your stomach still hurt tomorrom,then come to here.医生:是的,我会给你一些药.如果明天你的胃还疼的话,那么来到这里。G:OK.I will.thank you .病人:好的。D:You are welcome.医生:不用谢。写作:想写好作文,必须具备扎实的基本功,作文的基本功主要体现在词、句、段三个方面。单词方面,积累单词,扩大词汇量,弄清词的确切用法及相似词的用法区别,以及很多固定短语、习语的用法,要准确地表达想要表达的意思。句子方面,注意一些常用的句式,平时看到比较好用的句式要记下来,多模仿,还要在写文章时注意长短句的结合。段落方面,注意整篇文章的整体布局,要从整体上把握每段的中心思想,避免偏题、走题。



关于安慰病人的英文,谁有这方面的例句?不胜感激! 比如.您现在感觉好点了吗?

英语 安慰病人 我们都期盼你病愈归来. We"re waiting for your return. 我敢保证你会开始感觉好起来. I guarantee you"ll start to feel good. 你很快就会好起来的. You"ll soon be all right. 别担心,你两天之内就会痊愈的. Take it easy,you will be all right in a couple of days. 别那么说,你会好起来的. Don"t talk like that.You"ll be all right. 听说您的手术很顺利,我心中的一块石头真正落了地. It is a load off my mind finally to learn today from your wife that you had a successful operation. 少抽烟,你就会很快好起来. Cut down on your smoking.And you"ll get over it soon.


-hello,Dr Jin.good moring.-Hello,Bob.Good moring.what up?-Not bad.But i had a hard cold.yesterday.And i am feeling not so good.weakness.-What a poor boy.Don"t worry about it .drink much more water than usual and please take more sleep.You will be OK then.All right?-Ok.Thank you very much.-My pleasure.See you.


patient 英 ["peɪʃnt]     美 ["peɪʃnt]    n. 病人副词: patiently词汇搭配attend patient 照料病人 bleed patient 给病人抽血 diet patient 规定病人的饮食 examine patient 检查病人例句:用作名词 (n.)The patient began to gain ground as soon as she had good food.这位病人饮食一好,她的病情就开始好转了。The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation.病人病情严重,现接受持续观察。扩展资料:近义词的用法invalid 英 [ɪn"vælɪd]     美 [ɪn"vælɪd]    n. 病人;残疾者副词: invalidly 名词: invalidity 过去式: invalided 过去分词: invalided词汇搭配bedridden invalid 卧床不起的病人 permanent invalid 长期病人用作名词 (n.)Nobody looks after the invalid.没人照顾这个病人。He never fully recovered, and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid.他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一名残疾者度过余生。


前段时间刚看过这部电影,感触挺大的,帮你找了找。下面是小说的介绍,他们说电影和小说有区别,不过我看了下感觉差不多。Hana, a young Canadian Army nurse, lives in the abandoned Villa San Girolamo in Italy, which is filled with hidden, undetonated bombs. In her care is the man nicknamed "the English patient," of whom all she knows is that he was burned beyond recognition in a plane crash before being taken to the hospital by a Bedouin tribe. He also claimed to be English. The only possession that the patient has is a copy of Herodotus" histories that survived the fire. He has annotated these histories and is constantly remembering his explorations in the desert in great detail, but cannot state his own name. The patient is, in fact, László de Almásy, a Hungarian desert explorer who was part of a British archaeological group. He, however, chose to erase his identity and nationality.Caravaggio, a Canadian who served in Britain"s foreign intelligence service since the late 1930s, was a friend of Hana"s father, who died in the war, having been a pilot whose plane was shot down. Caravaggio, who entered the world of spying because of his skill as a thief, comes to the villa in search of Hana. He overheard in another hospital that she was there taking care of a burned patient. Caravaggio bears physical and psychological scars; he was deliberately left behind to spy on the German forces and was eventually caught, interrogated and tortured, his thumbs having been cut off. Seeking vengeance three years later, Caravaggio (like Almásy) is addicted to morphine, which Hana supplies.One day, while Hana is playing the piano, two British soldiers enter the villa. One of the soldiers is Kip, an Indian Sikh who has been trained as a sapper or combat engineer, specializing in bomb and ordnance disposal. Kip explains that the Germans often booby-trapped musical instruments with bombs, and that he will stay in the villa to rid it of its dangers. Kip and the English Patient immediately become friends.Prompted to tell his story, the Patient begins to reveal all: An English gentleman, Geoffrey Clifton and his wife, Katherine, accompanied the patient"s desert exploration team. The Patient"s job was to draw maps of the desert and The Clifton"s plane made this job easier. Almásy fell in love with Katherine Clifton one night as she read from Herodotus" histories aloud around a campfire. They soon began a very intense affair, but in 1938, Katharine cut it off, claiming that Geoffrey would go mad if he discovered them. Geoffrey, however, did discover the affair when he tricked her into thinking he was out of town for the day (wanting to surprise her for their first wedding anniversary) and saw Katherine getting into a car on her way to Almásy.When World War II broke out in 1939, the members of the exploration team decided to pack up base camp and Geoffrey Clifton offered to pick up Almásy in his plane. However, Geoffrey Clifton arrived with Katharine and tried to kill all three of them by crashing the plane, leaving Almásy in the desert to die. Geoffrey Clifton died immediately; Katharine survived, but was horribly injured. Almásy took her to "the cave of swimmers," a place the exploration team had previously discovered, and covered her with a parachute so he could leave to find help. After four days, he reached a town, but the British were suspicious of him because he was incoherent and had a foreign surname. They locked him up as a spy.When Almásy finally got away, he knew it was too late to save Katharine, so he allowed himself to be captured by the Germans, helping their spies cross the desert into Cairo in exchange for gas and a car to get back to Katherine. After leaving Cairo, his car broke down in the desert. He went to the cave of swimmers to find Katharine, and retrieved her body and took it to the crashed plane, which had been buried under the sand. He tried to fly back to civilization, but the plane malfunctioned during flight. Almásy parachuted down covered in flames which was where the Bedouins found him.Caravaggio, who had had suspicions that the Patient was not English, fills in details. Geoffrey Clifton was, in fact, an English spy and had intelligence about Almásy"s affair with Katharine. He also had intelligence that Almásy was already working with the Germans.Over time while Almásy divulges the details of his past, Kip becomes close to Hana. Kip"s brother had always distrusted the West, but Kip entered the British Army willingly. He was trained as a sapper by Lord Suffolk, an English gentleman, who welcomed Kip into his family. Under Lord Suffolk"s training, Kip became very skilled at his job. When Lord Suffolk and his team were killed by a bomb, Kip became separated from the world and emotionally removed from everyone. He decided to leave England and began defusing bombs in Italy. Kip"s best friend, a British Army sergeant is killed in a bomb explosion.Kip forms a romantic relationship with Hana and uses it to reconnect to humanity. He becomes a part of a community again and begins to feel comfortable as a lover. Then he hears news of the atomic bomb being dropped on Japan. He becomes enraged. He feels deceived and betrayed by the western world that he had tried to assimilate to. He threatens to kill the English Patient, but instead decides to leave the Villa.For some time after their separation, Hana wrote Kip letters, but he never responded. She eventually stopped. Years later Kip is happily married with children and is a successful doctor; however, he still often thinks of Hana.这是电影的介绍,觉得不够详细但还是贴出来:The film is set during World War II and depicts a critically burned man, at first known only as "the English patient", who is being looked after by Hana, a French-Canadian nurse in a ruined Italian villa. The patient is reluctant to disclose any personal information but through a series of flashbacks, viewers are allowed into his past. It is slowly revealed that he is in fact a Hungarian geographer, Count László de Almásy, who was making a map of the Sahara Desert, and whose affair with a married woman ultimately brought about his present situation. As the patient remembers more, David Caravaggio, a Canadian thief/intelligence operative, arrives at the monastery. Caravaggio lost his thumbs while being interrogated by officers of the German Afrika Korps, and he gradually reveals that it was the patient"s actions that had brought about his torture. 你说的那段没找到。要找这部电影的话,用迅雷去gougou.com里下。