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you can‘t make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。 es nothing. 无中不能生有。 nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 nothing is impossible to a e to the mountain, then the mountain must go to mohammed. 山不就我,我向山行。 i am the master of my fate; i am the captain of my soul. 做自己命运的主人及灵魂的统率。 boy"s, be ambitious. 年轻人应胸怀大志。 birth is much, but breeding is more. 出身重要,教养更重要。 all things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。 英语名言佳句_英语名言名句108句带中文翻译 1 It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone but an eternity to forget someone. 迷上某人只需一分钟,忘记某人却是一辈子的事. 2 If etimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest. 有时候你能做的最紧急重要的事情就是彻底休息. Ashleigh Brilliant 13 Do as most men do and men e,but idleness is pernicious. 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。 27 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴爱河的人都是诗人. 28 The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan orroorroter than ten hearsays. 百闻不如一见. 99 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成. T.Fuller 富勒 100 The road is tortuous,but the future is bright. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的. 101 Danger past,God forgotten. 飞鸟尽,良弓藏. 102 e, easy go. 易得者亦易失. Hazlitt 赫斯特 108 It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. 一个人如何死是无关紧要的,重要的是如何生. S.Johnson 约翰逊 青春励志名言佳句 名言佳句 1、青年是路程的柱石。青年是路程果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。——宋庆龄 2、青春是多麽美丽!发光发热,充满了彩色与幻想,是书的第一章,是永无终结的故事。──朗费罗 3、青年是革命的柱石。青年是革命果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。──宋庆龄 4、真诚个性的基石,若不在青年时代稳固地奠定,以后那基石上必将永远有一个脆弱之点。──戴维斯 5、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。——爱因斯坦 6、青年的敏感和独创精神,一经与成熟科学家丰富的知识和经验相结合,就能相得益彰。——贝弗里奇 7、青年人充满活力,像春水一样丰富。——拜伦 8、青年人比较适合发明,而不适合判断;适合执行,而不适合磋商;适合新的计划,而不适合固定的职业。——弗培根 9、呵,青年人理想多么崇高,立志追求真理,无论是生还是死,呵!莫回首,莫泄气。——罗·布里奇斯 10、创造一切非凡事物的那种神圣的爽朗精神总是同青年时代和创造力联系在一起的。——歌德 11、青春时期的任何事情都是考验。──史蒂文森 12、在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。──奥斯特洛夫斯基 13、天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。——《孟子·告子下》 14、你们这些生在今日的人,你们这些青年,现在要轮到你们了!踏实在我们的身体上面向前吧。但愿你们比我们更伟大、更幸福。——罗曼·罗兰 15、自信和希望是青年的特权。──大仲马 16、青年是一个美好而又一去不可再得的时期,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。──加里宁 17、生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望信心和青春。——奥斯特洛夫斯基 18、一个人的青春时期一过,就会出现像秋天一样的优美的成熟时期,这时,生命的果实像熟稻子似的在美丽的平静的气氛中等待收获。──泰戈尔 19、有人说青春就是批判的年华,这种说法并不夸张。这种批判的特点是很高的积极性和很强的原则性。——苏霍姆林斯基 20、青年是生命之晨,是日之黎明,充满了纯净、幻想及和谐。——席德布郎 21、对一个年轻人来讲,最令人惊异,最令人舒畅之事,莫过于在一位老人身上发现精神的青春。——莫洛亚 22、老年时最大的安慰莫过于意识到,已把全部青春的力量献给了永不衰老的事业。——叔本华 23、如果你浪费了自己的年龄,那是挺可悲的。因为你的青春只能持续一点儿时间——很短的一点儿时间。——王尔德 24、要紧的事情是别浪费你的青春和元气。——契诃夫 25、不管有了成就也好,还是有了虚荣心也好,不管是讽刺别人也好,还是我自己爱情的痛苦也好,总之,在欢乐与悲伤中,温暖的青春光辉仍然在照耀着我。——海塞 26、自信和希望是青年的特权。——大仲马 27、精力充沛的青春,是不怎么容易灭亡的。——卡罗萨 28、世界上没有再比青春更美好的了,没有再比青春更珍贵的了!春天就像黄金,你想做成什么,就能做成什么。——高尔基 29、初恋——那是一场革命:单调、正规的生活方式刹那间被摧毁和破坏了;青春站在街垒上,它那辉煌的旗帜高高地飘扬——不论前面等待着它的是什么——死亡还是新的生活——它向一切都致以热烈的敬意。——屠格涅夫 30、青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及!——权德舆 31、所谓天才,只不外是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。——鲁迅 32、呵,青年人理想多么崇高,立志追求真理,无论是生还是死,呵!莫回首,莫泄气。——罗?布里奇斯 33、不幸的遭遇可以增长人的见解,改善人的心地,锻炼人的体质,使一个青年能够担当起生活的责任,同时能够知道怎样享受人生,这是在富裕的环境中所受的教育万万不能达到的。——斯末莱特 34、一个青年要是相信他日后必定成个不朽的文学家,他心里自然会感到无比的快慰;这可以说是人生再甜蜜不过的时刻。这种抱负的确是很高贵,然而可惜的是:根基往往是太不牢靠了。——马克吐温 35、青春是美妙的,挥霍青春就是犯罪。——萧伯纳名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《英语名言佳句:Boy"s,:be:ambitious》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 抒情优美佳句 专题。

Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん 罗马文歌词

Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious 作り笑颜とかなんか 上手く出来ない 不器用でも毎日を 楽しめる 恋人と居る时间 とても幸せ 终电とか数えると 梦が覚めてく 抱きしめてね 寂しいその时だけは 抱きしめてね 今は 大丈夫だから HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか みんなだって 同じ 一人じゃないぜ JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious 夏祭りだけはなんか 出かけたくなる いろんなの 颜见てて 饱きないみたい 抱きしめてね お互い様なんだから 抱きしめてね すぐに 飞んでいくから HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか 明日だって 同じ 晴れわたるから JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 口付けの 仪式 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を広げたら 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか 明日だって 同じ 晴れわたるから JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を広げたら 口付けの 仪式 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious [Tak/Ko/Ni] tsukuri egao to ka nanka [Og/Mi/Tan] umaku dekinai [Yo/Ka] bukiyou demo mainichi wo [Fu/Ku] tanoshimeru [Tak/Ko/Ni] koibito to iru jikan [Og/Mi/Tan] totemo shiawase [Yo/Ka] shuuden to ka kazoeru to [Fu/Ku] yume ga sameteku dakishimete ne samishii sono toki dake wa [Ni/Mi] dakishimete ne [Ka/Ku] ima wa [Yo/Ko/Og/Fu] daijoubu dakara HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] yashinteki de iin ja nai ka minna datte onaji hitori ja naize JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious [Yo/Ka] natsu matsuri dake wa nanka [Fu/Ku] dekaketaku naru [Tak/Ko/Ni] ironna no kao mitete [Og/Mi/Tan] akinai mitai dakishimete ne otagaisama nan dakara [Ni/Mi] dakishimete ne [Tan/Ku] sugu ni [Yo/Tak/Ko/Og] tonde iku kara HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] yashinteki de iin ja na ka ashita datte onaji hare wataru kara JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] tenshi no hane wo hirogetara kuchizuke no gishiki Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] yashinteki de iin ja na ka ashita datte onaji hare wataru kara JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] tenshi no hane wo hirogetara kuchizuke no gishiki Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious

ambitious是贬义词还是褒义词? aspirant的形容词形式常用吗? 还有一些问题在下面


boys be ambitious的罗马拼音歌词

Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mamoritainda Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga Kimi ga sugu soba ni ite kureru Sore dakede gambareru Boku no sabishisa wo suikonde Hohoemi ni shite kureru Yowai kokoro wa ky? Miero ni natte Boku no kimochi Madowasu kedo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mitsumetainda Yume wo *Unmei nanka taiatari shite Kitto kaerareru Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Shinjitainda Itsumo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku wo matteta hito ga Kimi ga ochikonde megetetara Zenryoku de ataeru yo Ima no boku ni shika dekinai koto Akiramezu tsumikasane Soshite kokoro no tabi ga Tomodachi yori mo Motto tsuyoi futari ni suru Zutto hitotsu no h⴯ de Yakusoku suru yo Kimi ni Kimi no kokoro no itami wa minna Boku no itami dayo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Dakishimetai yo Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga *重复两遍


prefix + un -> unambitious; or shiftless





ambitious 的名词形式是什么?







是褒义词ambitiousadj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的,雄心勃勃的,有野心ambitious streak 一向雄心勃勃Ambitious Moments 远志铭念


ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful. 雄心勃勃的例:Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.克里斯是如此雄心勃勃,如此坚决地要把它做完。2.ADJ An ambitious idea or plan is on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully. 宏大的例:The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.这个宏大的项目在仅仅9个月之内就完成了。


ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful. 雄心勃勃的例:Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.克里斯是如此雄心勃勃,如此坚决地要把它做完。2.ADJ An ambitious idea or plan is on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully. 宏大的例:The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.这个宏大的项目在仅仅9个月之内就完成了。一般说法是superwoman,powerful woman,alpha female/woman,able woman ,incredible woman。 heroine多为女英雄,少时也有女强人之意。 workaholic就是工作狂。iron woman/lady铁娘子,我觉得是专指撒切尔用的。Office Lady 只是那种时尚的职业女性Business Superwoman 商界女强人还有我看电影美剧里常常有的说法是:She"s kind of a diva in our field. diva口语常指那种牛人,大人物She"s a real man-eater(or a bitch on wheels). man-eater和a bitch on wheels :当某女在某领域太强了,以至于人们都不惜用讽刺性语言形容她强..


ambitious的读音为:[æmˈbɪʃəs]。一、单词解释1、ambitious:有雄心的;有野心的;费力的;耗资的。2、双语释义有野心的;有雄心的:determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.;having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc.费力的;耗资的;耗时的:needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed;showing or resulting from a desire to do sth difficult or sth that demands great effort, great skill, etc.二、双语例句1、Mr. Lin is an ambitious businessman.林先生是个有雄心的生意人。2、I ought to do something a bit more ambitious.我应当做些更有雄心的事。3、They ventured on an ambitious program of reform.他们冒然采取一项野心勃勃的改革计划。4、The ambitious boy learned very quickly.那位有抱负的少年学得很快。

ambitious 翻译

ambitious的翻译为:adj.有抱负的,野心勃勃的;费劲的,艰巨的;热望的【比较级和最高级】比较级 more ambitious最高级 most ambitious【例句】(1)He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery. 他雄心勃勃,而且很喜欢听恭维话。(2)He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery. 他雄心勃勃,而且很喜欢听恭维话。

ambitious 是什么意思

adj.有雄心的; 有野心的; 费力的; 耗资的;

帮忙翻译:They have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.3Q


What are your professional ambitions and goals? 求高手提供模板或自己写的 追加最高分 谢谢了

Civil engineers develop, design and monitor the building of various structures such as roads, bridges, utility systems and buildings. Civil engineers deal in many facets of business and engineering, such as the environment, architecture, transportation and technology. Jobs in civil engineers seemed to be on the increase in the 2009 with the increase in demand for better infrastructure and a growing population. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a civil engineer was $78,560 in 2008.EducationMany, if not all, civil engineers are required to have a bachelor"s degree in engineering if they would like to move up in their field. Education requirements also consist of taking and passing the fundamentals of engineering exam. Many high-level jobs in the field require the candidate to have at least a master"s degree in engineering, a physical science or business administration. Professional associations provide educational resources, such as seminars, lecture series and classes.ConsultingA civil engineer"s career aspirations may consist of working for a consulting firm, which assists construction firms, businesses and municipalities in their engineering endeavors. A small consulting firm can be a place where a civil engineer quickly moves up the ranks to management where they are responsible for overseeing projects and the firm"s overall well being. In larger consulting firms, a civil engineer career goals can flourish through opportunities in the technical, managerial and business development roles that they can play. A larger firm can provide a place where a civil engineer can hone in on an interest area and become an expert in that arena.Business and IndustryCivil engineers are needed in manufacturing, pharmaceutical and technology industries. Civil engineers in these sectors assume roles that involve the managing of facilities, project development and oversight, and developing and deploying goods and services to the consumer. Civil engineers are also employed in the retail, real estate, educational, energy and health care sectors.ConstructionCivil engineers are always needed by the construction industry to develop and manage projects, processes and people. In addition, civil engineers who aspire to work for a construction firm can also look at the administrative side of the business. This includes business development, human resources, marketing, safety, risk management and quality control. Positions within construction firms include project engineers, field engineers, superintendents, directors and owners.Public SectorCivil engineers may also find a career path with a municipality, such as a village or city. In these capacities, they may be responsible for overseeing utility, construction and road projects. Civil engineers may also work for agencies and departments on a state or federal level. These jobs can involve engineering of projects or the consulting on projects for the private and public sector.

they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitious or love of comfort不太明白,谁来解释一下

他们无拘无束。既不追逐卑鄙的名利,也不贪图生活的安逸。另外是ambitionshave not=don"t have

( ) 26.If you have ________ ambition, you need to work hard to realize it. A./ B.a D.the




是fulfill one"s ambitions还是accomplish one"s ambitions?

都可以比如come develop your career and accomplish your ambitions jaken wonders if someday she can fulfill her ambitions

请帮忙写关于"Dreams and Ambitions"为题的短文,谢谢

it is not difficult to imagine a world shorn of ambition. it would probably be a kinder world:without demands,without abrasions,without disppointments.peaple would have time for reflection.such work as they did would not be for themselves but for the would never enter in!

求达人们帮忙,新编大学英语unit12 ambition 课文翻译,我列出几段

4我说的是什么意思,野心,在大梦没有限制你的期望值和你的希望。我不太喜欢很具体的,可实现抱负,你学的课程所教导的career-strategy作者如何跺跺你的成功之道。我喜欢野心勃勃,表明世界上还能开在任何时间,在工作和运气和决心。第二本书能获得了成功。未来的研究项目可能会导致一些美妙的。下个好点子,能改变历史。 5当然,最终你不得不停止了新生。你的雄心壮志,你限制变得更加实际,对你的潜力,你聪明的事物的能力,你的人生会举行。有时候你靠近你想做的事,却发现它看起来更好的从很远的地方。我是大一新生时,说实话,我想是珍,进入丛林,研究猴子和学习东西没有人曾经的梦想。这个想法是基于一个感兴趣的生物学和几个国家地理频道电视特色;原来没有足够的基础。有许多其他早期的野心,没有成功。我不是注定要活下去的野生动物,充满冒险的生活,独自旅行到所有最奇异的世界,留下一串破碎的心。哦,你已经长大了,至少有一点。 6最糟糕的事情之一野心能做的就是告诉你,你失败了。这个世界充满了卷尺、书籍和文章会告诉你在哪里,你应该在你的年龄,某某人多年的做你所做的。几乎我们所有的人都来处理这个巨大的成功,会有更多的朋友,那些不知从哪里开始,但是现在我们前面,college-alumni杂志到每两个月就没有失败,所以我能够找出毕业两年以后,我做的,但是现在运行一个突破性的诊所在一所重点大学医院(和我只是完成我的居住权!)谁是恢复令人难以置信的大厦高度理想海边小镇里升职,谁又因自然光彩和产业

mean ambitions课文翻译的是卑鄙的名利,love of comfort课文翻译的是生活的舒适

我的理解是mean在这里作为“刻薄”理解,“刻薄的抱负”引申一下就是那种不太好的名利对吧?love of comfort是“对舒适的爱”,意思是说只喜欢让自己过得舒服,也就是贪图享乐,追求的只是生活愉悦,【再想一想应该也是要批判享乐主义,鼓励年轻人用于冒险,跳出舒适圈,探索未知吧】



bigambitions 什么意思?

big ambitions大的野心例:This empty spot is, however, full of big ambitions.然而,这个空地上充满大野心。

mean ambition

这句话很简单啊,是你自己搞复杂了. they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions 他们没有一味地沉溺于卑劣的野心 to 后面是名词,不是动词不定式.to 在这里的意思是“为了”.


野心 雄心

with strong ambitions的中文意思是什么?

中文意思是:很有抱负(进取心)、或者很有野心具体是抱负还是野心、褒义还是贬义,得结合上下文来看ambition:n.1. 雄心, 抱负[U][C]Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。2. 野心[U][C]3. 追求的目标[C]Her ambition was to become a film star.她一心追求的是做电影明星。vt.1. 【口】有…野心; 追求名复: ambitions

野心英语翻译ambitions, ambitions的缩写是什么?



名词 n.1.雄心,抱负[U][C]Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家.2.野心[U][C]3.追求的目标[C]Her ambition was to become a film star.她一心追求的是做电影...



野心英语翻译ambitions, ambitions的缩写是什么?



Ambition相近的单词:wild ambition;careerism



英语作文 My Ambition


为什么一个短语有ambition加s一个不加 求解释谢谢



【æmˈbɪʃən】 及物动词.表示 追求,有...野心.

求高中英语作文my ambition

my ambition My ambition is to become a teacher.As a child,I had many dreams,but becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be.During the class,I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction,and act as teacher‘s helper.I think teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior.There are many crimes and disorders in our society,as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed.If I can be a teacher,I definitely will ask my students be a honor and useful person.The goal of our life is to help each other and reach the harmony happiness.I hope my ambition and dream can come true.I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the future.


achieve、reach, onesmart aids

ambition 可数吗?

不可数ambition 抱负,野心 抽象名词 往往都为不可数名词


答:不是,ambition的基本意思是“抱负,雄心,野心”,强调以个人的成就为目的,可用于褒义或贬义。可指值得称赞的志向和雄心,也可指无限制的野心。 ambition 泛指“雄心;野心”时,多用作不可数名词;指具体的志愿或理想时,可用作可数名词;作“抱负;热望

帮忙写个英语作文,400字 题目:ambition (说说雄心组成了我们的生命了,你认同吗 ) 标注清段落

Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.    First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.   In the second place, ambition can bring one"s potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one"s dormant potentials. Without ambition one"s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon.    Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, one"s ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.   To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful. In my mind"s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.优点:1.充足的事实论据2.结构清晰3.语言驾驭能力好

帮忙写一个关于My ambition的英语作文 我的志愿是当一名教师100个词就行急!

My ambition is to become a teacher.As a child,I had many dreams,but becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be.During the class,I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction,and act as teacher‘s helper.I think teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior.There are many crimes and disorders in our society,as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed.If I can be a teacher,I definitely will ask my students be a honor and useful person.The goal of our life is to help each other and reach the harmony happiness.I hope my ambition and dream can come true.I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the future.


ambition 名词 抱负,追求的目标


有些词语没有相应的词性变化所以就没有写. 名词 动词 形容词 副词 ambition ambition ambition ambitious ambitiously patience patience 无 patient patiently Observe observation observe observant observantly survival survival survive surviving 无 Appeal appeal appeal appealing appealingly Dramatic dramatics dramatize dramatic dramatically Explorer exploration explore exploratory exploringly prepare preparation prepare preparatory preparedly courage encourage encourage courageous courageously 有些词语的形容词副词等有几种变法,意思有时候也大相径庭,所以只取其中一个.




my ambition My ambition is to become a musician. As a child, I had many dreams, but becoming musician is the most thing I want to be. During the musical class, I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction, and act as teacher‘s helper. I think musician has more influence on people‘s mind and behavior. There are many crimes and disorders in our society, as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed. If I can be a musician, I definitely will ask myself be a honor and useful person and educate them by the music. The goal of our life is to entertain and help the others and reach the harmony happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can come true. I am willing to study hard and become a musican in the future. 可以仿写


therefore 因此, 为此, 所以。这是个副词,不是什么特殊用法。这句是个省略,完整的应该是: There is a strong view that holds (这个不对吧,不是holds,要么to hild,要么holding) that success is a myth, and to hold / holding ambition therefore is a sham. 从句是个并列结构,因为主语和结构相同,所以必须省略,以免罗嗦。整句意思就是:大家都普遍认为,这事如果成功简直就是神话,怀有这种抱负只不过是虚伪,作秀。


ambitions 英[æm"bɪʃənz] 美[æm"bɪʃənz] n. 抱负( ambition的名词复数 ); 渴望得到的东西; 追求的目标; 夙愿; [例句]Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests.政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。




ambition 可以理解为"雄心",或"野心" 看你表达褒义还是贬义了.


是ambitionsn. 野心;雄心;抱负(ambition的复数形式);理想ambition [æm"biʃən] n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向vt. 追求;有…野心例句But they and others are also said to harbour presidential ambitions of their own.但他们和其他人也表露过自己怀有争取总统的雄心。希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...






Ambition人称安掌门,又叫抗华勇士,之前是cj战队的中单选手,现在转型为打野选手。Ambition这位韩国中单老将,在S2初期出道,与快速星被称为S2韩国两大中单。在世界范围内有一定人气,在AZB.BLAZE出任中单位,后BLAZE被收购后,在CJ.blaze担任中单。江湖人送称号安掌门。我也不知道,为什么我跟中国队交手,就变得暴躁。来自安必信WCG战后回忆录。功勋:1.在IG韩国联赛称霸的时候,也就是所谓的龙争虎斗杯, Ambition率领的BLAZE,干净利落的打了一个3:0将IG送回家。16岁的姿态,三盘全被安掌门压在塔里,游走都不行。Ambition靠着他的韩国人气勉强获得了去13年全明星的资格,证明了他比中国那位掌门强的事实。你可以看到,他用卡牌压了若风皎月100刀,在打野不怎么干预的情况。在诺言配合PDDGANK 安必信的时候,安必信临危不乱,一张黄牌加Q带走诺言,丝血极限点灯笼躲过微笑那致命的一枪。CJblaze2:0 OMG 2场碾压局,在面对S3 OMG中上野那中国最无情的三人时候, Ambition就像他的名字一样,雄心万丈,豹女像是真正的猎手,无情的猎杀着那些中国选手。虚空行者,游走在虚空之中,不留下一丝机会。S3中国第一中单无状态在面对 Ambition时,如临大敌,犯下了许多不该有的失误,还曾戏耍OMG中野2人组,灵活的豹子不断挑逗着灵药,最后精确的一标带走了OMG。








名词 n. 1. 雄心,抱负[U][C] Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家.2. 野心[U][C]3. 追求的目标[C] Her ambition was to become a film star. 她一心追求的是做电影明星. 及物动词 vt. 1. 【口】有...野心;追求




ambition的形容词 ambitious 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的; ambition n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向; vt. 追求;有…野心 扩展资料   It was the realization of his greatest ambition.   这就实现了他的宏伟抱负。   In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.   在我年轻时我的抱负曾是当一名发明家。   They were not the only ones to have brains and ambition.   他们并非仅有的有头脑、有抱负的人。   She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition.   她很聪明,但却缺乏远大志向。

realize one"s ambition


英语同义词辨析——ambition, aspiration, desire(愿望)

可用于褒义或贬义,后面接of 或者动词不定式 例 His ambition of getting a higher position was not achieved.一般用复数,褒义,接for 或动词不定式 例 He knew nothing about their aspiration for the future.一般指有强烈的目的和意图,接动词不定式、for或者that从句 例 My friend has a strong desire to win.

wale的 ambition歌词



It was the realization of his greatest ambition. He was corrupted by power and ambition. Even when I was young I never had any ambition. 扩展资料   Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.   她父亲在工作中找到了施展抱负的机会。   My real ambition was to work in a circus.   我的`真正理想是在马戏团工作。   The young boy was burning with a fierce ambition   这个年轻人怀有极其远大的抱负。


岳不群华山掌门 若风we中单被称若不群 简称掌门 后来中单习惯称呼掌门 就和adc封皇一样 安掌门当年打中单

my ambition英语作文和中文翻译

在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我收集整理的my ambition英语作文和中文翻译,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 my ambition英语作文和中文翻译 篇1 My ambition is to become a teacher. As a child, I had many dreams, but becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be. During the class, I pay more attention to teacher‘s instruction, and act as teacher‘s helper. I think teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior. There are many crimes and disorders in our society, as many of outlaws come from broken family and human‘s greed. If I can be a teacher, I definitely will ask my students be a honor and useful person. The goal of our life is to help each other and reach the harmony happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can come true. I am willing to study hard and become a teacher in the future. 我的志向是当一名教师。作为一个孩子,我有很多梦想,但成为老师是我最想做的事情。在课堂上,我更加注重老师的指导,并作为老师的助手。我认为老师对孩子的思想和行为有更多的影响。在我们的社会中有很多犯罪和疾病,因为歹徒许多来自破碎的家庭和人类的贪婪。如果我是一名教师,我一定会问我的学生是一个荣誉和有用的人。我们人生的目标是互相帮助,达到和谐的幸福。我希望我的志向和梦想能实现。我愿意努力学习,将来成为一名教师。 my ambition英语作文和中文翻译 篇2 Whatever a mans status is , he must have an aim. If not, he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world. That stands to reason. However important fame and wealth may be, we must not let them bee our object in life. We should aim at doing something useful to the society. If my aim can e true, i hope to be a teacher. However, teaching is by no means an easy thing. I must apply myself closely to my studies so as to be able to cope with my duties . 译文: 不论人是什么身份,他必须有一个志向。如果没有的话,他很难立足于世上。那是显而易见的。 不论名利如何重要,我们切不可让它们成为我们生活之目标。我们应当志在做一些对社会有益的事情。 如果我的志向能实现的话,我就希望成为一个老师。然而,教书并不是一容易的事情。我必须专心学业以便能应因我的职责。 my ambition英语作文和中文翻译 篇3 I have always wanted to be an engineer because my father is an engineer. I wanted to be a qualified scientific worker like my father. Even when I was four or five years old, I tried to build various houses and palaces with my toy bricks. When I was in school, I studied very hard. I was one of the best students in my class. My grades in every subject were excellent. Now I am a college student. I am doing my best to learn all I can that is necessary for an engineer to know about. I am confident that I can make my contributions to our country in the near future with what I have learnt. 我一直想成为一名工程师,因为我的父亲是一名工程师。我想做一名合格的科学工作者,像我父亲一样。甚至在我四岁或五岁的时候,我试着用我的玩具砖建造各种房屋和宫殿。 当我在学校的时候,我学习很努力。我是我班最好的学生之一。我的成绩都很优秀。 现在我是一名大学生。我尽我所能,学习我所能做的一切,我所能做的就是一个工程师需要了解的事情。我相信我能在不久的将来为我国的国家做出贡献,我所学到的。 my ambition英语作文和中文翻译 篇4 Whatever a man"s status is (may be), he must have an aim. If not, he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world. That stands to ver important fame and wealth may be, we must not let them become our object in life. We should aim at doing something useful to the my aim can come true, I hope (wish) to be a teacher. However, teaching is by no means an easy thing. I must apply myself closely to my studies so as to be able to cope with my duties (as a teacher). 无论一个人的地位是什么(可能是),他都必须有一个目标。如果不是这样,他几乎不能在世界上靠自己的两只脚站立。这代表着重要的名声和财富,我们绝不能让它们成为我们生活中的对象。我们应该以做一些有用的事情为目标,我的`目标可以实现,我希望(希望)成为一名老师。然而,教学绝不是一件容易的事。我必须将自己紧密地投入到我的学习中,以便能够应付我的职责(作为老师)。 my ambition英语作文和中文翻译 篇5 i have always wanted to be an engineer because my father is an engineer. i wanted to be a qualified scientific worker like my father. even when i was four or five years old, i tried to build various houses and palaces with my toy bricks. when i was in school, i studied very hard. i was one of the best students in my class. my grades in every subject were ecellent. now i am a college student. i am doing my best to learn all i can that is necessary for an engineer to know about. i am confident that i can make my contributions to our country in the near future with what i have learnt. 我一直想成为一名工程师,因为我父亲是一名工程师。我想像我父亲一样成为一名合格的科学工作者。甚至在我四五岁的时候,我就试着用我的玩具砖建造各种各样的房子和宫殿。 当我在学校的时候,我学习非常努力。我是班上最好的学生之一。我每门学科的成绩都很好。 现在我是一名大学生。我正在尽我所能学习工程师所需的一切知识。我相信我能在不久的将来用我所学到的为国家做出贡献。




ambition       谐音:安币醒                  英 [æm"bɪʃ(ə)n]                         美 [æm"bɪʃ(ə)n]  名词. 野心,雄心,抱负,志向动词. 热望网络. 雄心壮志,志气


The origin of an English word can and should be studied in English only, not in any other languages.

of ambition



在古罗马时期,你如果想谋求官职,就得像现代人一样去参加竞选。为了赢得竞选,候选人需要花费大量时间和精力来向公众宣传自己。除了常见的雇人贴标语、发传单等手段外,候选人往往还得亲自上阵,在街头四处奔走,拉拢群众,以求在选举时得到更多选票。 如果你穿越到古罗马的街头,也许能目睹这样的场景:身穿一身白色长袍的候选人,在助手们的簇拥下,在城市的广场和街道上游走。当拥有投票权的罗马公民从远处走近时,助手们会赶紧在蜡板上写下此人的姓名,示意给候选人看。候选人就会像老朋友一样大声招呼此人的名字,热情洋溢地迎上去攀谈起来。当然,醉翁之意不在酒,嘘寒问暖几句话后,最后总会提到自己准备竞选某个职位,请你多多关照,投票时别忘了投他一票。 在拉丁语中,这种行为就被称为ambitio。进入英语后演变为英语单词ambition。它由前缀amb-(四处、周围)加词根it-(走)及名词后缀-ion组成,字面意思就是“四处奔走”。 在古罗马人看来,这种四处拉选票的行为很不光彩,有贿赂舞弊的嫌疑。古罗马人曾经制定了专门的法案,来惩罚这种拉票行为。人们还把这种拉票行为看作是政治野心的表现,所以ambition这个单词原本一直含有贬义色彩,表示人的政治野心。 不过到了现在,单词ambition的贬义色彩已经消失,变成了一个中性词,既可以表示“野心”,也可以表示“雄心、志向”。它的形容词形式是ambitious,意思是野心勃勃的、有雄心壮志的。 ambition:[æm"bɪʃ(ə)n] n.野心、雄心、抱负 ambitious:[æm"bɪʃəs]adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;有抱负的;热望的


文/周少 1 最近,英雄联盟S7世界总决赛在北京鸟巢落下帷幕。 最终,出乎广大英雄联盟玩家、媒体的预料,三星3:0战胜卫冕冠军SKT夺冠。 纵观活跃在英雄联盟世界赛场上的职业选手,尤其是那些从英雄联盟初期就走过来的老将,能坚持到S7的所剩无几。 他是《英雄联盟》2017全球总决赛资历最老的选手之一,这也是他连续第二次踏入全球总决赛的舞台。 他就是传奇老将 Ambition ,我们口中的 安掌门 ,就是这样的一位“电竞活化石”。 2 我们或许能看见这些选手夺冠后的喜悦,却不知道他们背后默默付出了多少努力。 姜灿荣,ID:Ambition(安掌门)韩国英雄联盟职业选手,出生于1992年10月27日。 相比Uzi这些天才少年,Ambition出道可算晚了。 Ambition,2011年末在MIG出道,担任Blaze分队的中单。 任何一个选手都有一颗冠军梦,显然Ambition是一位幸运儿。 2012年就随着MIG Blaze击败了兄弟战队MIG Frost拿下了第一届OGN春季赛的冠军,但Ambition此时并不起眼。 而Ambition第一次为人熟知是在当年的BattleRoyal韩国擂台赛决赛上。IG的中单选手姿态几乎压制了当时所有的韩国中单,最后Ambition站了出来,决赛带领Blaze3:0击败了IG,保住了韩国中单的颜面。 大家都以为会顺风顺水了,但没想到之后国内选拨憾失S2总决赛资格,刚刚崭露头角,正意气风发的Ambition恐怕不会想到,自己通往总决赛的道路竟会走得如此艰难。 这一切也让他想明白了,路还远,唯独只有努力训练才能离梦想更近一些。 2013年是Ambiton职业生涯的巅峰,可惜却只有短短一瞬。IEM7战胜Frost夺冠,获得职业生涯第一个国际赛事冠军。 随后在2013OGN春季赛中, Ambition被誉为当时韩国国内第一中单。 同时许多新人中单已经开始崛起,Ambition也在一场常规赛中被当时刚出道的新人中单Faker多次单杀,但丝毫不影响2013年上海全明星赛的投票,Ambition成为2013年韩国全明星队的中单选手。 在全明星,决赛击溃LPL全明星队的比赛中,Ambition用LPL队选手若风的成名英雄卡牌大师,让LPL知道了韩国卡牌的恐怖实力。 Ambition用佛挡杀佛的方式让广大英雄联盟观众记住了他的ID。 同年的WCG2013上,Ambition再次用自己的出色发挥,为自己赢得了 “外战奇侠” 的称号。 在国际舞台上风光无限的背后,却在韩国国内屡屡成为新人中单的背景板。 全明星赛后的OGN春季赛决赛,被Dade所带领的Ozone击败,0:3吞下失利的苦果。 夏季赛战绩不佳,也仅以积分最后一名进入2013年全球总决赛韩国区冒泡赛,在第一轮中0:3负于Ryu率领的KTB无缘全球总决赛。 随着战绩不佳的原因,Ambition也在2014年坠入了生涯的低谷期。 虽说是一名老将了,但赛场上没有年龄这一说,在联赛中,Ambition不仅被老对手Faker,Ryu,Dade所压制。 同时Pawn,Rooike这些新人的出现更加让中路的Ambition显得那么的苍白无力,体会到竞技赛场的残酷。 在OGN大师赛上,重压之下Ambition的诡术妖姬出现重大失误,“一秒五飞”成为了众人的笑柄,这让他更加饱受批评,当初的韩国第一中单就此沦落了吗? 争议继续围绕着Ambiton的中路生涯,这一年Blaze战绩不佳,Ambition也继续无缘全球总决赛。 随后冰火合并,CJ的两支俱乐部组成了CJE,中单位置也由Frost的Coco担任。 此时 出人意料的是,安掌门并没有离队而是转型出任了CJE的打野。 换位使安掌门换发了第二春,2015年夏季赛,Ambition在饱受争议中出任打野位置,但出乎意料,这个位置确非常适合他。 然而夏季赛战绩一般,冒泡赛失利,再次无缘全球总决赛的Ambition选择了离开CJE,加入了SSG。 2016年春季赛,SSG虽然是曾经的全球总决赛冠军队伍,但却是一支彻头彻尾的重组战队。 引入Ambition是SSG的一个重大决策,Ambition的加入使SSG整支队伍的运营和决策有了很大提高,但队伍过于依赖打野的节奏,这让他们仅仅在春季赛中取得第六名的成绩。 这丝毫不影响Ambition,夏季赛终于赢来了Carry打野的版本,常规赛SSG表现优异,Ambition有如涅槃重生,在打野位上找到了Carry的感觉。 随后S6全球总决赛选拔赛,面对KT超级无敌战舰。 “没有什么可失去的,这次一定要赢。” 在与KT的冒泡决赛赛前采访中,Ambition发出这样的言论。 最终,Ambition也突破命运的捉弄,3:2战胜KT,终于站在了个人第一次全球总决赛的舞台上。 随后,我们都知道S6总决赛SSG与SKT苦战五场,最终败北…. Ambition冠军梦想失之交臂。 3 时间来到S7,作为韩国第三号队伍安掌门所率领的SSG在小组赛被RNG双杀后,更是许多人都感慨SSG水平一般,安掌门水平有限。 唯独只有胜利才能赢得掌声,让那些看不起的人闭嘴。 8强赛的第一天,安掌门就用自己的表现做出了最有力的回击。3-0,零封淘汰了公认的最强战队LZ,并且在这三场比赛中,基本上每场都呈现出了碾压之势。 随后4强赛,安掌门用酒桶和盲僧两个英雄,在野区展现了自己的风采。 3-1淘汰WE进入了北京全球总决赛,真正的追梦人拿到了去鸟巢的门票。 总决赛面对三届世界冠军霸主SKT,去年的老冤家,Ambition并不胆怯。 在采访中Ambition说: 以前觉得,拿出他们没有面对过的阵容跟他们打才有胜算吧? 但我们打过第一把和第二把的时候,反而觉得使用这些阵容,会让自己打的力不从心。 留下了这类想法的遗憾。 还不如用硬实力来分出胜负,会不会赢面更大一点。 所以这次就当作我们实力更强,以这种心态来准备的话 不管输赢 即使输了,即使输了,应该也不会留下遗憾! 果不其然,Ambition所带领的SSG出乎所有人的预料,干净利落的3:0干掉了卫冕冠军SKT。 我们常想到一句话:老兵不死。 从备受期待的新人选手到经验丰富的老将,从第一中单到转型打野,一次又一次倒在国内预选赛、总决赛,这个传奇老将终圆梦北京,实现了自己的梦想。 随后,感动的一幕发生了,英雄联盟的乔丹Faker赛后也泪洒赛场,宣告着一代新王的登基! 4 俗话说: 每个成功的人背后都有一个默默支持的女人! Ambition也不例外,在今年3月15日宣布和他长跑四年的女朋友Solji Maeng宣布订婚。 Ambition也常在媒体面前说:在CJ战队一度沦落谷底时,是他的女朋友鼓励他走出阴影,在三星战队找到了第二春,去年还帮助队伍打进了全球总决赛,赢下了世界亚军。今年总决赛赛后面对主持人任栋的采访,Ambition也是直言不忘自己的老婆。 Ambition说: “这一切很不真实,应该是我两年的努力才是我们获胜最重要原因,感谢所有人感谢我的老婆我爱我的老婆。 既然作为一个职业选手一定要把自己能做的事情都做了,我现在打了5、6年终于达到我的目标了。” 如今作为一位传奇老将的Ambition可谓是名利荣誉美人全收,堪称人生赢家! 愿得一人心,白首不分离! Ambition都圆梦了,我们国内赛场的这些老将: 厂长、UZI、无状态、平野绫、姿态等,我想国内广大观众也真的希望你们的梦想也能圆梦成功,S8英雄联盟冠军是中国的,你们会做到吗?




ambitiousness和ambition的区别是意义不同、读音不同。ambitiousness:英 [æm"bɪʃəs] 美 [æm"bɪʃəs]    n.雄心;壮志;不凡的抱负。ambition:英 [æmˈbɪʃn] 美 [æmˈbɪʃn] n.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;雄心;志向;抱负。v.热望,热望 语气更正面积极。



ambition 为什么叫安掌门


以my ambition 为题写英语作文

My ambition is to become a doctor.As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don"t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.II have the belief that my ambition would come true. I am looking forward to some day coming when I am like a proud doctor , which can save people and change their life .
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