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《The Blockadeof Phalsburg》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Blockade of Phalsburg an Episode of the End of the Empire》(Erckmann-Chatrian)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5mm5书名:The Blockade of Phalsburg an Episode of the End of the Empire作者:Erckmann-Chatrian页数:318

《Blockade Billy》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Blockade Billy》([美国] 斯蒂芬·金)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: p9kv书名:Blockade Billy作者:[美国] 斯蒂芬·金出版年份:2010-4页数:112内容简介:Even the most die-hard baseball fans don"t know the true story of William "Blockade Billy" Blakely. He may have been the greatest player the game has ever seen, but today no one remembers his name. He was the first--and only--player to have his existence completely removed from the record books. Even his team is long forgotten, barely a footnote in the game"s history.Every effort was made to erase any evidence that William Blakely played professional baseball, and with good reason. Blockade Billy had a secret darker than any pill or injection that might cause a scandal in sports today. His secret was much, much worse... and only Stephen King, the most gifted storyteller of our age, can reveal the truth to the world, once and for all.Originally published through Cemetery Dance Publications on April 20, 2010 as a $25.00 limited-edition hardcover, Stephen King and Cemetery Dance have made an arrangement with Scribner to make available a less expensive hardcover edition of Blockade Billy, with an on-sale date of May 25th, the same date the audiobook goes on sale. The Scribner edition will be available in all U.S. and Canadian retail outlets. Both the Scribner book and the Simon & Schuster audiobook will feature a bonus short story ("Morality").


blockade [英]blu0252u02c8keu026ad [美]blɑ:u02c8keu026ad n. 封锁;封锁部队;障碍物,阻碍物 vt. 实行封锁;阻塞,挡住 [例句] Even the information blockade is crumbling. 甚至信息封锁也开始崩溃。blockage [英]u02c8blu0252ku026adu0292 [美]u02c8blɑ:ku026adu0292 n. 堵塞,堵塞物;[医](心理)阻滞;封锁(状态);妨碍 [例句] If banks continue to be a blockage , firms may look for a way around them. 如果银行依旧是个妨碍,那么企业可能会另辟蹊径。

blockade runners中文翻译

Han solo , retired general and diplomat from the new repubpc , was the grand marshal for the 93rd blockade runners derby . solo himself was a three - time winner of the race 汉?索罗作为新共和国的退休将军和政治家,担任了第93届“封锁穿越舰德比大赛”的总指挥。索罗本人则曾在大赛中三度夺魁。 He had crafted the mask simply because he thought vader would need a means of breathing when he crossed over from his star destroyer to the captured rebel blockade runner at the start of a new hope 他绘制这个面具,仅仅是因为他认为维德在《新的希望》开头从星际驱逐舰穿行至被俘获的义军“封锁突破者”飞船时需要一种呼吸工具。 When darth vader first burst on the scene in 1977 , storming into the rebel blockade runner amid *** oke , stormtroopers , and blaster fire , it was impossible to think of him as anything but the ultimate villain of star wars 1977年,当达斯?维达最初出现在银幕上,伴著烟雾、暴风突击队和激光枪的光束,大步走进反抗军偷越封锁线飞船的船舱时,除了把他看成《星战》中的头号反派外,让人很难再做他想。


两者都有阻碍的意思blockade (对某地的)封锁block 一大块;街区;(大楼)栋,座,幢;障碍物,堵塞物;阻挡


blockade 英[blu0252u02c8keu026ad] 美[blɑ:u02c8keu026ad] n. 封锁; 封锁部队; 障碍物,阻碍物; vt. 实行封锁; 阻塞,挡住; [例句]Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads罢工的卡车司机们同意解除对主干道的封堵。