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这个词语是形容词:再生的,复活的,更新的,re+born ,re 代表重复,再一次。born代表出生



Slayer的《Reborn》 歌词

歌名:Reborn歌手:Mai作词: 舞 作曲: SiZK今闇が解けて朝はまた新しい时间を刻み始めるよ仆を呼ぶ声が闻こえて长い眠りからそっと目を覚ますつらい过去も决して无意味なものはないその全てがあり“今”があるほら気付けば雨は止み云间からやわらかな光が差し込む深く伤ついた胸さえ月日が経てば愈されているから目を闭じて背中に风を集めなら心を解き放ち飞び立とう强い想い一つその胸の中にいつでも抱き缔めていけたらどんな自分にでもなれるはず求め続けていれば梦はきっと本当に现実になってゆくいつの日か...始まりも终わりも自分ま决めるの未来はこの手の中にある明日へと繋がる今を大切に感じて生きていけるならどんな自分にでもなれるはず心から辉ける场所が仆を待っている後悔を恐れずに勧むから

阅读理解。 Marco Polo was born in Venice?

1. the most famous ; travelled; 2. called; all the things 3. few people; him/ what he said 4. travel to China; a Chinese official 5. for almost 25 years; quite old,4,阅读理解。 Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia during the Middle Ages. He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. Many people in the west read the book, but few believed what Marco Polo said in the book. He told stories about a lot of strange people and places. But at that time nobody knew these places and the people. When Marco Polo was still very young, he decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China, later he became a friend of the Chinese emperor (皇帝) . He learned to speak Chinese when he traveled around, and he talked to many people in Chinese. The emperor liked him and made him a Chinese Official. At that time Marco Polo was only thirty years old. After nearly seventeen years" travel in the east, Marco and his father wanted to go back home. When Marco and his father arrived in Venice many years later, their family and friends saw them again. They couldn"t believe their eyes because Marco and his farther were quite old. Marco Polo and his father had been away for almost 25 years. 1. Marco Polo was foreigner who ________ to Asia during the Middle Ages. 2. Marco Polo wrote a famous book ________ “The Travels of Marco Polo". He told people _______ he saw and heard in the book. 3. Many people in the west read the book, but ________ believed ________. 4.It took Marco Polo and his father over three years to________.And Marco Polo worked as _______ in 1284. 5. Marco Polo and his father had been away ________. When they got back home in Venice, they were ________.

老妈说我男友以后财运很好,现在男友打工的,我问老妈怎么知道,就给我一段英语,求翻译:Born in the?


be born with与be talented in区别


When ____ where he was born, Kale said he was a Londoner. A.asking B.asked C.being asked

B 试题分析:考查分词做状语。本题的ask与句子的主语Kale之间构成了被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式表示被动。句意:当被询问他在何时出生的时候,Kale说他是一个伦敦人。故B正确。点评:当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做状语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。

出生于xxxx年x月x日 是be born in还是 be born on


I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. 求全文通顺翻译 速度速度


有人知道这个牌子的化妆品吗?suisse reborn


This stubborn problem led to his regretting being a framer. 分析下这个句子

是动名词his regretting是宾语,being a farmer是宾补

英语谚语:Facts are stubborn things 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Facts are stubborn things 中文意思: 事实是不容改变的东西。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Rivers need a spring 大河要有源头。 Roll my log and I"ll roll yours 互相吹嘘。 Rome was not built in a (or one) day 罗马不是一日建成的。 Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds 两面讨好。 Take a hair of the dog that bit you 以毒攻毒。 Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can 智者皆能视苦为乐。 Take away my good name and take away my life 夺了我的名誉等于夺了我的生命。 Take care of *** all sums and the large will take care of themselves 省小钱才能积大财。 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves 积少成多。 Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves 注意你的理智,声调自会小心。 英语谚语: Facts are stubborn things 中文意思: 事实是不容改变的东西。

stubborn attitude

(1)some blaming for (2)was so concentrated on(考察so...that...句型)


当你 - 林俊杰词:林俊杰曲:张思尔如果有一天我回到从前回到最原始的我你是否会觉得我不错如果有一天我离你遥远不能再和你相约你是否会发觉我已经说再见当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道如果有一天梦想都实现回忆都成了永远你是否还会记得今天如果有一天我们都发觉原来什么都可以无论是否还会停留在这里当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道也许空虚让我想得太多也许该回到被窝梦里和相遇就毫不犹豫大声的说我要说当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好啦 啦我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道

形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly?

sally stupid,5,谢谢, *** elly,1,形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly 形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly

小学英语作文:固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father

  【篇一】固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father My father is a nice person, everybody speaks highly of him, but he is very stubborn sometimes. One day, my father find a wallet on the ground, then he asks someone who has lost it. The man answers to my father and he is so thankful to my father. So he wants to give some money to return my father, but my father insists not to accept it. At last, the man has to give up. 我的父亲是一个好人,每个人都给予他很高的评价,但他有时很固执。有一天,我爸爸发现地上有一个钱包,然后他问谁弄丢了。然后有个人回应了我的父亲,他非常感谢我的父亲。所以他想给一些钱来报答,但父亲坚持不接受。最后,那个人不得不放弃。  【篇二】选择 The ChoiceA lot of parents like to make choice for their kids, because they believe their children are young and have no idea how to make the best choice. While my parents won"t do it for me, they will leave me the options and then let me make my own decision. I feel being respected and so thankful to them. I have my idea and can take the responsibility. 很多父母喜欢为孩子做出选择,因为他们认为他们的孩子还小,不知道如何做的选择。然而我的父母不会为我做抉择, 他们会给我留下一些选择,然后让我自己做决定。我感到受到尊重,很感谢他们。我有我的想法,可以负起责任。  【篇三】新发型 The New HairstyleI always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idol"s image, but i don"s have the courage to do it. At last, my friend gives me the courage, she tells me that I should try and not to have regret at the young age. I agree, I am so happy about my new hairstyle, it brings me the new mood. Trying the new things is good. 我总是想改变我的发型,因为我想要看起来像我偶像的形象,但是我没有勇气去做。最后,我的朋友给了我勇气,她告诉我,我应该试着去做,不要在年轻的时候留下遗憾。我同意她的说法,我很满意我的新发型,它给我带来了新的心情。尝试新事物是好的。

i still,as always,the slightest bit of the stubborn did not lose to the time是什么意思




stubborn 用法

stubborn作为形容词stubborn用作定语~+ n.The stubborn man refused to apologize.那个倔强的人拒绝道歉。Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.只需使用一点清洁剂就能将顽垢除去。He succeeded because of his stubborn efforts.由于他的努力不懈,他成功了。stubborn用作表语S+be+~I don"t know who"s more stubborn, you or your grandmother—neither of you will compromise.我不知道谁比较固执,你还是你奶奶——你们两个都不愿妥协。S+be+stubborn+ prep .-phraseHe was stubborn of temper and said nothing.他脾气倔,什么也没说。


stubborn的意思是:adj. 固执的; 执拗的; 顽固的; 倔强的; 难以去除(或对付)的;音标:英[u02c8stu028cbu0259n]美[u02c8stu028cbu0259rn][例句]He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。1.倔强的,顽固的;不听话的He is as stubborn as a mule.他像骡子一般执拗。2.顽强的,不屈不挠的The defenders put up a stubborn resistance.防守将士进行了顽强的抵抗。3.难处理的,难对付的This lock"s rather stubborn; it needs oiling.这把锁很难开;得给它加点油了。4.(病)难治好的I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night.我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。5.(污渍)难去掉的This detergent can remove stubborn stains.这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。

动漫《家庭教师HITMAN REBORN!》中的人物“幻骑士”对应的英文是什么?

里包恩(リボーン) 持有黄色的橡皮奶嘴。 可乐尼洛(コロネロ) 持有天蓝色的橡皮奶嘴。 威尔帝(Verde) 持有绿色的橡皮奶嘴。 玛蒙 (Marmon) 持有蓝色的橡皮奶嘴。 史卡鲁(Skull) 持有紫色的橡皮奶嘴。 拉尔·米尔奇 持有奶嘴颜色不明。据说由于可乐尼洛想要代替本该受到诅咒的她,使她受到了不完全的诅咒,故奶嘴颜色是浑浊的。 尤妮 持有橙色的奶嘴,自母亲那里继承而来. 守护者使命 大空:晴、雷、岚、雨、雾、云,晕染这一切,吸收包容这一切。 晴;用自己的肉体粉碎袭击家族的逆境,化身为普照大地的太阳。 雷:不止要成为雷电,还要把家族接受到的损伤单独扛下、抹消,成为避雷针。 岚:总是成为攻击的核心,无休止的怒涛的岚。 雨:细数着战斗历程,冲洗着流淌的鲜血,宛如镇魂歌般的雨。 雾:无中生有,有中生无,以此迷惑敌人,使之无法抓住家族成员的实体,虚幻的幻影。 云:成为不受任何束缚,独自守护家族的孤高的浮云。 阿纲(27)狱寺(59)山本(80)六道骸(69)云雀(18)库洛姆(96) 可乐仔(56)黑曜(594)夏马尔(40) 彭哥列(ボンゴレ)→蛤蜊(vongola) 波维诺(ボヴィーノ)→牛(bovino) 加百罗涅(キャバッローネ)→巨大的马(马的义大利文是cavallo) 卡鲁卡沙(カルカッサ)→屍体(carcassa) 艾斯托拉涅欧(エストラーネオ)→局外人(estraneo) 阿尔柯巴雷诺(アルコバレーノ)→彩虹(arcobaleno) 可乐尼洛(コロネロ)→陆军上校(colonnello) 威尔帝(ヴェルデ)→绿色(verde) 切尔贝罗(チェルベッロ)→脑(cervello) 瓦利亚(ヴァリアー)→多种多样(varia) 范塔兹玛(ファンタズマ)→幻觉(fantasma) 米尔菲欧雷(ミルフィオーレ)→千(mille)+花(fiore) 杰索(ジェッソ)→石膏(gesso) 吉留涅罗(ジッリョネロ)→百合(giglio)+黑色(nero) 史佩尔毕·史库瓦罗(スペルビ?スクアーロ)→傲慢(superbia)+鲨鱼(squalo) 贝尔飞哥尔(ベルフェゴール)→懒惰(Belphegor) 玛门(マーモン)→贪婪(Mammon) 列威·亚·坦(レヴィ?ア?タン)→嫉妒(Leviathan) 鲁斯里亚(ルッスーリア)→色欲(lussuria) 葛拉·摩斯卡(ゴーラ?モスカ)→贪食(gola)+苍蝇(mosca)(七宗罪中掌管贪食的别西卜又名苍蝇王)27阿纲(ツナ(TSUNA))2→two(音似TSU),7→なな(NANA)常出现在阿纲的东西上59狱寺(GOKUDERA)5→ご(GO),9→く(KU)80山本(YAMAMOTO)8→や(YA),0→形状为圆圈(まる(MARU))[注 4]18云雀(HIBARI)1→ひと(HITO),8→ば(BA)单行本18集的封面为10年後云雀69六道骸(ROKUDO MUKURO)6→ろく(ROKU)或む(MU),9→く(KU)六道骸的生日为6月9日96克罗姆(KUROMU)9→く(KU),6→ろく(ROKU)将六道骸的代称颠倒过来而成100白兰(BYAKURAN)100→びゃく(BYAKU)48斯帕纳(SUPANA)4→す(SU),8→ぱ(PA)此代号在日本并不通行使用属性火焰颜色性质说明天空橙色?[注 1]七种火焰中推进力最好的。岚红色分解能使碰触的物质慢慢分解变成碎片。雨蓝色镇静熄灭火焰,压制敌人攻击,让人体机能几乎停止,使对方陷入昏迷。云紫色增殖吸收对方火焰,进一步增加数量和火焰强度与大小。也具有极高的封闭性质。晴黄色活性以势不可挡的速度产生新生细胞,拥有著高速的治愈能力。雷绿色硬化比其他火焰更坚硬,难以突破,也比较容易突破敌人火焰防御。雾靛色构筑可以构筑出具有真实感的幻觉。硬度极低。27 /兔子 = 泽田纲吉(因为纲(ツナ)和日语念2、7的英文接近59 狱寺隼人80 山本武18 云雀 (Hibari里的Hiba和18发音像696 / 69 / 凤梨 骸96库洛姆 髑髅 (日语发音是(kuromu)kuro接近9 6的发音 DINO 迪诺 100 / 鸡精 = 白兰+1 入江正一 (十年篇人物,在漫画前边也出现过 可乐 仔可乐尼洛 彩虹婴儿 黑手党界最强婴儿Arcobaleno(彩虹), 也称彩虹婴儿 , 被 “诅咒的婴儿 27 阿纲(ツナ(TSUNA)) 2→two(音似TSU),7→なな(NANA)常出现在阿纲的东西上 59 狱寺(GOKUDERA) 5→ご(GO),9→く(KU) 80 山本(YAMAMOTO) 8→や(YA),0→形状为圆圈(まる(MARU)) 18 云雀(HIBARI) 1→ひと(HITO),8→ば(BA)单行本18集的封面为10年后云雀 69 六道骸(ROKUDO MUKURO) 6→ろく(ROKU)或む(MU),9→く(KU) 六道骸的生日为6月9日 96 库洛姆(KUROMU) 9→く(KU),6→ろく(ROKU)将六道骸的代称颠倒过来而成 100 白兰(BYAKURAN) 100→びゃく(BYAKU) 48 斯帕纳(SUPANA) 4→す(SU),8→ぱ(PA (版本很旧了啊!我这还是我在很久很久以前收藏的。)


沙巴旅游有哪些必去景点海岛,亚庇的美人鱼岛,环滩岛,,山打根的兰卡央岛,海龟岛等很多。沙巴州(马来语:Sabah),是马来西亚面积第二大的州,位于东马,在婆罗洲的北部,以前被称为北婆罗洲(英语:North Borneo),在1881年开始被英国统治,至到1963年9月16日和砂拉越一起脱离英国统治结合马来亚及新加坡组成马来西亚联邦,沙巴早在公元六世纪就和中国有经济来往,在沙巴的博物馆还可以看到各式各样的瓮,证明沙巴与中国的关系源远流长。当时中国商人来这里多是为了香料、木材、燕窝等等。中国各朝代古书、史书中都有渤泥(Borneo)的记载,可见当时中国人已经踏足婆罗洲了,甚至在中国南京还保留着明朝渤泥国王的坟墓。越南沙巴有哪些地方可以去玩1、越南老街省沙巴梯田沙巴梯田坐落于越南老街省的沙巴小镇。奇妙的梯田好似上天的扶梯,被誉为世界上最具特色、最漂亮的梯田之一。沙巴梯田的形成得益于当地陡峭的山坡、肥沃的土壤和源源不断的水源。因为拥有肥沃的土壤,当地的居民经过多年的辛苦劳动将这里改造成为种植水稻的梯田。2、藤桥藤桥全部以藤制成,在孟华河上,在沙巴镇东南17公里处。如果运气好,从孟华河里升起的雾会弥漫整个桥,走在藤桥上就像走在云里。越南语里,藤与云是同一个字,既可以翻译成藤桥,也可以翻译成云桥,都很恰当。3、乌规胡岭乌规胡岭被称为西北四大岭之一,乌规胡岭是到沙巴旅游的年轻人想要征服的地方(也就是难走),乌规胡岭因为横跨黄连山,又叫黄连岭。又因为岭上常年云雾迷漫,又叫云岭。马来西亚景点介绍 马来西亚景点介绍 马来西亚的旅游资源十分丰富,阳光充足,气候宜人,拥有很多高质量的海滩、奇特的海岛、原始热带丛林、珍贵的动植物、千姿百态的洞穴、古老的民俗民风、悠久的历史文化遗迹以及现代化的都市。 双峰塔吉隆坡双峰塔于1996年封顶,452米的高度使它一举拿下“世界最高双塔”的桂冠。马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔曾经说,每个国家都要有一座“让国人仰视的建筑”,双峰塔就是这样一座高楼。 说吉隆坡双峰塔是马来西亚的象征一点也不为过。这座设计独特的银色尖塔式建筑在吉隆坡市中心拔地而起,以其高大与经典,使这个城市拥有了新的“高度”。 兰卡威兰卡威(Langkawi)位于马六甲海峡和安达曼海之间,马来西亚和泰国边境交界处,在马来西亚半岛西北端的海面上,距槟榔屿108公里,由104个小岛组成,涨潮时仅能看见99个岛屿。主岛是兰卡威岛(Langkawi Island),它是群岛中唯一一个有定居者的岛。 兰卡威可算是东南亚最令人向往的风景胜地。清澈碧绿的海水和绵长平缓的沙滩构成了天堂般的海滨度假地,葱郁繁茂的森林与神秘而壮观的岩洞是独具魅力的探险地。 除了美丽的自然风光,兰卡威更有着悠久的历史和传统文化,在兰卡威的99个热带岛屿上,流传着各种稀奇古怪的妖魔、巨鹰、战士、童话公主等民间故事和神话传说。 兰卡威自由港,在岛上居住超过72小时的旅游者,就能够享受岛上的购物和住宿的全面免税优惠,旅游者可以得到很大的实惠。云顶赌场是马来西亚最大的合法赌场。 在兰卡威,最标准的装束是T-shirt、短裤加拖鞋,这套打扮可以在任何高级酒店大摇大摆的进出。兰卡威岛还是"快捷结婚天堂",是探幽者寻求假日情趣的最佳去处。 来岛的人可在一天内取得当地国家注册部门办事处核发的结婚证书,并在岛上举行婚宴和蜜月。 热浪岛热浪岛位于马来西亚半岛的东方南中国海上,由大大小小共9个海岛组成,目前仍然维持相当自然风貌的岛屿,以清澈的海水和丰富的海底景观和自然生态, 而渐渐受到欢迎。热浪主岛的形状像是造物者刻意划出的心形,像是一个心脏,海洋的心脏,因此它赢得了一个美丽的封号“海洋之心”。目前亚洲的游客并不多,而欧洲的.意大利人却视此地为天堂,常常一到此地便住上一星期仍不舍离去。 为了保护岛上珍贵的自然遗产,热浪岛人为开发的区域十分有限,除了两座度假村外,其余建筑物不多,保留了大片的热带雨林;也因为目前岛上容量有限,所以周边海域尚未出现蜂拥而至的观光客,洁净的沙滩及海水仍保持着最佳状况,静静等待着有缘者的造访。 沙巴沙巴,婆罗洲的乐园,位于世界第三大岛婆罗洲岛的北上端,马来西亚最东端,西临南中国海,东临苏禄海与西里伯斯海,面积7.25万平方公里。沙巴是一个多元文化的社会,由超过30种族群组成,其中以嘉达山杜顺、巴夭、毛律为三大族,多信仰伊斯兰教,使用马来西亚语、华语、英文。这里有着简单淳朴的生活,也有着繁荣进步的经济。 在独立之前,沙巴原称北婆罗洲,为大英北婆罗洲公司(North BorneoCompany)所管辖。二次世界大战后,沙巴和沙劳越(当时为Brooke家族所统辖)被移交给英国政府,它们最终获致独立,在1963年和半岛上各州结合,建立新国家,是为马来西亚(Malaysia)。 对崇敬大自然的旅游者来说,沙巴是马来西亚之旅中最令人心动的一站。如果你喜欢探险刺激,可以进入原始森林跋涉,勘探岩洞,乘筏渡河,一窥“长鼻猴”的起居,或前往深海钓鱼,或潜水观赏五光十色的海洋生物;如果你爱好挑战自我,可以攀 登东南亚的第一高峰基纳巴卢山(4101米);如果你热爱风土人情,可以游览部落长屋,体验道地的“斗磨”集市;如果你珍爱生命,可以在世界最大的森林保护区零距离接触婆罗洲森林人猿,欣赏世界上最大的花卉--莱佛西亚花; 如果你崇尚运动,可以尽情风帆、滑水、游艇或是打网球、高尔夫球其实这里的东姑阿都拉曼国家公园的海上风光更让人流连忘返,各大饭店集团都在这里盖起了五星级的度假村。 值得注意的是,沙巴东海岸景区和西海岸景区相隔较远,坐飞机需耗时四十多分钟,计划线路时需合理安排景点。 古晋古晋在马来语中是“猫”的意思,当地人对猫十分喜爱,该城的标志也是一只可爱的大白猫。 古晋位于沙捞越河两岸,河的南岸是殖民地时期的市中心,因此保留着许多欧式旧建筑;北岸是该市的行政中心,政府机关以及州长官邸(即王宫,不对外开放,可以站在河的南岸观赏)都在这里,著名的玛格丽特城堡也位于北岸。 来古晋,必须要参观当地的一些博物馆,市内的沙捞越博物馆、伊斯兰博物馆、警察博物馆(即玛格丽特城堡)、猫博物馆都非常有名,值得一看。另外,充满欧州风情的河滨公园、古老的大伯公寺(中国式寺院)以及坐落于市区西部的古晋清真寺也都是必须游览的景点。 云顶高原位于吉隆坡东北方50公里处,在彭亨州西南,属吉保山脉中段,面积5000公顷。云顶高原原名为“珍丁”或“任珍”。 云顶高原山峦层迭,林海茫茫,空气尤为清新,花草四季葱茏。天气晴朗时,视野辽阔,向西俯瞰,夜间吉隆坡灯火辉煌;向东远眺,晨曦云海,犹如南海日出。 马来西亚利用这美丽的自然景色,大力发展这里的旅游业。在这里建起现代化旅馆、温水游泳池、人工湖、高尔夫球场等相配套的旅游设施,使得云顶高原成为著名的高山旅游胜地 。 独立广场独立广场(Merdeka Squnre),是每年庆祝国庆的地点。国家独立是马来西亚历史上一个重要时刻。广场前身是球场。板球、曲根球、网球和橄榄球等多类球赛都曾在此举行,后将对面雪兰莪俱乐部的场地重新铺过草地,改成宏伟的广场,纪念国家独立。 全世界最高的旗竿(高100米)耸立在广场南端,国旗迎风飘扬,草地上有一个扁圆形的黑色云石牌匾,标示1957年8月30日午夜英国国旗降下,马来西亚国旗首次升起的地点。 ;

Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.



是情侣名,rebirth的情侣网名有: 211、彼岸霓虹彼岸歌|朝如青丝暮成雪 212、他很万众|她很耀眼 213、深爱不弃i|久爱不腻i 214、灬加载中灬|灬请待续灬 215、我愿复杂活|你想简单过 216、愚人欢|委人心 217、ゞ☆念伱|ゞ☆思硪 218、寂寞无聊,|空虚乏味, 219、不离★不弃|至死★不渝 220、顾你一世|八千海里



leonardo da vinci was born on april翻译




be born unlucky 为什么不用 be born unluckily

be born 后面加形容词是固定用法,如born free 生来自由等。


这部电影表达就是现代年轻人的爱情观,环境、际遇、家庭都是重要的影响因素。听说爱情有四个阶段,熬过去的人就会永远在一起。 有位心理学家曾写道,一段成熟称得上真爱的恋情必须经过四个阶段,那就是:共存、反依赖、怀疑、共生。之间转换所需的时间长短因人而易。第一个阶段:共存。这个阶段属于热恋时期,不论何时何地两个人总想在一起。第二个阶段:反依赖。就是一方想多一点时间空间做自己想做的事,这时另一方就会感到被冷落。第三个阶段:怀疑。这是第二个阶段的延续,总是觉得对自己不好了,没以前爱自己了。第四个阶段:共生。这时新的相处之道成形,你们已经成为最亲密的人。你们在一起相互扶持、一起开创属于你们人生。你们在一起不会互相牵绊,而会互相成长。他就像是你的亲人。但是,好多人都通不过第二或第三阶段,选择分手。其实很多事只要好好沟通就会没事,可是想太多和任性就是难以避免。世界上遇到唯一的你多么不容易,能不能不要轻言放弃。你们本没有相同之处,外表不相像,性格也是南辕北辙,但是相爱然后在一起后,日复一日,年复一年,你会惊讶你的眼睛竟有点像他的眼睛。他的微笑竟也有点像你的微笑。你们走路的步伐变得相似。你们说话的语气也愈来愈像。你们爱喝同一杯饮料。你们的口头禅变得一样。你们总能猜到对方下一句话是什么。原来我们会变成我们所爱的人。你在不知不觉中让他改掉了他爱皱眉的坏习惯。这个改变,或许连他自己也不曾察觉。他在不知不觉中让你变得做事不再马马虎虎。让你差点认不出自己。会在不知不觉中逐渐变成对方理想中的人,这种改变,绝对不是刻意的。两个人相处时间越久,气质也越相近。


born + in, on等,表示"出生的时间,地点"。 Tom was born in Hebei Province on February 12,1999. 1999年2月12日汤姆生于河北省。中学英语教学资源网ue63c大家还在搜be born equal成分分析 be born on和be born in be born at的用法 be born of beginning be borne by是什么意思 be born to travel Be born born in 什么时候用isborn be born后面加什么介词 be born是被动语态吗 born的用法 belborn翻译 bebornin加时间be born from 的用法 be born doing be born from什么意思 be born in be born in mind birth和born的用法及区别 be born from be born to sb 出生为什么是be born hasborn是什么时态 belborn的意思 born前面为什么要加be was born是被动语态吗 born及物吗 be born to dobebornon,on可以省略吗 - 中小学资深教师解答 - 问一问在线2249位教育培训答主在线答已服务超1.5亿人5分钟内回复Hi,为您实时解答教育类升学、学科答疑等问题,与高校名师、专家1对1在线沟通bebornon,on可以省略吗马上提问ue734be on和begin的区别147人正在咨询be on to147人正在咨询be born in和be born on的区别150人正在咨询be on和begin的区别147人正在咨询问一问ue63cborn on和born in的区别10月10日你好,很高兴为你解答! born onn born in的区别: be born on表示“在某天出生”,所以用on表示...www.photoint.netue63cbe born后接on 还是in - 百度知道7个回答回答时间:2021年10月6日最佳回答:in。若要表达生于何时,就用be born on+日期;若要表达生于何地,就用be born in+地点。born 英 ...百度知道ue63c大家还在搜

Russ Taff&Gaither Vocal Band的《Born Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Born Again歌手:Russ Taff&Gaither Vocal Band专辑:Passin The Faith AlongBut for the grace of God she"d cry herself to sleepBecause the grace of God is something she can keepOhhh it won"t be longuntil their hold is brokenOhhh it won"t be longuntil we"ve found our homeIt"s for the good of you I sing sweet melodyThey"ll cast the first stone when the last one"s out of reachOhhh it won"t be longtheir hold is brokenOhhh it won"t be longuntil we"ve found our homeForget where to beginBrother I have not sinnedI have not sinnedBut for the grace of God she"d cry herself to sleepBut now the grace of God is the reason that she weepsOhhh it won"t be longuntil their hold is brokenOhhh it won"t be longuntil we"ve found our homeWhen summer comeslight my lifesnow will melt awayWhen summer comeslight my lifesnow will melt awayI was born again I was born againNot into the world they put me inShe was born again she was born againNot into the world they put her inI was born again I was born againNot into the world they put me inShe was born again, she was born againNot into the world they put her in

英语-为什么是I was born?

假设是错误的 born不是bear的过去式

英语句子里 "出生为什么都是被动be born?" They boy was born on a cold morning.


阅读文章&回答问题 I was born disabled. A difficult birth, feet first, my head stuck in the

1.A loss of oxygen to his brain had destroyed brain signals to the right side of his body.2.His father was to craft muscles straight, at any cost. Back and forth, up and down, his dad pushed and pulled the muscles into shape.3.a set of boxing gloves.4.his father hope he be brave.5.In 19976.Yes,he did.7.He is devoted to his son and have never give up spirit.(我的回答好象有语法问题……抱歉~)

some are born great是什么意思


Rachel Carson, born in rural Pennsylvania in 1907, had a great impact on the environment. Carso...

小题1:A小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:本文介绍了美国海洋生物学家雷切尔·卡逊,尽管她是一名科学家,但她是以她的作品《寂静的春天》引发了美国以至于全世界的环境保护事业。她掌握了许多由于杀虫剂、除草剂的过量使用,造成野生生物大量死亡的证据,但她以更文学化的、更生动的方式写出来,使这本书成了美国和全世界最畅销的书。小题1:A词意猜测题。A极度的, 过度的;B不充足的;C权威的;D有效率的。根据下文She was the first to detail how the pesticide DDT had entered the food chain and damaged populations of bald eagles可知杀虫剂的使用进入了食物链,对一些动物造成了危害,由情理可知此处是指杀虫剂的过度使用,所以A选项正确。小题2:A推理判断题。根据文中she expressed dry facts in poetic and persuasive language.她用诗一般动听的语言解释一些枯燥的事实,和下文In her best-selling book Silent Spring,可知她的书很畅销,由此推断她书中的语言应该是人们都能读懂的,所以A选项内容正确。小题3:B主旨大意题。文章开头介绍以作家而闻名的科学家切尔·卡逊,然后介绍她的贡献,即通过写作引起了人们对环境的关注,由此可知B选项内容正确。


波恩–欧本海默近似(Born Oppenheimer approximation)--是假设分子系统内电子与原子核的运动(转动、震动等)可分离,同时视为不同的自由度。数学上就可以使用分离变数法将波函数写成电子与原子核运动独立的波函数相乘。量子力学原理上,一个分子系统中,电子与原子核的波函数会相互作用,包括两者相互运动也会互相干扰。但这个近似可行的是原子核与电子的质量差异极大,电子运动时,原子核几乎不动。所以只需要考虑这两个独立运动与他们之间的库伦力就好了。目前,量子化学与原子分子的多体物理上还在用此近似方式,尤其是在量子化学领域上,还是个不可或缺的手段。在多体物理上,从第一原理出发,从相对论性狄拉克方程的电子耦合算起,多数的原子透过电脑,算出了很多精准的物理量,不过,对分子来说,至今仍然无法有好的计算。



Andy Williams的《Born Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Born Free歌手:Andy Williams专辑:DexterM.I.A. - Born FreeWoooo!Yeah man made powersStood like a tower higher and higher helloAnd the higher you go you feel lower, ohhI was close to the end staying undercoverstaying undercoverWith a nose to the ground I found my soundGot myself an interview tomorrowI got myself a jacket for a dollarand the car doesn"t work so I"m stuck hereyeah i don"t wanna live for tomorrowI push my life todayI throw this in your face when I see yaI got something to sayI throw this sh-t in your face when I see yaCause I got something to sayI was born free (born free)I was born free (born free)(bo-bo-born free ….)You could try to find ways to be happierYou might end up somewhere in EthiopiaYou can think big with your ideaYou ain"t never gonna find utopiaTake a bite out of life make it snappier yeahOrdinary gon super trippierSo I check sh-t cause I"m lippyerAnd split a cheque like slovakiaYeah I don"t wanna live for tomorrowI push my life todayI throw this in your face when I see youI got something to sayI throw this sh-t in your face when I see youCause I got something to sayI was born free (born free)I was born free (born free)I was born free (born free)(bo-bo-born free ….)ooooh, oh oh ohI don"t wanna talk about money, "cause I got itAnd I don"t wanna talk about hoochies, "cause I been itAnd I don"t wanna be that fake, but you can do itAnd imitators, yeah, speak itOh Lord, whoever you are, yeah come out wherever you areOh Lord, whoever you are, yeah come out wherever you areand tell em!Born free (born free)I was born free (born free)I was born free (born free)(bo-bo-born free ….)

求lady gaga的《born this way》mp3和lyric歌词

歌词《Born This Way》 Lady GaGa 中英对照: it doesn"t matter if you love him, 不管你是爱上了他 or capital h-i-m 还是那个内心强大的自己 just put your paws up 我只要你把你的爪子挥舞起来 "cause you were born this way, baby 宝贝 因为我们生来如此 my mama told me when i was young 当我还年轻时 我的妈妈曾告诉我 we are all born superstars 我们都是天生的巨星 she rolled my hair and put my lipstick on 她卷起了我的头发 并给我抹上了口红 in the glass of her boudoir 在她梳妆台的镜子前 "there"s nothing wrong with lovin" who you are" "爱上你自己并没有什么错" she said,""cause he made you perfect, babe" 她说:"我的孩子啊, 上帝造物, 天生完美" "so hold your head up girl and you"ll go far, "所以要把头昂起来, 去踏遍千山万水" listen to me when i say" "你要记住我的这句话" i"m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 "cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 i"m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 don"t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 just love yourself and you"re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 i"m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 right track 光明之路 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 don"t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 don"t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 don"t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 don"t be! 绝不 give yourself prudence 让我们精明处世 and love your friends 珍爱你的友人 subway kid, rejoice your truth 为真我而欢庆 in the religion of the insecure 带着警惕的信条 i must be myself, respect my youth 我必须做自己,尊重自己的青春 a different lover is not a sin 有一个与众不同的爱人并不是罪孽 believe capital h-i-m (hey hey hey) 你要相信你内心那种强大的力量 i love my life i love this record and 我爱我的生活 我爱这首歌 mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith) 爱情需要坚定的信念 i"m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 "cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 i"m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 don"t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 just love yourself and you"re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 i"m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 right track 光明之路 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 don"t be a drag, just be a queen 不要成为累赘,做就做个王者 whether you"re broke or evergreen 不管你是身无分文还是一路顺风 you"re black, white, beige, chola descent 不管你是黑人 白人 黄种人 还是朱罗血统 you"re lebanese, you"re orient 也不管你是黎巴嫩的还是远东国民 whether life"s disabilities 不管你是否残疾 left you outcast, bullied, or teased 抛开那些排挤, 凌辱 与嘲笑 rejoice and love yourself today 今天 让我们为爱上真我而狂欢 "cause baby you were born this way 宝贝 我们天生如此 no matter gay, straight, or bi, 无所谓你是男同性恋 异性恋 还是双性恋 lesbian, transgendered life 不管是女同性恋还是变性人 i"m on the right track baby 我们都可以走自己的路 i was born to survive 我们生来就有权利走下去 no matter black, white or beige 不管是黑人 白人 还是黄种人 chola or orient made 不管朱罗王朝 还是东方诸国 i"m on the right track baby 我们都有权利走自己的路 i was born to be brave 我们生来被上帝赐予了勇气 i"m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 "cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 i"m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 don"t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 just love yourself and you"re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 i"m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 i was born this way 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 ooo there ain"t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 right track 光明之路 baby i was born this way 宝贝 我天生如此 I was born this way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I was born this way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I"m on the right track baby 我正走在光明之路上 I was born this way hey! 嘿 我们生来如此

英语翻译Beethoven,a famous musician in the world,was born in Ger?

贝多芬,一个著名的音乐家在世界上,是天生的1770在德国. 在他的童年贝多芬没有一个幸福的生活.他的父亲是一位歌手.当他只有四岁时,他的父亲就让他练一小时一小时后在不同的乐器(乐器).如果他没有把他的心,他的父亲会打他或使它很难对他. 贝多芬喜欢音乐,他很快就学会了,他可以到处去演出,当时他只是一个十一岁的男孩.在十七岁的时候,他获得了很高的赞誉莫扎特,伟大的音乐家,那时候. 贝多芬往往是穷人和生病的过程中他的生命.一个病后,他突然发现自己聋(聋).当时他只有thirty-one.it是一个打击(打击)他真的. 但他仍然继续工作和写作乐曲.令人惊奇的是,他的一些最好的作品都是写在他失去听力. 1827,留下300多件,伟大的音乐家去世了.但他的名字还记得这一天.,10,想,2,贝多芬,一位著名的音乐家的世界,1770年出生于德国。 在他的童年贝多芬没有一个快乐的life.His的父亲是一个singer.When他只有四岁,他的父亲开始让他练习一个小时又一个小时在不同的乐器(乐器),如果他没有把他的心,他的父亲将会打败他或让它欺负他。 贝多芬热爱音乐,他学得如此之快,他能够去给音乐会,他当时只有一个男孩的eleven.At 17岁左右,他赢得了赞誉莫扎特,...,1,贝多芬,一个著名的音乐家在世界上,是天生的1770在德国。在他的童年贝多芬没有一个幸福的生活。他的父亲是一位歌手。当他只有四岁时,他的父亲就让他练一小时一小时后在不同的乐器(乐器)。如果他没有把他的心,他的父亲会打他或使它很难对他。贝多芬喜欢音乐,他很快就学会了,他可以到处去演出,当时他只是一个十一岁的男孩。在十七岁的时候,他获得了很高的赞誉莫扎特,伟大的音乐家,那时候。贝多芬往往是穷人和生病的过...,0,英语翻译 Beethoven,a famous musician in the world,was born in Germany in 1770. In his childhood Beethoven didn"t have a happy life.His father was a singer.When he was only four,his father began to make him practise hour after hour on different musical instruments(乐器).If he did not put his heart into it,his father would beat him or make it hard on him. Beethoven loved music and he learned so fast that he was able to go around to give concerts,when he was only a boy of eleven.At the age of seventeen,he won high praise from Mozart,the great musician at that time. Beethoven was often poor and ill during his life.After one illness,he suddenly found himself deaf(聋).At that time he was only thirty-one.It was a blow(打击)to him indeed. But he still went on working and writing music pieces.To people"s surprise,some of his best pieces were written after he lost his hearing. In 1827,leaving more than 300 pieces,the great musician died.But his name is still remembered to this day.

bboy born个人资料哪位大虾有啊?

bboy born小档案: 真实姓名; 出生日期:1986年4月25号 身高:170 体重:62KG 血型:B型 居住地:韩国汉城 追求的方向:oldskoolflava & originalbboyingstyle 喜欢的音乐:bob&james 和 breakstra 尊敬的舞蹈家:jojo,action,ken,ness,abstrack,lego,next1等 个人主页: 原文:bboycool:First of all, I congratulate RIVERS-CREW on make the champion of Armory Cup Korea 2006^^ Born:oh thz bro 译文:bboycool:首先,我祝贺RIVERS-CREW取得Armory Cup Korea 2006冠军。 Born:噢,感谢! 原文:Bboycool:I inquire a question. Does RIVERS join BOTY2006 Korea? Born Born:OK YES Born:we CREW winning haha 译文:bboycool:我询问一个问题,RIVERS 参加BOTY2006 韩国吗? Born:是的 Born:我们CREW是冠军,哈哈 原文:Bboycool:how many years do you dance? Born:8years 原文:Bboycool:I inquire a question. Does RIVERS join BOTY2006 Korea? Born Born:OK YES 译文:bboycool:你跳舞多少年? Born:8年 原文:Bboycool:your dance regiment RIVERS in 8 years? Born:nono,riverscrew regiment 2years 译文:bboycool:你一直在RIVERS跳舞8年? Born:不不,在riverscrew2年 原文:Bboycool:You dance 8 year, in RIVERS-CREW 2 years. In what CREW is it 6 years? Born:nanjangpan you know? and gambler last superchaircrew 译文:bboycool:你跳舞8年,在RIVERS-CREW 2年,在什么CREW6年? Born:nanjangpan 你知道?Gambler 和 suprchaircrew(我问他是合并吗?他说是^^!) 原文:Bboycool:Dance and let you feel happy? Born:sure 译文:bboycool:你跳舞感到快乐吗? Born:当然 原文:bboycool:When you do not dance, what are you doing? Born:i dont know 译文:bboycool:当你不跳舞时,你在做什么? Born:不知道

b-boy born的详细个人资料

bboy born小档案:真实姓名; uc720ud604出生日期:1986年4月25号身高:170体重:62KG血型:B型居住地:韩国汉城追求的方向:oldskoolflava & originalbboyingstyle喜欢的音乐:bob&james 和 breakstra尊敬的舞蹈家:jojo,action,ken,ness,abstrack,lego,next1等个人主页:原文:bboycool:First of all, I congratulate RIVERS-CREW on make the champion of Armory Cup Korea 2006^^Born:oh thz bro译文:bboycool:首先,我祝贺RIVERS-CREW取得Armory Cup Korea 2006冠军。Born:噢,感谢!原文:Bboycool:I inquire a question. Does RIVERS join BOTY2006 Korea? BornBorn:OK YESBorn:we CREW winning haha译文:bboycool:我询问一个问题,RIVERS 参加BOTY2006 韩国吗?Born:是的Born:我们CREW是冠军,哈哈原文:Bboycool:how many years do you dance?Born:8years原文:Bboycool:I inquire a question. Does RIVERS join BOTY2006 Korea? BornBorn:OK YES译文:bboycool:你跳舞多少年?Born:8年原文:Bboycool:your dance regiment RIVERS in 8 years?Born:nono,riverscrew regiment 2years译文:bboycool:你一直在RIVERS跳舞8年?Born:不不,在riverscrew2年原文:Bboycool:You dance 8 year, in RIVERS-CREW 2 years. In what CREW is it 6 years?Born:nanjangpan you know? and gambler last superchaircrew译文:bboycool:你跳舞8年,在RIVERS-CREW 2年,在什么CREW6年?Born:nanjangpan 你知道?Gambler 和 suprchaircrew(我问他是合并吗?他说是^^!)原文:Bboycool:Dance and let you feel happy?Born:sure译文:bboycool:你跳舞感到快乐吗?Born:当然原文:bboycool:When you do not dance, what are you doing?Born:i dont know译文:bboycool:当你不跳舞时,你在做什么?Born:不知道

usborne look inside和see inside什么区别

inside的意思,所以从look和see来区分   adj.里面的adv.在里面n.内部prep.在 ... 里面look 意为看,强调看的动作,look inside往里面看的这个动作see意为看见,看到,强调看的结果 see inside往里面看完后




不一样 born 中的 or 读[ɔ:]doctor 中的 or读[ə]

Where was she born 和Where is she from 的区别?

Where was she born 她生于何地?Where is she from 她从哪里来?

I’m Ann. I’m English. I’m twelve. I was born on May 17th , 1991. I learn Chinese at Beijing No.

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:B小题4:B小题5:B 试题分析:本文介绍了安和她的好朋友露西。安和露西都是12岁,他们在同一年级,但是不在同一个班。露西的父母在中国都是英语教师。他们有同一个语文教师张颖,他们都喜欢她。小题1:细节理解题。根据I have a good friend.和We are in the same (同样的) grade. But we are not in the same class.可知我们在同一年级,但是不在同一个班,我们是好朋友。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据I was born on May 17th , 1991.可知Ann出生于1991年5月17日。具体日期前用介词on。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据We have the same Chinese teacher(教师). Her name is Zhang Ying可知我们的语文老师是张颖。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。根据Lucy"s parents are both English teachers in China.可知露西的父母在中国。故选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据Her name is Lily. She is only five years old.可知莉莉只有5岁。故选B。

They were born psychologically weak. 句子中的,were bo


求Zayde Wlf - Born Ready

下面是资源链接,点击进入后选择普通下载即可,无需下载其他任何软件。满意请采纳,谢谢。Born Ready - Zayde Wolf.mp3

求翻译Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904!!


家教公式书 家庭教师HITMAN REBORN!公式视觉书 是不是 Vongola77? 中文版的大概要多少钱?






值得背诵的英语美文:Born to Win 生而为赢

  Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner.   The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.   Winners do not dedicated their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.   Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and donu2019t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.   Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives. They donu2019t give others a false authority over them. Winners are their own bosses and know it.   A winneru2019s timing is right. Winners respond appropriately to the situation. Their responses are related to the message sent and preserve the significance, worth, well-being, and dignity of the people involved. Winners know that for everything there is a season and for every activity a time.   Although winners can freely enjoy themselves, they can also postpone enjoyment, can discipline themselves in the present to enhance their enjoyment in the future. Winners are not afraid to go after what he wants, but they do so in proper ways. Winners do not get their security by controlling others. They do not set themselves up to lose.   A winner cares about the world and its peoples. A winner is not isolated from the general problems of society, but is concerned, compassionate, and committed to improving the quality of life. Even in the face of national and international adversity, a winneru2019s self-image is not one of a powerless individual. A winner works to make the world a better place.

为什么是he was born in China 而不是he born in China,为什么要用被动形式

  因为born是形容词,它是bear的过去分词,不能单独做谓语,只能和be动词一起做谓语。  HewasborninChina.翻译:他出生于中国。  分析:这是一个简单句。谓语用了一般过去式。  He(主语)was(谓语)born(表语)inChina(地点状语).  born是bear的过去分词,演化成了形容词。  bear:vi.承受;结果实;vt.忍受;具有;支撑;孕育。  过去式bore;过去分词:born(表示被孕出,被生出),borne(被负担,被承受)。  例如:  HewasborninMay.  他是五月份出生的。  HewasborninBeijingin1949,theyearoftherevolution.  他出生于1949年的北京,那是个革命的年份。  IwasborninThailand.  我可是在泰国出生的。  Allthetravellingexpenseswillbebornebythehostcountry.  旅费由东道国负担。

为什么是he was born in China 而不是he born in China,为什么要用被动形式




I was born in June.这句话是什么语态?为什么要用bear过去分词?但又用am的过

一般过去时态固定用法be born出生

when did he bear与when was he born

when was he born是正确的,这里是用过去式的被动语态来表达的was+born(bear的过去分词)

I was born in 1995

被动语态 词组为be born

Born in 1930为什么不用borning?



可以得出born本身没有过去式和过去分词,而是bear的过去分词。因此,born的过去式和过去分词都是born。补充资料:一、意思v.出生;出世;出现;形成;成立;以…的顺序(或方式、地点等)出生的;adj.天生(有某方面才能)的;二、例句:1、She was born into a very musical family.她生于音乐之家。2、She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation.绝望驱使她鼓起勇气,做出行动。三、词汇用法1、born是bear的过去分词,作及物动词时意为支撑,支持,亲自携带,运输;作不及物动词时意为结果,生产,和…有关。2、born可以用作形容词,基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。3、born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。4、born无比较级和最高级。四、born常用搭配:1、be born to be/do sth注定会成为;注定要做2、born and bred(在某地)出生长大;受过…熏陶3、not be born yesterday表示自己并不傻,不会轻信别人的话4、born of出生于…家庭,出于5、born of a desire出于某种愿望6、born to生而享有…的,生而处于…情况的

bear bore born

其实born一方面是bear的过去分词,还有一个是出生的意思. 不知道你看不看网球,目前单打世界排名第三的费德勒,他的比赛上经常有人挥动”born to win “的标语,意思是 生而为赢. born 形容词 a.[Z] 1.出生的,诞生的;产生的[F] The baby was born last Friday. 孩子是上星期五生的. 2.天生的,生来就有的[+to-v] She was born to succeed. 她注定会成功的.

I borned in 1989 和 I was born in 1989 有区别吗?

There is no such word as borned !I was born in 1989 is the only correct answer .

Born Of Frustration 歌词

歌曲名:Born Of Frustration歌手:James专辑:James: The Best OfBorn Of FrustrationJamesAll this frustrationI can"t meet all my desiresStrange conversationSelf-control has just expiredAll an illusionOnly in my head you don"t existWho are you foolingDon"t need a shrink but an exorcistLa...Show me the movieOf who you are and where you"re fromBorn of frustrationCaught up in the webs you"ve spunWhere"s the confusionA vision of what life is likeShow me the movieThat doesn"t deal in black and whiteStop stop talking about who"s to blameWhen all that counts is how to changeStop stop talking about who"s to blameWhen all that counts is how to changeLa....All this frustrationAll this frustrationWho put round eyes on a butterfly"s wingsAll this frustrationAll this frustrationWho gave the leopards spots and taught the birds to singBorn of frustrationBorn of frustrationI"m living in the weirdest dreamWhere nothing is the way it seemsWhere no one"s who they need to beWhere nothing seems that real to meWhat can we build our lives uponNo wall of stone, no solid groundThe world is spinning endlesslyWe"re clinging to our own beliefsBorn of frustrationBorn of frustration


(尤指未经要求)跟随,尾随 If someone goes somewhere and you tag along , you go with them, especially when they have not asked you to. She seems quite happy totag along with them. “I"m going to the store.” “Would you mind if I tagged along with you?” to be or stay in a place for a period of time without doing much; If you hang around , hang about , or hang round with someone or in a particular place, you spend a lot of time with that person or in that place. We just hung around all afternoon, listening to music. ...the usual young crowd who hung around the cafe day in and day out. They usually hung around together most of the time... Helen used to hang round with the boys. to send (someone) away to a different place Despite his protests, his mom packed him off to bed. [=sent him to bed] parents packing their kids off to college to do the things that are needed to help and protect (a person or animal) : to look after (someone or something) She cares for [= takes care of ] elderly patients. Who is caring for your son while you are at work? I cared for his cat while he was away. to leave a place for a new place He went off to join the army after graduating from high school. She went off to America. She went off to get a drink. used to introduce a statement that is the first in a series of statements “Why don"t you like him?” “Well, for starters [= first of all ], he was rude to my parents.” There are a number of problems— for starters, where is the money coming from? u2022The winners will be flown to Paris— and that"s just for starters. to live with barely enough money : to be able to buy only the things you need most Money was tight, but we somehow managed to scrape by . [= survive ] She"s scraping along on just a few hundred dollars a month. We"re barely scraping by on my salary. to take care of yourself without help from anyone else His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself. u2022The fox was released into the wild when it was old enough to fend for itself. She fell ill soon after and did not recover. He fell ill and died soon after. a position or level within a group, organization, etc., that is higher or lower than others to get a foot on the bottom rung of the career ladder He was on the bottom rung on the corporate ladder. She was a few rungs above him on the social ladder. the top rung of society the lowest/highest rung of the pay scale He insists that she come. to be aware of what is happening around you and ready to think and act quickly 时刻保持警惕;随机应变 If you have your wits about you or keep your wits about you, you are alert and ready to act in a difficult situation. She can keep her wits about her [=remain calm and able to think clearly] in a crisis. Travellers need to keep their wits about them. The children never lift a finger to help around the house. to find and gather together (people, animals, or things) They rounded up the cattle. The police rounded up all the suspects. She rounded up people to play basketball. to fall asleep or become unconscious They both passed out in front of the TV. I felt like I was going to pass out from exhaustion. He drank until he passed out . Someone was passed out on the floor. [=someone was lying unconscious on the floor] ( also what·so·ever ) no, nothing, none, etc. ~ not at all; not of any kind (用于名词词组后,强调否定陈述)丝毫,任何,无论什么 You use whatsoever after a noun group in order to emphasize a negative statement. ‘Is there any doubt about it?" ‘None whatsoever." My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics... There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this woman was a totally devoted and caring mother. There"s no evidence whatsoever [= whatever ] to support your theory. His remark had nothing whatsoever to do with you. 仔细阅读;认真钻研 If you pore over or through information, you look at it and study it very carefully. It will take several more months to pore through the volumes of documents. We spent hours poring over travel brochures... He pored over the map for hours. These are some of my prized possessions. I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire. an amount of sth that you need and want frequently, especially an illegal drug such as heroin I need a fix of coffee before I can face the day. to convince (someone) to do what you want by trying again and again She pleaded until she had worn her parents down and they agreed to let her go to the party. He believed that he could wear her down if he only asked often enough. (廉价)冒牌货,仿制品 A knockoff is a cheap copy of a well-known product. You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them. That purse is a knockoff . If you can get by with what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way. How can you get by on such a small salary? We got by with a minimum of clothing when we went camping. I"m a survivor. I"ll get by... Melville managed to get by on a small amount of money. used in speech to give stress to a statement that you are making so that a preceding or following statement will not be misunderstood His advice wasn"t very helpful. I"m not criticizing him, mind you . Mind you , I"m not criticizing him, but the truth is that his advice wasn"t very helpful. They provide a good service. Mind you, they charge enough for it. to speak freely and confidently about something : to express an opinion openly Several of us decided to speak up about our working conditions. She is always ready to speak up for animal rights. If the world is your oyster , your life is good and you have the ability to do whatever you want to do; there is no limit to the opportunities open to you; used for emphasizing that you can go anywhere or do anything that you want to. We were young and happy, and the world was our oyster. With talent like that, the world is her oyster.

这是开头:when I born, I Black When I grow up, I Black When I go in Sun, I Black...

when I born, I Black 当我出生时,我是黑色的。  When I grow up, I am black.我长大了,我是黑色的。  When I"m under the sun, I"m black.我在阳光下,我是黑色的。  When I"m cold, I"m black.我寒冷时,我是黑色的。  When I"m afraid, I"m black.我害怕时,我是黑色的。  When I"m sick, I"m black.我生病了,我是黑色的。  When Idie, I"m still black.我死了,我仍是黑色的。  You———white people,你———白种人,  When you were born,you were pink.当你出生时,你是粉红色的。  When you grow up,you become white.你长大了,变成白色的。  You"re red under the sun.你在阳光下,你是红色的。  You"re blue when you"re cold.你寒冷时,你是青色的。  You are yellow when you"re afraid.你害怕时,你是黄色的。  You"re green when you"re sick.你生病时,你是绿色的。  You"re gray when you die.当你死时,你是灰色的。  And you,call me"colored"?而你,却叫我"有色人种”?

All men are born equal.born equal 分别是什么词 怎么能搭配

Eight year experience, looking for missing relatives, real-time control of love whereabouts, willing to do small



bill gates was born onu2026u2026

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. He was a very clever boy. At school, his favourite subjects were science and math. When people asked him what he wanted to be in the future, he always said, "A scientist." When he was 13 years old, Bill started to play with computers. At that time, a computer was a very large machine. Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. In the end, they worked out a software program (软件程序). Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17. In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. There he developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer(微机), but he didn"t finish his studies in Harvard. In his third year, he left Harvard to work for Microsoft company(微软). He thought computer would be an important tool (工具) in every office and every family, so he began developing software for personal computers. He made it much easier for people to use computers than before.

表示“天生的”这几个单词,innate inborn congenital inherent instinctive born,高手请讲下区别

自己整的,共同学习。Innate和Inborn意思用法差不多,指某种品性或才能是天生的、先天的或天赋的,如innate ability, innate beauty, innate desire就指的是天生才干,天生丽质,固有欲望等Congenital主要指疾病而言inherent也有天生的意思,但更侧重于内在的,本质的,指物体本身固有的、不能与该物体分割的某种特性。如inherent part of characterinstinctive是instinct本能的形容词,意思侧重于本能的,直觉的born表示天生的意思时和innate,inborn一样,不过主要还有出身,出生于的意思。

born to reign(will smith) 中英歌词对照

"Born To Reign"I believe in GodI believe in DestinyNot Destiny in the sense of all of our Exerts being pre-determinedBut Destiny in the Sense of our ability to chooseOur ability to choose who we are and who we are supposed to beYo Yo YoYoI was Born to reignPoint BlankMy name to be ecthed in stoneMy destiny Pre-ordanedTrying to live righteousfighting for life, tis my lifethat"s why I liked on my vicesTightening the vices of truth on the ruthlessThis is rhyme and the crime and their minds is just uselessThe path of the poison, the genesis of the genisiYou and your boys trying to decide, what to writebut your hand is a sword and the blade has been forgedyoung minds gettin gorged States have been alteredby liquor, by weed and then hate gets exaltedas art falls to greed, Choices is Made that"s the voices is laidon the track, contract, the soldier wage, did you see his new Benz,but your like a syringe now proud of your binge.Got a lot of new friends, got a lot of new endsbought a house up in the hills fronting shouts to the pengiving false accounts of your account"s amountsamounts the fans treason stands to reason since your inceptionlaced with deception and bred with false affection it must perishFrom the Terrace I see the fire burning the streets but I won"t shield my eyes to the heatBorn to reign(oh)I was Born to reign(oh)I was Born to Reign"出生于统治"我相信上帝我相信命运不被预先决定我们施加的所有意义上的命运但命运在我们的能力来选择的感觉我们是谁和谁我们都应该选择我们的能力哟哟 YoYo我是天生统治点空白我的名字是 ecthed 中的石头我的命运 Pre-ordaned想要活义人为生存而战,tis 我的生活这就是为什么我喜欢上我的恶习收紧的真理上无情的恶习这是押韵和犯罪,他们的想法是只是无用路径的毒药,genisi 的成因你和你的手下试图决定,要写什么但你的手是一把剑和刀片式服务器已被伪造青年的思想得到 gorged 的国家已被更改由酒的杂草,然后恨高举获取艺术不落的贪婪,选择是声音的制造奠定了跟踪、 合同、 军人工资,你看到他新的奔驰但你会喜欢现在自豪你狂潮的注射器。有很多新朋友,有很多新的两端买房子山临笔的叫喊声中给您的帐户金额的假帐球迷叛国站立到原因您以来的数额laced 用欺骗手段和用虚假的感情培育它必须灭亡从露台看街道上的火,但我不会屏蔽我的眼睛到热天生的统治(哦)我是天生统治(哦)我是天生统治

Nick was born in Melbourne,Australia in 1982.He had no limbs. When Nick began his study at school

ufeff可以参考下面这篇文章Nick Vujicic was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic (pronounced Voy-a-chich) came into the world with neither arms or legs.Throughout his childhood Nick dealt not only with the typical challenges of school and adolescence such as bullying and self-esteem issues; he also struggled with depression and loneliness as he questioned why he was different to all the other kids surrounding him; why he was the one born without arms and legs. He wondered what the purpose behind his life was, or if he even had a purpose. After a lot of frustration and feeling like the odd one out in school, at seven years of age Nick tried out some specially designed electronic arms and hands, in hope that he would be more like the other kids. During the short trial period of the electronic arms, Nick realized that even with them, he was still unlike his peers at school, and they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, effecting his general mobility quite significantly.As Nick grew up he learnt to deal with his disability and started to be able to do more and more things on his own. He adapted to his situation and found ways to accomplish tasks that most people could only do by using their limbs, such as cleaning teeth, brushing hair, typing on a computer, swimming, playing sports, and much more. As time went by Nick began to embrace his situation and achieve greater things. In grade seven Nick was elected captain of his school and worked with the student council there on various fund-raising events for local charities and disability campaigns.According to Nick the victory over his struggles throughout his journey, as well as the strength and passion he has for life can be credited to his faith, his family, his friends and the many people he"s encountered during his life who have encouraged him along the way.After school Nick went on with further study and obtained a double bachelor degree majoring in accounting and financial planning. By the age of 19 Nick started to fulfil his dream of being able to encourage other people and bring them hope, through motivational speaking and telling his story. I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There"s a purpose for why you"re in the fire. Nick wholeheartedly believes that there is a purpose in each of the struggles we encounter in our lives and that our attitude towards those struggles that can be the single most effective factor in overcoming them.In 2005 Nick was nominated for the "Young Australian of the Year" Award, which is a large honor in Australia, recognizing a young person for their excellence and service to their local community and the nation, as well as their own personal accomplishments. Nominations for this award are only given to truly inspirational people.Now at 25 years old this limbless young man has accomplished more than most people even twice his age. Nick recently made the massive move from Brisbane, Australia to California, USA, where he is the president of an international non-profit organization, and also has his own motivational speaking company; Attitude Is Altitude. Since his first motivational speaking engagement back when he was 19, Nick has traveled around the world, sharing his story with millions of people, speaking to a range of different groups such as students, teachers, youth, business men and women, entrepreneurs, and church congregations of all sizes. He has also told his story and been interviewed on various televised programs worldwide. However, Nick"s speaking engagements have gone beyond purely motivational speaking, he has had the opportunity to speak with several leaders, including the vice president of Kenya. This year alone Nick is set to speak in over 20 countries.Nick shares with his audiences the importance of vision and dreaming big. Using his own experiences in worldwide outreach as examples, he challenges others to examine their perspective and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his view of ceasing to see obstacles as problems, but instead begin to see them as opportunities to grow and reach out to others. He stresses the importance of our attitude being the most powerful tool we have at our disposal and illustrates how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.ufeffufeff

求paramore的 【born for this】歌词中文翻译

This one goes out to the man who mines for miraclesThis one goes out to the ones in needThis one goes out to the sinner and the cynicalThis ain"t about no apologyThis road was paved by the hopeless and the hungryThis road was paved by the winds of changeWalking beside the guilty and the innocentHow will you raise your hand when they call your name?Yeah, yeah, yeah机会的球会跑到开采奇迹的人手里机会的球会跑到身陷穷困的人手里机会的球会跑到罪人与悲观的人手里关键不在於样样完美而从不需道歉通往成功的路程,是由失望者和饥饿者铺建通往成功的路程,是在变化无常的风中铺建走在有罪的人与清白的人身旁当你被点名时,你会表明哪一种身分?耶、耶、耶We weren"t born to followCome on and get up off your kneesWhen life is a bitter pill to swallowYou gotta hold on to what you believeBelieve that the sun will shine tomorrowAnd that your saints and sinners bleedWe weren"t born to followYou gotta stand up for what you believeLet me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah我们不是天生注定当追随者来来来,别跪著,站起来生命是一颗你不得不吞食的苦药丸你该坚持你所相信的相信明天的太阳将持续照耀圣徒与罪人都会受伤流血我们不是天生注定当追随者你该为你的信念而奋起尽管喊出耶、耶、耶,噢,耶This one"s about anyone who does it differentlyThis one"s about the one who cusses and spitsThis ain"t about our livin" in a fantasyThis ain"t about givin" up or givin" inYeah, yeah, yeah成功的人,可能做法不同於他人成功的人,可能言语粗鲁成功的机会,不是我们生活於幻想中就可以遇见成功的机会,不在於放弃或让步耶、耶、耶We weren"t born to followCome on and get up off your kneesWhen life is a bitter pill to swallowYou gotta hold on to what you believeBelieve that the sun will shine tomorrowAnd that your saints and sinners bleedWe weren"t born to followYou gotta stand up for what you believeLet me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeahLet me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah我们不是天生注定当追随者来来来,别跪著,站起来生命是一颗你不得不吞食的苦药丸你该坚持你所相信的相信明天的太阳将持续照耀圣徒与罪人都会受伤流血我们不是天生注定当追随者你该为你的信念而奋起尽管喊出耶、耶、耶、噢,耶尽管喊出耶、耶、耶、噢,耶[guitar solo] (吉他独奏)We weren"t born to followCome on and get up off your kneesWhen life is a bitter pill to swallowYou gotta hold on to what you believeBelieve that the sun will shine tomorrowAnd that your saints and sinners bleedWe weren"t born to followYou gotta stand up for what you believeLet me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeahLet me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah我们不是天生注定当追随者来来来,别跪著,站起来生命是一颗你不得不吞食的苦药丸你该坚持你所相信的相信明天的太阳将持续照耀圣徒与罪人都会受伤流血我们不是天生注定当追随者你该为你的信念而奋起尽管喊出耶、耶、耶、噢,耶尽管喊出耶、耶、耶、噢,耶We weren"t born to follow - oh yeahWe weren"t born to follow - oh yeah我们不是天生注定当追随者-噢,耶我们不是天生注定当追随者-噢,耶

求liz claiborne等欧美饰品的详细资料

Liz Claiborne(丽资克莱本),公司成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适用的场合则从正式场合到休闲的穿着都有。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写L.c.i.公司成立于1976年,就目前来说它拥有全美最大的销售网络,2000年民意调查中品牌位居中高档的第一位。此品牌还生产衣服,香水,拎包与鞋子等以及各种产品.Liz Claiborne,旗下有40多个品牌:Mexx,Axcess,Crazy Horse,Curve,Dana Buchman, Elisabeth, Emma James, First Issue,Liz Claiborne, Marvella, Monet Group, Villager。 LIZ&CO; LIZGOLF; WITH LABLE; DKNY; JUICY COUTURE等众多品牌。 Liz以职业和充满活力的女性为对象,适用于任何季节的经典风格,提供最好最新的选择,也提供持久不褪流行经典款式。Monet(莫奈美国饰品知名品牌,来自美国人文荟萃的纽约大都会,主导近年欧美时尚潮流。成立于1929年的Monet拥有良好的技艺传承与完美精致的设计,70多年来,Monet以美式的简洁风格与强烈个性化的设计,成功地带动流行饰品的潮流。运用高科技的工艺技术流露出优质的现代艺术风格。其中它的金色装饰物尤为突出,采用很好的抛光工艺和技术,很耐用,不容易掉色,品质上乘。如果你购买了Monet的饰物就等于购买了保证D/K丹麦DYRBERG/KERN 时尚彩饰是由两位极具时尚理念的首饰设计师Gitte DYRBERG 小姐和Henning KERN 先生1987年在丹麦的首都哥本哈根——“安徒生童话之都”所共同创办的。 2001年时,D/K已荣获菲德烈四世销卓越奖,此大奖并于该年由丹麦王子亨利亲自颂发。D/K的愿景及目标是创造一个国际驰名的隽永时尚品牌,这个品牌有其特有的风韵、气派、梦幻与美丽并以为灵魂。D/K的梦想是要以我们的独创设计引导一个潮流。 DK的品质和灵感绝对是独一无二的,正品DK具有流畅的外形和做工,哪怕是细小到一个戒指上的宝石爪都会研磨的非常顺滑,这是一些仿制DK所不能匹及的。虽然正品DK已经进行了防过敏及防腐蚀(遇水等)处理,但请佩带仍需注意,毕竟漂亮奢华的宝贝都希望它的寿命无条件的延长。 在丹麦以及欧洲是与施华洛世奇齐名的首饰品牌,K/CKNC TRADING公司成立于2003年,位于韩国汉城以南150公里的忠清南道天安市。 在中国,我们的分公司是天津市韩满屋网络技术有限公司(。我们经营韩国服饰进口以及所有韩国商品的代购。我们在中国有自己的网上销售体系。主要向全中国的网店和实体店提供全方位的韩国服饰代理服务。 公司的官方网址

born slippy歌词的中文意思


Reborn 里的 “stand up”罗马 歌词

STAND UP - (アニメ家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN ED) 作词:Lead 作曲:本山清治 编曲:本山清治 呗:Lead Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it Hello~ 最近调子どう? Hey yo!! めちゃめちゃ绝好调! Hello ~ saikin choushi dou ? Hey yo !! mechamecha zekkouchou ! なら早速电源ONにして music please! Come on!! nara sassoku dengen ON nishite music please ! Come on !! じゃ~行きますか DJ play the song! ja ~ iki masuka DJ play the song ! 面倒なこと蹴飞ばして rock on!! 続行する道半ばする想像 mendou nakoto keritoba shite rock on !! zokkou suru michi nakaba suru souzou 堂々と胸张って生きたい本当の所 思い通りには行かない... doudou to mune hatte iki tai hontou no tokoro omoi toori niha ika nai ... 心だけがいつも先走る男 空を见渡せば気まぐれな晴れ kokoro dakegaitsumo sakibashiru otoko sora wo miwatase ba kimagure na hare 时に冷たく容赦なく打つ雨 谁もが思いもしない沈む影 tokini tsumeta ku yousha naku utsu ame daremo ga omoi moshinai shizumu kage まるまる一年365日 绝やさずkick it! 力强い意志 marumaru ichinen 365 nichi taya sazu kick it ! chikaraduyoi ishi からなる日々が作る大きな道 そこで生まれるさらなる意味 karanaru hibi ga tsukuru ooki na michi sokode umare rusaranaru imi Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it 弱気な気持ちになると畏まる 余计上手くいかなくて立ち止まる yowaki na kimochi ninaruto kashikoma ru yokei umaku ikanakute tachi toma ru 伤つくのが怖ぇ 壳を破るのが怖ぇ kizutsu kunoga kowae kara wo yaburu noga kowae でもそんなんみんな同じやん 一绪やん demosonnanminna onaji yan issho yan 逃げ出したくなるのは当然 今の位置から踏み出す勇気 nigedashi takunarunoha touzen ima no ichi kara fumi dasu yuuki 一歩でも二歩でもペースは自由に 成功しなくてもええよ A Yo! ippo demo niho demo pe^su ha jiyuu ni seikou shinakutemoeeyo A Yo ! 抵抗する姿势で成长 Take off 0胜からいずれは1000胜 连胜 teikou suru shisei de seichou Take off 0 kachi karaizureha 1000 kachi renshou 殿堂入りの旅へLet"s GO! dendou iri no tabi he Let"s GO! Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it いつだって向かい风の中で もうどうしようもないくらいcryな日々で itsudatte mukai kaze no naka de moudoushiyoumonaikurai cry na hibi de 丸くなったってしょうがないし 待ってたってなんにも来やせん maruku nattatteshouganaishi matte tattenannimo koya sen 全然 OK じゃあ参ろう year 调子Dooo~!? A YO! zenzen OK jaa mairo u year choushi Dooo ~!? A YO ! そんな感じでついてきなみんな オレ九州男児 sonna kanji detsuitekinaminna ore kyuushuu danji Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it 何が良いとかダメとか あるとかないとか nani ga yoi toka dame toka arutokanaitoka じゃ~なんとなくはなしにして生きたい ja ~ nantonakuhanashinishite iki tai About around. "U turn" of this way 「戻らん时间」だから Yes! About around. U turn of this way ( modora n jikan ) dakara Yes ! Just do it ! やってるだけじゃ何も意味ないから yatterudakeja nanimo imi naikara やれて初めてそこでかっこいいのなら yarete hajimete sokodekakkoiinonara 好きな事ほどやり通す事で 次第にでかい自分に出会うここで suki na koto hodoyari tousu koto de shidai nidekai jibun ni deau kokode

家庭教师人物介绍 巴吉尔 家光 斯帕纳 Reborn 津嘉 布莱德 艾莉丝


The artist was born poor,and poor he remained all his life.

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