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Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

别借债,莫放债。莎士比亚 <哈姆雷特>

英语的发展为什么是heavy borrower

Historically, English originated from the fusion of languages and dialects, now collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic (Anglo-Saxon) settlers by the 5th century – with the word English being derived from the name of the Angles, and ultimately from their ancestral region of Angeln (in what is now Schleswig-Holstein).[14] A significant number of English words are constructed based on roots from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life.[15] The language was further influenced by the Old Norse language due to Viking invasions in the 8th and 9th centuries.The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century gave rise to heavy borrowings from Norman-French, and vocabulary and spelling conventions began to give the superficial appearance of a close relationship with Romance languages[16][17] to what had now become Middle English. The Great Vowel Shift that began in the south of England in the 15th century is one of the historical events that mark the emergence of Modern English from Middle English.Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary. Modern English has not only assimilated words from other European languages but also from all over the world, including words of Hindi and African origin. The Oxford English Dictionary lists over 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific, or slang terms.

saver-lenders and borrower-spenders 什么意思

saver-lenders and borrower-spenders: 省钱后再借出去的人和借钱来花的人



Neither a borrower nor a lender be 怎么翻译啊 莎士比亚的一句.


英语的发展为什么是heavy borrower

1. Development of English vocabularyAll the words in a language together constitute what is known as its vocabulary.A. English vocabulary as viewed in the historical perspectiveThe history of English begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD.The language they spoke was Anglo-Saxon, which replaced the Celtic spoken by the former inhabitants. The next seven hundred years (449-1100) are known as the Old English (OE) or Anglo-Saxon (AS) period of the English language. The vocabulary of Old English contains some fifty or sixty thousand words, which were chiefly Anglo-Saxon with a small mixture of Old Norse (a general term for the Scandinavian language in its very early stage) words as a result of the Scandinavian or the Danish conquests of England in the ninth century.During the Old English period, English language borrowed a considerable number of Latin words, especially after the introduction of Christianity into Britain in 597.e.g. bargain, cheap, inch, pound; cup, dish, wall, wine; abbot, altar, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, nun, priest, pope, shrine, temple and a great many others.The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is know as Middle English (ME 1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066.Since the French-speaking Normans were the ruling class, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters; but the masses continued to speak English.The French loan words(借词)were found in every section of the vocabulary:e.g. law and governmental administration (judge, jury, justice; government, parliament, state…); military affairs (conquer, sergeant, victory…); religion (baptism, confess, divine, sermon…); clothing (coat, dress, gown, robe…); food (beef, mutton, pork, dinner…); art (beauty, image, design…); literature (chapter, poet, prose…); science (medicine, remedy, surgeon), and so on.The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English.In the early stages of this period (including the years between 1500 and about 1700) the Renaissance brought great changes to vocabulary. In this period, the study of classics were stressed and the result was the wholesale borrowing from Latin. The Latin loan words were mostly connected with science and abstract ideas.e.g. chemist, function, scientific, vacuum; area, irony, theory, education, adapt, exist, appropriate, precise.The renewed study of Greek also led to the introduction of some Greek words directly into the English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words.e.g. drama, comedy, tragedy, lexicon, criterion, botany, physics and so on.From the 16th century onward, English borrowed words from an increasing number of languages,For example, fromFrench: attach, café and so on;Italian (mainly in the fields of music, art and architecture): concert, duet, piano, soprano, solo, tenor; model, bust, studio; dome, balcony, piassa and so on;Spanish: armada, cargo, vanilla, cocoa and cigar;Portuguese: caste and pagoda;German: bismuth, cobalt, nickel and zinc;Dutch: dock, freight and keel; Russian: vodka, troika, ruble and tsar;Australian: boomerang, kangaroo and dingo;Arabic: sugar, sultan and alcohol;Indian: coolie, cashmere and khaki;Hebrew: schmozzo and schmalts;Chinese: tea, typhoon and yamen;Japanese: kimono and tycoon;African: gorilla and zebra.In fact English has adopted words from almost every known language in the course of its historical development.As summed up in The Encyclopedia Americana: "…The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed" English is supposed to have the most copious vocabulary of all the language in the world, estimated at more than a million words.

Neither a borrower ,nor a lender be. 什么意思.

我来给你讲解。neither……nor……既不,也不。borrow,借入,动词。后面加er,变成名词,借入的人。lend,借出,动词。后面加er,变成名词,借出的人。 Neither a borrower nor a lender be的翻译是:莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》剧中人波洛尼厄斯忠告他的儿子说,既不要借钱给人,也不要向别人借钱。


borrower:n.借钱人;借用人,剽窃者 ,1,This fax of bid clarification is addressed to the borrower.这封投标澄清电是发给借款人的。-spender:n.挥霍者;挥金如土的人,1,You know I really am a big spendelender:n.出借人,贷方1,Obtaining funds from a lender.从出借人那里获得资金。saver:n:储蓄者,储蓄的人1,The rise intererst rates is good news for savers. 总结:saver-lender:储户—出借人 borrower-spender:借款人—消费者希望对你有帮助哈


1、borrower的意思:借钱人;借用人,剽窃者(n.)读音:英 [u02c8bu0252ru0259u028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8bɑ:rou028au0259(r)] 2、borrower的反义词:lender读音:英 [u02c8lendu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8lendu0259r] 意思:出借人,贷方;债主。