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谁有Britney Spear 的歌sometimes的中文歌词?

You tell me you"re in love with me 你说你爱上我 Like you can"t take your pretty eyes away from me 就像你对我目不转睛 It"s not that I don"t want to stay 那并不是我想说的 But every time you come too close I move away 但每次你靠近我时 我总是立即离开 I wanna believe in everything that you say 我想要相信你说的一切 "Cause it sounds so good 因为那听起来很棒 But if you really want me, move slow 但如果你真的喜欢我,慢慢来 There"s things about me you just have to know 因为你必须要了解我 CHORUS (合唱) Sometimes I run(sometimes) 有时候我逃跑(有时候) Sometimes I hide 有时候我躲藏 Sometimes I"m scared of you 有时候我对你感到恐惧 But all I really want is to hold you tight 但我真正想要的是紧紧抓住你 Treat you right, be with you day and night 真实的对待你,日日夜夜和你在一起 Baby all I need is time 宝贝 我需要的只是时间 I don"t wanna be so shy (uh i) 我不想那么害羞 Every time that I"m alone I wonder why 每次我总会想为什么我会如此孤单 Hope that you will wait for me 希望你会等着我 You"ll see that you"re the only one for me 你会知道你是我的唯一 I wanna believe in everything that you say 我想要相信你说的一切 "Cause it sounds so good 因为那听起来很棒 But if you really want me, move slow 但如果你真的喜欢我,慢慢来 There"s things about me you just have to know 因为你必须要了解我 Repeat CHORUS (重复合唱) Come just hang around and you"ll see 来我身边你就会发现 There"s nowhere I"d rather be 这就是真正的我 If you love me, trust in me 如果你爱我,相信我 the way that I.... trust in you 正如我...相信你 Repeat CHORUS (重复合唱) all I really want is to hold you tight 我真正想要的是紧紧抓住你 Treat you right, be with you day and night 真实的对待你,日日夜夜和你在一起 Sometimes I run(sometimes) 有时候我逃跑(有时候) Sometimes I hide 有时候我躲藏 Sometimes I"m scared of you 有时候我对你感到恐惧 Come just hang around and you"ll see 来我身边你就会发现 There"s nowhere I"d rather be 这就是真正的我 If you love me, trust in me 如果你爱我,相信我 the way that I.... trust in you 正如我...相信你

britney spear 的资料 以及一切好听的歌

生日:1981年12月2日 星座:射手座 身高:162cm,5英尺5英寸 体重:57kg 难忘的事情:在舞台上踩到蛋糕,摔了一跤...觉的很丢脸 讨厌的地方:没有 常到的地方:可能是舞台上吧,哈哈 最喜欢的运动:篮球、高尔夫球和网球 最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝色 最喜欢的零食:冰淇淋(会胖的,甜甜) 最喜欢的歌手:BSB,Michael.Jackson 最喜欢的动物:小狗狗(布兰妮养了一只可爱的挪威纳) 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 嗜好:逛街,打电话和别人聊天,睡觉 优点:诚实,充满精力,意志坚定 缺点:没有(嘻嘻,我是这么认为啦!) 个人座右铭:Enjoy everyday! 最喜欢的电影作品:Titanic 就职于:Jive公司1998年,任谁也没想到一个16岁的美国小女生〈布兰妮 BRITNEY SPEARS〉可以在短短的2年年征服全球的少男少女,一跃登上新世纪流行之声的少女天后的宝座!1999年2月,布兰妮的首张专辑〈爱的初告白 BABY ONE MORE TIME〉推出时即在专辑榜上获得告示榜第一名,不可思议的是与专辑同名的单曲也同时拿下了告示榜第一名,一举打破「美国史上最年轻歌手」一周人同时拥有冠军单与冠军专辑等6项惊世记录,让许多人跌破眼镜,更让位居天后级的当红女歌手汗颜。她以全球3000万张的唱片销售量纪录印证了〈英雌出少女〉的事实,引领着真正属于新一代年轻少女的GIRL POWER大步跨入千禧!刚出道的『小甜甜』布兰妮仅是一个来自USA路易斯安娜17岁的小女生,别以为『小甜甜』布兰妮只是一个梦幻童话里的幸运小公主,因为打从她童年的时候『小甜甜』布兰妮就已经参加了舞蹈表演团体及圣诗歌唱班奠定她的表演之路,之后在她8岁时甚至远赴亚特兰大参加迪士尼频道的『米老鼠俱乐部』的试镜,虽然因为年龄太小的缘故无法加入,却因此被经纪公司发掘转往纽约开始严格的学艺之路,接受正统的艺术表演与歌唱调教,期间参加了几出电视剧与白老汇戏剧的演出;11岁时,『小甜甜』布兰妮终于如愿以偿加入了『米老鼠俱乐部』,15岁成为一个女孩美声团体的一员,但是甜美的歌声与甜蜜的外表却让她脱颖而出而开始走上个人流行音乐之路。在1998年的新好男孩与超级男孩全美巡回演出中,『小甜甜』布兰妮受到邀请担任开场,迷炫的舞台动作与甜美的歌声和笑容,旋即掳获在场的年轻歌迷,除此之外,『小甜甜』布兰妮更是十分荣幸地以新人姿态获邀参加99年全美音乐奖颁奖典礼作为首次的电视曝光,正因小妮子如此锐不可挡,难怪乎1999年开春第一号的Billboard告示排行榜杂志便大幅报导『小甜甜』布兰妮。初闯歌坛便拥有如此令人称羡的成绩,虽然『小甜甜』布兰妮俨然是这世纪末的最后一位流行天后,但其实『小甜甜』布兰妮和其它许多16、7岁花样年华的少女一样憧憬浪漫的爱情际遇,喜欢跟死党疯狂逛街采购,一样要为学校的功课伤脑筋,所幸在妈妈细心的照顾与安排下,『小甜甜』布兰妮能够在生活、事业、学业之间找到一个完美的平衡点。如日中天的『小甜甜』,更因为她耀眼的成绩获得知名品牌Tommy Hilfiger屏雀中选,她将担任此品牌新的年度代言人;除此之外,遍及全球的麦当劳也邀请了人气鼎沸的布兰妮拍摄最新的电视广告,与她搭档演出的就是NBA篮球巨星葛兰特奚尔与职棒超级巨星山米索沙(Sammy Sosa)!而日本糖果厂商-味觉糖也看中了布兰妮甜美的外型及人气,特地重金礼聘至日本拍摄广告代言产品,而『小甜甜』布兰妮在青少年族群中的影响力,也让她成了青少年的流行指针及商品的最佳代言人。从1999年初推出首张专辑『爱的初告白Baby One More Time』至今,布兰妮这张获美国RIAA认证超过1200万张的畅销专辑已连续强占Billboard告示排行榜TOP 10超过47周了,使得布兰妮成为美国SOUNDSCAN史上最年轻的八倍白金销售纪录保持者。而在世界各地各种大小奖项的入围及得奖名单,定不会遗漏布兰妮,从台湾的HIT FM夏日最佳单曲奖、加拿大的朱诺奖、SMASH HITS、TOP OF POPS、TEEN CHOICE、MTV欧洲音乐大奖、美国告示牌年度音乐大奖到全美音乐大奖。其中,11月间,布兰妮在MTV欧洲音乐大奖中捧走4座大奖,击败Lauryn Hill,Ricky Martin,BSB,Jennifer Lopez,TLC等超级对手!囊括了最佳单曲「Baby One More Time」、最佳流行乐、最佳女歌手、最佳新进艺人,让全球乐迷对这位将满18岁的少女天后惊叹不已!随后,在Billboard的年度音乐大奖中,布兰妮又夺得年度最佳女艺人、年度最佳新人、年度最佳专辑女艺人、年度百大畅销单曲女艺人等四项大奖,人气之旺实在无法挡,成了99年流行乐坛的最大赢家!在迈入2000年之际,小甜甜布兰妮延续这股气势在3月1日展开为期5周的U.S. Arena Tour,为即将发行的第二张专辑〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉于5月16日作全球性的发行展开热身运动!为了表达对亚洲歌迷的重视,布兰妮将特地在5月初造访日本,举行盛大的全亚洲新专辑发表记者会,迫使欧洲及美加的新专辑宣传活动延后进行!多月前,在某电视专访中布兰妮谈到对亚洲歌迷的印象,她说她觉得自己在美国以外应该是寂寂无名的,难以想象的是在亚洲也有那么多的热情歌迷支持她,并且承诺要来亚洲看看她的歌迷!结果,她真的实践了亚洲行的诺言,在日本举行了超大型的亚洲记者会,安排一场名为〈AN EVENING WITH BRITNEY〉的新专辑辑发表全球首唱会,在首唱会中一同发表新单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS I DID IT AGAIN〉!这首与专辑同名的第一波主打单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉,己打破〈超级男孩〉在月前所创的纪录,全美共有155个电台同步把这首〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉列入首播名单中,击败了〈超级男孩〉(154个电台)及〈克莉丝汀娜〉(141个电台)再创新纪录!另外,这首单曲亦破天荒的在黑人R&B及HIP HOP RAP电台创下首播佳绩,谁也想王到一位只有18岁的白人美少女竟对壁叠分明的黑人电台产生如此惊人的魅力!挟着〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉的声势,布兰妮偶像地位在世界各国一直屹立不摇,专辑销售在世界各国频传佳绩,从第一支单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉、〈Lucky幸运〉、〈Stronger坚强〉、〈Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know别让我最后知道〉都是曲曲动听的歌曲,由强劲节奏到抒情小品,布兰妮皆诠释得恰到好处!2001年布兰妮更受到全球畅销饮料百事可乐的青睐,百事可乐以天价6千5佰万英镑将布兰妮签下成为百事可乐全球的代言人,这样高额的代言金足以证明布兰妮的号召力及影响力是得到世人所认同,让我们拭目以待这位流行天后布兰妮的魅力吧!



Britney Spears - Someday ( I Will Uderstand )

Britney Spears: "Someday (I Will Understand)" [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody is watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what he"s done to me Oh but maybe Someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? Just stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment Will be more true Than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby 参考: azlyrics/lyrics/britneyspears/somedayiwillunderstand Someday ( I Will Uderstand ) Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody"s watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what He"s done to me Oh but maybe someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what He does to you Oh but maybe someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment will be more true than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that someday You will understand In Gods whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someday (I Will Understand) (Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix) [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way that it use to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me then tell me somebodys watching Over for me and that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to me Oh but maybe someday I will be and I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? just stop and listen to your tears they are from God It"s in you you see somebodys watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but baby someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby No moment would be more true that then moment I look at you It"s in you you see somebody is watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You see it all in your baby Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby

Britney Spears 的大肚歌

更新1: 介唔介意 揾埋mv条link比我呀? Britney Spears - Someday (I Will Understand) Nothing seems to be the way that it used to Every thing seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody's watching Over me And that is all I'm praying is that [chorus:] Someday I will understand In God's whole plan And what he's done to me Oh but maybe someday I will breathe And I'll finally see I'll see it all in my baby Don't you run too fast my dear Why don't you stop? Just stop and listen to your tears They're all you've got It's in you You see Somebody's watching over you And that is all I'm praying is that [chorus:] Someday You will understand In God's whole plan And what he does to you Oh but baby someday you will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby No moment will be more true Than the moment I look at you It's in you You see Somebody is watching over you And that is all I'm praying is that... [chorus:] Someday you will understand In God's whole plan And what it does to you Oh but baby Someday you will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby 2007-12-08 20:53:20 补充: *** /watch?v=GXsjf3_o3MY

Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维尼)Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)谁更

BS在美国一直很红 AL在亚洲很红 TS现在很红

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:ToxicBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

Britney Spears –Toxic MP3百度云


Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits:My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

Britney Grazy-中文翻译


《3》 Britney Spears的歌词内容

歌曲名:3 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:3 (Digital 45) 3 Britney Spears 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" Babe, pick a night To come out and play If it"s alright What do you say? Merrier the more Triple fun that way Twister on the floor What do you say? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin"! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Three is a charm Two is not the same I don"t see the harm So are you game? Lets" make a team Make "em say my name Lovin" the extreme Now are you game? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" What we do is innocent Just for fun and nothin" meant If you don"t like the company Let"s just do it you and me You and me... Or three.... Or four.... On the floor! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin"

谁能帮我翻译Britney 的Kill The Lights这首歌词?

Danja intro - “Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news. Our very own pop princess, now queen of pop, has a special announcement she would like to make.”Danja-“女士们先生们,我们要中断将要播放舞曲的计划,带给你来自各洲电台新闻的一个特殊通告。属于我们的流行公主,现在的流行王后,她有一个特别的公告想要告诉我们。”Britney intro - “You"re in. I think I"m ready for my close up. Yeah.”布兰妮-“你来了.....我想我已经为了我的近照做好了准备。耶。”[Verse 1]You don"t like me, I don"t like you, it don"t matter (Who?)你不喜欢我,我不喜欢你,有什么关系(谁?)Only difference, you still listen, I don"t have to (Who?)唯一的不同,你仍然听别人的,而我不需要(谁?)In one ear and out the other, I don"t need you (Who?)左耳进右耳出,我不需要你(谁?)Your words don"t stick, I ain"t perfect, but you ain"t either (Who?)你的评语很难听,我不完美,难道你就完美吗(谁?)If your feeling froggy, leap (Oh)如果你感到自己是缓慢跳跃的青蛙(哦) I don"t even lose no sleep (Oh)我甚至不会因此失眠(哦)There"s more to me than what you see (Oh)我比你看到的还要多(哦)You wouldn"t like me when I"m angry当我生气的时候,你不喜欢我[Chorus]Mr. Photographer, I think I"m ready for my close-up (tonight)狗仔先生,我想我已经为了我的近照做好了准备(今晚)Make sure you catch me from my good side (pick one)确定你能够捕捉我最好的一面(照一张)These other just wanna be me那些人只是想成为独一无二的我Is that money in your pocket or you happy to see me?是因为你口袋里的钱,还是你真的如此希望见到我?Kill the Lights! Take ‘em out, turn ‘em off, break ‘em down.关上闪光灯!把它拿走,把它关上,把它毁掉Kill the Lights! Don"t be scared, make a move, see me now?关上闪光灯!不要害怕,让个位,看见我了吧Kill the Lights! I"ve seen you, watching me, watching you 关上闪光灯!我看见你,你看着我,我看着你Kill the Lights! You can"t handle the truth, what happened to you?关上闪光灯!你不断搬弄是非,你到底想干什么?I kill the lights, PURE我关上闪光灯,纯粹the lights, SATIS闪光灯,随心所欲的the lights, FACTION闪光灯,狗仔们I kill the lights, LIGHTS我关上闪光灯,灯the lights, CAMERA闪光灯,照相机the lights, ACTION上闪光灯,行动[Verse 2]All the flashing, trying to cash in, hurts my eyes全场的闪光灯, 不断摄入,弄痛了我的眼睛All the poses, out of focus, I despise所有姿势,不被注视,我鄙视Eff me over, your exposure, not the best你的底片,不断诅咒我,这还不是最好的You want me bad, I want you out, release this stress你想我坏,我想你消失,减轻我的压力(Chorus)[Bridge]You"re the star now, welcome to the big league现在你是大明星,欢迎来到巅峰They all want a pic, they all wanna see, see, see他们都想要你的一张相片,他们都想看,看,看What you"re made of, what you"re gonna do你是什么构成的,你将要做些什么Is life gonna get the best of you?然而,你的生活就是最好的吗?(Chorus)

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits: My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Toxic (Digital 45)Baby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

toxic的歌词 britney spears(布兰妮) 的

Baby, can"t you see, I"m callin" 亲爱的 难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warnin" 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 You"re dangerous, I"m fallin" 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape, I can"t wait 我无路可退 我不想空等 I need a hit, baby give me it 我需要你 让我拥有你 You"re dangerous, I"m movin" it 你是个危险情人 让我深深痴迷 Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 Losing my head, spimming round and 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 复歌 Oh, the taste of your lips, I"m on a ride 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 You"re toxic, I"m slippin" under 你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 Oh" the taste of your poison paradise 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you 让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 难道你不知道 And I love what you do 你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 但我却深深为你着迷 It"s getting late to give you up 渐渐地 你的毒入侵我的身体 I took a sip from the devil"s cup Slowly it"s taking over me, Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s inthe air and it"s all around 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel it now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS X2 复歌 X2 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了


6张:...Baby One More TimeOops!...I Did It AgainBritneyIn The ZoneGreatest Hits:My Prerogative(新歌+精选)B In The Mix:The Remixex(混音)

Britney Spears的《Outrageous》 歌词

歌曲名:Outrageous歌手:Britney Spears专辑:The Singles CollectionOutrageousBritney SpearsOutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I"m at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeansOutrageousWhen on the sceneOutrageousMy sex driveOutrageousMy shopping spreeOutrageousWe on a world tourOutrageousJust being a girlSexy as I wanna beGot these fellas chasing meIt"s about time I hit the streetsAll my girls still feeling meBe girl ain"t lost the beatJumped over drama and I landed on my feetGotta keep goingNo stopping meAnd if you don"t like it thenWe are over hereGotta feelin like a world premiereTrenchcoat and my underwearLet"s go with this freak showIt"sOutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I"m at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeansOutrageousWhen on the sceneOutrageousMy sex driveOutrageousMy shopping spreeOutrageousWe on a world tourOutrageousJust being a girlOutrageousI"m about to bring the heatLocking down the industryAll dressed up glamarousRed carperet and camerasTake trips around the globeso nobody knowsSo hot that your coming out your clothesI"m about to give it to yaWe are over hereGotta feelin like a world premiereTrenchcoat and my underwearLet"s go with this freak showIt"sOutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I"m at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeansOutrageousWhen on the sceneOutrageousMy sex driveOutrageousMy shopping spreeOutrageousWe on a world tourOutrageousJust being a girlI just wanna be happyIn a place where life is freeCan you take me there somebody?And when you mention my nameMake you sure know the truth girlUntil I"m about to keep it foreverOutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I"m at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeansOutrageousWhen on the sceneOutrageousMy sex driveOutrageousMy shopping spreeOutrageousWe on a world tourOutrageousJust being a girlOutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I"m at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeansOutrageousWhen on the sceneOutrageousMy sex driveOutrageousMy shopping spreeOutrageousWe on a world tourOutrageousJust being a girlOutrageous

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe End

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe End

Britney Spears布兰妮唱的《Ooh La La (蓝精灵2 主题曲)》中英文版歌词?

百度百科:Ooh La La歌词You don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can"t nobody get down like usWe don"t stop till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can"t nobody get down like usWe don"t stop till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laWe Are Oh la laOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby Come with me and be my Oh la laSo baby come with me and be my Oh la la

高潮是“i need you ,baby"是哪首歌?不是Britney的Everytime哦!

是这首歌曲吗?I need your love-Magnus Carlsson 歌词:Ah ah i need your love Ah ah i need your love Ah ah i need your love Every morning i wake up I try to find my way Carrying on to be strong ,trying to make it on my own,yeah I never thought we could break up Never have a single doubt Now i am all alone The feeling is hanging on Since you went away I think about you everyday You know my love is here to stay I can"t believe it is true I need your love tonight I only want to hold you tight Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy Baby,i need your love tonight I only want to make it right Ah ah i need your love tonight Love come back to me Baby i need your love Every moment i wonder If i let you slip away Even try going back to the good time that we had Oh,since you went away I think about you everyday You know my love is here to stay I can"t believe it is true I need your love tonight I only want to hold you tight Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy baby,i need your love tonight I only want to make it right Ah ah i need your love tonight Love come back to me Baby i need your love Ah ah i need your love Ah ah i need your love Ah ah i need your love Since you went away I think about you everyday You know my love is here to stay I can"t believe it is true I need your love,ha ah I need your love I need your love.......... I need your love tonight I only want to hold you tight Ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy Baby,i need your love tonight I only want to make it right Ah ah i need your love tonight Love come back to me Baby i need your love I need your love,ha ah I need your love,ah ah................

求Britney 的《Do Something》的歌词?

Britney Spears《Do Something》[00:00.45]Britney《Do Somethin"》 [00:09.00]Do you feel this [00:12.62]I know you feel this [00:16.43]Are You ready? [00:20.19]I don"t think so [00:22.81]Somebody give me my truck [00:24.62]So I can ride on the clouds [00:26.47]So I can turn up the bass like... [00:30.16]Somebody pass my guitar [00:31.97]So I can look like a star [00:33.57]And spend this cash like... [00:39.25]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [00:43.02]Why you standin" on the wall? [00:46.58]Music startin" everywhere [00:50.10]So why don"t you just move along? [00:52.56]I see you lookin at me [00:54.41]Like I"m some kind of freak [00:56.25]Care to buy me a seat [00:57.95]Why don"t you do somethin"? [00:59.77]I see you lookin" at me [01:01.68]Like I got what you need [01:03.80]Get on up and say [01:05.42]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:14.81]Now you all in my grill [01:16.61]Cause I say what I feel [01:18.40]Only rocks on what"s real [01:20.53]Baby bump bump [01:22.00]But I can"t do that with you [01:23.69]Only here with my crew [01:25.78]I can roll if you can [01:27.54]Don"t be a punk punk [01:31.10]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [01:34.67]Why you standin" on the wall? [01:38.35]Music startin" everywhere [01:41.66]So why don"t you just move along? [01:44.08]I see you looking at me [01:46.01]Like I"m some kind of freak [01:47.92]Care to buy me a seat [01:49.66]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:51.39]I see you lookin" at me [01:53.43]Like I got what you need [01:55.35]Get on up and say [01:57.10]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:58.82]I see you looking at me [02:00.85]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:02.72]Care to buy me a seat [02:04.50]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:06.29]Na nananananana [02:13.76]Na nananananana [02:19.18]I see you lookin" over here [02:22.97]Can"t you tell I"m havin" fun [02:26.98]If you care like I know [02:28.71]You would stop [02:30.87]Starrin" at us [02:32.57]And get your own space [02:34.57]And do somethin" [02:43.20]I see you looking at me [02:45.18]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:47.07]Care to buy me a seat [02:48.80]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:50.48]I see you lookin" at me [02:52.50]Like I got what you need [02:54.35]Get on up and say [02:56.16]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:57.88]I see you looking at me [03:00.00]Like I"m some kind of freak [03:01.75]Care to buy me a seat [03:03.45]Why don"t you do somethin"? [03:08.92]Fuck! [03:11.70]Do Somethin" [03:17.05]Ow! [03:18.22]Why don"t you do somethin"?

Britney Spears的《Outrageous》 歌词

歌曲名:Outrageous歌手:Britney Spears专辑:In The ZoneCapital Lights - OutrageI"ll take the blame for you for taking onechance away from me at getting over thisAnd what you were to me, your work is done,I"m laughing, after all we"re getting too old for this andWhat a pretty night, what a pretty night,You finally fit into my shoes,I"m never dressed for the occasionalInvasion of surprises, I don"t get surprisedYou think your secret"s safe with you,I"ll catch it swinging through the grapevineIt"s time I let you go,And here"s looking at you kidYour last word comes out slower than you thought it wouldIts all you ever wanted butYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"m taking shame with you for taking 2,too many years that could have lasted now we"ll never get backBut tonight the moon will set the mood,I"m a train routed off course just to keep on track andWhat a petty crime, what a petty crime,How could you be anything but greedy when its all that you knowGive another try, give another try,But if you"re one for the money than you"re too good to show on timeI let you down,And here"s looking at you kidNow that I found and caught you red- handed I"m the last man standing "cuzYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeTake my goodbyes with love and meaningful lyricsI got you this time, I got you this timeA closing line unannounced and breaking your spiritsA curtain call cry, I got you this time, I got you this timeIt"s happened all before with you the one to call it shortbut girl when I say that it"s over than its over for goodWe"re nothing now but history,I"ll leave you reminiscing in a diary regretting paying duesYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,soon your gonna find that I"ll take you out,This is an Outrage!You couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own parade

Britney Spears的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:Britney Spears专辑:The Singles CollectionMona Lisa Britney SpearsThis is the story about Mona LisaLadies and gentlemen,I"ve got a little story to tellAbout Mona Lisa and how she suddenly fell(凶恶)You see everyone knew her, they knew her oh so wellNow I am taking over to release(释放) her from her spell(咒语)she"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)×3She was taken under, drowing in her seaRunning like an angel,she was crying and could not see (oh no)And see everyone"s watching as she starts to fallThey want her to breakdown and be a legend(传说) of her fallshe"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)×3Ladies does that make you cry?Mona Lisa"s got to flyNobody really diesEveryone, may we have a moment of silence(沉默)? Right Here.she"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahThat she"s home,that she"s homeshe"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahThat she"s home,that she"s home,that she"s home

求Britney Spears “oh oh baby"歌词

不好意思只找到英文版的(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowthat something wasn"t right hereOh baby babyI shouldn"t have let you goand now you"re out of sight yeahShow me how you want it to betell me babycause I need to know nowoh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more timeOh baby babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to betell me babycause I need to know nowoh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)when I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more time(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowOh pretty babyI shouldn"t have let you goI must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowDon"t you know I still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more timeMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me babyI must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowDon"t you knowI still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more time

那位高手帮翻译下 Britney Spears的《Shattered Glass》?

SHATTERED GLASS 碎玻璃Did I wake you? 我吵醒你了吗Were you sleepin"? 你刚正睡觉吗Were you still in the bed? 你还在睡吗 Or is a nightmare 或者只是梦魇Keepin" you up instead? 让你清醒Oh baby, are you feelin" guilty 宝贝,你感到内疚吗For what you did? 为了你做的事If you think you"re hurtin" 如果你觉得受伤You ain"t seen nothin" yet 不会视而不见Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃一样支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容将会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来 When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 如碎玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Are you havin" trouble 你是否有问题Focusin" throughout the day? 一整天精神恍惚Do you find yourself 是否发现自己Still callin" my name? 还在叫我的名字Do you wish you could 是否希望可以Rewind time and take it back? 让时间倒回收回过去I bet you realized 肯定你意识到That she ain"t half the woman I am 她还不如我的一半 Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 我希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现在你眼前I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来 When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 就像碎玻璃




Notice me 让我成为你的目光焦点Take my hand 握住我的手Why are we strangers when 为何我们矜持地像陌生人Our love is strong 虽然我俩的爱又如此强烈Why carry on without me? 何不让我加入你的生命Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, it"s haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护I make believe 我傻傻的假设That you are here 你在我的身边It"s the only way 唯有这样I see clear 让我看清一切What have I done? 过去我的所作所为You seemed to move on easy 让你离开了我, 不再眷恋Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, your haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护I may have made it rain 错误已经造成Please forgive me 请你原谅我My weakness caused you pain 如果我曾带给你苦痛And this song is my sorry 这首歌就是我的歉意At night I pray 我夜夜祈祷That soon your face will fade away 你熟悉的面孔,会渐渐消失不见Everytime I try to fly 每当我要展翅高飞I fall without my wings 却又从云间坠落I feel so small 渺小的我I guess I need you, baby 多么需要你的呵护And everytime I see you in my dreams 每当在梦中与你相见I see your face, your haunting me 你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦系I guess I need you, baby 我多么渴望你的呵护

Britney Spears的《Baby Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Boy歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Brand New Brit (Bootleg)Everyday, I"m in a dazeLooking for that someoneAnd everyday, I sit and kneel and prayOh, sweet love, can I get some?So why do you desert me, baby boy?I need your love right now!And if you desert me, baby boyDon"t you leave me in your crowdTalkingHey baby, what time you gonna get home?Oh, really?Alright, well, I"ll see you later, thenOh, waitWould you mind getting some...Yeah, when you come homeYeah, that"s itI love you tooByeSome day when you see my faceYou will think that you have wonAnd some day when it"s all awayOur love just begunSo why did you desert me, baby boy?I thought that you, you were the oneSo if you preferred the other oneShe won"t bring you the sun(son)摇滚小丸子365199733

Britney Spears的《Gimme More》 歌词

歌曲名:Gimme More歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Gimme MoreGimme MoreBritney SpearsIt"s Britney Bitch I see youAnd I just wanna dance with youEverytime they turn the lights downJust wanna go that extra mile for you (you you)Public display of affectionFeel"s like no one else in the roomWe can get down like there"s no one aroundWe"ll keep on rockin (keep on rockin)We"ll keep on rockin (keep on rockin)Cameras are flashing my way Dirty dancingThey keep watchin (they keep watchin)Keep watching feel"s like the crowd is sayingGimmie Gimmie More...Center of attention (even)Even when they"re up against the wallYou got me in a crazy positionFlat on a missionYou got my permissionWe can get down like there"s no one aroundWe"ll keep on rockin(keep on rockin)We"ll keep on rockin (rockin)Cameras are flashing my way Dirty dancingThey keep watchin (keep watchin)Gimmie Gimmie More...Gimmie Gimmie More...Gimmie More Gimmie More Gimmie More Gimmie MoreGimmie Gimmie

Gimme More里Britney说bitch是对那些别人说的,还是骂自己


Britney Spears布兰妮 (Gimme More) mp3 下载

Britney Spears 和Justin Bieber按国际排名谁高?

B宝粉丝量是第二,可是他比GAGA年轻,GAGA没宝有发展前途,看看宝的成就吧2011孩子们的十大榜样第三名  2011英国NME音乐奖入围三项.  贾斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)和他的专辑《My World》被评为年度最佳着装和年度最佳专辑。  2011英国NME杂志音乐奖重要奖项获奖名单如下(贾斯汀部分):   最佳着装(Least Stylish) Justin Bieber  最佳专辑(Worst Album) Justin Bieber  《My World》  第12届全美青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Awards )  最佳男艺人(Choice Music: Male Artist):Justin Bieber  最佳流行专辑(Choice Pop Album): Justin Bieber —《My World 2.0》  最突出男歌手(Choice Breakout Artist – Male): Justin Bieber  夏季最佳音乐贾斯汀·比伯(17张) 男歌手(Choice Summer Music Star - Male): Justin Bieber  第27届MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼 获得最佳新人奖Justin Bieber《Baby》  2010加拿大MuchMusic音乐录像带大奖  加拿大最佳国际录像奖(International Video by a Canadian): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  乐迷最喜爱录像带(UR FAVE Video): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  乐迷最喜爱新人奖(UR FAVE New Artist) Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  2010全美音乐奖公布表演嘉宾  2010MTV欧洲音乐大奖  2010年第37届美国人民选择奖最突出进步歌手提名  2010 AMA全美音乐奖  年度艺人(ARTIST OF THE YEAR) --Justin Bie  ber  最具突破艺人(BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST) --Justin  Bieber  流行/摇滚类(POP/ROCK) 最受欢迎男歌手(Favorite Male Artist)-- Justin Bieber  流行/摇滚类(POP/ROCK) 最受欢迎专辑(Favorite Album) Justin Bieber, "My World 2.0"  2010 MTV欧洲音乐大奖  最佳男歌手: 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)  “PUSH”最佳歌手: 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)  2010蒙牛酸酸乳新人盛典  年度海外新人奖--Justin Bieber  2011年68金球奖颁奖嘉宾  2011年度第53届格莱美奖 “最佳新人奖”和“最佳流行类专辑奖”的提名  2011全英音乐奖  国际最具突破艺人--Justin Bieber  2011年NBA全明星赛嘉宾  最佳突破男艺人:贾斯汀-比伯 最佳流行专辑:《My World2.0》贾斯汀-比伯  最佳夏天音乐男星:贾斯汀-比伯  19 2010年9月13日洛杉矶讯,当地时间9月13日,第27届MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼(MTV Video Music Awards)举行。贾斯汀·比伯 (Justin Bieber) 获得最佳新人奖(the Best New Artist award )。并在室外表演baby 和 somebody to love和打架子鼓  20 由国际在线娱乐频道举办的“全球娱乐热势力2010最红人网络评选活动(专题)”欧美地区的入围投票第二名  21 2010MTV欧洲音乐大奖获得“最佳男歌手”奖项  22 2010年11月21日获得AMA年度艺人、最具突破性艺人、最佳流行男歌手以及最佳专辑四项大奖  23 2010年美国在线最热搜索名人前十名  24 2010年全美大奖赛击败Mariah carey、Madonna、Lady gaga等人,获得年度最佳艺人奖项。  25 2010月12月1日,第53届格莱美音乐奖(Grammy Awards)公布各奖项提名,贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber) 入围最佳新人和最佳流行专辑提名名单,这是Justin bieber首次获得格莱美的提名!  26.2010年Justin客串《school girls》。  27.2011年Justin Bieber联手喜剧大师Andy Samberg出演爆笑喜剧《室友》。   28.2011年Justin Bieber的《my world 2.0》获得第53届格莱美最佳流行专辑奖提名  29.2011年洛杉矶全明星名人赛MVP(最佳)Justin Bieber在12岁时,获得了斯特拉当地歌唱比赛第二名。他自学了钢琴、鼓、吉他和小号。为了让一些不能出席看他表演的家人和朋友看到自己的表演,在2007年年底和他的母亲在YouTube上传的自己影片和翻唱歌曲。Justin Bieber很快被一个多伦多的一家名为 Rapid Discovery Media公司发现,并在YouTube和MySpace申请了帐户和制作,编辑和推行他的影片。 Scooter Braun看到Justin Bieber的录像,飞往比耶贝到亚特兰大(Atlanta) ,乔治亚州(Georgia),会见了R&B歌手/歌手亚瑟小子(Usher)。Bieber引起了亚瑟小子的极大的兴趣,让Bieber与安东尼拉雷音唱片在港岛2008年10月签约。据报道,Bieber最终与亚瑟小子(Usher)签约。  全球人气小天王,这一长串极有分量的头衔都是用来形容这位浓眉大眼、用厚厚刘海遮住前额的90后的。他的发型已经成为流行的标志,成为了时下众多年轻人争相模仿的对象。  比伯并没有帅到无以复加的俊朗外形,在很多人眼里,这个小孩甚至还未发育成熟,但在最新出炉的《人物》杂志年度“全球最美人物”评选中,他竟然也入选男星榜单。同时,资历和经历尚浅的他已经频繁出入各大音乐颁奖典礼,与乐坛赫赫有名的巨星们平起平坐,让人难以置信。要知道,就在不久前贾斯汀·比伯还只是一个默默无闻、喜欢唱歌的平凡男孩。  1994年,比伯出生于加拿大安大略省一个单亲家庭。他很小就有表演天赋,与其他同龄人一样,渴望受到关注。从五岁起他就无师自通,自学了钢琴、打鼓、吉他和小号,才华横溢的比伯还非常热爱唱歌,他的歌声清脆而优美。  12岁那年,比伯参加了当地的一次唱歌比赛并获得第二名的好成绩。赛后,比伯的母亲把比赛的片段放到了视频网站YouTube上,最初的目的是让住在其他地方的亲戚们可以看到比伯的表演,不料却意外被亚特兰大资深音乐经纪人斯科特·布劳恩看到。 2007年的一天,布劳恩正躺在床上上网,无意间点到了比伯的家庭视频——比伯正深情并茂地唱着阿瑞萨·富兰克林的歌曲《Respect》。“当时比伯的账户下只有六七个视频,每个也不过有几千的浏览量。但当我听到他清脆的歌声,就觉得他真是个罕有的天才,我欣喜得快要疯掉了。”布劳恩这样形容当时的心情,敏锐的职业直觉告诉他:比伯有巨大潜质和可塑性。于是,他很快联系到了比伯的母亲,说服她带着比伯一起飞到亚特兰大与自己碰面。 贾斯汀这是母子俩第一次坐飞机。布劳恩说:“比伯的家庭并不富裕,他的母亲为了生计做过很多份不同的工作,还时常需要家中的长辈贴补家用。”两周之后,经过几个回合的谈判,布劳恩最终签下了当时年仅13岁的贾斯汀·比伯,成为他的经纪人。  一开始,布劳恩还想走包装童星的常规路线。他走访了好几家主流厂牌,想要找到合作者一起经营包装比伯,但是每一家都拒绝了。尽管这些唱片公司也认同比伯的天赋和潜质,但在经济不景气的大环境下,大家都格外谨慎,不想冒险。布劳恩回忆:“他们都认为比伯是个出色的歌手并有惊人的天赋,但是他没有迪斯尼频道的支持,也从来没上过电视,对大众来说,比伯只是个乳臭未干的无名小卒。即便他的歌声很动听,也不足以让唱片公司冒险。毕竟为未经市场检验的少年发行唱片需要极大的魄力。”  吃了闭门羹之后,布劳恩开始将目光转向新媒体。他和比伯花了近半年时间在网络上建立了强大的粉丝基地。在YouTube上发布新歌让歌迷订阅,并以更自由的方式直接从YouTube和Twitter上与歌迷建立真实又真诚的连接。  与此同时,流行歌手亚瑟小子的巡演经纪人找到了布劳恩,询问他是否签下了一位极具潜质的新艺人。当布劳恩把比伯在YouTube上的视频给亚瑟小子和Island Def Jam音乐集团主席兼首席执行官安东尼奥·雷德看时,二人马上表示愿意签下比伯。雷德说:“虽然这个孩子缺乏电视平台,但也许通过《美国偶像》和《歌舞青春》等选秀节目来推出艺人的方式太过时了。虽然我们知道那些上过迪斯尼频道的孩子都很有才华,但大众普遍是因为 ‘童星"或‘电视明星"的身份而接受他们,其次才是歌手。而比伯不同,他是以音乐为先的。”于是,雷德、亚瑟小子和布劳恩强强联手,决定用各自不同的专长和经验一起从市场定位、歌曲选择、专业声乐训练、舞蹈等多个角度为比伯量身打造属于他的音乐。布劳恩更是为比伯预约了顶级的流行乐制作人兼创作者特里基·斯图尔特等人为他的音乐出谋划策,而这些新鲜出炉的音乐都是第一时间在网络(而不是电台、电视台)让歌迷欣赏。公司数据表明,他在短短的几个月内,就为公司谋利近7亿美元,这是让人难以至信的事实!  2010年,贾斯汀·比伯为成龙&贾登·史密斯新电影《功夫梦》唱出了自己的新歌《Never Say Never》,为自己的成名道路加上了新的一笔!  2010年客串 CSI LV S11E01  2010年十一月二十六号在沃尔玛销售2010年新街拍(20张) JB的第一支个人香水系列,名为“我的世界 My World”的中性香水即将面世,且与Etoile Nation Beauty还将联手推出的这款香型的腕带等周边系列,产品将于专辑一起发布。  经历列表:  1. Bieber在奥巴马就职典礼庆祝会上担任表演嘉宾。  2 2009年12月25日justin bieber为奥巴马夫妇献上《someday at Christmas》。  3 2009年在VMA音乐颁奖典礼上为泰勒·斯威夫特致词。   4 2010年GRAMMY(格莱美)与Ke$ha 为Bon Jovi 致辞 (于格莱美全集约63:30秒出现)。  5 2010年参加演唱了We Are The World 25 For Haiti 。  6 2010年3月27日二十三届Kids" Choice Awards上表演《baby》。  7 2010年3月23日David Letterman上表演《baby》。  8 2010年4月10日, NBC Saturday Night Live 表演 《baby》/ 《U Smile》 以及与Tina Fey合作一个短片。  9 2010年5月1日justin bieber参加了白宫晚宴。  10 2010年5月11日参加了美国著名的Oprah talk show。  11 2010年5月参加美国偶像,进行表演。  12 2010年5月17日参加THE ELLEN SHOW。  13 2010年6月8日为《功夫梦》成龙新片献唱主题曲Never Say Never [MV] 《永不言弃》。  14 2010年6月20日参加mmva‘s的演出献唱《baby》和《somebody to love》。(somebody to love也是他最喜欢的歌曲之一)  15 2010年6月23日开始他的“My World” Tour。  16 2010年7月客串CSI第11季,饰演问题少年。  17 2010年7月参加美国偶像,进行表演。  18 2010年8月8日 美国2010年青少年选择奖  Bieber推出了最新的单曲《Pray》《latin girl》,悠扬的曲调和美妙的歌词给心灵带来一次巨大的震撼,而最近又泄漏出JustinBieber的下个新单曲《i know your our there out soon》  Justin Bieber与Nicole by OPI合作推出“One Less Lonely Girl”指甲油系列。作为灵感的One Less Lonely Girl指甲油系列新增的颜色8种新色调"薄荷绿、蓝色、酸橙色、淡紫色、红色、亮银色、深紫色、金色“被加入了生产线这个系列中的每种颜色售价8美元并且现在在沃尔玛中有售,2月份将会出现在 TargetULTA和Sears stores中。  Justin Bieber 联手重金属教父奥兹-奥斯伯恩及其妻子莎伦-奥斯本一同为美国第一大消费电子产品零售商Best Buy公司拍摄商业广告。三人在巨大的宇宙飞船舱内拍摄,充满高科技未来感,贾斯汀穿上帅气的盔甲装戴着潮镜,俨如未来战士酷味十足。Justin Bieber 的3D传记影片《Never Say Never》上映后,得到观影者极大的肯定.“这部电影有趣地揭示了为什么贾斯汀·比伯会这么受欢迎,他是怎样一步步走到今天,谁在他身后起了推波助澜的作用。”《娱乐在线》如此评价《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》。上周五于北美开画,17岁的贾小天王的这部音乐传记片,首周便一举拿下了3026万的票房,排名第二,成绩仅略逊于票房冠军喜剧片《随波逐流》的3100万.Justin Bieber的《Never say never》将于2011年4月21日在香港上映。  Justin Bieber Live in Concert Hong Kong</SPAN></SPAN>  2011年5月13日(星期五) 晚上8时开唱 

求Britney 的《Do Something》的歌词?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Britney Spears《Do Something》 [00:00.45]Britney《Do Somethin"》 [00:09.00]Do you feel this [00:12.62]I know you feel this [00:16.43]Are You ready? [00:20.19]I don"t think so [00:22.81]Somebody give me my truck [00:24.62]So I can ride on the clouds [00:26.47]So I can turn up the bass like... [00:30.16]Somebody pass my guitar [00:31.97]So I can look like a star [00:33.57]And spend this cash like... [00:39.25]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [00:43.02]Why you standin" on the wall? [00:46.58]Music startin" everywhere [00:50.10]So why don"t you just move along? [00:52.56]I see you lookin at me [00:54.41]Like I"m some kind of freak [00:56.25]Care to buy me a seat [00:57.95]Why don"t you do somethin"? [00:59.77]I see you lookin" at me [01:01.68]Like I got what you need [01:03.80]Get on up and say [01:05.42]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:14.81]Now you all in my grill [01:16.61]Cause I say what I feel [01:18.40]Only rocks on what"s real [01:20.53]Baby bump bump [01:22.00]But I can"t do that with you [01:23.69]Only here with my crew [01:25.78]I can roll if you can [01:27.54]Don"t be a punk punk [01:31.10]Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? [01:34.67]Why you standin" on the wall? [01:38.35]Music startin" everywhere [01:41.66]So why don"t you just move along? [01:44.08]I see you looking at me [01:46.01]Like I"m some kind of freak [01:47.92]Care to buy me a seat [01:49.66]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:51.39]I see you lookin" at me [01:53.43]Like I got what you need [01:55.35]Get on up and say [01:57.10]Why don"t you do somethin"? [01:58.82]I see you looking at me [02:00.85]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:02.72]Care to buy me a seat [02:04.50]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:06.29]Na nananananana [02:13.76]Na nananananana [02:19.18]I see you lookin" over here [02:22.97]Can"t you tell I"m havin" fun [02:26.98]If you care like I know [02:28.71]You would stop [02:30.87]Starrin" at us [02:32.57]And get your own space [02:34.57]And do somethin" [02:43.20]I see you looking at me [02:45.18]Like I"m some kind of freak [02:47.07]Care to buy me a seat [02:48.80]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:50.48]I see you lookin" at me [02:52.50]Like I got what you need [02:54.35]Get on up and say [02:56.16]Why don"t you do somethin"? [02:57.88]I see you looking at me [03:00.00]Like I"m some kind of freak [03:01.75]Care to buy me a seat [03:03.45]Why don"t you do somethin"? [03:08.92]Fuck! [03:11.70]Do Somethin" [03:17.05]Ow! [03:18.22]Why don"t you do somethin"?


baby one more time3hold it against me

Britney Spears的《Womanizer》MV中的男主角是谁?有没有他的详细资料???

是Brandon Stoughton.附上资料:Brandon Stoughton,1981年出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市, 是一名美国籍男模,并因在Britney Spears的MV《Womanizer》中出演 头号主角而被大家所熟知。 Stoughton在2007年开始了他的洛杉矶模特生涯。 在他的经纪人兼著名摄影师Ronald N. Tan的协助下, 他成就了自己人生中第一份模特事业, 成为"Calvin Klein"品牌内裤的形象大使。 2008年,他正式进军娱乐界, 被选中在布兰妮斯皮尔斯的MV《Womanizer》中饰演男主角。 Brandon Stoughton档案 发色:褐色 瞳孔颜色:蓝色 腰围:32" 鞋码:11 US 上衣尺寸:40 L 是个gay But we all don"t actually know his cock size, hope someone can give a helping hand

Britney Spears的《Womanizer》 歌词

歌曲名:Womanizer歌手:Britney Spears专辑:CircusWomanizer - Britney SpearsSuperstarWhere you from, how"s it going?I know youGotta clue, what youre doing?You can play brand new to all the other chicks out hereBut I know what you are, what you are, babyLook at youGettin" more than just re-upBaby, youGot all the puppets with their strings upFakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "emI know what you are, what you are, babyWomanizerWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerDaddy-OYou got the swagger of championsToo bad for youJust can"t find the right companionI guess when you have one too many, makes hardIt could be easy, but that"s who you are, babyLollipopMust mistake me as a suckerTo think that IWould be a victim not anotherSay it, play it how you wannaBut no way I"m ever gonna fall for you, never you, babyWomanizerWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerMaybe if we both lived in a different worldIt would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girlBut I can"t "cause we don"tWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Woman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer Baby

Madonna,Britney,Christina在MTV上同唱Like A Virgin是哪一年?



《...Baby One More Time》 首周第一名,销量为12.3万张 总销量:美国1400万张;全球2500万张 《Oops!... I Did It Again》 首周第一名,销量为130.9万张 总销量:美国1000万张;全球2000万张 《Britney 》 首周第一名,销量为75万张 总销量:美国430万张;全球超过1000万张 《In The Zone》 首周第一名,销量为60.9万张 总销量:美国290万张;全球740万张 《Greatest Hits: My Prerogative》 首周第四名,销量为25万张 总销量:美国100万张;全球400万张 blackout在美国已经过百万,只是没有认证,毕竟认证要钱;全球逾两百万。Circus美国160万,全球近400万。你的题目,认证时指美国唱片工业协会的那个认证么?布兰妮的所有专辑是这样的:14p+10p+5P+3P+1P+(待认证中)+1p

Scream & Shout (FT.Britney Spears)的中英文歌词

MV开头,她前男友说:你就不能笑笑么 一脸不高兴 就不能把你的美貌给人看看么 我跟你讲话呢 看着我! 然后布兰妮去了厕所。出来的时候看着她男朋友跟另一个女的说:所以今晚你们不用在街角拉客了。 然后他男朋友把她拉出去了 说 你以为你是谁啊 你在跟谁讲话 竟然不尊重我! 这时MV男主出现 臭揍前男友一顿 问布兰妮 没事儿吧。 布兰妮上去踹了前男友 说:现在没事儿了。然后布兰妮爱上了这个犯罪者。然后他们俩就一起犯罪,打劫商店。最后被警方围攻,他们在子弹横飞的屋子中拥吻,然后警方进去房子的时候,不见他们的身影。他们应该是趁警方不注意的时候逃走了吧。(以上纯是本人意见,不喜勿喷)

Britney Spears的《Radar》 歌词

歌曲名:Radar歌手:Britney Spears专辑:The Singles CollectionBritney Spears - RadarConfidence is a mustCockiness is a plusEdginess is a rushEdges, I like "em roughA man with a Midas touchIntoxicate me, I"m a lushStop you"re makin" me blushPeople are lookin" at usI don"t think you know (Know)I"m checking you so hard, so hardWonder if he know he"s on my radar(On my radar) On my radar(On my radar)And yep, I notice you, I know it"s youI"m choosing, don"t wanna lose youOn my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)And when you walk (When you walk)And when you talk (When you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingleThat"s what I want (That"s what I want)And listen baby, turn up the faderTryin" to make you understandYa on my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)On my radarGot you on my (Radar)Got you on my (On my radar)Got you on myRadarInteresting sense of styleTen million dollar smileThink I can handle thatAnimal in the sackHis eyes see right to my soulI surrender self controlCatch me looking againFalling right into my planI don"t think you know (Know)I"m checking you so hard, so hardWonder if he know he"s on my radar(On my radar) On my radar(On my radar)And yep, I notice you, I know it"s youI"m choosing, don"t wanna lose youOn my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)And when you walk (When you walk)And when you talk (When you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingleThat"s what I want (That"s what I want)And listen baby, turn up the faderTryin" to make you understandYa on my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)On my radarGot you on my (Radar)Got you on my (On my radar)Got you on myRadar (On my radar)Got you on my (Radar)Got you on my (On my radar)Got you on myRadarI got my eye on youAnd I can"t let you get awayHey babyWhether it"s now or later (I gotcha)You can"t shake me (No)"Cause I got you on my radarAnd whether you like it or notIt ain"t gonna stopCause I got you on my radar (I gotcha)Cause I got you on my radarI"m checking you so hard, so hardWonder if he know he"s on my radar(On my radar) On my radar(On my radar)And yep, I notice you, I know it"s youI"m choosing, don"t wanna lose youOn my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)And when you walk (When you walk)And when you talk (When you talk)I get the tingle, I wanna mingleThat"s what I want (That"s what I want)And listen baby, turn up the faderTryin" to make you understandYa on my radar (On my radar)On my radar (On my radar)On my radarGot you on my (Radar)Got you on my (On my radar)Got you on myRadar (On my radar)Got you on my (Radar)Got you on my (On my radar)Got you on myRadarDa da da da da daDa da da da da da da da daDa da da da da da daDa da da da da da daDa da da da da

Britney Spears的《Blur》 歌词

歌曲名:Blur歌手:Britney Spears专辑:CircusBritney Spears - BlurTurn the lights outThis shit is way too fucking brightWanna poke my eyes outIf you wanna mess with my eyesightJust let me get my head rightWhere the hell am I?Who are you?What"d we doLast night?Hey yeah yeahWho are you?What"d we doLast night?Hey yeah yeahCan"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blurWhat"s your name, man?Can you calmly hand me all my things?I think I need an aspirinBetter yet, I need to get up outta hereI gotta get my head rightWhere the hell am I?Who are you?What"d we doLast night?Yeah yeah yeahCan"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blurWhat happened last night?"Cause I don"t-- "cause I don"t rememberWhat happened?Can"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last night (Blur)Everything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur


I Got That Boom Boom(歌词 砰砰砰)see you looking my way And I know that你在偷偷瞅我吧,我晓得的You have something to say你想说什么吧Watching every inch of my body仔细端量着我的每一寸肌肤Like you wanted to play好像你想和我玩这一场游戏Boom, boom, boom Boy you look so sexy砰砰砰,你看起来好有魅力啊Boom, boom, boom Boy you look so sexyI begin to dance just a little bit我开始慢慢的抖起我的舞步To turn you on想吸引你的注意力I got that boom boom That you want其实我拥有你想要的Watching me all night long打量了我一阵晚Hurry up before it"s gone还不过来搭讪,要不舞会就结束了I got that boom boom That you wantI don"t think you should wait快不要再等了One minute might be too late多等一分钟对我来说都太晚了You had caught my eye and你已经吸引了我的是视线I wanted to get to know you我想和你认识Don"t be shy不要再害羞了I want you to come closer快点移动你的舞步,靠近我吧So what you gonna do?要不你打算怎么做?Boom, boom, boom Boy you look so sexyBoom, boom, boom Boy you look so sexyI got that boom boom That you wantWatching me all night longHurry up before it"s goneI got that boom boom That you wantI don"t think you should waitOne minute might be too late==========================================================

Britney Spears的《Boys》 歌词

歌曲名:Boys歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Boys (The Co-Ed Remix) (Digital 45)BoysBritney SpearsFor whatever reason,I feel like I"ve been wanting you all my lifeYou don"t understandI"m so glad we"re at the same placeAt the same time,it"s over nowI spotted you dancin"You made all the girls stareThose lips and your brown eyes (oooh)And the sexy hairI should shake my thangMake the world want you (giggle)Tell your boys you"ll be backI wanna see what you can do (uh)What would it take for you to just leave with me?Not tryin to sound conceited butyou and me were meant to be (yeah)You"re a sexy guy, I"m a nice GirlLet"s turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world!Boys!Sometimes a girl just needs one (you know I need you)Boys!To love her and to hold (I just want you to touch me)Boys!And when a girl is with one (mmm, mmm)Boys!Then she"s in control!Took the boy off the dance floorScreaming in his earMusta" said somethin bout me (what you say)Cuz he"s lookin over hereYou lookin at me (giggle)With a sexy attitudeBut the way your boys movin it (uh)It puts me in the moodOUW!What would it take for you to just leave with me?Not tryin to sound conceitedbut you and me were meant to beYou"re a sexy guy, I"m a nice GirlLet"s turn this dance floor into our own little nasty worldBoys!Sometimes a girl just needs one (I get nasty)Boys!To love her and to hold (I get nasty)Boys!And when a girl is with one (I get nasty)Boys!Then she"s in control! (You like that? Here we go..)Tonite Let"s FlyBoy have no Fear (have no fear)There"s no time to looseAnd next week,You might not see me here (uh-huh)So boy just make your move (let me see what you can do)Boys!Sometimes a girl just needs one (I like thatBoys! (I like that)To love her and to holdBoys!And when a girl is with one (it"s gonna turn me on)Boys!Then she"s in control!Come with meLet"s fly Into the NightOh boy, tonite is ours (it"s just you and me baby)When huggin me, make sure you hold me toniteLet"s head for the starsGET NASTY!Moan Moan Moan, OUW !Boys!Sometimes a girl just needs oneBoys!To love her and to holdBoys!And when a girl is with oneBoys!Then she"s in control!Can"t live with em"Cant live without em"!

Britney Spears的《My Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:My Baby歌手:Britney Spears专辑:In The Zone/CircusBritney Spears - My BabyTiny handsYes, that"s youAnd all you"ve shownIt"s simply trueI smell your breathIt makes me cryI wonder howI"ve lived my life"Cause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy babyMy babyIn no words at allSo tiny and smallIn love I fallSo deep, so deepMy precious loveSent from aboveMy baby booGotta thank you, gotta thank you"Cause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy babyMy baby"Cause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy baby

Britney Spears的《My Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:My Baby歌手:Britney Spears专辑:CircusMy Babybritney spearsTiny handsYes, that"s youAnd all you"ve shownIt"s simply trueI smell your breathIt makes me cryI wonder howI"ve lived my life"Cause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy babyMy babyIn no words at allSo tiny and smallIn love I fallSo deep, so deepMy precious loveSent from aboveMy baby booGotta thank you, gotta thank youCause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy babyMy babyCause without youHow did I get throughAll of my daysWithout you?Now living with youSee everything"s trueMy baby, it"s youMy baby, it"s youMy babyMy baby

求Britney Spears 详细成名史以及具体家庭背景?

中文名:布兰妮·斯皮尔斯外文名:Britney Jean Spears国籍:美国出生地:美国路易斯安那州出生日期:1981年12月2日血型:A型星座:射手座职业:歌手 昵称:小甜甜  身高:5尺3寸(约163公分左右)  天然发色:浅棕 (本人的最爱。)  眼睛的颜色:棕色   自己的座右铭:好好的过每一天   自己的个性:诚实,充满精力,意志坚定   就职于:Jive公司(和BSB,超级男孩一样)  爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,沙滩生活,睡觉,打电话聊天  偶像:玛丽亚·凯丽,惠特尼·休斯敦,麦当娜,迈克尔·杰克逊  最喜欢演员:汤姆·克鲁斯,梅尔·吉普森,布拉德·皮特  最爱的车子:LEXUS 奔驰  最爱的食物:饼干冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗  最爱的饮料:甜甜的冰红茶,雪碧(现在经常喝星巴克)  最爱的颜色:粉蓝色  最喜欢的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》  最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队  最爱的动物:小狗狗(布兰妮养了一只可爱的挪威纳)   最爱的收集品:蜡烛、相框、娃娃   最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani  最大的愿望:希望其它国家的朋友也能喜欢我的专辑   最爱的运动:篮球,游泳  最尴尬的经验:曾经在舞台上踩到蛋糕然后滑了一跤   最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位  最爱的电影:泰坦尼克号   前夫:亚历山大、凯文·费德林   儿子:肖恩、詹姆斯  父亲:杰米·斯皮尔斯(Jamie Spears)   母亲:林恩·斯皮尔斯(Lynne Spears)  哥哥:布莱恩·斯皮尔斯(Bryan Spears)  妹妹:杰米林·斯皮尔斯(Jamie Lynn Spears)

Britney Spears(布兰妮)个人档案

Full Name: Britney Jean Spears全名:布兰妮 简 斯皮尔斯Birthday : 2, Dec 1981 ( Wednesday )生日:1981年12月2日Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius星座:射手座Blood Type : A血型:A型Height : 163cm身高:163公分 Weight : 59kg 体重:59公斤Measurement : N/A三围:不明 Hometown: Kentwood, Louisiana 家乡:肯特乌 路易斯安那Nicknames: Bit-Bit, Brit 小名:Bit-Bit(点点),BritHair: light brown 天然发色:浅棕Eyes: brown 眼色:棕色Hobbies: shopping, seeing movies, reading romance novels,swimming, days at the beach爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,游泳,沙滩生活。 People she admires: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Madonna偶像:玛丽亚凯丽,惠特尼休斯敦,麦当娜 Stats : Member of Mickey Mouse Club since 1993 Appeared in the 1991 Off-Broadway production, Ruthless正式出道前演绎经验:1993年开始加入米老鼠俱乐部,在未上档的舞台剧Ruthless中表演。 Goals: A successful album & a college degree in business or communications最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位。Favorite Food : Ice Cream, Pasta, Hot Dogs. 最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗Favorite Color : Baby Blue (leaning more towards pink now)最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝(现在越来越喜欢粉红) Favorite Movies : My Best Friend"s Wedding, Steel Magnolias 最喜欢的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》Favorite Clothing Designers : Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio ArmaniFavorite Sports: Basketball, swimming 最喜欢的运动:篮球,游泳。Favorite Teams : Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees 最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队Favorite Actors: Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt 最喜欢男演员:汤姆克鲁斯,梅尔吉普森,布拉德皮特Favorite Drink: Sprite 最喜欢饮料:雪碧Parents: Jamie and Lynne Spears 父母:杰米斯皮尔斯和林恩斯皮尔斯Siblings: Bryan, 21 and Jamie Lynn, 8 as of March 1999 姊妹:哥哥,布莱恩斯皮尔斯。妹妹,杰米林斯皮尔斯。BCN独家整理翻译,转载请注明出处。所获得奖项:1999AOL Awards Best New Artist Billboard Awards Female Artist of the Year Album Artist of the Year Best New Artist Bravo Gold Awardss Best International Female Vocalist Capital FM London Awards London"s Favourite International Female Artist Echo Awards Best International Female Artist Europe Awards Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Gold Disc Awards Best International New Artist Golden Bravo Otto Awards Best Liked Artist of 1999 Hollywood Reporter Best female Artist New Artist of 1999 France Mellier M6 Awards Best Video for "...Baby One More Time" MTV Europe Music Awards" Best Song for "...Baby One More Time" Best Pop Act Best Female Solo Artist Best Breakthrough Act Much Music Awards Best International Artist Music Week Awards Highest Selling Singles Artist in the UK for "...Baby One More Time" Premios Amigos (Spain) Best International Artist Popcorn Awards Best International Artist Austria Rennbarn Express Awards Best New Artist Rockbear Awards from Aftonbladett (Sweden) Best New Artist Spanish Premios Amigo Awards Best International Female Smash Hits Poll Winner Best Female Solo Artist Best Dressed Female Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Teen Choice Awards Choice Single "...Baby One More Time" Holland TMF Awards Best Newcomer Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best New Artist - Baby One More Time (*tied wth Westlife) Best Female - Baby One More Time Best Pop Song - Baby One More Time Best Song - Baby One More Time (*tied with Backstreet Boys" I Want It That Way) Best Dance - (You Drive Me) Crazy Best Video - Baby One More Time Trendsetter Of The Year (special award) 2000American Music Awards Favorite Pop/Rock New Artist Billboard Awards Album Artist of 2000 World-Record Breaker Of 2000 For "Oops!... I Did It Again" Germany Bravo Gold Awards Best International Female Vocalist Bravo Supershow Awards Best Female Artist UK Capital 95.8 FM London Awards Best International Female Artist Dansk Grammy Award Best International New Artist Canadian Juno Awards Best-Selling Album (...Baby One More Time) Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Favourite Female Singer Europe NRJ Radio Awards Best International Female Artist People"s Choice awards Best International Artist Smash Hits Poll Winners Best Dressed Female Best Female Best Female Haircut Best Dancer In Pop Music Most Fanciable Female Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female TMF Music Awards Best Foreign Female Best Newcomer World Music Awards World"s best selling Pop Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Song - Oops..! I Did It Again **Best Pop Song - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Album - Oops..! I Did It Again Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2001Blockbuster Entertainment Awards Favorite Pop Female Artist Echo Awards (Germany) Best Female Artist J-14 Awards Best Tattoo Best Piercing Nickelodeon"s Choice Awards Favorite Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Awards Artist of the Year Smash Hit Awards Best Female Artist Pepsi Awards Peoples Choice for Best Female Premios Mixup Favourite Female Artist Teen Choice Awards Choice Hottie Female VH1 Awards Best Bellybutton Appearance World Music Awards World"s best-selling Pop Female Artist World"s best-selling Dance Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Lucky Best Pop Song - Lucky Best Dance - Stronger Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2002Barbie Award Barbie Girl Cosmopolitan Magazine Fun, Fearless Female Of The Year MTV Asia Awards Best international female artist Neil Bogart Memorial Fund Children"s Choice Award Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Award Best Dressed Female Best Female artist, Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - I"m a Slave 4 U Best Dance - I"m a Slave 4 U Hottest Video - I"m a Slave 4 U (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2003Hollywood Life Magazine The 10 Most Toned in a new Hollywood Japan Golden Disc Awards Best International New Artist Best International Music Video ("I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman") Glamour Magazine UK Woman Of The Year Golden Music Awards Best International Video for "I"m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer TRL Awards First Lady Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman Best Dance - Overprotected Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2004Billboard Awards Best-selling Dance Single of the Year- Me Against the Music Brasil Music Award Best International Female Artist UK Ivor Novello Award Most Performed Work ("Toxic") MTV Europe Music Awards Best Female Artist of the Year Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Choice Song: Toxic Popstar Magazine Popastic Video Right Now (Toxic) Rockbear Awards Critics" Choice Best Video of the Year ("My Prerogative") Teen Choice Awards Choice Single ("Toxic") Holland TMF Awards Gridlock Award TRL Awards Gridlock Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female Artist - Me Against The Music Best Dance - Me Against The Music Best Collaboration - Me Against The Music (with Madonna) Best Style in a Video - Me Against The Music (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2005BMI Cable Awards Best Television Theme Song ("Follow Me" from Zoey 101) Golden Music Awards Music Video of the Year - Toxic Rock/Pop Album of the Year - ("Greatest Hits: My Prerogative") Groovevolt Awards Video of the Year: Toxic Best Female Album: In The Zone Best Song Performance by a Female Artist: Everytime Most Fashionable Artist Grammy Awards Best Dance Recording - Toxic Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Everytime Best Dance - Toxic Best Video - Everytime Artist Of the Year Hottest Female of the Year (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2006Teen Choice Awards Best Female Singer (In Israel) Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Best Unreleased Track/Song - I"ve Just Begun (Having My Fun) Vh1 Big In 06" Awards Big Mama Covina 06" Awards Best Female Artis Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2008NRJ Music Awards Best International Album - Blackout Music Hall Awards Best International Female Artist Best International Album - Blackout Best Internatinal Song - Gimme More Imperio Musica Awards Best Female Video - Gimme More Sexiest Video - Gimme More The Most Anticipated Comeback Best Album - Blackout Basenotes Perfume Awards Best Celebrity Fragrance (Female) - Fantasy by Britney Spears Video Music Awards Video of The Year Best Pop Video Best Female VideoEurope Music Awards Act of 2008 Album of the Year - Blackou Bambi Awards International Pop Award 2009Teen Choice Awards Ultimate Choice Award Video Music Awards Best Pop Video

everytime -britney spears 歌词中文翻译

Noticeme让我成为你的目光焦点  Takemyhand握住我的手  whyarewe为何我们  strangerswhen矜持地像陌生人  ourloveisstrong虽然我俩的爱又如此强烈  whycarryonwithoutme?何不让我加入你的生命  EverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,itshauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护  Imakebelieve我傻傻的假设  thatyouarehere你在我的身边  It"stheonlyway唯有这样  Iseeclear让我看清一切  whathaveIdone过去我的所作所为  youseemtomoveoneasy让你离开了我不再眷恋  AndeverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,you"rehauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护  Imayhavemadeitrain错误已经造成  pleaseforgiveme请你原谅我  myweaknesscausedyoupain如果我曾带给你痛苦  andthissongismysorry这首歌就是我的歉意  AtnightIpray我夜夜祈祷  thatsoonyourface你熟悉的面孔  willfadeaway会渐渐地消失不见  AndeverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,you"rehauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护

Britney Spears的《Cinderella》 歌词

歌曲名:Cinderella歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Britney (Digital Deluxe Version)I used to be a girlfriend and I know I did it wellOh yes you know its trueYou"d call me CinderellaAll you had to do was yellAnd I"d be there for youHere I amSo try to forgive meI don"t believe in fairy tailsHere we areWith nothing but honestyI"ve had enoughI"m not gonna stayI"m sorry for running away like thisAnd I"m sorry I"ve already made my wishAh, But Cinderellas got to goFrom time to time I"d try to tell you just what was on my mind.You"d tell me not today.Come back, do that.Well, Cinderella... ThatWas all you had to sayHere I amSo try to forgive meI don"t believe in fairy tailsHere we areWith nothing but honestyI"ve had enoughI"m not gonna stayI"m sorry for running away like thisAnd I"m sorry I"ve already made my wishAh, But Cinderellas got to goI"m sorry, just trying to live my lifeDon"t worry, you"re gonna be alrightBut Cinderellas got to go(Speak) I used to say I want youYou cast me in your spellI did everything you wanted me toBut now I shallBroke free from all your liesI won"t be blind, you seeMy love, it can"t be sacrificedI won"t return to theeI"m so sorry, I"ve already made up my mindI won"t return to theeI"m sorry to say, I"m running away nowDon"t worry, you will be alrightI"m running awayI"ve made up my mind nowYou"re gonna have to let me goI"m sorry, for running away like thisAnd I"m sorry, I"ve already made my wishAh, but Cinderellas got to goI"m sorry, just trying to live my lifeDon"t worry, you"re gonna be alrightBut Cinderellas got to goEnd

一首英文歌..歌词有what should i do..声音挺像britney的..

是不是why should i be sad ?

求 Britney Spears 的 outrageous 歌词 最好是中文的

看这里吧 这个图片上有!

Britney Spears的《Freakshow》 歌词

歌曲名:Freakshow歌手:Britney Spears专辑:BlackoutFreakshowBritney Spears10 PM to 4And I came to hit the floorThought you knew beforeBut if you don"t then now you knowWell tonight I"m "bout to mash?Make them other chicks so madI"m "bout to shake my assWatch that boy?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freak show, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMake them clap when we performWanna be crazy we can show "emDancin" table top freak, freakySo outside the normI"m some superstar ish, ishChristian hot, Bugatti whipsHope the new designer fitsWe can do it if you wish?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goFreakshowMe and my girlsMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a make it aMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to go

求布兰妮(britney spears)的所有歌曲

Britney Spears的《Gasoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Gasoline歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Femme FataleBritney Spears - GasolineYou"re so bright like a dreamYou burn up everythingWe might make a sceneIgnite gasolineWhen the music goes up and the sun goes downLightning strikes and I"m on the groundOnly one that I want around is youSpark and it"s like gasolineI start playing like a machineMy heart only runs on supremeSo hot, gimme your gasolineYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYeahHeat wave on the floorEscape, exit doorYour touch burnin" meIt"s too much, gasolineWhen the music goes up and the sun goes downLightning strikes and I"m on the groundOnly one that I want around is youSpark and it"s like gasolineI start playing like a machineMy heart only runs on supremeSo hot, gimme your gasolineYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYeahDamn, boyWhat you do to meYeahSpark and it"s like gasolineI start playing like a machineMy heart only runs on supremeSo hot, gimme your gasolineYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYeahYou set me on fireYou set me on fireYou set me on fire(it"s hot in here)YeahQQ Super Group:117846453Youku page please search: \"JonathonTTTTT\"

Britney Spears -the hook up的中文歌词

歌曲:钩上歌手:小甜甜专辑:在区[型]:这是一个舞亭吹男孩和女孩坐乘" "的讨论哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦吹见过这个男孩在里面想钩但她不想钩告诉他去现在她看,说她想钩真的想把告诉她,我们走宝贝,我不能相信一切你的身体让我想做的我们用这种方式移动的地板上现在我想我爱你(爱你)抓住我的腰想和节奏,你,做我的屁股在地板开关慢慢来,所以我能跟上你回来吧不要会错抓住我的腰,现在它现在的工作抓住我的肩膀现在把它捡起来拿下在地板上小心,宝贝我们可以点东西骑它,宝贝我们可以做一个小东西把它的婴儿当我有一个小东西你知道的,宝贝让我们把一个小东西宝贝,我不能相信一切我觉得当我和你跳舞(和你跳舞)我觉得小回到呼吸在我脖子上给你的(哦,哦,哦,哦,哦)把你的身体要把我的身体在你的身边(你靠近现在)行动党摇滚党直到他们在你的回来吧不要会错抓住我的腰,现在工作吧抓住我的肩膀现在把它捡起来拿下在地板上回来吧不要会错抓住我的腰,现在工作吧抓住我的肩膀现在把它捡起来拿下在地板上男孩,我无法解释你对我做了什么我的整个世界已经改变我活在幻想中今晚,我的心情请牵着我的手我想在你的槽(不要停止歌唱宝贝)哦,亲爱的,带我到那儿哟,大家起床了如果你坐下来想看你在舞池里走了哟,大家跳舞该党是震动想得到我的身体使摇晃最好把你的屁股在这里宝贝来让我们去得到它把它倒在地上把它捡起来吧该党是震动想得到我的身体使摇晃最好把你的屁股在这里宝贝来让我们去(*得到它)(带它下到地面)(捡走吧)不要停止只是,在地板上对接滴臀部流行,流行肯定谁有了它,得到它的一些更一时间,2倍,三倍,我们走回来吧别错378388185音乐空间提供!

关于欧美流行天后:我比较喜欢Taylor Swift,Katy Perry,Rihanna,Britney Spears,Avril Lav...

cover drive ----twlight

Britney Spears的《Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Guilty歌手:Britney Spears专辑:UnreleasedBlue - GuiltyI never want to play the games that people playI never want to hear the things they gotta sayI"ve found everything I needI never wanted anymore than I can seeI only want you to believeIf it"s wrong to tell the truthThen what am I supposed to doWhen all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALLIf it"s wrong to do what"s rightI"m prepared to testifyIf loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALLThen I"m guiltyI wanna give you all the things you never hadDon"t try to tell me how he treats you isn"t badI need you back in my lifeI never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - LEE)I never wanted to live a lieIf it"s wrong to tell the truthWhat am I supposed to doAll I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALLIf it"s wrong to do what"s rightI"m prepared to testifyIf loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALLThen I"m guiltyGirl I followed my heartFollowed the truthRight from the start it led me to youPlease don"t leave me this wayI"m guilty now all I have to sayIf it"s wrong to tell the truthThen what am I supposed to doWhen all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALLIf it"s wrong to do what"s rightI"m prepared to testifyIf loving you with all my hearts a crime - ALLThen I"m guiltyWhat am I supposed to do (Duncan)Then I"m guilty (Lee)All I wanna do is speak my mind (All)Guilty (Lee)Then I"m guilty (Lee)I"m prepared to testify (Duncan)If it"s wrong to do what"s rightthen tell me about this feeling inside (Lee)If loving you with all my hearts a crime (All)I"m Guilty (Duncan)


it"s britney , bitch

谁能给我Britney(布兰妮)《Blackout》中【Perfect Lover】和【Ooh Ooh Baby 】的下载地址?

Britney Spears的《get back》 歌词

歌曲名:《get back》所属专辑:Blackout发行时间:2007年演唱人:Britney Spears歌词:1, 2, 3, 4Oh no, here we goCatch me if you canDon"t move too slowI"m on another levelCan you feel my flow?See how goodWhen I"m on the floorWonder if you"re everGonna zing that I gotI told you before that I"mma keep it hotSee how it isWhen I walk up in the spotStanding in a lineAh, I think notI came to party babyYou might think I"m crazyBy the way I"m moving to the beatYou"re standing on the wallWhat you come here for?You wanna feel the heatDance and lose controlGet back (Get back) x 3If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it thenDJ spin it backKnow that I like itWhen you do it like thatEyes on my waistFeel you better think fastGot that kind of bodyMake you wanna spend cashShake it like you seen them do it in the videoLadies on the floorLet me see you get lowFellas at the barWon"t you spend a little dough?This is how I do itWhen I"m tearing up the floorI came to party babyYou might think I"m crazyBy the way I"m moving to the beatYou"re standing on the wallWhat you come here for?You wanna feel the heatDance and lose controlGet back (Get back) x 3If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it thenWatch meYou like itI"ve got it1, 2, 3, 4Would you like itIf I tease youGet you really hotWatch me turn aroundThen let me show you what I gotBaby if you"re readyWon"t you step up to the plateDon"t be scared of how I"m movingBoy don"t play it safeLet me see you moveLet me see you danceLet me see you bounceDanja, bring it backGet back (Get back) x 3If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then get backGet back (Get back) x2If you can"t take it then

britney 所有专辑到今为止??及里面的曲子~~

  第一张专辑 Baby One More Time  Baby One More Time(1999年)(《爱的初告白》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Baby One More Time  02 (You Drive Me)Crazy  03 Sometimes  04 Soda Pop  05 Born To Make You Happy  06 From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart  07 I Will Be There  08 I Will Still Love You  09 Deep In My Heart  10 Thinkin About You  11 E-Mail My Heart  12 The Beat Goes On  第2张专辑  Oops!...I Did It Again  Oops!... I Did It Again(2000年)(《哦!我又做了一次》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Oops!... I Did It Again  02 Stronger  03 Don"t Go Knockin" On My Door  04 (I Can"t Get No)Satisfaction  05 Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know  06 What U See(Is What U Get)  07 Lucky  08 One Kiss From You  09 Where Are You Now  10 Can"t Make You Love Me  11 When Your Eyes Say It  12 Dear Diary  第3张专辑  Britney  Britney(2001年)(《布兰妮》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 I"m A Slave 4 U  02 Overprotected  03 I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman  04 lonely  05 Anticipating  06 I Love Rock "n" Roll  07 Cinderella  08 Let Me Be  09 Bombastic Love  10 That Is Where You Take Me  11 When I Found You  12 I Run Away  13 What It‘s Like To Be Me  第4张专辑  In the Zone  In the Zone(2003年)(《流行禁区》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Me Against The Music(Ft. Madonna)  02 Boom Boom(Ft. Ying Yang Twins)  03 Showdown  04 Breathe On Me  05 Early Mornin"  06 Toxic  07 Outrageous  08 Touch Of My Hand  09 The Hook Up  10 Shadow  11 Brave New Girl  12 Everytime  Greatest Hits:My Prerogative(2004年)(《妮裳神话新歌+精选》)  Greatest Hits:My Prerogative  专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 My Prerogative  02 Toxic  03 I"m A Slave 4 U  04 Oops!...I Did It Again  05 Me Against The Music  06 Stronger  07 Everytime  08 Baby One More Time  09 Crazy(The Stop Remix)  10 Boys(Co.Ed Remix)  11 Sometimes(Radio Edit)  12 Overprotected  13 Lucky  14 Outrageous  15 Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know  16 Born To Make You Happy  17 I Love Rock"n"Roll  18 I"m Not A Girl,Not Yet A Woman  19 I"ve Just Begun  20 Do Something  B In The Mix,The Remixes  B In The Mix,The Remixes(2005年)(《妮裳舞部曲新歌+混音精选》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Toxic(Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix Edit)  02 Me Against The Music(Justice Remix Feat.Madonna)  03 Touch Of My Hand(Bill Hamel Remix)  04 Breathe On Me(Jacques Lu Cont"s Thin White Duke Mix)  05 I"m A Slave 4 U(Dave Aude Slave Driver Mix)  06 And Then We Kiss(Junkie XL Remix)  07 Everytime(Valentin Remix)  08 Early Mornin"(Jason Nevins Remix)  09 Someday(I Will Understand)(Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix)  10 Baby One More Time(Davidson Ospina 2005 Remix)  11 Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know(Hex Hector Club Mix Edit)  第5张专辑  Blackout  Blackout(2007年)(《晕炫风暴》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Gimme More  02 Piece Of Me  03 Radar  04 Break The Ice  05 Heaven On Earth  06 Get Naked(I Got A Plan)  07 Freakshow  08 Toy Soldier  09 Hot As Ice  10 Ooh Ooh Baby  11 Perfect Lover  12 Why Should I Be Sad  专辑评价:   再危险 我也要……   狗仔无孔不入跟拍   媒体铺天盖地批判   世界排山倒海指责   女超人都承受不了的生命风暴 席卷而来   和布兰妮一起在音乐找到宣泄的出口   暂时与世界保持距离 划清界线   就算外面再危险 我也要……   布兰妮2007惊世专辑 晕炫风暴   Britney Spears/Blackout   改写新世纪流行音乐型态,陪伴全球八千三百万人成长,创下Billboard四张连续冠军专辑、七首全球冠军单曲,美国唱片史上最畅销女艺人第八名!   当红正义制作团队 向八卦狗仔正面迎战 *The Neptunes(贾斯汀、关史蒂芬妮)、Bloodshy and Avant(珍妮佛洛培兹、凯莉米洛)、Danja(玛丹娜、妮莉费塔朵)、Kara Elizabeth DioGuardi(希拉蕊、克莉丝汀)、J. R. Rotem(天命真女)、Sean Garrett(碧昂丝)以12首晕炫舞曲正义相挺   不要怀疑发晕 因为她是布兰妮   "Gimme More”首周空降iTunes单曲榜冠军,Billboard单曲榜从63名跃升Top 3,创下继“…Baby One More Time”之后八年排名最高单曲!    Circus  第6张专辑 Circus(2008年)(《妮裳马戏团》)   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Womanizer  02 Circus  03 Out From Under  04 Kill The Lights  05 Shattered Glass  06 If You Seek Amy  07 Unusual You  08 Blur  09 Mmm Papi  10 Mannequin  11 Lace And Leather  12 My Baby  13 Radar  14 Rock Me In(Bonus Track)  15 Phonography(Bonus Track)  16 Amnesia(Bonus Track)  专辑评价    Britney的最新专辑《Circus》于2008年12月2日正式发行,专辑的全球首周销量达到了惊人的80万张,为2008年全球女歌手首周销量最高的专辑,而这张饱负着所有歌迷期待的大碟,也拥有着豪华至极的制作团队,其中包括有制作专辑同名歌曲Circus的著名音乐人Dr. Luke ,以及为Britney制作多众多王牌单曲的Danja,Max Martin,Bloodshy & Avant 以及女帝Madonna的御用制作人Guy Sigsworth,专辑发行六周时间,在全球联合榜拿下了四连冠,以及二周全球销量亚军,专辑的强势的销量证明了Britney已重回颠峰。   布兰妮的新单曲《Womanizer》发行首周就爬上了美国公告牌排行榜最热100单曲榜首。《Womanizer》的下载量达到28万6千次,仅次于ke$ha《Cannibal》中的首单《We R Who We R》(首周下载量28万8千次), 这首歌也从排行榜的第96位一跃上升到了第1位。   这次《Womanizer》销量如此惊人是否预示着《Circus》的首周销量?去年这个时候,布兰妮在专辑《Blackout》上市之前发行了单曲《Gimme More》。这支单曲首周电子下载量达到17万9千次,虽然这一成绩远远比不上《Womanizer》,但是要知道这首单曲是在布兰妮在电视音乐颁奖典礼丑态百出后发行的,所以将近18万的下载量应该是不错了。而今年的《Womanizer》情况则不同,电视音乐颁奖典礼上布兰妮以健康苗条的身姿出现粉碎了之前对她的许多不好传言,典礼上布兰妮还独揽3项大奖让歌迷再次爱上了小甜甜。而ABC电视台又在周五杂志新闻节目《20/20》中播出了《Womanizer》的MV,让歌迷对这首单曲的期待更大。   这样的电视推广是ABC的长项,麦莉·塞勒斯的新单曲《7 Things》也在ABC的包装下下载量很高。公平的说任何在发行前宣传攻势做的好的单曲,电子下载量都不会疲软的,而《Womanizer》又被看成布兰妮调整自己后回归乐坛的作品,获得如此成绩也是意料之中。   去年十月下旬《Blackout》发行上市,这张专辑排行最受期待专辑第二。但是专辑第一周销量并不理想,仅为29万。是的,《Circus》首周销量应该能够超过《Blackout》。因为自从去年客串了CBS的《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)之后,布兰妮仿佛咸鱼翻身,备受期待。并且选择12月发行专辑应该能够刺激销量,布兰妮一直保证自己身体健康已经开始为巡演做准备,这就意味着粉丝们购买的专辑是布兰妮一直努力推广的。   但是巡演的支持并不是专辑销量的黄金定律。今年初,麦当娜的新单曲《4 Minutes》下载量达到21万7千次,但是她的专辑《Hard Candy 》,虽然也有巡演支持,销量却仅达28万,成绩还不如《Blackout》。而凯莉的情况就好些,在单曲《Touch My Body》热卖后,她的专辑《E=MC2》销量也达到了46万3千张,成为2008年销量最佳专辑之一。然而当年许多单曲下载量和《Touch My Body》不相上下,而歌手最后专辑销量却未丰收。   第7张专辑 Femme Fatale(《蛇蝎美人》)  Femme Fatale  音乐风格:Pop, Dance-pop, Electropop   发行时间: 2011年3月29日   地区: 美国   语言: 英语   专辑简介    美国当地时间3月10日,权威音乐网站PopJustice事先在官方Twitter吊起胃口:“如果我说Britney的新专辑比《Blackout》更牛逼,你会不同意么?” 《Femme Fatale》堪比《Blackout》再现!它传达了时下流行音乐必不可缺的所有元素——黑暗刺激的主题、强劲有力的节拍、朗朗上口的旋律和精细优良的制作。大家可以看到的是,专辑封面不仅延续了《Hold It Against Me》单曲封面的精致风,而在Britney Spears名字中间,大大的“7”字赫然在列。   专辑曲目 序号 歌名  01 Till The World Ends  02 Hold It Against Me  03 Inside Out  04 I Wanna Go  05 How I Roll  06 (Drop Dead)Beautiful  07 Seal It With A Kiss  08 Big Fat Bass  09 Trouble For Me  10 Trip To Your Heart  11 Gasoline  12 Criminal  13 Up n"Down  14 He About To Lose Me  15 Selfish  16 Don"t Keep Me Waiting  17 Scary  以后可以查百科。很全的。


把这句FILE "Britney.Spears.-.[Blackout].专辑.(APE).ape." WAVE 改成这样试一下FILE "Britney.Spears.-.[Blackout].专辑.(APE).ape" WAVE 如过改了不行再改一下FILE "Britney.Spears.-.[Blackout].专辑.(APE).ape.ape" WAVE

求britney spears - circus中英文对照歌词!要正版翻译!最标准的!谢了····

There"s only two types of people in the world在这世界上只有两种人The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe一种是娱乐大家,另一种则冷眼旁观Well baby, I"m a put-on-a-show kind of girl欧,宝贝.我就是那种随时准备表演的女孩Don"t like the backseat不喜欢坐在后台Gotta be first一定要当第一<1>I"m a like the ringleader, I call the shots 就像是个马戏团班长,我下令发射炮弹I"m like a firecracker, I make it hotWhen I put on a show...就像美丽的花火,当我上场表演,我会让整个场子发光发热<2>I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins我可以感觉的到肾上腺速通过我的血脉Spotlight on me and I"m ready to break聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好要挣脱I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage就像表演者,整个舞池就是我的舞台Better be ready, hope that you feel the same准备好了吗?希望你最好也感受的到<3>All eyes on me, in the center of the ring当我在整圈子的中间,所有目光都聚到我身上(Just like a Circus)就像是个马戏团When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip当我挥舞鞭子,所有人都开始轻快的跳舞(Just like a Circus)就像是个马戏团Don"t stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do别只站在那看我,跟随我,让我看看你有什麼本事!Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor所有人放手一博,我们可以(Just like a Circus)就像是个马戏团There"s only two types of guys out there在这边只有两种男人Ones that can hang with me, and ones that are scared一种可以跟我混熟,另一种则惧怕我So baby, I hope that you, came prepared所以,宝贝,我期待你能准备好I run a tight ship, so beware我行事严谨,所以当心了!!重复<1> 2> <3>口白:(Uh. Uh. Uh-huh) Let me see what you can douh.uh.uh-huh....让我看看你有什麼本事(Uh. Uh. Uh-huh) I"m runnin" this(uh.uh.uh-huh)我也正参与其中(Like-like-like a circus) Yeah(像是,就像是马戏团),yeahLike a what? (Like-like-like a circus)像是什麼?(像是,就像是马戏团)

Britney Amnesia 歌词中文意思


britney的歌曲 开头是ladys and gentleman

mona lisa

britney spears 为什么叫小甜甜


布兰妮 (Britney Spears)唱过的所有专集和歌曲列表


布里特妮 人名(女)1. I have two tickets to give away to britney"s show.1. 我现在手上有两张布兰妮演唱会的票要送出2.Britney,do you have anything you"d like to say?布兰妮,你有什么想说的吗?

I M From Barcelona的《Britney》 歌词

歌曲名:Britney歌手:I M From Barcelona专辑:BritneyBebo Norman - BritneyBritney im sorry for the lies we toldWe took you into our arms and then left you coldBritney im sorry for this cruel cruel worldWe sell the beauty but destroy the girlBritney im sorry for your broken heartWe stood aside and watched you fall apartI"m sorry we told you fame would fill you upAnd money moves the man so drink the cupI know love goes around the world we knowAnd you never see it coming backYou never see it coming backI know love goes around the world we knowAnd you never see it coming backBut i can see it coming back for youYes coming back for youBritney im sorry for the stones we throwWe tear you down just so we can watch the showBritney im sorry for the words we sayWe point the finger as you fall from graceI know love goes around the world we knowAnd you never see it coming backYou never see it coming backAnd i know love goes around the world we knowAnd you never see it coming backBut i can see it coming back for youYeah, its coming back for you,Yeah, its coming back for you,Yeah, its coming back for you, YeahBritney i do believe that love has comeHere for the brokenHere for the ones like usIts coming back for you... Yeah



《Britney 》的歌词

Bebo Norman - Britney Britney im sorry for the lies we told We took you into our arms and then left you cold Britney im sorry for this cruel cruel world We sell the beauty but destroy the girl Britney im sorry for your broken heart We stood aside and watched you fall apart I"m sorry we told you fame would fill you up And money moves the man so drink the cup I know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back You never see iting back I know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back But i can see iting back for you Yesing back for you Britney im sorry for the stones we throw We tear you down just so we can watch the show Britney im sorry for the words we say We point the finger as you fall from grace I know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back You never see iting back I know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back But i can see iting back for you Yesing back for you Yesing back for you Yesing back for you Britney i do believe that love hase Here for the broken Here for the ones like us I know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back You never see iting back And i know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back But i can see iting back for you And i know love goes around the world we know And you never see iting back But i can see iting back for you Yeah, itsing back for you, Yeah, itsing back for you, Yeah, itsing back for you, Yeah Itsing back for you... Yeah



Britney Spears(布兰妮)个人档案

Full Name: Britney Jean Spears全名:布兰妮 简 斯皮尔斯Birthday : 2, Dec 1981 ( Wednesday )生日:1981年12月2日Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius星座:射手座Blood Type : A血型:A型Height : 163cm身高:163公分 Weight : 59kg 体重:59公斤Measurement : N/A三围:不明 Hometown: Kentwood, Louisiana 家乡:肯特乌 路易斯安那Nicknames: Bit-Bit, Brit 小名:Bit-Bit(点点),BritHair: light brown 天然发色:浅棕Eyes: brown 眼色:棕色Hobbies: shopping, seeing movies, reading romance novels,swimming, days at the beach爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,游泳,沙滩生活。 People she admires: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Madonna偶像:玛丽亚凯丽,惠特尼休斯敦,麦当娜 Stats : Member of Mickey Mouse Club since 1993 Appeared in the 1991 Off-Broadway production, Ruthless正式出道前演绎经验:1993年开始加入米老鼠俱乐部,在未上档的舞台剧Ruthless中表演。 Goals: A successful album & a college degree in business or communications最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位。Favorite Food : Ice Cream, Pasta, Hot Dogs. 最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗Favorite Color : Baby Blue (leaning more towards pink now)最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝(现在越来越喜欢粉红) Favorite Movies : My Best Friend"s Wedding, Steel Magnolias 最喜欢的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》Favorite Clothing Designers : Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio ArmaniFavorite Sports: Basketball, swimming 最喜欢的运动:篮球,游泳。Favorite Teams : Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees 最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队Favorite Actors: Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt 最喜欢男演员:汤姆克鲁斯,梅尔吉普森,布拉德皮特Favorite Drink: Sprite 最喜欢饮料:雪碧Parents: Jamie and Lynne Spears 父母:杰米斯皮尔斯和林恩斯皮尔斯Siblings: Bryan, 21 and Jamie Lynn, 8 as of March 1999 姊妹:哥哥,布莱恩斯皮尔斯。妹妹,杰米林斯皮尔斯。BCN独家整理翻译,转载请注明出处。所获得奖项:1999AOL Awards Best New Artist Billboard Awards Female Artist of the Year Album Artist of the Year Best New Artist Bravo Gold Awardss Best International Female Vocalist Capital FM London Awards London"s Favourite International Female Artist Echo Awards Best International Female Artist Europe Awards Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Gold Disc Awards Best International New Artist Golden Bravo Otto Awards Best Liked Artist of 1999 Hollywood Reporter Best female Artist New Artist of 1999 France Mellier M6 Awards Best Video for "...Baby One More Time" MTV Europe Music Awards" Best Song for "...Baby One More Time" Best Pop Act Best Female Solo Artist Best Breakthrough Act Much Music Awards Best International Artist Music Week Awards Highest Selling Singles Artist in the UK for "...Baby One More Time" Premios Amigos (Spain) Best International Artist Popcorn Awards Best International Artist Austria Rennbarn Express Awards Best New Artist Rockbear Awards from Aftonbladett (Sweden) Best New Artist Spanish Premios Amigo Awards Best International Female Smash Hits Poll Winner Best Female Solo Artist Best Dressed Female Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Teen Choice Awards Choice Single "...Baby One More Time" Holland TMF Awards Best Newcomer Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best New Artist - Baby One More Time (*tied wth Westlife) Best Female - Baby One More Time Best Pop Song - Baby One More Time Best Song - Baby One More Time (*tied with Backstreet Boys" I Want It That Way) Best Dance - (You Drive Me) Crazy Best Video - Baby One More Time Trendsetter Of The Year (special award) 2000American Music Awards Favorite Pop/Rock New Artist Billboard Awards Album Artist of 2000 World-Record Breaker Of 2000 For "Oops!... I Did It Again" Germany Bravo Gold Awards Best International Female Vocalist Bravo Supershow Awards Best Female Artist UK Capital 95.8 FM London Awards Best International Female Artist Dansk Grammy Award Best International New Artist Canadian Juno Awards Best-Selling Album (...Baby One More Time) Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Favourite Female Singer Europe NRJ Radio Awards Best International Female Artist People"s Choice awards Best International Artist Smash Hits Poll Winners Best Dressed Female Best Female Best Female Haircut Best Dancer In Pop Music Most Fanciable Female Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female TMF Music Awards Best Foreign Female Best Newcomer World Music Awards World"s best selling Pop Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Song - Oops..! I Did It Again **Best Pop Song - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Album - Oops..! I Did It Again Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2001Blockbuster Entertainment Awards Favorite Pop Female Artist Echo Awards (Germany) Best Female Artist J-14 Awards Best Tattoo Best Piercing Nickelodeon"s Choice Awards Favorite Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Awards Artist of the Year Smash Hit Awards Best Female Artist Pepsi Awards Peoples Choice for Best Female Premios Mixup Favourite Female Artist Teen Choice Awards Choice Hottie Female VH1 Awards Best Bellybutton Appearance World Music Awards World"s best-selling Pop Female Artist World"s best-selling Dance Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Lucky Best Pop Song - Lucky Best Dance - Stronger Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2002Barbie Award Barbie Girl Cosmopolitan Magazine Fun, Fearless Female Of The Year MTV Asia Awards Best international female artist Neil Bogart Memorial Fund Children"s Choice Award Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Award Best Dressed Female Best Female artist, Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - I"m a Slave 4 U Best Dance - I"m a Slave 4 U Hottest Video - I"m a Slave 4 U (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2003Hollywood Life Magazine The 10 Most Toned in a new Hollywood Japan Golden Disc Awards Best International New Artist Best International Music Video ("I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman") Glamour Magazine UK Woman Of The Year Golden Music Awards Best International Video for "I"m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer TRL Awards First Lady Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman Best Dance - Overprotected Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2004Billboard Awards Best-selling Dance Single of the Year- Me Against the Music Brasil Music Award Best International Female Artist UK Ivor Novello Award Most Performed Work ("Toxic") MTV Europe Music Awards Best Female Artist of the Year Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Choice Song: Toxic Popstar Magazine Popastic Video Right Now (Toxic) Rockbear Awards Critics" Choice Best Video of the Year ("My Prerogative") Teen Choice Awards Choice Single ("Toxic") Holland TMF Awards Gridlock Award TRL Awards Gridlock Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female Artist - Me Against The Music Best Dance - Me Against The Music Best Collaboration - Me Against The Music (with Madonna) Best Style in a Video - Me Against The Music (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2005BMI Cable Awards Best Television Theme Song ("Follow Me" from Zoey 101) Golden Music Awards Music Video of the Year - Toxic Rock/Pop Album of the Year - ("Greatest Hits: My Prerogative") Groovevolt Awards Video of the Year: Toxic Best Female Album: In The Zone Best Song Performance by a Female Artist: Everytime Most Fashionable Artist Grammy Awards Best Dance Recording - Toxic Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Everytime Best Dance - Toxic Best Video - Everytime Artist Of the Year Hottest Female of the Year (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2006Teen Choice Awards Best Female Singer (In Israel) Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Best Unreleased Track/Song - I"ve Just Begun (Having My Fun) Vh1 Big In 06" Awards Big Mama Covina 06" Awards Best Female Artis Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2008NRJ Music Awards Best International Album - Blackout Music Hall Awards Best International Female Artist Best International Album - Blackout Best Internatinal Song - Gimme More Imperio Musica Awards Best Female Video - Gimme More Sexiest Video - Gimme More The Most Anticipated Comeback Best Album - Blackout Basenotes Perfume Awards Best Celebrity Fragrance (Female) - Fantasy by Britney Spears Video Music Awards Video of The Year Best Pop Video Best Female VideoEurope Music Awards Act of 2008 Album of the Year - Blackou Bambi Awards International Pop Award 2009Teen Choice Awards Ultimate Choice Award Video Music Awards Best Pop Video






全 名:布兰妮-琼-斯皮尔斯英文名:Britney Jean Spears生 日:1981年12月2日出生地:美国路易斯安那州肯伍德市星 座:人马座身 高:1.63米体 重:57公斤





Britney Spears发行过几张专辑?

Baby One More TimeOops!...I Did It AgainBritneyIn The ZoneGreatest Hits-My Prerogative 精选
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