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business 、、economical、、这英语怎么读?



(美)中央时区(Central Standard Time)

Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:G小题4:E小题5:A 小题1:根据后文Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers可知:被普遍认为是非营利组织。所以,上文应该与其内容一致。D项:然而,一些公司只挣足够的钱来满足基本的经营费用。这说明它们不赚钱。这与后文内容相符。此处however也是关键词,其前讲得是盈利活动,其后是非盈利公司活动。小题2:前文提到非盈利公司,下文举例说明哪些是非盈利组织。小题3:第二段的第一句是总述,接下来从三方面进行分述the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business。按顺序先说planning。小题4:根据上文“经营管理计划有三个方面”可知,这里谈得是第二方面。下文是The third. . . 小题5:根据前文可知三个方面讲了两个方面了,接下来是第三个方面。即control of the operations of a business。故选A。




1.首先前往STSM副本,在门口等待把FB模式先改成英雄模式。使劲的往FB里冲(肯定是进不去的),反正有多大的劲就使多大的劲,出去进来进来出去,就是不断的提示那个当前副本无法用英雄模式那行字。直到感觉网速突然很卡为止,以150↑延时为标准,这里卡的是服务器的延时并非你的网络延时,建议早上去卡。这时把副本模式改为普通模式,重置一下。进入副本! 2.然后进入副本后,不要进入战斗一直跑到蜘蛛小BOSS面前开始殴打,尽量贴着门,以最快的速度打死,迅速摸尸体。如果这时再刷出一个蜘蛛,那么恭喜你,BUG 卡成功了!!!如果没有成功继续第一步骤,反复实验! 3.并不是卡成功了就意味着可以无限刷DK了,下面是一些很重要的细节问题: ①相信刷DK的老手门都知道,要想进入男爵房间必须把3个塔的BOSS都消灭掉还有塔里面的小怪,当你卡成BUG后所有的怪都是无限刷新的(进入战斗就刷)。3个 塔门口的BOSS只要杀死一只就会开门,门一开就迅速冲进去把小怪AOE掉,为什么说AOE掉!因为怪的刷新速度非常快!大概进入战斗10秒到20秒就刷新,如果你 不能在第一时间把怪A掉,那么就不会提示XX水晶被摧毁!卡成BUG后可以组人进入副本一起战斗。 ②第2个塔的BOSS夫人建议一人单刷掉,你要NB的话,没问题一起上吧!第3个塔的BOSS苍白者要注意被冰,造成无法攻击既而被大量刷新BOSS K死!人多可以迅速 刷掉! ③建议买一些隐形药水,因为现在你所在STSM副本不是一般的副本,喝隐形药水要躲避长眼睛的怪。在无潜行职业的情况下必备,杀完3个塔的BOSS,建议从蜘蛛那边前往屠宰场,要小心路边陷阱,踩到的话恭喜你,机子卡一下,你就可以释放灵魂了! ④下面一步很重要,当你和伙伴门抵达屠宰场的时候那么你们就成功了30%了,找2个皮厚的血多分别从左右2边把怪引至男爵房门口,迅速AOE掉,这里很关键如果速度慢了,胖子刷新了,门是不会开的,一般A掉后胖子就刷新,别担心只要你们AOE的快,那就能进去。所有人冲进房间把大胖子做了,狼牙山五骷髅也杀了,大胖子和骷髅是不会刷新的。 ⑤最重要的一点:到了这个地方你们就基本成功了,也可以说很容易失败的地方在这里,杀掉大胖子和骷髅后你们会发现最后一道门并没有开启,那是因为外面胖子刷新的缘故,别担心,找个FS或SS把BB招出来,贴着最后一道门招,可以把BB卡进男爵房间,点TAB键锁定男爵叫BB攻击,就可以把男爵拉出来,杀掉,门就开启了。进入房间,成就你们的梦想吧!也可以找一鸟D放星辰陨落,也能打到BOSS。


在使用masonry过程中为button设置约束时宽度自适应,但是一般button的title两边都会留白,一般最简单的做法是两边加空格。但是身为较真的我不想这样做,而且空格也不能满足UI对间距像素的要求。 最开始想了一个骚操作 但是这样在iOS10.0的版本里不兼容,导致标题不显示U0001f62d 然后想到了用 但是并不能解决问题。 最后、最后、最后!!! 想到了UIbutton一个被我们忽略的属性contentEdgeInsets //内边距 所以: 完美解决,并且兼容所有版本U0001f61d

Patience (Astronomy Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Patience (Astronomy Album Version)歌手:Bleach专辑:AstronomyShed a tear "cause I"m missin" you泪水止不住对你的思念I"m still alright to smile我还可以强作笑颜Girl, I think about you every day now女孩 你的身影在我的脑海流连Was a time when I wasn"t sure当我心绪难定浮躁不安But you set my mind at ease是你使我安然There is no doubt毫无疑问You"re in my heart now你依旧在我心间Said, woman, take it slow亲爱的你说顺其自然It"ll work itself out fine一切都会慢慢好转All we need is just a little patience我们需要的只是一些耐心Said, sugar, make it slow女孩你说随它去And we come together fine我们面前没有什么困难All we need is just a little patience我们需要的只是一些耐心Mm, yeahI sit here on the stairs独自坐在这台阶上"Cause I"d rather be alone我宁愿承受这份孤单If I can"t have you right now如果无法将你拥有I"ll wait, dear我将为你守侯Sometimes I get so tense有时我是如此局促不安But I can"t speed up the time可时间过的是那么缓慢But you know, love女孩 你知道There"s one more thing to consider爱情有太多需要考验Said, woman, take it slow亲爱的你说顺其自然And things will be just fine一切都会慢慢好转You and I"ll just use a little patience我们需要的只是一些耐心Said, sugar, take the time女孩你说随它去"Cause the lights are shining bright一切犹如晨光般灿烂You and I"ve got what it takes我们一定能拥有To make it, We won"t fake it,美好的明天 请别伪装I"ll never break it信守我们的诺言"cause I can"t take it因为那痛苦我无法承担...little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah耐心need a little patience, yeah我们只需要一点耐心just a little patience, yeah是的 爱人some more patience, yeah再多一点I been walkin" the streets at night我曾游荡在深夜的边缘Just tryin" to get it right只想找到一切的答案need some patience, yeahHard to see with so many around我无所适从地站在人群中央You know I don"t like你知道我害怕Being stuck in the crowd这令人窒息的喧嚣could use some patience, yeahAnd the streets don"t change是的 宝贝 一切如故But baby the name如果你的爱是游戏I ain"t got time for the game我已没有时间"cause I need you因为我需要你的温暖Yeah, yeah, but I need you需要你的温暖Oo, I need you我是如此将你迷恋all it takes is patience,Whoa, I need you哦 如此将你迷恋just a little patienceis all you need *http://music.baidu.com/song/2622357



求butterfly歌词 应该是一部动漫里的歌曲。 请把日文罗马拼音和中文一一对应起来~

数码部龙主题曲好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘著微风振翅高飞 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 烦心的事放在一边 如果忘记那也无所谓已经没有多馀的时间可以浪费似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什麼事会在这片晴空下出现就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输给自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 oh My Love仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼 一路迎著微瞠飞行直到我和你 相见约定不再分离对你倾吐我的心意 没想到你真的愿意陪著我一起 沉醉在幸福的旋律好像有 WOW WOW~ 什麼声音悄悄从这街角向起而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验朝著梦勇往直前 On My Love在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输纪自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 Oh Year~在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验Goki kenna chouni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ainikou Yokeina koto nante wasureta houga majisa Kore ijou jare deru jigan hanai Nani ga wow wow~ kono soreni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow~ ashita no yotei monakaranai Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Utareta chouni natte ichizuna kaze ni no natte Doko mademo kimi ni aini ikou Aimaina koto batte igai ni benri date Saken deru hitto sonku kikinagara Naniga wow wow~ kono machi ni hibi kuno darou Dakedo wow wow~ kitai shite temo shi kata nai Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno ikuji nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa OH YEAH~ Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE

Butter Fly罗马发音?

Butter Fly的罗马音应该是"bata fura"。

Butter Fly歌词中文谐音

http://ok.wo99.com/mplay.php?id=13692412 自己看去


日语+中文+罗马音。。~ゴキゲンな蝶になって きらめく风に乗って今すぐ キミに会いに行こう余计な事なんて 忘れたほうがましさこれ以上 シャレてる时间はない何が WOW WOW~ この空に届くのだろうだけど WOW WOW~ 明日の予定もわからない无限大な梦のあとの 何もない世の中じゃそうさ爱しい 想いも负けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの 頼りない翼でもきっと飞べるさ On My Loveウカレタ蝶になって 一途な风に乗ってどこまでも キミに会いに行こう暧昧な言叶って 意外に便利だって叫んでる ヒットソング聴きながら何が WOW WOW~ この街に响くのだろうだけど WOW WOW~ 期待してても仕方ない※无限大な梦のあとの やるせない世の中じゃそうさ常识 はずれも悪くはないかなStayしそうなイメ-ジを染めた ぎこちない翼でもきっと飞べるさ On My Love无限大な梦のあとの 何もない世の中じゃそうさ爱しい 想いも负けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの 頼りない翼でもきっと飞べるさ Oh Yeah~ =========================好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘著微风振翅高飞 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 烦心的事放在一边 如果忘记那也无所谓已经没有多馀的时间可以浪费似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什麼事会在这片晴空下出现就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输给自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 oh My Love仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼 一路迎著微瞠飞行直到我和你 相见约定不再分离对你倾吐我的心意 没想到你真的愿意陪著我一起 沉醉在幸福的旋律好像有 WOW WOW~ 什麼声音悄悄从这街角向起而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验朝著梦勇往直前 On My Love在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输纪自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 Oh Year~在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验Goki kenna chouni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ainikou Yokeina koto nante wasureta houga majisa Kore ijou jare deru jigan hanai Nani ga wow wow~ kono soreni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow~ ashita no yotei monakaranai Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE

数码宝贝1OP 主题曲《Butter-Fly》和田光司演唱的,就是这首歌用普通话说出日语

这个 -- 无语啦 不好弄啊 希望你不要抱太大的希望!

Hexalobular socket pan head screws是什么意思

Hexalobular socket pan head screws六角插座盘头螺钉socket pan head screws插座盘头螺钉screws[英][sk"ru:z][美][sk"ru:z]n.螺丝钉( screw的名词复数 ); 螺旋桨; 监狱看守; 性交对象; v.用螺丝拧紧( screw的第三人称单数 ); 拧上去; (和某人)性交; 诈骗(钱财等)

How to learn English Vocabulary effectively?


AE强大的流体插件jawset_Turbulence2D_V1.2_破解版 或者注册码 注册机


arab strap的《turbulence》 歌词

歌曲名:turbulence歌手:arab strap专辑:ten years of tearsYou always jump and quiverWhen you"re coming in to landWith no runway, no guidanceNo nails dug into my hand.We could have whoever we want.We could go back to schoolAnd see the dead laugh again.Let"s get dressed up and pull.The only benefit of drinking.The downside of what we take.Some weekends i feelLike i could always be awake.A party in a strangers house.Have we ever met the host?Just smile and keep talkingAnd get your can for a toast.We won"t always be safe hereBut this is where we reign.Pull it tight to protect us.We might never sleep again.http://music.baidu.com/song/14193206

C4D TurbulenceFD插件安装好后在C4D插件选项里面找不到插件


C4D TurbulenceFD为什么窗口出来没有流体效果 求教!!!才装上去准备学的就卡在着了


wake turbulence是什么意思

wake turbulence的中文意思是:尾流。



AE turbulence2d 插件汉化版的安装方法


Phoenix FD和c4d里面的插件TurbulenceFD那个好


turbulence;major; jerk ;shot 这英语用谐音怎么读?


Turbulence的《Notorious》 歌词

歌曲名:Notorious歌手:Turbulence专辑:Strictly The Best Vol.33NotoriousDuran DuranNo-no-Notorious. Notorious. Ah. No-no-Notorious.~~~~~~I can"t read about it.Burns the skin from your eyes.I"ll do fine without it.Here"s one you don"t compromise.Lies come hard in disguise.They need to fight it out.Not wild about it.Lay your seedy judgements.Who says they"re part of our lives?You own the moneyYou control the witness.I"ll leave you lonely.Don"t monkey with my business.You pay the prophets to justify your reasons.I heard your promise,but I don"t believe it.That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious.Girls will keep the secrets (uh)So long as boys make a noise.Fools run rings to break up.Something they"ll never destroy.Grand Notorious slam (bam).And who really gives a damn for a flaky bandit?Don"t ask me to bleed about itI need this blood to survive.You own the moneyYou control the witness.I"ll leave you lonely.Don"t monkey with my business.You pay the prophets to justify your reasons.I heard your promise,but I don"t believe it.That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious.~~~~~~You own the moneyYou control the witness.I"ll leave you lonely.Don"t monkey with my business.You pay the prophets to justify your reasons.I heard your promise,but I don"t believe it.You own the moneyYou control the witness.I"ll leave you lonely.Don"t monkey with my business.You pay the prophets to justify your reasons.I heard your promise,but I don"t believe it.That"s why I"ve done it again. No. No.That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious.That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious.Yeah...That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious.Yeah...That"s why I"ve done it again. No-no-Notorious....http://music.baidu.com/song/8229227

turbulence;major; jerk ;shot 这英语用谐音怎么读?


飞机遇到的气流叫做 turbulence吗


We do meet now and then,but not ________. A.freely B.commonly C.regularly D.presently

答案C freely意为“自由地”;commonly意为“一般地”;regularly意为“有规律地;定期地”;presently意为“很快地”.now and then意为“有时;时而”,C项符合句意.


1.07,1.08都有这些兵种的,你的问题不是版本的问题。是你进错了!星际有两种不同的游戏模式,简单模式和扩展模式(快捷键为E),要进扩展模式才能造所有的兵。进简单模式的话,人族没有MM的,神族只能做XX和龙其。虫族不能变地刺(潜伏者)。 进...

approved bulk shade lots中shade是什么意思呢?

你提供了什么给你的客户去确认 ?色样?一个颜色打了好几个吧 SHADE有色光的意思不同缸的大货布样? DYE LOT表示缸差不知道你们具体操作的什么,在确认什么,也没有上下文,只能提供上面2段给你参考

dad went to buy some stationery as souvenirs for my cousin为什么用复数

stationary【文具】虽为不可数名词,但可以是几件,故souvenirs用复数是对的,一定要表示【一件文具】,后面用as a souvenir

女生唱的.歌词里面有I am a fool but……是我学跳舞时的一首英文歌。舞蹈讲的是改变蜕变之类的意思。有没

lenk的 the show?

GBU-57A/B的MOP: 超级钻地炸弹

波音公司鬼怪工作组”正在进行分为三个阶段的超级钻地炸弹研究试验工作。 空中投掷试验已于2006年2月开始进行,。还处于极端保密阶段. MOP长六米, 重一万三千六百公斤,,战斗部爆炸物为二千七百公斤. MOP的设计钻地深度大于B61-11低当量核钻地炸弹,能摧毁任何深层地下设施的25%。对硬度为5,000PSI的钢筋混凝土设施,MOP可以穿透力为60米; 对硬度为10,000PSI的钢筋混凝土设施,MOP的穿透能力为8米。 与波音公司共同合作的有诺斯罗普公司和洛克希德·马丁公司。 这三家公司的技术人员正在佛罗里达空军研究实验室弹药部的基地进行实弹试验.空军各种型号的钻地炸弹在使用上对一些深埋地下的设施的破坏作用不是十分有效。在最可能的条件下,钻地炸弹的作用也只是 “干扰行动”和 “功能破坏” ,不能达到彻底摧毁的目的。在使用钻地炸弹的时候,还要对地下设施进行数据和情报的收集。这一过程包括确定目标,分析目标,对目标定性,对目标的物理结构进行分析,决定目标的薄弱环节,决定使用何种钻地炸弹, 攻击计划,部署,分析轰炸效果等。如果分析的结果是对方有可能重新修复地下设施,还要计划第二次打击。在现有的钻地炸弹基础上功能提高了10倍的MOP可以省略使用普通钻地炸弹的环节。美国空军研究实验室从1997年开始对重型钻地炸弹进行研究设计工作。最初的设计为二万磅(9000公斤),使用GPS制导,运载工具为B-52和B-2轰炸机,属于内装式, 是JDAM(联合制导攻击炸弹)的家族成员。在研究考证过程中, 空军研究室还考虑到了使用GBU-43/B MOAB作为下一代重型钻地炸弹。到了2002年, “华盛顿时报”第一次披露了空军研制重型钻地炸弹的消息,新型超级钻地炸弹代号为 “大蓝”(“大蓝”也是BLU-82地面效果炸弹的代号, 重量为一万五千磅),重量为三万磅(一万三千六百公斤),B-2轰炸机可携带一颗超级钻地炸弹。2003年12月,空军研究室宣布得到了研制超级钻地炸弹的财政拨款, 正式征求研究机构和生产厂家。2004年空军研究室在对今后三十年国家安全和战略进行的全面研究分析后作出了最终研制常规超级钻地炸弹的决定, 波音、 诺斯罗普,拉克耶德 马汀公司为合作研制单位。研制分三个阶段进行。 第一阶段为概念研究和设计; 第二阶段为初级试验;第三阶段为展示功能阶段。超级钻地炸弹已经在佛罗里达的空军研究实验室基地进入了第三阶段。

the jolly butcher 歌词

歌曲名:the jolly butcher歌手:Great Big Sea专辑:upOh won"t you come along with me loveCome along with me!Come for one night and be my wifeAnd come along with meWell it is of the jolly butcher as you might plainly seeAs he roved out one morning in search of companyHe went into a tavern and a fair girl he did seeAh come for one night, be my wife, oh come along with meHe called for liquor of the bestAnd he makes such fortune playCome have a drink, it will make us thinkThat it is our wedding dayWell he called for a candle to light their way to bedAnd when he had her in the room these words to her he said,"A sovereign I will give to you, for to embrace your charmsAnd all that night, that fair young maid, lied in the butchers" armsOh, Early the next morning be sure it went his wayHe looked unto that fair young maid and unto her did say,"That sovereign that I gave to you, do not think me strange,Well that sovereign that I gave to you will you give me back me change!"Well about a 12 months later he roved out once moreAnd he went into the tavern where he"d often been beforeHe wasn"t in there very long when his fair maid he did seeAnd she brought forth a baby three months old and placed it on his kneeWhen he saw the baby, he began to curse and swearAnd he said unto that fair young maid, "Why did you bring him here?!""Well he is your own, kind sir", she said, "Do not think me strange,Well that sovereign that you gave to me, I gives you back your change!!"http://music.baidu.com/song/14307295


不过通过自己的研究发现, exchange可以搞定了。 方法一:OWA ---用evolution exchange的邮箱服务器一般可以在网页上收发邮件,使用OWA的功能。 evolution支持者个这个插件。 使用方法, 在添加帐户时选在类型为microsoft exchange OWA的地址选择 你上网的时候可以浏览网页查邮件的地址。具体可以问问管理员。我以前就使用这种方法,不好使,老死,特慢。抛弃。 方法2:imap --evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird. 之前我一致认为exchange使用不同于pop3, imap的其他的邮件协议。 后来发现,原来exchange用得就是imap协议。 下面在windows里打开你的outlook 在Tools-Email Accouts...选view or change exisiting email accounts-选中exchange的server再点change, 在下一个对话框里就会出现服务器的地址,记下来。 使用linux, 在evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird创建邮件帐户,使用imap协议 服务器地址就是上面的抄下来的地址,用户名和密码就是你outlook或者域的帐号密码 试试吧,我是成功了。


方法一:OWA --->用evolutionexchange的邮箱服务器一般可以在网页上收发邮件,使用OWA的功能。evolution支持者个这个插件。使用方法, 在添加帐户时选在类型为microsoft exchangeOWA的地址选择 你上网的时候可以浏览网页查邮件的地址。具体可以问问管理员。我以前就使用这种方法,不好使,老死,特慢。抛弃。方法2:imap -->evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird.之前我一致认为exchange使用不同于pop3, imap的其他的邮件协议。后来发现,原来exchange用得就是imap协议。下面在windows里打开你的outlook在Tools->Email Accouts...选view or change exisiting email accounts->选中exchange的server再点change, 在下一个对话框里就会出现服务器的地址,记下来。使用linux, 在evolution或其它邮件客户端如kmail, 或者thunderbird创建邮件帐户,使用imap协议服务器地址就是上面的抄下来的地址,用户名和密码就是你outlook或者域的帐号密码

信用证47A T/T reimbursement:prohibited的意思是不接受T/T付还吗?

1.信用证规定不得电索的条款x0dx0ax0dx0a例⑴:T.T. REIMBURSEMENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.x0dx0ax0dx0a翻译:不接受电索条款。x0dx0ax0dx0a分析:电索条款是指议付行议付单据后可立即以电报或电传等电讯方式向开证行或其指定偿付行收取货款的条款。若信用证明确规定不得电索,则只能通过邮寄方式索汇,收款相对较慢。上述条款常见于日本来证,目的是想推迟付款,可见其商人之精明。对出口商而言,为加快收汇,大额货款应争取电索。

Missin You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Missin You (Album Version)歌手:Trey Songz专辑:Trey DayTrey Song - Missin" YouI can"t stop missin you.Wish I was there with you.I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop missin you. (no)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I miss the way you kiss,miss the way you wear them heels and make it switch.Miss the way your hair blows in the wind.And I miss you stayin here "til the mornin,Miss the way you put on your makeup.Miss the way you love me too much.It"s everything about you baby.Wanna know where you been lately.Do you go out?Do you still live at your old house?D you got somebody new in your life?Cuz I can"t get you out of my mind.And I wanna erase,but I can"t stop seein" your face.And every girl I try to replace you with.Why can"t I get over it?Simply cuz I can"t...I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop...Missin everything you say,missin all the crazy love we made.Why"d you throw it all away?I want you to knowIt"s been hell tryna do this without you here.Baby, "07"s supposed to be our year.You confront my worst fears.And I had my doubts,every time you was going out.Cuz I knew you were tellin me liesand I can"t get that outta my mind.And I wanna erase,but I can"t stop seein" your face.And every girl I try to replace you with.Why can"t I get over it?Simply cuz I can"t...I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.WishICould wake up and forget about you.Not tryto call you when I know I want to(Oh WIsh I)I gotta fight this feeling.(Wish I)Can"t let it take over me.(Wish I)You just don"t understand how much you were a part of me.I can"t stop missin you.Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no. (I can"t stop, I can"t stop missin you).I can"t stop missin you.Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no.I can"t stop missin you. (can"t stop)Wish I was there with you. (with you)I can"t stop missin you.No, no, no, no. (I can"t stop, I can"t stop missin you).I can"t stop missin you.http://music.baidu.com/song/8397967

It turns out freedom ainu2019t nothing but missinu2019 you


在公司上BU 是指什么意思?

BU,也叫SBU。BU的意思是业务单元,SBU的意思是战略业务单元.BU并不代表某一个具体的子公司或者分公司,对于多业务的集团性公司来说,BU是某一类业务的集合,在该公司内部可能是以事业部或者独立子公司的形式存在的,也可能并没有形成事业部,但是作为单独的业务进行管理.BU是英文business unit的缩写


BU是英文businessunit的缩写。BU不代表某一个具体的子公司或者分公司,对于多业务的集团性公司来说。BU不代表某一个具体的子公司或者分公司,对于多业务的集团性公司来说,BU是某一类业务的集合,在该公司内部可能是以事业部或者独立子公司的形式存在的,也可能并没有形成事业部,但是作为单独的业务进行管理。BU信誉评级是"BU信誉评级认证体系"的简称。BU认证机构作为一个独立、公开、公正的第三方专业评估认证机构。一个认证主体的信誉是其全部行为或特性所获得的公认信用和美誉。作为国际化的信誉评估认证体系,BU信誉评级以促进人类可持续发展为目的,以提高人类社会效用为核心。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


buuff0cuff0cBusiness Units



dry-bulk shipping是什么意思

  dry-bulk shipping的中文翻译  dry-bulk shipping  干散货航运  双语例句  1  Study on Fluctuant Character of Freight Index in International Dry-bulk Shipping Subdivisional Market  国际干散货航运细分市场运价指数波动特征研究  2  Dry-bulk shipping market"s structure 、 character 、 especially cargo requirement and transport capability supply have been deeply analyzed in the thesis.  本文对干散货航运市场的构成、性质、尤其是货物的需求和运力的供给进行了深入的分析。


kids是儿童、小孩子buck『口语]小伙子,年轻人,(尤指勇敢、活泼、精力旺盛的)男青年,有时蔑称年轻的男黑人或印第安人kitten 小猫小动物,暗指幼齿

什么是bulb shooting,与shoot什么区别?【关于相机】

bulb shooting是B门,一种操纵快门的方式。就是按一下快门打开,放手关闭快门。shooting shoot的动名词,shoot的意思是射击、拍摄,shooting的意思就是射击、拍摄的机构(快门),也可称为Shutter

英语Premium Deluxe Bundle怎么翻译?



job 是你替人打工, business 是生意(一般用于老板身上), occupation 是职业(可以是打工也可以是老板)

高楼用英语怎么说tall buildling还是building tall

tall building, high rise

Did It For You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Did It For You (Album Version)歌手:Charice专辑:ChariceCharice - Did It For YouMinutes turn to hoursHours turn to daysKnew what I have to doCouldn"t find the words to sayWe had the perfect storyStories have an endHad to turn the pageCause to keep you was a sin,ohYou know I loved you witheverything that I hadBut what you needed, Icouldn"t be, had you badI cared enough about you,to give you the chanceTo find someone who caresI broke your heartI did it for youTore us apartI did it for youJust walked awayI did it for youOh, for youYou wanted more than myeverything, I did it for youSomeone you knew Icouldn"t be, I did it for youWhy don"t you everunderstand meBut it"s true, it"s trueI did it for you, for youI could say I"m sorry, wouldn"t mean a thingTell you what you wanna hearBaby, what you wanted wasn"t from meHeld you by a string, had to cut you looseCause forever is something we can"t beYou know I loved you witheverything that I hadBut what you needed, Icouldn"t be, had you badI cared enough about you,to give you the chanceTo find someone who caresI broke your heart I did it for youTore us apart I did it for youJust walked away I did it for youOh, for youYou wanted more than myeverything, I did it for youSomeone you knew Icouldn"t be, I did it for youWhy don"t you ever understand meBut it"s true, it"s trueI did it for you, for youThey say the ones that you loveAre the ones that you hurt the mostFor all the pain that I"ve caused youBaby, I"m sorryI did it for you I did it for youTore us apart I"m so sorry babeI did it for you Just walked awayI did it for you For YouYou wanted more than myeverything, everything I did it for youSomeone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for youWhy don"t you ever understand meBut it"s true, it"s true I did it for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7483881

数码宝贝 1 主题曲 butter fly 歌词 中文谐音的 不要罗马音 谢谢



Goki kenna chouni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ainikou Yokeina koto nante wasureta houga majisa Kore ijou jare deru jigan hanai Nani ga wow wow~ kono soreni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow~ ashita no yotei monakaranai Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Utareta chouni natte ichizuna kaze ni no natte Doko mademo kimi ni aini ikou Aimaina koto batte igai ni benri date Saken deru hitto sonku kikinagara Naniga wow wow~ kono machi ni hibi kuno darou Dakedo wow wow~ kitai shite temo shi kata nai Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno ikuji nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa OH YEAH~ Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE这是罗马拼音 差不多的,我学日语的,好多都一样的。

老师鼓励大家参与讨论的英文翻译,要有contribute to这个词

The teacher enourages everyone to contribute to the discussion.觉得好,请采纳~~

oracle ebs 全名是Oracle E-Business Suite吗? 下载的时候是怎么下载的?这个东东有多大,

是的。甲骨文公司的应用产品,全称是Oracle 电子商务套件(E-Business Suit),是在原来Application(ERP)基础上的扩展,包括ERP(企业资源计划管理)、HR(人力资源管理)、CRM(客户关系管理)等等多种管理软件的集合,是无缝集成的一个管理套件。目前Oracle EBS已经发布R12(Release 12),是完全基于web的企业级软件。作为企业管理软件, EBS的管理范围涵盖企业管理的方方面面:资产生命周期管理客户关系管理(CRM)企业资源计划(ERP)财务管理人力资本管理项目管理(PM)等等下载:Oracle EBS 免费下载地址(官方链接)http://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/WelcomePage/get_form?ARU_LANG=ZHS 不过要先注册成为Oracle用户,看什么版本的;一般是1.5-5G左右

关于e-business, e-commerce, m-commerce的概念,定义和3者之间有什么不同怎么不同


e commerce和digital business 的区别

一、指代不同1、e-commerce:指在互联网(Internet)、 和增值网(Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,是传统商业活动各环节的电子化、网络化。2、e-business:,是指在互联网(Internet)、内部网(Intranet)和增值网(VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动二、过程不同1、e-commerce:包括电子货币交换、供应链管理、电子交易市场、网络营销、在线事务处理、电子数据交换(EDI)、存货管理和自动数据收集系统。2、e-business:是传统商业活动各环节的电子化、网络化。电子商务包括电子货币交换、供应链管理、电子交易市场、网络营销、在线事务处理、电子数据交换(EDI)、存货管理和自动数据收集系统。三、工具不同1、e-commerce:利用电子化工具(有时甚至指整个电子媒介领域,包括广播、电视、电话通讯等等)来实现包括电子商务(或电子交易)在内的商业交换和行政作业的商贸活动的全过程。2、e-business:利用到的信息技术包括:互联网、外联网、电子邮件、数据库、电子目录和移动电话。


E-commerce 属于E-business E-commerce 是纯盈利性机构间的商务 而E-business还包括与非盈利性机构件的商务,如政府等


Advantages and disadvantages of e-businessWith the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don"t have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can"t see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.








e-business:电子商务。e-commerce:电子商务。网络:电子商贸; 电子商务模式; 电子商务,电子贸易。Leverage existing e-business architectures for implementation of web services.利用现有的电子商务体系结构来实现Web服务。I work mostly in e-commerce, so the models I work on are a collaborative effort between several companies.我主要从事电子商务,因此处理的模型是多家公司的协作项目。


电子商务是运用计算机网络技术和现代通信技术,使商务达到电子化、自动化运作的商务形式。广义的电子商务(E-business,有的也称电子商业)包括EDI(Electronic Data Interchange:电子数据交换)、基于Internet的E-commerce(Electronic commerce:电子商务)以及基于企业内部的信息化系统ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning:企业资源计划)、SCM(Supply Chain Management:供应链管理)和CRM(Customer Relation Management:客户关系管理)等。EDI是电子商务的最初形式,八十年代在欧美国家发展起来,它主要是通过一个内部网进行数据传递和交换,从而达到贸易过程的自动化。随着Internet技术的发明和应用,电子商务开始朝着基于Web的开放式平台的形式发展,这就是我们通常讲的e-commerce。根据kenneth C.Laudon & Carol Guercio Traver 著作的电子商务一书提到E-COMMERCE与E-business是有一定区别。E-business称为电子业务,是发生在企业内部的数字化事务和流程,包括企业内部的信息系统。特征一般不含跨组织边界的有价交换的商业交易,当发生商业交易,业务就转变成商务。E-commerce主要是涉及跨企业边界交易。



buon viaggio什么意思

buon viaggio好的旅行(德语).-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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HTML Button 按钮样式


主板 Debug灯 显示2b,开机黑屏,键盘灯闪一下,就没有反应了。

内存松了 拔下来重新插下试试!再或者是机箱里面有故障!送去让其他人看看把

英语谚语:Men may meet but mountains never 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Men may meet but mountains never 中文意思: 人生何处不相逢。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: To be angry with a weak man is a proof that you are not very strong yourself 对弱者发脾气证明你自己并不很强。 To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy 为善最乐。 To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace 维护和平最有效的办法之一是备战。 To be virtuous is to do good 行善是美德。 To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation 获得智慧,寻求真理,并使心灵美好,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声好得多。 To convert defeat into victoty 反败为胜。 Today is the scholar of yesterday 今天是昨天的学者。 To err is human 人无完人。 To err is human; to forgive divine 人难免错误,宽恕别人是神圣的。 To forgive our enemies is a charming way of revenge 饶恕敌人是一种巧妙的报复方法。 英语谚语: Men may meet but mountains never 中文意思: 人生何处不相逢。


是的 contribution 贡献 (contribute v.) make contributions to 对…做出贡献 63. convenient (adj.) 方便的 conveniently 方便地 64. conve...

It is imperative that the government__________more investment into the shipbuilding industry.

【答案】:C考查虚拟语气。在表示愿望、建议、请求、命令等时,it is imperative that结构后面的主语从句必须用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形(should可以省略)。故选C。

It is imperative that the government __________more investment into the shipbuildingindustry.

【答案】:C在表示愿望,建议,请求,命令等时,it is imperative that结构后面的主语从句必须用虚拟语气.即should+动词原形(should可以省略)。故选C。

英语语法:The bus departs at six thirty a.m. 这个depart为什么加s?

The bus是单数第三人称

Petal (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Petal (Album Version)歌手:Lori Carson专辑:Where It GoesPetals LyricsArtist(Band):HoleShe"s the angel on top of the treeSugarheart, here she comesShe"s going to fall on meInnocence was our fireWe told the truthI miss the sweet boysIn the summer of their youthTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youThey will make you soSo cynicalThe fire burns, the flesh destorysthe past that made us oldShe"s the grace of this worldShe"s too pureFor the likes of this worldThis world is a whoreTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youI wait till mine andHey, it"s all mineHey, it"s all mineNever knew what I could beAll the darling buds of MayThey fall with no soundThey carry you downThey carry you downOoooooooo, oooooohAll the lillies bloomed and blossomedOooooooooWilted and they"re shiveringI can"t stop their withering,Oh, this world is a warTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youTear the petals off of youMake you tell the truthTear the petals off of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7655167

信用证47A T/T reimbursement:prohibited 的意思是:不接受T/T付还吧


Fly away -album ver.- 歌词

歌曲名:Fly away -album ver.-歌手:rake专辑:First SightRake - Fly away -album ver.-作词:Rake作曲:RakeTell me what you have deep inside of your mindYou must be feeling somethingDon"t you know the wayhow to step into brand new world?You got got wings on your backDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingYou know this life is only one timeIf you feel down down, let"s take breathingSay“No”to the thing you don"t likeFirst of all, love yourself,believe yourself and put your trust in yourselfNow it"s the time to fly away新しい明日を作るのは他の谁かじゃないよ 君自身 そうだろ?Just fly awayLooking for the past?Everybody wants to go back to youthful days?Shinning oh too brightly?But only we can paint is future in your handsYou got the wings on your backPut your hands up and feel the wind blowThrough the windows, look at the rainbowIf you wanna change the world,say“Yes”to the thing you wantFirst of all, love yourself,believe yourself and put your trust in your friendsNow it"s the time to fly away见えるだろ? 夜明けはすぐそこに前に踏み出せば世界は动き出すJust fly awayDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingYou know this life is only one timeDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingPut your hands up and feel the wind blowDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingYou know this life is only one timeDon"t give up up, just keep dreamingNow it"s the time to fly away新しい明日を作るのは他の谁かじゃないよ 君自身 そうだろ?见えるだろ? 夜明けはすぐそこに前に踏み出せば世界は动き出すJust fly awayおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18966924

take a bus to go to home还是rake a bus go home

take a bus to go to home

用Western Union business solutions 付款是不是就相当于T/T

你好。很高兴为你解答。可以通过Western Union business solutions 公对公 付款 ,也没像西联客服说的什么一定要再WU开户才行 ,已经到账了,第二个工作日早上就到账,确实比之前汇款快多了 ,主要是客户这样付款我这边全额到账了 ,一分不少 。

western union business solutions是什么

西联(western union,西联国际汇款公司)的商业解决方案。

so最后的buildid not stripped是什么意思

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