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buoyancy force是什么意思


buoyancy frequency是什么意思

buoyancy frequency浮力频率; [英][u02c8bu0254u026au0259nsi: u02c8fri:kwu0259nsi][美][u02c8bu0254u026au0259nsi u02c8frikwu0259nsi]

buoyancy force是什么意思

buoyancy force[英][u02c8bu0254u026au0259nsi: fu0254:s][美][u02c8bu0254u026au0259nsi fu0254rs]浮力;


buoyancy是浮力; 愉快的心情; (经济的)繁荣的意思一、单词释义n. 浮力, 弹性, 快活, 轻快, (股票市场)保持高价[化] 浮力; 浮扬性n. cheerfulness that bubbles to the surfacen. the tendency to float in water or other liquid二、buoyancy的例句:1、so as to help their buoyancy whilst navigating down the fjords.这样游过峡湾的时候浮力会大一点2、I already told you there"s too many bodies for buoyancy.我都说了人太多 浮力不足3、Tom"s delivering all those lines with a buoyancy and liveliness.汤姆用轻松鲜活的方式 诠释了这个人物4、This young slipper lobster may be using this jelly as a buoyancy aid.这只幼蝉虾 也许在利用水母保持浮力5、Patton couldn"t even have paddled to Italy in a canoe because he wouldn"t have understood the laws of buoyancy.巴顿划船都划不到意大利 因为他连浮力法则都不懂6、Without the buoyancy of water, it is physically impossible for any creature that large not to collapse under its own weight.没有了水的浮力 生理上来说 任何像这样体积巨大的生物 都不可能支撑得了自己的体重7、Well, the buoyancy of the running shoe caused the detachable foot to rise to the surface.跑鞋的浮力 使得断脚浮上海面