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certainty什么意思及同义词 翻译certainty的意思

英音 ["sə:tənti] ;,美音 ["sə:tənti] ;,名词 1.必然的事,确定的事 2.确实,确信,复数 certainties,这些名词均含有“确信无疑”之意。 certainty指在客观上和主观上都无一丝一毫的怀疑。 assurance侧重依靠个人力量、本能、方法或对其他人或事的完全信任,强调有信心。 conviction多指在理性基础上清除了原有的疑虑或无把握,着重对证据的主观反应。,the state of being certain,something that is certain,in the certainty that ... 确信… ,with certainty 肯定地,确信地 ,in the certainty 必定 ,certainty equivalents 确定等值 ,certainty ratio 【计】 可信度比例 ,certainty and valuewise independence 确定性与值态的独立性 ,certainty of measurement 测量精度 ,certainty equivalency principle 【计】 确定性等价原理 ,dead certainty 确实有把握的事 ,certainty algorithm 【计】 确定性算法 ,certainty n. 1.必然的事,确定的事 2.确实,确信,AI (abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。,ai abbr. 1.=accidentally incurred 偶然招致的,遭遇意外2.=artificial insemination人工授精3.=artificial intellig,maintainability 可维护性,hairbrained adj.(=harebrained)轻率的,浮躁的,粗心的,maintainer n.1.养路机,维护人员,保持器,检修人员,zaikai n.商界,财团[日文汉字:财界],brainsdrain 【法】 人才外流,Kaitaia pla.凯塔亚{KAT,新西兰},aiai n. (= AIAI) 伊斯兰团结组织(索马里伊斯兰激进团体,起初为集体组织募集资金,曾伏击美国陆军游骑兵部队,并在埃塞俄比亚进行恐怖炸弹袭击)

there is no certainty , only opportunity的意思


It can be said with certainty that


There is no certainty, only opportunity什么意思


One of the few things you_____say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about


this kind of certainty comes once in a lifetime.

this kind of certainty comes just once in a life time 这样确定无疑的爱,一生只有一次 是《廊桥遗梦》里面的吧?

This kind of certainty come once in a lifetime翻译是什么意思


如何解释和计算certainty equivalent

美[?s?tnti ??kw?v?l?nt] 资本回收保证量如有疑问追问,如满意记得采纳,如果有其他问题也可点我名字向我求助答题不易,如果没有回答完全,请您谅解,请采纳最快回答的正确答案!!谢谢!

This kind of certainty comes once in a lifetime. ,Nothing"s gonna change my love for you ,vik

I guess Vik can see that, and,feel that. Best wishes for you two.^^

用it can be said with certainty that造句?


for a certainty

这个你按固定词组记就可以了,不用从句子成分上去较真儿。 certain可以做名词的

Certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still 什么意思


Craziness,Uncertainty 这两个单词是什么意思?


for certainty是什么意思

for certainty肯定地 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1I know for a certainty that the company has been bought up. 我确实知道公司已经被人收购了。

for certain 和with certainty区别

意思上是没有区别的. 应该是certainly know

creating great certainty什么意思啊

creating great certainty创造伟大的确定性creating great certainty创造伟大的确定性

certainly=---- certainty 横线上填什么介词

填with,with certainty=certainly,确信无疑地,肯定地

certainly=---- certainty 横线上填什么介词

填with,with certainty=certainly,确信无疑地,肯定地

retrospect ; victory; certainty 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的读法~~

retrospect rai cho s bectvoctory wei ke te reicertainly ser ten lei

One of the few things you_____say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about


certainty-equivalence factor 什么意思


如何解释和计算certainty equivalent

确定等价收益率(certainty equivalent rate)是为使无风险投资与风险投资有同样的吸引力而确定的无风险投资报酬率。换句话说,就是在确定收益相同的情况下,能够提供与现在正在考虑的投资组合具有相同的效用值的收益率。确定等价收益率是一个比较不同的投资组合期望值效用的最直接的方法。

certainty-equivalent cash flow是什么意思

你好。certainty-equivalent cash flow翻译成中文是:确定性等价现金流。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

高微里certainty equivalent什么意思


certainly certain certainty 3个单词的意思都差不多..用法区别在哪呢?




certainty 怎么用

前面加介词with例句如下:Politicians, and the voters who elect them, are more comfortable with certainty.政客和选举这些人的选民喜欢确定性。Even today, no one knows with certainty how ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.甚至在今天,也没有人能够明确知道古代埃及人是怎样建成金字塔的。


 [英][ˈsɜ:tnti]。certainty造句:1、I know for a certainty that the company has been bought up.我确实知道公司已经被人收购了。2、A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.疑惑缺少肯定而导致犹豫不决。3、Generation Zs are looking for more certainty and stability, because of the rise of the gig economy.由于零工经济的兴起,Z世代正寻求更多的确定性和稳定性。4、You can say with greater certainty what your Labrador will look like.你可以说有更大的确定性,是什么您的拉布拉多会这个样子。5、We don"t yet know with certainty whether testosterone strongly influences business decision-making.我们尚不清楚睾酮是否影响商业决策。6、A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.


n. 确定性,确实性;确定的事,必然的事


certainty[英][ˈsɜ:tnti][美][ˈsɜ:rtnti]n.确定性,确实性; 确定的事,必然的事;复数:certainties例句:But nothing in politics is a certainty.但在政治中没有什么事是确定的。英汉词典1.N-UNCOUNT确定;有把握Certainty is the state of being definite or of having no doubts at all about something.I have told them with absolute certainty there"ll be no change of policy...我已经十分肯定地告诉他们,政策不会变。2.N-UNCOUNT必然(性);肯定(性)Certainty is the fact that something is certain to happen.A general election became a certainty three weeks ago.3个星期前举行普选已确定无疑。3.N-COUNT确定无疑的事情;必然的事Certainties are things that nobody has any doubts about.There are no certainties in modern Europe...当代欧洲没有什么是确定无疑的。

certainly certain certainty 3个单词的意思都差不多..用法区别在哪呢?

certainly:副词 用来修饰动词certain:形容词 用来修饰名词certainty:名词