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求一首BGM,只听出来歌词里有she got down on the ground , cheater , this girl 这些词

听了N多次,找了好久才找到,KDrew--- this girl. 还是在国外YouTube找到的,国外的也很少,不知道为什么国内就没有资源呢?

Cheater Man 歌词

歌曲名:Cheater Man歌手:Irma Thomas专辑:Chess DivasGit Fresh - CheaterOur Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛Picture they seein" me, in my drop top riding,to a place that I ain"t got no business for in.On my sidekick, txt"n to my baby dont wait up, I"m gone be late working.Knowing good damn well I got off about an hr ago,and I know damn well that I shouldn"t leave my baby alone (alone~).And I never wanted to hurt you (you~), I only want for us to make it.And I never meant to be untrue (true~), but the moment that I saw her naked.Thats the moment I~ became a cheater,thats the moment I~ became a cheater,and I take the blame for putting myself in that situation,knowing deep inside that I just can"t resist temptation,I-I-I-I-I-cheater.Picture the scene, its 3 o"clock in the morning, and I"m just coming home.Don"t wanna put on the shower and wake her up,I"m using this tank body spray, trying to wash off all my wrong.And I"m scrubbing, (oooo~) I"m rubbing, (oooo~) and it just wont go away.And I slide up in the bed, my crouch is killing me, ???and I keep asking myself why the hell did i do it.And I never wanted to hurt you (you~), I only want for us to make it,and I know I never could tell you (you~), I could never bring myself to say it.I can"t believe that I~ became a cheater,I can"t believe that I~ became a cheater,and I take the blame for putting myself in that situation,knowing deep inside that I just can"t resist temptation,I-I-I-I-I-cheater.I say this feeling won"t quit, I try so hard to resist,man temptation is old, temptation is old.I try so hard to resist, but this feeling won"t quit,said temption is old, temptation is old.Why is everything feel so bad, always gotta feel so good,I"d take it back, if I could, I-I-I-temptation is a mu"fucker.

Cheater Man 歌词

歌曲名:Cheater Man歌手:Irma Thomas专辑:Chess Chartbusters Vol. 1CheaterRocka RollaJudas PriestI got home late this evening, stumbled up the stairI couldn"t believe my eyes when I looked in the bedroom thereMy woman with a man was lyin" fast asleepI felt a rage inside me, control I couldn"t keepShe was a cheaterI reached the dressing table, kicked away the doorI gripped the cold black metal, a loaded .44By this time they"re awake and they don"t know what to doI scream you cheatin" bitch here"s what I think of youYou are a cheaterThey both pleaded for mercy, I said no wayWhen you do this upon me, you have no sayI treated you so real good, and this is what you doOh no I"ve finished with you, your time is throughYou are a cheaterIf you need a cheater there"s nobody sweeter than this oneThere"s no neater, come on here and meet herCheater, cheater, cheater, come on and meet her


输入字符过多. 或者个性签名内有敏感字眼, 就会被系统自动认定为“cheater!!!” 自己试着修改就好了.


cheater 骗子,骗局 (名词); cheat 骗取的行为 (动词)。 例句: The cheater boasted that he could turn stone into gold. 那个骗子吹嘘道,他能点石成金。 It is just not credible that she would cheat. 她会行骗简直难以置信。 扩展资料   No one would play cards with him because he was a cheater.   谁也不愿意跟他打牌,因为他是个会作弊的`人。   Yes, you can close your business if your business partner is a cheater.   如果合作伙伴是个骗子,那就终止合作。   The school takes a tough line on cheating.   学校对作弊行为的惩罚很严厉。   If he thinks he can cheat me, just let him try!   要是他以为能够骗过我,就让他来试一下吧!

to catch a cheater 是什么意思


妙语短篇a2第15篇的中文翻译,就是 the cheater 那篇。

15.作弊者 DONALD的数学并不怎么好. 他听不明白老师的解说,即使老师第二次重复解说,他也不能理解明白. 他对自己说:"没关系,我其他科目都很好,只要数学考试的时候我作弊就没问题了."他想:只要到时候坐到数学最好的那人旁边,抄下他的答案就行了. 考试的那天到了,DONALD坐在数学经常考最好的BRIAN SMITH 旁边. DONALD很小心的把BRAIN的答案抄到自己的试卷上. 考试结束后老师把试卷收起并批改了.然后她说:"同学们,我决定颁一个奖给考最高分的那个同学,但我很难决定颁给谁好,因为DONALD和BRIAN两个都考到了一样的成绩. 有个同学就说:"颁给他们两个,让他们一起分享吧." 老师说:"我也考虑过那样做,但我还是决定给BRIAN." DONALD听了很生气,站起来说:"这不公平!我跟BRIAN是一样的分." 老师说:"没错是,但BRIAN在第18题的答案是"我不知道",而你的答案是"我也是(不知道)".

如何评价 "once a cheater,always a cheater" 这句话


cheater 与Swindler 区别

cheater更多的用于形容作弊的人和背叛者swindler 是形容骗子,欺骗者,诈骗犯之类的。还有就是人名斯温德勒

Once a cheater, always a cheater?

做了一件事,就有后果。在知道后果的情况下依然去做,证明他能承担这个后果。出轨导致的后果有很多个,最坏打算他都能承受得了,不算什么,所以他做了。或者他认为以他的能力他能将结果控制好,不到最坏的程度。所以他抱着侥幸心理做了。既然他做了,接下来全部再欺骗再隐瞒再哭再闹再求再补救,都是他为他所做的第一件不该做的事的后续发展,也是他做之前就考虑到的。所以做得第一次,他就有可能会导致离婚的觉悟,这个是觉悟。所以只要条件允许,有女人,有生活,又不是谁没了谁活不下去。他一样会再犯。与爱不爱无关。深爱只是幌子。因为既然深爱,没了她活不下去,就不会做出会导致失去她的行为。一旦做出,其实爱也不过嘴上说说,实际上没了她一样过,没事。换个女人罢了。所以你建立一个模型,其他因素都是没用的,男人自身因素最重要。道德问题,自己的3观问题。如果一个男人真的全心全意为了自己的家,自己老婆,自己儿女,有思想有未来。那些所谓的狐狸精就两个字,“外人”。没其他美不美身材好不好之分。因为分不分无所谓,与自己无关。与自己未来无关。才不会踏出抛妻弃子破坏家庭的第一步。反之,踏出这一步的男人,他的家庭,妻子,儿女对于他来说其实都不过如此。最原始的下体思考就是动物世界,好多动物都是多妻,好多动物甚至残杀自己儿女。或者养几个月就赶走自己儿女为了制造下一批儿女。不要以为人类有多自制,实际上也是动物界哺乳纲人属。高级动物也是动物。当男人可以做出第一次。后面继续也就不出奇。甚至很正常。因为他思想没在那个层次。做出了动物的行为。被荷尔蒙稍微吸引就去啪啪啪这本来就是动物世界到处可见的。因为内疚,而将自己思想上升了一个层次,开始为家庭为妻子儿子着想了,这也不出奇,不过其实做第一次的时候就该想了。所以这些知错能改的人,究竟有多少?所以为什么大家说Once a cheater, always a cheater?求采纳

ePSXe1.7中文版怎么使用emu cheater金手指

用最新版的 2010的试试

One is a cheater,always.这句话意译怎么翻?

One is a cheater,always永远是一个骗子~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!


ps4破解版6.72和7.55哪个版本好 6.72贵一些,但相较稳定。7.55断电概率大(最坏的结果就是硬盘报废),在JS眼中7.55=正版机,所以价格便宜。如果有条件优先考虑5.05和6.72目前破解最高版本是7.55版本,但是不完美,破解要等时间很久。现在最稳定的破解版本6.72版本,破解很快不需要等时间比较稳定。


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:.cheat是动词, 欺骗cheater 是名词,骗子


含义不同:liar:n.说谎者;撒谎者 cheater:n.骗子;欺诈者;背叛者 扩展资料   例句:   Insurance sale member it is cheater, time grew to cheat no less than going to.   保险营销员都是骗子,时间长了骗不下去了。   Third, the cheater and your favorite game in the late greasy cat.   第三,骗子最爱在后期和你玩猫腻。   例句:   That makes you a liar, doesn"t it?   那会让你是个说谎者,是不是?   What I told you was true. I"m not a liar.   我告诉你的都是真的。我不是一个说谎者。


cheaters英 [ˈtʃiːtəz]   美 [ˈtʃitərz]  n.骗子;欺诈者;背叛者cheater的复数一,柯林斯词典cheater1.N-COUNT 骗子;欺诈者;背叛者A cheater is someone who cheats.二,双语例句1.These INDIANS are cheaters in getting new technologies by hook and crook. 这些印度人是骗子,在获取新科技方面不择手段。2.Because some of the animals are cheaters, you are welcome 因为有一些动物是骗子不用谢了哈3.The cheater boasted that he could turn stone into gold. 那个骗子吹嘘道,他能点石成金。4.Study of Emitting Performance of High Current Cathode A Big Cheater 大电流阴极的发射性能研究



你是个骗子. 翻译成you are a liar.还是you are a cheater. 还是you are a cheat.

You are a liar. 你是个骗子。cheater 一般指劈腿的男女一方。

whack the cheater 是什么意思

  whack the cheater的中文翻译  whack the cheater  把骗子  --  cheater英 ["tʃi:tə] 美 ["tʃi:tə]  n.骗子,欺诈者,背叛者;  [网络]骗子; 欺骗者; 作弊者;  [例句]Do you really think he"s a cheater?  你真的认为他是个骗子?  [其他]复数:cheaters 形近词: cheatee cheated creator

英文 Liar、cheater、deceiver有什么区别 ?怎样应用?

liar 说谎话的人cheater 骗子 欺诈者 someone who leads you to believe something that is not truedeceiver 欺人者 欺诈者 someone who deceives people貌似 cheater 和deceiver区别不大



哪家的PS4 9.0可以用cheater

新穿越魔盒电视家庭游戏机ps4 9.0可以用cheater。进入等待Palyload状态之后不要关闭浏览器,等到在PS4 cheater上点击SEND payload成功之后再关闭浏览器。PS4 Cheater 的方法跟PC上的CE修改器方法一样的,也可以加载别人保存的cht文件,下面我们说一下用搜索的方法找到我们想要修改的地址进行修改。

哪家的PS4 9.0可以用cheater

新穿越魔盒电视家庭游戏机ps4 9.0可以用cheater。进入等待Palyload状态之后不要关闭浏览器,等到在PS4 cheater上点击SEND payload成功之后再关闭浏览器。PS4 Cheater 的方法跟PC上的CE修改器方法一样的,也可以加载别人保存的cht文件,下面我们说一下用搜索的方法找到我们想要修改的地址进行修改。

Cheater cheater compulsive eater 老友记第三季中Ross说出这句话

其实就是我们小时候说的那种孩子气的话,也或者是父辈们会用来教育小朋友的那种朗朗上口也有教育意义的话。(一下子想不出个例子来 -。-)compulsive是:【心理学】情不自禁的,(心理上)冲动的,强迫所引起的,无法控制自己的。其实是Ross在嘲笑、讥讽Monica,说如果她耍赖,她就和小时候一样一个劲地吃,吃到很胖。体会一下~PS: 国外网友的解释:Its simply a way of saying some one has cheated but doing it in a rhyme. Eater rhymes with cheater. On a strict interpretation it is of course meaningless as eating has nothing to do with cheating.A similar phrase is liar, liar, pants on fire.PPS: 他给的这个example不错~ 中文里类似的肯定也有

求杰克逊的Cheater lrc歌词

Cheater (Michael Jackson)(What...ho!...back...)You know I work too hard for this kind of play(ho!)I wrote a letter, for the getto of the CIA(ho!)I don"t care a jack, or about what cha" do(ho!)Just put ya dime on the line, cos I own you(ho!)Somebody said, give up instead on how you feel(ah-uh)One blow to the head is all you need (I aint takin it..ya) Cheater... (Oooooh! Do it! What! (Ya Got) Do it! What!...What!)(Get back on me...)...I know ya name and the game is "I own you" (ho!) Ya, tellin" me that ya comin to a compramise (ho!) Ya smilin at me while, ya stealin right before my eyes (Daggone it (ho!)) Somebody said, give up instead on how ya feel(ah-uh) One blow to the head is all ya need (I aint takin it, ya...) Cheater...(Ooooooooooh! Do it! What! (Ya Got) Do it! What!...What!) (Get back on me...)I hurt my backbone baby I start to give it up Life is an aggrovator Sumtimes I part it up I broke my radiator I live to starve the bone I pray to leave my body Don"t you ever call I dont care a jack, or about what cha" do (ho!) Just sign your name on the line, Baby, I own you (Daggone it (ho!)) (You are a...) Cheater... (Ooooooooooh! Give it to me, Do it! What!(Ya Got) Do it! ) (Get back on me...)Somebody said, give up instead on how you feel(aah-uh) One blow to the head is all you need (I aint takin" it..!) Cheater... (ooohh) Daggone it, Got,Give,Give it to me... Cheater...(Cheatin baby) (You are a...) Cheater...

cheater 与cheat区别 (都是骗子意思时)

cheater 骗子,骗局 (名词)cheat 骗取的行为 (动词)





