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求一篇英语作文《春天的故事》30词以内 求一篇英语作文《春天的故事》30词以内

What fun I had last Sunday! Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the moutains.We met at the school gate,then we went there by bike.When we got there, the sun was rising.How beautiful it was!We decided to climb the mountains.We played a game to see who was the first one to get to the top.I tried my best,but I failed.We were tiredl,but happy! 2.Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 6;30. After breakfast I did my homework at home. In the afternoon , I played football with my friends on our playgroud. In the evening I watched TV with my parents at home. On Sunday morning I went to visit my grandparents with my mother. In the afternoon I went to go fishing with my grandpa. We had a good time . I went back home with my mother in the evening. What a wonderfu weekend uff01 3. My vacation was very fun.I went to World Expo.There were many interesting building about China,Amrica and France.The Chinese building is tall.And I enjoyed beautiful things.I thought my vacation was very substantial. 4.During my vacation,I went to World Expo with my family. While visiting the hall , we fell in with a group of foreign friends.And we talked happily with a volunteer"s help.Then we were interested a lot by some fun inventions.In a word,we had a good time in Shanghai,I hope I can spend vacation here once more.5.Last summer vacation, I visited Beijing with my parents,The weather was fine but a little hot.We visitded the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,,Tian"an Men Square and a Beijing hutong,they are all so great and beaitiful.And i enjoyed lots of delicious and cheap food during the days.We also went shopping .My parents bought some beautiful clothes for me.I had a good time there.6. Last summer holiday,My family had gone to HongKong ,At the morning ,my father drive the car to Shenzhen,After the lunch,we take the car to HongKong,HongKong is a center of fanancial.There are many people in there,We just go shopping ,then ,we had a good dinner. The next day ,we gone to the Ocean Park,it was very intersting and wonderful.7.Last summer, I went to a village that was far away from our city. My parents and I went there to visit my uncle.I found it a beautiful place to live. The water was clean in the river, birds were singing in the trees, farmers were working hard in the field, and the moon at night was whiter than that in our town. The village was so nice that I didn"t want to come back! 8.Today,we were went to the beach.The weather liked fine.We were swam and played beach volleyball.Our lunch was very delicious.There people were very friendly.We had a great feeling.We also fished many big fish.They were very delicacy.We had dinner in a big restaurant.There were many nice food.We came back home was nine o,clock.9.Last weekend Tony was busy but happy. He did a lot of housework.. He cleaned the room and washed the clothes. Because his mother had to work last Saturday. He did most of the housework for her. His sister had to study for the geography test. They were really busy.10July 22th Thursday sunnyToday I came to the city of Bishan,it"s a beautiful city.It"s the shoes centre of western china. I think many people know it. It developed very quickly these years.More and more people move in it. I"m pleased to be a Bishan people.July 26th Monday sunny Hello, everyone! Iu2019m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my website.








春天的故事:改革开放 春天是一个美好的季节,自然界万物复苏,人们也充满了希望和生机。而在中国,改革开放的春天也是一个美丽的时刻。在这个时期,中国的经济和社会发展迎来了前所未有的机遇。改革的初期,一片姑息息 改革开放是从1978年开始的。在这个时期,中国的经济几乎处于停滞状态,社会生产力远远不足以满足人民的需求。然而,以邓小平为首的中国共产党领导人毅然决然地启动了这项改革,为中国的经济和社会发展开辟了一条新路。改革初期,中国人民的生活并没有明显改善,反而出现了一些新的问题。但是,中国政府没有因此放弃改革,并且继续推出一系列改革措施,如开放沿海城市、实行国有企业改革等,为中国的发展打下了坚实的基础。改革措施的持续推进,经济崛起 随着改革的不断深入,中国的经济也开始发生了跨越式发展。1980年代中期,中国的国内生产总值已经超过了3000亿元人民币,成为世界上最快增长的经济体之一。中国政府也不断加大对外开放的力度,引进外资和外国技术,推进中国经济与全球经济的融合。此后,中国的出口贸易不断增长,成为世界上最大的出口贸易国之一。这些成就彰显了中国改革开放的成功。改革开放的意义,深远而重大 改革开放的意义远不止于经济的增长和社会的繁荣。这个时期也是中国人民开拓思想,掌握自己命运的开始。改革开放让中国社会的氛围变得更加自由和开放,启发中国人民追求更高的自由、民主和人权。同时,在开放的过程中,中国人民也开始接触到了外国文化和思想,这极大地拓宽了中国人民的视野,让中国开始融入全球文化和思想交流中。总结 在改革开放的春天里,中国人民以惊人的热情、智慧和努力,实现了自己的跨越式发展。这个历史性的进程不仅绘就了一个美丽的成就,也为中国未来的发展和繁荣铺平了道路。改革开放期间的成功也令人们意识到,只有不断推进改革,不断开放自己的眼界,才能在未来的发展中保持领先地位。因此,我们应该继续在中国改革开放的基础上推进各方面的进步,开拓自己的视野,为中国的未来持续创造美好的故事。

求 春天的故事 歌词的英文翻译(大意即可) 一九七九年那是一个春天 有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈

一九七九年那是一个春天 in the spring of 1979th有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈 an old man drew a circle by the South Sea of China神话般地崛起座座城 coming out cities and treasures fabulously奇迹般聚起座座金山春雷啊唤醒了长天内外 China woke up with spring thunder and became warmer and warmer春辉啊暖透了大江两岸啊,中国,中国oh China 你迈开了气壮山河的新步伐 you stepped and stepped你迈开了气壮山河的新步伐走进万象更新的春天 come to a new time 一九九二年又是一个春天 it"s in the spring of 1992ed有一位老人在中国的南海边写下诗篇an old man wrote a poetry by the South Sea of China天地间荡起滚滚春潮 waves and waves...........= =征途上扬起浩浩风帆 more and more sails appear春风啊吹绿了东方神州 the spring brearh greened China 春雨啊滋润了华夏故园 the spring rain moist China啊,中国,中国oh china 你展开了一幅百年的新画卷 you "ve come to a new day 你展开了一幅百年的新画卷捧出万紫千红的春天 come to a colorful spring渣翻译 见谅