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carpe diemconrespicio是什么意思

carpe diemconrespicio是什么意思_最佳答案: 拉丁语carpe diem conspicio只争朝夕,并期待


美味的, 可口的This dish is very delicious.这道菜味道鲜美。令人开心的, 怡人的It"s a delicious joke.这是个令人开心的笑话。(人际关系中的)技巧和谨慎; 敏感


GURI-GURI☆HUNGRYじゃMURI-MURI☆おなかがすいたー今日(きょう)もどこかで SOSキャー ピンチ(pinch)だYES!!!行(い)かなくちゃ! 行(い)かなくちゃ! ほっとけないねキミの応援団(おうえんだん) 任务(にんむ)はもう 无限大(むげんだい)燃(も)えちゃって! 飞(と)んじゃって! トラブルバスター(trouble buster)おーまいがー(oh my god) 大盛(おおも)り元気(げんき)ハラ(はら)が减(へ)っては パワー(power)がでなーい!梦(ゆめ)はぜいたくフルコース(full course) 残(のこ)さずに食(た)べちゃおうねわくわくの毎日(まいにち) 体力(たいりょく)胜负(しょうぶ)だよGO!! FIGHT!! キミ(きみ)にアテンション(attention)双方向(そうほうこう)コミュニケーション(communication)受(う)け取(と)った声援(せいえん)は栄养(えいよう)です!いっぱいデリシャス(delicious)したいな未来(みらい)はゴチソウ(ごちそう)だ(みぎ)右OK 左(ひだり)OK キヲツケ(きをつけ) 勇敢(ゆうかん)に! いざ! 进(すす)みましょ健闘(けんとう)を!DELI-DELI☆DELICIOUSで いただきまーす☆ストレス(すとれす)禁止(きんし) 消化不良(しょうかふりょう) アリエナイ(ありえない)泣(な)かないで! 泣(な)かないで! 対策(たいさく)しましょキミ(きみ)の応援団(おうえんだん) いっぱいだよ 気(き)づいてる?颜(かお)あげて! 声(こえ)かけて! 仲良(なかよ)くしちゃおu266aえくすきゅーずみー(excuse me) そこのお皿(さら)やる気(き)だけで あきちゃいそうちゃんとご褒美(ほうび)もあげたら みるみる身(み)になるかもよデリケート(delicate)なココロ(こころ)は バランス(balance)が大事(だいじ)だねGO!! FIGHT!! ずっとエデュケーション(education)人生(じんせい)はイマジネーション(imagination)想像力(そうぞうりょく)次第(しだい)で自由自在(じゆうじざい)!究极(きゅうきょく)デリシャス(delicious)しようね失败(しっぱい)なんてめげないよ右(みぎ)向(む)いて左(ひだり)向(む)いて キョロキョロ(きょろきょろ) 欲张(よくば)りに! さあ! 期待(きたい)してこれからもおーまいがー(oh my god) 大盛(おおも)り元気(げんき)ハラ(はら)が减(へ)っては パワー(power)が出(で)ませんえくすきゅーずみー(excuse me) お皿(さら)拝见(はいけん)スペシャルメニュー (special menu)いい感(かん)じです◎GO!! FIGHT!! キミ(きみ)にアテンション(attention)双方向(そうほうこう)コミュニケーション(communication)受(う)け取(と)った声援(せいえん)は栄养(えいよう)です!いっぱいデリシャス(delicious)しようね未来(みらい)はゴチソウ(ごちそう)だ右(みぎ)OK 左(ひだり)OK キヲツケ(きをつけ) 勇敢(ゆうかん)に! いざ! 进(すす)むのだ!GO!! FIGHT!! ずっとエデュケーション(education)人生(じんせい)はイマジネーション想像力(そうぞうりょく)次第(しだい)で自由自在(じゆうじざい)!究极(きゅうきょく)デリシャス(delicious)しようね失败(しっぱい)なんてめげないよ右(みぎ)向(む)いて左(ひだり)向(む)いて キョロキョロ(きょろきょろ)欲张(よくば)りに! さあ! 期待(きたい)して!これからもDELI-DELI☆DELICIOUSで 负(ま)けないぞ☆

As for cherries,they are so delicious who cares?




gracioso usted 西班牙语什么意思

Gracioso 意思是 优美的,有风度,潇洒 usted 您

This kind of food taste delicious是什么句型?

This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物尝起来很美味。是主系表结构 的简单句

Stephanie的《Precious Love》歌词。

My Precious My Precious Love Once in my life Love"s in my heart Touching your hand Just takes me back again Close the door behind you I"m steppin" out for love Let me be the same as yesterday You"re the one I dream of So let me be your love again Precious Love I will do anything for your love Precious love I will do anything for you Deep in my heart Longing for you I just can"t wait To have you back again Lookin" all around me For places you may be The loneliness I feel is day to day I really need to see you And hold you in my arms again


如何地道地表示食物很“好吃”: Delicious: 可口的,美味的 Delish: 可口的,美味的 Taste good: 尝起来味道很好 Mouthwatering: 令人垂涎的,美味的“难吃”怎么说? Taste这个词很好用,可以变化出很多不同的说法: Doesn"t taste good: 不太好吃 Tastes bad: 很难吃。这个说法很直接。 如果佐料不够,或者和你想象中的味道不一样,你也可以委婉地说: Tastes off: 味道不太对 It tastes a little off. 这个东西味道不太对。 如果食材不新鲜,吃起来味道很怪: Tastes funny: 味道很怪 Tastes horrible: 味道很糟糕 如果一份食物看上去就很难吃,完全没有引发你吃的欲望: Unappetizing: 无法引起食欲的 Appetite: 食欲,胃口难吃的原因: 食物不好吃,可能的原因有很多: Overcooked: 炒糊了,过度烹饪的 Undercooked: 未煮熟的,欠火候的 Not seasoned properly: 调味不佳的 没什么味道: 如果食物缺少调味,你可以用这个词来评价: Bland: 平淡乏味的 它也可以用来形容其它事物,例如生活方式,或人的性格: He is a bland person. 他这个人很沉闷。 另外一个形容无味的词就是: Flavorless: 无滋味的 和它相反的词是flavorful,表示味道很好,很可口。



意大利歌手bebe的这首tu silencio 要中文意思的歌词啊。

We Are One中文歌词 歌手:Kelly Sweet 专辑:We Are One 翻译:Zuochamo Didn"t need to ask不需要问 Don"t know the reason不需要原因 Everything that I believe我所相信的 Is right here就在这里 Not thinkin" bout tomorrow不去想明天 Couldn"t catch it if I tried如果试着追逐却追不到 World is spinning too fast世界飞快旋转 So I"ll wait "til it comes to me所以我愿等明天来临 I am you我是你 You are me你是我 We are one我们是一体 Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中 And flow through me然后将我融合 I"ll flow through you我会融入你 Steal my breath away将我的呼吸偷走 Cause I"m so moved by you因为你让我如此感动 Deeper than I ever thought比我曾经的感受更深 Was possible, was possible, it"s everything, oh一切都有可能 Difference between me and you我们之间的不同 It"s all in where your heart lies之是你心的谎言 And every day"s another chance每一天都是一个机会 So let"s get it right让我们把握它 I am you我是你 You are me你是我 We are one我们是一体 Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中 And flow through me然后将我融合 I"ll flow through you我会融入你 Did you lose yourself out there你是否迷失了自己 Did you lose faith and give up你是否失去了信心而放弃 Don"t turn away and hide yourself不要躲避,不要隐藏 Cause there"s a friend to make along the way因为在你前行的路上会有朋友 We are the heartbeat and our souls speak我们心灵,灵魂的交流 And all the beauty I have ever dreamed曾经梦想般的美好 Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前 Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前 I am you我是你 And you are me你是我 We are one我们是一体 Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中 And flow through me然后将我融合 I"ll flow through you我会融入你

bebe tu silencio歌词

tu silencio歌手:bebe所属专辑:bebe pafuera telaranas歌词:Como quien tira de unacuerda que se romperáTirar, tirar, tirartirar, tirarComo sin darse cuentarozar un poco másLos ojos aún cerradospara no afrontarQue el aire es de cristalQue puede estallarQue aunque parezca extranote quiero devorarQue el aire es de cristalQue puede estallarQue aunque parezca extranote quiero devorarEn una esquina de su boca se dejó estrellarComo la ola que se entrega a la rocaPerdida en el abismo de unas manos sin finalTan grandes que abrazaban todo su planetaAhora no estás aquíAhora no estoy aquíPero el silencio es la máselocuente forma de mentirAhora no estás aquíAhora no estoy aquíPero el silencio es la máselocuente forma de mentirEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mi cuerpo habitóUn trozo de tu olorEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mis ojos habitóUn trozo de dolorAhora estás aquíAhora estoy aquíAbrázame para que piense alguna vez en tiAhora estás aquíAhora estoy aquíAbrázame para que piense alguna vez en tiEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mi cuerpo habitóUn trozo de tu olorEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mis ojos habitóUn trozo de dolorEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mi cuerpo habitóUn trozo de tu olorEn tu silencio habita el míoY en alguna parte de mis ojos habitóUn trozo de dolorQue el aire es de cristalQue puede estallarQue aunque mis labios no hablenTe quiero devorarQue el aire es de cristalQue puede estallarQue aunque mis labios no hablenTe quiero devorar-


cion后缀的单词: coercion n. 强迫; scion n. 嫩芽,子孙; suspicion n.怀疑; coin 硬币; epinicion 肾上腺素; halcion 哈尔西翁; internecion 自相残杀; jurdiccion 陪审团; marcion 马克安; unsuspicion 不察觉 扩展资料   It was vital that the elections should be free of coercion or intimidation.   选举中不应有强迫或恐吓行为,这一点至关重要。   Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions.   既不诱供也不逼供。   The solution to the problem lies in persuasion rather than coercion.   解决这种问题要靠疏导,而不能靠压服。   They were still not clear of all suspicion.   他们仍未解除所有的嫌疑。   A number of doctors came under suspicion of unethical behaviour.   一些医生涉嫌有不道德行为。


cion后缀的单词只有: coercion n. 强迫,威压,高压政治; scion n. 嫩芽,子孙; suspicion n.怀疑,疑心,猜疑。 例句:He claimed he had only acted under coercion. 他声称他只是受了胁迫才采取了行动。 扩展资料   Avoid all effort or mental coercion in prayer.   避免在祈祷时费力劳神或是在精神上强迫自己。   Companies have virtually no powers of coercion.   而企业呢,实质上一点强制权力都没有。   I could have done that just doing the coercion.   我能够做那个强制转换。   Prevention and persuasion are more effective than coercion.   预防和劝告比强迫更有效。   There remained an element of coercion in Kropotkin s proposal.   然而,在柯鲁泡特金的.建议中,依然含有强迫性的因素。

Do you want to be cioned?


scion value什么意思

scion n.后裔;接穗;幼枝 后代价值








Scion是丰田在北美的第三品牌,仅次于丰田和雷克萨斯。为了满足北美年轻人的需求,2002年,丰田公司特意重组了一个团队,生产出时尚年轻人喜爱的车型。丰田将该团队命名为Scion。随着时间的推移,Scion已正式发展为丰田旗下的一个全新品牌。Scion品牌的主要型号包括xA,xB,tC,FR-S和xD,以及个别型号的限量版和特别版。其中,xB车型被称为Scion品牌精神的最具代表性的车型。xB车型可能是中国消费者最熟悉的车型。长城于2009年推出的长城酷熊车型是基于Scion xB模型设计和生产的。Scion车型的价格非常实惠,起初,Scion非常受欢迎,但由于市场饱和,它的销售量直线下降。 从2002年开始销售到2016年该品牌退市,Scion的全球销量仅为109万辆。百万购车补贴


是scion吧。 是丰田在北美的一个牌子

Scion frs和丰田86



你说的应该是SCION IQ 这车在国内是没有销售的.像这样的微型车.国内一般都没有进口.国产的倒是不少.比如双环的"小贵族".比亚迪的"FO".铃木的"ALTO"




. scion是丰田在北美及欧洲地区针对年轻人市场推出的一个子品牌,在中国大陆没有销售,但是现在广汽丰田引进了一款新车ZELAS杰路驰,其原型车就是是丰田北美品牌Scion旗下的Scion tC车型,目前有推出的有两种车型:2.5L 标准版25.5万元,2.5L 豪华版28万元。希望我的回答能对你有一些帮助。(就是北美丰田,也叫塞恩)








  scion是赛扬汽车。赛扬汽车(英语:Scion)是丰田汽车自2002年起在北美洲推出的第三个汽车品牌,长期目标是吸引Y世代的年轻消费者。第一个车款赛扬xA掀背车和赛扬xB旅行车于2003年在加州亮相,双门跑车赛扬tC之后也开始贩售,2004年起在美国展开全国性的贩售xA的后继车种赛扬xD。   目前赛扬汽车推出了3个车款:tC(三门紧凑型运动跑车,从欧洲市场的丰田Avensis四门轿车修改而来);第二代xB(五门厢形轻型客车,同平台车型为日本市场的丰田CorollaRumion);xD(五门紧凑型小车,在日本同平台车型为丰田ist,根据Yaris的四门平台搭配2009年丰田Corolla引擎)。


scion,中文译赛恩。Scion(赛恩)创始于2002年,是北美丰田继Toyota、Lexus之后,旗下所拥有的第三个品牌,专注于汽车市场服务。2016年,丰田发表声明,其在美国的子品牌Scion正式被取消,其产品和人员将会被划入丰田品牌中。TM赋予Scion全新的品牌生命,Scion代表的是个人化汽车时代的来临,通过全新设立的经销体系,每一位车主将有机会体验到Scion精心设计的个性化购车流程,以及买到一部与众不同的个性化Scion汽车。发展历程2002年,丰田汽车在北美重新组建一支团队专门生产时尚年轻人喜爱的车型,取名Scion。Scion是丰田在北美继丰田(TOYOTA)、雷克萨斯(LEXUS)之后,旗下所拥有的第三个品牌。2002年,丰田汽车为了迎合北美年轻人的需求,特意重新组建一支团队专门生产时尚年轻人喜爱的车型,丰田公司为这支团队取名为Scion。Scion品牌主要车型有xA、xB、tC、FR-S以及xD等车型,还有针对个别车型而推出的限量版和特别版,其中xB车型被誉为最具有Scion品牌精神的代表车型。而xB车型或许也是中国消费者最熟悉的车型,长城在2009年推出的长城酷熊车型就是以Scion xB车型为原型车设计生产的。以上内容参考:百度百科-赛恩

Girlicious的《Baby Doll》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Doll歌手:Girlicious专辑:GirliciousGirlicious - Baby DollI need that,spin that,drop it like a cadillacI need that,spin that,drop it like a cadillacI need that,spin that,drop it like a cadillacI need that,spin that,drop it like a cadillacI know why you"re here, you know what I"m here forYou"re breakin" the bridges to save an earfulWanna lay me down slow, let"s make this clear thoughI"m worth it, invest it,I"ll let you nurse it, caress it oh!uh confess it, you know you wanna see me undressingno pressure, uh, you good right now but you could do better!Cause I need it all, now is that so hard?I"m your baby dollAnd I get what I want!Cause I need it all, the furs and the stones, I"m your baby dollAnd that"s what I wantI need that, spin that, drop it like CadillacThings that, lean back, ring on my finger yeahAnd when I need it got to be material,(Bad Car, Bad House)And what make me make me out in it ohhhBut if you buy me the car I don"t only want to ride(I want you)(Then show me what you got) Put me in overdriveuh confess it, you know you wanna see me undressingno pressure, uh, you good right now but you could do better!Cause I need it all, now is that so hard?I"m your baby dollAnd I get what I want!Cause I need it all, the furs and the stones, I"m your baby dollAnd that"s what I wantI need that, spin that, drop it like CadillacThings that, lean back, ring on my finger yeahI need that, spin that, drop it like CadillacThings that, lean back, ring on my finger yeahCause I need it all, now is that so hard?I"m your baby dollAnd I get what I want!Cause I need it all, the furs and the stones, I"m your baby dollAnd that"s what I wantCause I need it all, now is that so hard?I"m your baby dollAnd I get what I want!Cause I need it all, the furs and the stones, I"m your baby dollAnd that"s what I wantI need that, spin that, drop it like CadillacThings that, lean back, ring on my finger yeahI need that,spin that,drop it like a cadillacThings that, lean back, ring on my finger yeah


在英文中这两个词有着不同的概念,用错了会导致完全不一样的理解.psychopath:具有反社会性格特征的心理疾病患者,如冷血、无同情心、漠视生命等,其行为通常表现为带有攻击性的犯罪psychotic:大脑思维怪异、行为能力不正常的人,即通常说的精神病人psychopath 是 psychotic 的特殊一种类别.


在英文中这两个词有着不同的概念,用错了会导致完全不一样的理解.psychopath:具有反社会性格特征的心理疾病患者,如冷血、无同情心、漠视生命等,其行为通常表现为带有攻击性的犯罪psychotic:大脑思维怪异、行为能力不正常的人,即通常说的精神病人psychopath 是 psychotic 的特殊一种类别.

be suspicious of 的主语是怀疑的人还是被怀疑的人

If you are suspicious of someone or something, you do not trust them, and are careful when dealing with them.如果你怀疑某人或某物,你就是不相信他们,处理的时候会很小心。 从这个例句来看be suspicious of 表示怀疑的意思。


Trojan.Win32.Downldr.a是一种特洛伊木马下载者变种,重启后又有是因为它可能藏在系统还原文件夹中,则有些是有驱动保护的,彻底清除步骤: 1.我的电脑点右键,属性/系统还原/在所有驱动器上关闭系统还原。 2.清空IE临时文件夹。 3.桌面左下角“开始”-“运行”输入msconfig,找到启动项目,除了ctfmon以外的,其他暂时都关掉(根据情况定,自己熟悉的可保留) 重启按F8键进入安全模式,使用您自己的杀毒软件或者使用以下软件清理。 参考

suspicious pointer conversion in function怎么解决


be suspicious of后面是接短语还是句子

句子。be suspicious of后面直接可以加that从句构成宾语,表示对某件事感到怀疑。be suspicious of that 这句话翻译过来就是对某件事表示怀疑,后面就可以直接接一个句子,表示整件事的怀疑程度。

be suspicious of 的主语是怀疑的人还是被怀疑的人

be suspicious of sb./sth 对某人或某物感到怀疑 例:The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心. 在这个例子里可以看出:怀疑的人是be suspicious of 的主语.

Suspicious Minds (Live Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Minds (Live Album Version)歌手:Dwight Yoakam专辑:Dwight LiveElvis Presley - Suspicious MindsWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?But here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m crying(Yes I"m crying)We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeah


它利用了微软公布的MS04-028安全公告里提到的GDI+漏洞。如果经过病毒编写者改写,该程序可能会成为破坏力巨大的恶性病毒。 安装补丁安装杀毒软件更新到最新能杀掉的建议进入安全模式查杀: 开机时,待系统自检完成后,连续不停的按F8,直到出现“启动菜单”,使用光标选择,选择第一项,按回车键进入。 进入后,点击“是”在安全模式下工作尝试一下

they became suspicious of his behavior. suspi


Suspicious Minds 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Minds歌手:Ronan Keating专辑:Songs For My MotherRonan Keating - Suspicious Mindswe"re caught in a trapi can"t walk outbecause i love you too much babywhy can"t you seewhat you"re doing to mewhen you don"t believe a word i say??we cant go on togetherwith suspicious mindsand we can"t build our dreams on suspicious mindsso, if an old friend i knowdrops by to say hellowould i still see suspision in your eyes??here we go againasking where i"ve beenyou can"t see these tears are real i"m cryingwe cant go on togetherwith suspicious mindsand we can"t build our dreams on suspicious mindsoh let our love surviveor dry the tears from your eyesjust don"t let a good thing dieand honey you know you knowi"ve never lied to youMmmmmwe"re caught in a trapi can"t walk outbecause i love you too much babywhy can"t you seewhat you"re doing to mewhen you don"t believe the word i saywe cant go on togetherwith suspicious mindsand we can"t build our dreams on suspicious mindswe"re caught in a trapi can"t walk outbecause i love you too much babybecause i love you too much babybecause i love you too much baby

Suspicious Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Mind歌手:Pulkkinen专辑:PulkkinenGareth Gates - Suspicious MindsWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?But here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m crying(Yes I"m crying)We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeah



Suspicious Minds 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Minds歌手:Fine Young Cannibals专辑:Fine Young CannibalsElvis Presley - Suspicious MindsWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?But here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m crying(Yes I"m crying)We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeah

Suspicious File是什么文件?


请问Heur.Suspicious (修改)是什么病毒?



英音 [ su0259s"piu0283u0259n ] ; 美音 [ su0259s"piu0283u0259n ] 名词1.[C,U] 怀疑,疑心,猜疑(+that)2.不可数名词: 嫌疑3. 一点儿(+of)及物动词:1.【美】【口】怀疑词形变化:形容词:suspicious;副词:suspiciously;动词:suspect;时态:suspicioned,suspicioning,suspicions。同义词:distrust,misgiving,mistrust;suspiciousness;hunch,intuition。

suspect vs be suspicious of, lack vs be lacking i

suspect, 如果某件事情suspect, 说明你已经有相当理由去相信或怀疑这件事情是有问题的,形容人的话就是有嫌疑(算是一种指控了)。I"m sorry for suspecting you.表示之前我明确地怀疑你在某件事情上有"罪"。suspicious, 通常你说某件事suspicious是因为这件事情看起来或表现地很不寻常(might be something wrong)。I"m sorry for being suspicious of you.表示之前我对你持怀疑态度,并对你的动机和行为充满疑虑和不确定。suspicious在程度上要轻很多。believe vs doubt 的差别。例子: 如果你电脑一直都正常运行直到你下载了一个软件,运行后机器明显变慢。那在没有其他外因的情况下,你完全有理由suspect 那个软件有问题(病毒或木马)。=============================================lack vs lacking in我觉得意思上没有差别,只有在用法上有差异,一个是动词 一个做形容词。He lacks proper social experience.He is lacking in social experience.


authenticadj.可信的; 可靠的, 权威性的真正的, 确实的; 有根据的【律】认证了的, 正式的


suspect vt.1怀疑,猜疑(某人)犯... 2觉得...靠不住;不信任 3觉得有点,疑有 vi.怀疑,猜疑,觉得可疑 adj.可疑的 n.可疑分子 suspicious adj.1怀疑;猜疑;嫌疑 2表示怀疑的;猜疑的 3疑心的 多疑的 befeel ~aboutof sth对...表示怀疑


suspectingv. 猜疑(是)( suspect的现在分词 ); 怀疑; 不信任; 怀疑…有罪suspiciousadj. 可疑的; 猜疑的,怀疑的; 多疑的,不信任的; 多心




adjective suspect suspected unsuspecting suspiciousnoun suspect suspicionverb suspect n. 嫌疑犯 adj. 可疑的;不可信的 vt. 怀疑;猜想 vi. 怀疑;猜想adverb suspiciously


suspicious的名词形式为suspicion。造句:1.The detective grew suspicious of the suspect"s alibi after finding inconsistencies in his story.2.The teacher became suspicious when she noticed several students cheating during the exam.3.My mom was suspicious of my friend"s intentions when he asked for a large sum of money.4.The company decided to launch an investigation after receiving a tip-off about suspicious activity within the organization.5.The police officer stopped the car as he found the driver"s behavior to be suspicious.6.The employee"s suspicious behavior prompted the manager to review security camera footage.7.The airline alerted authorities after a passenger raised suspicion due to their erratic behavior on the flight.8.The bank froze the account after detecting suspicious transactions that were not in line with the customer"s usual spending patterns.9.The characters in the novel were constantly double-checking everything and being suspicious of each other"s motives.10.The media reported on the suspicious circumstances surrounding the celebrity"s sudden death.


  suspicious的动词形式是suspect。suspicious它是一个英语单词,是形容词,作为形容词时意为“可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的”。   英文中的形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。   动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。


suspicious是可疑的,主语一般是被怀疑者。例如:He was suspicious of stealing money.sceptical是怀疑的,主语一般为怀疑者。例如:The environmental organization /The green group is highly sceptical of the statement/declaration published by the government on the newspaper.环保组织高度质疑政府在报纸上发表的声明。搭配:be suspicious of(只能用of) be sceptical of/about望采纳!!




请看下列解释希望对你有所帮助:suspicious[su0259s"piu0283u0259s, su0259"spiu0283u0259s] 释义: adj. 可疑的, 多疑的例如: I am suspicious of his intentions. 我怀疑他的用意 doubtful["dautfu0259l] adj. 可疑的, 怀疑的, 不确定的 1. It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not.他能否算出我的运气还是个疑问。 2. I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request.我怀疑答应这项要求是否合适。


suspicious1可疑的 2多疑的,疑惧的;对...起疑心 请注意这个,是对 别人、或者物 起疑心而suspect就是 可疑的 可疑的人,可疑的物没有对别人 物 起疑心的意思啊

suspect 和suspicious什么区别


I am suspicious ________ that woman - I think she may have stolen something from our shop.


Suspicious.Trojan.Script.JS.Obcode.d 是什么病毒

Suspicious.Trojan.Script.JS.Obcode.e和Suspicious.Trojan.Script.JS.Obcode.d为同家族病毒,具体见下病毒简介:病毒名称:infostealer木马病毒”(Trojan/lemir/perfwo) 病毒中文名:间谍木马病毒 病毒类型:木马 危险级别:五颗星 影响平台:Win 9x/ME,Win 2000/NT,Win XP,Win 2003 病毒描述: Trojan : 有隐藏意图的任何程序。特洛伊木马程序是侵入计算机的主要方式之一。如果您的程序在访问聊天室、新的小组或阅读未经请求的邮件后被破坏,则该程序可能感染了具有某种破坏目的的特洛伊木马程序。单词 Trojan(特洛伊)可以用作动词:要 trojan 一个程序意即向现有的程序添加破坏性功能。 例如,被 trojan 了的登录程序可能会被编程为接受某个不限定用户的特定密码,这样骇客就可以在任何时间使用该密码登录回系统。 Rootkit 经常包含像这样被 trojan 了的程序组。建议你用专业的杀毒软件配合安全辅助软件一起杀毒!专业的杀软,我建议你用卡巴斯基吧(本人也在用2年3个月没中毒了,用过瑞星,江民,金山在线扫描过都没查出毒),杀毒力强和防御力好,可以在网上找key文件等于是免费的啦,还就是要设置一下!有人说卡巴斯基卡,卡也不过是在杀毒的时候卡而已,你杀毒的时候就不要工作啦,在晚上你用完电脑不要用的时候你可以杀毒,并设置杀毒完后自动关机,一切在悄无声息的进行,还有为了不卡,如果你不用微软的outlook你就把邮件反病毒关了,还有就是更新设置为程序启动时,时间就设置为15分,相信那时候系统应该稳定了吧,还有就是要把程序启动时扫描启动项的勾去掉,更新后扫描隔离区的勾去掉,反正那些什么定时扫描的你都去掉!这样就可以稳定了!加上360安全卫士会更好,因为卡巴斯基没有漏洞查找功能可以用360来补!然后后安装完更新一下病毒库,去安全模式下查杀,不过别急,你应该先开进程管理器看看有没有什么可疑的进程,有的话就把它结束掉,还有一点,就是用360安全卫士的时候下载4.1正式版的话,你应该在查杀木马那里勾上使用安天什么的,还有下面的下载完整病毒库查杀然后在安全模式下查杀,可是杀完就行了吗?不是的,应该还要处理一下那个病毒留下来的文件,不推荐你手动哦,应该用超级兔子(最新版8.6也就是2008.4)然后用清理王清理垃圾文件,还有注册表啊,IE缓存还可以帮你优化电脑呢,记住还要修复一下IE用360安全卫士,一定要把系统补丁打上,这个要在有网络的状态了,最好在带网络的安全模式!如果你的内存不足300M那么不要了,用江民吧!上网的时候开启防火墙和杀毒软件的实时监控这样可以减少感染病毒。希望我的回答能帮到你的一点点,你的支持就是我的动力如果你有一定的经济支持,请您尊重一下劳动者,去买正版的软件!




suspicious 常用词汇 英 [su0259"spu026au0283u0259s]     美 [su0259"spu026au0283u0259s]    adj. 可疑的;多疑的skeptical 扩展词汇 英 ["skeptu026aku0259l]     美 ["skeptu026aku0259l]    adj. 怀疑的


make sb./sth.adj.固定搭配,使...怎么样,后面是跟形容词的 suspicious of 后面一定是跟me/you/him/her,而不能跟物主代词,of后面只能跟n./doing sth.


suspicious 1可疑的 2多疑的,疑惧的;对...起疑心 请注意这个,是对 别人、或者物 起疑心 而 suspect 就是 可疑的 可疑的人,可疑的物 没有对别人 物 起疑心的意思啊



skeptic 与suspicious的区别


Deniece Williams的《Suspicious》 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:My MelodySuspicious-Elvis PresleyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?Here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m cryingWe can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd be can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeahWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWe"re caught in a trap


suspect 动词




suspicious的动词形式是suspect。suspicious它是一个英语单词,是形容词,作为形容词时意为“可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的”。 英文中的形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。 动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。


suspiciousa.1. 猜疑的,疑心的;多疑的[(+of)]I"m suspicious of the government"s intentions.我怀疑政府的意图.2. 可疑的,有蹊跷的There were suspicious circumstances about his death.关于他的死,有一些值得怀疑的情况.skepticala.1. 怀疑论的,不可知论的2. 怀疑宗教教条的3. 怀疑的,多疑的[(+about/of)]Many were skeptical about this solution.许多人对这一解决办法表示怀疑.以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供总的来说,前者的意思是“怀疑,值得怀疑”;后者是“多疑的,存疑”.


skeptical和suspicious表示对...怀疑的,基本可以通用,而且都可以跟of 和about 搭配,但skeptical没有可疑的意思,通常只是对事情真假的怀疑,而suspicious有某人做了不好的事情令别人怀疑,含有可疑的意思。 扩展资料   I have good reason to be suspicious.   我的怀疑有充分理由。   In the normal course of things we would not treat her disappearance as suspicious.   在一般情况下,她不露面,我们也不会觉得有什么可疑之处。   Many skeptical progressives refuse to agree that the foregoing reform sufficed.   许多持怀疑态度的"进步分子认为,上述改革是不够的。   Andrew Hacker, for the record, remains skeptical.   郑重声明,安德鲁·哈克仍持怀疑的态度。


Suspicious: [ su0259s"piu0283u0259s ] a. 怀疑的Examples:1. His strange behavior made the police suspicious. 他不寻常的举止引起了警察的怀疑。2. If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once. 你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。3. I"m a bit suspicious about the package that"s been left in the corridor. 我对一直放在走廊里的那个包裹有些怀疑。4. The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。5. I feel suspicious about the truth of the account. 我对于这帐目的真实性感到怀疑。6. I am suspicious of his intentions. 我怀疑他的用意。7. Two suspicious characters were brought in. 逮捕了两名嫌疑犯.8. He looks suspicious do you think he"s rumbled us/what we"re up to? 他好像起了疑心--你觉得他看穿我们[我们要干的事]了吗?suspicious actions可疑的行为suspicious behavior.可疑行为Trusting;not suspicious易信任人的;深信不疑的a suspicious nature.多疑的性格a suspicious look.表示怀疑的眼光The ignorant are suspicious.无知者多疑。Not suspicious;trusting.没有疑心的;信任的He is very suspicious.他很多疑。She is suspicious of strangers.她对陌生人起疑心。I am suspicious of it.我怀疑它。




delicious[di"li0605s] adj. 可口的,美味的 例句与用法: The taste of eel is delicious. 鳝鱼的味道很好。 The apple pie and custard are delicious. 苹果饼和软冻的味道好极了。 The haunch of venison is delicious. 鹿的腰腿肉很好吃。 I like the delicious salad of crisp lettuce and tomatos. 我喜欢这种脆莴苣和番茄做的沙拉,很好吃。 The bannock is delicious. 这种薄饼很可口。 The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious. 猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 For example, a red delicious apple is a part of the classification apple, which in turn is a part of the fruit class, which is under the larger class food. 例如,一个美味可口的红苹果是苹果类的一员,而苹果又是水果类的一部分,再进一步,水果又是食物这更高一级类的一部分。 She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients. 她能用简单配料烹调出美味的饭菜。词形变化: 名词:deliciousness副词:deliciously英英解释: 名词 delicious: variety of sweet eating apples 形容词 delicious: greatly pleasing or entertaining 同义词:delightful extremely pleasing to the sense of taste 同义词:delectable, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy

Luscious Jackson的《Surprise》 歌词

歌曲名:Surprise歌手:Luscious Jackson专辑:Natural IngredientsGnarls Barkley-SurpriseBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulIt"s cool being the only oneBut it"s lonelyI could have fallen in the stove a thousand times beforeif only someone had know meThey say there"s someone for everyoneOh plus the word will be never doneWhen all you need is to be meet half way but nobody triesDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedThere are hills and mountains between usAlways something to get overNeedless to say it"s a wonderful dayI just noticed how nice it was to know yaOh but be ready to sacrificeIf you love him you should tell him twiceBecause when everything that"s alive ultimately diesOh lordDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedSomebody"s watchinMaybe you want em to see youBut with your regrets and secretsyou don"t really want them to be youWell you can make believe I"m thatAnd for now I"ll be just fineBut when the child grows up to have more than just your eyesDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedNow the ending to every story is most enchantingNow whether its heaven or hell I wear it wellPlease forgive me for ramblingI just wanted ya"llTo know that I don"t know it allSo when that big o"l smile ends upBeing just a disguiseDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedOh lordDon"t be surprisedOoh oh lordDon"t be surprisedI said don"t be don"t be surprisedThere"s nothing left in here that"s surprising baby prising baby…….Larry Cheng & Kevin Boulshare with you ~~LK~~

Luscious Jackson的《Strongman》 歌词

歌曲名:Strongman歌手:Luscious Jackson专辑:Natural Ingredients「Strong MAN」作词∶MiChi作曲∶Tomokazu Matsuzawa歌∶MiChi X the telephones独りベッドでFeeling LonelyYou tell me where you"re at必要な时にいないMy God, たよりのない (Boy)今夜も帰って来ないんだねWorking over time仕事に追われてばかりMy god もうつまんなーいYou think I"ll just wait aroundlike a good girl? Well I"m going madand I don"t think you"re really for meI wanna a strong man 今すぐに强く to hold me キスGoodnightWhatever happens 何も动じない(You"re not that man!!)I need s Strong man 守られたいHe"s Scared of nothing Heart so big素直にLove me EndlesslyどこにいるのよこんなManカフェでEndlessなガールズトークDreaming our perfect manあーだこーだ言うけどね欲しいのはGentle man耻ずかしいとは知らないWhy don"t you hold my hand?草食系BoyってなんなのI just want a real man ahhh ahhIt"s your heart we"re looking forWhen our world comes tumbling downCan you build it back up nowI need a strong man 今すぐに强くHold me キスGoodnightWhatever happens 何にも动じない(You"re not that man!!)I wanna Strong man 守られたいHe"s Scared of nothing Heart so big素直にLove me EndlesslyどっかにいるはずこんなManahhh ahh ahh今すぐTouch me baby don"t stopahhhh ahhh ahhhI don"t wanna boy, I need a manahhhh ahh ahh【 おわり 】
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