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在距离众筹结束还剩 29 天的时候,TinyCircuits 的 Thumby 拇指掌机项目就已经达成了 Kickstarter 筹款目标。 其外形尺寸为 1.2 0.7 0.3 英寸(约 30.5 17.8 7.6 毫米),处理器为树莓派 Pico 中的 RP2040 SoC,辅以 72 40 单色 OLED 屏、压电扬声器、2MB 存储空间,以及续航约 2 小时的 40 mAh 可充电锂电池。 (来自:Kickstarter) 与任天堂Switch、Steam Deck 掌机、甚至手机相比,Thumby 的体型可以说是相当微型,此外 TinyCircuits 为其预装了五款复古风格的 游戏 。 Thumby 另一个有趣的地方,就是允许铜鼓哦通过 MicroPython 编程语言 / Arduino 集成开发环境(IDE)来打造自己的小 游戏 。 无论是《贪吃蛇》、还是《小行星》,都可以用类似 Game Boy 的 4 向 D-pad 和两个按钮来体验。如需多人 游戏 ,你还可以通过双头 micro-USB 线与另一款 Thumby 对战。 此外 TinyCircuits 写道,他们提供了一款易于浏览器使用的 Web IDE,能够在单个标签页里完成图像绘制和 游戏 编程操作。 Thumby - The Tiny Playable Keychain(via) 截止发稿时,Thumby 已经拿到了 900+ 支持者的近 38000 美元筹款、远超其 15000 美元的预设目标。 感兴趣的朋友,可拿出 19 美元去支持一下(浅灰色版本),或以 24 美元选购其它配色(带有纪念钥匙扣)。 如果一切顺利,Thumby 将于 2021 年 12 月向早期支持者出货(早年优惠已截止),并于 2022 年 2 月向其他支持者发货。

circuitscape 怎么读

circuit 英[u02c8su025c:ku026at] 美[u02c8su025c:rku026at] n. 巡回; 电路,线路; 唤醒,环形道; 〔电〕电流; vt. 巡回,周游; scape 英[skeip] 美[skep] n. 花茎,柄节; 羽轴; 柱身; 花梗;





Circuits,Systems,and Signal Processing期刊需要版面费吗

Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing [0278-081X]期刊详细信息期刊名称:Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing缩略题名CIRCUITS SYST SIGNAL PROCESS缩略题名CIRC SYST SIGNAL PROCESS缩略题名CIRC SYST SIGNAL PR缩略题名CIRC SYST S缩略题名CIRCUITS SYSTEMS SIGNAL PROCESS缩略题名CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, SIGNAL PROCESSING; CSSP缩略题名CIRCUITS SYST. SIGNAL PROCESS交替题名Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing; CSSPIssn:0278-081XLCCN:同行评议:是?本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2013年)?本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2015年)?本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)?本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)?本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2016版)?点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)Impact Factor:0.794; 5-Year Impact Factor:0.728?点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)Impact Factor: 0.752 ; Rank: 5460?点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2014)Impact Factor: 1.118, Rank: 5247?主题分类:Engineering: Biomedical EngineeringEngineering: Electrical Engineering

“It kind of short-circuits the pain.”是否有误;如无该如何理解。


请问一下Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing如何?审稿周期多长? 审稿费,版面费多少?难易度如何?


synthetic circuits 是什么意思


参考文献 L.O. Chua, L. Yang, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. 35 1988.表示什么意思




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mini-circuits官网地址:Mini Circuits - Global Leader of RF and Microwave Components打不开可能是网速或者浏览器问题,建议换个浏览器试试。



Physics - circuits

更新1: Thank you for your prompt response. However the question asks us to find the current flowing through XY when S is closed but not the current flowing through the whole circuit. Would you help me again? 更新2: The wer is 1.5A 更新3: I don"t understand why : Current through upper-left 1-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (2/3) A = 3 A Current through upper-right 2-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (1/3) A = 1.5 A 更新4: and Current through lower-left 2-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (1/3) A = 1.5 A Current through lower-right 1-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (2/3) A = 3 A 4.5 is the main current right? Then what are (1/3) and (2/3) represent? After S is closed the left 1-ohm and 2-ohm resistors are in paeallel the equivalent resistance = 1x2/(1+2) ohms = 2/3 ohms Similarly the right 2-ohm and 1-ohm resistors are in parallel equivalent resistance = 2x1/(2+1) ohms = 2/3 ohms The total resistance = (2/3+2/3) ohms = 4/3 ohms hence main current = 6/(4/3) A = 4.5 A Current through upper-left 1-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (2/3) A = 3 A Current through upper-right 2-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (1/3) A = 1.5 A Thus a current of (3-1.5) A= 1.5 A is diverted away through XY Current through lower-left 2-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (1/3) A = 1.5 A Current through lower-right 1-ohm resistor = 4.5 x (2/3) A = 3 A Thus a current of (3-1.5) A = 1.5 A is gained from XY. Therefore a current of 1.5 A is flowing from X to Y. [Although you could get the wer in this way the question is badly set. There is contradiction anyway. Since X and Y are joined together after S is closed X and Y should be at the same potential. Hence it could hardly say that there is a current of 1.5A flowing without a potential difference along XY]. It"s a very interesting circuit 2008-10-29 18:16:09 补充: physics8801 is right in calculation. Main current is 4.5 and the 2 resistors form a current divider. (1/3) me 1/3 of the main current 4.5 goes thru the 2 ohm and 2/3 of the current goes thru the 1 ohm. You calculate all the currents flow thru each resistor and then you e up with the value of XY and flow direction. Right here nothing to do with ohm"s law. Sorry Dr.physics8801 I did all the talking for you. Hope u don"t mind. Besides There is no contradiction in the circuit set up after I thought about it during my toilet time. No p.d. no current flow is not wrong but misguided here. It"s like a child"s IQ quiz and teaser for experienced ohm"s law guys. Imagine the current flows from one resistor to another resistor in series connected thru a wire. The p.d. across the wire of course equals 0 but the current does flow thru the wire due to the p.d. across the 2 resistors in series. That"s why I said misguided because our heads are loaded with only V=IR and cannot see simple things logically. Simple logic is: there is always current flow in the WIRES in a loaded circuit. This is my new theory in electric circuits. ha ha ha :) Don"t even think about giving me any points as Dr physics8801 really deserve all the credits. 2008-10-29 18:22:20 补充: grammar correction: "deserve" in the last sentence should be deserves. Anybody cares to check grammar for me? For free credit points? I"m a stingy guy. Everybody knows. 参考: Modern hypothesis in circuit theory written by me

integrated circuits是什么意思

integrated circuits n. 集成电路( integrated circuit的名词复数 )

integrated circuits是什么意思

integrated circuitsn. 集成电路[网络短语]Integrated circuits 集成电路,成电路,积体电路integrated computer circuits 计算机集成电路integrated optoelectronies circuits 积体光电电路如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助



integrated circuits是什么意思

集成电路 是一种微型电子器件或部件。



electrical circuits是什么意思

electrical circuits电气电路例句:1.Don"t let an untrained person tamper with the electrical circuits. 别让未经训练的人去瞎摆弄电路。2.Crudely put, the brain"s neural networks can be thought of as electrical circuits. 平白的说,大脑神经网络可以比作电路。

integrated circuits是什么意思

integrated circuitsn. 集成电路[网络短语]Integrated circuits 集成电路,成电路,积体电路integrated computer circuits 计算机集成电路integrated optoelectronies circuits 积体光电电路希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!!

circuits 在健身方面是什么意思?



不管是必应词典还是有道词典还是百度词典,都翻译成n. [电子] 电路(circuit的复数);环路;巡回v. 环行;巡回旅行(circuit的三单形式)