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two的序数词 three的序数词 meet的同音词 cloud的形容词 far的反义词 climb的过去式 spend的过去式



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gently cleanses是什么意思

gently cleanses温和洁净This shampoo gently cleanses, gloss-enhance the hair and helps to moisturize and smooth the hair, leaving it shiny and healthy-looking.本品蕴含植物保湿成分和首乌等多种草本植物精华,均衡头部皮肤油脂,能持续维护受损发质,并蕴含天然草本芬芳,经常使用可使秀发亮泽健康。A vegetable based soap with all the benefits of vitamin E, which produces a thick and creamy lather which gently cleanses and moisturises the skin.以蔬果草本为主的肥皂搭配了所有维生素E的好处,浓郁的泡沫在清洁的同时在皮肤上形成了一个保湿膜。Ideal for sensitive skin and enriched with soothing verbena extract, this shower gel gently cleanses, leaving the body delicately scented with a light, springtime fragrance.温和日常洁肤者哩富含有马鞭草精华。能够舒缓和镇定肌肤,不会产生刺激。柔和芳香带有清淡,春天的气息。令肌肤倍感清爽,舒适。适合敏感性肌肤。Gently cleanses leaving skin fresh and radiant skin. With rejuvenating frankincense and nourishing oils of apricot and jojoba to gently cleanse without drying.基本介绍:温和清洁肌肤,结合乳香精华加速新陈代谢以及杏子和荷荷巴油的滋养功能使洁面过程温和不紧绷:)Remove and discard the mask after use. Gently cleanse face with water.面膜使用后请抛弃,并用清水轻轻洗净面部剩余精华。


noise的意思是噪音; 杂音。clip的意思是修剪;裁剪。这是网上查来的,我也不大清楚。

欧莱雅revitalift rejuvenating cleansing rich maku-up removing milk 朋友从香港带回来的。使用方法名称

revita lift rejuvenating cleansing smoothing toner 是不是爽肤水?

revita是品牌名称,lift有提升、改善的意思,rejuvenating有使年轻的,使有活力的意思,cleansing有清洁的意思,smoothing toner是柔肤水。所以,这款是有修复效果和二次清洁能力的柔肤水。柔肤水、爽肤水、收敛水、收缩水等等的水统称为化妆水,都有二次清洁的功效。是护肤三步骤里面的第二步骤。所以,你用的那款水,是柔肤水,不是爽肤水,但是也属于化妆水,是护肤品,是作洁面后第一层保湿之用的。

registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks 的用途(kotlin)

registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks是Application的一个接口,注册之后应用里的所有activity的生命周期都会被监控起来,我们可以在此接口方法里实现一些特殊的需求。比如统计用户对每个Activity使用情况,我们可以定义一个BaseActivity,在onStart()和onStop()人工插入统计方法。比如从桌面进应用的时候,检测某些状态,就可以在onActivityResumed方法里检测。 使用方法:在Application 的onCreate方法中使用registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(callback)注册你的CallBack,如下: registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(object:ActivityLifecycleCallbacks{overridefunonActivityPaused(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityResumed(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityStarted(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityDestroyed(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivitySaveInstanceState(p0: Activity?, p1: Bundle?) { } overridefunonActivityStopped(p0: Activity?) { } overridefunonActivityCreated(p0: Activity?, p1: Bundle?) { } })官方文档:


Lifecycle是用来构建生命周期感知型组件的工具。 使得我们可以用统一的方式来监听 Activity、Fragment、Service、甚至是 Process 的生命周期变化。 Event 用于抽象 Activity/Fragment 的生命周期事件。例如,当 Activity 的 onCreate 方法被回调时就会被抽象为 ON_CREATE事件。 State 用于标记 Lifecycle 的当前生命周期状态。例如,当 Activity 即将回调 onDestory 方法时则处于 DESTROYED 状态 LifecycleOwner 接口用于标记其实现类具备 Lifecycle 对象,实现了该接口即意味着实现类具有生命周期。我们日常使用的 和 均实现了该接口。 LifecycleObserver 生命周期观察者,是一个空接口,仅是用于类型标记。 LifecycleEventObserver 用于监听 Lifecycle 的生命周期变化,可以接收到生命周期事件变化。 FullLifecycleObserver 根据 Activity 的生命周期回调方法扩展了几个同名的抽象方法,可以看成是对 LifecycleEventObserver 进行更加具体的事件拆分 FullLifecycleObserverAdapter 实现了 LifecycleEventObserver 接口,用于在收到 Lifecycle 生命周期事件时转发给 FullLifecycleObserver、LifecycleEventObserver。 1,设备的系统版本号大于等于29。会向 Activity 注册一个 LifecycleCallbacks ,以此来直接获得各个生命周期事件的回调。 2,设备的系统版本号小于 29。会通过向 Activity 添加一个无 UI 界面的 Fragment(即 ReportFragment),间接获得 Activity 的各个生命周期事件的回调。 3,之所以会进行这两种情况区分,是因为 Activity.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks 是 SDK 29 开始 新添加的方法。 activity.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new LifecycleCallbacks()); Activity生命周期回调的时候会回调LifecycleCallbacks的对应生命周期方法。 dispatch方法:从Activity中取出LifecycleRegistry,调用handleLifecycleEvent方法。 直接在ReportFragment的对应生命周期中调用了dispatch去分发生命周期。 Fragment 是在其生命周期方法中直接调用了内部LifecycleRegistry的的handleLifecycleEvent进行生命周期时间分发。 LifecycleRegistry 向 Observer 发布 Event 值的触发条件有两种: 1,新添加了一个 Observer,需要向其同步 Activity 当前的 State 值。例如,当 Activity 处于 RESUMED 状态时向其添加了一个 LifecycleEventObserver ,此时就必须向 LifecycleEventObserver 同步当前的最新状态值,所以 LifecycleEventObserver 就会先后收到 CREATED、STARTED、RESUMED 三个 Event 2,Activity 的生命周期状态发生了变化,需要向 Observer 同步最新的 State 值 1,addObserver() 方法的主要逻辑是:将传入的 observer 对象包装为 ObserverWithState 类型,方便将 1,注解形式的LifecycleObserver和 2,接口实现的 LifecycleObserver,进行状态回调时的入口统一为 dispatchEvent() 方法。 2,此外,由于当添加 LifecycleObserver 时 Lifecycle 可能已经处于非 INITIALIZED 状态了,所以需要通过循环检查的方式来向 ObserverWithState 逐步下发 Event 值。 3,假设当前 LifecycleRegistry 的 mState 处于 RESUMED 状态,此时通过 addObserver 方法新添加的 LifecycleObserver 会被包装为 ObserverWithState,且初始化状态为 INITIALIZED。由于 RESUMED 大于INITIALIZED,ObserverWithState 就会按照 INITIALIZED -> CREATED -> STARTED -> RESUMED 这样的顺序先后收到事件通知 4,假设当前 LifecycleRegistry 的 mState 处于 STARTED 状态。如果 LifecycleRegistry 收到 ON_RESUME 事件,mState 就需要变更为 RESUMED;如果 LifecycleRegistry 收到 ON_STOP 事件,mState 就需要变更为 CREATED;所以说,LifecycleRegistry 的 mState 会先后向不同方向迁移 5,ObserverWithState 将外界传入的 LifecycleObserver 对象传给 Lifecycling 进行类型包装,将反射逻辑和接口回调逻辑都给汇总综合成一个新的 LifecycleEventObserver 对象,从而使得 Event 分发过程都统一为 mLifecycleObserver.onStateChanged ReportFragment 最终在向外传出 Lifecycle.Event 值时,调用的都是 LifecycleRegistry 的 handleLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event) 方法,该方法会根据接收到的 Event 值换算出对应的 State 值,然后更新本地的 mState,再向所有 Observer 进行事件通知,最终还是会调用到 ObserverWithState 的 dispatchEvent 方法。 通过Lifecycling#lifecycleEventObserver生成了五种Adapter,将生命周期事件转发给它们进行分发。 1,FullLifecycleObserverAdapter(可分发FullLifecycleObserver接口和LifecycleEventObserver接口:在FullLifecycleObserverAdapter会根据event事件调用FullLifecycleObserver对应的事件方法; 调用LifecycleEventObserver.onStateChanged分发事件。 2,LifecycleEventObserver: 调用LifecycleEventObserver.onStateChanged分发事件。 3,SingleGeneratedAdapterObserver,CompositeGeneratedAdaptersObserver(通过apt生成的生命周期事件分发类),调用GeneratedAdapter.callMethods进行事件分发,GeneratedAdapter内部会根据event选择调用对应方法。 4,ReflectiveGenericLifecycleObserver(通过反射生成的生命周期事件分发类),内部持有一个CallbackInfo,通过反射收集了event-list<mathod>的map,根据event找到对应方法进行分发。

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Advanced Clock Calibration中文是什么意思


保险分别是投保一切险(ALL RISKS);战争险(WAR CLAUSES);罢工,暴动险(STRIDES RIOTS);



是tell吧tell的过去式是toldtell常见释义告诉英:[tel]美:[tel]v.告诉; 告知; 提供(情况); 说明; 显示; 讲述; 说; 表达; n.[考古学](古代村落遗址堆积而成的)台形土墩; [方言]讲的话; 谈话; 传闻; 例句:Don"t tell me you can"t remember.不要告诉我你记不起来了。词组:tell apart区分;区别;辨别tell off斥责;训斥;训诫tell on告发;检举;告…的状现在分词:telling过去式:told过去分词:told复数:tells


cloth 布

JSP 报The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid

太长了 懒的看 从 异常The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid应该是 你表单的 字段 值 跟 目标 Action中的 FormBean 之间的值不能 赋值 可能因为没转换器的原因 所以无法转换 只能对基本数据类型进行转换 和 已有转换器的数据进行转换赋值

HeLostHisArmButIsStillClimbing 这篇英语翻译


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he lost his arm but is still climbing课文缩写

他是去了他的手臂,但是还是坚持攀登Finding the order of events Writers describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading. He lost his arm but is still climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26,2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron"s arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help. After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one"s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let"s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place", and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.

He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing课文缩写


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he lost his arm but is still climbing说明


英语八年级下册He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing的翻译

Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.•On that day, Aron"s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He wasn"t ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he wouldn"t lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help•After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can"t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one"s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.•Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let"s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.

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来晚了= =如上


java.util.Calendar.getActualMaximum() 方法返回基于此Calendar的时间值,指定日历字段可能拥有的最大值。示例演示java.util.calendar.getActualMaximum()方法的用法。import java.util.*;public class CalendarDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {// create a calendarCalendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();// get the maximum value that year field can haveint i = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.YEAR);System.out.println("Maximum year:" + i);// get the maximum value that month field can haveint a = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.MONTH);System.out.println("Maximum month:" + a);}}编译和运行上面的程序,这将产生以下结果:Maximum year:292278994Maximum month:11



第2句哪里错了 ,我是用myeclipse8.5照着书上练习的 ,SimpleCalculator类是放在classes文件夹里。




vt.容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停vi.& vt.(使)服水土,(使)适应新气候或环境



very shis quiet clever and.

she is very quiet and clever.连词成句,先找主语。。精)()(0锐

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Isee Tom sing songs in the class改为被动语态?

Tom is seen by me to sing a song in the class. 感官动词变成被动to 要加上。


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account closed 英[əˈkaunt kləʊzd] 美[əˈkaʊnt klozd] [词典] 账户已结清; [例句]Will your account be closed?您要关闭您的帐户吗?

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keyboard=new softKeyboard(this); 在函数开头,当每次调用switchSoftKeyBoardInput(),keyboard 会再生成一个键盘。你关闭的是新生成的,而不是上一次生成的。可以要把这一句放到构造函数中。

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请哪位高人帮忙归纳一下英语中常见的前缀后缀所表达的意思我不要具体的单词一.表示否定的前缀 1.dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(

What major stages does one"s life include?怎么回答

问的是:一个人一生的主要阶段包括哪些?可以回答:infant, child, teenager, youth, adult, senior分别是:婴儿,儿童,青少年,青年,成年,老年


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close loser的意思:差一点就输了。重点词汇:losern. 失败者;遗失者n. (Loser)人名;(德、捷)洛泽;(英)洛瑟;(法)洛塞同根词词根: loseadj.lost 失去的;丧失的;迷惑的losable 易失的n.loss 减少;亏损;失败;遗失v.lost 遗失(lose的过去分词);失败vi.lose 失败;受损失vt.lose 浪费;使沉溺于;使迷路;遗失;错过

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cabinet / closet / wardrobe.的区别谢谢了






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《Uncle Toms Cabin》讲的是什么故事吖?拜托了各位 谢谢

《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,又译作《黑奴吁天录》或《汤姆大伯的小屋》,故事从一个奴隶主与一个奴隶贩子的讨价还价中开始。美国肯塔基州的奴隶主谢尔比在股票市场上投机失败,为了还债,决定把两个奴隶卖掉。一个是汤姆,他是在谢尔比的种植场出生的,童年时就当伺候主人的小家奴,颇得主人欢心,成年后当上了家奴总管,忠心耿耿,全身心维护主人利益。另一个要卖掉的奴隶是黑白混血种女奴伊丽莎的儿子哈利。伊丽莎不是一个俯首贴耳死心塌地听主人摆布的奴隶,当她偶然听到主人要卖掉汤姆和自己的儿子哈利后,就连夜带着儿子在奴隶贩子的追捕下跳下浮冰密布的俄亥俄河,逃到自由州,再往加拿大逃奔。她丈夫乔治·哈里斯是附近种植场的奴隶,也伺机逃跑,与妻子汇合,带着孩子,历经艰险,终于在废奴派组织的帮助下,成功地抵达加拿大。 汤姆却是另一种遭遇。他知道并支持伊丽莎逃走,但是他自己没有逃跑。由于他从小就被奴隶主灌输敬畏上帝、逆来顺受、忠顺于主人这类的基督教说教,对主人要卖他抵债也没有怨言,甘愿听从主人摆布。他被转卖到新奥尔良,成了奴隶贩子海利的奴隶。在一次溺水事故中,汤姆救了一个奴隶主的小女儿伊娃的命,孩子的父亲圣·克莱从海利手中将汤姆买过来,当了家仆,为主人家赶马车。汤姆和小女孩建立了感情。不久小女孩突然病死,圣·克莱根据小女儿生前愿望,决定将汤姆和其他黑奴解放。可是当还没有来得及办妥解放的法律手续时,圣·克莱在一次意外事故中被人杀死。圣·克莱的妻子没有解放汤姆和其他黑奴,而是将他们送到黑奴拍卖市场。从此,汤姆落到了一个极端凶残的红河种植场的奴隶主莱格利手中。莱格利把黑奴当做会说话的牲口,任意鞭打,横加私刑。汤姆忍受着这非人的折磨,仍然没有想到要为自己找一条生路,而是默默地奉行着做一个正直人的原则。这个种植场的两个女奴为了求生,决定逃跑,她们躲藏起来。莱格利怀疑汤姆帮助她们逃走,把汤姆捆绑起来,鞭打得皮开肉绽,死去活来。但是汤姆最后表现出了他对奴隶主的反抗,什么都没有说。在汤姆奄奄一息的时候,他过去的主人、第一次卖掉他的奴隶主谢尔比的儿子乔治·谢尔比赶来赎买汤姆,因为汤姆是小谢尔比儿时的仆人和玩伴,但是汤姆已经无法接受他过去的小主人的迟来的援手,他遍体鳞伤地离开了人世。乔治·谢尔比狠狠地一拳把莱格利打翻在地,就地埋葬了汤姆。回到家乡肯塔基后,小谢尔比以汤姆大叔的名义解放了他名下的所有黑奴,并对他们说:你们每次看见汤姆大叔的小屋,就应该联想起你们的自由。

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uncle tom s cabin 中文简介


Uncle Tom"s Cabin作者英文简介

Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe (June 14, 1811 – July 1, 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. Her novel Uncle Tom"s Cabin (1852) was a depiction of life for African Americans under slavery; it reached millions as a novel and play, and became influential in the United States and United Kingdom. It energized anti-slavery forces in the American North, while provoking widespread anger in the South. She wrote more than 20 books, including novels, three travel memoirs, and collections of articles and letters. She was influential for both her writings and her public stands on social issues of the day.

cabin class是什么意思

cabin class b的中文翻译_ cabin class bB舱

uncle tom"s cabin 英文简介和作者简介,

Short Summary Uncle Tom"s Cabin,described by Stowe herself as a "series of sketches" depicting the human cruelty of slavery,opens with a description of Arthur Shelby"s Kentucky plantation during the antebellum period.Although Shelby is not characterized as a cruel master,he has nevertheless incurred serious debts- prompting him sell some slaves to avoid financial ruin.Mr.Haley,the slave trader,purchases Uncle Tom,Shelby"s loyal servant since childhood,and five-year-old Harry,a beautiful and talented child who sings,dances and mimes.Shelby regrets taking the child away from his mother,Eliza,as much as he regrets betraying Uncle Tom"s faithfulness.Eliza overhears Mrs.Shelby,a very religious woman,protesting her husband"s decision,and decides to flee the plantation with her son.George,her husband from a neighboring plantation,has already left for Canada via the "underground railroad," a secret network of people who usher runaway slaves to freedom in the North.Eliza plans to do the same,and tries to convince Uncle Tom to save himself and come with her.Uncle Tom,however,must remain loyal to his master,despite his betrayal and the risk of death at the cruel hands of a new master,and does not accompany Eliza on her journey to the Ohio River. After the hunt for Eliza and Harry fails,Haley returns to Shelby"s to collect the other half of his purchase,Uncle Tom.The slaves at the plantation are very mournful,but Tom remains placid and tries to read his Bible for comfort.On the steamboat to New Orleans,where Tom is to be sold,Tom befriends an angelic little girl,"Little Eva" St.Clare.Uncle Tom saves the five-year-old beauty from drowning,and she convinces her father to buy Tom for her own family.Tom finds life on the St.Clare plantation agreeable,for although he is head coachman he spends most of his time with Little Eva.The love and goodness of which she constantly speaks influences those around her,convincing people of their inner value and that of the people around them.Eva even manages to convince the impish slave girl Topsy that she deserves to be loved,and touches the heart of her stern aunt,Miss Ophelia,who has traveled from Vermont to manage the plantation because Mrs.St.Clare is a hypochondriac. Tom"s contentment does not last,however,because Eva soon falls ill.Dying,she asks that all the slaves surround her bedside,where she gives each of them a golden lock of hair and tells them they must Christian so that they can see each other in heaven.Eva implores Mr.St.Clare to free Tom after her death.Mr.St.Clare is so distraught by her death,however,that he never legally frees Tom before he himself is killed trying to mediate a barroom scuffle.Mrs.St.Clare sells the slaves to settle her husband"s debts,and the deplorable Simon Legree purchases Tom.Legree is a drunkard who beats his slaves brutally.Only one of his slaves,Cassy,defies her master by threatening to do voodoo on him.Cassy tries to help Uncle Tom,but he is a pacifist and will not resist the terrible beatings Legree inflicts upon him. Mr.Shelby,in the meantime,has been tracking Tom down,and arrives at the Legree plantation one day.By this time,however,Tom is very near death.Once Tom is dead and buried,Shelby takes a steamboat to Kentucky,where he meets Cassy and another slave from Legree"s,Emmeline,who are fleeing the plantation.The three then meet Emily de Thoux,who is George Harris"s sister,and discover that Cassy is the mother of Eliza.Once in Kentucky,Shelby frees his slaves.Cassy,Emmeline,and Emily travel to Canada where they are reunited with Eliza and George.The Harris family and Cassy eventually travel to Liberia to found a freedom colony for ex-slaves.The novel ends with a chapter summarizing the lesson learned from these "sketches" of experiences with slavery:that slavery is indeed a very cruel and evil institution that should be abolished.

uncle tom"s cabin 英文简介和作者简介,急!

Short Summary Uncle Tom"s Cabin, described by Stowe herself as a "series of sketches" depicting the human cruelty of slavery, opens with a description of Arthur Shelby"s Kentucky plantation during the antebellum period. Although Shelby is not characterized as a cruel master, he has nevertheless incurred serious debts- prompting him sell some slaves to avoid financial ruin. Mr. Haley, the slave trader, purchases Uncle Tom, Shelby"s loyal servant since childhood, and five-year-old Harry, a beautiful and talented child who sings, dances and mimes. Shelby regrets taking the child away from his mother, Eliza, as much as he regrets betraying Uncle Tom"s faithfulness. Eliza overhears Mrs. Shelby, a very religious woman, protesting her husband"s decision, and decides to flee the plantation with her son. George, her husband from a neighboring plantation, has already left for Canada via the "underground railroad," a secret network of people who usher runaway slaves to freedom in the North. Eliza plans to do the same, and tries to convince Uncle Tom to save himself and come with her. Uncle Tom, however, must remain loyal to his master, despite his betrayal and the risk of death at the cruel hands of a new master, and does not accompany Eliza on her journey to the Ohio River. After the hunt for Eliza and Harry fails, Haley returns to Shelby"s to collect the other half of his purchase, Uncle Tom. The slaves at the plantation are very mournful, but Tom remains placid and tries to read his Bible for comfort. On the steamboat to New Orleans, where Tom is to be sold, Tom befriends an angelic little girl, "Little Eva" St. Clare. Uncle Tom saves the five-year-old beauty from drowning, and she convinces her father to buy Tom for her own family. Tom finds life on the St. Clare plantation agreeable, for although he is head coachman he spends most of his time with Little Eva. The love and goodness of which she constantly speaks influences those around her, convincing people of their inner value and that of the people around them. Eva even manages to convince the impish slave girl Topsy that she deserves to be loved, and touches the heart of her stern aunt, Miss Ophelia, who has traveled from Vermont to manage the plantation because Mrs. St. Clare is a hypochondriac. Tom"s contentment does not last, however, because Eva soon falls ill. Dying, she asks that all the slaves surround her bedside, where she gives each of them a golden lock of hair and tells them they must Christian so that they can see each other in heaven. Eva implores Mr. St. Clare to free Tom after her death. Mr. St. Clare is so distraught by her death, however, that he never legally frees Tom before he himself is killed trying to mediate a barroom scuffle. Mrs. St. Clare sells the slaves to settle her husband"s debts, and the deplorable Simon Legree purchases Tom. Legree is a drunkard who beats his slaves brutally. Only one of his slaves, Cassy, defies her master by threatening to do voodoo on him. Cassy tries to help Uncle Tom, but he is a pacifist and will not resist the terrible beatings Legree inflicts upon him. Mr. Shelby, in the meantime, has been tracking Tom down, and arrives at the Legree plantation one day. By this time, however, Tom is very near death. Once Tom is dead and buried, Shelby takes a steamboat to Kentucky, where he meets Cassy and another slave from Legree"s, Emmeline, who are fleeing the plantation. The three then meet Emily de Thoux, who is George Harris"s sister, and discover that Cassy is the mother of Eliza. Once in Kentucky, Shelby frees his slaves. Cassy, Emmeline, and Emily travel to Canada where they are reunited with Eliza and George. The Harris family and Cassy eventually travel to Liberia to found a freedom colony for ex-slaves. The novel ends with a chapter summarizing the lesson learned from these "sketches" of experiences with slavery: that slavery is indeed a very cruel and evil institution that should be abolished.

cabin, closet, chamber 的区别


翻译:we are slaves to nothing but the clock是什么意思?


翻译 We are slaves to nothing but the clock. Time

We are slaves to nothing but the clock.我只是时间的奴隶Time is treated as if it were something almost real.时间被当做真实的东西来对待

We are slaves to nothing but the clock什么意思


请问Clear Improvement是什么意思?急急急!!!!!!!

clear improvement 泥娃娃; 清洁面膜泥娃娃; 明显改善[例句]There"s a clear improvement in the height and weight of the players and that of thefence;队员的身高、体重和拦网高度明显提高;

absolute class和interface的区别


iclean pro 没越狱可以用吗


invited article是什么意思




the club will

A.enroll 例: They enroll him as a member of the club.他们吸收他为俱乐部会员.

be absent from class还是classes

be absent from class.读法 英 [ˈæbsənt]  美 [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺勤的,缺席的;不存在的,缺乏的;心不在焉的,出神的;不与子女一起住的prep. <美,正式>缺乏,没有示例:We can"t afford to be absent from class again. 我们再缺课的话就有麻烦了。词语用法:absent的基本意思是“缺席的,不在场的”,在句中可用作定语或表语。用作表语时常与介词from连用,有时还可接动名词,主语一般为人。absent作“没有的,缺乏的”解是正式用法,在句中多用作表语,常与介词from连用,主语一般为物。absent作“心不在焉的,走神的”解时,指思想不能集中于当前的事情。absent不用于比较等级。absent前加定冠词the可用作名词,意思是“缺席的人”。

Zhuang pursued fine arts since childhood and began to learn cloisonne enamel in 2009.

英语Zhuang pursued fine arts since childhood and began to learn cloisonne enamel in 2009.。谁能回答这个问题,我表扬他。

exclusive defense and control of any matter什么意思

exclusive defense and control of any matter对任何事物的排他性防卫和控制重点词汇exclusive专用的; 高级的; 排外的; 单独的; 独家新闻; 专有物; 独家经营的产品; 排外者defense(D-)国防部,防卫,防卫物; 谋划抵御of any在所有的…当中




英 [ˈɒbstəkl]  n.障碍物;障碍;阻碍;困难;(超越障碍赛中的)障碍;同义词:problem双语例句:1. an insuperable obstacle to negotiations.无法克服的谈判障碍。2. They direct their blindfolded team-mates around an obstacle course.他们指引着蒙上眼睛的队友沿障碍赛跑道而行。3. Every day is an obstacle course at present.现在,每天都困难重重。


therefore “所以”,但有种顺承的关系. as a result “所以”,有种因果关系. furthermore 有种更进一步的感觉 in addiition 有种在原基础之上更加一些的意味 to sum up “总之”但有种把这些东西聚集起来的意思,体会这个up.类似的有 wait 和 wait up. talk 和talk up to summarise “总之”有种主动的感觉. in conclusion 总之,借用conclude 有种一步步推理到最终结果的意思,有点自然而然得出结果的感觉 to conclude 动词,有点主动的意思. 另外:考试时不会让你们考这些词之间的区分的,因为十分不明显,我说的也只是自己的感悟.


apple英 [ ˈæpl ]美 [ ˈæpəl ]n. 苹果;苹果树;苹果公司;slicesn. 部分( slice的名词复数 );锅铲;削球;solid英 [ ˈsɒlɪd ]美 [ ˈsɑ:lɪd ]adj. 固体的;实心的;结实的,可靠的;可信赖的;n. 固体;立体图形;立方体;(希望对你有帮助)

(1)基类Container的定义形式如下。 class Container {protected: double radius; public: Container(doub


Batocluser Abronatinal 什么意思?



books,bags,maps这三个单词中的s读音不相同bags中的s 读浊辅音/z/books , maps 中的s读清辅音/s/


不相同bags 中的 s 读 /z/class中的 s 读 /s/注规则名词复数s的读法 在清辅音后读 清辅音 /s/,在浊辅音和元音后读 /z/

高中英语语法填空,要解释哦My pupils, Donnie__(include),adored


翻译 keep abreast of use,the adhesive should maintain clean and dry to keep abreast of the negative

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(1/2)the price of petrol,petrol前面不加the。thebicycle,bicycle却加the,答案解释说前者表一

the price of petrol 石油价格 the price of the petrol 那种石油的价格
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