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MCL是香港大学的一个法律专业,主要涉及到商业法、金融法、国际法等方面的研究和实践。该专业具有国际化背景和跨领域视野,能够帮助学生深入理解多元文化和多维法律体系,提高法律综合素质和实践能力。 MCL的教学和研究质量全球知名,并吸引了全球各地的学生来就读。在香港作为国际金融和贸易城市具有独特的地理位置和资源优势,也为MCL学生提供了广阔的就业机会和实践环境。同时,香港大学的MCL项目也注重人才培养和学生生涯规划,为学生未来的发展提供了帮助。



医学术语 MCL是什么意思


医学腿核磁共振名词MCL PCL是什么?

MCL是膝部medial collateral ligament的缩写,是膝关节内侧副韧带,也称胫侧副韧带。PCL是膝部Posterior cruciate ligament 的缩写,是膝关节的后膝十字韧带。这2个韧带都是运动中常损伤的膝关节韧带。



医学术语 MCL是什么意思


Oracle 11Grac1安装时设置 display=?(本机还是 远程机器的ip?) 为什么ip是远程机器的时候,总提示



安全回路接口板 – 把安全回路的高电压信号转成低电压信号,然后输入到CPU – 主要信号有:  STOP CONTACT 安全信号输入  CAR DOOR CONTACT 轿门触点  LANDING DOOR CONTACT 层门触点控制主接触器 201:1 和 201:2各回路缺了24V就报警












Lucene一个常见的用例是在一个或者多个数据库表进行全文检索。 虽然MySql有全文检索的功能,但是如果字段和数据量增加,MySql的性能会减低很快。映射数据到Lucene用伪代码表示:String sql = “select id, firstname, lastname, phone, email fro...


在JSP中连接到Oracle一般有2种方式:1、Oracle JDBC的oci8方式2、Oracle JDBC的thin方式我比较喜欢第2种,因为WEB发布服务器与数据库服务器一般都不会放在同一台电脑中,而在使用thin方式连接时,Web服务器端无须安装oracle的客户端。在动手先代码之前,我们先把环境配置妥善。先从安装了Oracle的数据库服务器中,找到Oracle安装目录,然后将该目录下的jdbclibclasses12.jar文件拷贝到WEB发布服务器的某个目录。假设就直接放在C:根目录下吧,然后把该路径添加到‘系统--高级--环境变量"中变量名为‘CLASSPATH"的值中,如:D:Program;D:Program;c:classes12.jar; 也就是让java能够找到这个包。配置好环境后,我们就开始开始动手写代码了。关于数据库连接的代码,应该写个专门的连接类来调用,没必要想网络上有些文章那样,直接写到JSP的代码中。关于连接的代码很简单private Connection newConnection(String user,String password) {Connection con = null;try {Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver").newInstance();con = DriverManager.getConnection (“jdbc:oracle:thin:@”,user,password);}catch (SQLException e) {return null;}return con;}如果帐号密码没有错,那这个函数就应该能返回个可用的连接。但如此简单的连接在一个项目中使用,是远远达不到效果的。我们可以在这个数据库连接类中加入更多的功能,如连接池等等。下面我就把该数据库连接类的代码详细的列出来,大家可以参考参考。/** @Title 公司网站* @Author: zf* @Version 1.0* @Memo:定义数据库连接及其数据库连接池等*/package com.kingson.db;import*;import java.sql.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.Date;public class DBConnectionManager {static private DBConnectionManager instance; // 唯一实例static private int clients;private Vector drivers = new Vector();private PrintWriter log;private Hashtable pools = new Hashtable();/*** 返回唯一实例.如果是第一次调用此方法,则创建实例** @return DBConnectionManager 唯一实例*/static synchronized public DBConnectionManager getInstance() {if (instance == null) {instance = new DBConnectionManager();}clients++;return instance;}/*** 建构函数私有以防止其它对象创建本类实例*/private DBConnectionManager() {init();}/*** 将连接对象返回给由名字指定的连接池** @param name 在属性文件中定义的连接池名字* @param con 连接对象*/public void freeConnection(String name, Connection con) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {pool.freeConnection(con);}}/*** 获得一个可用的(空闲的)连接.如果没有可用连接,且已有连接数小于最大连接数* 限制,则创建并返回新连接** @param name 在属性文件中定义的连接池名字* @return Connection 可用连接或null*/public Connection getConnection(String name) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {return pool.getConnection();}return null;}/*** 获得一个可用连接.若没有可用连接,且已有连接数小于最大连接数限制,* 则创建并返回新连接.否则,在指定的时间内等待其它线程释放连接.** @param name 连接池名字* @param time 以毫秒计的等待时间* @return Connection 可用连接或null*/public Connection getConnection(String name, long time) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {return pool.getConnection(time);}return null;}/*** 关闭所有连接,撤销驱动程序的注册*/public synchronized void release() {// 等待直到最后一个客户程序调用if (--clients != 0) {return;}Enumeration allPools = pools.elements();while (allPools.hasMoreElements()) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) allPools.nextElement();pool.release();}Enumeration allDrivers = drivers.elements();while (allDrivers.hasMoreElements()) {Driver driver = (Driver) allDrivers.nextElement();try {DriverManager.deregisterDriver(driver);log("撤销JDBC驱动程序 " + driver.getClass().getName()+"的注册");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法撤销下列JDBC驱动程序的注册: " + driver.getClass().getName());}}}/*** 根据指定属性创建连接池实例.** @param props 连接池属性*/private void createPools(Properties props) {Enumeration propNames = props.propertyNames();while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) {String name = (String) propNames.nextElement();if (name.endsWith(".url")) {String poolName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));String url = props.getProperty(poolName + ".url");if (url == null) {log("没有为连接池" + poolName + "指定URL");continue;}String user = props.getProperty(poolName + ".user");String password = props.getProperty(poolName + ".password");String dbip = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_ip", "");String dbport = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_port", "1521");String dbuid = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_uid", "ORACLE9I");String maxconn = props.getProperty(poolName + ".maxconn", "0");//连接信息String dbInfo = user + "/" + password + "@" + dbip + ":" + dbport + ":" + dbuid;int max;try {max = Integer.valueOf(maxconn).intValue();}catch (NumberFormatException e) {log("错误的最大连接数限制: " + maxconn + " .连接池: " + poolName);max = 0;}DBConnectionPool pool = new DBConnectionPool(poolName, url,dbInfo, max);pools.put(poolName, pool);log("成功创建连接池" + poolName);}}}/*** 读取属性完成初始化*/private void init() {InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("");Properties dbProps = new Properties();try {dbProps.load(is);}catch (Exception e) {System.err.println("不能读取属性文件. " +"请确保db.properties在CLASSPATH指定的路径中");return;}String logFile = dbProps.getProperty("logfile", "newslog.txt");try {log = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(logFile, true), true);}catch (IOException e) {System.err.println("无法打开日志文件: " + logFile);log = new PrintWriter(System.err);}loadDrivers(dbProps);createPools(dbProps);}/*** 装载和注册所有JDBC驱动程序** @param props 属性*/private void loadDrivers(Properties props) {String driverClasses = props.getProperty("driver");StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(driverClasses);while (st.hasMoreElements()) {String driverClassName = st.nextToken().trim();try {Driver driver = (Driver)Class.forName(driverClassName).newInstance();DriverManager.registerDriver(driver);drivers.addElement(driver);log("成功注册JDBC驱动程序" + driverClassName);}catch (Exception e) {log("无法注册JDBC驱动程序: " +driverClassName + ", 错误: " + e);}}}/*** 将文本信息写入日志文件*/private void log(String msg) {log.println(new Date() + ": " + msg);}/*** 将文本信息与异常写入日志文件*/private void log(Throwable e, String msg) {log.println(new Date() + ": " + msg);e.printStackTrace(log);}/***************连接池类*************************************************//*** 此内部类定义了一个连接池.它能够根据要求创建新连接,直到预定的最* 大连接数为止.在返回连接给客户程序之前,它能够验证连接的有效性.*/class DBConnectionPool {private int checkedOut;private Vector freeConnections = new Vector();private int maxConn;private String name;private String URL;private String dbInfo;/*** 创建新的连接池** @param name 连接池名字* @param URL 数据库的JDBC URL* @param dbInfo 数据库连接信息* @param maxConn 此连接池允许建立的最大连接数*/public DBConnectionPool(String name, String URL, String dbInfo, int maxConn) { = name;this.URL = URL;this.dbInfo = dbInfo;this.maxConn = maxConn;}/*** 将不再使用的连接返回给连接池** @param con 客户程序释放的连接*/public synchronized void freeConnection(Connection con) {// 将指定连接加入到向量末尾freeConnections.addElement(con);checkedOut--;notifyAll();}/*** 从连接池获得一个可用连接.如没有空闲的连接且当前连接数小于最大连接* 数限制,则创建新连接.如原来登记为可用的连接不再有效,则从向量删除之,* 然后递归调用自己以尝试新的可用连接.*/public synchronized Connection getConnection() {Connection con = null;if (freeConnections.size()0) {// 获取向量中第一个可用连接con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement();freeConnections.removeElementAt(0);try {if (con.isClosed()) {log("从连接池" + name+"删除一个无效连接");// 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接con = getConnection();}}catch (SQLException e) {log("从连接池" + name+"删除一个无效连接");// 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接con = getConnection();}}else if (maxConn == 0 || checkedOutmaxConn) {con = newConnection();}if (con != null) {checkedOut++;}return con;}/*** 从连接池获取可用连接.可以指定客户程序能够等待的最长时间* 参见前一个getConnection()方法.** @param timeout 以毫秒计的等待时间限制*/public synchronized Connection getConnection(long timeout) {long startTime = new Date().getTime();Connection con;while ((con = getConnection()) == null) {try {wait(timeout);}catch (InterruptedException e) {}if ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) = timeout) {// wait()返回的原因是超时return null;}}return con;}/*** 关闭所有连接*/public synchronized void release() {Enumeration allConnections = freeConnections.elements();while (allConnections.hasMoreElements()) {Connection con = (Connection) allConnections.nextElement();try {con.close();log("关闭连接池" + name+"中的一个连接");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法关闭连接池" + name+"中的连接");}}freeConnections.removeAllElements();}/*** 创建新的连接*/private Connection newConnection() {Connection con = null;try {con = DriverManager.getConnection(URL+dbInfo);log("连接池" + name+"创建一个新的连接");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法创建下列URL的连接: " + URL);return null;}return con;}}}





ola is my classmate改为一般疑问句做出肯定和否定回答

Is your classmate from Japan?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she is not.

msb 是什么文件 oracle

msb files are Oracle message files, binary version. Whenever you get an error like ORA-1234 or IMP-123, relevant message files are read and the errors are fetched. These files are always open by Oracle processes (threads in windows).In UNIX, you have msg files in addition to msb. But msg files are never used by Oracle processes. They"re there only for humans to read and used by the oerr utility. They contain the same information as their msb counterpart.



The table is _____;there is no cloth on it.A. empty B. vacant C. bare D. nothing 满分:4 分



who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear 请问问题为什么写成is it 而不是it is?如题 谢谢了

who is only twenty-nine与 why is it so unclear 是并列的特殊疑问句,所以用 is it

it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it

为您解答一,it是形式主语,真正主语是what...it二,what是形容词,定语,修饰force句子相当于a contract can have what force/ for



clear the vacant是什么意思

clear the vacant清空-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

The health effect of GE food remains unclear to be known.

目前还不清楚转基因食品对健康的影响。The health effect of GE food remains unclear to be known.effect remains unclear [主系表】The health , of GE food 定语to be known状语




It remains unclear whether he can help me.




unclear外文名unclear性质英语单词释义不清楚的, 不明白的读音美[ˌʌnˈklɪr]unclear 英[ˌʌnˈklɪə(r)]美[ˌʌnˈklɪr]adj. 不清楚的; 不明白的; 含糊不清;[例句]He is still unclear about his own future.他仍然不清楚自己的将来会怎样。








  Cl2使物质褪色的原理是氯气和水反应生成的次氯酸有强氧化性,会把有色的有机物氧化成无色物质,使之褪色。 SO2使物质褪色的原理是SO2(或者说是H2SO3)会和有色有有机物结合成无色物质。由于结合成的无色物质不稳定,加热后会重新分解为无色物质,所以SO2的漂白不像Cl2那样具有永久性(即被漂白后的物质不会再恢复原色)。另外,SO2不能结合个别有机物(例如石蕊)使之褪色,所以SO2的漂白具有选择性。

so2 HCLO O3 Na2o2 活性炭的漂白原理




closed-heart surgery什么意思及同义词

中文释义: phr. closed-heart surgery英语解释heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)相似短语closed-heart surgery phr. closed-heart surgeryheart surgery phr. 心脏手术surgery hours 门诊时间major surgery phr. 大外科,大手术abdominal surgery 腹部外科学

clinics of surgery是sci么

clinics in surgery是外科诊所的意思,而SCI即科学引文索引,sci即科学引文索引,由美国科学信息研究所创建的,收录文献的作者、题目、源期刊、摘要、关键词,不仅可以从文献引证的角度评估文章的学术价值,还可以迅速方便地组建研究课题的参考文献网络。凭借独一无二的引证途径和全面的科学数据,,然后通过统计大量的引文,如果说引频次数高,就说明这一篇论文在所研究的领域当中产生了重要的影响。

Nightclubbing 歌词

歌曲名:Nightclubbing歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:A Million In Prizes: Iggy Pop AnthologyNightclubbingIggy PopNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re what"s happeningNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re an ice machineWe see people brand new peopleThey"re something to seeNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingOh isn"t it wild ?Nightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re walking through townNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe walk like a ghostWe learn dances brand new dancesLike the nuclear bombwe"re nightclubbingBright-white clubbingOh isn"t it wild ?

suede classic和普通的suede不同点再哪里


outdated client是什么意思







Guccl 官方一般是以古驰作为翻译 这是官网 但是国内也习惯翻译成古琦 偶尔有些报纸和网站也用古奇作为翻译 我差点看错了 我以为你问的是GUESS(盖尔斯)与 Guccl 古驰 的区别呢 因为这两个品牌的LOGO有点相同呢 哈哈 不过这两家都还是比较出名的

rotary club什么组织

rotary club是全球性慈善团体——扶轮国际的分社。扶轮国际(Rotary International)是一个全球性的由商人和职业人员组织的慈善团体,在全球范围内推销经营管理理念,并进行一些人道主义援助项目。“扶轮国际”在全世界两百多个国家和地区有多达三万个分支机构“扶轮国际”分社(Rotary Club),共有会员一百多万人。由于主要是由商界人士组成。每个扶轮社在国际扶轮规章制度下享有自主运作的权利,社长及干部皆由社员从彼此之间选出,任期固定为一年。各扶轮社除了社长以外的干部必须包括:理事、社长当选人(下一年度社长)、副社长、秘书和财务;刚卸任的上年度社长也是理事会的当然成员。而社长需任命四位服务主委,包括:社务服务,职业服务,社区服务和国际服务。二次大战前,中国境内共有25个扶轮社,二次大战期间造成部份扶轮社停止运作,但在兰州、梧州、桂林、贵阳仍有四个新扶轮社成立,直到大战结束时,中国境内已经累计成立了29个扶轮社,但因战争缘故,持续运作的扶轮社仅剩下九个,并拥有295名社员。直到2003年,在中国政府的同意下,扶轮社重新在中国出现,北京和上海先后成立了两个临时扶轮社,并于2006年成为国际扶轮的正式成员。加入扶轮国际需要以下步骤:1、具有一定的社会声誉和经济实力,同时具备高度的职业和社会道德规范。2、寻找当地扶轮社团。您可以通过扶轮国际官方网站上的 “Club Locator”(俱乐部定位器)功能查找附近的扶轮社团,也可以通过网络搜索和口碑推荐等方式找到可靠的扶轮社团。3、申请会员。您可以向当地扶轮社团提交会员申请,所需材料包括个人简历、职业经历、个人理念、推荐信等,并在面试后被社团接受。4、缴纳会费。一旦入选,您需要缴纳一定数量的会费,并在以后的年度内继续支付会费。5、参与扶轮的活动。作为会员,您需要参与扶轮的各种活动,包括义工活动、慈善活动、社区服务等。通过这些活动,您可以结识更多志同道合的朋友,并为社会和人类做出更多贡献。需要注意的是,每个扶轮社团对会员的需求和要求都是不同的,如果您打算加入扶轮国际,建议先了解当地会员的需求和要求以及社团的章程和规定。


MexIcan 品牌是稻草人,classic是经典的意思。意味着这包是经典款。1981年,弗瑞达家族在墨西哥的墨西哥城(MEXICO.CITY)的“ZLALO”广场附近开设第一个“稻草人MEXICO”专卖店,经营皮带、钱包、皮包、烟具、箱包、袜子以及休闲服饰。产品风格休闲,极富个性,深受当地人们喜爱。

如图是氯化铯晶体的晶胞,已知晶体中2个最近的Cl-离子核间距为a cm,氯化铯的摩尔质量为M,NA为阿伏加德



[ti:Ana][ar:Lia[中英对照]][al:Clannad][by:Esperando] [00:01.15]「Ana」[00:02.59]TV动画『Clannad』第9话IN[00:04.71]《动感新势力Anime New Power》2008年2月歌曲精选辑「令节」File.9[00:10.30][06:58.43][00:11.43]The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】[07:03.42][00:16.56]Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】[07:09.02][00:22.31]Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】[07:14.55][00:27.76]no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】[07:21.01][00:34.42][00:36.87]The place is so far away, be far apart【这片土地 是如此遥远】[00:47.27]people"s hand does not reach【人们伸手难及】[00:53.32]so merely has the worship【心中仅存对未知的景仰】[00:59.66][01:02.20]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】[01:07.43]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】[01:13.35]We will lose the place【我们将失去它】[01:18.23]so lofty which changes【任它高傲地俯视一切】[01:25.22][01:26.60]Not all were desired【即使万事不尽人意】[01:32.29]However,we"re never sad【我们也不会悲伤哀叹】[01:38.67]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】[01:44.07]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】[01:50.60][01:52.74]The wind blows through the place【清风徐来】[01:58.38] an endless,with all【永无止息】 [02:04.05]Like the ripple float on the water【似水波荡漾】[02:09.80]It blows as it goes【任其流动飘扬】[02:17.49][02:18.76]The place is no make at all【无人能使它改变】[02:25.22]Nothing is shown【万物踪迹俱灭】[02:29.47]Like the sand clasped by hand【若手心紧握的银沙】[02:35.10]It falls vainly【悄然滑落逝去】[02:42.85][02:43.94]The place is a profound lord【这片土地 神秘幽远】[02:49.14]and wear the vain faint light【为晨曦之光紧紧环绕】[02:54.40]But we will find it in the place【我们定将细寻】[02:59.41]The hut at which it stands still【其中的某处恬静小居】[03:06.86][03:08.43]if not concerned with all【如果缺少爱】[03:14.76]It will maintain that no dye【万物皆会失去耀眼光芒】[03:20.31]therefore there is still the hut【山间小屋 依旧直立】[03:26.01]It"s lonly,solitary【孤独无依】[03:32.35][03:34.77]no halt at the wind【伴随着无尽的风】[03:40.09]it soars to the sky【它飞向广阔苍穹】[03:45.79]Like the verdure which meets with sunrise【宛若阳光哺育的幼苗】[03:51.48]It grows up as reborn【它茁壮成长 如获新生】[03:57.74][04:00.24]The hut has held new one【小屋中迎来新客】[04:05.57]that"s different from all【他与众不同】[04:11.20]like the sand castle of the children【像童年记忆中的沙堡】[04:16.78]but realized with the mind【源远流长 永被铭记】[04:23.07][04:25.66]The person is a vain statue【宛若雕塑 沉默寡言之人】[04:31.67]wear taciturnity calm【若即若离 似将逝去】[04:36.53]still,We will know a huge flow【但巨大的洋流将让一切消失】[04:42.13]It is stopped by nobody【无人可挡】[04:46.46][04:47.22]Soon,the wind wears the snow cloud【不久那寒风将到来】[04:53.25]will be dyed to snow-white【为一切换上银装】[04:58.93]Summer grass will incline【夏草在风中挣扎】[05:04.79]No sunlight,feebly shade【阳光不再 乱姿影残】[05:11.19][05:13.80]作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara[05:16.64]作曲:traditional[05:19.72]编曲:戸越まごめ Magome Togoshi[05:22.90]歌:Lia [05:25.32][05:28.06]---------------------------------Music---------------------------------------[05:39.76][05:41.93]The place buried in deep snow【这片土地为白雪所没】[05:47.15]like the collapsing castle【如消逝着的城堡】[05:52.77]like the head of the shade【似阴影之首】[05:58.43]figure will be thrown away【即将被永远抛弃】[06:06.18][06:07.31]The hut buried in deep【那小屋被深深掩埋】[06:13.65]It sinks in to the flood【沉没于浩荡大流中】[06:18.20]and The "not dyeing" is dyed out【灰暗的过往也被染上五彩】[06:23.93]and waits for a oppose one【等待着 新的一切】[06:31.62][06:32.21]Even if all are healed【即使所有的伤痛都愈合】[06:37.87]be gonna no return【即使曾经的存在都化为乌有】[06:43.62]there is still the place【这片土地仍将存在】[06:49.13]far away .far away【仍然遥不可及】[06:55.51][07:23.47]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】[07:28.95]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】[07:34.47]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】[07:39.28]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】[07:46.42][07:49.26]---------------------------------Ending--------------------------------------[08:04.88][08:06.26]歌词翻译:Esperando[08:08.44]QQ:188309791[08:11.10][08:11.89]---------------------------------End------------------------------------------


"Ana"是爱尔兰Clannad乐团的经典之作,用在Clannad作音乐真是个好点子,游戏中重新将曲稍作修改了一下,配乐中加入竖琴, 游戏和TV动画中都是由Lia演唱。TV动画中作为第一季第九话插入曲和OVA智代篇的片尾曲。(包括杏篇) 作词:萩原ゆう、作曲:traditional、编曲:戸越まごめ、主唱:Lia 。 Ana 歌词: The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away, be far apart. people"s hand does not merely has (the) worship. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired. However, we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away. (The wind) blows through the place. an endless, with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows at as it goes. the place is No make at all. Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand. It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still. if not cencerned with all, It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly, solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise, It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still,We will know a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon, the wind wears the snow cloud. will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline,No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep snow.It sinks in to the flood. and the "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far way. far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place. far away. far away. 这片土地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 这片土地是如此遥远 遥远 人们无法触及 因此没有崇敬之情 这片土地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 我们将失去这个地方 它是如此高不可攀 虽然不尽如人意 但我们并不忧伤 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 风儿路过此地撒下万种风情 宛如水面上的波纹 多少涟漪在荡漾 此地浑然天成 看不见任何事物 仿佛手里紧握的沙子 转眼便从指间滑过 这片土地是如此幽深 被一道虚幻的微光所围 但我们一定要找到 那间伫立于此的小屋 倘若漠不关心 它将依然没有色彩 有这样一间小屋 孤独的立在那里 顺风而行 在空中飘扬 就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中 茁壮成长 小屋来了新客人 有些与众不同 就像孩子的沙堡 但心中可以明白 他是一坐虚无的雕像 沉没无语 我们知道洪潮即将来临 无人能挡 很快 风披上了雪的外衣 被染成了银白 这片土地被深埋在积雪中 像那坍塌的城堡 像那阴影的一角 形象尽不抛弃 小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖 深陷其中 全身被染上色彩 等待对手的到来 纵使万物恢复原貌 也是一去不复反 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 此地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 此地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.) 参看采纳哦

clannad 智代篇的结尾歌是什么歌???

Lia - Ana作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara作曲:traditional


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.)


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.) 参看麻烦采纳,谢谢!

CLANNAD中Ana的中英文歌词,园子大家族,时を刻む呗,以及另首歌 サクラ色的中文歌词。。。

【Ana】 歌:Lia 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ [06:58.43][00:11.43]The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】 [07:03.42][00:16.56]Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】 [07:09.02][00:22.31]Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】 [07:14.55][00:27.76]no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】 [07:21.01][00:34.42] [00:36.87]The place is so far away, be far apart【这片土地 是如此遥远】 [00:47.27]people"s hand does not reach【人们伸手难及】 [00:53.32]so merely has the worship【心中仅存对未知的景仰】 [00:59.66] [01:02.20]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】 [01:07.43]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】 [01:13.35]We will lose the place【我们将失去它】 [01:18.23]so lofty which changes【任它高傲地俯视一切】 [01:25.22] [01:26.60]Not all were desired【即使万事不尽人意】 [01:32.29]However,we"re never sad【我们也不会悲伤哀叹】 [01:38.67]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】 [01:44.07]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】 [01:50.60] [01:52.74]The wind blows through the place【清风徐来】 [01:58.38] an endless,with all【永无止息】 [02:04.05]Like the ripple float on the water【似水波荡漾】 [02:09.80]It blows as it goes【任其流动飘扬】 [02:17.49] [02:18.76]The place is no make at all【无人能使它改变】 [02:25.22]Nothing is shown【万物踪迹俱灭】 [02:29.47]Like the sand clasped by hand【若手心紧握的银沙】 [02:35.10]It falls vainly【悄然滑落逝去】 [02:42.85] [02:43.94]The place is a profound lord【这片土地 神秘幽远】 [02:49.14]and wear the vain faint light【为晨曦之光紧紧环绕】 [02:54.40]But we will find it in the place【我们定将细寻】 [02:59.41]The hut at which it stands still【其中的某处恬静小居】 [03:06.86] [03:08.43]if not concerned with all【如果缺少爱】 [03:14.76]It will maintain that no dye【万物皆会失去耀眼光芒】 [03:20.31]therefore there is still the hut【山间小屋 依旧直立】 [03:26.01]It"s lonly,solitary【孤独无依】 [03:32.35] [03:34.77]no halt at the wind【伴随着无尽的风】 [03:40.09]it soars to the sky【它飞向广阔苍穹】 [03:45.79]Like the verdure which meets with sunrise【宛若阳光哺育的幼苗】 [03:51.48]It grows up as reborn【它茁壮成长 如获新生】 [03:57.74] [04:00.24]The hut has held new one【小屋中迎来新客】 [04:05.57]that"s different from all【他与众不同】 [04:11.20]like the sand castle of the children【像童年记忆中的沙堡】 [04:16.78]but realized with the mind【源远流长 永被铭记】 [04:23.07] [04:25.66]The person is a vain statue【宛若雕塑 沉默寡言之人】 [04:31.67]wear taciturnity calm【若即若离 似将逝去】 [04:36.53]still,We will know a huge flow【但巨大的洋流将让一切消失】 [04:42.13]It is stopped by nobody【无人可挡】 [04:46.46] [04:47.22]Soon,the wind wears the snow cloud【不久那寒风将到来】 [04:53.25]will be dyed to snow-white【为一切换上银装】 [04:58.93]Summer grass will incline【夏草在风中挣扎】 [05:04.79]No sunlight,feebly shade【阳光不再 乱姿影残】 [05:11.19] [05:13.80]作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara [05:16.64]作曲:traditional [05:19.72]编曲:戸越まごめ Magome Togoshi [05:22.90]歌:Lia [05:25.32] [05:28.06]---------------------------------Music--------------------------------------- [05:39.76] [05:41.93]The place buried in deep snow【这片土地为白雪所没】 [05:47.15]like the collapsing castle【如消逝着的城堡】 [05:52.77]like the head of the shade【似阴影之首】 [05:58.43]figure will be thrown away【即将被永远抛弃】 [06:06.18] [06:07.31]The hut buried in deep【那小屋被深深掩埋】 [06:13.65]It sinks in to the flood【沉没于浩荡大流中】 [06:18.20]and The "not dyeing" is dyed out【灰暗的过往也被染上五彩】 [06:23.93]and waits for a oppose one【等待着 新的一切】 [06:31.62] [06:32.21]Even if all are healed【即使所有的伤痛都愈合】 [06:37.87]be gonna no return【即使曾经的存在都化为乌有】 [06:43.62]there is still the place【这片土地仍将存在】 [06:49.13]far away .far away【仍然遥不可及】 [06:55.51] [07:23.47]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】 [07:28.95]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】 [07:34.47]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】 [07:39.28]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】


The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still,We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away. 这片土地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 这片土地是如此遥远 遥远 人们无法触及 因此没有崇敬之情 这片土地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 我们将失去这个地方 它是如此高不可攀 虽然不尽如人意 但我们并不忧伤 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 风儿路过此地撒下万种风情 宛如水面上的波纹 多少涟漪在荡漾 此地浑然天成 看不见任何事物 仿佛手里紧握的沙子 转眼便从指间滑过 这片土地是如此幽深 被一道虚幻的微光所围 但我们一定要找到 那间伫立于此的小屋 倘若漠不关心 它将依然没有色彩 有这样一间小屋 孤独的立在那里 顺风而行 在空中飘扬 就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中 茁壮成长 小屋来了新客人 有些与众不同 就像孩子的沙堡 但心中可以明白 他是一坐虚无的雕像 沉没无语 我们知道洪潮即将来临 无人能挡 很快 风披上了雪的外衣 被染成了银白 这片土地被深埋在积雪中 像那坍塌的城堡 像那阴影的一角 形象尽不抛弃 小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖 深陷其中 全身被染上色彩 等待对手的到来 纵使万物恢复原貌 也是一去不复反 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 此地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 此地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及

clannad as 19话里那首插曲的歌词 中英都要 谢谢啦~

是ANA么?09话(风子),智代篇,杏篇出现过N多次的。。Ana 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still,We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away. 有8分钟版的。也有5分钟版的。差不多其实。




那是个印象歌名叫Ana  游戏和TV动画中都是由Lia演唱。TV动画中作为第一季第九话插入曲和OVA智代篇的片尾曲。  作词:萩原ゆう、作曲:traditional、编曲:戸越まごめ、主唱:Lia。  Ana歌词:  Theplacechangesandgoes.Likeawind,likeclouds.  Likethetracesoftheheart,nohaltattheplaces.  Theplaceissofaraway,befarapart.  people"shanddoesnotreach.somerelyhas(the)worship.  Theplaceisaloftylord.can"tmeetnobodyputon.  Wewilllosetheplace.soloftywhichchanges.  Notallweredesired.However,we"reneversad.  still,thereisstilltheplace.faraway.faraway.  (Thewind)blowsthroughtheplace.anendless,withall.  Liketheripplefloatonthewater.Itblowsatasitgoes.  theplaceisNomakeatall.Nothingisshown.  Likethesandclaspedbyhand.Itfallsvainly.  Theplaceis(a)profoundlord,andwearthevainfaintlight.  Butwewillfinditintheplace.Thehutatwhichitstandsstill.  ifnotcencernedwithall,ItwillmaintainthatNodye.  thereforethereisstillthehut.It"slonly,solitary.  nohaltatthewind.itsoarstothesky.  Liketheverdure(which)meetswithsunrise,Itgrowsupasreborn.  Thehuthasheldnewone.that"sdifferentfromall.  likethesandcastleofthechildren,butrealizedwiththemind.  Thepersonisavainstatue.weartaciturnitycalm.  still,Wewillknowahugeflow.Itisstoppedbynobody.  soon,thewindwearsthesnowcloud.willbedyedtosnow-white.  Summergrasswillincline,Nosunlight,feeblyshade.  Theplaceburiedindeepsnow.likethecollapsingcastle.  liketheheadoftheshade,figurewillbethrownaway.  Thehutburiedindeepsnow.Itsinksintotheflood.  andthe"notdyeing"isdyedout,andwaitsforaopposeone.  Evenifallarehealed,begonnanoreturn.  thereisstilltheplace.farway.faraway.  Theplacechangesandgoes.Likeawind,likeclouds.  Likethetracesoftheheart,nohaltattheplaces.  Theplaceisaloftylord.can"tmeetnobodyputon.  still,thereisstilltheplace.faraway.faraway.  这片土地瞬息万变像清风像白云  像心之轨迹没有一刻停息  这片土地是如此遥远遥远  人们无法触及因此没有崇敬之情  这片土地仿佛是心头重负无人能够承受  我们将失去这个地方它是如此高不可攀  虽然不尽如人意但我们并不忧伤  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及  风儿路过此地撒下万种风情  宛如水面上的波纹多少涟漪在荡漾  此地浑然天成看不见任何事物  仿佛手里紧握的沙子转眼便从指间滑过  这片土地是如此幽深被一道虚幻的微光所围  但我们一定要找到那间伫立于此的小屋  倘若漠不关心它将依然没有色彩  有这样一间小屋孤独的立在那里  顺风而行在空中飘扬  就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中茁壮成长  小屋来了新客人有些与众不同  就像孩子的沙堡但心中可以明白  他是一坐虚无的雕像沉没无语  我们知道洪潮即将来临无人能挡  很快风披上了雪的外衣被染成了银白  这片土地被深埋在积雪中像那坍塌的城堡  像那阴影的一角形象尽不抛弃  小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖深陷其中  全身被染上色彩等待对手的到来  纵使万物恢复原貌也是一去不复反  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及  此地瞬息万变像清风像白云  像心之轨迹没有一刻停息  此地仿佛是心头重负无人能够承受  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及


climb英语意思是:攀登。climb 英 [klaɪm]     美 [klaɪm]    v. 攀登;爬;上升。n. 爬;攀爬处。The road climbs steeply for several miles.这条路有几英里向上倾斜得很陡。The value of imports has climbed sharply in the last year.去年进口货物的价值急剧上升。用法:climb的基本意思是“攀登,向上爬”,是指步行或用手脚(也可借助工具)向上攀登,也可指日月的上升。引申可表示在社会地位上“钻营”“向上爬”; 在非正式用语中可作“匆忙或费力地穿衣或脱衣”解,此时常与介词into连用; 也可指货币“增值”。climb用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可接down, on, out of和up等,表示动作的方向。


climb造句如下:1、I calculate to climb that mountain。我打算爬那座山。2、They can be trained to climb on top of an archway or over your doorway。他们可以训练攀登再加上一拱门或以上您的门口。3、The only way to climb a rope is hand over hand。爬绳的惟一办法就是两手交替往上爬。4、Without speaking,we shuffle along the aisle and climb down the metal stairway。大家一言不语地拥过走道,下了金属的楼梯。5、Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff?这么陡的峭壁, 谁知他竟爬上去了?6、I can not climb up。我爬不上来了。7、To climb suddenly and sharply,Used of an airplane。陡升突然而急剧地上升,用于飞机。8、It is exhilarating to climb mountains。登山令人振奋。9、Scott,23,lifts his head first。He shakes Whitney,25,and they climb their feet。23岁的斯科特先抬起头来,接着他摇醒了25岁的惠特尼,他们要起床了。10、Oh,let is climb up there and see its nest。哦,让我们爬上去看看它的巢吧。


cloudy是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“多云的;阴天的;愁容满面的”。一,单词发音英[u02c8klau028adi]美[u02c8klau028adi]二,短语搭配cloudy colour 哑色cloudy weather [气象] 多云天气 ; 多云的天气 ; 天气阴 ; 阴天cloudy water 浓白水 ; 再谈谈水质浑浊Cloudy today 今天多云 ; 今天晴天 ; 有风Cloudy City 城市的阴天Cloudy Zhang 张思博cloudy inside 正在翻译Cloudy cry 阴天哭泣三,双语例句...a windy, cloudy day.?有风多云的一天。If the water"s cloudy like that, it"ll be hard to see anyone underwater.如果水浑浊成那样,就很难看得到水下的人。

stolen vehicles什么意思


the bicycle was stolen.dan was robbed

steal 偷的宾语是物 steal sthrob 抢夺宾语是人 rob sb of sth.





oracle中的可不可以not minus的用法

不可以,只有union allminus


sql server是不支持minus的!可以考虑使用not exist


劳力士(Rolex)品牌有很多系列和型号,但是72200CL5这个型号并不是劳力士正式生产的型号,因此它有可能是假货。如果您想要鉴别这个型号的真伪,需要注意以下几点:1. 鉴别型号的准确性:请仔细核对手表上的型号和编号,确认是否与该系列的标准型号和编号一致。2. 观察手表的细节:劳力士手表制作精细,每一个细节都非常考究。因此,仔细观察手表的表盘、指针、表冠、玻璃、刻印等细节,确认是否符合劳力士手表的制作工艺。3. 检查手表的材质:劳力士手表通常采用高档金属材质制作,如不锈钢、黄金、铂金等。因此,可以通过手表的重量、手感等方面来判断手表的材质是否真实。4. 鉴别手表的机芯:劳力士手表通常搭载自主研发的机芯,如3135、3136等。因此,可以通过打开表盖或者向专业机芯鉴定机构鉴别手表的机芯真伪。总之,如果您对手表的真伪存在疑虑,可以通过多方面的鉴别方法进行辨别,或者向官方授权的劳力士经销商进行咨询和鉴别。


oracle的minus返回第一个表中有、第二个表中没有的数据 CREATE TABLE union_tab_1 ( id INT, val VARCHAR(10));CREATE TABLE union_tab_2 ( id INT, val VARCHAR(10));INSERT INTO union_tab_1 VALUES(1, "A");INSERT INTO union_tab_1 VALUES(2, "B");INSERT INTO union_tab_1 VALUES(3, "C");INSERT INTO union_tab_2 VALUES(1, "A");INSERT INTO union_tab_2 VALUES(1, "A");INSERT INTO union_tab_2 VALUES(2, "B");INSERT INTO union_tab_2 VALUES(4, "D");SQL> SELECT * FROM union_tab_1 2 MINUS 3 SELECT * FROM union_tab_2; ID VAL---------- -------------------- 3 CSQL> SELECT * FROM union_tab_2 2 MINUS 3 SELECT * FROM union_tab_1; ID VAL---------- -------------------- 4 D


select * from A intersect select * from B;


clean表示清洁的; 整齐的; 新的; 正派的;意思,那么你知道clean的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了clean的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦! 目录 clean的同义词辨析 clean的词组习语 clean的例句 clean的同义词辨析 clean, clear, sweep, dust, mop, wipe, scrub 这些动词均有"使干净"之意。 clean : 是这些动词中最常用的词,指将某物或某处的污物等清除掉,弄干净。 clear : 指清除不要的东西。 sweep : 指用扫帚等进行清扫,也用作比喻。 dust : 指将积落在物体表面的尘土抹去、掸掉或擦去以保干净。 mop : 侧重指用拖把擦洗地板,有时也指擦干净或擦去。 wipe : 多指用布、纸等物把东西擦净,也指擦掉某物。 scrub : 指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。 <<< clean的词组习语 clean someone"s clock 1. (北美,非正式)将(某人)痛打一顿 clean house 1. (北美)做家务 clean one"s plate 1. 吃光盘中食物 clean up one"s act 1. (非正式)开始检点行事(尤指戒烟、戒毒、不犯罪) come clean 1. (非正式)和盘托出;毫无保留;说实话 首相必须毫无保留地公布其增加赋税的计划。 the Chancellor must come clean about his plans for increasing taxation. have clean hands 1. (对于不道德行为)清白,无可谴责 牵扯进此冲突的人无一人是清白的。 no one involved in the conflict has clean hands. keep one"s hands clean 1. 洁身自好;不同流合污;不染指(不道德行为) keep one"s nose clean make a clean breast of something (或 make a clean b 1. 全盘招供;全盘承认过错 make a clean job of something 1. (非正式)彻底完成(某事) clean out 1. 扫除,清除:去除尘土、垃圾或杂质 2. 使…空出:去除内容物或居住者 3. 【非正式用语】 驱赶或强迫离开 将不称职的工人扫地出门 cleaned out the incompetent workers. 4. &I{【 俚语 】} 洗劫:剥夺全部的钱财或物质财富 强盗把我们洗劫一空 The robbery cleaned us out. clean up 1. 清理:使清洁或有秩序 2. 整理仪容:使自己清洁、整齐或体面 3. 处理;安置 付清未付的账单 cleaned up the unpaid bills. 4. &I{【俚语】} 赚钱,发大财:获得巨大收益,通常指在很短一段时间内 在牛市时获得暴利 cleaned up during the bull market. <<< clean的例句 1. They were more concerned about the dogs" welfare than a clean getaway. 他们更加关心那些狗的安危,而非自己如何干净利落地脱身。 2. When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean. 他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。 3. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life. 如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。 4. He rubbed and rubbed but couldn"t seem to get clean. 他擦了又擦,可就是擦不干净。 5. The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole. 钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。 6. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes. 要是能洗个热水澡、换身干净的衣服就太好了。 7. She would clean the house from top to bottom. 她会把房子彻底打扫一下。 8. Maybe this guy isn"t so squeaky clean after all. 也许这个人说到底品行并非那么完美。 9. Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image. 避税的指控使他的清白形象蒙污。 10. Clean the mussels and discard any that do not close. 把贻贝洗干净,凡是合不上口的都扔掉。 11. If you are using the same pan, clean it out. 如果还用同一个平底锅,要把它清理干净。 12. And while I"m out you might clean up the kitchen. 我不在的时候,你打扫一下厨房总该可以吧。 13. She wanted to make a clean break from her mother and father. 她想和父母一刀两断。 14. "His private life is as clean as a whistle," says McSmith. “他的私生活没有任何污点,”麦克史密斯说。 15. Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again? 为什么不洗心革面、从头来过呢? <<< clean的同义词知识相关 文章 : ★ clean的同义词 ★ clean的同义词辨析 ★ clean的短语 ★ clean是什么意思 ★ clean的用法 ★ clean的反义词和例句 ★ 人教版四年级英语下册重点及复习要点 ★ clean的过去式和用法例句中文意思是什么 ★ 小学英语考试知识点下册汇总 ★ 4年级英语重点知识怎么归纳 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


intersect 就是交集,minus 就是差集。步骤举例如下:1、分别创建两张表,TEST_A及TEST_B;2、插入样例数据;insert into test_a values(1);insert into test_a values(2);insert into test_a values(3);insert into test_b values(1);insert into test_b values(2);commit;3、编写INTERSECT语句,select * from TEST_A t INTERSECT select * from TEST_B t;可以发现只有交集结果1、2;4、编写MINUS语句,select * from TEST_A t MINUS select * from TEST_B t;可以发现只有差集结果3;扩展资料1、交集就是两个结果集中都有的元素。假设有两个数集A和B,A包含1、2、3,B包含1、2,这两个数集都有1、2,那么A和B交在一起的部分1、2,就是A和B的交集。2、差集就是A中存在,但是B中不存在的数据集。假设有两个数集A和B,A包含1、2、3,B包含1、2,这两个数集差集就是1。

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[A] lighter[B]cleaner[C]quieter[D] smaller


长肌肉到底是gain muscles还是grow muscles?

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