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Testing for Competence Rather Than for "Intelligence" 的全文翻译

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corporate competence什么意思

corporate competence 企业竞争力competence 英[u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns]美[u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259ns]n. 能力; 技能; 相当的资产;[例句]His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation成功地扼制制通货膨胀的经历加强了他作为经济学家的才能。[其他] 复数:competences

Not everybody has the competence to finish the task within three days.



Linguistic competence refers to the knowledge of a language system. The term first emerged in the work of Noam Chomsky, where it referred specifically to syntactic competence, and was specifically opposed to linguistic performance. The term was used more broadly by Dell Hymes in formulating the concept of communicative competence. Like communicative competence, language competence is often divided into various subcompetences, such as syntactic competence and lexical competence.

Competence Center是什么意思

Competence Center核心技术

How can we enhance our listening competence?

How can we enhance our listening competence?我们如何提高听力能力?

langue parole和competence

用The differences between langue and parole or between langue competence and its performance 较好.供参考哈

language competence是什么意思

语言能力competence 能力

the difference between competence and performance! 语言学方面的问题!


competence net worth是什么意思 财务报表中的 谢谢


生物当中的competence development什么意思

areas of competence 专长领域area n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英国〕地下室前 ...competence n. 1.资格,能力 (for; to do); 反应能力,胜任(性);相当 ...例句:Mr longman insists that big drugs firms must move towards a “ disaggregated ” model to focus on a few core areas of competence , such as drug discovery , development or marketing朗曼认为,大型制药公司必须寻求分散经营,把精力集中在小部分核心领域内,比如药物的发现,研究,市场运作。

skill competence区别

skill是技能的意思,而competence则是能力的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: During interview, from the knowledge, experience and skill you showed, I believe that you have competence to take this role. 面试时,从你所展示的知识、经验和技能来看,我相信你有能力胜任这个角色。


, competence n. 胜任,资格,能力 [ˈkɔmpitəns]n.能力, 技能We knew her competence in solving problems.我们都知道她解决问题的能力。(法院的)权限, 管辖权These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。

Confidence 信心、Competence 能力、Communication沟通、Creation创造、Cooperation合作5个C

在单向沟通和双向沟通的对比中,()选项属于单向沟通的特点。 A. 接受信息的人更有信心 B. 速度较慢,但是更准确 C. 发送信息的人不会受到攻击 D.


两者皆代表了和行为 工作相关的个人特质与知识.在国内...分数加以直线转换而成的分数则称为Z分数(通常以英文大写Z表示,以示区别

professional competence是什么意思







capability这个有着,能力、容量·才能的意思. competence能力·胜任·权限的意思,根据不同的需要就用不同的的

competence 和competency的区别?翻译句子?

大隐于市为您解答1、前者倾向于本身拥有的能力后者倾向欲具备的资格,比如法律上作证的能力资格2、人们可以研究每个收留的文化发展跨文化能力,如临界和反思性思维和知识的灵活性。develop intercultural competencies 培养跨文化能力reflective thinking 反思性思维望采纳

competence and performance举例

competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思. 例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all. 他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力.


competence造句例如:Is it in my circle ofcompetence?(是不是在我的能力范围之内?The judge has to act within thecompetence of the court.(法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。)The ability to write is a supreme test of linguisticcompetence.(写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。)






competence的意思competence[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑmpu026atu0259ns]n.能力; 技能; 相当的资产; 复数:competences例句:双语英语1.Being an effective manager and leader begins with people"s belief in your competence and character. 要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先要让人们信任你的能力和性格。2.But what of mr osborne"s competence? 但是奥斯本先生的能力是什么呢?3.Tolerance, competence and the third thing is empathy. 在宽容、胜任能力之后,第三个必要条件是体察民情。4.Managerial competence will simply not suffice. 仅靠管理能力显然不足以成事。5.His genius is in his competence. 他的天才之处在于他的能力。如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


意思不同,competence是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。Competence是名词,作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。Performance也是名词,意思是“性能;绩效;表演;执行;表现”。 Competence的例句 Would you say you had the competence for handling money? 您认为您有理财的能力吗? She added her name to the list on the noticeboard. 她把自己的名字加在了布告栏上的名单里。 It has beyond the competence of the court. 它已经超出法院的权限。 Performance的例句 We have looked grand sight performance of firework at New Year"s Eve. 除夕我们观看了壮观的烟火表演。 He failed completely in the performance of his duty. 他完全没有履行他的职责。 The performance of such an analysis is very complicated, but the results are simple. 要完成这样一个分析是极为复杂的,但所得结果却是简单的。

Core Competence

Core Competencies are the high ability in acquiring rare resources and distinctive capability, if both are failed to be imitated or copied by rivals in the industry. Core petency is a central set of knowledge in a pany that when applied allows the pany to create superior value relative to petitors and deliver it to customers that they are being delighted. Superior value of product and service can be created is due to the pany"s remarkable performance such as superior innovation (likes 3M & Sharp), superior responsiveness (likes FedEx & Seven Eleven), superior quality (likes Toyota & GE) and superior efficiency (likes Wal-Mart & Dell) The outes of the four superiors are therefore could be extremely low cost while extremely differentiated product and service in offering The agenda of Core Competence varies in the four situations as follow according to G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227: (1) Fill-In-The-Blanks, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then continuous improving business position and opportunity against the rivals that superior efficiency( and low cost) can be realized (2) Premier Plus-10 (Years), if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then it can be building, protecting and extending its franchise in current markets and might be lasting for 10 years, that it will be always the market leader of innovation (3) White Spaces, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the New Product or Service Market ten it can be redeploying or rebining its core petence for the untapped product or markets—highly differentiated (4) Mega-opportunities, if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the New Product and Service Market, then it can be the long term market leader such as Viagra—with this disruptive technology is able to monopolize the market.,参考: G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227,Thanks. I"m also interested in this topic. Anymore idea? 2006-11-25 14:20:29 补充: Any HK examples? Thanks a lot.,the core petence definition is is a unique capability that affords some type of petitive advantage. It corresponds to a business process, and involves underlying skills, functions, systems and knowledge. (clarity-consulting/developing_a_core-petence_strategy_summary) the example will be Fed-EX core petence is superior logistics system and short delievery cycle time. The other example is Windows sofare, I believe the core petence of Window sofare is user friendly and cost effective.,

competence 后面可以接of doing吗

不能,只能加in或者for。可参看competent的用法。如:competence in handling money理财的本领;competence for task对工作的胜任


competence这个单词是名词他的形容词形式是:competent词义:adj. 有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的;


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。


competence常见搭配如下:competence是一个英语单词,名词。作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。core competence。核心竞争力 ; 核心能力 ; 核心才能 ; 核心专长。language competence。语言能力 ; 语言表达能力 ; 语言素质 ; 言语能力。social competence。社会能力 ; 社会语言能力 ; 社会胜任力。sociolinguistic competence。社会语言能力 ;社会语言学能力 ; 社交语言能力。Technical Competence。技术能力 ; 技术型 ; 技术竞争力 ; 技术性方面。Managerial Competence。管理型 ; 管理能力 ; 管理才能。competence roadmap。专长能力蓝图 ; 建立专长能力蓝图 ; 专业能力蓝图。Intercultural Competence。跨文化能力 ; 跨文化胜任力。implementing competence。执行能力。


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。


IELTSGRETOEFLCET6competence生词本去背诵英 [ˈkɒmpɪtəns]美 [ˈkɑ:mpɪtəns]n.能力; 技能; 相当的资产网 络能力;胜任;语言能力;胜任力复数: competences报 错大家都在背:词汇量测试粘玉米怎么说?net weight 什么意思?要背就背有用单词双语例句词根词缀同反义词同义词辨析1. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience. 选拔过程是基于对能力和经验的严格测试。来自柯林斯例句2. to gain a high level of competence in English 获得高水平的英语能力来自《权威词典》3. This mess is a poor reflection on his competence. 这种混乱情况说明他难当此任.





capativity,capacity, competence表达能力的意思的时候能相互替换使用吗?



competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。


competence一般用在考核制度里,比如考试,通过就显示competent是competence的形容词ablility一般指个人的能力,有物理上的,也有才能上的。物理:That old man is disability.那位老人行动不方便。才能:This guy has the ability to do a good job.这个小伙有能力把工作做好。

competence ; competent ;endure 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的~

competence 康匹腾斯competent 康匹腾特endure 因度尔

competence ; competent ;endure 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的~
