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Semblance Of Confusion 歌词

歌曲名:Semblance Of Confusion歌手:After Forever专辑:Prison Of DesireAfter Forever----Semblance of ConfusionfavorAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourselfIt"s a feeling, creeps up, deep withinSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionThe strength I need is now flowing awayThe choking feeling obstructs everythingSo erratic in search for the truthThe pain is strong and persistsSilence was just a diversion to come outon the hard truth againLeaving this world of illusionsseen through the eyes of the innocentConfronted with the infinity of chaos, forcing you to rearrangeSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionWhen your litanies are unheardPhantasm becomes coldly realThere"s a thin line between the worldof illusion and realityA purgatoric trip through the mirrors within youUnconsciousness beholden-----------Fear to face pass the border of painthat burning contagionTo break, conquer and find lost beautyRinse, the penance is overI know now where to find the answerConfronting unconsciousnessSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourself------favor-------

a confusion over

在这句话中over 不做介词,它是用来强调说明a sense of confusion的程度 by用做介词,表示 在...边

she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.这句话中over是什么意思,什么用法,翻译

有想要学习英语的朋友,请加 QQ群278863862, we prefer free chat in english there.and we do have a lot native english speakers who can help u a lot,u cant miss it! jOIn us!!!

matlab 怎么输出confusion matrix

以Training confusion matrix为例。 M(1,1),对应内含[1000,17.1%]数字。表示,有1000个输出为1类中,被正确反应了是1类。M(1,2),表示:在253个输出为1类中,却实际上是属于第2类。M(1,3),对应内含[79.8%,20.2%]。表示,在输出的1中,有79.8%被正确反应了。M(3,1),对应内含[69.5%,30.5%]。表示,实际中属于第1类的个数中,有69.5%的个体被正确认别。M(3,2),表示,实际中属于第2类的个数中,有94.3%的个体被正确认别。

I had somehow been dragged into the confusion.是被动语态?

dragged into the confusion 没法看成表语 系表结构 现在完成时 我已经是什么

with confusion的词组in还是with


confusion over翻译

不管是职业学校还是其他学校,办学目的不明确无益于学校. vocational or not不管是职业学校还是其他学校(让步状语,等于(no matter) whether it is vacational or not)

《The Confusion》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Confusion : Volume Two of The Baroque Cycle (P.S.)》(Neal Stephenson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: si59书名:The Confusion : Volume Two of The Baroque Cycle (P.S.)作者:Neal Stephenson出版社:Harper Perennial出版年份:14 June, 2005页数:810内容简介:In the year 1689, a cabal of Barbary galley slaves -- including one Jack Shaftoe, aka King of the Vagabonds, aka Half-Cocked Jack -- devises a daring plan to win freedom and fortune. A great adventure ensues -- a perilous race for an enormous prize of silver ... nay, gold ...

丁尼生短诗中的all else confusion 什么意思


如何用python画好confusion matrix

"""""compute confusion matrix labels.txt: contain label name. predict.txt: predict_label true_label """ from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #load labels. labels = [] file = open("labels.txt", "r") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines:labels.append(line.strip()) file.close()y_true = [] y_pred = [] #load true and predict labels. file = open("predict.txt", "r") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines:y_true.append(int(line.split(" ")[1].strip()))y_pred.append(int(line.split(" ")[0].strip())) file.close() tick_marks = np.array(range(len(labels))) + 0.5 def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, title="Confusion Matrix", cmap =, interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap)plt.title(title)plt.colorbar()xlocations = np.array(range(len(labels)))plt.xticks(xlocations, labels, rotation=90)plt.yticks(xlocations, labels)plt.ylabel("True label")plt.xlabel("Predicted label") cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) print cm np.set_printoptions(precision=2) cm_normalized = cm.astype("float")/cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] print cm_normalized plt.figure(figsize=(12,8), dpi=120) #set the fontsize of label. #for label in plt.gca().xaxis.get_ticklabels(): # label.set_fontsize(8) #text portion ind_array = np.arange(len(labels)) x, y = np.meshgrid(ind_array, ind_array)for x_val, y_val in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()):c = cm_normalized[y_val][x_val]if (c > 0.01):plt.text(x_val, y_val, "%0.2f" %(c,), color="red", fontsize=7, va="center", ha="center") #offset the tick plt.gca().set_xticks(tick_marks, minor=True) plt.gca().set_yticks(tick_marks, minor=True) plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position("none") plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") plt.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle="-") plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15)plot_confusion_matrix(cm_normalized, title="Normalized confusion matrix") #show confusion matrix

Land Of Confusion 歌词

歌曲名:Land Of Confusion歌手:Genesis专辑:Turn It On Again - The Hits能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI must"ve dreamed a thousand dreamsBeen haunted by a million screamsBut I can hear the marching feetMoving into the streetNow did you read the news today?They say the danger"s gone awayBut I can see the fire still alightBurning into the nightThere"s too many men, too many peopleMaking too many problemsAnd there"s not much love to go aroundCan"t you see this is a land of confusion?Now did you read the news today?This is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth living inOur superman, where are you now?When everything"s gone wrong somehowThe men of steel, these men of powerAre losing control by the hourAnd this is the time, this is the placeSo we look for the futureBut there"s not much love to go aroundTell me why this is a land of confusionThis is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth living inI remember long long agoWhen the sun was shiningAnd all the stars were brightAll through the nightIn the wake of this madnessAs I held you tightSo long agoI won"t be coming home tonightMy generation will put it rightWe"re not just making promisesThat we know we"ll never keepThere"s too many men, too many peopleMaking too many problemsAnd there"s not much love to go aroundCan"t you see this is a land of confusion?Now, this is the world we live inAnd these are the hands we"re givenUse them and let"s start tryingTo make it a place worth fighting forThis is the world we live inAnd these are the names we"re givenStand up and let"s start showingJust where our lives are going to

Out of the confusion什么意思


New Order的《Confusion》 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion歌手:New Order专辑:SubstancePennywise - ConfusionI can"t believe what I have foundThe world has been turned upside downEverything you thought you knew was trueIs exactly the opposite point of viewTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayUnanswered questions all aroundNo conclusions for us nowNo resistance can undoThe lies fed to youThrough and throughSo take your pabulum and be doneIt"s all the same for everyoneSometimes I wish I"d never met youSo many times tried to forget youTried hard but things won"t changeWon"t someone take this all awayTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here today


选A in confusion是固定短语,意思是乱七八糟地,混乱地. 在这里是相当于副词短语,做状语,修饰主语. 翻译:他站在这里,整个人处于混乱状态.


a lot of 后不可数和可数名词都可以接.concentration不可数 confusion也是不可数名词



To avoid confusion是什么意思

To avoid confusion为了避免混淆双语对照例句:1.Substitutes have been suggested-"utility hole" and "air lock serving as a decompression chamber for workers." But thiessen said those references will be left alone to avoid confusion. 有人提议用“故障排查洞”和“给工人减压的气闸”来替换上述两个词,但狄森表示不会采纳这些参考意见以免引起人们的困惑。

Apologize for any confusion my voice mail may have caused翻译成汉语什么意思啊


i am so sorry for that confusion。

大概意思,楼上说了 但,这是一个病句,错误很多 帮你改一下 i am sorry for the confusion i have caused i"m sorry for the confusion which i"m causing


To avoid confusion,you"d better explain the question clearly to her.


阔别近3年后,陈冠希终于即将带着他的新专辑《CONFUSION》与我们再次见面。 在10月7日陈冠希生日当天,首波主打单曲《Mr.Sandman》率先登场,MV更是邀请了adidas Originals共同打造,在MV中,EDC亲身示范了某品牌在10年秋冬的重点单品,各位还不一睹为快更待何时!

with confusion的词组in还是with

in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态 补充:be a confusion of 是一片混乱的 covered with confusion 非常慌张 in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态 throw into confusion 使狼狈,使慌〔混〕乱 confusion worse confounded 非常混乱 confusion of tongues 语言的混乱(来自《圣经》)

There is always confusion consequent to an earchquake. 求划分英语成分?




Confusion [Instrumental] 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion [Instrumental]歌手:New Order专辑:Power, Corruption & Lies [Collector"S Edition]confushionsunterraI am lying on the floor surrounded by deep silence.What kind of show is this, what"s happened?The fire is still burning and melting,In my head confused thoughts are exploding.I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?soloPromise myself that I never want you back again.I beg you, do not torture my feelings.Take this terrible pain off me, I need to spit it out,Too long you"ve sucked (?), once more I make a retreat.I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?I am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,soloI am lying on the floor surrounded by silence,Shouldn"t I know better, that I need a distance?by:komason



puzzle ,confusion 有哪些不同?谢谢!

puzzle 做动词是(使)迷惑;(使)苦思的意思,做名词就是谜题;难题的意思 confusion是名词困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱,骚乱的意思 它的动词形式是confuse 区别是: puzzle是让人动脑筋想,百思不得其解这种困惑 用法:puzzle over sth 对某事物苦苦思索(以便理解): She"s been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks. 她几个星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信. puzzle sth out 开动脑筋(试图)找出某事物的答案或解决方法: The teacher left the children to puzzle out the answer to the problem themselves. 老师让学生动脑筋自行寻找问题的答案. 而confuse是把人弄糊涂的意思,搞不懂了这种困惑 用法: confuse A and/with B 把此人或此物误当作彼人或彼物; 混淆: Don"t confuse Austria and/with Australia. 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了. 简单来说一般困惑都用confuse 要动脑的智力题逻辑题就用puzzle了


confusion 英[ku0259nu02c8fju:u0292n] 美[ku0259nu02c8fjuu0292u0259n] n. 混乱; 混淆; 困惑; [网络] 意识模糊; 迷惑; [例句]There"s still confusion about the number of casualties.伤亡人数依然不明。[其他] 复数:confusions 形近词: nonfusion transfusion microfusion 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科confusedness 英[ku0259n"fju:zdnu026as] 美[ku0259n"fju:zdnu026as] n. 混乱,慌乱; [网络] 混乱; 慌乱; [例句]The thick falling powdered milk, flutters floats sprinkles this autumn most to let the person palpitation confusedness.纷纷扬扬的奶粉,飘飘洒洒成这个秋天最让人心悸的迷茫。[其他] 形近词: diffusedness 双语例句 英英释义 百度知道


confusion[英][ku0259nu02c8fju:u0292n][美][ku0259nu02c8fjuu0292u0259n]n.混乱; 混淆; 困惑; 复数:confusions形近词:nonfusiontransfusionmicrofusion双语例句 1There was confusion when a man fired shots.一个男子开了几枪,场面一片混乱。2But high hopes are giving way to real-world problems, especially in the wake of brand confusion and disparate opinions about the car "s target customer.但随着种种现实问题的出现,菲亚特的高期望也渐渐落空,尤其是这款小车面临着品牌混乱和目标顾客定位不明的问题。

confusion girl中英文歌词。

中文:混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么我知道我们有过起伏有时我会像小丑但我从不知道你我从来没有真的有线索我会永远是那样的球员谁跑你周围的事业,是好的这是不够的你我从来没有我的最好因此,离开我是你的第一步现在,您尝试移动的,忘记混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱您只需打电话给我,当你独自我不期望从事音但是,这是什么意思是你跌倒远离我现在我的沉默讲一千字你撕我的世界之外但你从来没有真正听所有的眼泪你使我哭泣现在是时候说再见让你和我的背后是第一步现在,我会尽力继续前进,忘记混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱混乱的女孩你在她拼写但你不知道淋巴细胞的最后一刻这种技巧是假装混乱的女孩从未放弃或采取试图掩盖她所有的错误不想成为别人但她什么原因你会怪你是她的比赛的一部分获得的一个了这是这样的耻辱英文:Confusion Girl (Shame Shame Shame) LyricsConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfI know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clueI would always be the kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I couldSo leaving me was your first stepNow you try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shame, shame , shameYou only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to beYou"re falling down away from meNow my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me cryNow it"s time to say goodbyeAnd leaving you behind is my first stepNow I"ll try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shameConfusion girlYou"re under her spellBut you won"t know til the very endThis trick was just pretendConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame, shame, shame, shame, shameAnything but herself.

Confusion Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Confusion Girl 歌手:Frankmusik专辑:Confusion GirlFrankmusik - Confusion GirlConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfI know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clueI would always be the kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I couldSo leaving me was your first stepNow you try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shameYou only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to beYou"re falling down away from meNow my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me cryNow it"s time to say goodbyeAnd leaving you behind is my first stepAnd how I"ll try to move on and forgetConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shameConfusion girlYou"re under her spellYou won"t know til the very endThis trick was just pretendConfusion girl never gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfYou"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet"s one upIt"s such a shame...

confusion girl中文歌词,是Frankmusik唱得!

试着翻译,未必准确Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herself处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。I know we had our ups and downsAt times I would act like the clownBut I never really knew youI never really had a clue我知道我们的生活都有过起起伏伏有时候我想扮演一个小丑但我从不曾真正的懂你我没有一点点真正的线索And I would always be that kind of guyWho ran around for you cause that was fineThat wasn"t enough for youI never did the best I could soLeaving me behind was your first stepNow you try to move on and forget我一直想要成为那样一种围绕着在你身边,给你快乐的人但那对你来说还远远不够我没有做的比现在更好的时候了把我抛在后面是你的第一步现在你试图离开前进并且忘记了Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herself处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。Cause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet swallowed up it"s such a shameShame shame shame shame引起了你可能的责备而你不过是她游戏的一部分吞下所有的羞涩羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩You only call me up when you"re aloneNot expecting my engaged toneBut this is what"s meant to be你只在自己孤独的时候想起找我并不期待我参与进去的声调但这并不是意味着我要的You"re falling down away from meAnd now my silence speaks a thousand wordsYou tore my world apartBut you never really heardAll the tears you made me crySo now it"s time to say good bye你沉溺于我对你的好现在我柔声细语对你说了千言万语可你把我的世界撕成了碎片但你从来没有真正的听到 我的眼泪在为你哭泣 所以现在是说再见的时候了And leaving you behind is my first stepAnd now I"ll try to move on and forgetWell离开你是我的第一步现在让我试着离开和忘记了就这样吧Confusion girlNever gives or takesTries to cover up all of her mistakesWanting to be someone elseAnything but herselfCause you"ll get the blameYou"re part of her gameGet swallowed up it"s such a shameShame shame shame shame处于迷惑中的女孩,从来不给予别人什么,也从不从别人那里拿走什么想要试图掩盖她自己曾经的误会想要成为另外一种人,什么样都好,只要是她自己。引起了你可能的责备而你不过是她游戏的一部分吞下所有的羞涩羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩啊羞涩You"re my confusion girlYou"re under her spellAnd you won"t know till the very endThis trick was just pretend你是我的困惑女孩你在她的咒语之下直到最后你才会知道这只是个假装的玩笑(这个玩笑只是用来逗你的啦)




cause confusion:使混淆;导致混淆;引起混乱;造成困惑 例句: Daylight saving can also cause confusion close to home. 夏令时的实施在本国也造成了混乱. This may cause confusion,self doubt,and feelings of helplessness for a child. 对一个孩子来说,这可能会造成困惑,自我怀疑,以及无助感.