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天顶修正(corrected for zenith position)是什么?

有,貌似在哪本书上看到过,观测时的天体实际亮度要根据天顶天体亮度划定吧! 呵呵



mistakes are made must be corrected

B主语从句 no matter what=whatever但是no matter what只能引导状语从句 C

In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思


电脑重启出现英文“Bad links in lost chain at cluster 数字 corrected”怎么回事?


请教各位专家,SPSS 方差分析表中,Corrected Model和Error和Total 应该怎么翻译?衷心感谢!

Source:变异来源;Type III Sum of Squares:平方和,即SS;df:degree of freedom,自由度;Mean Square:圴方,即MSF:F值;Sig.:即P值;Model:模型;R Squared:决定系数,或确定系数;Adjusted R Squared:校正决定系数,或校正确定系数。Corrected Model:校正模型(变异来源),用来判断模型中系数有无统计学意义,若P<0.05,则所用的模型有统计学意义。Error:误差(变异来源),是由随机因素所造成的,其“圴方”是计算F值的分母。Total:总变异(来源)=校正模型变异(来源)+误差变异(来源),当然 Total 也可直译为合计。

怎么办bad links in lost chain at cluster xxxxx corrected

这是硬盘出现了问题,下面是一个解决实例。【故障现象】硬盘在使用一段时间后,突然不能调用某些文件,屏幕上显示:DATA error reading drive C: Abort,Retry,Ignore? 【分析处理】要了解造成这种故障的原因,首先我们要掌握一些硬盘故障检测要领来判断: 一、是硬盘的盘体磨损或使用硬盘不当,造成了硬盘内部信息的丢失;二、是磁盘反复读写,文件连接出现混乱,分配的零碎空间太多。三、排除方法是:调用磁盘维护工具中对磁盘的分析整理功能,如带参数/F的CHKDSK,MSDOS I DEFHELL 的COMPRESS工具及Norton中的Diagnose DISK功能都可对磁盘空间进行分析处理,收回丢失的簇链。四、具体方法是:执行CHKDSK C:lFN命令,系统提示:“XXX Lost clusters found chainstofiles(Y/N)?”,其中的XXX是指运行时具体的簇数和链数,输入Y时,各个链丢失的簇形成文件。若还有问题,应重新对硬盘进行高级格式化,然后再把备份的文件复制到硬盘上。

Bias Corrected and Accelerated是什么意思


he corrected them first


In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思

In Press,Corrected Proof在出版社,更正的证明

In Press,Corrected Proof,是什么意思

corrected proof 已改好的校样

corrected visual acuity glasses 翻译到中文


Please kindly check enclosed corrected packing list 为什么“正确”也要用过去式?

翻译:请查看附件中修改过的装运清单此处corrected 是指“修正了的”,动词correct的过去分词用作定语correct作动词是指修正、改正。

一道英文会计题。。corrected trial balance。谢谢大家


with some sentences to be corrected对吗


验光纸上写的 V/A corrected什么意思? 两个眼睛的数据都是 20/20


I Stand Corrected是什么意思

  I stand corrected 中文译作:我承认我错了。这是美国俚语,等于I admit that I was wrong。例如:I stand corrected - the company was established in 1927,not 1926,as I had mistakenly thought.原句中stand为动词,意思是:站立,起立; 竖直放置; 保持看法;例如:  1. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.  你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。  2. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office.  他在美国运通公司办公大楼外经营一家报摊。

Bad links in lost chain at cluster ...corrected 是什么意思啊?

数据丢失,找不到XXX模块。 具体出了什么问题你要问行家的

corrected course中文翻译

By measuring the angles beeen the stars and the missile, instruments at all times determine the correct course . 通过测定恒星与导弹之间的夹角这种方法,这些装置随时在确定著正确的航线。 Can you hear me ? i m correcting course . now 你们听得到吗?我正在更改航道 The correct course of action when seriapzing a 时的正确操作过程是调用 I " m correcting course . now 我在改正航程 I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand , we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity 本人希望,只要我们大家认准了方向,大家携手合作,就一定能够推动两地的经济关系走向新的境界,促进两地共同繁荣。 The paper is intended to *** yze o of the translation - theories , explore their corresponding advantages and . disadvantages from a dialectical perspective , together with the approaches of universal connection , development and contradiction thereby , it holds that they also have theoretical bias / prejudice and pmitation , besides reasonable interpretation therefore , it is the correct course to pursue translation studies from an ontological and dialectical perspective 摘要从辩证思辨的视角,运用联系、发展、矛盾的观点,文章对目前译界两种众说纷纭的理论流派逐一透视,并分析其利弊得失,认为各种理论都有其合理性和阐释力,同时也存在理论偏向(见)和理论缺陷。

they are corrected

1.有人会定期修理它. 2.他已经被定期修理过了. 3.有人会定期更正他们. 4.他们已经被定期更正过了. 5.今天早上有人再车站遇见他了. 6.有人把这个窗户关上了吗?

Excel 2007中如何设置条件格式?如图,要求C选择Corrected时,这一横行的所有表格都显示绿色。

楼上正解 VBA可以解决

corrected 、correctionnal、correctable有什么区别

n. v. adj.


数字 corrected事function simplestColorBalance(filename,outFile,satLevel,plots)%simplestColorBalance(filename,outFile,satLevel,plot)% Performs color balancing via histogram normalization.% satLevel controls the percentage of pixels to clip to white and black.% Set plot = 0 or 1 to turn diagnostic plots on or off.tutorialinit%% import imageim_orig = cbimread(filename);% figure% imshow(im_orig)% title("Original Image")%% full width histogram method% satLevel = .01; %percentage of the image to saturate to black or white, tweakable paramq = [satLevel/2 1-satLevel/2];imRGB_orig = cbreshape(im_orig)*255;imRGB = zeros(size(imRGB_orig));N = size(imRGB_orig,2);color = {"r","g","b"};for ch = 1:3if plotsfiguresubplot(211)hist(imRGB_orig(ch,:),256)set(findobj(gca,"Type","patch"),"FaceColor",color{ch},"EdgeColor",color{ch})xlim([0 255])title("Original Histogram")endtiles = quantile(imRGB_orig(ch,:),q);% [sum(imRGB_orig(ch,:)<tiles(1))/N,sum(imRGB_orig(ch,:)>tiles(2))/N] %check percentages are correctimRGB(ch,:) = cbsaturate(imRGB_orig(ch,:),tiles); %saturate at the appropriate pts. in distributionbottom = min(imRGB(ch,:)); top = max(imRGB(ch,:));imRGB(ch,:) = (imRGB(ch,:)-bottom)*255/(top-bottom);if plotssubplot(212)hist(imRGB(ch,:),256)set(findobj(gca,"Type","patch"),"FaceColor",color{ch},"EdgeColor",color{ch})xlim([0 255])title("Corrected Histogram")endprint(gcf,"-dpng",[outFile "-fig" num2str(ch)])endimwrite(cbunshape(imRGB,size(im_orig))/255,outFile,"png");% figure% imshow(cbunshape(imRGB,size(im_orig))/255)% title("Simplest Color Balance Corrected")直接运行错误帮忙看看修改谢



英语单词反义词 1.absence 2.bright 3.corrected 4.sad 5.near 5.borrow

1.absence 反义词:presence 2.bright 反义词:dark 3.corrected 反义词:uncorrected 4.sad 反义词:glad 5.near 反义词:far 5.borrow反义词:lend



correct 的反义词是uncorrected吗


correct 的反义词是uncorrected吗
