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crawling from bed to computer 中crawling做什么成?



spend time (in)doing sth.固定搭配crawling前面是省略了that were,作的后置定语,所以你那个改写句子不应该是thousands 前加that,应该在crawling前加(that)were动词修饰名词作后置定语时,要加ing(现在分成)如:I felt something moving in the house.我感觉房子里有东西在动。

求Crawling (Carry Me Through)的完整歌词

How long will this take?How much can I go through?My heart, my soul achesI don"t know what to doI bend but don"t breakAnd somehow I"ll get through"cause I have youAnd if I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me throughOh Lord, where are you?Do not forget me hereI cry in silence Can you not see my tears?When all have left meAnd hope has disappearedYou find me hereAnd when I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me throughWhen everything I was is lostI have forgot where you have notWhen I am lost you have not lost me(2x"s)You have not lost meAnd if I have to crawlWill you crawl tooI stumble and I fallCarry me through The wonder of it all Is youSee me through 这个是你要的答案

寻求翻译Linkin Park - Crawling歌词

以下是我的翻译——————————————————Crawling in my skin 表皮下蠢蠢欲动的These wounds they will not heal 这些永远无法愈合的创伤Fear is how I fall 我所恐惧的是不断的堕落Confusing what is real 我所困惑的是分不清的真相There"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 自体内深处撕扯着我肤浅的外表Consuming, confusing 力歇声嘶,混乱不安This lack of self control I fear is never ending 这种我所恐惧的失控行为从未停止Controlling, I can"t seem 抑制着,我所看不见的To find myself again 再一次找回我的本体My walls are closing in 我周遭的一切被缓缓封闭(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convinced That it"s just too much pressure to take) 不带丝毫把握,我确信有太多的压力需要去承受I"ve felt this way before 我所曾经经受过的So insecure 如此的不可靠Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me 无止境懊恼的吞并了我Distracting, reacting 令我发狂,令我排斥Against my will I stand beside my own reflection 逆行了思维,我站在另一个我的身旁It"s haunting how I can"t seem... 浮现在我脑海的事物是肉眼所不能看见的...To find myself again 再一次找回我的本体My walls are closing in 我周遭的一切被缓缓封闭(Without a sense of confidence and I"m convinced That it"s just too much pressure to take) 不带丝毫把握,我确信有太多的压力需要去承受I"ve felt this way before 我所曾经经受过的So insecure 如此的不可靠Crawling in my skin 表皮下蠢蠢欲动的These wounds they will not heal 这些永远无法愈合的创伤Fear is how I fall 我所恐惧的是不断的坠落Confusing, confusing what is real 困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相There"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 自体内深处撕扯着我肤浅的外表Consuming, confusing what is real 困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相This lack of self control I fear is never ending 这种我所恐惧的失控行为从未停止Controlling, confusing what is real困惑我所困惑的,是分不清的真相




crawling in my skinthese wounds they will not healfear is how i fallconfusing what is realthere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceconsuming, confusingthis lack of self control i fear is never endingcontrolling, i can"t seemto find myself againmy walls are closing in(without a sense of confidence and i"m convincedthat it"s just too much pressure to take)i"ve felt this way beforeso insecurediscomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon medistracting, reactingagainst my will i stand beside my own reflectionit"s haunting how i can"t find myself againmy walls are closing in(without a sense of confidence and i"m convincedthat it"s just too much pressure to take)i"ve felt this way beforeso insecurecrawling in my skinthese wounds they will not healfear is how i fallconfusing, confusing what is realthere"s something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceconsuming, confusing what is realthis lack of self control i fear is never endingcontrolling, confusing what is real

crawl 这个英语怎么读

科 肉 哦


crawling 英 ["kru0254u02d0lu026au014b]x05 美 ["kru0254u02d0lu026au014b]x05 n.爬行 n.表面涂层不均匀,(新鲜涂层上的)龟裂 v.爬行(动词crawl的现在分词形式)The baby was crawling about on all fours. 婴儿那时正在满处爬. She"s always crawling (to the boss). 她老是拍(上司的)马屁.

crawling 是什么意思?详细点

kerb-crawling 【英】(汽车驾驶员为寻找娼妓)沿路缘缓慢行驶 网络翻译crawling爬行 熟练创建以下三种字幕:静态字幕、滚动(Rolling)字幕和爬行(Crawling)字幕. 9、 输出 掌握输出电影时Export Movie Settings对话框中的各个选项 ... 蠕变 crawling 蠕变 crawlway 窄小通道 craze 裂纹 creche 托儿所 creep 蠕变 creep coefficient 蠕变系数 creep deformation 蠕变 creep line 蠕变线 ... 爬行传球 crawling 爬行传球 cross over 交叉步躲闪突进 cup-defense 杯形防守 grounding ball 压球触地 half back 飞扑传球 half-way line 中线 helmet 头盔 ... Crawling伺机而动 Crawling 伺机而动 15. In The End 结果到头来 16. A Place For My Head 脑袋空间 17. One Step Closer 发狂边缘 CD 01. Somewhere I Belong 我的归属 ... 匍匐 成军6年的时间中,他们共赢得2座格莱美大奖:2002年凭借“匍匐” (Crawling)得到了当年 格莱美最佳摇滚单曲;2006年和著名饶舌歌手杰斯(Jay-Z)一起合作的“聋哑/返 ...

crawling 是什么意思?详细点



英 ["kru0254:lu026au014b]美 ["kru0254:lu026au014b]n. 表面涂布不均v. 爬( crawl的现在分词 ); (昆虫)爬行; 缓慢行进; 巴结网 络侍机而动;伺机而动;蠕变;震惊1. You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻。来自《简明英汉词典》2. Stubborn, self-confident Guo Zhenshan has never gone crawling to anyone.坚强、自信、有气魄的郭振山,实在说,永远也不会向人低三下四啊!来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The platform was crawling with grey-green uniforms.月台上全是穿灰绿色制服的人。来自《简明英汉词典》5. We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。来自辞典例句

creep climb crawl三个词的辨析 包括区别 具体用法 适用语境 和例句 网上复制粘贴


creep crawl都有爬行的意思?两者有什么区别吗?



creep,climb,crawl 这些动词都有“爬”之意. creep → 多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行.也指植物的蔓延生长等. climb → 通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻. crawl → 指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动.




creep和crawl的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.creep意思:v. 悄悄地缓慢行进; 蹑手蹑脚地移动; 匍匐; 爬行; 非常缓慢地行进; 不知不觉产生; 渐渐出现2.crawl意思:v. 爬; 爬行; 匍匐行进; (昆虫)爬行; 缓慢行进; n. 缓慢的速度; 爬泳; 自由泳;二、用法不同1.creep用法:表示动作或状态。例句:We take off our shoes and creep cautiously along the passage.我们脱掉了鞋,在走廊中蹑手蹑脚地往前走。2.crawl用法:常用作谓语。例句:The baby is just learning to crawl.那个婴儿正在学习爬行。三、侧重点不同1.creep侧重点:creep多指哺乳动物四肢着地“爬行”或蹑手蹑脚不发出响声地前行,强调动作无声。2.crawl侧重点:crawl多指虫类在地面爬行时身体蠕动的缓慢动作或身体贴近地面手脚并用地爬行的人或物,强调动作之缓慢。


creep,climb,crawl 这些动词都有“爬”之意。creep → 多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生长等。climb → 通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻。crawl → 指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动。


crawl,creep crawl多指蛇,虫类等身体沿地面或其他表面的动作.如:There is an insect crawling up your back.(有一虫子正在你的背上往上爬.) creep多指哺乳动物或人等用四肢爬行的动物偷偷摸摸无声缓慢的前行动作.如:They arrived late and crept into the classroom.(我们迟到了,便悄悄地溜进教室.)


creep多指哺乳动物四肢着地“爬行”或蹑手蹑脚不发出响声地前行,强调动作无声 crawl多指虫类在地面爬行时身体蠕动的缓慢动作或身体贴近地面手脚并用地爬行的人或物,强调动作之缓慢crawl [krC:l] vi. 爬;爬行 The baby crawled towards his mother. 婴孩向他妈妈爬去。 蠕动;慢行;徐徐行进 The hours crawled by. 时间慢慢地过去。 (虫、蚁等)爬满;长满虫 That apple is crawling with worms. 那个苹果爬满了虫子。 巴结;钻营;向上爬 creep [kri:p] vi. (crept [krept]) 爬(动) 悄悄地走动 不知不觉地来到, 出现, 上涨 (藤蔓)沿着...生长 [喻]讨好, 巴结 (文章等)单调, 生涩 (身上)发痒; 发抖, 毛骨悚然 【航海】用探海钩探海底 (提心吊胆地, 偷偷地)潜行 稍略变形 渗(水), 漏电 滑坍 蠕变creep into sb."s favour 逐步巴结而取得某人的好感 The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。 The thief crept along the corridor. 那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。 Old age creeps upon one unawares. 不知不觉老年就来临了。 Ivy creeps. 常春藤爬蔓生长。 The sight of snake makes my flesh creep. 一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。 It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping. 很难防止水泥变形。


crawl是爬行的意思。crawl作为不及物动词表示爬行、匍匐行进。作为及物动词表示爬行、缓慢地行进。作为名词表示爬行、养鱼池、匍匐而行。相关例句:The businessman tried hard to crawl with the important officials这位商人努力地巴结身居要位的官员。


crawl[krC:l]vi.爬;爬行The baby crawled towards his mother.婴孩向他妈妈爬去。蠕动;慢行;徐徐行进The hours crawled by.时间慢慢地过去。(虫、蚁等)爬满;长满虫That apple is crawling with worms.那个苹果爬满了虫子。巴结;钻营;向上爬creep[kri:p]vi.(crept [krept])爬(动)悄悄地走动不知不觉地来到, 出现, 上涨(藤蔓)沿着...生长[喻]讨好, 巴结(文章等)单调, 生涩(身上)发痒; 发抖, 毛骨悚然【航海】用探海钩探海底(提心吊胆地, 偷偷地)潜行稍略变形渗(水), 漏电滑坍蠕变creep into sb."s favour 逐步巴结而取得某人的好感The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。The thief crept along the corridor.那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。Old age creeps upon one unawares.不知不觉老年就来临了。Ivy creeps.常春藤爬蔓生长。The sight of snake makes my flesh creep.一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.很难防止水泥变形。


Crawl is how babies walk, they use their knees and hands.E.g: "the baby can"t walk yet, he just crawls everywhere".Creep is usually used to describe something moving slowly, without you knowing. It is usually used in a negative sense.E.g: "a man creeped through the streets at night"Hoppe this helps.




creepy-crawliesn. 爬行的昆虫( creepy-crawly的名词复数 );



后街男孩的i still…以及 crawling back to you这两首歌的歌词翻译成中文是什么意思啊?


BSB的crawling back to you歌词,翻译

everybody knows他们都看得出来that i was such a fool我是这样一个傻子to ever let go of you竟然放开你的手but baby i was wrong但亲爱的,我犯下这样的错and yeah i know i said是的,我知道我所言we"d be better off alone我说我们最好独善其身it was time that we moved on我们应该过各自的生活i know i broke your heart我让你心碎i didn"t mean to break your heart却不是故意而为but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and now i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来i know you"re in there我知道你就在门后and you can make me wait你值得我的等待but i"m not gonna wait但我不会守候太久this is the least that i can do这是我最后能做到的just is to tell you face to face我只想当面对你倾诉i was lying to myself我是在对自己说谎吗?now i"m dying in this hell现在我要在这炼狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad我知道我是个疯子i can"t blame you for being mad我怎能为你的愤怒而气恼but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来if you could see如果你看得到these tears i"m crying我的泪touch these hands触摸着手that can"t stop shaking这止不住的颤抖heal my heart治愈我心that"s heavily bleeding它在滴血you would see a different man我会看见一个新的我but baby, here i am但是,亲爱的。而今我回来了banging on your front door在你的门前求你开门my pride"s spilled on the floor我把尊严洒在地上my hands and knees are bruised只留下手和膝上的淤青and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来begging for a second chance祈求你给我一个机会are you gonna let me in?你会再接纳我吗?i was running from the truth我曾今与真相背道而驰and i"m crawling back to you而今我抛下尊严回来

crawling 歌词的中文翻译

皮肤内充斥着爬虫 这些伤口永远无法愈合 害怕是我跌倒的理由 疑惑的一切都是真实的 我体内有种东西撕扯着我的皮肤 消耗的/持久的 这种令我担心的失控行为从未结束 控制着/我看不见 再找回自己 我周围的墙壁都封闭了 (没有一丝自信,我只能相信有太多压力需要承受) 我曾经感受过这样的痛苦 如此不安全 那种不舒服的感觉一直向我涌过来 让我分心/作用着 违背了我的遗愿我站在我的镜中的影像旁 向鬼魂般出没我看不见 (PS){Crawling可以引申为充斥着爬虫} 百度的...

求 后街男孩 Crawling Back To You的歌词意思

Crawling Back To You回到你身边everybody knows 所有人都知道 that i was such a fool 我简直是个蠢材 to ever let go of you 居然就那样放开手 让你走but baby i was wrong 但是宝贝我错了 and yeah i know i said 是的 我知道自己说过什麼 we"d be better off alone 我说 我们应该分开一阵子it was time that we moved on 那是我们分手时说的i know i broke your heart 我知道我伤了你的心 i didn"t mean to break your heart 但我并不是故意令你伤心的 but baby, here i am 宝贝,我就在这里 banging on your front door 叩著你的前门 my pride spilled on the floor 我的自尊全都丢在了地上 my hands and knees are bruised 我的手和膝盖都受伤了 and i"m crawling back to you 我只是想回到你身边begging for a second chance 希望你能再给我一次机会 are you gonna let me in 你还会让我回到你身旁吗? i was running from the truth 我曾经逃避现实and now i"m crawling back to you 现在我要回到你身边i know you"re in there 我知道你在里面 and you can make me wait 我知道你要我等待but i"m not gonna wait 但是我等不及了 it"s the least that i can do 我最起码能做的事 just to tell you face to face 就是面对面的告诉你 i was lying to myself 我曾对自己说谎 now i"m dying in this hell 现在我真的感到生不如死girl, i know you"re mad 宝贝,我知道你很生气 i can"t blame you for being mad 我不可以责怪你生气~复歌再来~if you could see 如果你能看见 these tears i"m crying 我哭泣的泪水 touch these hands 如果你肯触碰 that can"t stop shaking 这不住抖震的双手heal my heart 治愈我这颗that"s barely beating 正受尽折磨的心 you will see a different man 你便会看到一个改变了的男人 (复歌重覆)yeah, now i"m crawling back to you 我现在要回到你身边crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you) 回到你身边

后街crawling back to you歌词翻译。

everybody knows每个人都知道that i was such a fool我是那样的傻瓜to ever let go of you因为曾经我让你离去but baby i was wrong但是宝贝我错了and yeah i know i said我知道我曾经说过了什么we"d be better off alone我们最好都独自一人it was time that we moved on时间会让我们继续向前i know i broke your heart我知道我让你的心受到了伤害i didn"t mean to break your heart我没有故意去伤害你的心but baby, here i am但是宝贝,(现在)我在这里.banging on your front door敲着你的前门my pride spilled on the floor我的骄傲(已经)溢出一地.my hands and knees are bruised我的手和膝盖已经伤痕累累。and i"m crawling back to you我希望你的回心转意begging for a second chance祈求第二次的机会are you gonna let me in你会让我进去么?i was running from the truth我已经站在真相的面前and now i"m crawling back to you现在我希望你能回心转意i know you"re in there我知道你就在里面and you can make me wait但是你却让我一直等待but i"m not gonna wait但是我不会再等待下去it"s the least that i can do这是我有限的能做的事情just to tell you face to face只是想面对面地告诉你i was lying to myself我对自己撒了谎now i"m dying in this hell现在我将会在地狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad亲爱的,我知道你很生气i can"t blame you for being mad我不会因为你的生气而责怪你if you could see如果你能看见these tears i"m crying这些恣意流淌的泪水touch these hands即使被握着的双手that can"t stop shaking也不能停止颤抖heal my heart治愈我(受伤)的心that"s barely beating那些赤裸裸的伤害you will see a different man你将会看见一个不同(以前)的男人yeah, now i"m crawling back to you我希望你能回信转意...crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you)让你回心转意...

求高手翻译后街男孩crawling back to you的歌词,要有文采的~

everybody knows每个人都知道that i was such a fool我是那样的傻瓜to ever let go of you因为曾经我让你离去but baby i was wrong但是宝贝我错了and yeah i know i said我知道我曾经说过了什么we"d be better off alone我们最好都独自一人it was time that we moved on时间会让我们继续向前i know i broke your heart我知道我让你的心受到了伤害i didn"t mean to break your heart我没有故意去伤害你的心but baby, here i am但是宝贝,(现在)我在这里.banging on your front door敲着你的前门my pride spilled on the floor我的骄傲(已经)溢出一地.my hands and knees are bruised我的手和膝盖已经伤痕累累。and i"m crawling back to you我希望你的回心转意begging for a second chance祈求第二次的机会are you gonna let me in你会让我进去么?i was running from the truth我已经站在真相的面前and now i"m crawling back to you现在我希望你能回心转意i know you"re in there我知道你就在里面and you can make me wait但是你却让我一直等待but i"m not gonna wait但是我不会再等待下去it"s the least that i can do这是我有限的能做的事情just to tell you face to face只是想面对面地告诉你i was lying to myself我对自己撒了谎now i"m dying in this hell现在我将会在地狱中死去girl, i know you"re mad亲爱的,我知道你很生气i can"t blame you for being mad我不会因为你的生气而责怪你if you could see如果你能看见these tears i"m crying这些恣意流淌的泪水touch these hands即使被握着的双手that can"t stop shaking也不能停止颤抖heal my heart治愈我(受伤)的心that"s barely beating那些赤裸裸的伤害you will see a different man你将会看见一个不同(以前)的男人yeah, now i"m crawling back to you我希望你能回信转意...crawling back to you (crawling back to you, crawling back to you)让你回心转意...


Crawley [词典] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克劳利 Crowley的变体; [地名] [英国] 克劳利; [例句]Crawley, with 14, was the only other player to reach double figures克劳利拿到14分,是仅有的另外一个得分达两位数的球员。


英人 以住地,即所居住的地方、城市、乡村等为姓氏的习惯。Crawley is a town and local government district with Borough status in West Sussex, England.克劳利,是英格兰西撒赛克斯郡的一个有自治地位的城镇。所以,我认为,这个姓氏应该出自于此。谢谢!
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