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strain:株系,多用于微生物species:物种cultivar:栽培变种 race:种族,单指人的。


cultivate[英][u02c8ku028cltu026aveu026at][美][u02c8ku028cltu0259u02ccvet]vt.耕作,种植; 教养,栽培; 改善; 交朋友; 第三人称单数:cultivates过去分词:cultivated现在进行时:cultivating过去式:cultivated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Positive reinforcement can help cultivate generous behaviors. 正面的心理强化有助于培养慷慨行为。

in trouble in danger和in difficulties有什么区别

in trouble:陷入困境in danger:处于险境,濒危 形容动物濒临灭绝in difficulties:遇到困难

If we work with a strong will,we can overcome them ___great difficulties they are.


How To Face Difficulties的英语作文

Positive attitude, faith, is an important force to overcome difficulties. Environment created by the heart, human effort is the decisive factor., more confidence, more dynamic, more on the way to solve the problem. A smile in the face of difficulties is strong. Because of the smile, in be in a calm mood state, can think of many ways to overcome the difficulties, will live in a "stumbling block" to remove the rough path, step into the flat road. The greatest success lies in the biggest difficulty. Beyond the difficulties and the bridge, you"ll find into the door to success. The United States of America famous general Barton said: "the difficulty is like spring, you weak it is strong, to avoid difficult people, will always be weak; to face the difficulties to overcome difficulties with a smile, will always be strong."Friends, difficulties in itself is not terrible, terrible is you don"t have the courage to overcome it. Smile the face of it, and come up with your wisdom, you will be able to do as I am invincible, ever-victorious, become difficult to beat the ever-victorious general!

Technical Difficulties 歌词

歌曲名:Technical Difficulties歌手:Julien-K专辑:Transformers (Music from the Motion Picture)Julien-K - Technical DifficultiesAbout 700 days and waysInside this changingMind is failingTwisting turningEyes are burningAnd nothing is workingAre we failing?Talking cheaplyDeepen feelingsNo one"s thinkingSolving problemsInterveningNothing is workingWe are experiencingTechnical DifficultiesIntrospectionLeads to rejectionFoolish draining sound of laughterConfusion is our silent partnerAnd nothing is working

take the difficulties

We主 should take谓 the difficulties 宾in our stride状, and then连接词 主语与前句相同,省略be sure表 to move quickly on to the joys 表语补足语.

have no difficulties

difficulty 当名词时可以表示 难题,可数 a difficulty is a problem 困难 不可数 if you have difficulty doing something,your are not able to do it easily. 所有这里选 difficulty

face the difficulties


为什么difficulty 不改为difficulties

difficulty 是不可数名词,他的复数形式和原来一样




1.All this taught them how to cope with difficulties. 所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。2.Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. 每当我们遇到困难时, 他们总来帮助我们。3.We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them. 我们应该蔑视困难,但绝不应轻视它们。






不加复数表示抽象概念,用于表示"困难"这一概念.为不可数名词. 加复数是表示困难的事,可数名词


i have difficulties waking up early for school


difficulties 英 ["du026afu0259,ku028cltiz] 美 ["du026afu0259,ku028cltu026az] n. 困难(difficulty的复数);磨难All this taught them how to cope with difficulties. 所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。


  difficulties  n.难度; 困难; ( difficulty的名词复数 ) 难事; 麻烦;  [网络]难点; 教学难点; 克服困难;  [例句]You have to admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties.  你不得不承认,你事实上是陷入了困境。



有关face to the difficulties是正确与否

不正确哦!可以表达为:face difficultiesbe faced with difficultiesbe in the face of difficulties或状语形式:facing the difficultieswhen faced with difficultieswhen in the face of difficulties祝你开心如意!

new things always have to face difficulties______they grow



才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力 官能

中考英语作文how to deal with difficulties in learning?

Diffculties are the hardships we have to overe on the way to success. We all will have numerous diffculties in our daily lives.the first and most important way to deal with diffculties is to have confidence and courage to face them and beat them. We shouldn"t be scared in front of the diffculties. The second way is to ask people for help, such as our parents and friends. Since those people can give you geniune advice and suggestions to help you find out the solutions. I think my ways to deal with diffculties are very effcient and fundamental,6,


这款香水我用过挺不错的,很不错的。送人或者自己用都可以。Serpentine by Roberto Cavalli 蛇纹(神话)年份:2005调香师:Jacques Cavallier香调:东方花香调前味:艾草、甜橙、芒果花中味:栀子花、鸡蛋花、紫罗兰叶、黑胡椒后味:妥卢香脂、檀木、琥珀这个香水的前调让我印象十分深刻,那种冰凉湿冷的感觉,唔……你喜欢这样的么?中后味会比较女人,伴随着一种粉状的SEXY。Roberto Cavalli 本身是一个时装品牌,这个设计师喜欢强调野性,还喜欢表现女性的欲望,在时装里面运用各种的兽纹。而蛇是这个品牌的标志。是这香水的设计之初源于巴西传说。前调里面的芒果花,在巴西被称作“蛇之果”,传说中这种花带有情 欲的魔力,会吸引蛇去吃,使它们始终处于热烈而兴奋的状态……囧关于这支香水,英文版的描述是“很女人,充满欲望,危险又迷人”,基本上就概括了要表达的主题了。如果你本身是很朴素的人,或者学不来柔媚那套,那么可以考虑下别的香水。



inner cultivation是什么意思


Ideological and moral cultivation是什么意思?

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Ideological and moral cultivation思想道德修养希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

physical and mental cultivation怎么翻译更加优美?





cultivation不可数。[英] [u02ccku028cltu026au02c8veu026au0283n][美] [u02ccku028cltu0259u02c8veu0283u0259n]n.栽培; 耕作; 教养; (关系的)培植;[例句]The area is under banana cultivation.这个地区种植香蕉。

How to cultivate EQ?

find more friends and make sure you communicatie with each other frequently.

How to cultivate EQ? RT.用英语回答.

EQ means emotional intelligence.The expression “emotional intelligence” is used to indicate a kind of intelligence that involves the ability to perceive,assess and positively influence one"s own and other people"s emotions. The basic significance of the emotinal intelligence that Time called "EQ" was suggested by management expert Karen Boylston:"Customers are telling businesses,""I don""t care if every member of your staff graduated from Harvard.I will take my business and go where I am understood and treated with respect.""" If the evolutionary pressuresof the marketplace are making EQ,not IQ,the hot ticket for business success,it seems likely that individuals will want to know how to cultivate it. I have a modest proposal:Embrace a highly personal practice aimed at improving these four adaptive skills: Raising consciousness.I think of this as thinking differently on purpose.It""s about noticing what you are feeling and thinking and escaping the conditioned confines of your past. Raise your consciousness by catching yourself in the act of thinking as often as possible. Routinely take note of your emotions and ask if you""re facing facts or avoiding them. Using imagery.This is what you see Olympic ski racers doing before entering the starting gate.With their eyes closed and bodies swaying,they run the course in their minds first,which improves their performance.You can do the same by setting aside time each day to dream with passion about what you want to achieve.Considering and reconsidering events to choose the most creative response to them. When a Greek philosopher said 2,000 years ago that it isn""t events that matter but our opinion of them,this is what he was talking about.Every time sonething important happens,assign as many interpretations to it as possible,even crazy ones.Then go with the interpretation most supportive of your dreams.Integrating the perspectives of others.Brain research shows that our view of the world is limited by our genes and the experiences we""ve had.Learning to incorporate the useful perspctives of others is nothing less than a form of enlarging your senses.The next time someone interprets something differently from you --say,a controversial political event--pause to relect on the role of life experience and consider it a gift of perception.The force of habit--literally the established wiring of your brain -- will pull you away from practicing these skills.Keep at it,however,because they are based on what we""re learning about the mechanisms of the mind. Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity; it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach sexual maturity.The body has about a hundred billion nerve cells,and every experience triggers a brain response that literally shapes our senses.The mind,we now know,is not confined to the brain but is distributed throughout the body""s universe of cells.Yes,we do think with our hearts,brains,muscles,blood and bones.During a single crucial three-week period during our teenage years,chemical activity in the brain is cut in half.That done,we are "biologically wired" with what one of the nation""s leading brain researchers calls our own "world view".He says it is impossible for any two people to see the world exactly alike.So unique is the personal experience that people would understand the world differently.However,it is not only possible to change your world view,he says,it""s actually easier than overconing a drug habit.But you need a discipline for doing it.Hence,the method recommended here. No,it""s not a curriculum in the sense that an MBA is.But the latest research seems to imply that without the software of emotional maturity and self knowledge,the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less.

cultivate my mind

他应该是觉得自己的思想不够成熟,或者某件事情主意没定好,办的不顺.所以,是 :“培养自己的 思维 凡事有自己的主见"

(培养实际能力)cultivate practical capability 这样写对吗?

improve one"s (job) skills更好一些


看看这个网站怎么说的吧,有问题去那里就可以了。都会回答的。前文说他们渴望干净的河水、渴望免费的新鲜水果,他们想回到畜群的身边,重新开始……结合题支和题意可以推测出这里的“重新开始”是指重新开始生产、农作之类。A,produce,生产、制造。这个词的含义较为宽泛,既可指手工制作、工业生产,也可指农业耕种、文化产品。如produce cars,制造汽车;produce crops,出产庄稼;the writer produced very little work recently,这位作家最近出品作品极少。但在指“出产”时,produce是个及物动词,后面需要连接宾语,而在句中没有给出宾语,因此不能选择A。B,cultivate,指耕作土地,或耕种作物,如she cultivated a garden of her own,她自己耕作了一个花园。这同样是一个及物动词,需要连接宾语,而在句中并未给出耕作的对象,因此不应使用cultivate。另外,从之前的一句They want to get back to their herds(他们想回到畜群的身边)可以看出,“他们”很可能是一群牧民,牧民一般不会耕作土地,耕作土地的应该是农民。从这一点上cultivate也不符合题意。C,farm,兼指种植作物和饲养动物。如farm beef cattle,饲养肉牛。另外它还能当作不及物动词来使用,指务农(种植作物或饲养动物)。如把farm用在句中,意思是他们想回到畜群的身边继续务农(牧养畜类),较为合理。D,nourish指的是滋养,即提供食物使某物存活、生长并使之保持健康状态,滋养的对象可以是人、动物和植物。如microbes in the soil which nourish the plant,土壤里滋养了植物的微生物。这同样是一个不及物动词,不能用在句中。

Cultivate discipline

To achieve success in business, start by cultivating discipline.There"s no recipe for entrepreneurial success. But there are certain key ingredients that can make an individual entrepreneur or a fledgling business successful. Ingredients like leadership, vision, and agility. Then again, there are plenty of enterprises that possess all these ingredients and still don"t fulfill their potential. The raw materials just don"t come together into a satisfying whole.In cooking, many recipes call for a binding agent, like egg or starch. The binding agent brings the rest of the ingredients together, so the dish holds its shape and texture. In business, there are few binding agents more crucial than discipline.One of the best ways to give your enterprise an edge is with disciplined thinking. However, here"s a difference between disciplined and just plain rigid. While disciplined thought requires rigor, it"s also open and flexible. Keep in mind author F. Scott Fitzgerald"s, definition of intelligence as “the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time.”To cultivate disciplined thinking habits, embrace the word and, not the word or. Don"t think you need to choose between purpose or profit, for example. Instead, think of a solution that allows for purpose and profit. Bring that and thinking into the way you resolve challenges by taking action in the present and staying committed to future goals.Once you and your team are in the habit of disciplined thinking, allow that thinking to inform disciplined action, the best tool there is for executing your ideas. Disciplined action is all about consistency and persistence. Sound like a dull grind? Well, it"s anything but.The focus and consistency of disciplined action creates the conditions for momentum. Think of it like pushing an enormously heavy wheel. At first, you only move the wheel in tiny increments. But you persist and the wheel eventually completes a full revolution. Then you keep going, each turn creating more and more pace until the wheel achieves breakthrough momentum.Disciplined thinking will help you arrive at creative strategies and solutions. Disciplined action will see you translate those into informed, incremental action that allows you to achieve your breakthrough.




cultivatingv.耕( cultivate的现在分词 ); 建立(友谊); 种植; 陶冶思想[感情]; 1. Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits. 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。2. The farmer is cultivating his land. 农民在耕耘土地.3. The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues. 老师的责任不单是传授知识, 更要树立良好榜样,培养学生的品德.4. He went on cultivating his patch, loving his wife and children. 他们平时只是耕作自己的一小块土地, 眷恋自己的妻子儿女.5. It"s TV that keeps you from cultivating this delicious habit. 是电视影响了你培养这种雅兴.希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!

都是培养,foster,cultivate有什么区别? 如题,抄的不给分!

cultivate培养;陶冶,很多情况下培养的是抽象的东西. 例如---She cultivated her mind by reading. 她以阅读来修身养性. foster 养育,抚养 We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital. 这小姑娘的母亲住院时,我们领养了她. 当然二者也经常可以互换的.界限不明显的.




 cultivate的用法 cultivate的用法1:cultivate的基本意思是指对土地进行照料或调理以使其肥沃,也指对植物细心管理以改善其状况。引申可指对合意的东西进行细心周到的照顾以使其健康成长,常用于抽象事物,如陶冶情操培养友谊等。 cultivate的用法2:cultivate作种植解,主语是人时不能用被动语态; 主语是事物时则要用被动语态,其后常接介词with。 cultivate的用法3:cultivate作与结交解时,指想方设法去结交某人,一般是出于不良的动机或试图巴结别人,常含有贬义。 cultivate的常用短语 cultivate with (v.+prep.) 用耕种 use a tool or machine for growing crops on the land or soil cultivate sth with sth 用于 be ~ed 结构 cultivate的网络释义 cultivate 培养; 耕作; 养殖; 培养, 耕作; cultivate creativity 培养创造性; cultivate talents 培养人才; 培养精英人士; 培养精英精英精英人士; cultivate independence 培养独立性; cultivate area 耕地面积;  cultivate的用法例句 1. Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries. 爱沙尼亚努力发展与西欧GJ的友谊。 2. We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality. 我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气. 3. He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people. 他总是试图结交有钱有势的人. 4. Farmers cultivate their farms with cows. 农夫用牛耕田. 5. One should cultivate good manners from childhood. 一个人从小要学讲礼貌. 6. He always tries to cultivate cadres who might be able to help him. 他总是试图结识能给予他帮助的干部. 7. John always tries to cultivate people who might be able to help him. 约翰总是试图结识能给予他帮助的人. 8. We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others. 我们要在青少年中大力提倡勤奋学习助人为乐的革命风尚. 9. China was the first country in the world to cultivate silkworms and develop silk weaving . More than 3,000 years ago, sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed. 中国是世界上最早发明养蚕和丝织的GJ;早在3,000多年以前, 蚕桑、丝织已相当发达. 10. Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit. (二)坚持弘扬和培育民族精神. 11. You should cultivate the habit of listening to what you are told. 你应该养成听话的习惯. 12. The capitalists of our times continued vigorously to cultivate white chauvinism. 当代的资本家继续卖力地培养白种沙文主义. 13. It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness. 我们的责任是培育大无畏的精神. 14. They moved to the country to cultivate the soil. 他们搬到乡下去种地. 15. You must cultivate good manners and behave like a gentleman. 你必须学习好礼貌举止象上流人一样.


cultivate的用法搭配有以下几条:1、cultivate的基本意思是指对土地进行照料或调理以使其肥沃,引申可指对合意的东西进行细心周到的照顾以使其健康成长,常用于抽象事物,如“陶冶情操”“培养友谊”等。2、cultivate作“种植”解,主语是人时不能用被动语态;主语是事物时则要用被动语态,其后常接介词with。3、cultivate作“与…结交”解时,指想方设法去结交某人,一般是出于不良的动机或试图巴结别人,常含有贬义。4、cultivate的搭配短语有:cultivate with、cultivate sth with sth用…耕种、cultivate talents培养人才、cultivate independence培养独立性。


1.cultivate中文意思vt. 耕作, 种植陶冶思想[感情]培养(友谊)2.例句及用法In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cultivate it.在19世纪,政府将土地分发给愿意耕种的定居者The medium mainly containing rice and the pupa of silkworm was used to cultivate the sporocarp of Cordyceps militaris.采用以大米、蚕蛹为主原料的培养基培养蛹虫草子实体There is a course from requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land to overprotection.耕地从占补平衡到超额保护经历了一个演进过程。3.联想记忆cultivate=“考题喂他,是为了培养他”4.联想词nurture养育;develop开发;nourish滋养;grow生长;deepen使加深;maintain维持;establish建立, 成立;enrich使肥沃;sustain承受, 支撑;thrive繁荣,兴旺;instill徐徐滴入;5.cultivate还能给作文增色,可以将develop替换成cultivate;nurture,会让老师眼前一亮的哦。




It is conducive to cultivate unique character and the spirit of teamwork for students to take part in a part-time job

act 和cultivate为什么要加s, cimpensate是原形啊

not only。。。but also连接的是两个从句,前面是not only用了第三人称否定形式does not➕动词原形后面是but also这个从句,因为主语与前面从句重复,为避免重复,所以省略了,补上去就是but also it acts。。。是第三人称肯定形式,所以用的acts和cultivates


Vt .培养,陶治,耕作,耕耘,养殖,发展,促进的意思。培培的英文名字,可以叫Penny .我觉得挺好听的。^_^手机打字不易,望采纳。

cultivate foster 作 培养 时,意思有什么区别啊

cultivate: 有准备,培养,维护的意思。主要对植物而言,对人的思想也可以用。foster:抚养,照顾孩子,







请问cultivation/nurture 两词作为培养的意思有什么区别吗?

就培养这一层含义而言,nurture的语气要轻微一些,大致像汉语里说培训,扶持。可能日常见到比较多一些,也更多用在一般文章里。比如想说“要培养一些有希望的音乐家": to nurture promising musicians. 这里基本上同train,foster等词汇用法差不多。cultivate(n. cultivation)更有点表达用心培养的语气,像是中文写作要表达的耕耘,浇灌那类含义。通常指在现有基础上就某些技能更有提高一层的意思,比如 to cultivate a singing voice (在现有已经有一定音乐技能的基础上),而不能说nurture (or train) a singing voice.







rear一般是“n&adj后方(的)”意思,raise是“v抬起,养育”的意思。rear在词典中的“抬起,养育”意思很少使用如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


cultivate的意思是耕作,种植,用法包括作动词“种植”使用,搭配包括cultivate with (v.+prep.)等。 扩展资料 cultivate的意思是耕作,种植;栽培;改善等,用法包括作动词“种植”使用,常与with连用。cultivate的搭配包括cultivate with (v.+prep.),cultivate sth with sth,用于 be ~ed 结构等。


cultivated的意思是用于耕种的;有教养的;栽培地,培植的。动词耕作(cultivate的过去式和过去分词); 促进增长; 教养,改善; 陶冶思想[感情]建立(友谊)。例句:he people"s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall decide on whether the land used for construction of other highways may be exempted from cultivated land occupancy tax.对西部地区内资鼓励类产业、外商投资鼓励类产业及优势产业的项目在投资总额内进口自用先进技术设备,除国家规定不予免税的商品外,免征关税和进口环节增值税。

cultivate 这个单词怎么读

cultivate英:[u02c8ku028cltu026aveu026at]美:[u02c8ku028cltu026aveu026at]v.耕; 耕作; 种植; 栽培; 培育; 建立(友谊); 结交(朋友); 获得(支持); 例句:In such hilly area, it is difficult to cultivate.在这种丘陵地区很难耕作。谐音:康特v特

cultivate 造句

cultivate 英[u02c8ku028cltiveit] 美[u02c8ku028cltu0259u02ccvet] 过去式:cultivated 过去分词:cultivated 现在分词:cultivating vt. 1.耕;耕作 2.陶冶思想[感情] 3.建立(友谊);结交(朋友);获得(支持) 4.种植;栽培;培育 5.逐渐形成(某种态度、谈话或举止方式等) 及物动词 vt.1.耕;耕作 The farmer is cultivating his land.农民在耕耘土地。This field has not been cultivated for years.这片土地已荒废多年了。2.陶冶思想[感情] She cultivated her mind by reading many books.她博览群书, 修身养性。One should cultivate good manners from childhood.一个人从小要学讲礼貌。3.建立(友谊);结交(朋友);获得(支持) He purposedly tried to cultivate good relations with the press.他特意设法与新闻界搞好关系。It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people.如果你不怕麻烦主动结交当地人,会大有好处。4.种植;栽培;培育 The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.这里的人们主要种植稻子和豆类。5.逐渐形成(某种态度、谈话或举止方式等) She tried to cultivate an air of sophistication.她竭力养成一种老于世故的气派。


  cultivate有耕作, 种植 ; 教养等意思,那么你知道cultivate的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来cultivate的近义词及辨析,希望对你有所帮助!   cultivate近义词:   nurse, tend, foster, cultivate, cherish   cultivate近义词辨析:   这些动词均含"照料,培育"之意。   nurse 通常指对无力自顾的婴儿、病人等进行照料或护理。   tend 指出于责任心、博爱心而不是私人感情去对人或物进行照顾。   foster 指对孩子的关心、鼓励、供养及抚养其成长;也指鼓励、促进事物的增长与发展。   cultivate 具体意义指耕耘、培育植物;抽象意义指培养兴趣或向往的理想事物。   cherish 强调抚育或爱抚。   cultivate的英语例句:   1. Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries.   爱沙尼亚努力发展与西欧国家的友谊。   2. We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.   我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气.   3. He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.   他总是试图结交有钱有势的人.   4. Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.   农夫用牛耕田.   5. One should cultivate good manners from childhood.   一个人从小要学讲礼貌.   6. He always tries to cultivate cadres who might be able to help him.   他总是试图结识能给予他帮助的干部.   7. John always tries to cultivate people who might be able to help him.   约翰总是试图结识能给予他帮助的人.   8. We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others.   我们要在青少年中大力提倡勤奋学习助人为乐的革命风尚.   9. China was the first country in the world to cultivate silkworms and develop silk weaving . More than 3,000 years ago, sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed.   中国是世界上最早发明养蚕和丝织的国家;早在3,000多年以前, 蚕桑、丝织已相当发达.   10. Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit.   (二)坚持弘扬和培育民族精神.   11. You should cultivate the habit of listening to what you are told.   你应该养成听话的习惯.   12. The capitalists of our times continued vigorously to cultivate white chauvinism.   当代的资本家继续卖力地培养白种沙文主义.   13. It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness.   我们的责任是培育大无畏的精神.   14. They moved to the country to cultivate the soil.   他们搬到乡下去种地.   15. You must cultivate good manners and behave like a gentleman.   你必须学习好礼貌举止象上流人一样.

cultivate 这个英语单词怎么读

cultivate , 这样读的,美 [u02c8ku0259ltu0259u02ccveu026at] 英 [u02c8ku028cltu026aveu026at],vt. 栽培;培养;陶冶;耕作。


cultivatevt.培养, 耕作


有手快的网友已经给出了音标和释义,我就补充一下一个土办法吧:如果 不喜欢看音标,可以看汉字注音来读这个词: 考(请读成第一声,平的) 体 为 特

急求一篇关于创造力的英语作文,how should we cultivate our creativity?2,why

What is CREATIVITY?1.An Ability. A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new.As we will see below, creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing b...

in every cultivated language

任何文明的语言均包括两大类词语,所有的词汇都是由这两类词语共同组成的.首先,有些词语是我们从日常会话中所学到的,也就是说,我们从家人和熟悉的伙伴那里学到的;对于这些词语,即使我们不会读或者不会写,我们也知道如何使用它们. 它们涉及生活中的一般性事情,是所有使用这种语言的人惯用的语言材料.这样的词语可以被称为“流行词语”,它们是属于人民大众的,而不是专属于某个特定的阶级的.另一方面,我们的语言中还包含着大量普通谈话中相对较少使用的词语.所有受过教育的人都知道它们的含义,但是很少有必要在家中或市场上使用它们. 我们不是从我们母亲的言语中或者与同学们的交谈中了解到这些词语的,而是从我们学习的书本、参加的讲座或者与受过高等教育的人的较正式的谈话中学到的.在讨论某个特殊的话题时,受过高等教育的人们采用一种超越日常生活习惯的、得体的谈话方式.这样的词语被称为“习得词语”.“习得词语”与“流行词语”之间的区别对于正确理解语言的形成过程起着非常重要的作用.

he meet with many difficulties

答案:A;though虽然;so于是;but但是;or或者;根据句意,“He continues doing it 他继续这样做”和“he meets up with many difficulties他遇到了许多困难”,可知二者之间是转折关系,though引导让步状语从句,意为尽管,虽然;故选A.