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these cupcakes are not fresh . throw them away bad musty stale rotten 选哪个?

stale 保证对。

painis cupcake什么意思?


This cupcake is yummy too这个纸杯蛋糕也好吃的翻译对吗?


this is yummy cupcake句子对吗?

yummy 很好吃的this is (a) yummy cupcake 才对。。。

the cupcake tree什么意思

the cupcake tree纸杯蛋糕树的意思

什么是Have a cupcake,please?



cupcake n.纸杯蛋糕; (经常用于称呼语中)指有魅力的女人

cupcake 什么意思?

杯形糕饼 cupcake 指的是小菜,弱队


英[?k?pke?k] 美[?k?pke?k]n. (撒有糖霜的单人份)纸杯蛋糕;[例句]But as far as the actual work and the cupcake making但至于说到实际的工作纸杯蛋糕的制作[其他] 复数:cupcakes

cupcake 什么意思?


cupcake是什么意思 翻译



cupcake是可数名词。 cupcake n.(撒有糖霜的单人份)纸杯蛋糕 复数: cupcakes 例句: Mom, can you go get a cupcake? 妈妈你能去拿个杯形蛋糕吗? 扩展资料   An old school type of cupcake that everybody would like   大家都喜欢的传统纸杯蛋糕   But as far as the actual work and the cupcake making   但至于说到实际的工作纸杯蛋糕的制作   We just went back to the kitchen and got another cupcake.   我们只是返回厨房去享受另外一快蛋糕。




我是cupcake控!基本上深圳的我都吃过,这家我觉得是最深的我心的。甜而不腻 蛋糕不会硬。尤其说一下她家奶油霜不是普通奶油霜所以不腻入口就化!买的传说中的小jj cupcake。价格合理!唯一我觉得不足点就是。老板。也太难订到蛋糕了吧!提前预订还要排队取。。所以最好早点跟她说。老板是美女 哈哈

谁能告诉我 破产姐妹里 max的cupcake 怎么做 看起来好好看 请列出工具极其步骤

cupcake译为杯型蛋糕,口袋蛋糕.普通cupcake1、在一个碗里放入10g砂糖,另一个碗里放入10g砂糖和20g水; 2、把蛋清和蛋黄分开,在砂糖的碗里放进蛋清,砂糖和水的碗里放进蛋黄;3、用打蛋器把蛋清打发至稠,加入半匙塔塔粉继续打发至糊状;4、打发蛋黄均匀后,用筛把面粉30g洒进蛋黄糊里再用打蛋器打发均匀; 5、用勺子把蛋黄糊顺时针拌匀几下,加入蛋白糊混合均匀后倒进裱花袋;6、然后挤在蛋糕纸杯上,放烤箱150度烤7分钟即可;7、烤好后,可按个人喜好进行装饰。注意蛋白不要打太老,搅拌混合蛋糕浆时要注意均匀巧克力糖霜用料 黄油 57g 黄糖 50g 白砂糖 10g 大号鸡蛋 1个 13g可可粉 120ml buttermilk(用牛奶+一大勺柠檬汁混合静置5min代替) 香草精华1 tsp 83g 低筋面粉 糖霜 85g苦甜巧克力 32g黄油 70g糖粉 一撮盐 60g酸奶油 巧克力糖霜巧克力CUPCAKE的做法 1. 蛋糕体原材料 2. 黄糖,白糖和融化黄油一起打匀 3. 加入大号鸡蛋和香草精打至乳化。 4. 筛入可可粉 面粉 小苏打 盐 5. 以及约一半份量的牛奶,拌匀。 6. 拌匀后再拌入剩下的粉和牛奶,拌匀入模装到七八分满 7. 175度上下火17-20分钟,牙签插入不带出面糊即可。筛上糖粉作为装饰。这个蛋糕体必须强调已经基本不甜了,再减少糖量已经没有意义了。 8. 然后准备糖霜:85g苦甜巧克力 32g黄油 70g糖粉 1 1/2 tbsp可可粉 一撮盐 60g酸奶油 这个配方因为酸奶油的添加层次更加丰富一些。 9. 巧克力+黄油水浴融化,和其他原料丢在一起打匀。 10. 完毕。准备裱花。 11. 还是这个花嘴最好用了[跪 12. 同一个花嘴,左边是从外到内,右边的是从内到外。 13. 挖鼻 小贴士糖霜因为酸奶油的添加层次更加丰富一些。其实我也是上网找的菜谱,那里有图,更详尽,不过材料不太好买到。我找了几个北京卖cupcake的地方Colibri Cafe 蜂鸟villiage大屏幕不断滚动播放的就是他家的影像,一会sex and the city,一会britney spears,万变不离其宗,他们都在吃cupcake。还有烘焙的情景,一杯这个,两杯那个,令人看完了拔腿就向右跑去!蜂鸟的宣传策略真是威猛,各大纸媒争相报道,网络四处转载,聘请外籍甜点师,smart车车外送,甚至打包盒子都是为cupcake量身定做不会倾斜倒塌影响卖相的,细节的处理精确令人称赞。他家吃食走美式重油路线。蛋糕底托口味都不同,甚至还加入了蔬果碎,但无一例外是湿润不掉渣,单吃也不显单调。上层往往是搅打黄油酱为基底的花式顶棚,不怕油的也可以先尝尝顶,品味一下油香质感,但不糊嘴容易下咽。当然最好的吃法还是从上到下一口吃完。如果你的嘴够大的话。 Lollipop Bakery他家目前还没有实体店,只做外送或在crepanini和fisheye寄卖。风格和colibri对比明显,底托干顶棚也干,甜度大。甚至顶棚都能吃出砂糖颗粒的质感。 炒得很火的CCSweets美女海归店主,专修甜点巧克力制作云云我只能说这都是噱头,他家口味远没有宣传中的那么好吃。底托虽说也是不同口味的,但基调一样,区别不大。顶棚是花纹越复杂的越干燥,反而是最简易螺旋形状还保有湿度。但吃起来无一例外是糊嘴的油腻。 云酷北京最高酒廊,下午茶兼卖cupcake。价格虽是北京最高,但的确是物有所值!让我吃完有一种就算从80层跳下去也今生无憾的满足!cupcake品种有14种之多,令贪心的我难以取舍。随便挑选了6杯,个个品质不凡。顶棚不油腻但又有吃奶油的满足感,各种风味都深深地渗入了湿润细腻的底托。从顶上一口咬下去,不同的质地但透着同样基调的味道,整个口腔都充满香气。 3A07逆爱杯子蛋糕帅哥美女小夫妇俩辞职师从五星级酒店饼房大师后开了这家杯子蛋糕,勇气可嘉只是开在人流熙攘特色店众多的南锣鼓巷,没点搏出位的特色是很难维持下去的他家的特点是用料讲究,新西兰黄油比利时巧克力,入口是浓郁扎实化不开by 晶晶seammu0132新浪博客




Cupcakes are small frosted cakes for one person. 定义之中写明了是frosted cakes即奶油蛋糕。而muffin的定义是:small, round, sweet cakes, usually with fruit or bran inside. They are often eaten for breakfast. 不要求一定是奶油蛋糕,并且Muffin 需要涂黄油趁热吃。此外,muffin需要用刀切成两半然后再享用,一个Muffin底部半径可达8厘米,cupcake相对来说小一点点。最主要的是,cupcake一定是奶油的,muffin有很多口味,也有咸味的


cupcake softcake 意思为软蛋 ,指他投奔头敌。 koward原词为coward 胆小鬼,为了开头结尾凑成kd,改成koward的

Benny Green的《Cupcake》 歌词

歌曲名:Cupcake歌手:Benny Green专辑:That S RightFat Joe Ft. Benisour - CupcakeHey yo Shyke, we don"t give a fuck about that recession(Chorus)Bitch I"m on the grind movin" "em cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeI"m ah show ya how to do a thang wit ah (beam wit ah)Show ya how to run a team wit ahBitch I"m on the grind movin" them cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeNigga let me show you how to work that (work that)Drop it in the water watch it double back(Fat Joe)I got that white bitch (white bitch) color it you raiseThe best in the kitchen have you niggas scrappin" platesGot that hard shit the soft shit anyway you want itGot that Mac if they talk shit don"t nobody want itWith the G to the O to the D of the ghetto yeah we stays on that rock shitPacking heavy metalGot the beast (beast) I ain"t talking "bout no trebleI am a menace to society a mothafuckin" rebelYeah she"s askin" for the scissors but I hit it from the backYeah she cost me hugs and kisses but you could just call me crackGot them dulies wit me niggas and them flags is off blackCouple cuffies in the duffies and we headed for the track (bitch!)(Chorus)Bitch I"m on the grind movin" "em cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeI"m ah show ya how to do a thang wit ah (beam wit ah)Show ya how to run a team wit ahBitch I"m on the grind movin" them cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeNigga let me show you how to work that (work that)Drop it in the water watch it double back(Benisour)Spoken a new rocks in the kitchen workin" two potsTell "em supper"s ready time to feed the blockGot "em cupcakes movin" like clockworkWest sittin" on 67 1 vertGrippin" grain ridin" wit "em cupcakesYoung green ass niggas don"t touch weight750 ya cup that"s what it"s goin" fo"White girl on deck do you know it brah?And I can introduce you to a brotha tooAnd he"d have you ridin" in that purple coupePut a five on him man see what he doUnless you be a nutty greedy mahfucka you(Chorus)Bitch I"m on the grind movin" "em cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeI"m ah show ya how to do a thang wit ah (beam wit ah)Show ya how to run a team wit ahBitch I"m on the grind movin" them cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeNigga let me show you how to work that (work that)Drop it in the water watch it double back(Fat Joe)Cupcakes! (Cupcakes!), yeah who want them cupcakes?Got "em for the low watch me bust open that duct tapeWant a Little Debby we call that bitch jailbaitAnd need a whole key well that"s called bail cakeA thousand of the butter watch it spread through the hoodIf you get it how I get it you be shittin" if you couldWatch you niggas ? yeah we jump a lead itThrow our money at the sun screamin" how we net itWith my Palm Beach niggas Shyke on the trackThis is slow flow killah like a knife in your backYeah I"m nice with the raps nicer in the kitchenTell the judge suck my dick I"ma serve him in the prison (bitch!)(Chorus)Bitch I"m on the grind movin" "em cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeI"m ah show ya how to do a thang wit ah (beam wit ah)Show ya how to run a team wit ahBitch I"m on the grind movin" them cupcakes (cupcakes)Man bust open that duct tapeNigga let me show you how to work that (work that)Drop it in the water watch it double back(Outro)Yeah Benisour we don"t see no recession nigga!Every time you see me clean niggaMy sneakers clean they sit my love is cleanMy top is off the bitches cleanThem dimes is clean lot of ya"ll fuck niggas be havin"…

为什么称杜兰特为 cupcake





If you have ever wondered how to make cupcakes but were intimidated by the process, let me assure you that making cupcakes is very easy, even if you have never baked before. I will give you a few tips before you start to ensure your success. First, get all your ingredients out on the counter and let them get to room temperature before you start. Yes, even the eggs. In some places, they don"t even refrigerate their eggs so allowing them to be unrefrigerated for a short period of time won"t cause you any harm.I hate waiting, so if I know I will be baking, I get the ingredients out the night before to ensure they are at room temperature for baking day. This does several things. It ensures my ingredients are at room temperature before I get started, it gives me the opportunity to check to make sure I have all the ingredients I will need, and it gets the family excited anticipating a yummy baked treat. I also get out my measuring spoons, cups, spatula, bowls and mixer. Having everything ready to go really speeds up the time it takes to make cupcakes by not having to go back and forth to cabinets, drawers and the pantry.When you are ready to get started baking, the first thing to do is to preheat your oven to the desired temperature. You want a hot oven when you have your batter ready, you don"t want to have to wait for the oven to get hot. Line your cupcake tin with paper liners and have them ready to go before you get started with the batter.Beat the fat (usually butter or margarine) with the sugar and then add one egg at a time. I crack the eggs into a small clear glass dish so I can take a look a the egg to make sure it isn"t bad, and so I can make sure I haven"t accidently included a piece of egg shell. Cracking an egg into a dish may sound easy, but it is a skill. Once you have mastered it, teach your kids. It is a good skill for them to learn as well. It might be messy at first, but will give them a sense of accomplishment once they master it. Once they get their confidence up, they will want to help you bake cupcakes all the time. It"s a great way to make a memory while teaching them a skill.Mix your dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of your dry ingredients by pushing the flour mixture out and away from the center. You should be able to see the center of your bowl when you are through. You are basically making a place for the wet ingredients to go. Once you have mixed the wet ingredients together, pour the wet ingredients into the well you have created in the large bowl with the dry ingredients. When you combine the wet and dry ingredients together, you want to fold the two together and then use an electric mixer and beat them together for no longer than two minutes. Over mixing your cupcake batter will produce a tough cupcake. I have had tough cupcakes before and believe me, it is not an enjoyable experience!Once the baking powder is added to moisture, it activates and will need to be put in the oven as soon as possible. If you wait to long, the cupcakes won"t raise and they will be denser than they need to be. They will still taste good, but won"t be as light and delicate as they could be, making for a less than desirable cupcake.Now you have some of my baking tips and know how to make cupcakes. Next, try making the zucchini cupcakes with caramel frosting. It"s a crowd pleaser! You don"t have to tell your family that it has zucchini in them which is full of nutrients, just smile as you watch them disappear.Note: If the caramel frosting seems like more than you want to tackle, try the cream cheese frosting. It goes with everything and is delicious!


两者长相上就有很大的差距。而且两者的做法也有很大的不同。cupcake 通常使用白面粉为主要制作材料,它的内部组织比较松软,所以无法做出顶部高高的造型。cupcake属于蛋糕的范畴,cupcake因为制作工艺的原因,口感比较细腻,蛋糕体比较柔软,而奶油顶部分也会因为制作者的选料或者手法变得各具特色,在口腔里面一般是各种绵密的口感加上浪漫的味道;pancake美式松饼,一种通过泡打粉加热后膨胀的煎饼。主要原材料,糖,牛奶,鸡蛋,色拉油,蛋糕粉,泡打粉。常用配料有枫叶糖浆,Nut,果酱等搭配食用。在原料上就有很大的差距,两者当然在口味上的差距也很大。

cupcake 杜兰特什么意思



主料自发粉(self raising flour)85g 麦芽粉(malt powder)25g 巧克力粉15g 泡打粉1/4tsp 无盐黄油1135g 鸡蛋2个 全奶11.5tsp 香草精1/4tsp 奥利奥饼干12块 奶油霜 无盐黄油2200g 糖粉450g 全奶(牛奶)23tbs 香草精21/4tsp 奥利奥饼干沫适量 辅料盐一撮 白砂糖125g Oreo Cupcake奥利奥杯子蛋糕的做法步骤1. 先po一下背回来的面粉巧粉麦芽粉和糖 勉强卡到行李超重线呀2. 粉类黄油大集合3. 所有粉类(自发粉麦芽粉白砂糖巧粉泡打粉盐)过筛筛入一个大的容器中 打入鸡蛋 放入无盐黄油1 用电动打蛋器由慢至快搅拌4. 打的程度如图打完后加入牛奶1和1/4tsp香草精5. 用硅胶拌刀翻拌翻拌时间约为1-2分钟翻拌程度大概是达到能够隐约看出来面糊拉丝6. 准备cupcake模具 并在里面放上纸托 在每个纸托里放入一块奥利奥饼干7. 用勺子将面糊放入纸托里 基本上一大勺就能够一个纸托 可以用另一个勺子辅助放进去8. 放好后基本就是这样啦大家不要担心蛋糕糊的形状呀有没有沾到纸托呀自发粉在烤箱中会自动膨胀到完美程度的此时烤箱要预热170度约10分钟 放入烤箱烤制170度22分钟每家的烤箱功率都不太一样 所以时间还需自己掌控9. 在烤制蛋糕的时候我们要开始准备奶油霜啦无盐黄油2放入一个没有水 干燥的容器中 用打蛋器高速打发约5分钟直至其从淡黄色变为淡白色之后分三次加入糖粉 每次加完后要用打蛋器搅拌均匀10. 加完糖粉并搅拌均匀后加入牛奶2和1/4tsp香草精 继续搅打均匀最后一步啦 加入奥利奥碎奥利奥碎可以用破壁机打碎 也可以放入保鲜袋用擀面杖擀碎一定要注意 奥利奥碎一定要够碎 不然裱花的时候会堵住裱花嘴11. 烤好的蛋糕体最好要在烤箱中放置到室温之后就可以裱花啦裱花技能就不说了 要注意的是奶油霜放进裱花袋后要把袋口拧紧以免漏出来


图片参考:iphoto.ipeen/photo/ment/200908/cgm4844fb0b48ec423bbcbe3bdcacb9bdaa281 最早的蛋糕是用几样简单的材料做出来的,这些蛋糕是古老宗教神话与奇迹式迷信的象征。早期的经贸路线使异国香料由远东向北输入,坚果、花露水、柑橘类水果、枣子与无花果从中东引进, 甘蔗则从东方国家与南方国家进口。在欧洲黑暗时代,这些珍奇的原料只有僧侣与贵族才能拥有,而他们的糕点创作则是蜂蜜姜饼以及扁平硬饼干之类的东西。慢慢地,随着贸易往来的频繁,西方国家的饮食习惯也跟着彻底地改变。   从十字军东征返家的士兵和 *** 商人,把香料的运用和中东的食谱散播开来。在中欧几个主要的商业重镇, 烘焙师傅的同业公会也组织了起来。而在中世纪末,香料已被欧洲各地的富有人家广为使用,更增进了想像力丰富的糕点烘焙技术。等到坚果和糖大肆流行时,杏仁糖泥也跟着大众化起来,这种杏仁糖泥是用木雕的凸版模子烤出来的,而模子上的图案则与宗教训诫多有关联。 杯子蛋糕起源于19世纪末,杯子蛋糕是西方社会中传统的家常点心。而杯子蛋糕的命名由来就和它的外型一样单纯可爱,根 据美国食物演进大事件的记载,说法有两种,第一︰是因为这类蛋糕是以杯子装的小容器来烘培,第二︰因为当初这类点心 的制作过程中,为了方便起见,其材料份量都是以 "杯子" 来衡量计算,例如一杯的奶油、两杯的糖、三杯的面粉等等,因而 当时的杯子蛋糕也称为 "数字蛋糕"。 在英国,杯子蛋糕更有着充满想像空间的暱称叫做 "童话蛋糕",也许是因为杯子蛋糕有 著可随心发挥创意制造惊喜的特质吧。在以前杯子蛋糕因为作法简单不容易失败,原料又单纯营养,西方家庭中妈妈常常自 行烘培,很多小朋友是吃著杯子蛋糕长大 (童话中小天使最爱吃的甜点),所以杯子蛋糕对现代西方人来说是很熟悉且总是带 著纯真温馨回忆的经典甜点。 参考: Google大神




cake可作可数名词也可作不可数名词.在句中意思不同。情况也就不同.一般地说,整个的cake就用可数形式,切开的就用不可数形式。 cupcake:n.(撒有糖霜的单人份)纸杯蛋糕. 扩展资料   You are still just buying and eating a cupcake, right?   人们可以简单地去买个纸杯蛋糕吃,对吧?   And that Cupcake on the wall. let"s ask her.   和那墙上的一对巨波,问问她吧。   You work on that. I"m gonna eat this cupcake.   你帮我想办法,我准备吃蛋挞。

cupcake是什么意思 翻译





你好,意思是cupcake读音:[英][u02c8ku028cpkeu026ak][美][u02c8ku028cpu02cckek]释义:n.纸杯蛋糕; (经常用于称呼语中)指有魅力的女人; 指软弱和女性化的 男人 或男孩; 复数:cupcakes一般指的是纸杯蛋糕的意思,具体意思还要结合句子的意思哦。求采纳,谢谢!

cupcake怎么读 cupcake解释

1、cupcake,读音:美/u02c8ku028cpkeu026ak/;英/u02c8ku028cpkeu026ak/。 2、释义:n.纸托蛋糕;杯形蛋糕。 3、例句:My main focus is our cupcake business.我的主要重心在我们的纸杯蛋糕生意。