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Her hand was completely cured. 和Her hand has already healed. 区别

completely cured.完全治愈already healed 已经恢复

Habit cures habit是什么意思啊?


Time cures everything什么意思


cures you will be happy什么意思?

A sleighing song tonight!

punishment never cures anything文章结构

这是一句简单句,结构是主谓宾Punshiment 主语 意思是惩罚(名词)cures 谓语 ,及物动词,意思是“治好,弥补拯救...”(Never 是动词前面的否定词)anything 是宾语,任何事整句的意思是 惩罚起不到任何作用(字面意思:惩罚解决/治疗不了任何问题)建议了解KT英语学习法。

cures poison是什么意思


彩排时他们经常说的“cure"流程还是”cuer"流程的 。那个英文是怎么拼的


spring cure是什么意思?

spring cure春天防治spring英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ]n.春季; 泉水,小溪; 弹簧,弹性; 跳跃vi.跳,跃; 突然发出或出现; 发源; 劈开,裂开vt.突然跳出; 跳过; 使开裂adj.春天的; 弹簧的,有弹性的春天;春季;弹簧;春竹复数: springs 过去式: sprang 过去分词: sprung 现在分词: springing 第三人称单数: springs派生词:springless springlet springlike cure英 [kjʊə(r)] 美 [kjʊr]vt.治愈; 矫正; 解决; 消除vi.受治疗; 被加工处理n.治愈; 药物; 疗法; 措施治疗;治愈;痊愈;医治复数: cures 过去式: cured 过去分词: cured 现在分词: curing 第三人称单数: cures

日入一词_122 cure

To cure this, increase the object height a little so that all the text fits within the object noun /kjʊr/ 1 cure for There is still no cure for AIDS. The disease has no cure. [=the disease cannot be cured; the disease is incurable]. - often + for There is no cure for the common cold. The drug was sold as a cure for a variety of ailments. [ailment = /"elmənt/ noun, an illness that is not very serious] the search for a cure for cancer. There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. The only real cure is rest. There"s still no cure for cancer. There is no known cure for this disease (= a cure has not yet been found). Doctors say there are several possible cures for the disease. There"s no cure for diabetes but the symptoms can be managed. [diabetes = /ˌdaɪə"bitiz/ noun, a serious disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood] miracle cure (=an easy solution that works immediately) [miracle = /"mɪrəkl/ noun, 1). something very lucky or very good that happens which you did not expect to happen or did not think was possible. 2). an action or event believed to be caused by God, which is impossible according to the ordinary laws of nature] Tax cuts are not the miracle cure the Right seems to think. There is still no cure for a cold. Atkinson has been told rest is the only cure for his ankle injury. 2 cure for There is no easy cure for loneliness /"lonlɪnɪs/. This is a problem that has no easy cure. - often + for The highway construction program was presented as a cure for unemployment. Exercise is a good cure for stress. a cure for poverty. The best cure for boredom is hard work! [boredom = /"bɔrdəm/ noun, the feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring] It"s the only possible cure for our chronic trade deficit. [chronic = /"krɑnɪk/ adjective, 2). a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved. 4). (British English informal) extremely bad] [deficit = /"dɛfəsɪt/ noun, the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall] [shortfall = /"ʃɔrtfɔl/ noun, the difference between the amount you have and the amount you need or expect → deficit] Punishment can never be an effective cure for acute social problems. The magic cure for inflation does not exist. 3 The new treatment effected a miraculous cure. [miraculous = /mɪ"rækjələs/ adjective, 1). very good, completely unexpected, and often very lucky. 2). a miraculous action or event is believed to be caused by God, and is impossible according to the ordinary laws of nature] The doctors were unable to effect a cure because the disease had spread too far. Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far. The cure took six weeks.verb /kjʊr/ 1 Many types of cancer can now be cured. an operation that can cure short-sightedness in 15 minutes Doctors cured his disease. The infection can be cured with antibiotics /ˌæntɪbaɪ"ɑtɪk/. TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. At one time the doctors couldn"t cure TB/cure people of TB. Many formerly fatal diseases can now be cured. An operation finally cured his shin injury. [shin = /ʃɪn/ noun, the front part of your leg between your knee and your foot] Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured. 2 She had some acupuncture /"ækjupʌŋktʃɚ/ treatment which seems to have cured her. cure somebody of something 90% of patients can be cured of the disease. Her doctors have pronounced her cured. [=have said that she is no longer ill] - often + of A team of doctors cured him of a rare blood disease. Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? MDT is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide. [leprosy = /"lɛprəsi/ noun, a very serious infectious disease in which the flesh and nerves are gradually destroyed → leper] [infectious = /ɪn"fɛkʃəs/ adjective, an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe] [flesh = /flɛʃ/ noun, 1). the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones. 2). the skin of the human body] [nerve = /nɝv/ noun, nerves are parts inside your body which look like threads and carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body] Almost overnight I was cured. Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease. 3 Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed. Drinking won"t cure [=solve] any of your problems. I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. [rattle = /"rætl/ verb, 1). if you rattle something, or if it rattles, it shakes and makes a quick series of short sounds. 2). if a vehicle rattles somewhere, it travels there while making a rattling sound] Finance Ministers meet this week to discuss how to cure inflation. It might be several months before she"s fully cured. Better quality control might cure our production problems. Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia"s economic troubles. We need to cure our environmental problems. 4 cure somebody of something Nothing could cure her of her impatience with Anna. She was cured of any illusions she had about college after her first semester. [illusion = /ɪ"luʒn/ noun, an idea or opinion that is wrong, especially about yourself → delusion] [delusion = /dɪ"luʒn/ noun, a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in] [semester = /sɪ"mɛstɚ/ noun, one of the two periods of time that a year at high schools and universities is divided into, especially in the US] My wife cured me of most of my bad habits. I ate so much of it one day I was sick and that cured me of my addiction. Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness. The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again. [detestable = /dɪ"tɛstəbl/ adjective, very bad, and deserving to be criticized or hated] [ordeal = /ɔr"dil/ noun, a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time] He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating. [clinic = /"klɪnɪk/ noun, a place, often in a hospital, where medical treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in the hospital] 5 cured ham. [ham = /hæm/ noun, the upper part of a pig"s leg, or the meat from this that has been preserved with salt or smoke → gammon] [gammon = /"ɡæmən/ noun, meat from a pig"s leg, preserved using salt → bacon] [bacon = /ˈbekən/ noun, salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig, often served in narrow thin pieces] cure bacon/meat. The fish was cured with salt. olives /ˈɑlɪv/ cured in brine. [brine = /braɪn/ noun, 1). water that contains a lot of salt and is used for preserving food. 2). sea water] The hay is curing in the sun. [hay = /he/ noun, long grass that has been cut and dried, used as food for cattle] It takes several days for concrete to cure. [=harden, set] Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire. [pork = /pɔrk/ noun, 1). the meat from pigs. 2). (American English informal) government money spent in a particular area in order to get political advantages – used to show disapproval, examples: a bill filled with pork projects. We need to cut the pork out of the federal budget. ] sliced cured ham. [slice = /slaɪs/ verb, (also slice up) to cut meat, bread, vegetables etc into thin flat pieces → chop] [chop = /tʃɑp/ verb, (also chop up) to cut something into smaller pieces]kill or cure (BrE) Having a baby can be kill or cure for a troubled marriage.prevention is better than cure


cured, curing, cures 中文翻译 v. 治愈, 治疗 n. 治愈, 痊愈[ 名词 ] 1. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain [ 动词 ] 2. provide a cure for, make healthy again3. prepare by chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats" 动词用法:·Zyvox seems to cure some infections impervious to all other antibiotics, even that longtime drug of last resort called vancomycin.名词用法:·This can help prevention, although a cure or a vaccine are a different question, as the elusive search for a "silver bullet" against AIDS has shown.

Time cures all things. waters lost is lost.意思是什



cure的意思:治疗;治愈。cure,英 [kjʊə(r)],美 [kjʊr]    n. 治疗;治愈;疗法;对策v. 治愈;治疗;纠正形容词: cureless 名词: curer 过去式: cured 过去分词: cured 现在分词: curing 第三人称单数: cures【示例】When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。cure的词语用法cure的基本意思是“治愈”,指用药物治愈某人的病。此时cure并不表示动作,而表示治愈的结果。引申可指“矫正某人的不良行为”。cure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主语是人,宾语一般为患者,后接of引出疾病; 主语为药物时,宾语多为疾病或不良行为。cure用作不及物动词时,可用病、伤、恶习作主语,其主动形式含有被动意义; 以药物或疗法作主语时,意为“有疗效”“可治愈”。cure还可作“保存”解,指用腌、晒、烤等方法保存食物、动物皮毛或烟草等。cure可用于被动结构。cure作“治愈”解时是不可数名词,但可加不定冠词; 作“药剂”“疗法”解时是可数名词,有复数形式。cure常接介词for,表示“医治〔治疗〕…的方法”,此时用其本义; 接介词of,表示“纠正别人的错误或毛病”,此时用其比喻义。


cure的意思:治疗;治愈。cure,英 [kjʊə(r)],美 [kjʊr]    n. 治疗;治愈;疗法;对策v. 治愈;治疗;纠正形容词: cureless 名词: curer 过去式: cured 过去分词: cured 现在分词: curing 第三人称单数: cures【示例】When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。cure的词语用法cure的基本意思是“治愈”,指用药物治愈某人的病。此时cure并不表示动作,而表示治愈的结果。引申可指“矫正某人的不良行为”。cure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主语是人,宾语一般为患者,后接of引出疾病; 主语为药物时,宾语多为疾病或不良行为。cure用作不及物动词时,可用病、伤、恶习作主语,其主动形式含有被动意义; 以药物或疗法作主语时,意为“有疗效”“可治愈”。cure还可作“保存”解,指用腌、晒、烤等方法保存食物、动物皮毛或烟草等。cure可用于被动结构。cure作“治愈”解时是不可数名词,但可加不定冠词; 作“药剂”“疗法”解时是可数名词,有复数形式。cure常接介词for,表示“医治〔治疗〕…的方法”,此时用其本义; 接介词of,表示“纠正别人的错误或毛病”,此时用其比喻义。


cure 英[kjʊə(r)] 美[kjʊr] vt. 治愈; 矫正; 解决; 消除; vi. 受治疗; 被加工处理; n. 治愈; 疗法; 药物; 措施; [例句]An operation finally cured his shin injury手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。[其他] 第三人称单数:cures 复数:cures 现在分词:curing 过去式:cured过去分词:cured

英语谚语:Time cures all things 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Time cures all things 中文意思: 时间可以医治一切创伤。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Newspapers are the world"s mirrors 报纸是世界之镜。 Nightingales will not sing in a cage 夜莺困笼不唱歌。 No answer is also answer 不回答也是一种回答。 No bees no honey; no work no money 没有蜜蜂就没有蜜,没有劳动就没有钱。 No cross no crown 无苦即无乐。 No gains without pains 不劳无获。 No garden without its weeds 有利必有弊。 No good building without a good foundation 基础不好,建筑不牢。 No great loss without some *** all gain 塞翁失马,安知非福。 No herb will cure love 想思病,无药医。 英语谚语: Time cures all things 中文意思: 时间可以医治一切创伤。

Like cures like 是什么意思




cures for是什么词性

没有用在句子中,cures for 既可以是名词词组,也可以是动词词组(单数第三人称现在时)。


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英语toothpaste cures bad breath怎么翻译?


uv cure systems是什么意思,怎么翻译呢?

紫外固化系统。uv是紫外线的缩写Ultra Violet,cure是固化、硫化、治疗的意思

cure 在表面处理中什么意思

cure英 [kjʊə(r)] 美 [kjʊr] vt.治愈;矫正;解决;消除vi.受治疗;被加工处理n.治愈;疗法;药物;措施第三人称单数: cures 复数: cures 现在分词: curing 过去式: cured 过去分词: cured

cure是什么意思 cure单词变形

cure 治愈


cure 英[kjʊə(r)] 美[kjʊr] v. 治愈,治好(病人或动物); 治好(疾病); 解决,了结(问题); n. 药; 药物; 疗法; 治疗; 疗程; (解决问题、改善糟糕情况等的) 措施,对策; [例句]An operation finally cured his shin injury手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。第三人称单数:cures 复数:cures 现在分词:curing 过去式:cured 过去分词:cured

cure for me怎么读

cure for me意思是给我治病。1、cure读音:英 [kjʊə(r)],美 [kjʊr]。 翻译:治愈,治好(病人或动物),解决(问题),矫正,改正。第三人称单数:cures。复数:cures。2、for读音:英 [fɔː(r) , fə(r)],美 [fɔːr , fər]。翻译:对于,为了,(表示对象、用途等)给,对,供,以帮助,关于,代表。3、me读音:英 [mi],美 [mi]。翻译:我。双语例句:1、给我治病的医生他是很有经验的。The doctor cure for me was quite experienced. 2、这完全不合理,因为如果我病了,你赚的那些钱都要用来给我治病。which makes no sense in the least because when I get sick you sacrificed that same moneycure for me.




cure的读音是:英[kj??(r)]。cure的读音是:英[kj??(r)]。cure形容词:cureless;名词:curer;过去式:cured;过去分词:cured;现在分词:curing;第三人称单数:cures。cure【近义词】heal。一、详尽释义点此查看cure的详细内容n.(名词)治疗,医治疗法对策,措施药,治疗用剂痊愈,治愈牧师职位怪人,奇人疗程处治疗养矿泉疗养地补救(办法)矫正法v.(动词)消除,扫除产生疗效,起治疗作用受治疗治愈,治好,治疗,医病,医治,救治,使康复,痊愈(用腌、晒、熏等方法)保存(食品)矫正,纠正,改正晒干,熏干,烤干,风干进行加工,加工储藏,加工处理受硫化解决(问题),了结(问题)腌制去掉(弊端),消除,铲除(弊病),除去(不良习惯)二、词典解释1.治愈,治好(疾病或创伤)If doctors or medical treatmentscure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear.cure的意思e.g. An operation finally cured his shin injury...手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。e.g. Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.她的癌症只能控制,无法治愈。2.治好,治愈(病人);使恢复健康If doctors or medical treatmentscure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury.cure在线翻译e.g. MDT is an effective treatment and couldcure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide...联合化疗是一种有望治愈全世界所有麻风病患者的有效治疗方法。e.g. Almost overnight I was cured...几乎是一夜间我就被治好了。3.药;药物;疗法Acure for an illness is a medicine or other treatment that cures the illness.e.g. There is still nocure for a cold...尚没有治疗感冒的特效药。e.g. Atkinson has been told rest is the onlycure for his ankle injury.阿特金森被告知休息是唯一能治好他脚踝伤的办法。4.消除,解决(问题)If someone or somethingcures a problem, they bring it to an end.e.g. Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to helpcure Russia"s economic troubles...私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关。e.g. We need tocure our environmental problems.我们需要解决环境问题。5.解决方法;措施;对策Acure for a problem is something that will bring it to an end.e.g. Punishment can never be an effectivecure for acute social problems...惩罚绝不是解决严重社会问题的有效办法。e.g. The magiccure for inflation does not exist.抑制通货膨胀没有什么灵丹妙药。6.矫正,使放弃(习惯或态度)If an action or eventcures someoneof a habit or an attitude, it makes them stop having it.e.g. The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again...那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。e.g. He went to a clinic tocure his drinking and overeating.他去诊所戒酒并控制饮食。7.(用干燥、熏、腌等方法)加工贮藏When food, tobacco, or animal skinis cured, it is dried, smoked, or salted so that it will last for a long time.cure的近义词e.g. Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.在火上熏制猪腿。e.g. ...sliced cured ham.切成片的熏火腿三、网络解释1. 痊愈:Seal) 痊愈(Cure)五月十日 牡丹花(Common Peony) 引导(Lead)五月十一日 黄日光兰(Yellow Asphodel) 生性狂野(Wild Nature)萨尔瓦多.达力...朝外的各位还记得<>么...那个超现实主义的奠基人...不过有人说他的画大多都是请枪手画的...五月十二日 鸢尾花(Garden Iris) 优美(Graceful)五月十叁2. 固化:油性油墨没有干燥装置也能使油墨干燥,而UV油墨若无干燥装置是无法干燥的. 该干燥系统即UV(ultraviolet)固化装置. 这是需要注意的是,对于UV油墨不使用干燥(Dry)的说法,而叫做固化(Cure).四、例句There is no effective cure for colds except rest.除了多休息,没有有效的方法可以治疗感冒。There is still no cure for the common cold.目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。The doctor claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.这个医生声称找到治愈那个疾病的疗法。The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。I tried every cure you can think of.我试过了一切能想到的解脱办法。When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。The only way to cure backache is to rest.治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。He tried to cure his child of the habit.他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)cure of (v.+prep.)治好 make patients fully recover from an illnesscure sb of sthDoctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.现在,医生能够治愈过去的许多不治之症。Penicillin cured him of his pneumonia.青霉素治好了他的肺炎。This medicine will cure you of your cough.这种药会治好你的咳嗽。This medicine should cure you of your cold.这种药应该能够治愈你的感冒。This drug will cure you of your stomach.这种药会把你的胃病治好的。The fresh air and exercise cured him of his headache.呼吸新鲜空气和坚持锻炼把他的头痛病治好了。The teacher cured him of bad habits.老师纠正了他的坏习惯。A spell in the army will cure him of his laziness!在军队里呆一段时间会治好他的懒病的。That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.那件令人讨厌的事把他爱管闲事的毛病彻底治好了。The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absent-mindedness.丢钱包给我的打击把我往日的心不在焉的习惯给改掉了。No medicine can cure a man of no confidence.一个人如果失去了自信心,那就没法治了。He is cured of rheumatism.他的风湿病已治好。The patient was cured of his disease three years ago.这位病人的病三年前就治好了。用作名词(n.)cure for治疗或纠正…的药物或方法 the way to make the patients healthcure of医治,根除 heal; root out sth六、经典引文Physical cures happen at Lourdes and the phenomenon cannot be ignored.出自:E. S. TurnerTried to impose upon me Your own diagnosis, and prescribe your own cure.出自:T. S. EliotHe tried to cure the boy of his bad ways and make him honest.出自:G. Stein七、词源解说☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的cura,意为关于,照顾,困扰。cure的相关近义词heal、remedy、medicine、remedy、treatmentcure的相关临近词curfew、curdle、cured、Curev、curet、curer、Curel、Curez、Curea、Curec、Curey、cureau点此查看更多关于cure的详细信息


  cure做动词有治愈;治疗;纠正等意思,那么你知道cure的第三人称单数是什么吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   cure的第三人称单数:   cures   cure的用法:   cure的用法1:cure的基本意思是“治愈”,指用药物治愈某人的病。此时cure并不表示动作,而表示治愈的结果。引申可指“矫正某人的不良行为”。   cure的用法2:cure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主语是人,宾语一般为患者,后接of引出疾病; 主语为药物时,宾语多为疾病或不良行为。cure用作不及物动词时,可用病、伤、恶习作主语,其主动形式含有被动意义; 以药物或疗法作主语时,意为“有疗效”“可治愈”。   cure的用法3:cure还可作“保存”解,指用腌、晒、烤等 方法 保存食物、动物皮毛或烟草等。   cure的用法4:cure可用于被动结构。   cure第三人称单数例句:   1. Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.   这两种药物都可以延缓艾滋病病情发展,但是都不能治愈这种疾病。   2. Homeopathic treatment is based on the "like cures like" principle.   顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。   3. The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures.   俄罗斯的公共医疗服务已经激起了公众对家庭治疗的兴趣。   4. Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.   有时医生们求助于老的疗法.   5. The wound cures easily.   这种伤很容易痊愈.   6. A good sweat often cures a cold.   好好发一次汗往往可以治愈伤风.   7. The emphasis is swinging away from simply finding cures for illness to ways of preventing illness in the first place.   重点正从简单地对症下药转移到先期预防的方法上来。   8. That cant about cures were never got up by sound practitioners.   那种左道旁门的医术,脚踏实地的医师是从来不屑一顾的.   9. He has tried all sorts of cures, but without success.   他已试用过各种各样的疗法, 但仍不见效.   10. My cold cures itself automatically.   我的感冒不治而愈.   11. A water or and alcoholic extract of rice polishings produced dramatic cures in polyneuritic fowls.   米糖的水浸提物或醇浸提物对患多发性神经炎的鸡产生奇迹般的疗效.   12. Just as bitter medicine cures sickness , so unpalatable advice benefits conduct.   忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病.   13. Purpose To observe effect on physiotherapy cures prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.   目的观察物理疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的效果.   14. He is the cure who rules over the other cures, you understand.   他是一些神甫头上的神甫.   15. A doctor sells herbs and cures people on the street.   土郎中街头摆卖中草药兼现场治病.


cured, curing, cures 中文翻译 v. 治愈, 治疗 n. 治愈, 痊愈[ 名词 ] 1. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain [ 动词 ] 2. provide a cure for, make healthy again3. prepare by chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats" 动词用法:·Zyvox seems to cure some infections impervious to all other antibiotics, even that longtime drug of last resort called vancomycin.名词用法:·This can help prevention, although a cure or a vaccine are a different question, as the elusive search for a "silver bullet" against AIDS has shown.




cure 英[kjʊə(r)] 美[kjʊr] vt. 治愈; 矫正; 解决; 消除; vi. 受治疗; 被加工处理; n. 治愈; 疗法; 药物; 措施; [例句]The promise of a cure the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow often makes sensible people do irrational things.找到一种治愈方法的希望就如同永远够不到的一桶黄金往往让理智的人们做出不理智的事情。[其他] 第三人称单数:cures 复数:cures 现在分词:curing 过去式:cured过去分词:cured


cure的意思是治愈。读音:英[kjʊər];美[kjʊr]释义:v.缓解(人或动物)的疾病症状,治疗;解决(问题);(用腌、晒、熏等方法)加工处理,保存(肉、鱼、烟草、兽皮);被硫化,使硬化;凝固,养护n.药物;疗法,治疗;治愈;对策;(对橡胶、塑料或其他材料的)熟化;(基督教牧师的)牧师责任(或责任区);教区n. (Cure)(美、法)楚雷(人名)例句:Don"t worry, early cancer can be cured.不要担心,早期的癌症是可治愈的。变形:过去式cured、过去分词cured、现在分词curing、第三人称单数cures、复数curescure的用法cure的用法n.(名词)cure作“治愈”解时是不可数名词,但可加不定冠词;作“药剂”“疗法”解时是可数名词,有复数形式。cure常接介词for,表示“医治〔治疗〕…的方法”,此时用其本义;接介词of,表示“纠正别人的错误或毛病”,此时用其比喻义。cure的用法v.(动词)cure的基本意思是“治愈”,指用药物治愈某人的病。此时cure并不表示动作,而表示治愈的结果。引申可指“矫正某人的不良行为”。cure可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主语是人,宾语一般为患者,后接of引出疾病;主语为药物时,宾语多为疾病或不良行为。cure用作不及物动词时,可用病、伤、恶习作主语,其主动形式含有被动意义;以药物或疗法作主语时,意为“有疗效”“可治愈”。cure还可作“保存”解,指用腌、晒、烤等方法保存食物、动物皮毛或烟草等;cure可用于被动结构。


cure读:英[kjʊə(r)],美[kjʊr]。Cure作动词的意思是“缓解(人或动物)的疾病症状,治疗,治愈,解决(问题),(用腌、晒、熏等方法)加工处理,保存(肉、鱼、烟草、兽皮),被硫化,使硬化,凝固,养护”。作名词的意思是“药物,疗法,治疗,治愈,对策,(对橡胶、塑料或其他材料的)熟化”。短语搭配:The Cure治疗乐队,医疗部队。Placebo Cure心里有个谜。第三人称单数:cures。复数:cures。现在分词:curing。双语例句:1、Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure.科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。2、The race is on to find a cure for the disease.人们开始争相寻找这种疾病的疗法。3、There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。


n. 治愈;治疗法(cure的复数形式)v. 治疗;消除;改正(cure的第三人称单数)



cure美 [kjʊr];英 [kjʊə(r)]n.治疗;对策;药;疗法v.治愈;解决;矫正;治好(疾病)第三人称单数:cures 现在分词:curing 过去分词:cured例句1.The child looks to his mother to cure his hurts.孩子希望妈妈能治愈他的创痛。2.How much is the cure rate of inchoate esophagus cancer?早期食道癌的治愈率是多少?3.Is cerebral haemorrhage severe not serious? How much should cure costabout?脑溢血严不严重?治疗大约要花费多少?


这组词都有“获得”,“得到”的意思。 obtain比动词 get 正式,多指需通过较大努力后才能获得。 1) We wish to obtain first-hand information about the case which we are going tolook into. 我们希望获得我们要去调查的案例第一手资料。 2) In order to obtain larger market share, wehave to reduce the price of the products. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们必须降低这些产品的价格。 3)Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process willtake? 能否告诉我获得学生签证我需要做些什么,还有就是这个过程需要多久? secure指较有把握获得某事或某物,或指需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东 西。 可接双宾语。 1) To succeed in that business, it is imperative to secure a good location in the downtownarea. 要使这项业商务成功的话必须在市区中心找到一个好的地理位置。 2)He managed to secure a loan from the bank to purchase a house in the downtown. 他设法从银行得到一笔贷款在市中心买了一栋房子。 3) Can you secure me two good seats for the concerts? 你能为我搞到音乐会的两个好座位吗? 4)He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 acquire书面语用词,多用于通过不断努力日积月累地渐渐获得智力、知识、技术、能 力, 权利等表示抽象概念的东西,有时也可以通过努力获得某物。 1) It is sometimes possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a largevocabulary even without the help of a teacher. 有时学生即使没有老师的帮助也可掌握英语语法和获得大量词汇。 2) The knowledge we have acquired from the textbooks may not be geared to the needs of thepractical work. 我们从课本获得的知识可能不符合实际工作的需要。 3)We"ll strive to acquire more share of the market by developing new produtcts. 我们将通过开发新产品努力获得更多的市场份额。 4) Our company aims to prived professional executive Search Service to our client, and helpour customers to acquire excellent talents. 本公司旨在为客户提供专业人才搜索服务,帮助客户获得优秀的人才 gain普通用词,用法与 acquire 相似,常接抽象名词作其宾语,但不如 acquire 正式。 gain可接双宾语,相当于 win、earn 的用法。 1) I am new in the job but I am already gaining some experience. 虽然这项工作我是新手,但我已经在获得一些经验。 2)Don"t go back to your old eating habits, or you"ll gain all that weight again. 别又恢复以前的饮食习惯,不然你又会变成跟以前一样胖。 3)It is imperative for a graduate to learn from the beginning to gain some practical skills. 对于一个毕业生来说,从头学开始学习获得一些实际技能很重要。 4) His accomplishments have gained / won / earn him a reputation as a brilliant expert in thesubject. 他在这门学科取得的成就使他赢得杰出专家的声誉。 reap本意是“收割”庄稼,可引申出“收获”,即“获得”的意思。 1) During past technological revolutions few of the companies that pioneered the changeproved to be good long-term investments, though some reaped the financial rewards. 在过去的科技革新中,没有几家率先进行技术革新公司证明是理想的长期投资者,尽管它 们中有一些获得了经济回报。 2) Cultivating a wide circle of friends may reap a handsome payback in their careers. 拥有一个广泛的朋友圈可在事业上获得一个丰厚的回报。 derive也有“获得”的意思,常用结构是:derive …… from (从……获 得)。 1) We can derive pleasure, companionship experience and instruction from good reading. 我们从读好书中获得乐趣、友谊、经历和教诲 2) She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection. 她从中钱币收藏中获得很大的满足。 3) One cannot derives all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates in itsperformance. 一个人如果不参与到音乐的演出之中就不会享受音乐可能带来的全部乐趣。


我这边也是 网址的问题 换备用网址就可以了

establishing secure connection是什么意思


establishing secure connection是什么意思


《求生之路2》出现please remove"-insecure"from t是什么意思?



这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。


这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。


这组词都有“获得”,“得到”的意思。 obtain比动词 get 正式,多指需通过较大努力后才能获得。 1) We wish to obtain first-hand information about the case which we are going tolook into. 我们希望获得我们要去调查的案例第一手资料。 2) In order to obtain larger market share, wehave to reduce the price of the products. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们必须降低这些产品的价格。 3)Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process willtake? 能否告诉我获得学生签证我需要做些什么,还有就是这个过程需要多久? secure指较有把握获得某事或某物,或指需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东 西。 可接双宾语。 1) To succeed in that business, it is imperative to secure a good location in the downtownarea. 要使这项业商务成功的话必须在市区中心找到一个好的地理位置。 2)He managed to secure a loan from the bank to purchase a house in the downtown. 他设法从银行得到一笔贷款在市中心买了一栋房子。 3) Can you secure me two good seats for the concerts? 你能为我搞到音乐会的两个好座位吗? 4)He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 acquire书面语用词,多用于通过不断努力日积月累地渐渐获得智力、知识、技术、能 力, 权利等表示抽象概念的东西,有时也可以通过努力获得某物。 1) It is sometimes possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a largevocabulary even without the help of a teacher. 有时学生即使没有老师的帮助也可掌握英语语法和获得大量词汇。 2) The knowledge we have acquired from the textbooks may not be geared to the needs of thepractical work. 我们从课本获得的知识可能不符合实际工作的需要。 3)We"ll strive to acquire more share of the market by developing new produtcts. 我们将通过开发新产品努力获得更多的市场份额。 4) Our company aims to prived professional executive Search Service to our client, and helpour customers to acquire excellent talents. 本公司旨在为客户提供专业人才搜索服务,帮助客户获得优秀的人才 gain普通用词,用法与 acquire 相似,常接抽象名词作其宾语,但不如 acquire 正式。 gain可接双宾语,相当于 win、earn 的用法。 1) I am new in the job but I am already gaining some experience. 虽然这项工作我是新手,但我已经在获得一些经验。 2)Don"t go back to your old eating habits, or you"ll gain all that weight again. 别又恢复以前的饮食习惯,不然你又会变成跟以前一样胖。 3)It is imperative for a graduate to learn from the beginning to gain some practical skills. 对于一个毕业生来说,从头学开始学习获得一些实际技能很重要。 4) His accomplishments have gained / won / earn him a reputation as a brilliant expert in thesubject. 他在这门学科取得的成就使他赢得杰出专家的声誉。 reap本意是“收割”庄稼,可引申出“收获”,即“获得”的意思。 1) During past technological revolutions few of the companies that pioneered the changeproved to be good long-term investments, though some reaped the financial rewards. 在过去的科技革新中,没有几家率先进行技术革新公司证明是理想的长期投资者,尽管它 们中有一些获得了经济回报。 2) Cultivating a wide circle of friends may reap a handsome payback in their careers. 拥有一个广泛的朋友圈可在事业上获得一个丰厚的回报。 derive也有“获得”的意思,常用结构是:derive …… from (从……获 得)。 1) We can derive pleasure, companionship experience and instruction from good reading. 我们从读好书中获得乐趣、友谊、经历和教诲 2) She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection. 她从中钱币收藏中获得很大的满足。 3) One cannot derives all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates in itsperformance. 一个人如果不参与到音乐的演出之中就不会享受音乐可能带来的全部乐趣。

Basic Abstraction——Introduction to reliable and secure distributed programming

分布式系统需要同时满足Safety and Liveness; 在该上下文中,一旦process crash,就不再recovery,也称为 crash fault 或者 crash stop ;有一点需要注意,in practice,并不意味者process禁止recovery,或者说process recovery会破坏该上线文下设计的算法。只是说不需要process recovery,即使recovery了,也不会被算法纳入process set中。如果说实现上,那就是一旦P认为Q已经crash了,那么P在未来不会与Q有任何交互,即使Q已经recovery了。 not send a message which is supported to send. :造成的原因可能是内存溢出等,注意,不是message lost,因为lost可以retransmission,而是根本就没有send。(这个情况这本书今后不会再讨论); 该上下文中,recovery的process仍然被认为是correct,这里并不限制recovery次数,也就是说process在未来的某一段时间仍然在正确得(correctly)处理事情。但是failure-recovery肯定会带来 记忆丢失 的问题,一般的解决方案就是在deliver时将message存储到持久性存储设备中。 Untrusted和Byzantine暂时不去了解 这节主要介绍了通信模型 => link the probability for a message to reach its destination is nonzero. : 我们认为通信不是完全断块的,因为通过retransmission,只要网络在某一段时间是可用的,那么message最终会reach its destination。本节有如下几种模型: 模型的具体定义这里不写了,后面需要的话可以翻书。 是对 Fair-Loss 的再一次抽象,隐藏底层的retransmission; 因为 Fair-loss 可以通过无限的retransmission来达到目的,但是无限总是太浪费了。通过检测message是否已经被deliver了,然后抑制message retransmission,就相对比较高效了。将上面两个概念(技术)附加到 Fair-loss 上就转变成了 Stubborn 。 在crash-recovery中,会存在记忆丢失的问题,所以需要持久化存储。文中介绍的方式是,在process进行deliver时,先将message写入storage,然后向上层component发送已经deliver的信息;然后上层在每次receive message后需要先根据storage校验该message是否已经被deliver了,如果没有deliver,再交给下层进行deliver; 其实上述的过程在Perfect Links中也应该是如此,只不过现在message在持久化存储中,而不是挥发性存储中(内存); 不介绍 这一节主要想讲的是, Asynchronous System 对process和link完全没有时间假设(assumption)。准确来说是异步系统对物理时间不需要假设。这里所谓的假设其实是对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间的假设。也是就是需要对上述行为话费的时间做upper的假设,这也就意味这,如果这个cost time的无限的话,那么系统就可能崩溃了。(对异步系统的概念其实我也不太了解)。举几个例子: Synchronous System 对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。 对物理时间没有假设 对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。 在Synchronous System中,如果这个upper假设是合理的,那么皆大欢喜。但是在实际情况下,可能由于网络拥堵等因素,导致真是的cost大于假设的upper, 那么就会导致错误的判断。这时我们就需要一种弥补的手段,retransmission是可选的方式。所以Partial Synchrony希望通过retransmission来处理那种cost大于upper而导致处于问题的后续弥补手段; 还有设置的upper需要能够真实反映cost的情况,如果upper设置太小了,那么上述的错误判断会增加;如果upper设置太大了,虽然降低了错误判断情况,但是系统性能降低了; 异步系统对时间没有假设,而同步和半同步系统对时间有upper假设。但是如果直接将对时间的假设添加到process和link上可能会造成复杂性,所以通过抽象failure-detection来达到上述目的,同时降低复杂性。 failure-detection用来检测process是否crash或correct,这个检测不是必须地正确的,也就是说检测允许错误(实际没有crash,但是检测出来crash了); 可以通过向远程process周期性发送心跳的方式来进行检测。这里可能link的异常也会影响检测错误,但是在Fair-loss模型中,link不是完全不可用的,所以错误检测可以得到弥补。 Perfect Failure Detection 是正对 Synchronous System 的,它强调PFD最终会检测到所有的crash process;而且不会出现detect fail(不会检测错误)。而且一旦process被检测出来crash,那么该process将被永久标示为crash。 个人觉得,PFD是一个理想模型,是建立在对同步系统的upper cost假设之上。而在现实环境中,该upper cost假设并不总是那么可靠,所以实际上会导致检测错误(检测方式一般都是通过timeout机制)。 但是也要注意,这并不是说PFD无法实现。就像crash-stop一样,并不否认recovery的存在,只是recovery的process将不再认为是系统的一部分。PFD也一样,即使存在检测错误,那么将错就错好了,即使该process实际是correct,或者crash后又recovery了,那么也不会再是系统的一部分。这样做主要可以简化算法的实现。 在 Perfect Failure Detection 中,由于现实中upper cost的假设不绝对正确,导致failure detect 失败。PDF采用将错就错的方式来简化算法,但是这导致了correct process被误杀,或者对后来recovery的process判了无期徒刑。EPFD则认为自己的每次failure detect都不一定是正确的(这种想法是正确的,因为网络系统是异步的,只能通过response知道remote process在过去的某个时间点是活跃的,而不能判断它是否不活跃),只能称为 failure suspicion 。当未来某一刻再次检测到remote process活跃了,那么该为它洗去嫌疑人身份。这个模型就现实很多了。 DSM 是process abstraction、link abstraction和time abstraction(failure detect)的组合产物。 跳过 跳过

Cure ; curable ; endure ;victim 这英语用谐音怎么读?


To cure sometimes,to relieve often,to comfort always 出处?

有时治愈,时常缓解,总是安慰。——出自 美国医生E. L. Trudeau的墓志铭。

to cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always什么意思



to 介词 prep.1.(表示时间)到, 直到, 在…到来之前, 离… The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.议会休会到二月十日。2.(表示方向)朝, 往, 通向 He turned to his companion before he replied.他转身朝向他的伙伴然后回答。3.(表示状态)紧贴着, 紧靠着, 对着 curevt. 治愈; 矫正; 解决; 消除; vi. 受治疗; 被加工处理; n. 治愈; 疗法; 药物; 措施; s0metimesadv.时而; 有时,间或;relievevt.缓解; 解除; 换班; (去厕所的一种委婉说法) 方便;

To cure sometimes,to relieve often,to comfort always 出处?

有时治愈,时常缓解,总是安慰。——出自 美国医生E. L. Trudeau的墓志铭。
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