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respect customs 点解?

respect customs 尊重习俗 参考: 金山词霸 respect - 1. 敬重 尊敬[U][(+for)] They treated me with respect. 他们对我很敬重。 2. 敬意 问候[P][(+to)] Give my respects to your parents. 代我向你的父母亲致意。 3. 尊重 注重 重视[U][(+for/to)] Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently are punished. 有些人全然不顾速限规定 结果受到处罚。 4. 关系;方面 着眼点[C][U] vt. 1. 尊敬 敬重[(+for/as)] He is highly respected by everyone for his integrity. 他因清廉而深受大家的尊敬。 2. 尊重 重视 I respected their moral standards. 我尊重他们的道德标准。 3. 遵守;顾及 We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。 4. 关于 涉及 The o pl differ in one major respect. 这两个计划在一个主要方面有所不同。 vt.敬重;崇拜 adore revere value appreciate idolize honor admire regard esteem 名复: respects 动变: respected; respected; respecting customs - 1. 关税[K] I paid $20 in customs on the $100 Swiss watch. 我为一百美元的瑞士表付了二十美元的关税。 2. (常大写)海关;报关手续[J] As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。 3. (常大写)海关出入境口[J] so the word is (u may try to see the sentence and try to put the 2 words meaning together.

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The form which is used for filling what you need to declare to customs

以“dining customs in China”为题写一篇英语作文,需原创

Dining Customs in China Every country has its own peculiar dining customs. The Chinese feel that the first rule of being a courteous guest is to be modest. When a person is invited to dinner, he will decline first because he is afraid it will give the host and hostess a lot of trouble preparing for it. As the host keeps on inviting him, he"ll then accept it. Usually the guest will bring some gifts to the host, such as fruit, flowers and wine. The host will immediately protest his doing so by saying, "You shouldn"t have bought the gifts. You are too polite and generous!" When the guest sits down and starts chatting, the host offers something such as tea, candy, and fruit. The guest always says, "No, no, please don"t bother, I am not thirsty", or "I"ll help myself to them." When the dinner is ready, the guests are invited to sit down first. They sit in the chairs that are facing the south, which are considered to be honored seats. After everybody is seated, the host asks the guests to start eating first because they will not eat before the host says so. The guests often avoid being eager to eat ouit of politeness. They usually don"t empty the dishes to show that the host has prepared more food than enough out of their hospitality. On the other hand, the host and the hostess usually prepare a lot of food to feed their guests. When the dinner is over, guests will offer to help with the cleaning, but of course, the host and hostess will not let them do so. Instead, they will ask the guests to watch TV, drink tea, and sometimes to join a card game or Mahjong game. After some time, the guests will leave, and it is customary for the host to see the guests off. The host tries to see them off to the farthest feasible point while the guests try to discourage them from doing so. The guests will usually invite the host to their home in order to return the favor.

It was neccessary to recognize that these customs

US Customs Binding Ruling


CUSTOMS TARIFF 和 HS code 有什么区别 ?

customs tariff基本翻译关税率;海关税则网络释义customs tariff:关税税则|海关税率|海关关税法CUSTOMS AND TARIFF BUREAU:关税局customs import tariff:海关进口税则HS code基本翻译海关编码;商品编码;物品税则编码网络释义HS CODE:HS编码|物品税则编码PU HS CODE:聚氨脂海关编码Buyer Item No., HS Code, UPC Code:多种货品编号

customs tariff number和HS code是一样的吗

customs tariff number海关税则号HS code海关编码一个是关税(进出口货物海关征收的税费),一个是海关编码(商品报关是用到的海关商品归类代码),是完全不同的两个概念。希望对你有帮助

【英语翻译】该批货物被查验(inspection)了,要多收一个查验费(customs inspection fee)。

This batch of goods has been inspected, and additional inspection fee is charged, which was forgoten to included in previous D/N and has been added this time. Please confirm.

customs inspection是什么意思

海关检查,[贸易] 验关海关检查是对出入境的货物、邮递物品、行李物品、货币、金银、证券和运输工具等进行监督检查和征收关税的一项国家行政管理活动,Tea Importation Act passed, providing for Customs inspection of all tea entering U.S. ports, at theexpense of the importers. 《进口茶法案》通过,以损害进口商的利益为代价,要求海关检查所有进入美国的茶叶。

customs clearance是什么意思


customs clearance是什么意思

customs clearance[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns]结关,海关放行; 报关; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Customs clearance time for cross-boundary container trucks. 过境货柜车的清关时间。2.Duty rates, customs clearance and taxes can differ greatlybetween countries. 各个国家或地区之间的税率、通关和课税会有巨大差异

appointment as contract full-time senior customs administrator 是什么意思啊?

full-time senior customs administrator专职高级客户主管contract在这句话中应该是动词,意思是:签订合同appointmentf的意思是:约会、委派只是一个短句,比较难翻译。可能有以下几种意思:1. 有一个约会,去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。2. 有一个约会,去签订(应聘)合同,自己将成为一名专职高级客户主管3. 被指派去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。


海关监管区(Customs Surveillance Zone) 所谓的海关监管区是由海关全权负责管理的区域,在这个区域里, 对海关来说,法律和行政法规赋予了海关很多执法权力; 对管理相对人来说,进出海关监管区的运输工具、货物、 物品以及相关的人员,都应当办理有关的海关手续。新《海关法》 对海关监管区域的具体范围做了规定, “海关监管区,是指设立海关的港口、车站、机场、国界孔道、 国际邮 件互换局(交换站)和其他有海关监管业务的场所, 以及虽未设立海关,但是经国务院批准的进出境地点”。

Customs vary from country to country.


跪求有关culture and customs的文章…………

参考: . Culture and CustomsDifference countries have difference culture and customs . as we konw, China has a long andrich culture ,so our customs is abundant too. it said that the yellow river is the the cradle of chinese civilization . we have a lot of traditional festivals. for example, spring festvial, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival and so on. may be you will ask why do we have these kind of customs, I think that because we have special cultrue which lead our chinese to creat customs to souvnier our ancestors.nowadays. people dont care much about cultrue and customs . the main reason is their work. students do not have time to spend time with there families and workers dont have chance to go home because their work. so I hope that one day we can celebrate our festivals . and our cultrue and customs will be last forever!对初中生来说 文中词汇比较难 但是适合演讲用 好好准备吧 学习愉快

求翻译:Customs Duty, VAT &PAL Exemption on Imports海关关税,增值税&PAL免税进口 求解:PAL是什么?


我买的是Fender LACEWOOD CUSTOMSHOP 证书上的 CN95749 代表什么意思?


外贸术语查询,Declared Value for Customs指的是什么意思啊?


Declared Value for Customs和Declared Value for Carriage的区别

Declared Value for Customs申报商业价值Declared Value for Carriage申报载货价值

英语小短文Different customs and manners between China and Western countries

the same

customs broker,请翻译,关于商务英语方面的意思,并加上英语翻译.


客户提供的Customs Broker是什么意思

报关行(customs broker)

customs broker是什么意思


A customs officer custom为什么加s?




Item returned from Customs 什么意思





cust customs 区别和用法

custabbr.custody 监督; custodian 管理人; custard 奶油蛋羹; custom(s) 习惯customsn.关税; 海关; 习惯( custom的名词复数); 海关adj.定做的; 专做定货的

为什么是customs official而不是customs?

customs official是海关人员 costoms关税

clear customs是什么意思

clear customs清关


customs 这个 单词中 st 要读成sd,是要浊化的。

H.M. customs是什么意思


customs officers是什么意思

customs officers海关官员

customs clearance是什么意思

customs clearance[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns]结关,海关放行; 报关; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Imports of copper by china last month were the second-highest on record,the data showed, after the weeklong holiday slowed customs clearance injanuary. 数据显示,中国上个月的铜进口量为有史以来第二高,原因是春节延缓了一月的通关.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

customs clearance是什么意思啊??

customs clearance:结关;清关;海关手续完结;海关放行。

customs clearance和customs declarance的区别

customs clearance报关(常用)

tax, duty和customs的区别?

tax 是税收,一般都可用duty 进口关税custom 是海关关税的意思

Chinese customs是什么意思

Chinese customs中国海关很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

请区分custom customs customer三个词在词义上有何不同

custom 习俗,风俗,习惯。customs 海关。customer 客户,客人。自己查字典,会记得更牢。






分类: 外语/出国 解析: customs: [ "ku028cstu0259mz ] a. 定做的(衣),海关的 n. 海关 例句与用法: 1. How long does it take to get through customs? 海关检查要用多少时间? 2. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight. 海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因. 3. The goods are not allowed to be exported without approbation of the customs. 没有海关的许可,这些货物是不允许出口的。 4. The Customs men went through his suitcases. 海关人员检查了他的衣箱。 5. It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs. 我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。 6. The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。 7. His father is a customs officer. 他父亲是一位海关官员。 8. I think these interesting old customs should be preserved. 我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。 英英解释: 名词customs: 1. money collected under a tariff 同义词:customs duty, custom, impost 名词custom: 1. accepted or habitual practice 同义词:custom, usage, usance 2. a specific practice of long standing 同义词:custom, tradition 3. money collected under a tariff 同义词:customs duty, custom, impost 4. habitual patronage 同义词:custom


n. 海关;风俗(custom的复数);习惯;关税更多释义>>[网络短语]customs 海关,关税,习俗customs formalities 报关单,海关手续,海关报关手续China Customs 中国海关,中国风俗,海关总署


(港口或机场的)海关; 关税; 进口税。短语搭配customs formalities [贸易] 海关手续 ; 报关单 ; 海关报关手续 ; 通关法定手续China Customs 中国海关 ; 中国风俗 ; 海关总署 ; 中国海关总署customs liquidation 清关 ; 有问题的货物双语例句Can I go through customs now? 现在我可以过海关了吗?Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你过海关有什么要申报的?Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你有任何物品要向海关申报的吗?


customs ["k05st05mz]基本翻译n. 海关adj. 定做的(衣),海关的网络释义customs:海关|关税|进口税customs bond:海关担保|海关罚款|海关保税Customs Union:关税同盟|关税联盟|关税同盟

customs 这个词是表示海关(部门),那么这个词有复数吗,如果有,怎么表示

custom 习惯,惯例;海关,关税; 名词复数:customs


customs海关 常用释义[英] [ˈkʌstəmz][美] [ˈkəstəmz]pl-n.海关; 关税; 海关关口[例句]The government dismissed 3,000 of its customs inspectors, replacing them with new recruits.政府解雇了3,000名海关检查员,用新雇员替代了他们。


一定要加S,因为custom是风俗习惯的意思 动词用单数形式



留学英国,海关检查(Customs Control)有三个,你知道吗?

1.绿色通道 来自欧盟外国家,没有需申报的物品 2.红色通道 来自欧盟外国家。有物品需申报 3.蓝色通道 来自欧盟国家(中国留学生不必理会此通道)如果你携带的免税物品超过有关限额,你就必须选择红色通道。如果对有关规定不很清楚,可在出国前向英国使,领馆查询。




customs海关是单复数同形的,英 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz] 美 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz] n.海关;海关;关税;习惯( custom的名词复数)adj.定做的;专做定货的

customs officer是什么意思


customs clearance是什么意思

customs clearance 英[u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns] 美[u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns] 结关,海关放行;报关 [例句]Imports of copper by china last month were the second - highest on record , the data showed , after the weeklong holiday slowed customs clearance in january.数据显示,中国上个月的铜进口量为有史以来第二高,原因是春节延缓了一月的通关。

Customs House怎么读

customs house 什么意思customs house意思是:海关例句:The special zone is located beyond the customs house. 特区设在关境之外。They took the parcel to the Customs House. 那两个男人带着包裹去了海关。

customs clearance是什么意思

customs clearance结关,海关放行; 报关[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns]

Customs 这个单词是什么意思? Customs 这个单词除了是海关的意思,是不是还表示风情,风土人情的意思?

local customs and traditions


重读在cu, stom非重读音节,不需要浊化。stuy, student, spark.....重读音节,需要相应浊化。




customs 是海关一般上 custom是关税, 或是风俗



customs怎么读 customs用英语怎么读

1、[英] [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz][美] [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz] 2、Can I go through customs now? 现在我可以过海关了吗?。 3、Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你过海关有什么要申报的? 4、Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你有任何物品要向海关申报的吗?


customs 英[u02c8ku028cstu0259mz] 美[u02c8ku028cstu0259mz] n. 关税;海关;习惯( custom的名词复数);海关 adj. 定做的;专做定货的 [例句]Have you filled out the customs declaration form?您填好海关申报表了吗?更多示例用法>>

customs 的用法

customs: [ "kʌstəmz ] a. 定做的(衣),海关的 n. 海关 例句与用法: 1. How long does it take to get through customs? 海关检查要用多少时间?用are,而staff有时用is,比如意思是全体职员时,而意思是棒, 杖, 杆, 支柱要用are,并且staff变复数形式staffs或 staves

customs clearance和customs declarance的区别

customs clearance和customs declarance的区别customs clearance和customs declarance两者主要区别在于海外商品要进入我国市场使用或是销售的时候,在中国海关里所办理的进关手续不同。海外商品到达中国港口,海港或是空港的时候所处的位置不同。 customs declarance是海关报关的意思。具体区别:1、海关清关一般中国本地的买方,通过委托我国注册的进出口公司,代理他们把海外商品在办理报关 customs declaration时,进行按申报进关时附上的正式发运文件的声明,增值税和商品关税 ,与其他杂项费用。税项缴付之后中国海关便放行这些海外商品, 可以离开海关监管区, 进入内陆到买方指定的收货地点。2、海关报关是中国的买方通过委托我国注册的进出口公司,代理他们把海外商品按卖方提交的随船货或货机的正式发运文件。如果商品涉及易燃物体时并需查核中国买方有无合法经营有危害商品的许可证, 进行商检,确定商品的安全性。到报关手续时,海外商品仍停留在海关监管区, 尚未进入内陆。报关通过后,办理海关清关手续,缴纳税金后离开监管区, 进入内陆到买方收货地点。




customs 常用词汇 读音:英 ["ku028cstu0259mz]     美 ["ku028cstu0259mz]    n. 海关。His father is a customs officer.他父亲是一位海关官员。The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。近义词:impost 畅通词汇 英 ["u026ampu0259u028ast]     美 ["u026ampou028ast]    n. 税;关税;拱墩。v. 分类估税。Although tea"s unpopularity was usually attributed to its high price, its popularity remained low even after temperance advocates succeeded in getting the impost halved.尽管人们很少喝茶是因为价格贵,可即使是适当禁酒主义者通过活动把茶叶关税降低了一半后,喝茶的人还是不多。


customs ["k05st05mz]基本翻译n. 海关adj. 定做的(衣),海关的网络释义customs:海关|关税|进口税customs bond:海关担保|海关罚款|海关保税Customs Union:关税同盟|关税联盟|关税同盟



请问AMS AMENDMENT FEE 是什么费用?FCA成交条件下这笔费用是由哪方承担? Customs declaration 是什么费

求助我么?额,可惜我也不清楚,不好意思、AMS费用是automated manifest system,中文叫自动舱单系统?customs 海关申报单,申报关税

ancient customs是什么意思



customsn.进口税, 海关




回答和翻译如下:Custom speed.自定义速度。


customs是一个英文单词,名词,意思是“海关;风俗(custom的复数);习惯;关税”。单词发音英 [ˈkʌstəmz] 美 [ˈkʌstəmz] [1] 短语搭配customs formalities [贸易] 海关手续 ; 报关单 ; 海关报关手续 ; 通关法定手续China Customs 中国海关 ; 中国风俗 ; 海关总署 ; 中国海关总署customs liquidation 清关 ; 有问题的货物双语例句                                    Can I go through customs now? 现在我可以过海 关了吗?。Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你过海关有什么要申报的?Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你有任何物品要向海关申报的吗?




customsn. 海关;风俗(custom的复数);习惯;关税customs clearance 海关放行;结关customs declaration 报关单;申报关税customs officer 海关官员customs office 海关customs house n. 海关They assumed the customs of their new country.他们采用他们新来到国家的习俗。For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.多年来他一直夹带手表过海关。词语用法n. (名词)1、custom的基本意思是“风俗,习惯,惯例”,指一个团体或社会长期以来形成的传统,也可指个人的习惯,有单复数形式,用于泛指时多用单数; 表示某种习俗时可加不定冠词a,指各种风俗习惯时也可用复数。2、custom还可作“光顾”“顾客”解。作“光顾”解时指去某商店购物的行为; 作“顾客”解时,指“顾客群”而不指具体某人,不可数,无复数形式。3、custom作“海关,关税”解时,是复数名词,用作主语修饰另一个名词时仍需使用其复数形式。4、custom常表示“一种风俗”,也可统称“风俗”。This is an old custom among the natives.这是民间的一种旧风俗。5、复数形式customs可表示为“关税”或“海关”,如customs laws(税法),customs officer(海关人员)等;6、在美国,custom作形容词时,可解释为“定制的”,如custom clothes,与bespoke在英国的用法相同;7、habit指的时个人的习惯,属小范围,而custom则是某个社会或民族的行为习惯。

翻译一句话 我已经了解了他们的风俗 书上答案是 i have acquainted myself with their customs。
