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in china maybe beijing and shanghai have the dab radio







reliable 和 dependable的区别

两个词几乎可以算是同义.reliable / ru026au02c8lau026au0259bl; ru026aˋlau026au0259bl/ adj consistently good inquality or performance,and so deserving trust; dependable可信赖的; 可靠的:a reliable assistant,witness,report,watch,battery,firm 可靠的助手﹑ 可信的证人﹑ 合乎事实的报道﹑ 走得准的手表﹑ 耐用的电池﹑ 有信用的公司 * be a reliable source of information (about sth) 成为(某事物的)可靠信息来源 * My memory"s not very reliable these days.近来我的记性不太好.dependable /du026au02c8pen.du0259.bu013c/adjective If someone or something is dependable,you can trust them or have confidence in them:They like dependable people and dependable things.他们也喜欢可靠的人,可靠的东西.有网友说,reliable,强调的是可以信赖,dependable强调的是可以依靠其实只是汉语理解的不同,可信赖实质就是可依靠

reliable 和 dependable的区别

  dependable:“可靠的、可信赖的”,形容人在危难或紧急情况下,坚定沉着,值得信赖,可以依靠;形容物具有可预见的特点而非变幻莫测。  He is a dependable friend to whom you may turn for help in case of emergency.   他是个值得信赖的朋友,万一发生紧急情况你可能求助于他。  reliable :“可信赖、可依靠的” 用指可赖以避免在行事中失败的人或事物,即这个人或事物的品质、性能可以达到预期目的,因而值得信赖。  John is a very reliable worker and always finishes his assignments on time.   约翰是个很值得信赖的工人,他总是按时完成交给他的任务。

reliable 和 dependable的区别

两个词几乎可以算是同义.reliable / ru026au02c8lau026au0259bl; ru026aˋlau026au0259bl/ adj consistently good inquality or performance,and so deserving trust; dependable可信赖的; 可靠的:a reliable assistant,witness,report,watch,battery,firm 可靠的助手﹑ 可信的证人﹑ 合乎事实的报道﹑ 走得准的手表﹑ 耐用的电池﹑ 有信用的公司 * be a reliable source of information (about sth) 成为(某事物的)可靠信息来源 * My memory"s not very reliable these days.近来我的记性不太好.dependable /du026au02c8pen.du0259.bu013c/adjective If someone or something is dependable,you can trust them or have confidence in them:They like dependable people and dependable things.他们也喜欢可靠的人,可靠的东西.有网友说,reliable,强调的是可以信赖,dependable强调的是可以依靠其实只是汉语理解的不同,可信赖实质就是可依靠


If a product is excludable,when one person consume the product,others are not able to consume the product at the same instance.For example,all of your private things are excludable.If a good is rival,when some people consume the same product together,the satisfaction for any of the consumer wil be lower if they consume the good by their own. For example,the street light is considered non-rival because many people could enjoy the light without diminishing others" satisfaction.




DAB 显色时间不是固定的,主要由显微镜下控制显色时间,到出现特异性染色较强而本底着色较浅时即可冲洗;DAB 显色时间很短(如几秒或几十秒)就出现很深的棕褐色,这很可能说明你的抗体浓度过高或抗体孵育时间过长,需要下调抗体浓度或缩短你的抗体孵育时间;此外,若很短时间就出现背景很深,还有可能你前面的封闭非特异性蛋白不全,需要延长封闭时间;DAB 显色时间很长(如超过十几分钟)才出现阳性染色,一方面可能说明你的抗体浓度过低或孵育时间过短(最好一抗4 度过夜);另一方面就是封闭时间过长。百替生物专业帮助您代做免疫组化方面的实验,网址http://www.100biotech.com/index.php,来看看吧!


免疫组化DAB染色,结果应该是棕黄色。 和染色时间有关系,一般应该是细胞核有棕黄色颗粒者为阳性细胞.楼主可以注意以下操作:1.标本进行PBS 清洗时,以5 分钟清洗3 次为标准。2. PBS 清洗后,为了各种反应的有效进行,请尽量除去PBS 溶液后再进行下一步反应3. 在载玻片上的样本上加上实验用反应液后,请盖上盖玻片或保鲜膜,或在湿盒中进行,这样可以使反应液均匀分布于样本整体,又可以防止反应液干燥造成实验失败。4. TdT 酶反应液即用即配,短暂于冰上保存。不宜长期保存,长期保存会导酶活性的失活。5.快速进行脱水操作!

roundabout 中文歌词


[ A] understand[ B ] understood[ C ] understanding[ D] understandable


It’s understandable that作什么成分

充当主语成分的句子,主语从句, 主语从句,即在复合句中充当主语成分的句子. 例如"That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all"


understandable的意思是合情理的; 正常的; 可以理解的; 易懂的;This change in mood is understandable .这种情绪的变化是可理解的。Any difficulty understanding the things can be broken down into understandable things .任何难以理解的东西都可以被分解成可以理解的东西。From a practical point of view , the american change of plan is understandable .从现实的角度考虑,美国此次改变计划是可以理解的。I have never heard a chinese strategist admit that concern about china "s rise is understandable , that maybe other countries have a point in their critiques of chinese behavior .我从来没有听说过哪一个中国的战略家承认对于中国崛起的担忧是可理解的,或者也许其他国家对中国的行为的批评有一定的道理。During the communication process , we felt many of their statements were in fact understandable .在沟通的过程中,我们觉得很多说法实际上是可以理解的。






I can see a lake and a boat



persistence and degradability是什么意思

persistence and degradability 持久性和降解性persistence 英[pu0259u02c8su026astu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8su026astu0259ns] n. 持续; 坚持不懈; 执意; 留存,(萤光屏上余辉的)保留时间; [例句]Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence只有不断练习,有耐心有毅力,才能学会一门技艺。[其他] 复数:persistences

this is smack dab in the middle of the blue.

This is not out of the blue, this is smack dab in the middle of the blue.我的理解是“这不是有点突然,这是TMD最理所应当发生的事情!”逗号前后正好是两句意思完全相反的话。这么说完全符合CHANDLER喜欢讽刺别人的性格。同时CHANDLER当时已经抓狂,所以这句台词用这里简直太恰当了。

I am very surprised to _________the odd skull in this formidable locker.

【答案】:C考查动词不定式用法。be surprised to 后面要用动词原形,故选come across。句意:无意中在这个可怕的储物柜中发现了奇怪的头骨,这让我很吃惊。come across 无意中发现;偶遇。

For Me Formidable 歌词

歌曲名:For Me Formidable歌手:Charles Aznavour专辑:Platinum Charles AznavourYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are my love very, very, very, véritableEt je voudrais pouvoir un jour enfin te le direTe l" écrireDans la langue de ShakespeareMy daisy, daisy, daisy, désirableJe suis malheureux d" avoir si peu de motsà t"offrir en cadeauxDarling I love you, love you, darling I want youEt puis c" est à peu près toutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableBut how can youSee me, see me, see me, si minableJe ferais mieux d"aller choisir mon vocabulairePour te plaireDans la langue de MolièreToi, tes eyes, ton nose, tes lips adorablesTu n"as pas compris tant pisNe t"en fais pas et viens-t-en dans mes brasDarling I love you, love you,Darling, I want youEt puis le reste on s"en foutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableJe me demande mêmePourquoi je t"aimeToi qui te moques de moi et de toutAvec ton air canaille, canaille, canailleHow can I love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2611007

For Me Formidable 歌词

歌曲名:For Me Formidable歌手:Charles Aznavour专辑:JazznavourYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are my love very, very, very, véritableEt je voudrais pouvoir un jour enfin te le direTe l" écrireDans la langue de ShakespeareMy daisy, daisy, daisy, désirableJe suis malheureux d" avoir si peu de motsà t"offrir en cadeauxDarling I love you, love you, darling I want youEt puis c" est à peu près toutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableBut how can youSee me, see me, see me, si minableJe ferais mieux d"aller choisir mon vocabulairePour te plaireDans la langue de MolièreToi, tes eyes, ton nose, tes lips adorablesTu n"as pas compris tant pisNe t"en fais pas et viens-t-en dans mes brasDarling I love you, love you,Darling, I want youEt puis le reste on s"en foutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableJe me demande mêmePourquoi je t"aimeToi qui te moques de moi et de toutAvec ton air canaille, canaille, canailleHow can I love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2639370

For Me, Formidable 歌词

歌曲名:For Me, Formidable歌手:Laura Fygi专辑:Live at Ronnie Scott"sYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are my love very, very, very, véritableEt je voudrais pouvoir un jour enfin te le direTe l" écrireDans la langue de ShakespeareMy daisy, daisy, daisy, désirableJe suis malheureux d" avoir si peu de motsà t"offrir en cadeauxDarling I love you, love you, darling I want youEt puis c" est à peu près toutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableBut how can youSee me, see me, see me, si minableJe ferais mieux d"aller choisir mon vocabulairePour te plaireDans la langue de MolièreToi, tes eyes, ton nose, tes lips adorablesTu n"as pas compris tant pisNe t"en fais pas et viens-t-en dans mes brasDarling I love you, love you,Darling, I want youEt puis le reste on s"en foutYou are the one for me, for me, for me, formidableJe me demande mêmePourquoi je t"aimeToi qui te moques de moi et de toutAvec ton air canaille, canaille, canailleHow can I love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52149654

forbidding, formidable的区别

forbidding 是forbid 的现在分词 意思是禁止formidable 是庞大的 难以应付的 、这两个词意思就要不一样啊


【formidable】 adj. 强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的;使人敬畏的;令人惊叹的;庞大的;优秀的,杰出的;难对付的,难以克服的...同义有--powerful, terrible, august, horrible ...【dreadful 】 adj. 1. 可怕的,可怖的,可畏的,令人(感到)恐惧的;令人惊骇的,骇人的2. 令人敬畏的3. [口语]极不合意的,令人作呕的,令人不快的;糟透了的;极讨厌的;丑陋的;可恶的4. 极其严重的;极大的;极端的(有 比较级more dreadful 最高级most dreadful )读音不同,部分词义不同》以上回答,希望能解决你的问题。递交。



Air Force Formidable这双鞋

鞋面:全纹革和轻质合成材料的组合。内置快速鞋带系统。后跟处激光TPU托盘增强稳固性和稳定性。中底:聚亚安酯中底,在后跟处配以可见式大开窗气垫。外底:在脚尖和中足区域包裹硬橡胶外底,增强耐用性和横向支持力。 拥有最大牵引力的人字型骨纹式样。一款轻质舒适的运动鞋任何鞋只要天天磨外场,寿命都会短很多


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forbidding,adj. 令人生畏的;严峻的;险恶的; v. 禁止;不准(forbid的ing形式)formidable,adj. 强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的表示禁止的意思只能用forbidding抢首赞匿名用户2020-04-04


formidable记忆,or(为了)+mid(音似:谜底)+able(……的) :为了谜底,艰难苦思。formidable:.可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的;派生词: formidably adv。formidable是考研单词formidable美 /u02c8fu0254u02d0rmu026adu0259bl,fu0259ru02c8mu026adu0259bl/英 /fu0259u02c8mu026adu0259bl; u02c8fu0254u02d0mu026adu0259bl/强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的。比较级 more formidable最高级 most formidable双语例句:He has a formidable knowledge of botany.他有丰富的植物学知识。We will try our best to overcome the formidable obstacle.我们将竭尽全力克服这个令人生畏的障碍。


formidable的意思是:强大的。1、释义大得令人生畏的、令人惊叹的、令人钦佩的、可怕的、强大的、难对付、势如破竹。2、短语搭配(1)formidable challenge巨大挑战;难以应付的挑战。(2)formidable task艰巨的人物;巨大的任务;难以应付的任务。(3)formidable enemy强大的敌人;大敌;引起恐惧。(4)formidable opponent劲敌;难缠的对手。(5)formidable list令人生畏的名单。3、双语例句(1)Elena was staking out a role for herself as a formidable political force。埃琳娜坚守自己作为一股巨大政治势力的地位。(2)This task looks intimidating/formidable, but it is really not bad at all。这项任务看起来让人望而生畏,但其实不难。


强大 的意思

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百度 有道 翻译 , 我感觉不错。 你可以在那上边查查你说的2个词


匿名,呵呵,上马甲好嘛,在这传播谣言算什么呀,这个已经是去年的事了,早就说清楚了,现在还有必要翻出来吗,好吧,既然翻了,那就再说一次好了,这首歌开头是MIC男团的《To Bad Girls》改成了抒情慢歌,做成阿卡贝拉,后面是比伯的《beauty and a beat》,首先这首歌并没有作为MIC男团的歌曲收录在任何一张专辑里面,第二这首歌只是节目组将音频做成了合集而已,第三大家喜欢欧美音乐就应该很明白remix,不懂的请百度,粉丝行为,偶像买单,粉丝请自重,你这句话可就是肯定句


含义不同,前者是合情理的,后者是不可接受的。understandable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“可以理解的;可以了解的”。短语搭配easily understandable 易于理解的understandable a 可以理解的Understandable commercialization 可以理解的商业化understandable prove 可读证明Ultimately Understandable 最终可被理解Understandable input 可理解的输入Clearly Understandable 清晰易懂Renqingshigu Understandable 人情世故无可厚非unacceptable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“不能接受的;不受欢迎的”。短语搭配unacceptable product 不合格品unacceptable damage 不可接受的损害unacceptable explosives 禁止使用的炸药unacceptable character 不可接受的字符 ; 不能接受的字符 ; 不可接受性offer unacceptable 发盘不能接受unacceptable clause[法] 不能接受的条款unacceptable burden 不堪重负T Unacceptable 工业金属Configuration unacceptable 配置不支持


pass的用法是pass sb sth= pass sth to sb把某物递给某人。句中的a book指物, 是直接宾语,me指人,是间接宾语。

BROWN EYED GIRLS - Abracadabra 歌词是什么意思啊

BABY-G: 这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我 因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒 NARSHA: 手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒 请与她分手吧 J.A every night I"ll be with you MIRYO: do you love her do you love her J.A: 每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你 BABY-G: do you love me do you love me J.A: bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A: 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 BABY-G: 再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我 到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人 NARSHA: 拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒 请离开她吧。 J.A every night I"ll be with you MIRYO: do you love her do you love her J.A 每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你 BABY-G: do you love me do you love me J.A bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 MIRYO(RAP): I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan 我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP 再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。 BABY-G: LALALALALALALALLALALLALA LALALALALALLALALALALALLA 阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧 MIRYO(RAP): Let`s go uh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH 我在对你念着咒文 I`m like a supervisor 是统治你的 凯撒大帝 你无法逃脱 J.A bring bring 请把他带到我身边 NARSHA: 什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线 J.A 为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeah BABY-G: 我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。 BABY-G: 这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我 因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒 NARSHA: 我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我, 完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你

Brown Eyed Girl Abracadabra 中文歌词

这样下去我就会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:手握着你摸样的玩偶,下着诅咒请与她分手吧J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A:每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.A:bring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A:为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:再也无法忍受了,这样下去我会失去自我到底为什么我心中会烙上你这个人NARSHA:拿着残缺的照片,我又下着诅咒请离开她吧。J.Aevery night I"ll be with youMIRYO:do you love her do you love herJ.A每天即使在梦中我也会陪伴着你BABY-G:do you love me do you love meJ.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。MIRYO(RAP):I`m in the Voodoo lsland ,这是为了找回你的plan我每天在哭泣,这咒语参杂着对你的怨念,是我为你的最后的STEP再不愿想象你与她牵着手,接着吻的场面。BABY-G:LALALALALALALALLALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALLA阿爸卡打不拉 这一切都如愿吧MIRYO(RAP):Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha! YEAH我在对你念着咒文I`m like a supervisor是统治你的 凯撒大帝你无法逃脱J.Abring bring 请把他带到我身边NARSHA:什么代价我都愿意,为了你我没有什么底线J.A为了我那荒唐的 fantasy yeahBABY-G:我要赌上一切 你这个人我要得到。BABY-G:这样下去我会疯掉,那天真善良的我因为你我渐渐变得无常而 狠毒NARSHA:我都感到惊讶,一向处事坦然的我,完全变了个人,竟然现在在主动去找你------------------------------------------------------------------kugou出来的……^^

找fabolous - badaboom的歌词

Bada BoomYea, yea, yea(It"s B2K ya"ll) It"s B2K ya"llWelcome ladies... and gentlemen(Yes) To the U Got Served Soundtrack(Yea) We about to do disYou know how we get downOh YeaYou know datcome onOmarion hit em wit it[Verse One: Omari]Like whoaYou knowGirl you"re the star of my showIn this clubPoppin bubThe way you shakin deservin some dubsTurn aroundMake it bounceShake it like you come from out of townWhats yo name?Whats yo sign?Girl you leavin with me tonight[Chorus 2x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboom[Verse Two: Omari]This one, I seenCouldn"t believe the ass in them jeansTo myself, had to think"Any room for me up in them jeans?"Ghetto starYou areEat you up like a chocolate barWhat"s yo name?What"s yo sign?Damn you got me weeping inside[Chorus 2x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboom[Rap: Fabolous]I wanna see ya "badabing" go "badaboom"And my house got a wing, with a lotta roomsI can do a lotta things, get you hot as JuneI wanna watch ya body swing to the hottest groovesI"m trynna slide behind it when you throw it "roundSo I can ride and grind it, when you slow it downBring it from the top, then take it to da bottomI"m clingin to ya top, trynna make it to ya ohThe way you move is fab-u-losaIt makes me wanna grab you closaYou know I like it when ya bounce, bounceThrow ya hands up and ya bounce, bounceI don"t back down, when I"m pressin yaI"m finna lay the smack down like the wrestlerBut nobody get it ta poppin like this man canHave them girls get it to poppin on a handstand...Ghetto[Chorus 4x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboomla la la la la[Talking]B2KFabT-ScottOh yea Chris Stoke I see you boyAnd oh yea, Dave MackLet"s do dis againYea [laughs]TUG(Hums)Mmmmmm Badaboom



this is incredible 和it is incredable 有什么不同,可不可以说 this is increable 或者it is incredible



B.E.G的《Abracadabra》音译歌词[佳人]一咯大米桥内噶 哟里哟里恰卡大 哭咯内噶诺带木 内do啦内噶 do卡那咯表内内噶[Narsha]诺大萌一鸟也大 举木能do 高咯内噶哭牛哇 几桥叫大啦 够 够[Jea]every night I feel with you[Miryo]do you love her do you love her[Jea]没一诺也顾所给[佳人]do you love me do you love me[Jea ]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea ]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[佳人]摸恰嘛脱嫩内噶 一咯大嘎穷西能 no桥内噶do带切 为诺啦内噶 内码恩没怕kiao你噶[Narsha]几高金撒几内搭 举木能do 高咯内噶哭牛噶 脱咯桥大啦 够 够[Jea]every night I feel with you[Miryo]do you love her do you love her[Jea]没一那也古所给[佳人]do you love me do you love me[Jea]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[Miryo]I`m the Boo in the lsland 诺对掐ki wi含 plan没一噶起一 咯给那怒雷 诺郎韩嘛几码step哭牛也 所能恰够 哭牛哇 一蹦嘛举够哭咯诺冷桑桑 jo恰哈ki西咯 一举木内哟玩嫩西咯啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦[佳人]啊不啦卡大不啦大 一聊桥啦[Miryo]Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha!内给举木能高咯吧I`m like a supervisor诺痛截哈嫩 kaiser内给所bon丝 那素哦所 内给[Jea]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[佳人]一咯大米桥内噶 哟里哟里恰卡do 够咯内噶诺带木 内do啦内噶 do卡那咯表内内噶[Narsha]cool兰qio卡嫩内噶 no啦我大一龙内噶啊你瞧 诺满那咯噶 够 够by:有钱


那个短发女孩是孙佳仁 艺名: GaIn 本名: 孙佳仁【韩国组合Brown Eyed Girls 性感忙内】 别名: 佳仁 性感魅力的°GaIn 原韩语名: 英语译名: Son Ga In 非官方译名: 孙佳人 出生日期: 1987年09月20日 星座: 处女座 身高: 163cm 体重: 43kg 血型: B型 队内职位: 主唱、主领舞(主BEG主打曲)、性感&魅力代表 家族状况: 爸爸、妈妈、自己(独生女) 老公: 赵权(2AM)(共同出演MBC“我们结婚了Ⅱ”、夫妻称谓:亚当夫妇) 爱好: 室内设计、舞蹈、电影欣赏、种养植物 特长: 唱歌、舞蹈、室内设计、DIY 擅长语言: 韩语 外号: 兔子、兔兔、兔oppa、BABY-G、猴子(JeA取的)、傲慢女王、小不点(2PM的黄灿成取的) 性格: 外冷内热、感性、冷静、容易感动、很认生(因为严重认生、所以获得了多种评价) 理想型: 让人笑得要命的男人;稳重、tough的年上男;现在也可以接受年下男 亲近的艺人 :赵权、任瑟雍、郑镇云(2AM)、Nichkhun、玉泽演、黄灿成、朴宰范(2PM)、JOO、金泫雅(4Minute)、金宥真(After School) 喜欢的音乐人: D"SOUND、朴振英 中国粉丝名称: GAIN_ELT(Everlasting)永远的佳仁、兔饭(兔指佳仁、饭指粉丝:兔子的饭) 出道经历: Battle 神话 选拔、GaIn的演艺之路也挺坎坷的、一开始是参加选秀节目、因为五官不符合当时比赛想要的大眼美女因此在第一轮就被淘汰了。又生气又难过的GaIn跑去厕所拿拖把出气、一边哭一边摔拖把的样子被当时公司的作曲家安正勋看到了、因此被选入为BEG第四个成员。 所属组合: Brown Eyed Girls(成员:Jea 金孝珍、Miryo 赵美惠、Narsha 朴孝珍、Gain 孙佳仁) 固定组合: 4tomorrow(担任Vocal、其成员:After School 金宥真、4Minute 金泫雅、Kara 韩胜妍) 所属公司: Negawork

Expendable packaging和Returnable packaging怎么翻译最恰当?请指点.

Expendable 不重复使用的Returnable 可回收利用的Expendable packaging 一次性包装Returnable packaging 可循环包装

a thousand nights歌词 Trent Dabbs

Somewhere it went south tonight desire turned to changeThe same road that lead you here is leading you astrayYour falling off the face of a world you can"t explainWhen your friends feel more like echos you don"t hear back from againDeep in the distance I know you hear thisWhere you gonna go when your wildfire heart blows outNo one cares anymoreAnother face in the cards we"ll call this town getting lost in the foldI"ll tell you something the others won"tIt took a thousand nights to get to warmthYour heroes bleed like villainsif you can get close enoughRather soot that were inand you become the one who"d judgeDeep in the distance I know you hear thisWhere you gonna go when your wildfire heart blows outNo one cares anymoreAnother face in the cards we"ll call this town getting lost in the foldI"ll tell you something the others won"tIt took a thousand nights to get to warmthYou born afraid of the hairy rayscan realize you are lovedYou can"t hear those words the sameYou can"t hear the song unsongDeep in the distance I know you hear thisWhere you gonna go when your wildfire heart blows outNo one cares anymoreAnother face in the cards we"ll call this town getting lost in the foldI"ll tell you something the others won"tIt took a thousand nights to get to warmth


下面说的 牌子不是名牌 而且 有的在东大门市场里卖的 根本就不算品牌了 我是专卖韩国服装的 我告诉你 ZOOC NICECLAUP ON&ON AB.F.Z LYNN THE DAY CC CLUB ENC 等等很多介绍你几个韩国最潮的品牌吧,DAHONG服饰的旗下品牌 DUDE;OVERFLOW这2个系列的服装都是非常潮流的


Eeny, meeny, miny, moeCatch a lover by his toeI"ll never let him goEeny, meeny, miny, moeEeny, meeny, miny, moeMIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALLWhich one dose he like?Pretty Girl or Naughty Girl?Baby I"ll show you nowlooks like a Pretty Girlナチュラルなまつげと清楚なフレアskirtnachuraru na matsuge to seiso na furea skirtHow do you like it?What do you want? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 控えめにSmilingOh Oh Oh Oh hikaeme ni SmilingBaby I"ll show you nowI am so Naughty Girl赤いLIPS 派手目なキラキラNAILakai LIPS hademe na kirakira NAILHow do you like it?Which do you like? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 大胆なStylingOh Oh Oh Oh daitan na StylingまるでI"m like a top stylistmarude I"m like a top stylistどんなスタイルもおまかせ you knowdonna sutairu mo omakase you know见てて 変幻自在のマジックmitete hengen jizai no majikkuShow you right now"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"Baby I"ll show you howI am a Good Girlヤマトナデシコ walk three steps behind 系yamatonadeshiko walk three steps behind keiHow do you like it?What do you want? babyOh Oh Oh Oh 一途にDreamingOh Oh Oh Oh ichizu ni DreamingBaby I"ll show you howI"m a little Bad Girlワガママ小悪魔 So I"m going my waywagamama koakuma So I"m going my wayHow do you like it?Which do you like? babyOh Oh Oh Oh いつでもスリリングOh Oh Oh Oh itsu demo suriringuまるで I"m a 映画のActressmarude I"m a eiga no Actressどんなシーンもお手の物でしょdonna shi-n mo ote no mono desho见てて 変幻自在のマジックmitete hengen jizai no majikkuShow you right now"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"目を闭じてみて wo tojite mite four three two one信じてみてよ Hocus Pocusshinjite mite yo Hocus Pocus今のままの you & I 奇迹ima no mama no you & I kiseki起こしてみせる Open Sesameokoshite miseru Open Sesame目を闭じてみて Follow me Trust meme wo tojite mite Follow me Trust me时は进んでく Tick-tock Tick-tocktoki wa susundeku Tick-tock Tick-tockこの世で一番に可爱いのは谁?kono yo de ichiban ni kawaii no wa dare?MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"あなたをトリコにしてくanata wo toriko ni shiteku"Love me do love me do love me do love me do"唱える魔法のジュモンをtonaeru mahou no jumon woDan Dan あなたは恋したくなるDan Dan anata wa koishitaku naruDan Dan あなたはハマってくDan Dan anata wa hamatteku手に入れたい All day All nightte ni iretai All day All nightMake you mine, like"Abracadabra"






roundabout简谱如下:《Roundabout》,Yes演唱歌曲。2012年,《Roundabout》被选为《Jojo的奇妙冒险》动画的片尾曲。歌曲的吉他前奏通常插入在故事最为引人入胜的地方,并在悬念之处将画面转为泛黄,并插入“To Be Continued”标志。扩展资料:创作背景:歌词的灵感来自于乐队成员从阿伯丁经格拉斯哥前往伦敦路上的所见所感。英伦三岛多以环岛替代十字路口,所以他们得以在路上遇见许多环岛(roundabout)。一路上云层笼罩的山峦如同直指天空,形成了“山峰从天空降临”[Mountains come out of the sky, and they stand there]的灵感,“绕过湖岸”[In and around the lake]的灵感来自于格拉斯哥沿途的一个湖。经过24小时的长途乘车旅行,乐队抵达伦敦,主唱Jon Anderson得以与妻子团聚,这是“经过二十四小时我就要与你相见”[Twenty four before my love you"ll see I be there with you]的灵感。

the taste. by roald dabl描写的主题是什么

"Taste" is a short story by Roald Dahl that was first published in the March 1945 issue of Ladies Home Journal. It later appeared in the Dec 8 1951 New Yorker and the 1953 collection Someone Like You.There are six people eating a fine dinner at the house of Mike Schofield, a London stockbroker: Mike, his wife and daughter, an unnamed narrator and his wife, and a wine connoisseur, Richard Pratt. Pratt often makes small bets with Schofield to guess what wine is being served at the table, but during the night in the story he is uninterested, instead attempting to socialize with Schofield"s eighteen-year-old daughter, Louise.When Schofield brings the second wine of the night he remarks that it will be impossible to guess where it is from, but Pratt takes that as a challenge. The tough talk on both sides leads the two to increase the bet until Pratt declares that he would like to bet for the hand of Schofield"s daughter in marriage—if he loses, he will give Schofield both of his houses. Though his wife and daughter are understandably horrified, Mike eventually convinces them to accept the bet—it is too good a deal to pass up, especially since the wine will be impossible to identify.However, Pratt proceeds to name the district, commune, vineyard, and the year of the wine (though Mike doesn"t turn over the bottle, his reaction appears to be one of disbelief that Pratt could have guessed correctly). At this moment, however, the maid walks in and returns to Pratt his glasses, which he had left on the cabinet in the study earlier in the evening where the bottle had been left out to reach room temperature. (Pratt had picked out this place in the study on an earlier visit as the ideal place to sit the wine—his glasses being left there reveals that he knew the wine in advance and cheated on the bet.) The story ends with Mike starting to get angry and his wife telling him to calm down.



the expendables 敢死队电影,这个the expendables 直接翻译过来是什么意思?

www. 高清体验cqys. 绝对 精彩 敢死队 高清 已有tk


你的正品佐罗打火机上面的英文expendables应该是“敢死队“或者“消耗品“的意思,个人猜测敢死队的意思更贴切。expendables,发音 [ɪks"pendəblz],有“敢死队;牺牲者;消耗品;牺牲品;消耗件“的意思。如果你的打火机是零件或者说明上面印着这个单词,有可能是消耗品的意思。如果是打火机正面或者背面印着这个图案的字母,那应该是“敢死队“的意思。比如动作巨星史泰龙曾经拍过一部系列动作电影《敢死队》(The Expendables)。满意请采纳。






recordable 英[ru026a"ku0254:du0259bl]美[ru026a"ku0254:du0259bu0259l]adj. 可记录的,值得记录的[例句]Content protection for recordable media , cprm.需要可记录媒体内容保护。


楼上那个是brown eye girls版的 张根锡也翻唱过但这次新专里面不是这首 应该过一段时间才会出亲 耐心等待吧O(∩_∩)O



(1)如图,AC平分∠DAB,∠1=∠2,试说明AB与CD的位置关系,并证明 ()如图,在(1)的条件下,AB的下


马来语的sayacindabadmu 是什么意思

是否可把单词“sayacindabadmu ”分一下?saya是我的意思。后面的部分“cindabadmu ”分不出来了,肯定不是一个词。


read a bookreadvt



Daby Touré的《Am》 歌词

歌曲名:Am歌手:Daby Touré专辑:Stereo SpiritPoema - 2 A.M.It was a quarter till eightSecretly glad you were lateI hope you didn"t see me peeking through the windowI didn"t want to seem to eagerI opened the door ready to leave and then my dadwalked us all the way out to the car that was embarrassingIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohI laughed a little too loud(I laughed a little too loud)Oh how awkward do I sound(Oh how awkward do I sound)Oh I wondered about halfway through my storyIf you even thought that it was funnyA few times I forgot how to speakBecause you looked so stunningIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohWoah everything you wantOoooooohI played (I played)This night (this night)Again (again)And again inside my head (and again inside my head)I hoped (woaaahhh)It could (woaaahhh)Have been almost perfect in the endI guess now I"ll try to fall asleepIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohWoah everything you wantOoooooohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2696162

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大白菜U盘装系统官网 是dabaici.com 还是winbaici.com。求解??

呵呵,wibaicai才是大白菜的,你也可以试试U盘启动大师的这个U盘启动盘制作工具 http://www.upanboot.com/download/ ,也是挺好用的 追问: 那个dabaicai.com是盗版的么?? 回答: 恩 追问: 我昨天晚上用这个下载的,制作启动盘失败,沃擦了。我去winbaicai看看。谢谢了!!




第一个句子错了,read a books要么去掉a要么去掉S


转换点读包。dab格式点读包转换bin通过转换点读包。DAB是MP2音频编码格式,也就是卫视节目通常采用的编码方式(MPEG Audio Layer Ⅱ),而DAB+则是AAC+,即MPEG-4 aacPlus(HE AAC v2)音频编解码技术。




DAB 文件是 OrangeCD 的数据库文件后缀.下载 OrangeCD 软件以打开DAB文






1)DAB显色时间不是固定的,主要由显微镜下控制显色时间,到出现浅棕色本底时即可冲洗;(2)DAB显色时间很短(如几秒或几十秒)就出现很深的棕褐色,这很可能说明你的抗体浓度过高或抗体孵育时间过长,需要下调抗体浓度或缩短你的抗 体孵育时间;(3)此外,若很短时间就出现背景很深,还有可能你前面的封闭非特异性蛋白不全,需要延长封闭时间;(4)DAB显色时间很长(如超过十几分钟)才出现阳性染色,一方面可能说明你的抗体浓度过低或孵育时间过短(最好一抗4度过夜);另一方面就是封 闭时间过长。




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