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求dark blue动漫网盘资源


在英语中,dark blue jeans和 dark blue trousers有什么区别?




light blue ,dark blue ,light green ,trolley bus ,oval 分别中文

light blue :亮蓝色或浅蓝色 dark blue :深兰色 light green :亮绿色 trolley bus :无轨电车 oval : a. 1.卵形的;椭圆形的 She has a lovely oval face. 她长着一张可爱的椭圆脸. n. 1.卵形(物)[C]

dark blue的衍生作品

话数标题发售时间ep1~ミつめる耻ぢらい~2012-04-27ep2~见せつけられる……ヌくもり~2013-03-292012年4月里番Dark Blue Vol.1~ミつめる耻ぢらい~。PoRO社改编自Dark Blue.2014年7月25日发售VOL1的副音轨和特典CD。动画版剧情简介LiLiM DARKNESS原作的人气PC游戏动画化。铃香和同班同学等人来到了银行社长的儿子,玲矢的别墅。但是,因为妹妹琴美被什么人侮辱杀害了,便滞留在了别墅里。





light / dark / deep blue 区别?!

light blue浅蓝dark blue深蓝。deep blue也是深蓝,不过用deep比较少,因为听上去有点像“CHINESE ENGLISH”,deep是深的意思。



extra dark blue是什么颜色


湛蓝dark bluetxt全集下载




deep blue和dark blue的区别

deep blue是藏青而dark blue才是深蓝

弱弱的问一句,各位G吧的大神们,Dark blue还是没有完全汉化吗


dark blue的剧情简介


dark blue第二集动画最后什么意思啊 不懂 求解释

Dark Blue是一部美国电视剧,第二集的动画最后可能指的是该集的主要情节或预告下一集的内容。如果你需要更具体的解释,可以提供更多的上下文或细节,我将尽力回答你的问题。

dark blue 和 midnight blue意思都是深蓝色吗

不一定... dark blue 是深蓝色 midnight blue 可以是在天快要黑的时候的深蓝色(也就是说比深蓝色要深一点)


dark作形容词用是“暗的,黑暗的”的意思,dark blue是深蓝色的意思

英语中“深蓝”用"dark blue"准确吗?

英语中形容“深蓝色的”,一般可以用“Navy”来形容,如果想具体一点,就是“Navy blue”(Navy blue 也有藏青色的意思)。一般不用dark来形容,这是比较中国式的英语。

dark blue的人物介绍

  主人公——哀泽 雪斗哀沢 雪斗 (あいざわ ゆきと)拥有清澈眼睛的非常普通的少年。圣樱学园2年级。性格内向,不擅长交往。可是头脑转弯很快,语气淡薄但是道理十足。特别讨厌暴力,和用力量的对方用头脑对抗。非常认真的勤勉家。成绩经常是学年最高层。捉住事物的逻辑性,平时一副冷酷的样子,不过隐约地爱慕青梅竹马和作为大财团的独生女久远寺音羽。只要是提到有关她的事情他便会表露出自己真正的感情。父亲是大企业社长,年幼时过着上流阶层的生活,和附近的大小姐音羽关系很好,以致作了未来的约定。但是由于父亲公司的突然破产,生活水平下降,因此和音羽疏远了。「……不知道发生了什么。但是,我相信我所学习的知识是不会背叛我的」 财阀的青梅竹马——久远寺音羽久远寺音羽(くおんじ おとは)CV:澄白キヨカ大财阀名门闺秀的独生女。圣樱学园2年级。头脑明晰,才色兼备,姿容端丽,性格温柔善良。言谈举止温柔,对谁都是用礼貌语,对待任何人都是一副平和的态度。另一面是一个能处理任何事情的完美大小姐,她的举止完美地诠释了上品这个词语,被当做高岭之花的存在。对青梅竹马雪斗有着隐隐的爱慕,不过因为身份的差距控制着感情。「雪斗,今天的盒饭是铃香和琴美一起做的吧?我明白哦」 主人公的姐姐——哀泽 铃香哀沢 铃香 (あいざわ すずか)CV:早乙女绫雪斗的义姐,圣樱学园3年级的学生会长。头脑明晰,姿容端丽,体育万能,全校的学生都用仰慕的眼光看着她。拥有强力的领导者的气质,全场一致地被当选为学生会长。性格开放,开朗活泼。很理解自己身处的立场,头脑转弯很快,很会精打细算。在雪斗面前会露出猫一般的反复无常的一面。作为代替哀沢家的母亲的存在,家事万能。溺爱作为弟弟的雪斗,每天早晨的母子感情是必不可缺的一部分。「雪~斗!和音羽的关系怎么样了!什—么?连接吻都没有!?虽然学习重要,不过恋爱也是很重要的!」 偶像留学生——アニス音译为爱妮丝アニスu30fbレナフォード CV:星野みく圣樱学园2年级。和同年级的音羽关系很好,一起在原宿旅游时被聘请进入演艺圈。本人是萝莉体型,身高很矮,被邀请进入演艺圈时还感到很奇怪。和音羽一样是资产家的独生女。其实她的母亲是美国著名的好莱坞女演员。对于她在日本的文艺活动持理解的态度。在演艺圈的工作很忙,很少上学,不过在学院的人气依旧十分巨大。模特,唱歌,演戏几乎完美,是人气赤字上升暴涨中的新人偶像。已经移籍至大事务所,不论是谁也能看出她的将来已经被约束了……「哀沢雪斗……盯着我干什么。误会了我是人偶吗?」 主人公的妹妹——哀泽 琴美哀沢 琴美 (あいざわ ことみ) CV:佐仓もも花雪斗的义妹,圣樱学园1年级。小动物般的乖巧性格,从小时候起就老是围着雪斗和铃香背后转。长大后依旧没变,经常和雪斗或者铃香一起行动。旅行的参加也是自然。充当家事助理,也帮忙制作雪斗的盒饭。对比擅长基本料理的铃香,琴美以创造料理为擅长。(对菜起可爱的名字)因为乖巧的性格是被大家所喜爱的存在。「是的,哥哥,这是我的自信之作。怎么样?好吃吗?太好了~那个菜,是第一次制作的所以有些紧张」 双子の姉——千堂 リナ千堂 リナ (せんどう りな)CV:渋谷ひめ琴美的朋友,来到哀沢家游玩。圣樱学园1年级。听见了琴美这次的旅行话题后,一半是因为兴趣所以和妹妹リオ一起参加。双胞胎姐姐特有的坚强性格,与妹妹性格反差很大。「你还真是迟钝。没有我便什么都办不到?来,快过来。手,已经握住了哦」 双子の妹——千堂 リオ千堂 リオ (せんどう りお)CV:神崎ちひろ琴美的朋友,来到哀沢家游玩。圣樱学园1年级。听见了琴美这次的旅行话题后,一半是因为兴趣所以和姐姐リナ一起参加。双胞胎妹妹特有的喜欢撒娇的孩子性格,与姐姐性格反差很大。「喂,姐姐~~等我~~~~……呼呼,别走那么快。能不能再走慢一点嘛」 洋馆的女仆——ほのか(惠)ほのかCV:広森なずな伊能家的洋馆的女仆,忠实于玲矢。对谁说话都很柔和,不过除了玲矢的命令,其他人的话完全不听从。「呵呵呵,谢谢。作为妹抖来说没有比这更令人高兴的了。」 银行社长の息子——伊能 铃矢伊能 玲矢 (いのう れいや) CV:原田友贵圣樱学园2年级。泡沫经济崩溃后,反复吸收合并,成长为日本最大公司银行的社长儿子。性格非常直爽,有领导者的风范,不管学生教师都十分仰慕他,而且因为姿容端丽,特别受到女孩子的欢迎。玲矢在年幼时受到父亲的英才教育,很早就被认为将来会得到凌驾父亲的地位。「雪斗。优秀的你,只是这些房地产之类的马上建成对你来说是不成问题的,当然对我来说也是一样」 黑道人物的儿子——吉良 英二吉良英二 (きら えいじ)CV:こんつ日本屈指可数的大组织吉良会会长的儿子,圣樱学园2年级。雪斗的同班同学,将来会成为的吉良会老大的少年。有着将来的大头目的风格,言谈粗暴但是喜欢堂堂正正。如果发怒的话会像野兽一般疯狂。「哟,优等生。你也参加这次旅行真是个意外。我还以为就算是放假你也是呆在房间里学习呢。」 アニス的经纪人——真冈 ジュン真冈 ジュン (まさおか じゅん)CV:岛田友树アニス的经纪人,一天到晚和她在一起行动。过去以偶像为目标,差不多三十岁了也保持着他年轻时的相貌,是相当的帅哥。极度的自我陶醉者,总是一边照镜子一边意淫。没有培养出偶像,一直也没有走红也是因为事务所的原因。「不用担心。有我保护着爱妮丝,什么也不必担心哦」 担任教师——鹰峰 五郎鹰峰 五郎 (たかみね ごろう)CV:植木亨雪斗所在班级的班主任,也负责风纪。神经质的死板性格,给学生的印象是勤学本分,品行方正。因此和委员会以自由为标语的铃香持对立态度。听到了学生们的旅行计划后,为了让这次旅行不至于弄出什么差错而作为领队参加了进来。「喂,你们。不要老是在聊天,早点睡觉。健全的精神状态是建立在端正的生活规律上的」 主人公の亲友——犬饲 裕明犬饲 裕明 (いぬかい ひろあき) CV:岛田友树在班内可以说是雪斗唯一的朋友。圣樱学园2年级。和认真内向的雪斗相反,是待人接物的态度很好,十分直率的开朗少年。因此和雪斗很合得来。爱慕雪斗的妹妹琴美,在她面前立刻变得很老实。「喂喂,雪斗。来到了这样的地方,再读书会睡着的!看,大家在外面等着呢。走吧!」 洋馆の管家ナイジェルu30fbローウェンCV:こんつ在伊能家的洋馆的老执事,忠实于玲矢。很少说话,工作处理十分完美。除了玲矢的命令不听从任何人的话。「知道了。马上就那样做」


大家好,小狐狸小编来为大家解答darkblue中文版的下载地址。darkblue中文版下载,darkblue中文版叫什么很多人还找不到怎么下载,现在让我们一起来介绍下darkblue中文版,希望能帮助到你!Dark Blue中文版是一款解谜益智类休闲游戏,游戏中玩家们会通过游戏引导来了解事件的大致经过,通过自己的发现与推理来还原事件的真相,在这些奇怪的事件中有很多未解之谜,自己需要找到真正的犯人,而且可以意识到发生了很多事情,自己努力让这个世界洗净你。更多的谜题等待着你的解决,快点去游戏找事件的真相!游戏剧情主人公一行人去旅行,而落脚点就在伊能的一栋洋馆。原本看似休闲的旅行,结果当晚就发生了惨剧。琴美在餐厅被人杀害。但是奇怪的在于脸上的表情却很平静。由于洋馆在偏远的地方,加上天色已黑,所以当晚根本无法离开,加上从管家处得知附近发生了山体滑坡,而且新闻里说道附近地区有一个潜逃的杀人犯在逃。所以众人最后决定还是留在这里,第二天再报警。而第二天早晨,又在音羽的房间里发现了双子的尸体,而且是被各切下一半,然后缝合在一起。看来凶手很有可能就在附近,甚至潜伏在房子里了。然后给了主人公一把万能钥匙,可以开启大屋里所有的门,希望他帮



请问 dark blue 是什么东西 是动漫还是游戏


dark blue是什么?是颜色吗?


dark blue动画全集

这东西 当初看CG 感觉太黑暗了 还有分尸的 动画好点 虽然还是有点虐 我有CG资源和动画资源 不过动画资源是种子

dark blue的剧情介绍



在影片《Dark Blue》中,双子缝合是一种虚构的情节,其目的是为了呈现出一种紧张、悬疑的剧情效果。由于这是一部虚构的作品,所以无法确切地回答是否可以避免双子缝合的发生。然而,从现实的角度来看,双子缝合这样的情节是不可能真实发生的。在现实世界中,人类并没有能力通过缝合来达到某种超自然的效果,这种行为不仅在道德和法律上是不被允许的,而且对人体健康和生命也会造成极大的危害。因此,无论是从虚构的角度还是现实的角度来看,双子缝合都是不可取的,它只是一种虚构的故事情节,不应该被模仿或尝试。

dark blue什么意思?



因为双子触犯了禁忌,双子是《darkblue》影片中的人物。一、简介《darkblue》是由Backaof Aof Noppharnach执导,提迪蓬·德查阿派坤、Tawan Vihokratana领衔主演的泰国电视剧。该剧于2019年10月12日在泰国播出。二、剧情《深蓝之吻》是Kiss Me series的延伸,改编自泰国同名人气小说。故事中的Kao和Pete起初互相看不顺眼,后来却激发感情。 《深蓝》描述两人交往之后的恋爱日常,男男恋爱难以向家人坦白。Pete&Kao人气CP甜蜜回归,还有暖男店长Sun收服不良少年Mork的热血爱情浪漫插曲。三、播出平台爱奇艺,中国高品质视频娱乐服务提供者。2010年4月22日正式上线,秉承“悦享品质”的品牌口号,积极推动产品、技术、内容、营销等全方位创新,为用户提供丰富、高清、流畅的专业视频体验,致力于让人们平等、便捷地获得更多、更好的视频。爱奇艺已成功构建了包含电商、游戏、电影票等业务在内,连接人与服务的视频商业生态,引领视频网站商业模式的多元化发展。

dark blue翻译中文是什么意思

深蓝色 的意思


Dark blue是一种深蓝色,通常指的是比普通蓝色更深、更浓厚的颜色。这是一种非常有韵味、典雅的颜色,同时也是一种非常灵活的颜色,容易与其他颜色搭配使用。尤其在家居设计、时装设计、图形设计等方面,dark blue往往是非常受欢迎的配色方案之一。这种颜色是将蓝色的饱和度加深得到的。通常情况下,如果一种颜色可以通过添加黑色到其混合物中来制造出来,那么该颜色就可以称为深色。因此,深藏青色是通过将黑色添加到蓝色混合物中而得到的。由于黑色和蓝色本身都是非常稳重和沉静的颜色,所以深藏青色往往产生严谨、内敛和具有威严感的视觉效果。在视觉上,深藏青色似乎具有吸引人的力量,能够调动人们的情感和注意力。它是一种适合用于传达权威感、智慧、优雅、专业和高端感的意象。这种颜色同时也是非常低调的,所以尽管它相对深沉严谨,但在一些时尚场合也是非常的受欢迎。在实践中,深藏青色不仅可以作为装饰性颜色使用,还可以作为引导型颜色使用。例如,在设计商标或网站的时候,深藏青色配合红色或黄色可以吸引更多注意力,让人更加关注品牌和产品;如果和白色或灰色搭配,那么可以强调专业和务实感。darkblue在视觉上还是在设计上的意义深藏青色是一种非常有深度的颜色,可以吸引人们的注意力,同时又不失低调和优雅。无论是在视觉上还是在设计上,黑藏青都非常灵活,可以作为一种重要的调色板颜色来使用。

dark blue怎么读

英 [dɑ:k blu:]美 [dɑrk blu]释义深蓝,暗蓝;碧蓝;藏青;英英释义dark bluen.a dark shade of blue同义词:navynavy blueadj.of a dark shade of blue同义词:dark-blue双语例句North American dark bluish-gray gallinule.北美深蓝灰色的水鸡。The sky was navy blue, pricked by planets and a scatter of stars.天空深蓝深蓝的,布满了许多的星星。


那时这遍人稀的土地由早期的殖民者来到之后,就开始发生一些奇异怪诞的事情,并且一直流传下来……于是当地的族人们称这遍领域为『幽灵徘徊之地』,之后很少人敢冒险进入森林庄园一带。也有传说说那地方最初是被从塞伦逃出来的人民所占领。人们都相信,此遍土地如此怪异跟1692年声名狼藉的审判女巫时期有关,然后那地方就变成了黑魔法从事者的避风港。而那时的庄园是由Edmund Darklore为他年轻可爱的新娘Delarosa所建造。这座三层高,拥有四十间房子的维多利亚式庄园是在1889年动工的,并且在三年后建成。在施工期间,发生了一些邪乎的事件

关于darklore manor(darklore庄园)的详细!


Dark Moor的《Mortal Sin》 歌词

歌曲名:Mortal Sin歌手:Dark Moor专辑:The Hall of the Olden Dreams标题:Mortal Sin艺术家:Dark MoorPlay the drums of heaven, flee from here to a remote landThe scourge of your people threatens to destroy the manWhen the swords plunge into your souls, you will rest in peaceNow i want to pass my sentence on your Holy PriestSave you from evil purify your heartsIt is high time you start to departCHORUSOh lord! Nobody is blameless, thy will be doneMy god! Nobody is safe from the rage of your sonYour wounds are bleeding for the unspeakable sinsHow long have you been keeping the Holy Keys?The light of the sun is suddenly ebbing awayThe earth will be embraced by the flames in this dayEven the most gallant of my heirs among the menWill be terrified of the beginning of the endMy god! Nobady is safe from the rage of your sonHow long are you praying for me?You will know that is me when i turn my back on youI will put the bodys of your sons inside their tombsI will throw your rotten bones into a sea of liesMy black soul will be your curse for the rest of the livesHow long have your been keeping the Holy Keys?金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/17704549

Keep Me In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:Keep Me In The Dark歌手:Arcadia专辑:So Red The RoseThe Fiery Furnaces - Keep Me In The DarkThe Bazaar in Ouarzazate,Had an emerald for sale. We heardIn the silver band were etched the initialsof you know who.His momma pawned the Gulfstream;Returned the antiquities to Italy;Said in no uncertain termsbuy it back for my youngest son.Please don"t tell me nothing.I"d rather—tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark,With the opposite of anything.Please don"t tell me nothing.I"d rather—tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark,With the opposite of anything.Please don"t tell me nothing.I"d rather—tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark,With the opposite of anything.Please don"t tell me nothing.I"d rather—tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark,With the opposite of anything.Went through my per diemsBy the middle of the morning.You won"t mind me writing my ownreceipts for boys or smoke—Contracted three merchant fevers;Embellished two early evenings;At an arcade in the afternoon looked backand forth with you know who.Please, don"t tell me nothing,I"d rather….Tell me nothing:Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark.Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,I"d rather….Tell me nothing:Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,I"d rather….Tell me nothing:Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,I"d rather….Tell me nothing:Please, don"t tell me nothing,With the opposite of anything.Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,I"d rather….Tell me nothing:Keep me in the dark.With the opposite of anything.Please, don"t tell me nothing,Keep me in the dark, keep you in the dark.http://music.baidu.com/song/2654417

When Darkness Falls ( Ode To Kvaase) 歌词

歌曲名:When Darkness Falls ( Ode To Kvaase)歌手:Secret Garden专辑:EarthsongsAs you walkThe path of least resistanceIs it that simpleAs you claim it to beCut outYour tongueYour eyesYour liesThey do deceive youYour tongueYour eyesYour liesThey do deceive youI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walk (the path I walk)I walk in with my own resolveWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornBut the livesAre not yet depletedWe are the wholeSilence them allWith not just wordsLet resolution be our voiceI stand firm in my solidarityThe path I walk (the path I walk)I walk in with my own resolveWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornWe are the remnantWe the remnant will save us of allWe are the faithfulWe the faithful will save us of allSilence them allSilence them allWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornWhen darkness falls (when darkness falls)We are rebornA dream since the fall of manWe are rebornhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558839


showmethemoneydark是第七季。播出套路什么的大家已经很熟悉了,在每年节目正式播出之前,都会逐个公开制作人导师,每一组制作人公布都会引起大众讨论。今年也不例外,制作人导师名单的公布依然引发了不小的争议。showmethemoneydark综艺的特点从2012年开始播出的Rapper生存赛节目《Show Me The Money》已经迎来了第七季,也在本季进行改版。该比赛中具有代表性的数千名rapper申请者在一个空间聚集并进行大规模的第一轮预赛形式被废止,在第一轮预赛中可能出现的现场支援也不存在了。所谓戏精云集即为片方力邀了JP主持人李星和,宋旻浩,金海率,Slom,YumDDa,TOIL,尹松,Code,Kunst等豪华完整的阵容为此片飚戏,历经数月磋磨演练终成大片并在韩国上映,随着此片播出热度愈加,小编左手摸着右奶扪心的说这是一部相当不错的综艺秀。

dark elf 补丁怎么安装


黑暗女精灵Dark Elf游戏小技巧汇总 黑暗女精灵游戏怎么玩


《dark elf steam》中怎么能“H”?

在第三个任务(打土匪),那里开始只要战斗失败就能h了。Steam平台是Valve公司聘请BitTorrent(BT下载)发明者布拉姆·科恩亲自开发设计的游戏平台。Steam平台是一款目前全球最大的综合性数字发行平台。玩家可以在该平台购买游戏、软件、下载、讨论、上传、分享。2015年10月,获第33届金摇杆奖最佳游戏平台。拓展:1、Steam是一个整合游戏下载平台。2002年,Steam系统与CS1.4 Beta一起问世。至目前为止,Steam的运作十分成功广泛,无数游戏发行公司的游戏在此平台上发行、更新。Steam英文原译为蒸汽。至于为什么叫"Steam"。在Steam平台上下载游戏的速度是非常快的,速度就像蒸汽一样喷薄而出,快得令人难以置信,所以名曰Steam。一般情况下可达到满速(请选择美国服务器节点,或者离使用者最近的服务器节点)。2、想要使用Steam,请先安装Steam平台客户端,注册后即可享有Steam平台的使用权(免费),而Steam平台上的付费游戏,必须于代理零售商处购买产品并在Steam上激活,或是通过Steam平台在线购买,取得游戏序号后(一般直接购买后就会直接获得游戏),即可拥有下载安装以及使用权(游戏激活后与账号永久绑定,任意一台电脑登陆拥有使用权的账号皆可下载)。



drowing in darkness(eminem)歌词加翻译


求 ske48-darkness 罗马音歌词~~~~

DarknessSKE48作词:秋元康作曲:KENGOLove is darkness…If night were to fall, oh,upon the two of usEverything would vanish, oh,like a shooting star今の爱は1センチ先が见えなくてima no ai wa ichi senchi saki ga mienakute手探りをして求め合った深い闇よtesaguri wo shite motome atta fukai yami yo仆は君の何を见ていた?boku wa kimi no nani wo mite ita何を知っていたのだろう?nani wo shi teita no darou狭い窓がsemai mado ga无限大と勘违いしていたよmugendai to kanchigai shite ita yo消えてしまおうkiete shimaouこの悲しみの外へkonno kanashimi no soto e记忆は散らばるだけkioku wa chirabaru dake辉くことのない星kagayaku koto no nai hoshi绝望がすべて饮み込んで行くzetsubou ga subete nomikonde iku微(かす)かな光や音も…kasu ka na hikari ya oto mo...仆の腕が抱きしめてたboku no ude ga dakishimetetaぬくもりさえも涂り溃されてnukumori sae mo nuritsubusareteDark…Dark…どんな时もいかなる状况でもこのままdonna toki mo ika naru joukyou demo kono mama报われない运命でも影でいいさmukuwarenai unmei de mo kage de ii sa君は仆の何を信じる?kimi wa boku no nani wo shinjiru?何を犠牲にするつもりか?nani wo giseini suru tsumori ka?镜の中kagami no nakaその本音はどこに隠してあるの?sono honne wa doko ni kasushite aru no?闭ざしたハートtozashita heartもう幕は下りてるmou maku wa kudariteru未来は意味がないさmirai wa imi ga nai sa时间はすでに止まったjikan wa sude ni tomatta新しい空が始まらないならatarashii so raga hajimaranai nara空気の动きや匂いも…kuuki no ugoki ya nioi mo...仆の幻想でしかないbo ku no gensou de shikanai爱しているaishiteiru爱されている…aisarateiru...もしも奇迹がこの闇を裂いてもmoshimo kiseki ga kono yami wo saite mo太阳なんて见えないだろうtaiyou nante mienai darouずっと どこまでもzutto doko made mo永远に君をただ想い続けてeien ni kimi wo tada omoitsuzukete仆は深い闇に息を潜めたいboku wa fukai yami ni iki wo hisotetai消えてしまおうkiete shimaouこの悲しみの外へkonno kanashimi no soto e记忆は散らばるだけkioku wa chirabaru dake辉くことのない星kagayaku koto no nai hoshi绝望がすべて饮み込んで行くzetsubou ga subete nomikonde iku微(かす)かな光や音も…kasu ka na hikari ya oto mo...仆の腕が抱きしめてたboku no ude ga dakishimetetaぬくもりさえも涂り溃されてnukumori sae mo nuritsubusarete谁も知らない银河系の涯(はて)までdare mo shirana igingakei no hate made答えのない命は轮廻するkotae no nai inochi wa rinne suru顺便把中文翻译也给你。。。从英文部分开始的爱是黑暗的如果夜幕降临,喔,笼罩着我们两个任何东西都将湮灭,喔,像一颗流星现在这份爱情,连一厘米外的未来都看不到只有在黑夜中 伸手探求我究竟看到你的什么呢?又知道些什么呢?误解了狭小的窗台会无限大消失吧从这份悲哀之中只剩下飘散的记忆与暗淡无光的星辰绝望吞噬了所有连同柔弱的光线与声音我手臂所怀抱着的温暖也被尽然毁灭黑暗,黑暗不管何时无论什么状况就那样算了没有回报的命运,即使是幻影也无所谓了你究竟相信我什么?企图这我有所牺牲?在镜中那个真话里面隐藏着什么?紧闭这的心扉夜幕已经降临未来已毫无意义时间也已停止崭新的时空还未开始包括空气的韵动和气息仅仅是我的幻想爱着被爱着即使奇迹割裂开这片黑暗也看不到太阳的吧一直 不管哪里只是对你的思念会持续到永远我希望能潜藏在无垠的黑暗中无尽叹息消失吧从这份悲哀之中只剩下飘散的记忆与暗淡无光的星辰绝望吞噬了所有连同柔弱的光线与声音我手臂所怀抱着的温暖也被尽然毁灭到达无人知晓的银河系边际没有答案的生命轮回



Heart of Darkness是谁的歌?


wash dark colours separately啥意思

wash dark colours separately将黑颜色的衣服分开洗

请教《最后的猎人》片中插曲by the rivers dark 的中文歌词

By the rivers dark I wandered on 在那黑暗的河流旁 我不断徘徊I lived my life in Babylon 我在巴比伦度过我的生命And I did forget my holy song 我遗失了我的神圣之歌And I had no strength in Babylon 而我在巴比伦软弱无力By the rivers dark where I could not see 在那黑暗的河流旁 我无法看见Who was waiting there who was hunting me 是谁在那里等候着 是谁猎捕着我And he cut my lip and he cut my heart 他切割着我的唇 切割着我的心So I could not drink from the river dark 让我无法饮那黑暗河流的水And he covered me, and I saw within 而他宠罩着我 而我探索着My lawless heart and my wedding ring 在我混乱的心和我的结婚戒指之中I did not know and I could not see 我不知道 我无法看到Who was waiting there, who was hunting me是谁在那里等候着 是谁猎捕着我By the rivers dark I panicked on在那黑暗的河流旁 我惊慌向前I belonged at last to Babylon我终于成了巴比伦的附属Then he struck my heart with a deadly force 然后他用致命的一击刺入了我的心And he said, this heart, it is not yours 他说 这颗心 它不是你的And he gave the wind my wedding ring 而他将我的结婚戒指抛向空中And he circled us with everything用一切环绕着我们By the rivers dark in a wounded dawn 在那黑暗的河流旁 在一个残缺的黎明I live my life in Babylon 我在巴比伦度过我的生命Though I take my song from a withered limb 虽然我从枯萎的树枝上摘取了我的歌Both song and tree, they sing for him 但歌与树 它们都为他而歌唱Be the truth unsaid and the blessing gone 假如真理未曾说出 而庇护也已失去If I forget my Babylon 如果我遗忘了我的巴比伦I did not know and I could not see我不知道 我也无法看到Who was waiting there, who was hunting me 是谁在那里等候着 是谁猎捕着我By the rivers dark, where it all goes on 在那黑暗的河流旁 在这一切远行的地方By the rivers dark In Babylon 在那巴比伦黑暗的河流旁

电影-蝙蝠侠之《THE DARK KNIGHT》(黑夜之神)的主要构思是什么?--加分哦!

k,dfhkldfyrgncvn sdbfuiolweyfm,dsnckashf kqwejfdoieyhfdjlksnfkjghsdkuf wqkhd qwhdiqwhdsdackjsdbfcwklefyhsanc,mxzBCkastyco;wehfsanCjkashdkjeahfkasd ksjacfhkjadsfhkjasdnc,mzxcbnkjahcioashfa shckasjhcascbnkashciuqweyfdlksdnca ssacjkalshkjewgfa s sahdkjashkascnakxjhcbkajsdyhksabcmxcbkasjdhiasfhefklas,mchaksfhdskfba(你..你看得懂..吗?)

dark romanticism什么意思


take a shot in the dark意思的起源

来自荷兰的女声金属乐队。take a shot in the dark意思是在黑暗中拍摄。

如何评价诱惑本质within temptation的歌曲shot in the dark

i"ve been left out alonelike a damn criminali"ve been praying for help"cause i can"t take it alli"m not doneit"s not overnow i"m fighting this warsince the day of the falland i"m desperatelyholding on to it allbut i"m losti"m so damn lostoh i wish it was overand i wish you were herestill i"m hoping that somehow"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darkin the blink of an eyei can see through your eyesas i"m lying awakei"m still hearing the criesand it hurtshurts me so badand i"m wondering whyi still fight in this life"cause i"ve lost all my faithin this damn bitter strifeand it"s sadit"s so damn sadoh i wish it was overand i wish you were herestill i"m hoping that somehow"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darki feel you fading awayi feel you fading awayi feel you fading awayi feel you fading away"cause your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall apartoh, your soul is on firea shot in the darkwhat did they aim forwhen they missed your heart?i breathe underwaterit"s all in my handswhat can i do? don"t let it fall aparta shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the darka shot in the dark

歌词有很多句shining in the dark的英文歌

亲密爱人作词:小虫 作曲:小虫演唱:王若琳今夜还吹着风 想起你好温柔今夜还吹着风 想起你好温柔有你的日子分外的轻松有你的日子分外的轻松也不是无影踪 只是想你太浓也不是无影踪 只是想你太浓怎么会无时无刻 把你梦怎么会无时无刻 把你梦爱的路上有你 我并不寂寞爱的路上有你 我并不寂寞你对我那么的好 这次真的不同你对我那么的好 这次真的不同也许我应该好好 把你拥有也许我应该好好 把你拥有就像你一直为我 守候就像你一直为我 守候亲爱的人 亲密的爱人亲爱的人 亲密的爱人谢谢你这么长的时间 陪着我谢谢你这么长的时间 陪着我亲爱的人 亲密的爱人亲爱的人 亲密的爱人这是我一生中 最兴奋的时分这是我一生中 最兴奋的时分这是我一生中 最兴奋的时分

Shot In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:Shot In The Dark歌手:Alvin Lee And Ten Years After专辑:Solid RockAlbum: The UnforgivingReleased on March 25th 2011I"ve been left out aloneLike a damn criminalI"ve been praying for help"Cause I can"t take it allI"m not doneIt"s not overNow I"m fighting this warSince the day of the fallAnd I"m desperatelyHolding on to it allBut I"m lostI"m so damn lostOh I wish it was overAnd I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow"Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkIn the blink of an eyeI can see through your eyesAs I"m lying awakeI"m still hearing the criesAnd it hurtsHurts me so bad...And I"m wondering whyI still fight in this life"Cause I"ve lost all my faithIn this damn bitter strifeAnd it"s sadIt"s so damn sadOh I wish it was overAnd I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow"Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkI feel you fading away...I feel you fading away...I feel you fading away...I feel you fading away..."Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartOh, your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2654786

《shot in the dark 》歌手:within temptation 求这首歌的中文歌词

黑夜中的枪声I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散

求Augustana的Shot In the Dark的歌词


shot in the dark

Shot In The Dark 黑夜中的枪声 I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal 我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all 一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done, 但我还没放弃It"s not over. 一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall 从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着 And I"m desperately holding on to it all 我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost 但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost 迷失了Oh I wish it was over, 我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here 我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow 直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire 因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark, 就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart? 当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢? I breathe underwater 我窒息着It"s all in my hands 世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do? 我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart 我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark 就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye 在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes 我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries 在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts 它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad 好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life 我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife 因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad 这很悲哀It"s so damn sad 真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over, 我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here 我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow 直到现在,我一直希望着 ‘Cause your soul is on fire 因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark, 就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart? 当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢? I breathe underwater 我窒息着It"s all in my hands 世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do? 我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart 我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark 就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away 我觉得我内心的美好快要消散

shot in the dark 中英歌词

"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散

kids in the dark的中文和英文歌词

Kids In The Dark - All Time Low The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark Here we are at the end of the road A road that"s quietly caving in (caving in) Come too far to pretend that we don"t We don"t miss where we started But looking back I see a setting sun And watch my shadow fade into the floor I am left standing on the edge And wondering how we got this far (How we got this far) They left us alone The kids in the dark To burn out forever Or light up the spark We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surrender The kids in the dark The kids in the dark (Kids in the dark) (Kids in the dark) Here we are at the top of the hill A hill that"s quietly crumbling Been a while since you dressed for the kill The kill that sent me tumbling Looking up I see a falling star And watch it"s fire burn into the floor And I am left standing on the edge And wondering why we fall so hard (Why we fall so hard) They left us alone The kids in the dark To burn out forever Or light up the spark We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surrender Kids in the dark The kids in the dark Whoa whoa Whoa whoa (They left us alone) (The kids int he dark) (To burn out forever) (Or light up the spark) We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surrender Kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark Well never surrender The kids in the dark The kids in the dark

a short in the dark

1. Well, like I said,it is a shot in the dark 好的,就像我说过的一样,这是在挖墙角 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 2. It was just a shot in the dark, but I got the right answer to the teacher"s question. 尽管那只是瞎猜,但我答对了老师的问题。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 3. He told me it was just a shot in the dark, but he got the right answer to the teacher"s question. 他告诉我那只是一种瞎猜,但他答对了老师的问题。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 4. I didn"t know/ it was only a shot in the dark 我不知道那只是我瞎猜的 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语 好评(0) 差评(0) 5. That was a shot in the dark. 这支箭是瞎放的。 -- 来源 -- 飘(部分) - piao52 好评(0) 差评(0) 6. As Comrade Liu Shaoqi has said in his report, this draft resolution is not a shot in the dark but is based on concrete facts and directed at specific targets. 这个决议草案,正如少奇同志的报告所说,不是无的放矢,而是有所指的,是根据具体事实、指了具体对象的。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 7. It was just a shot in the dark, but I got the right answer. 我是瞎猜猜的,可是我猜对了。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 8. Comrade Mao Zedong"s call for rectification is, of course, not a shot in the dark; it is precisely directed against our weaknesses. 毛泽东同志号召整风当然不是无的放矢,而正是针对着我们的弱点提出来的,是一针见血的指示。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0) 差评(0) 9. We had nothing to go by. It was a shot in the dark, but it turned out right. 我们是没有根据的, 只不过瞎猜, 可是结果却猜对了。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 好评(0) 差评(0) 10. It" s hard to know exactly what to do we" ll just have to take a shot in the dark. 很难说怎麽办才对--我们只好瞎碰.

Within Temptation的shot in the dark和刺客信条有什么关系?

不是哦 只是b站up主枫踏岚制作的《影中侍者——刺客信条CG混剪》视频中使用了这首歌 剪辑风格和曲子也很搭 于是这两个作品经常被联系到一起影中侍者——刺客信条CG混剪

shot in the dark 的歌词 within...唱的

i"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就象一名该死的罪犯无人答理。i"ve been praying for help cause i can"t take it all我一直乞求帮助因为我无法承受一切i"m not done, it"s not over.我不会善罢甘休,尚未结束。now i"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从沉沦之日起我不断奋起抗争。and i"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切苦苦支撑。but i"m lost i"m so damn lost但是我输了,我一败涂地oh i wish it was over, and i wish you were here哦 我希望结束这一切,我希望你在我身边。still i"m hoping that somehow不知何故我依然心存幻想cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧a shot in the dark黑暗中的一枪what did they aim for when they missed your heart?当它们未击中你的心脏 它们目标何在(居心何在)?i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸(心存幻想)it"s all in my hands一切尽在我的掌握之中what can i do don"t let it fall apart我该如何是好,不要功亏一篑a shot in the dark a shot in the dark黑暗中的一枪 臆想猜测in the blink of an eye i can see through your eyes眨眼间,我能看穿你的双眸as i"m lying awake i"m still hearing the cries我难以入眠 听见哭泣的声音and it hurts hurts me so bad令人心痛 让我痛彻心扉and i"m wondering why i still fight in this life自己为何与世无争 我困惑不已cause i"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场痛苦的争斗中我万念俱灰and it"s sad it"s so damn sad令人难过 令人痛苦万分oh i wish it was over, and i wish you were here哦 我希望结束这一切,我希望你在我身边。still i"m hoping that somehow不知何故我依然心存幻想cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧a shot in the dark黑暗中的一枪what did they aim for when they missed your heart?当它们未击中你的心脏 它们目标何在(居心何在)?i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸(心存幻想)it"s all in my hands一切尽在我的掌握之中what can i do don"t let it fall apart我该如何是好,不要功亏一篑a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark任意的一击 随意的一击 盲目的一击 恣意的一击 臆想猜测i feel you fading away i feel you fading away i feel you fading away i feel you fading away我感觉你逐渐消失 我感觉你逐渐远去 我感觉你渐渐逝去 我感觉你一去不复返cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧a shot in the dark黑暗中的一枪what did they aim for when they missed your heart?当它们未击中你的心脏 它们目标何在(居心何在)?i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸(心存幻想)it"s all in my hands一切尽在我的掌握之中what can i do don"t let it fall apart我该如何是好,不要功亏一篑oh, your soul is on fire哦 你的灵魂在燃烧a shot in the dark黑暗中的一抢what did they aim for when they missed your heart?当它们未击中你的心脏 它们目标何在(居心何在)?i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸(心存幻想)it"s all in my hands一切尽在我的掌握之中what can i do don"t let it fall apart我该如何是好,不要功亏一篑a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark a shot in the dark 任意的一击 随意的一击 盲目的一击 恣意的一击 臆想猜测

shot in the dark 中英歌词

"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散

Shot In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:Shot In The Dark歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Just Say OzzyAlbum: The UnforgivingReleased on March 25th 2011I"ve been left out aloneLike a damn criminalI"ve been praying for help"Cause I can"t take it allI"m not doneIt"s not overNow I"m fighting this warSince the day of the fallAnd I"m desperatelyHolding on to it allBut I"m lostI"m so damn lostOh I wish it was overAnd I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow"Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkIn the blink of an eyeI can see through your eyesAs I"m lying awakeI"m still hearing the criesAnd it hurtsHurts me so bad...And I"m wondering whyI still fight in this life"Cause I"ve lost all my faithIn this damn bitter strifeAnd it"s sadIt"s so damn sadOh I wish it was overAnd I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow"Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkI feel you fading away...I feel you fading away...I feel you fading away...I feel you fading away..."Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartOh, your soul is on fireA shot in the darkWhat did they aim forWhen they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do? Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9166120

a shot in the dark中文翻译

It is hard to know exactly what to do -- we will just have to take a shot in the dark . 很难说怎么办才对我们只好瞎碰。 We had nothing to go by. it was a shot in the dark , but it turned out right . 我们是没有根据的,只不过瞎猜,可是结果却猜对了。 I didn " t know . i was only a shot in the dark 我不知道。那只是我瞎猜的。 I don " t know . it " s a shot in the dark , but i " ll go with real 我不晓得.随便猜的,我猜是真的 James : i don " t know . i was just taking a shot in the dark . ask someone 詹姆斯?我不知道。只是瞎猜,找个人问吧。 It " s hard to know exactly what to do we " ll just have to take a shot in the dark 很难说怎麼办才对- -我们只好瞎碰 A shot in the dark 盲目射击瞎猜 I didn " t know , i was only a shot in the dark . png png is the apple of her grandpa " s eye 我不知道那只是我瞎猜的。 /珍珍是她爷爷的掌上明珠。

shot in the dark想表达一些什么情感?


puppet in the dark中文歌词

Shot In The Dark黑夜中的枪声I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散望采纳

Within Temptation的Shot In The Dark中文歌词?

i"ve been left out alone 我已经被排除,独自一人i"ve been praying for help cause i can"t take it all我一直在祈祷帮助的原因,我不能把它所有 i"m not done,我不这样做, it"s not over.它没有结束。 now i"m fighting this war since the day of the fall现在我打这场战争,因为秋季的一天 and i"m desperately holding on to it all我拼命地给它的所有 but i"m lost但我迷失了 i"m so damn lost我该死的迷失了 oh i wish it was over,哦,我想就结束了, and i wish you were here我希望你在这里 still i"m hoping that somehow我仍然希望,不知怎的, cause your soul is on fire导致你的灵魂在燃烧 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 what did they aim for when they missed your heart?他们的目标是什么,使他们错过了你的心? i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸 it"s all in my hands这一切都在我手中 what can i do我能做些什么 don"t let it fall apart不让它土崩瓦解 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜in the blink of an eye眨眼 i can see through your eyes我可以通过你的眼睛看到 as i"m lying awake i"m still hearing the cries我睡得清醒,却听到了哭声 and it hurts还有伤害 hurts me so bad我被伤的这么深 and i"m wondering why i still fight in this life我不知道为什么我还是在此生活战斗 cause i"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife导致我失去了我的信仰,在这个该死的苦纷争 and it"s sad和它的悲哀 it"s so damn sad它是如此该死的悲哀 oh i wish it was over,哦,我想就结束了, and i wish you were here我希望你在这里 still i"m hoping that somehow我仍然希望,不知怎的, cause your soul is on fire导致你的灵魂在燃烧 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 what did they aim for when they missed your heart?他们的目标是什么,使他们错过了你的心? i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸 it"s all in my hands这一切都在我手中 what can i do我能做些什么 don"t let it fall apart不让它土崩瓦解 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 i feel you fading away我觉得你渐渐淡去 i feel you fading away我觉得你渐渐淡去 i feel you fading away我觉得你渐渐淡去 i feel you fading away我觉得你渐渐淡去 cause your soul is on fire导致你的灵魂在燃烧a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 what did they aim for when they missed your heart?他们的目标是什么,使他们错过了你的心? i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸 it"s all in my hands这一切都在我手中 what can i do我能做些什么 don"t let it fall apart不让它土崩瓦解 oh, your soul is on fire哦,你的灵魂是在燃烧 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 what did they aim for when they missed your heart?他们的目标是什么,使他们错过了你的心? i breathe underwater我在水下呼吸 it"s all in my hands这一切都在我手中 what can i do我能做些什么 don"t let it fall apart不让它土崩瓦解 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜 a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜a shot in the dark在黑暗中瞎猜

shot in the dark 汉语翻译

shoot in the dark网络释义shoot in the dark:盲目尝试Within Temptation-Shot in the Dark诱惑本质-盲目尝试Within Temptation基本翻译诱惑本质(荷兰哥特金属乐团)网络释义Within Temptation:诱惑本质 | 致命诱惑 | 女主唱哥特金属

有一首摇滚乐里面有this fire和in the dark dark之类的歌词,谁知道这首歌的歌名(附视频来源)

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark_Fall Out Boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/34174847

on the dark side 歌词

歌曲名:on the dark side歌手:beaver brown band专辑:eddie and the cruisers part 1Written and originally performed by John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown BandA #7 Top 40 hit from 1984Beaver Brown BandSong was used in the movie Eddie and the CruisersThe dark side"s callin" now, nothin" is realShe"ll never know just how I feelFrom out of the shadows she walks like a dreamAin"t nothin" gonna save you from a love that"s blindWhen you slip to the dark side you cross that lineOn the dark side, oh yeahOn the dark side, oh yeahRepeathttp://music.baidu.com/song/14090463

which for us is just darkness. 这句话里which for是啥意思呢?

which是前面提到的事物,可以翻译成:这,which for意思是:这对于

改写一下下面这一段话 重新改写但意思不变 In the novel ‘This Dark Ende

Victor is the leading character in the novel " This dark Endeavor ". His tragedy is triggered by his own flaws arrogance . It plays a part in offering readers a clue that some tragical things would take place because of his tragic flaw.

Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to ________ his courage. A.hold up B.keep up

B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:独自在黑暗中行走,男孩吹口哨保持勇气。B项意为“维持,不使低落”,符合句意。A项意为“举起”;C项意为“建立”;D项意为“拿起”。

那位同志帮我搞一下Dark side of the moon的歌词

The lunatic is on the grass.The lunatic is on the grass.Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.Got to keep the lunatic on the path.The lunatic is in the hall.The lunatics are in my heart.The paper holds their folded faces to the floorAnd every day the paper boy brings more.And if the dam breaks open many years and soonAnd if there is no room upon the hillAnd if your head explodes with dark forebodings tooI"ll see you on the dark side of the moon.The lunatic is in my head.The lunatic is in my headYou raise the blade, you make the changeYou re-arrange me till I"m sane.You lock the doorAnd throw away the keyThere"s someone in my head but it"s not me.And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your earYou shout and no one seems to hear.And if the band you"re in starts playing different tunesI"ll see you on the dark side of the moon."I can"t think of anything to say except...I think it"s marvelous! HaHaHa……

求灵云乐队 darkest hours中英翻译歌词

额,只有英文歌词诶~These frantic memories They bring me down, tormenting peace The darkness drowns me I"m restless without sleep When day breaks, I"m still awake, I recall my mistakes I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! Those frozen memories Laid out for me, all I can see The night surrounds me Destroying harmony What lies beneath, demising me? I"ve lost my purity I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! [Solo] When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/parole.php?groupe=Stratovarius&nom_album=Elysium&l=cn

东方神起darkness eyes日文歌词

SEEK IN (THE) DARK HERE IS NO UGHTS (CAN"T SEE THE LIGHT) SEEK IN (THE) DARK FEEL A DARKNESS EYES (DARKNESS ON MY EYESI"m just in deep REM Kodoku no umi no naka I don"t know how mae ni susumu zure Tachidomatte Kagari ochiteiku Itsuwari no kakera Nigiri tsubushite Shitatte ni ochiru wa Dark in my mind Boku wa yowasa ni kakurete * Deguchi no nai kunou kakae Kawaita sekai tatazunderu ** Kokoro fukaku kareta kanjou second eye (I can"t see the light) Here is no light Yume no hazama samayoi tsuzuke (I can"t open my eyes) Darkness on my eyes Kinou, kyou mo asu mo mienai (I can"t see the light) Kotae wo sagashite Boku wa boku wa ittai doko e to Ikeba ii no Sotto sawattara sugu ni kowareru (kowareru) Mujou na yasashisa nado iranai (uso tsuite) Omoi kokoro no tobira shimeta mama kibun dekizu On ga kiku, kurushinderu I just... kiwa ima modose ni itaru yo Zaiaku no e no ii take me there Takaku hada no yami no koori de second eye Here is no light Hitomi tojite hohoenderu Darkness of my eyes Ore wa kareta kanjou boku wo Jama shiteirunda Boku wa boku wa kotae mienai Zetsubou no naka Raindrops falling from heaven I couldn"t remember They took away my love so weak It"s raining on my heart My stupid broken heart Baby please, don"t go No light, no sound * Repeat ** Repeat Boku wa boku wa ittai doko eto Ikeba ii no? Second eye... (can you see the light?) Here is no light Second eye... (darkness of my eyes) Feel darkness eyes

求洛天依Brightness 言和Darkness 歌词


初音ミクDark 夜行便歌词,,罗马音谢谢!

见下ろした街の 光がちらつくmioroshita machi no hikari ga chiratsuku音もなく进む 空の夜行便oto mo naku susumu sora no yakoubinポケットまさぐって 手に取った写真poketto masagutte te ni totta shashin色褪せるものと 色褪せないものiroaseru mono to iroasenai mono搭乗员が寻ねた 「思い出は要りますか?」toujouin ga tazuneta omoide wa irimasuka値段は张りますが、忘れることはないでしょう。」nedan wa harimasu ga wasureru koto wa nai deshou仆と知らない人が出逢ってboku to shiranai hito ga deatteひとつの时间を过ごしてhitotsu no jikan wo sugoshite何かを失って 见つけて掴んだ命にnanika wo ushinatte mitsukete tsukanda inochi ni特别な名前をつけてtokubetsuna namae wo tsukete泣き止まない君を抱きしめたnakiyamanai kimi wo dakishimetaその続きは その続きはsono tsudzuki wa sono tsudzuki wa斜め前の人が 不意に立ち上がるnaname mae no hito ga fuini tachiagaruどうやらここで 降ろして欲しいらしいdouyara kokode oroshite hoshii rashii无爱想なレール 気に入らない空buaisouna re-ru kini iranai sora幸せなものと そうではないものshiawasena mono to sou dewa nai mono搭乗员が応えた 「パイロットはあなたです。」toujouin ga kotaeta pairotto wa anata desu意识は消えますが、あなたらしくていいでしょう。」ishiki wa kiemasu ga anata rashikute iideshou君と知らない人が出逢ってkimi to shiranai hito ga deatte沢山の涙を知ってtakusan no namida wo shitte何かを求めて 无理だと悟った希望にnanika wo motomete muridato satotta kibou ni特别な意味を持たせてtokubetsuna imi wo motaseteその胸に秘めて生きて欲しいsono mune ni himete ikite hoshiiその続きは その続きはsono tsudzuki wa sono tsudzuki wa仆が消えた世界のどこかでboku ga kieta sekai no dokoka deひとつの时间を过ごしてhitotsu no jikan wo sugoshite谁かに残せた 思い出があればいいなdareka ni nokoseta omoide ga areba iina特别な名前も要らないtokubetsuna namae mo iranaiただそこにそっと色付けたtada sokoni sotto irodzuketaその続きは その続きは?sono tsudzuki wa sono tsudzuki wa见下ろした街の 光が消えてくmioroshita machi no hikari ga kieteku音もなく进む 空の夜行便oto mo naku susumu sora no yakoubin产声を上げて 泣き唤く君のubugoe wo agete nakiwameku kimi no未来をこれから 感じていられるmirai wo korekara kanjite irareru

dark blue tennessee 歌词翻译 ?请高人翻译一下吧

dark blue tennessee?是歌名?还是歌手名字??请描述清楚你的意思。
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