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patient-derived xenografts怎样翻译成中文


C#中: 错误:错误 1 未能找到为 Main 方法指定的“new_test.DerivedClass” 练习3; 什么怎么回事~~求教




Derived demand or joint demand?

It should be derived demand. Firstly, you should know the definitions of both derived demand and joint demand. Derived demand refers to the demand for factors of production such as houses and cement. Joint demand me o goods are used together to satisfy human wants such as DVDs and DVD player. In this case, the taxi is the factor of the production of taxi service by the taxi driver. Your demand for taxi service is derived from your demand for taxi. It is not joint demand because when 2 goods A and B are in joint demand, A cannot be used to produce B and vice versa. Just like the example of DVDs and DVD player. Can you use DVDs to produce DVD player? Hence it is derived demand. Hope it helps.,参考: My Economics Knowledge,Joint demand is the wer. 对生产资料 (factor of production) 的需求是一种引申需求。 For example: 电脑硬件需要适当的电脑软件才能使用, however they are not derived demand but joint demand. For 引申需求,一件是 final good (最终物品),另一件为该 final good 的生产资料;For 辅助品 joint demand,两者都是 final good。 Taxi and Taxi driver are derived demand for Taxi service. We can view Taxi and Taxi driver as another sample of DVD and DVD player, i.e. bining it we can watch DVD or have taxi service. If DVD and DVD player are joint demand,why should we said Taxi and Taxi driver is derived demand?,I don"t agree with the wer above. For taxi SERVICE and taxi driver, they are in derived demand. People demand for taxi service. In order to provide taxi service we demand taxi drivers. That"s why the demand for taxi service derives the demand for taxi drivers. For taxi (the VEHICLE itself) and taxi driver, they must be USED TOGETHER to provide taxi SERVICE to satisfy wants, while either one of them cannot. So they are in joint demand instead. Joint demand does not mean that one good produces another!!!!,

Base *b=new Derived和Base *b=new Derived()两种写法是一样的么?看得有点晕。请指点。


Xcode 删除Derived Data缓存数据

Xcode -> Preferences -> location,然后点击 Derived Data路径后的小箭头,删除这个文件夹下的数据就可以了,如图: /用户/mac/资源库/Developer/Xcode/DerivedDatau2069 终端输入命令行,打开相应路径,手动删除

derived attribute是什么意思

derived attribute是派生属性的意思


#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:void fn1(){cout<<"a"<<endl;}void fn2(){cout<<"b"<<endl;}};class Derived:private Base{public:void fn1(){Base::fn1();}};int main(){Derived d;d.fn1();return 0;}

C++ Base *p=new Derived

解释一下经济中的“最终需求(final demand)”和“派生需求(derived demand)”


C#中Base b1 = new Derived();

父类变量指向子类实例这是面向对象三大特征:多态的基本应用。假设Base 中有DoSth的虚方法,而且Derived类重写了该方法,那么b1.DoSth()执行的就是Derived重写之后的方法。想想看这样做的好处,如果某方法以Base实例作为参数,那么所有的Base子类实例都可以作为该方法的参数,而并不需要指明具体是哪一个子类实例。


继承关系 base类就像一个怀孕的母亲 而derived类就是那个胎儿再举一个例子: 跑车属于车辆这个base类 卡车也属于车辆这个base 类他们都有共同点

C++中类类型指针Base * ptr=new Derived是什么意思(注,Base和Derived都是类名,Derived公有继承Base类)

从本质来讲,指针只是一个地址,可以是任意类型。但是这样不好区分,所以才给指针加上了类型。此处ptr就是Base*,不能直接访问Derived类的成员函数,但是可以通过强制转换后访问Derived* d = (Derived*) ptr;

Where’s the custom trick-or-treating derived from?

It"s derived from a ninth-century European custom.

derive from能否改成be derived from?

derive from 这个词组的意识为“源于”,是因为derive这个词的意思为“得到”,因此我们可以说;Iderived the pleasure from the reading. (我从阅读中得到乐趣).这个例子中derive 为及物动词,相当于“get”.所以当 derive的宾语变为被动语态的主语时,句子的谓语动词要由“derive from”变为“be derived from”.所以上面那句话也可以改写成:Pleasure was deprived from the reading.两个句型是可以互相转换的。



15 of the 125 drugs derived from plants是定语从句吗?derived from plants是修饰15还是修饰125呢?

15 of the 125 drugs 主语derived from plants 定语从句,修饰125were discovered 谓语in the rainforest 状语如果满意,请采纳~谢谢!

be derived from是什么意思


be derived from是什么意思

be derived from源自于; 来源于双语例句1There is no immediate advantage to be derived from supplementation except perhaps to ensure an adequate intake of magnesium.也许除了保证引入适量的镁以外,补充精饲料不会立即得到什么好处。But the automaker also contends the potential for the technology is enormous, because hydrogen, which doesn "t occur naturally, can be derived from fossil fuels like methane.不过丰田也着重指出,这项技术的潜力很大,因为氢气虽然不是天然资源,但却能从沼气这类化石燃料中提取。

be derived from是什么意思


be derived from.是什么意思

be derived from源自于来源于; 来自; 源自1The relationship can be derived from the model by following the formal traces starting from a business goal, to the business use case realization, to the use case, and finally to the User Goal.该关系可以源自于模型,通过从业务目标开始,到业务用例实现,到用例,并且最终到用户目标的形式化的追溯。

英语derived from和come from区别是什么?


derived from是什么意思

  derived from  [词典]采自;  [网络]来源于; 来自于; 源自;  [例句]Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek words.  许多英语词是从拉丁词和希腊词派生而来的。

Coming from 和 derived from 中的ed和ing

Coming from:来自n.来临adj.就要来的;将来的动词come的现在分词.derived from :来源于adj.衍生的动词derive的过去式和过去分词.这些词都是根据原句意思和语法,时态等进行运用,单独解释如上。

stem from 与 derive from的区别是什么

derive from[英][diu02c8raiv fru0254m][美][du026au02c8rau026av fru028cm]由…起源;取自;stem from[英][stem fru0254m][美][stu025bm fru028cm]来自, 起源于, 由…造成;出于;当作起源时可以通用,解释造成的原因用stem from

derive from的同义短语

derive from[英][diu02c8raiv fru0254m][美][du026au02c8rau026av fru028cm]由…起源; 取自; originate from;



Derive from 与be derived from 有什么区别?意思以及用法上

Derive from:不及物动词,意思是“来自”、“从......衍生出来” be derived from:及物动词被动式或者 be+形容词 描述状态。意思是“出自/推导自/派生自/得自......”

derive from 和descend from区别

derive from 由...衍生而来 例句:Thousands of English words are derived from Latin.数以千计的英语词汇源自拉丁语。descend from 起源于(遗传,物种性)men were descended from apes.人由类人猿进化而来。





These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our fears.

【答案】:A【题 干】这些是源自于王恐惧的防卫行为。A.来自 B.依赖 C.发展 D.成长【解 析】本题考查动词。划线单词derive的意思是“派生,来源”,与stem的含义相同,故本题答案为A。

These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our fearsuff0e

【答案】:A【题 干】这些是源自于王恐惧的防卫行为。A.来自 B.依赖 C.发展 D.成长【解 析】本题考查动词。划线单词derive的意思是“派生,来源”,与stem的含义相同,故本题答案为A。

descend from和derive from有什么区别?












sequence ;derive; reshuffle 这英语在美式英语中怎么读 ? 求谐音的读法~





derived 英[du026a"rau026avd] 美[du026a"rau026avd] vi. 衍生; 导出; 起源; 由来; v. 得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 ); (从…中) 得到获得; 源于; (从…中) 提取; [例句]Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek words.许多英语词是从拉丁词和希腊词派生而来的。

be derived form和originate from 区别为啥前面那个要加be

derive 从de(from)+river 源于;originate从o (sun)+rise+gin(open)起源于;既有be derived form也有 derive form,如果说词的产生都不用被动语态。

derive 和origin 区别

一个可以直接用,另一个需要由短语的形式出现:1.origin 名词human"s origin is anthropoid.2. derive...from 动词短语human berived from anthropoid.

derive from意思

derive from [词典] 由…起源; 取自;


 2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总   derive v. 得自,起源   例句:All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed page arestored up.   他们源自书本上的知识全部不知不觉之中积累起来。   deprive vt. 剥夺,使丧失   例句:The big trees outside the windows deprive the house of light.   窗外的树木使房子里失去了光亮。   strive v. 努力,奋斗,力争,斗争   例句:The scientists strive for a breakthrough in heart diseases research.   科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破。   thrive v. 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长,旺盛   例句:It is said that a business cannot thrive without good management.   人们说,没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。   contrive v. 发明,设计,图谋,设法做到   例句:The couple contrived to bring up their daughter on a small income.   这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把女儿抚养成人。  


derive [di"raiv] vt.源于;得自 vi.起源 [ 过去式derived 过去分词derived 现在分词deriving ]


 2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总  derive v. 得自,起源  例句:All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed page arestored up.  他们源自书本上的知识全部不知不觉之中积累起来。  deprive vt. 剥夺,使丧失  例句:The big trees outside the windows deprive the house of light.  窗外的树木使房子里失去了光亮。  strive v. 努力,奋斗,力争,斗争  例句:The scientists strive for a breakthrough in heart diseases research.  科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破。  thrive v. 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长,旺盛  例句:It is said that a business cannot thrive without good management.  人们说,没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。  contrive v. 发明,设计,图谋,设法做到  例句:The couple contrived to bring up their daughter on a small income.  这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把女儿抚养成人。 


derive:动词 取得,得到衍生出,导出引申出,推知起源,由来衍生,导出gain"动词 得到;获得,赢得(战争、诉讼等)使得到增加,增添到达(钟、表等)快获利,赚钱;得益取得进展;得到改善;增进健康(钟、表等)走快名词 获得;增加;获利获得物;收益,利润obtain:动词 得到,获得得到公认;通用;流行;存在 recieve:收到

Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive 这句英文怎么理解


derive from是什么意思


derive from有被动吗

derive from 这个词组的意识为“源于”,是因为derive这个词的意思为“得到”。derive 为及物动词,相当于“get”.所以当 derive的宾语变为被动语态的主语时,当句子的谓语动词为“derive from”转换为“be derived from

Derive from 与be derived from 有什么区别?意思以及用法上




deduce a conclusion,derive a conclusion,conclude a conclusion一样吗?

deduce是 推演 根据条件而推论出的结论derive 是 衍生 根据条件 生成的结论concluded 是总结 根据条件总结出结论

derived for 和derived from的区别

区别来自于后面的介词。for:为...;derive(d) for的意思是,为了谁而得出,这里的“谁”可以是人,也可以是物;from:从...;derive(d) from的意思是,从哪里得出,可以从事物中得出,也可以从人身上得出例:Bounds are derived for the probabilities related to sojourn times of this process.导出了一些与该过程的逗留时有关的小概率事件的界。Amy strength is derived from her parents and her sisters. 艾米的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们。



derive from什么意思

1、得到,获取。Derive great pleasure from one"s studies 从学习中获得极大乐趣。She derived no benefit from the course of drugs. 她用药经此疗程後并无好转。2、源自,源於。Thousands of English words derive from Latin. 英语中有成千上万的词源自拉丁文。3、对某事物追本穷源。We can derive the word `derelict" from the Latin `derelictus". derelict这一词的起源可以追溯到拉丁文的derelict。


是这个吗?Texas Instruments Derive 是一款具有人工智慧的数学软件,可以做数值解及符号解。功能包括:Symbolic 符号解、Arithmeti算术、Algebra 代数、Calculus 微积分、Vector and Matrices向量及矩阵、Functions函数、Programming 程序设计、2D,3D 绘图、产生C, Fortran。下载地址:



derive 到底是主动还是被动,我看到作为起源来讲好像两种都见到过。

作起源的时候,最好用derive from。。。。。可以参照朗文英英词典解释:derive:1 [T] to get something, usually a pleasant feeling, from something or someone。(derive及物动词的时候,一般指的是feeling)derive sth from: He derived some comfort from the fact that he wasn"t the only one to fail the exam.2 [I] to develop or come from something else(这个才是你要的意思)[+ from] This word is derived from Latin.

derive 和 origin的区别

human berived from anthropoid.动词human"s origin is anthropoid.名词



Derive from 与be derived from 有什么区别?意思以及用法上



derive [du026a"rau026av] vt. 源于;得自vi. 起源originate [u0259"ru026adu0292u026aneu026at; u0252-] vi. 发源;发生;起航vt. 引起;创作sparkle ["spɑu02d0k(u0259)l] n. 闪耀;火花;活力vt. 使闪耀;使发光vi. 闪耀;发泡;活跃dwell [dwel] vi. 居住;存在于;细想某事


汗 de ri v e 撒


derive [di"raiv]vt. 源于;得自vi. 起源[ 过去式derived 过去分词derived 现在分词deriving ]


1 它们作“获得”的意思时, 唯一的区别就是:derive比get更正式一些:We can derive great pleasure from our studies. (derive=get)2 另外,derive还有“源出,起源”的意思:Thousands of English words derive from Latin. 成千上万的英语词语源出于拉丁文。


derive是动词,中文意思是“获取;得自;起源”,derive的同义词是:get 得到、obtain 获得、receive 接到、originate 发起、gain 获得、stem 柄、descend 下降、acquire 获得、secure 安全的、infer 推断、extract 摘录、rise 上升、come 来、educe 演绎、deduce 演绎。 扩展资料 derive是动词,意思是获取;得自;起源,derive同义词是:get 得到、obtain 获得、receive 接到、originate 发起、gain 获得、stem 柄、descend 下降、acquire 获得、secure 安全的、infer 推断、extract 摘录、rise 上升。


derive的用法是过去式做动词,过去式是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。 动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。中文语法中表示人或事物的动作或一种动态变化,一般出现在名词主语或主句后面。在英语里,动词还有时态变化。


derive:动词 取得,得到衍生出,导出引申出,推知起源,由来衍生,导出gain"动词 得到;获得,赢得(战争、诉讼等)使得到增加,增添到达(钟、表等)快获利,赚钱;得益取得进展;得到改善;增进健康(钟、表等)走快名词 获得;增加;获利获得物;收益,利润obtain:动词 得到,获得得到公认;通用;流行;存在 recieve:收到


derive是动词,derive的基本意思是“起源”,强调事先就存在于另一种形式、另一人或一事物之中而承袭下来,derive不论是用作不及物动词,还是用作及物动词,都与介词from搭配使用,表示“从…得到或派生”。 扩展资料 derive是动词,derive的基本意思是“起源”,强调事先就存在于另一种形式、另一人或一事物之中而承袭下来,derive不论是用作不及物动词,还是用作及物动词,都与介词from搭配使用,表示“从…得到或派生”。


derive:v.(动词)1.得到,取得,撷取,收取,获得2.衍生,衍生出,引申出,派生出来3.推断,推知,推论,推究4.由…而来,追寻起源,从…衍生出5.【数】导出6.提取7.起源于,来自【拓展资料】双语例句1.We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels.  我们将从优秀小说中获得很大好处。2.Wederiveour sustenance from the land.  我们从土地获取食物。3.One kind of vacation is camping, from which many Americansderivepleasure and benefit.  露营是一种度假方式,许多美国人从中得到乐趣,受益匪浅。4.If we start some a year earlier, we shall derive the benefits a year earlier.  我们如果早开始一年,我们可以早得利一年5.The two attitudesderivefrom different historical perspectives.  这两种态度产生于不同的历史观点。6.Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.英先生属于那种助人为乐的快活人。7.Anna"s strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.安娜的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们。8.We can derive great pleasure from our studies.我们可以从读书研究中获得极大的乐趣。9.It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive.我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。10.Using martingale method, we derive the explicit solution.利用鞅方法,得到了最优投资策略的显性解。


derive英 [du026a"rau026av]美 [du026a"rau026av]vt. 源于;得自;获得vi. 起源n. (Derive)人名;(法)德里夫


derive读音:英 [du026au02c8rau026av]美 [du026au02c8rau026av]derive中文释义:v.(动词)得到;取得;撷取;收取;获得;衍生,衍生出;引申出;派生出来;推断,推知,推论,推究;由…而来,追寻起源,从…衍生出。例句1.The word ‘politics " is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city ".politics一词源自希腊语,意思是city。2.He derived great pleasure from painting.他从绘画中得到极大的乐趣。



什么是衍生需求(Derived demand)?

Derived demand is a term in economics, where demand for a factor of production or intermediate good occurs as a result of the demand for another intermediate or final good. In other words, if the demand for a good such as wheat increases, then the productivity increases, which leads to an increase in labor. This may occur as the former is a part of production of the second. For example, demand for coal leads to derived demand for mining, as coal must be mined for coal to be consumed. As the demand for coal increases, so does its price. The increase in price leads to a higher demand for the resources involved in mining coal. And therefore:Where MRP is the marginal revenue product of labor, MPP is the marginal physical product of labor, and P is the price of the physical product of labor.Demand for transport is another good example of derived demand, as users of transport are very often consuming the service not because they benefit from consumption directly (except in cases such as pleasure cruises or holiday flights to tourist destinations), but because they wish to partake in other consumption elsewhere.Derived demand applies to both consumers and producers. Producers have a derived demand for employees. The employees themselves are not demanded; rather, the skills and productivity that they bring are.Another example would be production and demand for fertilizer. Farmers need to grow crops, which is his main source of income. However, in order for these crops to grow, they need fertilizer for nourishment. Therefore, the farmers demand for fertilizer is derived from their demand to grow crops.Demand for tickets is a derived demand for entertainment. Demand for entertainment is the demand being satisfied when a ticket is bought. Hence purchasing the ticket is purely a means to an end. The ticket is merely a license to attend a specified event at a specified time and place. The ticket agency is merely that, an agent of the principal (the event owner) authorized to make a transaction with a prospective attendee on the behalf of the principal.When supply for a particular good or service increases, the derived demand for factors of production needed in producing this good or service also increases. Therefore this drives up the price for the factors of production and a firm"s average cost curve increases as it has incurred a variable cost e.g.: increase in wages. Conversely, when supply for a good or service decreases so does the derived demand for its inputs. This causes the price of factors of production to decrease, decreasing a firm"s average cost curve.This is similar to the concept of joint demand or complementary goods. One good or service is the complement of another. In other words, when you buy a car it will not work unless it has fuel (petrol/diesel etc.). As a result, if the price of fuel rises as they have been doing recently, so too does the overall cost of owning the car. Hence fuel is the complementary good of the car. Again one buying a mobile phone is likely to buy call credit for recharge Sources: Penrith High School