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different: [ "difr05nt ] a. 不同的 例句与用法: 1. He"s a different man from what he was 10 years ago. 他和十年前不一样。 2. He"s very different from/to his brother. 他跟他哥哥很不同. 3. This visit is very different from/to last time. 这次的访问与上次大不一样. 4. I called on three different occasions, but he was out. 我打了三次电话, 他都不在. 5. You look different than before. 你看上去跟从前不同了. 6. Your trains are different from/than ours. 你们的火车跟我们的不一样. 7. My husband has several shirts of different colors. 我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。 8. The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease. 两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。 difference: [ "dif05r05ns ] n. 不同,差异 例句与用法: 1. Flowers make no difference to this room. 这房间有没有花没什么区别。 2. It won"t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天或明天去没有多大关系。 3. She makes no difference between her two sons. 她对两个儿子一视同仁. 4. The sea air has made a difference to (ie improved) her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况. 5. It makes no difference (to me) what you say: I"m not going. 不管你怎麽说(对我来说)都无所谓, 反正我不去. 6. We measured the difference(s) in temperature. 我们测量了温度的变化. 7. A hot bath makes all the difference (ie makes you feel better) in the morning. 上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋. 8. Does that make any difference? ie Is it important, need we consider it? 那要紧吗?

Differentiation 和difference的区别

前者n. 区别;变异,分化 后者n. 差异;不同;争执 1. differentiate v. 区分,分辨(就是区别出事物的不同之处,辨别出来的意思) 例如:It"s important to differentiate between fact and opinion.区分/辨别事实和观点非常重要. differentiation n.区分,分辨(的动作或能力) 同时 differentiation differentiate 还可以表示数学中的微分


这是权威报纸英文版《中国日报》上的例句,自己体会吧diverse:Tibetans are so diligent and brave that they create vital and diverse cultural customs. difference:There is great difference in climate between the north and south -- the Northern Tibet Plateau has a mean annual temperature of -2oC and is covered with snow half of the year, and the Southern Tibet Valleys are much more temperate and humid.




difference可数。difference表示“差别,不同”的时候既可做可数也可做不可数名词,表示“差额”时不可数。相关例句:He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals差别不止一处,因此用了复数形式。相关例句:I can never tell the difference between the twins这里指的不是具体的某处差别,而是指总体、概括、抽象意义上的差异,因此不可数。


语法标注解释 difference英音:["dif05r05ns]美音:["d01f05r05ns] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 名词 n. 1. 差别,差异[C][(+between)]Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。 Can you tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? 你能区分猿和猴吗? 2. 差,差距;差额[the S][(+between/in)]The difference in temperature between the day and the night there is thirty degrees. 那里白天与黑夜的温差是三十度。 3. 争论;不和[P1]That is the root cause of all our differences. 那是我们一切分歧的根源。 及物动词 vt. 1. 区别反义词:identical; the same; alike; like; similar; equal; equivalent; parallel


可数,也可以不可数:difference 表示"差异,差别",可数:There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.生活在城市和生活在乡村有许多不同之处.difference 表示"差额,差数",不可数:The difference between 5 and 11 is 6.十一和五的差是六.Flowers make no/a lot of difference to a room. 一个房间里有没有鲜花没有/有很大差别.It doesn"t make much/any/the least difference to me what you do .你干什么对我都没有多大/任何/丝毫关系.When you"re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.初学驾驶如有好的老师指导,差别很大.difference 表示"不和,分歧",可数:They"ve settled their differences and are friends again.他们已消除芥蒂,重归于好.


difference和differences区别是:differences 是指不同之处,difference 指抽象的不同。一、difference读法:英[u02c8du026afru0259ns]美[u02c8du026afru0259ns]1、n.差别;差异;不同(之处);变化(之处);差;差额;意见分歧;不和2、vt.辨别;区分短语:1、Difference 差异差别不同区别2、Du0130FFERENCE 英式摇滚3、Finite difference 差分有限差有限差数有限差分4、difference frequency 差频差拍频率频率差差频产生5、Timing difference 计列时差时间归属差异暂时性差异6、gender difference 性别差异男女差异以谈性别性别差uf9627、forward difference 前向差分前差8、divided difference 均差将二阶多项式插值9、register difference 套印不准10、CE Difference 差异差别二、different读法:英[u02c8du026afru0259nt]美[u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.不同的;有区别的;有差异的;分别的。短语:1、Different 不同差异两样与众不同2、Different Seasons 不同的季节肖申克的救赎不同季节3、different from 不同于两回事不同4、look different 看起来不同看上去不同看起来与众不同看起来不一样5、Different person 判若两人6、Different Ideas 意见分歧看法分歧想法不同不同的主意7、Different levels 不同层次不同程度8、Different types 出现不同的标准不同种类不同类型不同的种类9、different way 搞不清楚的明天扩展资料:一、用法不同:1、difference的用法(1)difference作“差异、区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。(2)difference还可作“差距、差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。2、different的用法:(1)different强调事物存在本质上的差别,有时有对比意义,可以修饰单数和复数名词。(2)different常接介词from、to或than,在英语中常用differentto,在美语中有时用differentthan,而differentfrom英美都用。在口语中,differentfrom有时可接从句。二、例句:1、There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.银行的收费在数额上有很大的不同。2、Both teams had tied on points and goal difference两支队伍得分和净胜球都相当。3、She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference"她谨慎地提出“性别,至少是男女的性征,也许能解释这个差异”。4、What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。5、The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。


difference可作可数名词或不可数名词。difference它的意思是:不同,是名词,常作主语,宾语等。复数是differences;第三人称单数differences;现在分词differencing它的例句有:The two communities are learning how to resolve theirdifferences.这两个团体正在学会如何消除它们之间的分歧。difference普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,还可指人们之间的不同意见。distinction较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。difference可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词between连用,表两者间的不同。make a difference是固定用法,一般用于肯定句,其中的a不能省略,在否定句或疑问句中一般用make any difference。








difference 差异 不同【精】 (锐)


n 差别,差异,差额特色vt辨别,区分




difference dif.fer.ence[`dIfru0259ns, `dIfu0259ru0259ns; ˋdifru0259ns, -fu0259ru0259ns]《differ,different 的名词》名词1 不同,相异,差异 (之处) [between]a ~ in appearance [quality]外表 [品质] 上的差异a world of ~ =all the ~ in the world天渊之别,霄壤之别the ~ between A and B = the ~ of A from B A与 B 的差别the ~ between the two两者之间的差异a distinction without a ~无聊 [无差异] 的区别make a ~有差别,有影响,关系重大It makes no [It doesn"t make any] ~ (to me) whether it is large or small.它是大或是小对我都没有什么两样[关系]What is the ~ between A, B(,) and C? A, B.与 C之间什么不同?It makes all the [a lot of] ~.那大不相同 [大有差别]His was a style with a ~.他的风格与众不同 [独特]2 (U) [又作 a ~] (数、量的) 差; 差额meet [pay] the ~补足 [支付] 差额It is a ~ of a few dollars.那是两三美元之差3 (C)[常 ~s]意见的分歧,不和,争执; (国际间的) 纷争~s of opinion意见的分歧 [不同]iron out ~s消除分歧 [隔阂]They settled their ~s.他们消除了分歧split the difference(1) 采取差额的中间数,折中(2) <双方> 互让,妥协What"s the difference?(1) 有什么不同?(2)(口语)有什么关系?


difference差异双语对照词典结果:difference[英][u02c8du026afru0259ns][美][u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns, u02c8du026afru0259ns]n.差别,差异; [数]差数,差额; 意见分歧; 特色; vt.辨别,区分; 第三人称单数:differences过去分词:differenced复数:differences现在进行时:differencing过去式:differenced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How can you tell the difference? 如何判断两者的区别呢?


difference[英][u02c8du026afru0259ns][美][u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns, u02c8du026afru0259ns]n.差别,差异; [数]差数,差额; 意见分歧; 特色; vt.辨别,区分; 第三人称单数:differences复数:differences现在分词:differencing过去式:differenced过去分词:differenced形近词: 1There is no difference between the sexes.男女之间没有差别。


连词成句:Drawing the hills over there is difficult too.画那边的山也很难。望采纳

不同国家的家园 是 homes in different countries

原文的意思是要表达在不同国家的家园而如果写成你说的那样意思则是不同国家的房子意思表达的不准确~ 比较中国式英语

会计英文报表difference in foreign currencies converted 是什么科目?


I found ( )difficult to learn English grammar


I found English grammar dull and difficult. 这句话对吗?


“alter table modify,alter table alter column”的区别?

“alter table modify,alter table alter column”语法上基本没有区别。两者都是Visual Basic的基本语法。【知识延展】Visual Basic编写程序要遵循一定的语法。在Visual Basic中的基本语句包括:一、赋值语句。二、判定结构。三、循环语句。

modify structure和alter table 的区别【vfp知识点】

modi 是vfp的命令,alter是 sql的命令modi 是交互式的,alter是命令式的修改,在程序里可直接修改,不影响程序的执行。


di。ffi。 cult




1、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Dynamic Light Scattering中文解释:动态光散射缩写分类:生物科学、电子电工2、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Data Link Service中文解释:数据链路服务缩写分类:电子电工3、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Differential Lock System中文解释:差速器锁定系统缩写分类:交通运输4、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Data Loader System中文解释:数据装载系统缩写分类:交通运输5、DLS英文缩写:DLS英文全称:Digital Line Section中文解释:数字线路段缩写分类:电子电工






difficult是形容词,用它来修饰名词;difficulty是副词,用它来修饰动词,difficulty 也可以当做名词的“困难度”来讲.祝你一路顺风.


difficult是形容词,无可数和不可数的说法,difficult的名词difficulty,才有可数和不可数的说法。difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式。表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。扩展资料:difficult的用法:difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。difficult的意思是“使人感到困难的”,而不是“人感到困难的”,因此一般不以“人”作主语,而如以动词不定式作主语,则常用于形式主语结构。difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。difficulty in, in difficulty这两个短语的词序不同,意义和用法也完全不同。difficulty in接动名词,意为“在?方面的困难”; in difficulty则是介词短语,在句中作表语或后置定语,意为“处于困境”“在困难中”。另外, difficulty in中的difficulty只能用单数形式,而in difficulty中的difficulty多用单数,也可用复数,尤其是指“经济困难”时。difficulty, hardship两者均可表示“困难”。辨析如下:difficulty指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的困难; hardship用于抽象事物,指各种难以完成或处理的、需付出很大努力才能克服的麻烦,用于具体事物指疾病、贫穷等给人们带来的磨难。例如:That was a small matter after the hardships they had been through.经历过那么多磨难之后,这点事对他们来说就算不了什么了。


be in difficulty有困难 have difficulty in对...有困难 make no difficulty[-ties]无异议,不反对,不阻挠 with difficulty困难地; 吃力地 without difficulty容易地,毫不费力地 face the difficulty 面对困难




overcome numerous difficulties战胜无数的困难;战胜无数困难To Overcome These Difficulties克服这些困难overcome the difficulties克服困难overcome certain difficulties克服某些困难overcome current difficulties克服目前的困难Overcome Various Difficulties克服各种困难Overcome All Difficulties度一切苦厄Overcome Technical Difficulties攻克技术难关Overcome Many Difficulties战胜种种困难


difficulty记忆方法如下:联想方式:di(拼音)弟,f(形似)钩子,i我,cul铜棍,t(形似)七,y(形似)树权记忆方法:弟弟拿着两把钩子,我拿着铜棍和7根树杈去征服困难。difficulty解析如下:一、读音英式发音:[ˈdɪfɪkəlti]美式发音:[ˈdɪfɪkəlti]二、释义n. 困难,难事;困境,困局;麻烦,不便三、词形变化复数:difficulties形容词:difficult副词:difficultly四、常用短语have difficulty (in) doing something:做某事有困难difficulty level:难度级别without difficulty:毫不费力地,轻而易举地五、用法difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式; 表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。 difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。 六、例句He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。A difficulty has cropped up at work.工作中突然出现困难。We accepted this arrangement without difficulty.我们毫无争议地接受了这个安排。Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我?But now she was in another difficulty.但现在,她又遇到麻烦。




difficulty后常接“of+n./v-ing”或“in+v-ing”作定语,in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。n. 困难; 难题; 难事; 困境; 艰难; 费劲; 辛苦; 困难程度; 难度;[例句]They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。[其他] 复数:difficulties

have difficulty还是difficultyies (in)doing sth?



1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法ue003①用作不可数名词,意为"困难、艰难",常用在以下句型中ue004have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth.ue004There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth.ue004I had no difficulty in learning English.ue004There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.ue004②用作可数名词,表示具体的困难,意为"难事,难点,困境,难处"。ue003This book is full of difficulties.ue004In face of so many difficulties, we never appeared to be afraid.ue003


difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式。 difficulty表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的`拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。   例句:   We found the house without difficulty.   我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。   The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.   按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。   Many clubs in the lower reaches of the league are in financial difficulty.   联盟下层的许多俱乐部都处于财政困难之中。   The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.   问题的难易度是以解决这个问题所花时间的长短而定的。


difficulty用作名词,表示困难,艰难,难事,难处等含义,difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。1.difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式; 表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。 2.difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。 3.用作名词 Look at the difficulty in another way. 用另一种不同的方式看一下困难。 The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty. 这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的。 4.get〔run〕 into difficulty 陷入困境 in difficulty 处于困境,在困难中 make〔raise〕 difficulties 刁难,提出反对


different意思是不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的。是形容词。difficulty意思是困难,费劲;难事,难题;麻烦,困境。是名词。例句:different1、London was different from most European capitals.伦敦同大多数欧洲国家的首都都有所不同。2、Different countries specialised in different products.不同国家专门生产不同的产品。3、This recipe is certainly interesting and different. 这种烹饪法的确很有意思而且与众不同。4、If he"d attended music school, how might things have been different? 如果他上过音乐学校,事情会有怎样的不同呢?difficulty1、The country is facing great economic difficulties. 该国正面临巨大的经济困难。2、Do you have difficulty getting up? 你能站起来吗?3、You have to admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties. 你不得不承认,你事实上是陷入了困境。4、The injured man mounted his horse with difficulty. 受伤的男子艰难地上了马。




difficulty没有动词的形式 difficult[u02c8difiku0259lt] 形容词 adj. 1.困难的, 难懂的,费力的;难做的;难解的 Things become increasingly difficult. 事情变得日益困难. It is difficult for me to teach. 教书对于我是件不容易的事. 2.不易相处的, 难满足的,难以讨好的;难以取悦的;不愿帮助的 She was the most difficult customer the salesman had to deal with that day. 她是这个售货员那天所遇到的最难应付的一位顾客. 3.问题很多的;充满艰难困苦的;麻烦的 difficulty 名词 n. 1.困难; 难度 She has difficulty breathing. 她呼吸有困难. 2.难事; 麻烦 Where"s the difficulty? 困难在哪儿?


difficult 形容词 difficulty 名词,困难.也有其他形容词结尾加“y” 之後变成名词的例子,如:honest 诚实的的,加y 变成名词:honesty 诚实; 正直 difficultly 副词.很多情况下,形容词后加‘ly"‘会变副词,如slow-slowly; quick-quickly







have difficulty还是difficultyies (in)doing sth?

都可以have difficulty (in )doing sth




face the difficulty面对困难


difficulty即是可数也是不可数; 用作不可数名词,意为困难、艰难; 用作可数名词,表示具体的困难,意为难事,难点,困境,难处。 扩展资料   One of the staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid.   一名工作人员见他有困难,便过来帮忙。   I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.   我认为这个问题不太难解决。   The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.   政府只得帮助该公司渡过财政难关。   He found the place without difficulty.   他毫不费力地找到了那地方。


difficulty,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“困难,困境”。即是可数也是不可数。看是否用作可数名词和是否用复数形式。 扩展资料   (1) 表示抽象意义的“困难”,是不可数名词。如:Bad planning will lead to difficulty later。 计划不周会给以后带来困难。   (2) 表示具体意义的`“困难”(如难事、难点、难题等),是可数名词。如:He paused as if he found a difficulty。 他停下来,好像遇到了一个难点。He met with many difficulties when travelling。 他在旅行进遇到过不少伤脑筋的事。   (3) 在某些词组中是不可数名词(只用单数)。如:with difficulty 困难地 without difficulty 容易地而在某些词组中又是可数名词(且通常要用复数形式)。如:make difficulties 刁难 under difficulties 在困难条件下。   (4) 在某些词组中可用作可数名词或不可数名词,有时意义相同: make no difficultymake no difficulties 无异议,不反对有时意义不同:be in difficulty 有困难 be in difficulties 手头拮据。



我得到阿尔伯塔大学奖学金,说会给我免tuition fee,相当于9个学分的,但不免differential fee

Differential fee 是 International differential fee。是不算狭义的tuition fee的,因为这里的tuition fee是你上的课钱。广义的tuition fee是学费及学杂费,就是你要交的所有钱,包括大学服务费。我的理解是,因为我的清单上有tuition fee和differential fee这两点,所以我认为你这里的differential fee不能算在tuition fee里。

differential equation: x^2 dy/dx + xy = 1 ???

授你以渔,对于这种一阶非齐次微分方程. dy/dx f(x)y=q(x),通解形式y=e^(对于-f(x)的积分)*[对于q(x)*e^(对于f(x)的积分) c],要推导可以用常数变异法,先求相应齐次方程的解

differential equations and dynamical systems 是sci吗

楼主的 sci = science?是中国人理解的science?还是英文 science 本意?1、如果是英文的本意,当然是 science; 如果是中国人所理解的 science,那就不是。 differential equations 基本上属于数学,但是涉及很多物理; partial differential equations 涉及到更多的物理,所以又称为数理方程。 虽然涉及到科学,但不是中国人理解science那样狭义化的“科学”。 我们不但狭义化理解成科学,更狭义到自然科学的歪解。2、dynamical systems,这个说法的灵活性很大,无论对science有无歪解, 都属于science,只不过我们对science的理解,已经偏离可西洋人对这 个字的本意的理解。

芯片的两个管脚间有一个圆圈并且还有一行英文“differential pair”,是什么是意思啊


RS232 有没有差分信号(differential )?我知道RS422或485用差分信号。

232不是差分的 九个信号 自己可以查看资料 差

cbc with differential 什么意思

cbc with differentialCBC与微分

differential circuit breaker是什么意思


differential to common mode conversion是什么意思




allegro16.6 怎样设定differential pair在不同层面控制不同线宽与间距

约束管理器中的 Electric→Net→routing→Differential partPrimary Gap 差分对最优先线间距(线到线间距)。Primary width 差分对最优先线线宽(线的粗细)。

differential delay 是什么意思

differential delay 英[u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8renu0283u0259l diu02c8lei] 美[u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8ru025bnu0283u0259l du026au02c8le] 意思:微分(差分)延迟; [例句]The stability of composite θ-method for stochastic differential delay equation was studied.研究了随机延迟微分方程复合θ-方法的稳定性。

log wage differentials是什么意思

log wage differentials 全部释义和例句>>LOG的工资差距differentials 英[du026afu0259"renu0283lz] 美[du026afu0259"renu0283lz] n. 差异; ( differential的名词复数 ) 工资级差; (汽车) 差动齿轮; 分速器; [网络] 微分; 差速器; 差额; [例句]Similarly, large maternal mortality differentials by province persist.同样,各省的孕产妇死亡率差异也很大。[其他] 形近词: differentiate

differential data 是什么意思

differential data异态数据 差分数据;差动资料传输双语例句1The differential data transmission is the key point in RTK technic.差分数据传输是RTK技术实现的关键。2An Analysis for the Signal to Noise Ratio in the Unbalanced Differential Data Channel for Magneto Optical Disks磁光盘非平衡差分信道信噪比模型的研究

篮球NBA中pt differential是什么意思?

different 和differential的区别

  different生活中常用语“形容词:不同的”differential多用于专业术语“形容词:差异的,微分的” different 词性及解释 a. 不同的 【机】 差动, 微分的, 差速器 Different articles require different packing. 不同商品需要不同的包装。 Different men have different fault. 不同的人,犯不同的错。 Different trees bear different fruits. 什么样的树结什么样的果。 Different laws obtain in different places. 不同的法律应用在不同的地方。 Different sore must have different salve. 对症下药。 Apple: Think Different 苹果:不同凡想 Different jobs, therefore, call for different lasers. 所以,不同的工作需要不同的激光。 Different kinds of people form different groups. 人以群分。 Different people attach different meanings to words. 人们对词语有各自的解释。 Different people have different kind of view. 在这点上仁者见仁,智者见智。 differential dif.fer.en.tial AHD:[d1f”…-rμn“sh…l] D.J.[7dif*6ren.*l] K.K.[7d!f*6rWn.*l] adj.(形容词)差异的 adj.微分的 n.微分 (1) Of, relating to, or showing a difference. 差别的:差别的、关于或显出差别的 (2) Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. 区别的:构成或制造差异;显著 (3) Dependent on or making use of a specific difference or distinction. 特异的:取决于或利用专门的特征或特性的 (4) Mathematics Of or relating to differentiation. 【数学】 微分的:微分的、与微分学有关的 (5) Involving differences in speed or direction of motion. 差动的:涉及速度或运动方向不同 n.(名词) (1) Mathematics 【数学】 (2) An infinitesimal increment in a variable. 变量无限小的增量 (3) The product of the derivative of a function containing one variable multiplied by the increment of the independent variable. 微分:用独立变量乘以含有一个度量的函数,然后对其求导所得的结果 (4) Differential gear. 差动齿轮 (5) A difference in wage rate or in price. 工资级差:工资或价格上的差异

differential-algebraic equation是什么意思




differential diagnosis是什么意思

differential diagnosis英 [u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8renu0283u0259l u02ccdaiu0259ɡu02c8nu0259usis] 美 [u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8ru025bnu0283u0259l u02ccdau026au0259ɡu02c8nosu026as]鉴别诊断;监别诊断;鉴辨诊断;区别诊断双语例句1. Acute cholecystitis must be considered in the differential diagnosis. 鉴别诊断也必须考虑急性胆囊炎.2. You want us to do a differential diagnosis on a dead person? 你想要我们对一个死人作不同的诊断?3. What"s the differential diagnosis for urine that"s tea - colored? 如果尿是这种颜色是哪种鉴别诊断?4. What"s the differential diagnosis for writing G"s like a junior high school girl? 写字像初中女孩的家伙,能有什么样的诊断水平?5. The differential diagnosis includes fibromatosis and chondroma of soft parts. 鉴别诊断包括纤维瘤病和软组织的软骨瘤.

differential output是什么意思

differential output微分输出产生率差别

请问博弈论中Stackelberg Differential Games是什么含义?


differential lock是什么意思

differential lock词典结果:differential lock[英][u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8renu0283u0259l lu0254k][美][u02ccdu026afu0259u02c8ru025bnu0283u0259l lɑk]差速机锁; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Electronic rear differential lock and adaptive cruise control are also part of the package.2.Other new features are an electronically controlled, fully variable rear differential lock and dynamic engine mounts.

differential gage是什么意思

您好differential gage 压差计 望采纳,谢谢

differential pressure switch是什么意思



differentialpressure 背压

differential pressure是什么意思

压差; 压力降; 压力落差; 差动压力压差;差压;差动压力;分压
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