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DPL是一种32位可执行程序的格式。PE 文件格式在 winnt.h 头文件中文档化了(用最不精确的语言)!大约在 winnt.h 的中间部分标题为"Image Format"的一个块。在把 MS-DOS 的 MZ文件头和 NE 文件头移入新的PE文件头之前,这个块就开始于一个小栏。WINNT.H提供PE文件用到的生鲜数据结构的定义,但只有很少有助于理解这些数据结构和标志变量的注释。注意事项:DPH和DPL的地址分别为83H、82H,由DPH和DPL组成的寄存器主要功能是存放16位地址,作为片外RAM寻址用的地址寄存器(间接寻址),称数据指针,也可以将外部RAM中地址的内容传送到内部RAM的地址所指向的内容中。在执行指令时,P2口将输出DPH中的高八位地址,P0口会分时输出DPL中的低八位地址,地址锁存器会对ALE的信号进行锁存,因此,当单机片中的指令以16位DPTR为间址寄存器来读片外RAM时,可以寻址整个64KB的片外空间。







谁有 Coldplay - Everglow 的网盘资源



A Rush of Blood to the Head心血来潮翻译者:酷玩的降落伞You said I"m gonna buy thisplace and burn it down你说你要买回青春少年,将它细心装点I"m gonna put it six feetunderground然后放一把火烧成深埋地底的碎片Said I"m gonna buy this placeand watch it fall也说要买回往日纪念,筑起华美的记忆宫殿Stand here beside me baby inthe crumbling walls然后说“亲爱的,来我身边,看它衰败的演变,成为萧条的断壁残垣”Oh I"m gonna buy this placeand start a fire你说要买回那住过的房间,再点燃一次那炽热的火焰Stand here until I fill allyour heart"s desire叫我与你肩并肩,直到你把我心中渴望都实现Because I"m gonna buy thisplace and see it burn你也说要买回错过的时间,做成精致的梦魇And do back the things theydid to you in return还要亲手还给那些嘲笑你的可恶嘴脸Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把武器装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,台词已经很熟练Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析,为新我作铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你退场的路线They say start as you mean togo on台下却响起掌声一片,有人悄声说这样的设计真是惊艳Start as you mean to go on“多么精彩的表演”Said I"m gonna buy this placeand see it go你说你要买回那座花园,亲手拆下那摇曳的秋千Stand here beside me babywatch the orange glow只是想了了夙愿,最后一次看夕阳无限Some"ll laugh some just sitand cry是谁哭红了双眼,又是谁绽放笑颜You just sit down then youwonder why人生本就有苦有甜,却总让人没来由地顾影自怜Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把热血装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,把台词一句一句慢慢念Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析成为新我的铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你这不是排练They say start as you mean togo on“你已处在边缘,你已无路可选”Start as you mean to go on“三秒钟自我调整时间,然后勇往直前”So meet me by the bridge ohmeet me by the lake让昨日重现,让我们再相牵,在桥旁柳前,看湖光点点When am I gonna see thatpretty face again可时过境迁,我是否还会再见到那张可爱的脸Meet me on the road让我们再相见,在旅行日记的某一篇Meet me where I said亦或在梦想地图的某一片Blame it all upon a rush ofblood to the head我心血来潮地拉开窗帘,不知是否又是平凡的一天

Coldplay的《Animals》 歌词

歌曲名:Animals歌手:Coldplay专辑:ClocksArtist:Coldplay Album:Clocks (single)AnimalsAnimals we areDisposable, collapsable and rawIn you go into some crowded roomAnd animals that climbAnd they"re climbing over you until you say"Off you go, off you go"Animal I amAnd I"m looking for an answer just like youI should know which way to turnAn animal that runsAnd I ran away from you because I"m scared"Off you go, off you go"If you"re gonna go, go nowIf you"re gonna go, go nowI forgot to tell you nowSo if you"re gonna goGo nowAnimal you areDisposable, defenceless yes andWatch your mouth, boys watch your mouthI"m an animal that runsAnd I made all my excuses to youAnd I missed my chance by a stones throwIf you"re gonna go, go nowIf you"re gonna go, go nowI forgot to tell you nowSo if you"re gonna goGo nowGo nowGo nowGo nowOneNow crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalI crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalYes I crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalYes I crumbleCrumble and fallCrumble and fall like an animalhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2685482


A Rush of Blood to the Head心血来潮翻译者:酷玩的降落伞You said I"m gonna buy thisplace and burn it down你说你要买回青春少年,将它细心装点I"m gonna put it six feetunderground然后放一把火烧成深埋地底的碎片Said I"m gonna buy this placeand watch it fall也说要买回往日纪念,筑起华美的记忆宫殿Stand here beside me baby inthe crumbling walls然后说“亲爱的,来我身边,看它衰败的演变,成为萧条的断壁残垣”Oh I"m gonna buy this placeand start a fire你说要买回那住过的房间,再点燃一次那炽热的火焰Stand here until I fill allyour heart"s desire叫我与你肩并肩,直到你把我心中渴望都实现Because I"m gonna buy thisplace and see it burn你也说要买回错过的时间,做成精致的梦魇And do back the things theydid to you in return还要亲手还给那些嘲笑你的可恶嘴脸Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把武器装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,台词已经很熟练Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析,为新我作铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你退场的路线They say start as you mean togo on台下却响起掌声一片,有人悄声说这样的设计真是惊艳Start as you mean to go on“多么精彩的表演”Said I"m gonna buy this placeand see it go你说你要买回那座花园,亲手拆下那摇曳的秋千Stand here beside me babywatch the orange glow只是想了了夙愿,最后一次看夕阳无限Some"ll laugh some just sitand cry是谁哭红了双眼,又是谁绽放笑颜You just sit down then youwonder why人生本就有苦有甜,却总让人没来由地顾影自怜Said I"m gonna buy a gun andstart a war你说你要把热血装填,把这里变成战争前线If you can tell me somethingworth fighting for可这里落英翩翩,明明是世外桃源,哪会有战火与硝烟Oh I"m gonna buy this placeis what I said而你说为了心中的誓言,你必须冒这个险Blame it upon a rush of bloodto the head于是你心血来潮地拉开幕帘,把台词一句一句慢慢念Honey all the movements arestarting to make“亲爱的,一场改革即将上演See me crumble and fall on myface看残旧的我分崩离析成为新我的铺垫And I know the mistakes thatI made如今的我已不再那么肤浅See it all disappear withouta trace那些曾经的错误好比过眼云烟,不再复现”And they call as they beckonyou on就在这个瞬间,剧场突然断电,幕后的人大声告诉你这不是排练They say start as you mean togo on“你已处在边缘,你已无路可选”Start as you mean to go on“三秒钟自我调整时间,然后勇往直前”So meet me by the bridge ohmeet me by the lake让昨日重现,让我们再相牵,在桥旁柳前,看湖光点点When am I gonna see thatpretty face again可时过境迁,我是否还会再见到那张可爱的脸Meet me on the road让我们再相见,在旅行日记的某一篇Meet me where I said亦或在梦想地图的某一片Blame it all upon a rush ofblood to the head我心血来潮地拉开窗帘,不知是否又是平凡的一天



求coldplay的Charlie Brown歌词+翻译!

感觉这歌词是偏积极向上的,所以就按照这个意向翻译了coldplay - Charlie Brown酷玩乐队 - 查理 布朗Oooh, ohohooohI stole a key我偷了一把钥匙Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet开着车我来到市中心,遇见了那些迷失的男孩Took a car downtown and took what they offered me开着车我来到市中心,看他们告诉我,他们的想法To set me free这让我感到很随意,解脱I saw the lights go down at the end of the scene我看到故事的结局,灯光逐渐暗下去I saw the lights go down and they"re standing in front of me我看到灯光逐渐暗下去,他们站在我面前OhohooohIn my scarecrow dreams在我的梦里,我是一个稻草人When they smash my heart into smithereens就算当他们把我的心击成碎片I"ll be a bright red rose combusting the concrete就算那时,我也要做一个鲜艳的红玫瑰,在土地上燃烧着绽放着Be a cartoon heart要有一颗童稚的心And light a fire, light a spark梦想就像火焰 又像火花Light a fire, a flame in my heart梦想就像火焰,燃烧着我整个胸膛We"ll run wild我们随意奔跑着OhohooohWe"ll be glowing in the dark我们必将在黑暗中发光Ohohoooh, ahahaaahAll the boys, all the girls这所有的男孩,所有的女孩All that matters in the world这世上所有的事All the boys, all the girls所有的男孩,所有的女孩All the madness that occurs还有发生的疯狂事All the highs, all the lows那些高的,低的As the room spinning goes房子在旋转We"ll run riot我们是不羁的张扬的We"ll be glowing in the dark我们必将在黑暗中发光Oooh, ohohooohSo we saw an innocent riot所以我们看到了一个梦想者的狂欢会We"ll be glowing in the dark我们要在黑暗中发光


DPL指波长为500-600nm的优化强脉冲光,DPL的全称叫做Dye pulsed light指的是精准光,所谓精准光,其实是一种模拟激光的作用方式。我们传统的光子它的波段范围都非常的宽,基本是500-1200nm,不同的波长可以解决不同的皮肤问题。而DPL技术的发明,就旨在专门解决一种问题,将波段给压缩的很窄,500-600nm或550-650nm,波段范围只有100nm左右。因此在解决单一问题方面——如去红,祛斑,更有优势。使用注意事项1、机器开启后,室内人员都需戴防护镜,不可直视操作探头。2、能量参数过大会引起操作部过度热损害,有产生疤痕的可能。3、若皮肤出现灼伤,应涂抹烫伤膏,有大水泡时要穿刺引流,并提醒客人防止感染,在一个月内一定要注意防晒,以便防止或减轻色素沉着。4、及时做好操作记录,为后续操作提供参考依据,及时调整操作参数,提高操作效果。
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